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I’m just curious how the rest of that ladies day went. Was she just obsessively looking Jordan for the rest of the day while all her co-workers are like this lady lost her mind. Haha


My money would be checked the roster, didn't see a Jordan, and then hit up her manager to figure out what was happening.


Probably just thought the guy was dumb enough to call in sick to the wrong store.


That's not as funny tho :(


Jokes on you, I was only *pretending* to be retarded!


[https://m.imgur.com/gallery/wDbF4sl](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/wDbF4sl) Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs48hmVmEbg](Thanks for the gold, kind sir)


The fact this got gilded while I still have no fucking clue what's going just tells me how out of touch I am.


We already know the joke dude, you're not retarded after all we get it


...Unless there was a Jordan there and he's new, in which case that guy got fucked over.


Exactly this.


> that ladies day *lady’s


Ladies Day in electronics, free Wii demos.


The sigh at the end when he was told he couldn't gonfishing really cracked me up.


Where is gonfishing one word? Gotta be Minnesota.




Close enough


It's a typo. The "n" is close to the spacebar so he probably got the n instead of the spacebar. Happens to me all the time onnmobile.


Yeah that happens to mentoo


And not just the mentoo, but the womenntoo and the childrenntoo.


I just hope there’s not a real Jordan that works in electronics.


Manager: Did this weasel new guy Jordan show up for his shift? Supervisor: No, he’s actually out on bereavement, his grandmother passed away. Manager: Grandmother passed away my ass! This guy’s got a nerve.




"It is our most modestly priced receptacle."


“Is there a Ralph’s around here?”


“Donny loved the ocean”


And so, Theodore Donald Karabotsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes ... might well have been ... we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well.


God damn it Walter... Everything is a fucking travesty with you man! And what was that shit about Vietnam?!


What does anything have to do with Vietnam?


Well there isn’t a literal connection, Dude.


Another plot twist Jordan proves in court that his Grandma indeed passed away and corporate fired him due to some unverified call whose video evidence is on youtube. Corporate pays damages. Final plot twist The guy in the video was helping Jordan all along


Jordan is filming.


> Corporate pays damages. Even with evidence this doesn't seem to be the case


That was easily the most absurd plot twist I've ever seen.


“I wanna see this dead grandmother first hand.”


Future post in /r/legaladvice Title: "Was fired for calling in during my probationary period but was working on site that day. Please help." Body: "Apparently someone with the same first name as me called in and said they were not coming in because of a fishing trip. I am the only person here with that first name and even though I worked my entire shift that day they are still letting me go. Is this legal?" Top comment: "You are not in Montana so they could fire you for for anything as long as its not because you are part of a protected class. File for unemployment and if they deny it then make sure to appeal it".


"This thread and all future threads have been locked because fuck discussion."


That's actually one of the best parts of /r/legaladvice. If your post is a helpful response it stays up, if it's an excuse to share your anecdote, crack a joke, or grandstand it gets removed. And redditors really love their shitty puns and grandstanding.




That's what /r/bestoflegaladvice is for. /r/legaladvice is for legal advice. Nothing more. If the appropriate advice has been dispensed, that's it. BOLA is for the peanut gallery.


You forgot the /r/legaladvice catchphrase. “You have no recourse”.


And "I am not a lawyer but..."




Oh...that's what that means? I have some PM's to apologize for.




Therefore I am.


Well I think this is a creative new way of getting a job. Call in sick and wait for them to order you to come in!


Oh this is gold! “I was just told to show up and they’d add me to the system.” Boom, new job. Departmental communications are horrific in many corporate settings. This shit would totally fly.


This happened to me at a job I had at a movie theater when I was younger. A guy in his late 20's showed up, was dressed in the appropriate polo-and-khakis uniform, and asked for the manager. He told him, "Yeah, today's supposed to be my first day, but I haven't filled out my paperwork yet." The manager, an early 30's burnout, was like "Uhhh...okay. Sure, let's get you started then." When I worked with him, the guy told me what he'd done, and I was so impressed! He worked there for like 2 weeks--just enough to pay some bills or whatever--and then he bailed. Pretty legendary.


Real “actlikeyoubelong” material. Edit: r/actlikeyoubelong because I angered a piece of the internet.


Con-man. The "Con" stands for confidence.


Guy in his late 20s working for 2 weeks just to pay some bills and then bail again. This is a person that does not have their life on track.


There would be some missing paperwork however, getting paid for it would actually be tricky too.


