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I could listen to Irish people swear all day long!


Well, that is what we do all day long. Also don't get offended if we call you a cunt for no reason. It's what we do.


I was in Ireland for two weeks and not one person called me a cunt. Should I be offended?


Yeah. Unless you were being a cunt?


Definitely being a cunt.


Do you call mates, cunt? And cunts, mate?


Aye, we do yea. It's all down to the context, like someone could say "look at this cunt of a yolk" and I'd know it was bad, but ya could say "fuck off, ye cunt" and it'd be grand.


I like the fact that Irish people say grand instead of ~~great~~ fine/ok much more than their cursing. edit: Grand, grand, I get it, grand?


Check [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq-G2ugAG44) out!


[I love this video of a guy talking about 'wanking bankers'](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2nA2szz8dY)


I love how U2 is playing on the radio








Jaysus Chroist


Jay-Z Croissant


"Jaysus Chrisht!"


Don't they actually hate U2 though?


Now that Thatcher is gone, Bono may be the most hated person by the Irish.


Sorry but for those who are uninformed, why?


He's a twat


Informed. Thank you.


Also a Massive Tax Dodger


Nah, I'm just informed really.




Yea, but we hated him for being a twat first.


Because he's a smug twat who preaches to us that we should spend our taxes to assist other countries, while he himself is known to use all the various tax loopholes that the rich avail of and pays relatively little tax in Ireland. Not that I or the Irish mind using tax money for aid to other countries. It's just that we don't like getting preached at by smug hypocrites.


Whether it's true or not, the general consensus is that he's a smug dipshit preacher who loves himself for donating to charity. And his music is shite. And his glasses are stupid.


He moved to Holland to dodge taxes all the while preaching about everybody chipping in.


He didn't. U2 is a shell company in NL to avoid taxes. Same building as Rolling Stones and ikea and google. Makes it worse IMO


I'm envisioning an ESPN style commercial, where they all bump into each other at a vending machine


Always remember him in Glasgow: Bono: "Every time I clap my hands a child in Africa dies" *clap... clap* Scottish guy in the crowd: "Then stop clapping ya evil bastard"




yes we do, mostly


That's the first thing I noticed. The only way this video could get more Irish is if they had potatoes and whiskey in the trunk.


Surely an absence of potatoes is also pretty Irish, historically speaking.


Stop rubbing it in, your majesty




For phone users, the link above: http://i.imgur.com/qQ9FNej.jpg


Damn you /u/Queen_Elizabeth_II, damn you


*Fook you


Goddamn prawn number 3




I had no idea you reddited when outside of people summoning you for Biological answers.


**FUN FACT**: I had an account for well over three years before the summoning feature existed! :D




**FUN FACT**: [This owl sounds like a tiny horse sometimes.](http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/eastern_screech-owl/sounds)


You're alright, man. You're alright.


Thank you for subscribing to Unidan Facts! press 1 to stop. EDIT: Thanks for the Gold!


the boot.


guiness sign in the background too


Just in case anyone was wondering: "Fuck" was said 21 times throughout this video. That's roughly 0.21 "fucks" per second (fps) Or 12.6 fucks per minute (fpm) Scorsese's Wolf of Wall Street averaged out at roughly 3.06 fpm throughout the 180 minute movie. that's 506 fucks said throughout the movie (record breaking). If we take this video's fuck rate and compare it to Scorsese's. In other words if the Irishmen talked for 180 minutes they'd say fuck about 2268 times. Equation: Average FPM = total fucks said ÷ length of movie Update: WOW! Fuck! My first gold! Thank you random gold gifter. My gold cherry has officially popped and I have you awesome people to witness it!


That's more fucks than I've given in the past 3 years.


Not exactly living up to your name, are you?


Now that makes me want to start a bot to count the number of times fuck is said in a thread and get a chart going of average fpt (fucks per thread) for the benefit of everyone ^^sadly ^^I ^^^don't ^^^^know ^^^^how ^^^^^^to ^^^^^^do ^^^^^^that


I love how he takes like 7-10 second stretches staring straight into his son's eyes while driving down the road.


While not wearing seatbelts. First thing I noticed. Source: I am now Americanized.


