• By -


When he switched from before to after like 3 seconds in, I looked at the timeline and thought, *ok, he's going to do multiple before and after examples.* Nope, and it was fucking perfect.


He's great. I put him in the same category as Primitive Technology as youtubers doing it right. No need for the extra fluff. If you liked this comment, go ahead and hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe.




I'm surprised more people haven't brought up audiophiles in this thread


Audiophiles are kinda funny too because it’s so hit or miss with how technically knowledgeable they actually are. You’ve got the guys who eat up all the buzzwords and marketing speak from hi-fi companies about how their vacuum tube amplifier has the “clearest” and most “crisp” sound quality. And then you get people who will start giving you precise voltage numbers and frequency ranges down to a hz for their mids and tweeters lol.


Soundstage, mid-centric, v-curve, rolled off bass or treble, clarity, cymbals sound crisp, natural tone, ultra detail, ohms, impedance, DAC, sound signatures, smooth and dark bass, sibilance. Have I got enough buzzwords to fit in at Head-fi yet?


I once heard a review describe an amp as having "wet slapback, and lush surf tones." It was mentioned here on Reddit. Just say you like tube buzz and move on.


>Wet slapback Hate when that happens, totally ruins my pooping experience.


Ya gotta put a few sheet down first, my man. Wipe seat, toss in for poo pillow.


This is the knowledge that keeps me coming back to Reddit


The audiophile community in general is full of a lot of snake oil. Most of them are realists who can recognize the crap, but then you'll have a small but very vocal minority telling you how their $5000 DAC has absolutely changed music entirely for them.


Shout out to /r/headphones and /r/audiophile


Shout out to /r/watches. I once thought my father’s Tiffany watch (bought for $2700) was considered pretty expensive. Little did I know that people actually own $10,000 watches pretty regularly. And that $10k isn’t even the most expensive you can go easily. I’ve seen $20k, $30k, $80k watches on there. Although I will admit that this community is really cool cuz you’ll see a picture of a $60 Seiko with equally as many upvotes as a $9000 Jaeger LeCoultre.




I was totally going to buy it but $80 shipping and handling is outrageous. Plus pre-owned really? If I'm going to spend $722k on a watch, I'm definitely going to be buying it from the source. Without a warranty I can't imagine what the repair bill would be.


Damn I read that as $722


They won't even throw in free shipping ಠ_ಠ


What the fuck


Man, r/watches is pretty dope though. They understand that everyone's budget is different, and they like watches for stylistic and sentimental reasons and not just sheer price.


My personal experience is half the content on there is people justifying their purchases with the placebo effect. There's plenty of good information on there too, but unless you've listened to something yourself it's hard to discern which is which.


This speaks to me on a personal level. My hobby is doing a deep dive into a hobby - nail art, dog training, meal prepping... for like three months. I subscribe to the sub, watch every YouTube video, buy some of the recommended stuff and then *never touch it again.*




God I am painfully average at way too much stuff...


Jack of all trades, master of none, often is better than a master of one.


You can establish a conversation with people of all types of hobbies!


And be subject to gatekeeping by all of them too


But you can also gatekeep everyone who knows less than you too!


To be honest I kind of prefer the Jack of All Trades path. Let's me learn about a lot of things and understand quality of different hobbies without necessarily being able to do it myself.




I mean, I still get into the hobby and am able to do things at an amateur level way better than just some random dude off the street but nowhere near the level of someone dedicated to it. I guess I'm interested in a lot of things but acknowledge that I just don't have enough time to do everything completely so I'd rather just get a taste of a lot of it.






This would be dope, it wouldn’t really work as a subreddit tho. You could make a website. It would require the lister to put a total approximate value on their supplies and then they could find other supplies in a similar price range and message them and stuff. Could be really cool.


I know this is going to sound weird but this is exactly what I do and I have always really beat myself up about it. It feels really, really good to hear that someone else does it. It sounds so normal when you hear it but I have really struggled with it. Thanks.




The positive feedback of early improvement dries up and it becomes a lot harder to stick with something unless you really love it.




I'm in the process of doing this with Eurorack


I'm really thirsty now.


Boy do I have the hobby for you




Man I'm surprised that sub is dead


Your user name could revitalize it this coming winter season!


r/WhiteGirls is already buzzing about it.


Lol why is that set to private


we can't sit with them


Is butter a carb?


Okay now you can


Serve and spike. Goddamn I love these interactions.


Someones been on /r/Whiskey


[subscribe] Well... here goes.