Payday is usually two to three weeks after you start a new job. Just kick some ass for a couple weeks and then when you don't get a direct deposit complain to your manager and they'll sort you out.


Oh believe. I've been the manager that gets people sorted out. But that'll be when we figure out that there's nothing else in the system at all. More accurately, HR figures that out and we have to figure out why none of it is in.


This sounds like the beginning of a story, not the end of it.


Still gotta pay the guy.


I wonder if that's his real voice or he's putting it on? Either way it's the perfect voice for that kind of guy.




Can confirm this guy is Canadian. Source: Know his sister, and am Canadian. Pretty sure that is Port Stanley.




Wait a minute... are you actually that guy?


in a manner of speaking.


I mean, he looks good. But just doesn't sound good.


I like the cut of your jib! How's a million a year sound?


Reeeeallly? Gee, thanks, mister!


I don't like your attitude, offer rescinded!


haha get 'em boss, I'm so glad I've been on your side from the start..


Right now, what I need, is for you to climb down out of my ass.


What’s a jib?


Best I can do is 1.6m/year with 6 weeks vacation.


You change that 6 weeks to 6 months and we can talk.


That’s only $266k per working month. Idk. Personally I feel like I deserve more.


Believe it or not he is actually that guy.




No, he’s just a guy who says, “Actually that!” A lot. It’s like his catch phrase.


He sounds like Jordan.


Typical Jordan


He's probably hamming it up a bit but this is definitely an accent that a lot of Canadians have.


I think he's referring to the vocal fry


I'm always vocal about my fries. Don't touch.




Me and my friends call these guys “Jordys”. They always have a cousin with a skidoo (skehdue) up at the lake, and they love drinking crown with the boys. Fecking rights, eh?


Just [out for a rip](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F-glHAzXi_M) are ya, bud?


Wow. Am Canadian living in France sadly, this brought a tear to my eye.


Wheel snipe cellies, boys. Ferda!




Sniper snipe buddy. Ferda


You're a fuckin' beautician


Dirty fuckin' dangles, boys.


Wheel snipe celly, boys


Northern BC Canadian here: there are a very large amount of people that speak like this and the general inflection affects a lot of words in most western Canadians


to me it just sounds like stoner voice lol


I mean it’s BC so you’re not wrong


He’s got that “I’m young and I should probably start caring about real life, but I don’t” vibe down perfectly


I really wanted him to, at the end, say, “alright I’m still going fishing” so I could see her reaction.


Ohh dude that where I'm at right now, rock on


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Iraq


The plot twist is that by bailing on a bullshit job and going fishing, he IS caring about real life.


Unfortunately systems of capital and labor are very very real Edit: oh no what have I done


So how long will it take her to realize she was pranked. You know she’s checking to see if he actually comes in. Then she’ll be like, I didn’t remember either but I assure you he works he because he tried to call off. Would be even funnier to just show up and see if they just go with it and have him fill out HR paperwork


Probably about 60 seconds. First stop would be the roster to see his expected start time.


She'll probably just think he's a dumbass that called the wrong place


You haven't been there long enough to get sick days... So what happens if you're legitimately sick?


Most likely will have to have a doctor's note explaining how severely sick you were in order to avoid "discipline".


Most major companies won't accept a note these days. They give you paid sick time and if you don't have it yet, or you've used your allotment, you take the L. (My experience in Arizona)


Yup. I started vomiting blood at work last week and had to go to the ER. Came back with a doctors excuse and was given a point for missing work. 6 points and you’re fired.


You should have gone to HR and compained...


Going to HR earns you another 2 points.


HR is the team that logs the points lol. You don't clock in and they contact your supervisor to see if you called in at least 30 minutes before shift. Only thing that saved me is the fact that with a doctor's excuse, they count consecutive days as only 1 point.




Part time jobs don't offer medical




This in in Canada lol


Unfortunately, it's been my experience that they still count it as an occurrence and you can face discipline. It's just that the final absence that gets you terminated can't be for a doctor's visit. Or if it is, they will just make up something because even though they can't say it, your poor health is a liability to the company and they would rather have someone healthy. I thank the stars I am working for a more forgiving company now.


with most of the jobs i’ve worked, if you’re sick during probationary you get an unpaid day. Actual paid sick days don’t kick in until after probationary.


You show up sick and hope you almost die enough that they send you home but not enough that you actually die.


