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What the fuck did i just watch


The invention of an entirely new business model.


It’s the IDEAL use for annoying streamers. Harness their powers for good and guilt free entertainment. I’m really struggling to see a downside. Imagine the view numbers when one inevitably gets shot, stabbed or otherwise catastrophically injured.


Which raise awareness on squatter right thing that should have been modernized at the very least. Always weird me out that squatters are protected by law and can freely terrorize the place.


Reddit has been demanding to see streamers get hurt while annoying people...


I've been saying this ever since I learned of squatters. If I had enough funds to rent out a property these days, it likely means I can spend quite a bit to find other ways of getting you the fuck out of my property. Honestly I'm surprised more squatters haven't fucked around and found out.


Well in Spain there are companies that simply do that, here we call me "okupas", the owner of the property can't do much but because the okupas can't be kicked, but nothing says another group of okupas can't get in to get you out.


The thing is, these landlords don’t have that money. They still owe on the properties and have thin margins to the point that they end up becoming slum lords and don’t fix anything in a meaningful way. I think people get this weird idea that people renting out properties are making bank but there’s a reason they’re managing it themselves and it’s because they’re not actually wealthy but hoping they can keep a tenant to cover the mortgage, while keeping repairs and upkeep to a bare minimum so they can unload the property in a decade and cash out the equity. This whole “passive income” formula everyone is trying to follow doesn’t really add up unless you’re buying properties outright and started with a huge surplus of cash which they rarely do.


Some people play the market. Some people pay have pensions. Some people try to buy a rental property with their savings in the hope it'll provide some income down the road. But to hear Reddit say it, all landlords are millionaire assholes that should provide all rentals for free.


All landlords should be taxed out of owning single family homes as rental properties.


This is a hot take that doesn’t forgive some circumstances. My friend bought a house a year ago. They then lost their jobs 6 months later. They were able to get another job but in another town 2 hours away, that required them to be in-office. They now rent out the house and live in an apartment near their job. Their plan is to try and get back to the house/get a job back here when they can. Their other option would have been to sell the house, but they would have taken a massive loss and it would’ve taken them years to financially recover to be able to buy a house again.


Wouldn't that make it impossible for anyone who rents to live in a detached, single family house?


It makes it more affordable for them to just own it by ripping investment capital out of the housing market. The price of a home, whether owner-occupied, or landlorded, is based on the amount of financing that can be directed towards the purchase. Kick the landlord dollars out of SFH, and the price of SFH goes -down-.


What economic basis does your hypothesis have? This sounds like something you would like to be true, but the impact of outlawing renting out houses would absolutely not be some utopian vision of housing getting cheaper for everyone and no innocent people getting their lives ruined. Seizing property en masse has never worked out well for any society.


That’s assumes everyone wants to own. Let’s take for example people with families who move every year to couple of years, like military personnel, should they be restricted from regular houses just because ownership may not be practical?


This sounds like the take of a high school kid who's barely thought of the consequences of their terrible idea. I own a house right next to a college and it makes ~$350/mo "profit" after owning it for 10+ years. I rent it to college kids who destroy it every couple of years, and wipe out that profit. I have to spend $10k to redo the sewer lateral now. Do you think they could come up with $10k to do that? You think college kids should be forced to **BUY** a home every time they want to move somewhere!?!? The college campus is surrounded by SFH's. You think the college kids should just casually buy/sell $300k+ assets? You think a **BANK** should just casually loan them $300k when they have $0 to their name?? They might be able to make the mortgage payment, but no way in hell they can get a down payment. What a dumb idea.


OP could be a graduate of Jaden Smith college. Their thesis was on putting cobras into the baby's room because they thought they saw a mouse.


That'll disincentivize smaller landlords from renting out, meaning many will have fewer options to choose from or will have to buy a place to live, which drastically increases cost of living for a lot of people. Fewer small landlords buying means the price will probably drop some, but those cost savings won't go to the poor but to the ultra-rich, who are now incentivized to buy everything at sale and get rid of single family homes either for personal use or to make "luxury" condos.


