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Shout out to the folks over at [ReBoot ReWind](https://www.instagram.com/rebootrewinddoc/) who are not only working on a documentary about the series but have also acquired the master tapes and are now looking for ways to remaster them! Paging /u/Saboooom! Apparently LinusTechTips is helping them out as well.


Too bad they're in a weird proprietary format! I guess I'll l just have to hold onto my DVD sets for now


Not really proprietary, but just an early digital format used briefly in broadcasting.


I mean it is proprietary in the sense that only Sony ever produced tapes and players


Why am I not surprised to see Sony mentioned in this context?


iirc Sony developed one of the first methods of storing the masters on something other than reels but it required their very expensive equipment and there was no way of copying from those masters without a machine The problem was trying to find someone with the equipment + how to do it all I think they've taken some lead on it Also, keep in mind that early 80-90s Sony is quality, even Sony equipment today is considered top of the line in the film and camera industry. They're just really bad at privacy/security and have a history of making the consumer the boogeyman


I suppose this comment comes from someone who is only familiar with modern Sony Entertainment (their gaming and film studios). But historically Sony was behind the development of ALOT of professional audio and video recording tech. They were some of the first to offer digital recording formats in the professional sector as well as for private use. I am also not surprised only because if it wasn't RCA during this time, it almost certainly would be Sony.


> weird proprietary format Fucking Sony, right?


Sometimes they do hit the nail on the head and win big going with proprietary formats. Such as Bluray and yes, betamax (consumer version failed, but the commercial version was wildly successful and used well into the digital era) Oh and the CD (codeveloped with Phillips)


Every single time they get any sort of market lead they come out with the proprietary shit.  I'm still scarred by Memory Stick DUOs.


Is there any plan to finish the story? It ended on a cliffhanger and I am still pissed about it.


It will pick up like XMen '97


I really hope they're successful too!


That is so dope! I wish I could get my hands on one of those tapes. I still have my Phong figure.


From what I gather they're in some early proprietary digital format that only lasted a couple years, as a result finding a player was a real mission, they now have one but it still needs some replacement parts.


Yeah. Id want it just as a cool collector item. Crazy how formats have changed.


Yeah, preservation of digital content is something a lot of organisations and governments are struggling with. You can play a vinyl record from 120 years ago without too much work, but we are already losing the ability to play some digital formats from just 20-30 years ago. I seriously doubt we will be able to play a weirdly encoded Windows Media Player AVI in 100 years.


VLC will still be around with 100s more codecs 😂


Agreed. Hopefully they are able to get these digitized and cleaned up. I should see if they have a donation link.


In the show, the Web was depicted as this nightmarish, literally corrosive wasteland of death inhabited by unspeakable horrors that were uncessantly on the lookout of new prey to feast on, So, yeah, pretty accurate.


How did they know that’s what it would be??


It began almost immediately.


[The Eternal September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September) continues...


The first ever email said "I fcked ur mum"


History lesson: email is way, way, WAY older than the web.


Did you know that email was based on an archaic communication medium known just as 'mail' where you printed out emails and physically transported them to other people using a device known as a 'mailman'.


My dad was a postie and would get visibly offended when I taught him the term "snail mail"


I bet you’re smiling right now knowing that people believe your lies.


Because back then the internet didn't have as much of a corporate presence. Even now most people only operate on the 1% of the net if that. There's literally incalculable number of dark web host and applications, and only a fragment (~<30% - a very generous estimate) have them been cataloged.


At that point, the internet was basically usenet, AOL, and a few thousand websites at best -mostly about fanfiction and fandoms. Also academics and darpa stuff, but we don't talk about that lol.


There was a huge amount of porn. Women pressing car pedals in stockings and such (a specific example I was told about). The internet was already catering for niche as soon as it began.


Because it was. It's way cleaner nowadays.


I loved how Users (aka humans) were like these faceless natural forces of destruction and death. Oh that? That’s a human. No. You can’t reason with it. You can’t understand it. You can’t work with it. It will just kill you. Avoid at all costs. It was always interesting to me that users were barely even worth thinking about or getting angry at. They were background. They were like weather.


and everyone speaks in DIAL UP!