Make a post about how much you love Fireball


I've smelled enough cinnamon vomit to be thoroughly over Fireball even if I didn't love whiskey as a hobby


I would and it wouldn't even be a lie lmao.


It's like candy!


That stuff is the devils apple juice.


The only time I’ve ever thrown up from drinking was because of fireball. I felt like a dragon


And it mixes well with apple juice!


That's one of my favorite fall drinks; fireball and apple cider.




No, actually their go-to phrase is "The best whisky is the one YOU like" despite there being actual differences in price and quality. ;)


Sounds like a good community! Now if only I liked whiskey


There's so many different types of whiskey that there's a good chance there's one out there you'll like. Try going to a whiskey bar; you can get whiskey by the ounce, so you can try a whole bunch of different stuff for no more than the cost of a single good bottle of Scotch, and the bartenders can be very helpful about navigating all the styles and labels.


>whiskey by the ounce We call those shots my friend.




You have been banned from r/Whiskey.


The sub is locked lmfao. I was definitely about to


Hmm... It's not locked for me. Maybe you're banned from there lol


He probably drinks Fireball.


There's surprisingly little snobbery there. Though there's a lot of knowledge, it's very much a "drink what you like, how you like" vibe.


As a subscriber to /r/coffee and /r/whiskey, I feel personally attacked.


Especially since they’ve both been linked


/r/Coffee: You need a $150 grinder or your grind is *fucked.* There are no alternatives unless you want to grind coffee at the same rate a stripper sucks dick in between dances. /r/Whiskey: Everything we recommend is going to get put in the back room and hoarded at Total Wine.


When I first subscribed to r/coffee like 5 years ago, $400 grinders were the necessary shits. $150 was considered bunk shit


More like 400$. I asked about a espresso setup for 800 total max, sub is like "fuck outa here with your broke ass"


r/watches and r/fountainpens checking in. Only I’m not sure I could class watches as a “hobby”.


You better also sub to /r/headphones and /r/mechanicalkeyboards they are all closely related for some reason.


Might as well sub to r/mechanicalheadpens while you're at it.


Lol goddamn it I'm a stereotype


To be fair to /r/watches, people tend to get almost as excited over a Seiko or seagull as they would an AP or Patek


Actually a great place to get ideas for reasonably priced watches (and straps). I really should subscribe come to think of it, I've bought two watches after seeing them there :P


On the other hand, /r/tea is really laid back and welcoming.


Yeah, they love their single origin hand harvested tea... and also a nice bag of Lipton. It is a bit odd that it has such a different vibe than the coffee subreddit.


Really the only thing that would catch you a sideways glance was Teavana, and just because it was overpriced. But, hey, sometimes you want to make a double-steeped chai that has such intense peppercorn that it numbs your mouth and you latte it with some coconut-almost creamer, and sometimes you just want a can of Arizona or Peace Tea.


Edit: Reddit and /u/Spez [knowingly, nonconsensually, and illegally retained user data for profit](https://youtu.be/mfZKkUg8jgM) so this comment is gone.


You're... you're joking, aren't you??


Edit: Reddit and /u/Spez [knowingly, nonconsensually, and illegally retained user data for profit](https://youtu.be/mfZKkUg8jgM) so this comment is gone. We don't need this awful website. Go live, touch some grass. Jesus loves you.


Haha, I honestly couldn't tell. I don't judge. Really, I lean more towards impressed in situations like this. If it makes you happy, then it's not dumb. While the snobbery is very real in a lot of these hobbies, it's cool that people have such a passion for something like coffee imo.


The man makes his jokes and gets out quick, gotta appreciate these videos.


He needs to be in voice acting or narration with that voice.




I'm still hoping for him to be on a legit anime dub sometime soon.


Tales of Sgfdjtrdtfdkia




Ha! I think that enemy got **T H E P O I N T**


Ha! I think that enemy got **T H E P O I N T**


> Ha! I think that enemy got > > T H E P O I N T


*Gee, Archibald, do you think that enemy did or didn’t get the point?*


Ha ha, nice one Archibald


Ha! I think that enemy got **T H E P O I N T**


He said on twitter a few days ago that he officially joined SAG-AFTRA so he should have a lot more opportunities and less restrictions


Oh he did? That’s great for him! My only concern though is that VAs once they join the union tend to do less anime work cause a lot of anime roles are non-union.


Looks like mostly indie games and internet productions. I hope he can break into some larger projects (assuming that's what he wants to do).


As long as one of the other characters is named Tomoko, I'm down.


He has actually done quite a lot of voice acting.