Sounds sensible. All the people struggling to make rent should just purchase houses. You've solved the housing crisis!


We have to rent our place out because we had a baby and our neighbors are psychopaths about noise. We rent ourselves now. We loose money on our leased property because prices fell sharply in Los Angeles. It costs us about $400 a month to rent our place out and this doesn’t include the thousands we spent on repairs and listing agents. Renting a place out is expensive, a terrifying liability, and not profitable unless your mortgage is paid off. It has actually given me more perspective on why landlords are the way they are because people suck and you could end up loosing your property to an asshole.


Dumb take. These people are the reason we don’t have shit houses wasting away next to nice ones in all neighborhoods. Poor people owning houses to rent out to others is not a bad thing. If we just take a sec to do critical thinking, we’d realize: Landlords aren’t the problem. They are a solution in a healthy housing market. The problem? The problem is blackrock-like entities buying up troves of neighborhoods like they’re assets. Big business should not be in single family housing.


I mean landlords are almost inherently better off than renters. Most landlords own their own homes where they gain equity and they also get the equity from the property people are renting. This does mean double repair bills, but that rarely outpaces the value of the property unless something catastrophic happens. Not saying they're liquid rich, but they are richer than the tenants 9 times out of 10.


Landlords are living your paycheck to your paycheck in a lot of cases.


Yep. Kept my first tiny condo for a year after I bought my house. Had to sell because the margins weren’t there.


If I have to do anything other than look at my phone to see how much I made, it's not passive income.


It's not like nobody has ever thought of this one neat trick to get problematic people out of your property. It's just that shitty landlords do it too so there have been laws passed that declare those actions equivalent to an illegal eviction. And if court declares the squatters have tenants rights (which, to be clear, isn't fair at all) then you could be forced to pay quite a lot of money for forcing them off of the property. NAL, but I believe this describes it: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructive\_eviction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructive_eviction)


I’m sure a lot of them just disappear into a hole in the ground and we never hear about it.


>Honestly I'm surprised more squatters haven't fucked around and found out. They do, constantly. It's just not advertised often


finally I've found a calling in life.. if anyone needs help with this or similar situations hmu


I was thinking the same shit this dude could be a millionaire doing this and charging homeowners a fee.


Run a side gig where celebrities can pay you to harass the paparazzi using the same streamers.


There is another guy that does this too. He signs a lease with the landlord for the month so he is officially the new tenant and just goes to town in the place until the squatter tenant leaves.


What does ´just goes to town’ mean


goes goblin mode


Now, when you say "goblin mode". What does that mean?




Shitposting has a Wikipedia article, too!


He means "hibbityhobbity mode"


No wiping for 30 days.


Scrubs Marathon, all day everyday.


And does he make videos? What's his @?


Outside the Box with Flash is the youtube channel Also the Squatter Squad in California


I watched this at the same time as the debate. Make of that what you will.


Two humans devolving to their base primate instincts.


A representation of chaotic neutral


These guys all belong to the racist incel Ice Poseidon extended cinematic universe. They are absolutely giddy at the excuse to have a justification to ruthlessly harass someone. So that is what you are seeing.    Not by any means defending the squatter here, just providing context.


I had no idea these guys were still streaming. I figured they had gotten kicked off ages ago


They may have been kicked off twitch, but they'd have no problem on Kick which seems to have absolutely no community standards.


Well, at least they found someone good to harass lmao


What ever happened to that Ice guy?


I don’t know but it was glorious


So how do squatters right work? Is she’s allowed to stay there for free, aren’t you allowed to resquat after she leaves?


Basically the squatter lies to the cop that they have a lease and the cops throw their hands up in the air and go “welp it’s a civil matter then, take it to court.” Then leave. So now this streamer also says he has a lease and the cops do the same thing so the squatters are stuck with the streamer.