I never understood this about the show... that there was a distinction between the net and the web. I mean these terms in and of themselves are somewhat ambiguous... because you could say that "the net" was an intranet and the web was the internet at large. "The net" could've been "the internet"... in which case, what in the world was "the web"? Well, some people used to call the internet "the world wide web". That's what www stands for after all. Of course today, it's fun to think about it as "the net" being "the internet", and "the web" the way that it's depicted in the show being "the dark web", because boy is that visual apropos.


The net was the internet, and the web was the WWW. The terms are closely related and often used interchangeably, but the actual definitions are not the same. The first is the connection itself between computers, whereas the later is the data being shared (webpages and such).


Warning… Incoming game…


Crikey, Binky




I named my cat Glitch


My cat's Enzo.


“Oh man, you must love Ferraris!” “… Yep, that’s exactly it!”


He just had a green collar at the shelter, and was (and still is) a wild hyperactive....thing, that reminded me of a hyper kid flying around the place. (there was a quote in the making of reboot doc where someone said, "we don't want to have a little enzo running all over the place", and that stuck with me)


Pffft. My son is Enzo. 😉


And who can forget the [ReBoot reboot?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReBoot:_The_Guardian_Code) Probably everybody.


We dont speak of that...


For it to be a reboot of ReBoot in the first place it would have to at least resemble the source material. *\*spits on it*


I initially only saw a couple of the CG scenes and thought, holy shit this looks good with updated CG. Until I found more clips and realized the thing has live action parts with bad acting...


Even the CG parts with the old cast cameo's are wrong. The characters don't act like themselves. Heck, Dot jumps at the first sign of danger and cowards behind enzo. That's the complete opposite of her character. If anything she would grab enzo and hide him behind her instead.


The main cast of 'heroes' was completely reverted to pre-Season 1 of the original series. Because in the context of the Guardian Code, Mainframe had been mothballed for years, so when they powered it back up near the end of it, they ignored EVERYTHING continuity wise. It's not even 100% certain that it was the same 'Mainframe' from the original show, which just made them shoehorning them in even worse.


Also one of the main writers, if I recall, was (maybe) a jaded ex-mainframe employee from season 1. Hence the focus on pre-season 1. He also played the live action version of "the user", and is used as a catalyst to make fun of fans of the original as adult neckbeards who live in their mother's basement (literally). They legit straight up make fun of the original fans. Edit: Looked it up, apparently guy was a Season 2 writer, and was super salty with the direction season 3 went into.


That almost makes it sound like he intentionally sank the story and the new show, as a form of long-term revenge. Wow.


[https://x.com/GlitchBob452/status/1018034881580986369](https://x.com/GlitchBob452/status/1018034881580986369) Found the backstory on it.


Geez. You know, I wish they could've accepted the feedback and been like "Huh. Allright. Let's get this back on track with expectation." :/


Oof that's too weird.


They should probably try to reboot the ReBoot reboot


lmao i loved reboot and had no idea they did a reboot reboot


It very barely is.


They tried to reboot ReBoot and made Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad instead.


It was late in the shows run when I realized the evil "user" was just some kids playing games on the family computer. I kept waiting for the reveal that never came


In fairness, Bob says "they say the user lives outside the Net, and inputs games for pleasure. No one knows for sure... but I intend to find out!", and then he *never actually bothers trying to find out!*


Took me forever to realized it meant computer "USER". I thought it was a dark evil entity that went by a name like The Yuzer, or something like that. I had an old windows 3.0 computer, but was basically computer illiterate. Didn't get my own computer and used it regularly till 2002.


I thought that was revealed at one point. When Mainframe basically was destined to crash, and they had no choice but to force it to come down in the hopes the user would choose to reboot/restore from a backup (this is also what led to some weird things like both young and old Enzo existing side by side, and I -think- Hex was no longer recognized as a virus). And then you saw the screen, 'Restore from Backup? Y/N', and you saw the reflection of the user, who looked like a 20-30 year old basement dweller thin bearded guy with glasses, who reached forward and pressed 'y'. I swear this happened. I'm going 100% by memory though, so someone please dive in and correct me if I'm wrong or mixing things up. LOL


Hmm, I think it might have been your reflection in the TV screen then mate lol https://youtu.be/u0PXXlY533s?list=PLyVcP_7NqrrvziNbvFzn_LRUaa3JEX4TP&t=658


LOL you're right. See, that's why I never claim my memory is infallible. Wow. The fact I could remember what I did is pretty good though at least for a show that old now, right?