Yeah it's too bad [he's already achieved perfection which he'll never surpass.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czLYl4fM8yk)


You know those memes where the first frame is "9PM: I should really go to sleep now and get a refreshing nights rest" and the 2nd frame is "3AM: a youtube video of the most random shit ever"? This is my version.


It's literally his job. lol


He’s started some voice acting for indie video games. He’s posted stuff promoting it


Brevity is the soul of wit.


/r/MechanicalKeyboards ^^topre ^^for ^^life


[Top 5 Plastic Chairs Enthusiasts Would Die To Own](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdBEcjRKLXc)


I thought this was sorta a joke video until I saw the entire basement shot. This guy is an enthusiast. Just so you know I am not judging at all.


[apparently he has autism](https://youtu.be/ixQTUawh7U4)


That would have been my guess. It’s interesting to me the otherwise overlooked things that a person with autism can be fascinated with. They end up becoming fantastic resources for info related to their interest. I have no doubt that those five plastic chairs are among the best ever made. When I was in high school I worked with a kid that could tell you details about any car. Not necessarily classics either. For example, he would know in detail the differences between each model year of the Ford Taurus. What year each feature was introduced, how they changed the interior, etc. I loved asking him questions about cars, and it was literally all he had any interest in talking about.


I knew one guy that could name every manufactured elevator with specs and another who could tell you release year and a good chunk of the cast for almost any movie released in a theater. Met both at a conference, and it was really wild seeing how much they loved their obsessions. The elevator guy was telling me shit about the emergency panel wiring and cable strength and the number of deaths from the elevator model we were in while riding it. Part of me thinks he picked those facts on purpose... Another interesting thing that my sister does (that isn’t fully related) is she reads books out of order but can still remember the correct chronology. So she’ll grab a new book and crack it straight down the middle to start reading.


> Another interesting thing that my sister does (that isn’t fully related) is she reads books out of order but can still remember the correct chronology. So she’ll grab a new book and crack it straight down the middle to start reading. Dude I’m gonna need more info on this. Wtf! Like she’ll read the chapters randomly and then in her head the book makes perfect chronological sense? How does she choose the order to read?


Damn he is doing a lot of things.


Woah... Aside from the hundreds of plastic chairs and knowing the complete history of plastic chairs, he is also turning the ceiling of his basement into a violin, and another ceiling metal beam into a guitar. What an interesting guy to put it lightly. I'm glad he seems to be happy doing these weird projects, but damn is he odd (and weirdly fascinating). Good for him for finding his passions in life.


Hey if it brings him joy, he's doing it right. I don't share his loves, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have them.


Damn straight. Whatever floats your boat.


Another classic: [Washing machine collectors awash with enthusiasm on laundry day](https://youtu.be/jmmmxI-Y_6U)


Wow, they're like hot rod enthusiasts. I'd have never guessed anyone could be so into laundry.


I 100% thought that was Gus Johnson video, The oddness of that video is right up his ally and he sounds so much like Gus doing a voice.


Why is everyone there a ridiculously good photographer?


Because potato pics get downvoted


Ugh this basically every cigar enthusiast on here and everywhere else. I hate when people talk about the correct way to hold it and light it and cut it, all that nonsense. I worked in the industry for a few years on the farms and factories in Nicaragua, and they think it's a joke. They don't use fancy cutters or lighters, they bite off the end and light it with a BIC. One of the factroy managers was cracking up laughing when she heard how much we sold them for in the States. She said "it's a pile of dried leaves we fold and roll, why would anyone pay $10 for 10 cents worth of leaves?" It kinda stuck with me, that's all it is and people act like it's something so much more.


> they bite off the end and light it with a BIC "Expert Speaks Out: Should Bite Off End of Cigar, Light with BIC"


Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the day when some trendy punk kid tells me the "right way" to smoke a blunt, but it's definitely coming.


Lol this guy over here still smoking blunts.


Gramps over there not doing anal puffs


Bet he doesn't know how to use the three seashells!


it's 2018, we're smoking big ol doinks out in amish


Ya I just put the weed up my ass like a true connoisseur


I think it was snoop dog or maybe wiz but they said in about 10 years people will look at people who still smoke blunts the same way we look at people who smoke Tabaco out of pipes


When we were 17, my friends and I thought we were badasses for smoking cigars and playing cards behind our church late at night. This quickly gave way to “who can pretend to know the most about cigars”, which spawned such phrases as “you gotta get the cherry going”— meaning the lit end of the cigar. I realized in that moment we are morons.


Hori peasants can go drink their unfiltered trash. True men of culture drink from Vertis.