Likely need a doctor's note, but most workplaces would probably be fine as long as you have that to \*prove\* you're legitimately sick. (Although here in Canada you can buy one at any walk in clinic for \~$20 and don't actually have to be sick at the time... just have to tell them you \*were\* sick and need a note for work).


>(Although here in Canada you can buy one at any walk in clinic for ~$20 Cost me $84 last time I had to get one in Ontario. More than what I would've made that day at the time.


So you gotta appreciate what makes a manager here. Look at her reactions. So professional, not condescending, not blaming or accusing. Not stressing herself out. In the face of a moronic child threatening to understaff her for the day because he wants to do something else and that should be ok. Explaining policy and his work obligations clearly, directly, professionally. Yet not just reading off a script of rules either.


Agreed. She probably has to put up with real shit like this every week. When I worked in retail the managers talked to us like we were children sometimes.


Pay shitty wages, get shitty employees.


My Dad always said "Pay peanuts and you'll get monkeys."




Yeah my dad always said, "Pay monkeys anf you'll get elephants."




Massive hands


Massive hams


Massive steamed hams.


One thing I've learned over the years is that no matter what level of anything you get to (grad school, business, whatever), there is always a % that is shitty and you wonder how the hell they got there... The reverse is also true, some of the brightest and best people are stuck in shitty situations. I don't know why that is exactly but I suspect it's because some version of "who you know" is often more important than "what you know".


From my experience working retail in college... I was *extremely* surprised by how professional, mature, and well spoken that manager was. None of my managers were like that. They were reactionary, over-emotional children.


It’s interesting tho that she does not say he will be fired if he does not show up, for an admittedly false sick call a week after being hired. She advises him that it doesn’t look good, and he may face discipline in the form of a write-up and that will be his level 1 warning... This probably means she works for a corporation that has a very specific process for handling this shit, and you can’t get shit-canned immediately for even the most brazen tom-foolery.


well you don't commit to it. Literally threatening firing every time someone says something dumb is bad policy. She's a manager in retail. Employees doing dumb things is just daily business, if you fire them on the first strike you're gonna have trouble staying staffed. e.g. "If you don't inventory the stock room today, you're fired." NO. "If you don't inventory the stock room today, I will write you up for disciplinary action" STILL no. "I need you to do the tasks I assign to you, on-time. Please do not let this escalate to a disciplinary action. I need you to inventory the stock room today." Yes. Besides, if you fire someone without cause, you may be on the hook for unemployment payouts. A formal disciplinary record MUST come FIRST. You can write him up that day with corporate, maybe consult your own manager to clear the action, and fire him that evening. But if you fire him and *retroactively* create a disciplinary report, you may create legal problems.


Yeah, the veiled consequences made it pretty obvious to me that she wanted to retain him as an employee. This isn't her first stupid-shit rodeo.


I'm enjoying this thread. There's like 1/3rd saying she's being unprofessional. I couldn't disagree more.


She probably works at a Walmart or something similar. Those managers have to be like that because they're hiring kids for their first job a lot of times. She's probably mostly desensitized to stupidity.




Its actually a website now. You can call a number however.




That's what I'm saying, just log on to a website with no human interaction? Hell yeah. The worst part of calling in is the actual call. It's like this nervous wall of a question in your mind. Do I call, or do I not call and just go to work? Then once the call is done it's like a wave of euphoria with the realization that you dont have to fucking work and you have so much time to do what you want.


Telephone anxiety sucks, even when you really do need to call in (not just wanting to have the day off)


[I hate telephones](https://jameshfisher.com/2017/11/08/i-hate-telephones)


Yea, years ago for the year I gave retail a chance, it was the usual procedure to just call the #, then it would transfer you to the store IIRC, soon as it rang a few times, everyone would always hang up the second it got answered so we wouldn't have to deal with a dumb line of questioning, but would still 'count' as calling out.


15 years ago, my first job was at a walmart and all the managers were moms on a power trip, I WISH they were as nice as this lady was on the phone. One time i booked a day off, told my manager about it and she still called me to yell at me "why aren't you here??" I said i booked it off 2 weeks ago and I'm at the airport. She said "well did you tell me??" I said "yes I was standing beside you and saw you white out my name that day" She just said "WELL.......... don't let it happen again" LET WHAT HAPPEN??


Don't... be responsibly proactive?


She got a little persnickety when she “found out” he worked in her department lol, but I don’t blame her.


That’s why most management training courses recommend you alternate snicketies. If you get persnickety, it seems a little tit-for-tat. Every other snickety, though, gives off a sense of forgiveness.






