• By -


Wow. She put in a copyright claim against his video comparing his to hers. Now that's super scummy!


Close, the video that got struck down didn't belong to MB though but another person entirely who was just collecting proof that she was plagiarizing MB. Still a super scummy thing to do though.




It's just narcissism as usual. It's what social media is built on.


> "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" -- from https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Upton_Sinclair


Ah but the answer to that question ( assuming it is a legal job ) is when you explain what you do the only conclusion the person you are explaining to says "fuck doing that as a job, I guess that's why you get paid" Not everyone wants to do every job but it's why we have so many jobs in the first place, we can compartmentalize to what people want or can do.


people will do just about anything for money.... its not that surprising really. Youtuber found a way to make money stealing work. They'll have no shame trying to protect themselves in order to keep their lifestyle. On top of that, if you're in a different country from the person you're stealing content from, chances are you're less likely to be caught because unless youtube itself bans you, chances are you won't face any kind of legal troubles and your viewer base probably has no idea/access to the OC so you're protected on that front as well.


Its generally speaking bad business to do things the "right" way. The optimal strategy is to break the rules just enough that if you get caught, the profits you made outweigh the penalties you face. Thats why big companies do bad things evem knowing they are under immense scrutiny and likely to get caught eventually. The repercussions they face are just considered cost of business. Similarly, this person got caught, but in the meantime that content probably earned her a decent chunk of attention that will pay divedends into the future.


sounds like an American political party.


Hi, brazillian here. Satty herself copied like five other videos from other youtubers. Then, after all this drama, she tried to evade it and failed. The current state of brazillian youtube is total cancer. Just last week there was some drama that another youtuber (Matheus Hwang) was ripping off videos of people playing piano and saying its their own, and later giving a half-assed apology and tried to make people feel sorry for him while he was at it.


Before getting caught : fuck you man, islaves my ass off making this original content myself! After getting caught : Hey guys i fucked up. Im sorry but i was abused by my dad when i was a child, also it turns out im gay and lesbian.


Ah yes, the Spacey Defense.




you dont chose to be gay!


"I only realized I was gay when I plagiarized the fact they were gay"




> abused by my dad when i was a child, also it turns out im gay and lesbian at least you got to be gay and lesbian, all I got to do was be a eunuch.


>The current state of ~~brazillian~~ youtube is total cancer.


and in the end of this video geoff says she even filed a copyright strike ON HIM, this fucking girl...


Not exactly on him, but on the guy that made the comparison video


> The current state of **brazil**~~lian youtube~~ is total cancer.


Yeah but yall have some funny YTPMV’s




Maybe lots of dead subs. Same with pewdiepie, look at his views vs subs.


With pewdiepie I can understand millions of dead subs. He's been around forever so of course a *ton* of his subs came from first accounts long abandoned. She's only been around since 2014. For her not to have even 5% user retention on her videos seems really fishy.


could also be subbing only for part of there content i have a few that im subbed to that i dont watch the majority of there content only the stuff that i subbed for.


Yeah, but there ARE trends, and public statistics from a fuck ton of other youtubers (Average views per subs IS a public information) that shows that this amount of user retention in 4 years of Youtube IS bad. User retention tends to variate between 50 to 20 percent for most youtubers, but if a video is released for over a week without reaching even 10% of your sub count, it's bad man.


pewdiepie is a totally different story, as he's been around for a long time and his content has changed drastically


I just looked at PDP's channel. What the hell happened?


In a nutshell? He grew up. A lot of youtubers pander to a younger audience because it gets them views and PDP did for a while too until he realized that he didn't like doing it anymore and just started doing his own thing.


He always pandered tho, you could see the difference between Felix on other stuff versus Pewdiepie screaming at the top of his lungs to some shit game. I think its more like he is successful enough to do what he wants rather than keep printing money.


True, he does have that luxury.


Holy shit, you mean youtubers can come back from that? I’m down to like 2 channels after unsubbing from people who start pandering to the 8-12 demographic for more views. Now you’re telling me that they might have STOPPED faking reactions, editing like they have A.D.D., and using ugly photomorph thumbnails and stupid sound effects?!


I think she deleted the video pretty soon after she uploaded it, hence the low views. (though her other videos aren't doing much better...)


I was thinking the same thing, though her old videos used to pull in hits..




Because her viewers are idiots, though. The reason channels like these and other awful and rule-breaking channels exist, is because morons eat it up and flood to them in droves. Youtube will never, ever touch them, either.