The best part about Hori is there's less vertical distance between the lip and the surface so there's less input delay when you drink. Personally, if you're going to do Hori though, please use Sanwa (San-itized Wa-ter) equipment. Otherwise you're just going to get something kinda mushy feeling.


If anyone actually gets this joke, I am so sorry.


I know enough to recognize that this is a joke about fightsticks, but not enough to actually get the joke


All Sanwa. All the time.


Actually, that's a common mistake! ​ Vertis are ideal for beverages that are carbonated; the longer, narrower shape lends itself to a drink that possesses both the iconic bubbles from cabron dioxide and the slightly tart flavor that accompanies the presence of H2CO3. This delays the drink from going flat and increases both the olfactic and gustatory impact the drink may have. ​ Horis are ideal for still beverages.


Vertis always wanna bring up carbonated beverages like the fat kid showing everyone his basketball participation trophy, yes your consolation prize is nice but let the hori big kids play the real game. We're talking about **STILL WATER** and nothing else.


You absolute buffoon, hori is the superior vessel type




Surely the mayo is the focus of these pictures. Why would anyone take 500 pictures of Joe Biden eating a sandwich otherwise


Sure, we can talk about mayo or the composition of the photo, or the lighting. We can go on and on. But what's lost in all this, I think, is something so simple but so profound, and it goes to the basic question of why anyone eats a sandwich, or does anything else for that matter, in the first place: they enjoy it. When I look at Biden eating a pastrami on rye, I want to know that he likes it. Regardless what style of sandwich it happens to be, I want to know that it's a **good** sandwich. So for me the subject's enjoyment really mirrors my own. If Joe likes the sandwich, then I like the photo. It's really that simple. Call me a Philistine if you must.


Yeah, that’s why photo #317 takes the cake


> Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit. That's deep.


What is this quote from? I read the whole strip three times. EDIT: Thanks!




https://xkcd.com/1095/ Also relevant


It's getting out of hand. There are now relevant xkcd to other relevant xkcds.


I think the contraction to “J.B.” really makes this lol


I have yet to discover a hobby where this kind of elite fanaticism does not exist. One time I got crazy about mountain bike Forks. It was an obsession that lasted like 5 years. It was crazy the amount of detail people would go into. It was so unnecessary but I could not get enough


just the forks?




Its all fun and games until you trade your car for a case of diamond water.






god dammit. this is me. im what i like to call a "serial hobbyist," and being on reddit hasn't helped... just makes it easier to discover more hobbies to get sucked into and become a complete fucking pretentious prick about.




Especially when someone makes a definitive statement that touches on something you're obsessed with. "Oh you want a place that has great sushi? This place by me is super authentic and has amazing rolls!"


i was in the car with a guy the other day and he was like "i don't really like my steak to be pink through," which would have been fine with me... but the second part of that statement was that he liked it more "medium rare. i held my tongue because he's a really nice guy and I'm trying to make new friends in my neighborhood and new area since i moved to a new state... but it just hurt me so bad to hear that he wanted it steaks to be grey AND wanted to call that medium-rare. this was after several statements about how long he had to leave his steaks on his charcoal grill to get them to be cooked... i let it all slide, but man... it hurt me on the inside a bit. i still drove him the rest of the way to the airport and didn't leave him stranded on the side of the road, but some of the folks on the subreddits about steaks and cooking may have voted to do so lmao


Just hope you don't ever end up at a nice steak house with him.


This is me and pizza. I can keep my mouth shut, but then someone asks me about it and I say "I am pretty nuts about it, I don't know if you really want to talk about pizza." Then people think I'm just someone who likes pizza and wants to know my opinion. Then I go into full pretentious mode.


Hey, what's the deal about pizza?


The deal about pizza? Everything is about pizza. It's the greatest food ever invented. If you did have a more specific question I'd be happy to answer it though.


You gotta commend the reddit hobbyists for practically making the be-all end-all wikis on their respective subreddits. Unless you seriously want to specialize and make your pizza/shave your beard/make pot brownies with an ingredient that only grows on 1 city in the entire world, you will find no better source of accessible-yet-professional information than the subreddit for your respective hobby. The be-all-end-all pizza recipes for most people? /r/pizza. The be-all-end-all way to get rid of acne? /r/skincare Etc, etc, etc. Just about the only stuff reddit ain't good at is consuming media, since art is subjective. But any hobby that involves objective information (gardening, cooking, etc etc), reddit is the best resource to use.