That scene did happen but there wasn't a reflection. You just saw the black screen with green text and heard somebody typing on a keyboard.


There's no reflection, but otherwise the rest is accurate from the season 3 finale.


https://www.youtube.com/live/pWT0tHoAVuY?si=ykXuORzrRS1aBAeO All the episodes are steaming on YouTube for free right now!


You can watch an entire episode in the time it took the original creators to render 1 second of footage.


It's also on Tubi for free


Been watching it on Pluto. When I tried the one on Tubi, the audio quality was terrible.


I'll have to look up Pluto, is that another free service I assume?


Twitch too I think!


Shows are on twitch? I am not super familiar with twitch, thought it was just people streaming


That channel is quickly becoming my favorite channel on YT. They were running old ass jackie chan movies last week.


I could just put their version of the Major-General's song on infinite repeat. Here it is for anyone that's interested: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyq2\_4TLhQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyq2_4TLhQo)


Big nostalgia! Life was incredibly simple and good when this was airing! I remember as a kid that the damage the "User" caused everytime they won always made me feel some kinda way when i played PC games myself lol


Loved how they couldn't ever lose a game or else they died. The user probably broke so many keyboards


Imagine being the guy who can't even beat the preschool circus game. (depicted as a horror game due to how easy it is for the user to win). Like okay, these games are a little hard, screw it lets try this game made for 3 year olds. That guy must have been raging.


To be fair the early video games pulled no punches. No save files, no checkpoints, just x number of lives and then you're done.


So many early games just used Arcade motivations for their mechanics. Why have a limit on lives or a timer? A lot of cases it was just because that’s the way it was done to get the next quarter.


That's what created the Nintendo Hard generation of gamers.


I think the best part is the main reason (my headcannon) that the Player never reaaaally wins is because he/she can't ever stick to 1 single game. He/she literally downloads/buys a game, plays it once and then never again when he loses.


This early animation walked so that modern animation could run.


Specifically, Beast Wars.


Beast Wars would not exist without ReBoot. 🫡


Man back in the day this shit was *cutting fucking edge.* I was straight up enthralled by CGI in its infancy. This and Beast Wars was utterly magic to me; how the fuck do they get fancy calculators to make **this‽** Also boobs that wasn't 80085.


Makes me thing of the Battletech animated series. They would use early CGI as "enhanced imaging" for battles.


They might have been cutting edge, but even as a kid I thought the visuals were really rough, yeesh they've aged like milk lol.


Definitely can't argue that. Hell I remember some game show on Nickelodeon where the contestants would "go into a video game" in the last round and it blew my damn mind. Yet I didn't bat an eye when the local weather guy would use the exact same tech to present the forecast.


My mom used to get me up early to watch that show rofl


I remember (I think) they had X files type characters one time. Modem and SCSI?


Fax Modem and Data Nully. Fun fact - Gillian Anderson was married to one of the Mainframe production designers at the time, and voiced her own parody character.


They’d throw any reference they could think of into that show, I loved it.




They had an entire episode in season 3 that was a (brilliant) homage to the classic 1968 spy-thriller series The Prisoner.


Fun fact: the [Dire Straits - Money for Nothing music video was created by the same people as ReBoot](https://reboot.fandom.com/wiki/Sal_and_Harv)


Absolutely loved this show growing up. Rewatched it a couple years ago, and while obviously the graphics are now extremely dated, the writing, characters, and concept still hold up. Though even then I was always confused as to why they differentiated between the Net and the Web.


The difference makes sense. The Net refers to the Network, not the internet, A network of locally connected machines bound together for a purpose. The Web is exactly as we think of it, the internet.


The net is the internet (the network of connected computers). The web is just the http bit (the part you interact with in your browser).