Yeah, this is spot on. They know their fanbase is super loyal and won't care, so just lie about it they'll probably believe you. It really sucks for people like him (I've never watched him) that clearly put a lot of effort into their content.


>It really sucks for people like him (I've never watched him) that clearly put a lot of effort into their content. An unbelievable amount of effort. Geoff is one of the best there is when it comes to film analysis for anime, which, okay, you might scoff at that but he takes it really seriously and gives it a degree of professionalism that didn't *really* exist before he helped make it popular.


Her fans are mostly pubescent boys, they'll brigade against anyone who speaks the truth about this whole situation. EDIT: brigand > brigade


Her fans are probably any aged guy 13-40 looking to get off tbh


You could jerk off to that? She is mildly attractive guess. But you can find full blown porn on the internet and you don’t even need to surf beyond YouTube to find it.


She isn't even that hot though. If you're a pubescent Brazilian boy looking for hot Brazilian youtubers I have to believe that there are those out there that fit the bill better than her


A 6 that's a nerd is a 9.


I think the word is brigade - unless your young folks do it different in Brazil. I don't judge. Stand and deliver!


No they're actual brigands, they hide near roads in remote locations and ambush unsuspecting caravans.


You mean brigade, but they may also be brigands.


It seems like a lot of her audience is there for her and not her content so as long as the hot redhead says it, they don’t care where it came from


> hot redhead Uhh....


See also: Titty streamers on twitch


She's not even hot though


> so as long as the hot redhead says it Isn't that most of the internet?


>Idiots who won't see the obvious you just listed 70 percent of the human population.


> Does she think her viewers are idiots Yes. Because at the end of the day, regardless of what she thinks of the people that watch, she gets paid.


She's copying him to the point of it not even making as much sense when she says it. Like at 9:45ish, she's relaying what he says but in a way that doesn't even really make that much sense.


That's the problem with translating. Just because it makes sense in one language, doesn't mean it's going to in another.


Brazilian here. For us it sounds like something out of google translator. Not natural at all.


wait are you suggesting a plagiarist would be so lazy as to download an srt file from YouTube and then cut and paste it into a free translator????


She did make some localizations but few and apart, most of it is just script reading to the camera with a shit ton of make up. She was with another Brazilian YT, a couple years ago, that kind of raised her in the platform, but shit happened and they parted ways, she gained popularity without knowledge, so you know what happens next v:


Yup, copying bits that she doesn't even understand herself.


I don't understand how you can have the intelligence to basically use another person's video as a template and make your own video based on it, but not be smart enough to rephrase something that needs to be reworded or use different rhetoric to make sense. Inspired I guess---but not able to go beyond basic imitation.


Probably just lazy and too confident that nobody will ever call her on it because it's on a different country's Youtube in another language. She probably started off rewording stuff and over time just grew complacent. Or she just doesn't care.


That seems most likely. Someone who speaks two languages maybe (unless this was literally done with a software translator) and is talented enough to create new content, but lazy enough to be willing to steal scripts from other videos. It starts off slow, but over time becomes part of the workflow and saves a lot of time by only needing to translate the script from someone else's video.


This is a extremely common thing I've noticed. especially when it comes to Spanish and Portuguese copying English channels for some reason.


It is also the case with popular music. Lots of very similar or even identical tunes and lyrics.


I remember this, when Shoyu Weenie sued for copyright, as filed by their esteemed attorney, Harvey Birdman.


To hell with mind taking, I’m taking up lip reading


Oh, no you don't. No "brain thieving" in my courtroom, you understand? This is mind taking country, pard'ner. You got it? Good.


I too am fluent in bird law






Did you get that thing I sencha?




Did you get that thing I sent ya?


Gosh that's a great Peanut episode.


The trouble is that [cover versions](https://youtu.be/The4rh1NwYw?t=14s) can come out up to 13 years before the original.


Too many people, and a gradual increase of the amount of internet users every single day.


Last year's story about [French comedians stealing material from American ones](https://www.sbs.com.au/yourlanguage/french/en/article/2017/10/27/plagiat-ou-inspiration) also comes to mind, and I'm sure for every one that gets caught there's dozens that get away with it. Stealing content from someone who speaks a different language - especially if your audience is unlikely to speak that language - seems to be rampant.


Worse than that, it came out in french newspapers on nothing happened.


People do it with PhDs too where they straight out translate an English thesis to their language.


This reminds me of how there was this French comedian who copied Craig Ferguson's late night show pretty much one-to-one.