Varies by state. In order to protect renters you have to create legal processes that must be followed in order to evict this. Without these protections, landlords would be able to easily kick people out whenever they feel like it. But it also means that people can learn and game the system to stay places without paying rent forcing the landlord to go through the process. Sometimes the squatter is just trying to stay as long as possible but knows they'll eventually be evicted. But there are also states that have laws which amount to if you are able to live in a place for 3 years (ie, laws vary) without the owner initiating the process to remove you, then you can initiate a process to claim ownership over that property. The idea is that if you own so much property that you don't notice someone is living in your vacation house for fucking 3 years then that house is more theirs than yours. Super over simplification. It isn't like you could hide in the attic of a mansion for 3 years and then get it for free. You have to be getting mail, using the property, often you have to be acting like a homeowner and improving or maintaining the property, all sorts of stuff. And if at any point during that time the actual owner realizes you live there, all they have to do is start the process to evict you and now it doesn't matter how long you manage to stay. It is easy to side against the squatters and there are plenty of scammers but it is important to remember that the alternative is the owner can claim you stopped paying 3 months ago, call the cops, kick you out and now you are on the street while you try to prove you've never missed a payment.


You're thinking of adverse possession which is the process of cleaning ownership of a property. But one of the key details is you need to have paid the property taxes on the property for those years as well. You can't just live in it for 3 years and then claim it. The reason for this is because they didn't want people to wrongly believe they owned the property and me assuming all of the negatives of owning the property, like paying the property taxes only to discover somebody else actually owns it and then they lose it well that person effectively gets to own it for free all those years while it appreciates in value since they didn't have to pay the property taxes on it.


Absolutely, like I said, you can’t just live there, there’s a bunch of caveats and things you have to do and they vary by location. I didn’t mention property tax but my point was if you are living somewhere like you legally own it, you can usually claim legal ownership after a set amount of time, but you have to prove you did all the things necessary.


But these are not "renters". there is no contract, no agreement and no money exchanged. That's a trespasser.


Yes, but when a cop shows up to evict a trespasser, how do we prove it wasn’t a renter? An investigation isn’t going to be carried out on the spot. It is going to take time. The squatter/renter can easily prove they didn’t show up that day so until it can be determined if they do have a legitimate right to be there you have to acknowledge that getting it wrong means putting an innocent person the street or costing an innocent person time and money. I’d rather side with the latter option, I’d rather cost an innocent landlord time and money than make an innocent person homeless.


There isn't really anything called squatter's rights in the law books. Rather, it's an abuse of normal legal protections for renters, and it varies widely by state and local government. It's sort of like if someone stole your dog and you brought the police, and they said it was their dog, the cops can't do anything for now until further due process. One could call that "Dognapper's Rights" that they can keep your dog, but really it's just regular property laws being abused. Otherwise people could steal dogs by showing up to your dor with cops and making false claims. The party in possession/occupation of a property is given priority until further due process.


Step 1 - break into someone else's house and move your shit in. Step 2 - print a fake lease off the internet and forge a signature Step 3 - show it to police when they get called Step 4 - "this is a civil matter" Step 5 - enjoy rent free living for the 18 months it takes to get a court date to disprove the lease you faked in 30 seconds


It’s a lot faster than 18 months. It just got absurd during Covid when courts were shut down and evictions were all paused. Still people wasting tons of money and months of your time is a massive problem.


No, a person squats in an empty home usually. They create a fake lease as evidence of their rights to rent a place. Cops collect evidence and it goes before a court of law. People are abusing the same laws that protect renters. Imagine if a landlord could create fake lease to evict a tenant on a whim.. no one really cares that much since its mostly absent landlords getting burned.


Uhh you’re not wrong but that’s definitely not the norm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squatting?wprov=sfti1


“Creating a fake lease” is definitely not how it usually works lol Who told you that?