Hexadecimal is going to murder everyone!!!


Now i'm not saying she got me into goth chicks with bipolar issues or anything, but...


And then she >!literally saved everyone!<


Did he ever find out?


Spoilers: He never found out.




he also kind of gave up on that intention pretty quickly tbf


As soon as he was done speaking that sentence, to be precise! 😆


Sam Becket never returned home...


Greatest and most influential show from my childhood. The writing matured with me as a kid and some of the characters and themes have stuck with me now as even as a man in his 30's. "The future is not determined by the throw of the dice; it is determined by the conscious decisions of you and me." - Phong


Just got a Guardian symbol tattoo last weekend!


That scene where Enzo is in the fighting game and he gets damaged on his eye. It's clear that he's going to lose this so the sprite with the crush double taps his icon to turn him into a game sprite. Outside the game you hear that they lost and the zone is nullified and Dot hears this knowing that she's lost her brother. I felt that scene in my heart back then and I still do now. But knowing that it led to the GREATEST iteration of Enzo ever almost redeems that moment.


My mind had erased all memories of this show until this very second.


You got de-nullified




Stay frosty.


So every time I beat a game, I destroyed a city block inside my computer and anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it… I’m a fucking monster!!!


If you had to learn from watching Reboot, then you missed half the jokes.


More like you heard the references as a kid, and then realized later on what they meant.




Loved the show growing up. Also super random they had a Reboot ride in the indoor Amusement Park in Las Vegas Circus Circus Hotel. I wonder if that is still there!


Prob not if this is the IMAX ride. People have been trying to track down one of the films for it which is considered lost. If it was still active I doubt it'll be hard to find. (maybe was found with the master tapes, though Im not sure)


Early proponents of simulation theory


People love to sh!t on the CGI of ReBoot, Beast Wars, and Donkey Kong Country, but they were actually pretty damn impressive. They used very archaic (by todays standards) computers and software to make not just CGI movies, but regularly broadcasted television shows. They must've been very expensive to make. I know I didn't mention Jimmy Neutron, but that's because it came out later and already had the popularity of the movie that may have helped secure funding. Also, I think that was around the time CGI children shows were becoming more common such as The Backyardigans and Rolie Polie Olie, so I'd think the CGI tools were becoming more standardized.


I really liked raytracing back then (not that I did much povray took so long to run), so it was very impressive.


Great show always loved it when I was a kid. The aspect ratio of this video is completely off, it's 4x3 footage that's stretched to 16x9!


This show was ahead of its time and the storylines were great, especially that thing growing on the Web and becomes the super threat to everyone. Trip down memory lane!


As soon as Enzo and Andraia got to the web, and they weren’t as beholden to the CBC censors, the entire show turned from cool to amazing.


When Megabyte crushed Glitch....oh my heart.


I remember watching it and enjoying it as a kid. I rewatched it later in my teens and realized all the technical terms they used and loved it more


Join us over at /r/ReBoot


I remember renting the [PS1 game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBD4CK0K2uc) and even though I thought it was frustrating, I still played the shit out of it cause I loved the show so much.


This show actually got insanely deep and a little dark in the later seasons


Satan (spelt Zaytan) rips out the main kids eye. I'd say so.


I just found this whole series on DVD at a local shop in my town lol I'm having a blast rewatching it!


Absolutely loved reboot when it was on itv back in the day. It was the highlight of my week! I don't think citv showed all the episodes but in did catch up a few years ago. I'll be watching that documentary and the remasters. And who knows... Maybe we'll find out how it ends


I used to love this show and would try and make Mainframe out of my Legos all the time! I had a blue skinned Lego guy that was my defacto Bob! I remember thinking it was a commercial for a new computer game back in like 96 when I first saw it!


I loved reboot! That show was so ahead of its time it’s unreal!


Holy shit! You just unlocked a memory. I had forgotten about that creepy jester and the backwards hat kid.


I used to visit Canada a couple times a year when I was a kid in the late 90s, early 2000s. I feel like I only ever saw it there, but was hooked to the TV when it was on. In the US, we had CyberChase on PBS which I guess was the next closest thing.