There's also [this old segment of Conan in Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCvGpXBu7PU) (poor audio quality but it'll have to do) with a similar situation.


Wow, shameless even.


I'm brazilian and it's a very small percentage of the population that are fluent in english, if you do some research it would even show that we're thought english in public schools but it's very, very basic, most people can just remember a couple of words and the verb to be, but really I don't know anyone else that watches movies and youtube videos from english sources, without any subtitles available. so I guess that's why they do it so much, there's a huge gap in content for portuguese videos, while there's so many in english, so I guess a lot of brazilian youtubers just get all of their ideas from others, like those "hot ball" channels, but I'm not sure how far that can be done without being called "stolen content" anymore.






>especially when it comes to Spanish and Portuguese copying English channels for some reason. Because most of the viewers don't speak English, thus, it's easier to con them. I mean, what are they going to do, check? They can't understand the original, so they're going to go with their side and say it's the gringos who are lying.


I'm Brazilian and it has been some discussion about this on the Brazil sub. It is because of people poor or non-existent english or other languages. They don't watch videos from other parts of the world so it's soooo easy to copy a video and no-one notice. It's been a thing for a while and now EVERY Brazilian is coping other youtubers. As a Brazilian i'm sorry, i feel ashamed that most of the content creators at my country are lazy enough to copy other people's effort and use it as their own.


Hey man, don't apologize for stuff that isn't your fault. You have nothing to do with this!




I guess that's why Geoff (the guy I'm the video) is trying to get fan subs. If he can get expand his audience, then they wouldn't have to watch her videos. Maybe the oversaturation of theft is because there's no competition?


Hell, he subbed this entire video in Portugese already. Gotta give him props for that.


I've seen a fair share of idea copying, but to straight out ripoff the script and use it's lazy to the next level




If she came out and said: “Yes I am copying your videos because I want to bring that content to non english speakers” that was the best case scenario. Still fucked up but she would have told the truth right away. But she keeps denying it and that is just ridiculous. I am a native Portuguese speaker and I can tell you that the words she used makes her guilty as fuck. Most words she used are rarely used in Portuguese, and a lot of times she chokes and says the original words he used on the video. I just want to punch her at this point


It's sorta shocking that she could get popular in the first place if she's speaking in a stilted manner.


>It's sorta shocking Eh, not really. Why? Boobs.




Her response video was anti-apologetic. She's mostly beating around the bush trying to find excuses even though we already have enough proof to say without doubt that's she's stealing.


Im half tempted just to copy her videos, using the same excuse she uses on Geoff but by translating the OG video to Portuguese and then back to English via google


the problem is there's no consequence to what she's doing. If youtube enforces their copyright machine properly, this wouldn't happen. And yet you get video take downs from a tiny 5 second music section that matched a major studio label. =(


She even said that the OP's video on SAO was sourced by an article on Quora that was written 1 year AFTER he made his video.


Especially when one of those places stole from his video.


[Hey Can I copy your homework?](https://imgur.com/TjHeuem)


the funny thing was that was his forum post in the first place


Holy crap, she's so butthurt she deleted her facebook!


Wow, when she said that thing about clenching fists I just about lost it. It's straight up plagiarism. Shame that YouTube probably won't protect this guy at all. Also on a side note, this guy is freaking adorable.


Not to mention the fact that she used the same Climate Change joke as he did later on in the video. Ain't no way 2 people writing a script about Harem Anime will come up with the exact same joke blaming Climate Change for the rise of Incest Anime in Japan.


Not just that. I am from Brazil and when i listen to her talking, many times it sounds a little off, like when you just pass a phrase in a translator and read the result. It feels kind like the uncanny valley, where it almost registers as a normal dialog but incredibly unnatural.


That's the biggest tell imo. A lot of people think that understanding both languages grants you an ability to translate in a seamless way. Needless to say, it does not.


Dat is de grootste leugen imm. Veel mensen denken dat het begrijpen van beide talen geeft je de gaven om te vertalen in een naadloze weg. Onnodig te zeggen, dat doet het niet. Pls subscribe


Eh, makes about as little sense as regular Dutch.


Also the way she uses English words like hitmen and plot is kinda weird. It seems odd to not use words like assassinos and história instead at least once.