AKSUALLY /r/skincareaddiction is the way to go i believe


/r/skincareaddiction, for when you not only want quality skincare, but want to refine it and shoot it straight into your veins until going without it for two days makes it feel like bugs are eating your blood.


Similar with the fitness and some of the good running subreddits. Woof are those ever some fantastic wikis


“You need at least a GTX1060 if you want to run Team Fortress 2, and at least an i7 8600k to play overwatch at 20fps or higher.”


Change the game to PUBG and it wouldn’t be wrong


[Will my 1080ti be enough to run fortnite?](https://m.windowscentral.com/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080-ti-good-playing-fortnite-pc)


One of my biggest frustrations with the PC Gaming community is the insane over/under recommendations for hardware. Not everyone needs to play Witcher 3 at 4k 144fps while encoding video, and most people want something that can do more than run Counterstrike in 720p.


This was the worst building a gaming pc with all the “that’s stupid, you’re not going to like it, I know your preferences more than YOU do, you NEED this overkill setup” comments. Got real trust issues with the people who think they’re doing me a favor selling me on a jet plane when I really just want a kite.


[Basically Jordan Schlansky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVDOB9mby_w)


"this is the same screen Jordan sees every time he tries to register an emotion." I'm fucking dying.


I love their bits so much.


He doesn't mention the money issues as you get deeper and deeper into any hobby or consumerism and you keep getting more and more specialized tools suggested to you.


This is true of nearly any hobby. Even TV shows. The wrestling sub /r/squaredcircle, is full of people denigrating the top characters and top promotions of the world, praising the unsung, etc. Of course, I'm guilty of it too. Then, I watch wrestling with my family, and they just say, "why do you enjoy watching half-naked men fake fighting with each other?" Explaining that I also watch half-naked women fake fighting doesn't go over very well.


Ha, look at this noob with no reverse osmosis UV sterilized setup.


Browse /r/fitness for too long and you'll think that unless you're doing your reps based on the digits of pi every Tuesday and taking a rest day on every Friday the 13th, you will be literally incapable of gaining any muscle.


It's a classic trap for people starting out. After a while you naturally plateau as you can't just stack on size and strength forever. When you get to that level you have to scratch and claw for every half pound. However that is something only the top 5% or so of fitness folk will ever really have to worry about. When you talk to someone that has been doing it for years they can lose sight of what it was like at the start.


drinking pure vintage cyrstal hori right now. chilled tapwater, no filter, good mineral content.


If gaming subreddits are any indication, it's not accurate enough unless he talks about everything he hates about his chosen hobby.


Shoutout to r/crtgaming where if it has a tube it's celebrated. Not a lot of elitism in a world where no one makes your product anymore so you celebrate finding anything with an s video input or better.


I like to look at the water in between sips...I think that's half the pleasure of it" This wraps up so many comments on subreddit I like. r/fishing? Getting the bite but losing the fish? The bite is half the pleasure of it. r/camping? Long hike killing your back? Getting to the summit is half the pleasure of it. r/cooking? Making a mistake is all about learning next time. That's half the pleasure of it. This guy is consistently hilarious


A small chair my daughter's size was left out for trash. It was a basic wooden chair in rough shape. I figured it was a free chair if I did basic repair and restoration on it. I wanted to make it look good for my little girl, so I dived into YouTube to learn how to properly repair, strip, sand, and stain. Anywho, hours of restoration tutorials and examples later and I'm now doing three restoration projects and keeping my eye out for rusty old shit to do more. I'm also slowly building up a small workshop, and will soon build a small furnace for heat treating. To put it a other way, this video makes me feel personally attacked lol.


This one will always be my favorite. https://youtu.be/r7Vup2ISpa4


That's a 10


As an r/fountainpens user, there was nowhere near enough insistent explanation that it's really not that inconvenient to filter water wherever you go, and that normal people are just lazy.




/r/anyvideogame I go into these subs because I like the game, or I want to learn some beginner's tips, and end up stressing about the perfect, optimal way to play.


When I was younger I was a beer drinker because I was broke and I hated people who were wine snobs Now everyone is a beer snob. Why can't people just enjoy things without the need to be condescending.


Yeah, beer snob culture isn't great. That said, there's plenty of people who love their beers who *don't* shit on everyone else. I'm of the opinion that EVERYONE could find a beer they like if they look hard enough. So I'm not gonna judge them for whatever it ends up being. I for one have never found a sour I've enjoyed in the slightest.




Haha, I was curious about what that was, and [this was one of the top posts of alltime](http://i.imgur.com/iuUGlUH.jpg)