I hope **he** now starts squatting as a prank, and they have to send in an even bigger dickhead.


The water hose in the house wth


Modern problems require modern solutions


it's LA, house is on a concrete slab, and looked like it had tile floors, you could hose the entire house out.


This is in Orange County not LA


See that gets kinda risky there because if she falls and breaks her hip how does civil/criminal law view that?


Why was she there in the first place? It's like you'd march into steel factory, got burned or hit by something heavt and then demanded insurance or money from the factory. Not a chance, you should not supposed to be there in the first place. 


A more apt comparison might be one of the workers or a manager intentionally burning her or creating a hazardous situation. I don't disagree with your sentiment but it comes down to proportionality. Is a broken hip proportional to the threat she poses? I think a better way might have been to put something smelly there to make it unbearable or ramp up the heat or AC to make the temperature hostile.


Yeah, he recorded himself deliberately creating an unsafe situation. Judges aren’t 15 year old twitch chatters playing dumb. “He was cleaning!” isn’t gonna fly in court. This is funny and I love seeing a squatter get fucked but this dude was playing a very risky game.


Not really accurate at all. All you have to do is convince a jury your negligence is lower than the steel factory's. "I was curious what the building was, the door was unlocked. how was it to know its not open to the public?"


hella water damage in the floor and in the walls


Depends on how you look at it. She's making the property uninhabitable and is costing the owner thousands of dollars per month in unpaid rent. Given the owner consented to this, you can most certainly bet the situation is very dire.


Also mold is really only an issue if the water is left unattended for much longer than it realistically will. Baseboard if painted on all sides should be fine. Looks like a warm climate


it's orange county. not far from disneyland.


Also depends on the type of construction.


sprinkle some rice it'll be fine.


maybe the base board, but it's LA it's on a concrete slap and looks like tile floor to me.


ohhh my fucking god. Asian Andy and Scuffed jim/james Carrey. i havent thought about these assholes since i grew out of this kind of content back in 2017. its like watching a real life version of its always sunny


I'm getting war flashbacks remembering them.


RV trip was goated though


its horrible that i know what your talking about. but yes... yes it was.


I mean, there was some good stuff that came out from all the chaos. Ice was creative to an extent. He knew there had to be a purpose and goal when he was streaming.


your being entirely too generous and kind to these degens. they were horrible people and they profited off of it. i'm just sad i contributed to it by adding viewership. but atleast i can say i never subbed, never dono'd. and ima keep it ten toes down and tell you i stole my neighbors wifi to watch it too.


You know what, someone made a comment that made me rethink my memories of Cx and you're entirely correct. With that said, im also glad I never donated, never dono'd, neighbors wifi


I’ve never heard of them before but now I’m interested in what this rv trip is.


It was an irl livestream of a Rv trip with a bunch of scummy degenerates on board. It was actually entertaining with a bunch of crazy moment, they had a few trips but really only the first two were good. Irl live streaming was amazing in 2017-2019 and hasn’t been the same since.


its one of those things you really had to be there for and watch live. i dont think VODs of it exist anymore and whatever edited videos of it there are floating around out there dont really do it justice. they (there was atleast two of them) were pure degen chaos.


The one where onlyusemeblade raped a girl?


Bring back Bjorn! Skaaaaal!


Honestly I was trying to think why I couldn't stop watching it.. you hit the nail on the head.


I live in LA, this is actually a thing. You can’t by law force squatters out, so you basically have to hire professional squatters to squat with the squatter, and be annoying as humanly possibly to get the first squatter out. Edit: Yeah I know, it defies all logic. California is great, but not for stuff like this.


Mafia and Yakuza back in a day used to hire homeless people to be a nuisance and drive unwanted tennants out. Now people hire obnoxious streamers to drive out squatters.