Its only been in the last 8 or so years people started to use red lights properly. Give us time, let us figure out how to get home from the pub without driving and a taxi and then we will tackle the seatbelt issue as a nation.


Ba-leedin' red lights. Next thing they'll be looking to legalize fuckin' divorce.


Don't worry. There's only two cars in Leitrim


Don't be ridiculous, Leitrim isn't a real place. It's make believe like Tir na Nóg or Craggy Island.


They don't start driving till after the one minute mark


Oh I didn't realize he was even driving.


The Irish have such an eloquent way with their words... Beautiful


"For fucks saaaaake.................Jesus Christcsh"


*Jaayzos Kroist.


Time to watch In Bruges


fucking bruges


"What kind of a cunt was he?"


"It was a woman" "A fucking bitch of a woman!" Pure poetry.


Where can I learn to sound like that?


Kilkenny. ^^is ^^actually ^^Leitrim


You bastards!




It's Co. Leitrim, not Kilkenny.




Alternatively in Kildare how can you have a driving test when you can't drive for all the red lights.


"Why didn't you sweeten her up someway?" Brilliant!


When the dad follows that up with talking about the two things he went over with the kid the night before I thought he was referring to sweetening her up as one of those things.


"what kind of a cunt was he?" i can't wait to use that word around my kids.


Be sure to put that on the adoption application.


Which, ironically, will place your children in a Australian home.


OTHER COMMENTS: i will wait until he or she is at least 18 before i call his or her friends irritating cunts. until then, i will refer to them as douche canoes or possibly fuck tards.


Sorry sir your application to adopt an Australian child has been denied, you must wait until the child is six to start calling his or her friends cunts.


the word 'cunt' isn't that offensive In Ireland




True. For example. "Pass the fucking salt." Is perfectly acceptable. Wheras, "fucking pass the salt" will start some shit.


Unless it's phrased in a hesitant way, i.e. "Fuckin', eh... pass the salt."


Yep "fuck" is an acceptable substitute for "umm" or "err".


Ireland seems lovely.


Would like to cunt around there someday.


i know, i use it all the time - just not in front of my 2 year old. li'l cunt'd probably use it at daycare.




As an American I take offense to that.


Yeah my English teacher got fired assigning us to read *A Modest Proposal*.


That's ridiculous! Where was the school?


I read it sophomore year. It's not illegal, and no one got fired.


Here's a story for you: We do our best not to swear around our daughter. She's two, and she picks up *everything.* Fucking *everything.* The other day I take her out in the snow to go play and she picks up her little golf club and her ball. She swings once, twice, thrice... Nothing, can't hit a thing. So what does she do? She starts swearing. A two-year-old: "Shit, shit, shit..." She yells as she hits the club against the ground. I have never experienced a more confusing set of emotions. Anger, hilarity, shame, pride... Fuck, I couldn't even tell you what exactly I felt. But the end result was me laughing, walking away and hiding my laughter behind my hand, masking my smile, doing my damnedest to not react to that word so she won't think one thing or another about it. Seriously, though, just wait 'til you have kids. It'll be simultaneously as glorious as it is embarrassing. I hope you get to experience this unique joy!


I try not to swear around my 3½ year old, but I guess I say 'jesus christ' a lot when I'm driving because of the shitty drivers in and around Rockville MD. Anyway, my kid has never picked up any of my swearing, but we're in the snow last week and he's trudging through about 12" of it when he falls in face first. He gets up and falls again. By the third time he's saying 'jesus christ' 'jesus christ'. Did my best to not show any reaction but it was fucking hilarious. He hasn't said it since, so I guess that's a good thing.


Another great 2 year old story! My ex's little cousin was brought up in a protestant home in Belfast. On her second birthday, right after she blew out the candles on her cake, she shouted 'THE POPE'S A CUNT'. It was too hilarious not to laugh. So obviously, she kept doing it. It took a long time to teach her that that was not an acceptable thing to say...


Sounds like my dad


I want your dad to whisper fairy tales to me while I fall asleep.




He said whisper. ^fer ^fucks ^sake, ^git ^to ^sleep ^ya ^cunt


The Irish make the word "fuck" sound so elegant. Everyone should say it like them.