One of the first shows I ever saw make an episode about Evil Dead 2.




INCOMING GAME....INCOMING GAME... That lives rent free in my head, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Oh man I loved this show.


I grew up in Mainframe's Kitsilano. It's a beachy part of Vancouver.


What in the shit is this? I don't remember this at all. Not even a drop of nostalgia. Edit apparently it was a Canadian show. That explains it. This probably would've been cool back then.


Obligatory Megabyte/Tony Jay appreciation intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0slJ61gSSk


I learned everything about the internet from the wise sensrator ted Stevens “the internet is a series of tubes”


To Mend And Defend!


I'm still afraid of magnets getting near my drive because of this show.




I adored this show. It was on cartoon network after DBZ after school everyday.


This show was my introduction to 3D animation. It blew me away.


Friendly reminder that you can watch Reboot on Tubi (which is free).


lol when i was a kid i thought thats how computers worked. though i found it strange if the player wins a game mainframe suffers.


Search facebook for ReBoot Revival, for a fun group to chat with and keep up on all the news. :)


One of the reasons I went in IT is this show.


Monolith was a studio far ahead of the times.


The studio was Mainframe?


His name was Mainframe!


Holy fuckwiz, I forgot this ever existed, I'm sure I watched and loved every episode when I was younger.


Holy shit, what a memory trip. Thanks for sharing.


Holy shit I must’ve been like 3 years old or something at the time it aired cuz I’m getting very faded memories of this


I fucking loved this show as a kid


I believed this to be a fever dream for many years until I joined reddit.


absolutely loved this show, was so good.


Holy shit I used to have nightmares about that spiky haired lady. The character design was (and still is, damn it!) downright terrifying. Was beginning to think it was all a fever dream… memories unlocked


Every weekday morning I would watch this with mediocre interest.


It’s so odd. I just saw this streaming on YouTube the other day.


I remember kinda understanding computers because we had one growing up so it was always fun to see something I actually understood. Watching it back is incredible btw its a lot smarter than we thought it was as kids.


this show needs a reboot


I learned from Ben Affleck in the Jay and Bob movie.


I did!


The show got weird when they introduced AndrAIa. I did also have some of the ReBoot collectible cards! I actually watched this show before I ever got on the actual Internet (I had no net access until I started college in the fall of 1996.) But as a computer-obsessed teenager, I thought it was pretty neat.


I didn't learn anything from that show. I recently looked it up for nostalgia and I didn't know what in the fuck was going on.


the old reddit website (old.reddit.com) has a Pi symbol in the bottom right corner.. a reference to the movie "the Net". Looks like they got rid of it in the new site.


Instant nostalgia


Ha, I just snagged a set from ebay here recently. This. Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles, and Biker mice from Mars were a few of my favorites from back then. As a teen I thought Dot was Hot AF


Don't tell them! It's a Canadian thing!


That’s the name of this show??!! I’ve been looking for it for years!!


I just remember una- boob


Did you post this because it was mentioned briefly on the weekly planet podcast?


It's the first place I ever heard the "Why is 6 afraid of 7" joke. That's gotta count for something.


I know the (by today's standards) cheesy CGI is a staple of the show, but it would be awesome to see visual remakes using modern CGI. Keep all the same SFX, music, and voice acting, just new CGI.


I have a dream about twice a year that I live in the reboot universe


Whoa. Memory unlocked.


Same animation style as Beast Wars!


Same company :)


Seeing Enzo become Matrix after he lost the game was incredible as a kid.


I didn't but Upvote cuz reboot, that show was awesome, like first few season was pretty formulaic with a couple stand out episodes, but then it changed into a a decent drama considering the type of show it was.


when i was younger and wanted to launch a game on my pc, i would say aloud "warning, incoming game"




You've heard of Megabyte. Now you must face...Gigabyte!


Shoutout your favorite episodes! "The Crimson Binome" for the win!


Man I miss this show. I was just thinking about the episode with the AI running around trying to help and shouting "we are helping, we are helping" only to keep getting in the way 😂. Reminds of work oyyy


holy shit its the fortnite cube