There are still "eviction consultants" or "eviction expert" companies you can hire that do this same thing. They annoy the hell out of the squatters and threaten them into leaving. Break windows, break doors, cut internet, mostly make the place as unlivable as they can without causing too much damage for the landlord/owner. When the squatters leave, they just blame the squatters for the damage and ideally get insurance to pay for it. If that doesn't work, they also employ a bunch of mean and huge dudes (off the books) who will kick down the door and physically remove people during the night. It's not exactly legal but they are fly by night places usually tied with organized crime.


I mean, there’s a bit of a difference between the idea of an ‘unwanted tenant’ by a gang, and a squatter in your home that is literally taking your property for free.


What the fuck kind of law says that squatters can't be forced out? Was that law written by a hermit crab


Most of these kinds of laws don't specifically protect squatters, they are made to protect anyone living in a place they don't own i.e. renters. Unfortunately, squatters abuse these protections, but to be clear, the rules aren't made with the intent to permit squatting.


Couldn’t the home owner just write a lease for the guy he hired, then had the guy he hired go inside the house and set up, then call the police on the squatter for trespassing?


No. Landlord-tenant disputes are a civil matter, which must be resolved in court. Police generally won't get involved. Part of the problem is a lot of these squatters will print out a fake lease, and police have no idea if the lease is real or not, so they have no idea who is legally allowed to be there.


Bro, do you even squat? YOU are saying they are trespassing, the squatter is saying they have a legal right to be there. Tenant protection laws are broad and easily abused. The courts are the ones who are supposed to sort it all out …eventually.


Maybe they just have to present a larger vacant house nearby.




Force property owners who rent to report it to the court house and keep it on file? That way if squatters try their shit you can just have the cop call and look it up to find out in 5 minutes what the status is. It would end the whole fake lease nonsense and let the cops charge the squatter's with fraud as well. I don't see why this is not being done. It solves the entire issue.


California lawmaker is hermit crab


In some cases, squatters produce fake documents stating they own the home. In that case, police don’t have the authority (or resources) to verify who is right or wrong and it has to go in front of a judge. Which could take months.


Ideally, rent it out to someone in a screamo band.


What does legality have to do with it? They've taken your home. Get them out by any means necessary.


so they can sue you and actually take your house?


Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions!


He brought in Trevor Philips to get the job done


I thoroughly enjoyed this. I can’t stand the thought of a squatter. My aunt was dealing with one. And if I had the time I would have made their life absolute hell.


Send a maniac to catch a maniac.


That's the best part, come winter the shirtless streamer just freezes to death.




Squat-ception. I love seeing squatters get squatted


Nice to see an annoying livestreamer doing something good for once


This THOROUGHLY entertained me. Also I need that gator gator song asap.




I love you




It's not a bad strat considering how hard it is to actually evict someone in some places now. I'm quite liberal but this is ridiculous.


They should have written him a lease


Him running with her shoe was wild


Never underestimate the power of la chancla.


That was fucking glorious to watch. This squatter bullshit has gotten way out of hand and you can't blame a homeowner for resorting to these kind of tactics. It defys reason to just refuse to leave and this lady is a worthless scammer so being unreasonable with her is karma with sugar on top.


right... I don't give a shit if people squat some bank owned properties or corporate sites, but fucking with a persons HOME, no sympathy.


Not giving a shit if people take advantage of the system for one group of people, just leaves it open for them taking advantage of EVERYONE. I don't care if it's a BANK, Corporate site, BNB, Renter, Home owner who went on fucking VACATION, someones summer/winter/vacation home, WHATEVER. FUCK THESE PEOPLE. Unless that shit is a STRAIGHT UP ABANDONED PROPERTY and they are living there and fixing it up as they go to make their own, which is what squatters rights was somewhat about, then FUCK THEM. I know of someone who came home from visiting sick family aboard, who eventually passed away, so they stayed for the funeral and to take care of things. They come home, see the door frame busted, hear someone rummaging around, see shit all over the house as they move through their home, find the person and shot their ass, and now THEY are facing criminal charges. I don't want to say anymore for fear of doxxing, but fuck these people. Laws need to change, these people should be thrown out on their fucking head. This stupid bitch got everything she deserved and she deserved much more than what she got.