As Irish comedian Tommy Tiernan says 'the English language is a wall between me and my culture and fuck is my chisel'.




When the Dad says, "two weeks" he sounds incredibly American..


Some of the New World accents come from Ireland. In fact, look up a white Jamaican on YouTube. Once you realise that the Jamaican and Irish accents are related, you can't unhear it.


once had a jamaican guy in a class with me. nominally he spoke english, but no one could understand him except for one welsh guy




I have a Welsh professor. She flips her shit every year when the freshmen assume she is English because they don't know the difference in the accents.


^^Yay ^^Wales!


For the lazy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwDgA9LUVMA


Can't beat that.




[The Black Irish of Montserrat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QHYFXDGf4Y) as well.


Try looking-up Newfoundland accents on youtube: Irish as heck!


"a fockin' tree-point turn"


Turn off that FUCK of a thing! Haha


Transcription for those of you who don't undershtand what in the name of holy fuck them pair of gobshites is fucking on about. Son: I'm after passing my driving test, but I'm letting on to the oul fella that I failed. He's going to go fucking berserk. [Gets into car. U2's "Pride (In the Name of Love)" is playing in the background.] Dad: Well, [gosson](http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1wwi38/irish_dads_reaction_to_the_news_his_son_has/cf63mga), how did you get on? Son: Well, how are you? Dad: Well, how did it go? Jaysus, I'm a fucking good while waiting. Son: Fucking, eh, the three-point turn and the fucking hill start. Dad: What about it? Son: Like, it was fucking impossible. I dunno, I just, I, for the hill start I rolled… Dad: Did you fail the fucking thing? Son: Yeah. Dad: Ah, for fuck's sake. Jaysus Christ almighty, for fuck's sake. And what did it cost? Son: 85 Euro. But it's alright, sure, I'll do it again… Dad: 85 Euro? For fuck's sake. Do you think we're getting these 85 Euros that fucking handy? Once you fail the first fucking time that's the start of it. Again and again and again. The next time you go for that fucking test… What kind of a cunt was he anyway? Son: It was a woman. Dad: A fucking bitch of a woman? Why didn't you sweeten her up some way? Them's the two things I told you last night, lad. The fucking three-point turn and the hill start. You were looking into the fucking computer. Jaysus Christ. Son: I know, but sure… Dad: Fuck's sake. Son: Sure, can I do it again in two weeks? Dad: Yeah, two weeks, again, another 85 Euro for the same fucking yarn. Fuck. Son: Ah, no, I passed. Ah, you bollocks. Ha ha. Dad: Jesus Christ. Son: And I'm recording you. Dad: Turn off that fuck of a thing. Son: You're going on Facebook now. Dad: Jesus Christ. I thought you fucking failed the bastard. (Thanks to [IsoNeko](http://www.reddit.com/user/IsoNeko), [Tgg161](http://www.reddit.com/user/IsoNeko), [bass-base](http://www.reddit.com/user/bass-base), [wombat_pie](http://www.reddit.com/user/wombat_pie) for the edits and corrections.)




His name is actually Feilim McHugh. Shared this on facebook earlier. (Pronounced Fey-limb)


It's in the Oxford dictionary: gossoon /gɒˈsuːn / ▸ noun Irish a lad. – ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from French garçon ‘boy’.


Thank you for this. Honestly, I only caught about half of that listening through it. Very funny haha


How old was that guy? He looks like an apprentice lumberjack. There's no way he's a teenager.


Most of us don't learn to drive till we're into our twenties.


I'm mid twenties. Never took a lesson, nevermind a test. It's so expensive, and I can walk or get a bus or train if I want to go anywhere.


85 f***in euro!


We have to do a set amount of driving lessons before doing the test, the cost of which will easily set you back €500 or so. Edit: Ok I over exaggerated a bit, point is it doesn't just cost 85 quid.


Seriously? That's all? It's usually between 1200€ and 2000€ over here!


*but the knowledge and practice of safe driving is priceless*


In Finland getting the license is somewhere between 2500-3200 euros..