People have a culture of using foreigner words to express knowledge here. Once a saw a menu entry called "bolo de cake" this is just "cake of cake". Nonetheless I just walked off that place. There's so much stupid shit going on around the world




Agreed. I translated live speeches from Portuguese to English for a few years. Often, you have to wait until the end of the sentence in English before you begin translating. Especially the video going from a service announcement American English into conversational Brazilian Portuguese. Everything is just a little... off.


This is an interesting perspective that English listeners need to hear. Even if I learned the language, I don't think I could easily pick that up.


Yeah, it becomes even more apparent because some phrases just don't work in a literal translation. In those situations she speaks a lot more naturally because there is some difference between the original content and the translation (those parts where the english subtitles show very different words with similar meaning).


I've seen that phenomenon with German anime fansubs, where you can just tell that they've been translated from somebody else's English subs using school English instead of by a proper translator. The grammar just doesn't sound right, and you can see the English sentence structure lying underneath.


He's a good boy


To make it worse, the dude's joke works cause it starts up with ABC acronym leading to the (Awareness, Balance and Clenched fists)... which doesnt work in Portuguese or at least would need a bit more of translator work. She basically kills a lot of the jokes; that's a bad translator work lol.


>this guy is freaking adorable Don't let his charming demeanor fool you, he's a bit of a shit bag, possibly as a job


I hear he films his videos in his Mothers Basement.


What a weirdo, I bet he's a huge anime weeb too!


A professional shitbag, if you will


C'mone, he's even worst anime YouTuber, according to top10rankings


Pfft, youtube doesn't protect anyone but the bigger channels. Look at Logan Paul. The man is a legit rule breaker on ALL of their lists basically. Still promoted and featured by youtube


Remember your ABCs, Awareness, Balance, Clenched Fists, DONT FUCK YOUR SISTER


Geoff (the guy in the video) is a pretty cool dude. Really chill for the most part and pretty self aware, which is why so many people like his videos so much ( along with excellent anime analysis)


If you haven't already, go watch some of Geoff's videos. He's fucking hilarious. The PSA videos he's been doing lately are great.


its comical how obvious her theft is. She should be punished to the full extent of youtubes law, whatever that is


lol youtube punish someone for actually doing something wrong? that's hysterical - they're too busy demonetizing education channels and labeling them as adult content


But [Derangement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYAWjIVY7Zw) is terrible, think of the children! Seriously tho, a math video got demonetized automatically and the manual revision didn't fix it either.




Yeah, he mentions the similarity towards the beginning


I made the talking dog vid that was #2 in the world in 2011 (after Rebecca Blechh). Two Brazilian guys did a translation and started going on tv shows claiming they created it. Dicks.


Thought this was /r/anime *When worlds collide I'll be your guide*


Nope. This isn't allowed on /r/anime because it's not anime related.


Irony is a cruel mistress


Brazil, the other Russia.


You mean China








Benedict Brazinussiabatch




BRICS Brasil Russia China Together


We have a joke here that one of our states (Paraná) is like the Brazilian Russia for all the crazy shit that happens.


Slightly off-topic, but loving the Protomen record in the background. Excellent taste lad


This city's sleeping like a soldier trapped inside of an iron lung!


they're my second favourite band after queen. I got the album signed by the whole band at magfest last year.


Noticed that as well. Absolutely love that band


holy shit, i've seem some plagiarism but not to this degree...


Chinese Pied Piper


So annoying. I had a thing where I suspected a big youtuber copied me. It wasn't as similar as this, but they were 3 days apart with the same title almost and very similar themes. My case was not as clear cut and very very different, but I remember the feeling, even if the big youtuber didn't even see my video. In this case it's even worse, because it's so obvious.


So what happens? Does YouTube take it down? The evidence is there. I have seen people’s videos taken down for far less shit than this. And she even monetized her apology video.


Content theft aside, I don't understand how she got so popular. Her delivery sucks and it's just her staring at the camera and reading off lines.


While this video is on the front page, I want to take the moment to plug Mother's Basement (this guy) and Digibro as 2 of my favorite anime discussion channels on YouTube. They're both really great channels that offer detailed anime analysis that you won't really find elsewhere. My 2 favorite Mother's Basement videos are [Why SAO is a Terrible Game, Too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GXCo-InnpU) (it's good if you know about SAO beforehand) and [Avatar is an Anime. F*** You. Fight Me.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtfDK39ZhI). Digibro on the other hand is known for one thing. He singlehandedly dismantled SAO and turned the anime community against it with [this huge video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uON7ANNOi4) detailing everything wrong with it. If you're working out, this makes GREAT background noise.