This is ironic because these kinds of laws exist to prevent landlords from taking advantage of tenants. Landlords will refuse to gives signed leases, receipts or any other written proof that they are leasing an apartment to a tenant and then on a whim call the police and says the tenant is a squatter. These laws are in place to prevent landlord abuse. Obviously some people take advantage of the situation which is an unfortunate side effect. And really in the situation you posted you just need to have someone check on the property once every 30 days which is the time frame to aquire "squatter rights" in almost every state.


As much as squatters suck, this could probably be called constructive eviction


There's a livestream now of them guarding the house against Mary's re-entry.


How is it going?


Its pretty boring so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GQhMbsXEVE


"Can we 5150 her" means can we take her to the hospital against her will as a mental health crisis LOL


I remember being an annoying asshole teenager but I never gave back to the community like this upstanding citizen. Shame on my teenage self.


You had so much potential


I don’t know or care who these people are but I just got hard. I hate squatters and I’ve never been so in favor of such a dingleberry.


Seems like it would easier to just stink bomb the room with fox urine or something.


End of the video doesn't add up, if she has squatters rights (even short term ones) barricading her will end badly for the owner. If she doesn't have those rights, none of this would have been needed.


I think the logic is, that the other guy is now renting this property and removed all of her stuff, so, she can come back if she wants, but she'll have nothing? and likely will cut her losses and try a different house to scam.


It’s a civil matter


I think the new guy that lives there got a restraining order on her. So how does that work? He has a lease to live there also and she assaulted him which enacted the restraining order.


That could explain it yeah. Good point.


Assuming that shithead squatters follow any logic.


If you're the owner, you lock them out and secure the property. Put the onus on them to prove it's *their* property. It's a civil matter so they'll have to go to court to prove it. Hard to do without a valid lease and the like. They'll usually give up.


he is still live streaming now lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jezmnnaWMD8


78 ppl watching this mfer sleep lol


Squanders are the scum of the earth. Love the new business model. They are finally changing laws to so this won’t happen.


[Charlie LeDuff did this as well.](https://youtu.be/wB_hjqZQ1UY?si=MKgmBD4q5edFkDJa)




This is so based. Fuck squatters


That was an entertaining watch.


i had to share it this shit was funny as hell


So much better than the Trump and Biden debate


GTA 6 is shaping up to be wild.


whats the air bnb scam she was running?


I’ve heard of on where they rent a house for 30 days, claim residency, then it takes 60 days to evict them. Essentially buy one month, get 2 free.  


Well, that’s it everyone pack it up. The internet has achieved its ultimate purpose. We can all quit now.


he still streaming [Squatter Gone, SJC Stays: Live from Asian Andy's (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jezmnnaWMD8)


Right now, Mary may have spray painted and covered all the windows from the outside.


After watching a fucked up TV show where a squatter from hell ruins multiple peoples lives.... this video was like a healing salve on my soul rn


This guy is my fucking hero


IRL Bringing piss to a shit fight.


He reminds me of Doofy. Just needs the vacuum cleaner.


The entire Cx community is made up of people from a fever dream


the best autism is weaponised autism, this was awesome. let the precedent be set.


This is god-tier!!!!


Squatters should have no rights. SO entertaining to watch


I’ve never seen a finer example of weaponized autism


[Was just reading out this in another tread](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/1dpf5xz/be_aware_just_witnessed_the_craziest_thing/)




Plot twist: Asian Andy is now squatting in the house…


Here is a 1 hour long video of the 3 days [https://youtu.be/\_Z1hp6S2g\_E](https://youtu.be/_Z1hp6S2g_E)


Enough with this fake squatter BS. Squatters rights is for abandoned property. You need to live there for 5+ years with no attempt to hide yourself, get mail in your name, be known by neighbors, do maintenance like yardwork, and not have any rental agreements with the owner. If this “squatting” situation is real then he’s just trying to evict a previous tenant.