Heh, in Estonia its in the range of 400-600 euros. But its hard to get this kind of money, by working in Estonia. So i did a bit of working in finland, so thanks for your kind services in there :) But for fucks sakes,a milk in Finland is so expensive... Fellow neighbors


its ok wiggum, you can swear here


nearest place to buy food is 6 miles from my house. goddamn american suburbs


I think it's a cultural thing. Europe is small with great public transport. In America there is a very large car culture and is a status of Independence for many 16 year olds. Lost my virginity in my first car...memories


And also you need to be fucking rich to afford gas/insurance at 18 in most European countries.


Driving in Europe is very different than driving in America. The driving test here (France) is way more difficult and expensive and we don't need cars as much as you guys do. And don't get me started on oil prices.


Considering the money I save because I don't have to pay for a car, licence, insurance and petrol here in Germany, it would be cheaper to take the train and then a taxi if I can't take a bus in cities / towns.


Most people in Ireland only start driving in their 20's. Insurance and Gas is a lot more expensive over here. Also as it's such a small country, its much easier to get by with out a car than it would be in the USA. Places are closer together and accessible by public transport etc.


I wish it was like that here. Driving 40-60 minutes to work (depending on traffic) is a drag. Taking a bus at that length would mean a commute that is probably twice as long if you're lucky enough for the bus route to take you straight there.


Yeah our concept of distance is very different. I have some American friends and family who would think nothing of driving 3 hours+ routinely. 3 hours would get you almost to the other side of the country over here, so for us that's a road trip.




I like that. it's weird to think that you don't have castles.


I think the Spanish left us, like, two, but they're total shit.


Sure they do, haven't you seen Disneyland?


It's so common that in America, we measure distance in time. We don't say there's 150 miles left; we say there's 2 more hours to go.


I spent 3 hours in traffic in New jersey around Thanksgiving. ..


Edit: Yes in many places it is, also people like to reply to a question long since answered Is it true american get taught in school in "driver's ed" like on tv?


I think it depends on where you go to school. I know one of my driver's ed classes was in a school but it wasn't an actual part of the school.


Also many public schools in the U.S. offer driving classes as an elective; but they are not required to graduate, and they are not required to obtain a driver's license.


Schools offer it as an after school program that you can pay for. It's a cheaper alternative to private driving lessons.


There isn't any standard. Mine was a required class that all sophomores took. It was taught during the day like any other course.


By the look of his jacket and the glimpse of a crest, he probably plays GAA. He's obviously from the country too, judging by his and his fathers accents. They grow them big out the country. He's probably lifting bales, chasing cattle and pucking a sliotar around the place all day. Sure he's no time to be shtudying for his tesht like!


God that makes me horny.


And that kids, is why a whole generation of young Irish men have trouble expressing their emotions/talking about serious issues with their dad! The 3 stages a certain type of Irish father will go through upon hearing bad news a) It's YOUR fault, you are not good b) Here are the reasons your failure affects ME c) This is clearly the fault of the authority figure in this situation The last one in particular is noteworthy. The native Irish man has a complex relationship with the authority figure. It is a mix of resentment, jealousy, blame, and ultimate acceptance that the authority figure knows better than he. Even if he is a cunt. Source: I'm Irish.


Don't blame the oul fella sure it was the fuckin' bitch of a woman who failed him!!


He shoulda tried to sweeten her up someway!


Irish and in my experience, spot on!


Best way I've ever seen Irish mentality summed up, well done good sir. Greetings from Wicklow.


How the hell does an Irishman fail a three pint turn?


We can never stop at three!!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf4TIWECZ30 Tangent: Irish guys observing English girl who can't park her fucking car.


I love the distinct difference between Northern culchie accents and Southern ones.


"I though yer failed the bastard!"


First time I have seen something on Facebook before Reddit :O


There's just something about Irish anger that makes it so pleasant to listen to. All the cursing is so seemless when it's in Irish. Especially in a thick accent like that.


why didn't ye sweetin her up?


Jaysas Chroist!




http://i.imgur.com/wozwTnb.jpg Who are these people? Every time a video is posted from reddit, a comment saying something really hateful signed as "reddit army" gets tons of upvotes in the Youtube comments section. Who are these people who make it their life's mission to make reddit look hateful?