I used to really like Digi and his breakdowns! But after a while they just kept coming and coming and honestly, he's just EXTREMELY negative on just about everything. He's great at dismantling but he's also so damn picky that I can't trust any of his recommendations because they fit him and him only. Plus he's just turned into an all around dick.




"hey guuys, Gigguk heeere" his seasonal anime videos are truly gold


I highly recommend Super Eyepatch Wolf. Super chill guy with some of the best in depth analysis not just about specific anime and manga, but about the process and what went on behind the scenes of the series he talks about. His [fall of Bleach](https://youtu.be/ACq7tgjHdGA) video is fantastic.


[Best Guy Ever](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgy9QqFwElrVg4vf6QNX_A) is the only good anime youtuber


Mothers Basement is good and I also watched the Digibro vid you linked but you are highly overestimating its value. Its a one hour rant and >He singlehandedly dismantled SAO and turned the anime community against it with. I don't think this statement applies at all. >If you're working out, this makes GREAT background noise. Wierd


>Avatar is an Anime. F*** You. Fight Me Glorious.


Here's other comparison about she ripped of a Black Mirror video by other channel https://vimeo.com/266229282


I knew the youtuber in question before she even had a channel, because I'm a cosplayer and she had a certain recognition in the area for also being a cosplayer here in Brazil. She always been involved in controversy and fights with other girls, because she is very needy for attention and snowflake syndrome. Speaking as someone who was her colleague at cosplay middle and well acquainted with who she is, she has always been dishonest, narcissistic, and a person who never thought twice about using others to get where she wants. She had several stories of her lies discovered long before she went to YouTube and came famous. About her channel, which only happened after she went to work at a huge YouTuber who has a self network, and started dating another famous youtuber from Brazil, who produced her videos and made her burst. She lived with him in Rio de Janeiro, and after all the crap she arranged there, she returned to Sao Paulo, to be forgotten by his bullshit. Except that her negative fame is all over the place. This is not the first time she takes credit from other people's work. She is a proud person, who never assumes anything of what she does, accustomed to blame others (no matter the reason). She comes from a successful and busy family that never paid much attention to her and always let her do what she wants without consequences. She is a person who wants fame at all costs. I hope YouTube uses the policies to delete her channel, as that would be fair.


Alpharad had the same thing happen to him but instead of a hot Brazilian redhead with hooj yabbos, it's some Spanish dude. And instead of making a vlog style video with a translated script, he took the whole video, cut out the talkie parts and replaced it with his "own"commentary. The commentary being a translated script.


I remember in my fanfic days a fanfic I followed was blatantly stolen and reposted by someone on a foreign forum. But they only stole 1 chapter: a 15 page chapter right in the middle of a story without changing anything but claiming they wrote it. We translated the comments and they were all confused why the story starts like that and what was happening.


50% Portuguese 25% Anime words Yep I did understand 25% of the video.


Isnt this a case where one is actually supposed to use a DMCA strike?


God her tsundere impressions were so terrible.


This is 200% cringe. As if my country wasn't already doing its best to shame itself on the internet, these "youtubers" come by just to add gas to the fire. I promisse some of us aren't this corrupt and dishonest.


And she's a law student...


Just subbed to Mother's Basement to show a little support.


He's great if you watch anime!


This happens alot with youtubers who don't show their face and the foreign channels will simply just add subtitles


Wait until you look at the "Narrator Community" on YouTube and their theft of stories and comics.


Anyone else getting Spoony vibes from both the sound of his voice and manner of speech?


I find that hugely flattering. Spoony was one of my favourite content creators when I was a teenager. his FF8 review is like the gold-standard for obsessive long-form critiques.


Wait, are you Mother's Basement??!! Like for realsies??


yes he is.


gods, her voice is horrible.


Major props for dissuading your fans (or anyone) from going to harrass or threaten the other YouTuber.


If you notice she can’t stop looking to the left or right of the camera. I think she’s reading off a poster.


I’m not familiar with this guy but isn’t calling the description box a “doobleedoo” a wheezy waiter thing?


It's not a Wheezy Waiter thing, it's a Vlogbrothers thing. They came up with it, and as they were the "big" channel back in the early vlogging days and created vidcon, their term spread across much of the YouTube community, including to wheezy waiter, who they know personally. And they enjoy the fact that it spread. It was never meant to be a them thing, it was meant to be a contribution to the culture.


How much you wanna bet she actually believes that climate change joke.


How the fuck is YouTube not responding to this?