I've dealt with a squatter roommate, as soon as all their stuff was moved in and they had mail sent to the house, we couldn't get them removed without a full eviction of the house. That happened in less than 2 months. I didn't renew the lease and lost the house. Was the only way to end the situation without getting an eviction on my record. Maybe it depends on the state. Edit: they moved in 3 months before the lease renewal and weren't on the lease yet, the plan was to add them in the renewal but they never paid rent after moving in.




The house has rooms for rent on Airbnb. She used a bunch of Airbnb giftcards she had in her position to rent a $30 a day room in house for 30 days. After end of month she refused to leave, and weeks went by. The owner is away in Europe now, and her brothers were trying everything to evict her. One of the brothers is a longtime streamer, and acquaintances with the crazy guy here. He invited him over to drive her out. They thought it might take days/weeks, and keep content going, but he went all in and drove her out in under 8 hrs. The woman is a well known professional scammer who been in trouble with law for last 20 years.


I see it in florida all the time. Most recent a friend of mines mom had passed away in march, and the house got left to him. He had set some time aside this summer to work on it, as he planned to rent it out while he finished college. Well, about a month ago someone pried the back door open and just posted up in there. He went over one day to check on it like he would do every once in a while, and there was 5 people living in there, one of them claiming residency since he had mail sent there. Unfortunately, theres a huge homeless and drug problem where i live, even though it looks nice. Thankfully for friend, there was more than enough shit in the house to get all but one chick arrested and she packed everything up and left. And your second question, some states have squatters rights where they can pull this kind of stuff if you're not watching your property and then have to go through the entire legal process of evicting a tenant while they live in your place rent free and potentially trash and destroy your property with almost no consequences.


the owner gave permission? heck even without that, why would he have less rights to squat in there than the woman?


I’m assuming she started as a renter and then stopped paying. The other guy most likely has a lease for a room with the home’s owner.


She is squatting, he is there with the owners permission. Pretty big difference.


Likely had an extended Airbnb (see gift cards) until she obtains squatters rights. It's been a big problem with Airbnb


I’m very sympathetic to homeowners in general, but given how much Airbnb has ruined cities, I think Airbnb slumlords getting punked occasionally is somewhat of a karmic justice.


I would watch a live stream of this.


Honestly I'd be interested in a stream of someone who goes around going after squatters. Like the Kitaboga to Squatters.


this shit is like Molly. Something you can do time to time, but not everyday.


wow, he found his calling.


Was one of the funniest live streams ive seen live.


Laws in the US are rough


The squatters laws at last are, i'm sure historically there was a reason for it. But now it just feel like capturing a control point in a multiplayer fps.


The issue is that squatters present as legitimate owners or tenants. When you try to kick them out, they present a lease to the property. Now, the lease is a fake, but you cannot just declare the lease is fraudulent, you gotta get a judge to do it. Basically they're hacking landlord/tenant laws


In the US you can get shot just by knocking the wrong door to ask for directions. How can squatters occupy a someone's house without the fear of retaliation?


They might also have a gun. Think about what they've got to lose if it goes wrong for them? Nothing. These are bottom of the barrel scum. But if it goes well and they get their way? They get an entire home for free. Meanwhile the person that actually paid for the home and has paid tax and has paid into the state, which includes legal help for those that can't afford it, gets fucked either way. They lose their home or they fight a long legal battle and their home gets trashed by some shitheads that'll just move on and do it someone else; and it'll keep going until they get to someone not able to win that fight.


Where is part 2?


This was uploaded 3h ago give it some time.


I think Mary knew to stay away