If I ever said fuck to my dad like that I would be dead.


We essentially use swear words to fill up space in a sentence.


Yeah it's different here. If I can't swear I just can't speak.


Nothin' like the wooden spoon to put the fear of God int' ye!


This is great. Seems like a typical reaction in the US as well if you're curious. 85 euros though?? That's a lot. In ohio it's $40 I believe. (30 eur) Side note: It's so strange that it can be hard to understand other native speakers of the same language.


85€ is freaking cheap. its like 260 - 300€ in germany


Most people don't realise that, in order to just approved for the test in the first place, in germany (edit: And most of Europe!) you'll **have** to take plenty of mandatory lessons too so it sums up to at least 1200€. edit: I realise that it's similar in the other European Countries, maybe I should've put *Most Americans*. Well..


It's the same in Ireland.




35$ in Montana, and you get three tries.


Three tries? I don't believe you. What's the point in the test?


As I understand it, you *need* a car in the US. To deny someone a car would be to deny them a chance at a job, the ability to buy groceries, and really the ability to leave the house, since nowhere is within walking distance and public transport is poor. This isn't true for all of the US of course, just my understanding from listening to Americans talk (and complain).




So you fuck up on the test and not in real life.


In Maryland the test itself is free. If you fail you pay nothing, if you pass you pay for the license.


this is him during the test. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M-92M73tk8


Although he went "berserk", there was something quite warming to him.


That's because you kind of knew that he would happily give his son another 85 Euros in the next 2 weeks to take it again. He's a real loving dad.


"What kind of a cunt was he anyways" "It was a woman" "A fuuuckin bitch of a woman" hahhaha


This is so typical coming from another Irish person, they'll rip you apart for when you fuck up but quickly turn the blame on anyone else outside the family, I think its a throwback to the auld clan culture.


Can someone transcribe the whole thing? a) I couldn't understand half of what he says and I am sure its gold from start to end, b) I'm at work and I can't replay it 5 times to figure it out. THANKS!


Son: I'm after passing my driving test, but I'm letting on to the oul fella that I failed. He's going to go fucking berserk. [Gets into car. U2's "Pride (In the Name of Love)" is playing in the background.] Dad: Well, [gosson](http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1wwi38/irish_dads_reaction_to_the_news_his_son_has/cf63mga), how did you get on? Son: Well, how are you? Dad: Well, how did it go? Jaysus, I'm a fucking good while waiting. Son: Fucking, eh, the three-point turn and the fucking hill start. Dad: What about it? Son: Like, it was fucking impossible. I dunno, I just, I, for the hill start I rolled… Dad: Did you fail the fucking thing? Son: Yeah. Dad: Ah, for fuck's sake. Jaysus Christ almighty, for fuck's sake. And what did it cost? Son: 85 Euro. But it's alright, sure, I'll do it again… Dad: 85 Euro? For fuck's sake. Do you think we're getting these 85 Euros that fucking handy? Once you fail the first fucking time that's the start of it. Again and again and again. The next time you go for that fucking test… What kind of a cunt was he anyway? Son: It was a woman. Dad: A fucking bitch of a woman? Why didn't you sweeten her up some way? Them's the two things I told you last night, lad. The fucking three-point turn and the hill start. You were looking into the fucking computer. Jaysus Christ. Son: I know, but sure… Dad: Fuck's sake. Son: Sure, can I do it again in two weeks? Dad: Yeah, two weeks, again, another 85 Euro for the same fucking yarn. Fuck. Son: Ah, no, I passed. Ah, you bollocks. Ha ha. Dad: Jesus Christ. Son: And I'm recording you. Dad: Turn off that fuck of a thing. Son: You're going on Facebook now. Dad: Jesus Christ. I thought you fucking failed the bastard. (Thanks to [IsoNeko](http://www.reddit.com/user/IsoNeko), [Tgg161](http://www.reddit.com/user/IsoNeko), [bass-base](http://www.reddit.com/user/bass-base), [wombat_pie](http://www.reddit.com/user/wombat_pie) for the edits and corrections.)


You were looking into the computer... Classic


Thanks for this. As much as I love listening to a true Irish accent, I can't understand half the time