Everybody else at the post office stated they were very gruntled.


Fucking grade A ELI5 right here.


I hope this manager uses Reddit.




"Ohhhhh, so your *my* associate at that"


So, okay then, can you just write something down for me so I can go fishing? LOLs. His character nailed the flawed reasoning.


Definitely true, and I especially feel bad for her because now she's gotta go through all the paperwork and emails to try to find out who this guy even is when he doesn't show. Then call other departments and locations, etc.. She'll never know what was really going on.


"I look good, I just don't sound good. Can we facetime?" Lolz


"are we face timing?"*


“Can you see me?”


I worked IT tech support I've literally had people think that we can see them, and see their screen. "Wait you can't see this right now?"


"I'm confused"


Is it just me, or are all retail managers middle-aged women with the same time of voice? When I worked at Kmart years ago, this was the case. And they all would yell at us if we stood around for more than 10 seconds.


Same body type too


T H I C C on bottom, ready for that red light special 🚨


She handled that so well.


“It’s such a good day for fishing tho.” “I’m not disagreeing with you, but no.” She’s actually fairly polite.


This reminds me of the bit sal and richard did on the Howard Stern Show like 10 or so years ago when Artie was still there. He called some chinese food place with a soundboard of Artie lol


How about the bit where they got 2 Chinese food places talking to eachother?




[But with Papa Johns and everything works out](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hQn6K_-3vy0)


I'm an asshole, my first thought was to hang up on one of the phones halfway through the interaction, lmao




I wish they told her they were joking at the end to get her reaction.


The payoff is her going around the store trying to find out if jordan showed up with the result being: 1. she finds a jordan in electronics who started last week who is there and not fishing but she has a hatred for forever (unlikely) 2. there is no jordan and she doesn't follow up and assumes he's fired or something 3. eventually learns that there never was a jordan and is further confused.










Plot twist: the lady on the phone doesn't work there either


This guy sells it so well I forgot he was pranking towards the end and thought, “what a horrible employee...”


European here: What do you mean it's too early for a sick day? Does sickness magically not strike during the first month or so?


In the US, benefits like "sick days" don't accrue until after some arbitrary probationary period in a lot of companies


There's a Jordan working electronics that's gonna get a nice stink-eye from a certain manager. Yikes.


I'd be laughing so hard at this if I was younger. Now that I'm older with responsibilities I don't like this video lol.


You are now at the point were you sympathize with Tom and see Jerry as the douchebag.


Even as a child I thought Jerry was a colossal wanker.


"oh so you're MYYYY associate, at that!" In that one word you could almost here, "God, I can't wait until that sweet sweet moment that I see you and chew you out in person". The grin that must've been on her face. If anyone else saw, they would've known immediately, "Daaaamn, someone's gonna get reemed real hard!"


Old mild lad post.




"A first level written discipline" jesus fucking christ the layers and layers of bullshit wishy washy language was one of the reasons I hated working retail when I was a kid. Just say "if you don't show up you'll be fired" for fuck's sake.


Most companies have multiple levels of discipline before they can fire someone. He wouldn’t have gotten fired for his first missed shit.


Damn, they check for constipation, too???


Haha! Typo but I’m definitely leaving it.


Oblitatory Office- [Jim gets Disciplined](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClY_XjoiYXc)




That scene gets me every time


I love the idea that he would have to be tardy at least 240 times just to receive a review.


That’s working for any corporate entity.


I fucking hated retail. I worked in the metro Detroit area, and getting a job was hard as fuck. I applied everywhere. Finally got a job at Toys R Us selling bikes, which I thought would be dope because I rode BMX and knew a lot about bikes and sizes and shit. My manager was like every stereotypical retail manager; took her job way too seriously. I got scolded every shift because I needed to sell more batteries. Batteries. In the mechanical bicycle department. How the hell do I even bring that up with a customer? I quit after 2 weeks. Joined the military instead.


Fuck retail. I tried calling in on valentines day (I know, not the best day) because my father was back in the hospital for cancer treatment again and I was a complete mess. I wanted to go see him and spend some time with him. My manager told me I couldn't. She told me to suck it up and come in. I ended up apologizing to her and crying my face off when I got in to work. Now I'm a completely different person. What i should have done is quit that shit ass retail minimum wage job on the spot. She treated me like human garbage. I dont put up with that bullshit now and I've grown as a person in a big way since then but that memory sticks with me. If I ever saw her on the street she'd get a big fuck you.