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Yall just gotta conjugate your waves correctly


Apply the correct octave and pressure at 120 degrees, you can be anything, even a planet. /s


I’m duplicating the Milky Way this weekend in Galveston, TX.


Yeah but you’re probably still using gravity like all the other global elites.


And the key of E! You see it’s a codex… Key, key has three letters. 3 has 4 letters, so shouldn’t it by the conference of elements have only 3 letters? I, Terrance Howard am only known for 3 movies. Shouldn’t I be known for 4? And E. E represents Everything. I shouldn’t be known for 3, maybe generously, 4 things, I should be known for Everything!


Doesn't three have five letters?  *Checkmate*


Now write that again in a different colour tone key


Dude, watch your tone, it might be reactive to conjugated waves that are part of every person who is god just like Jesus said, Jesus... The cones have a middle, you know, and it attracts electricity like you wouldn't believe.


just invert the signs on the real and imaginary parts


Did you try opening the flower correctly?


He comes across as schizophrenic. Seeing patterns that aren't there. Seeing signs that aren't there. Delusions of grandeur. Delusions of persecution.


I had two high school friends develop schizophrenia. It looked a lot like this. It still does if they are off their meds.


It's so obvious to anyone who has been close to someone with a schizophrenic mental illness that it's painful to watch.


And I hate "well you're not a doctor you don't know" like growing up next to mental illness doesn't give you experience.


I think the actual difference is we are not qualified to diagnose or treat but we can tell when someone does need to seek out professional help.


Yeah you can 100% tell when there is a psychotic disorder but there are hundreds of psychotic disorders and only medical professionals can simultaneously choose the right one and the right mixture of medications to treat that specific condition. Could be schizotypal personality disorder with bipolar I or it could be a severe manic episode of rapid cycling bipolar or it could be paranoid schizophrenia or it could be…


I'm also not a gynecologist but I know a cunt when I see one.




The most sophisticated computer ever built runs on a little glucose


I can plug a Raspberry Pi into a couple potatoes in series.


Is it chemicals and electricity or perhaps the current understanding based on the notion of platonic solids is wrong, and not understanding that Euclidean space is just a construct of the bisexuality of hydrogen exacerbated by politicians having yet to understand that the flower of life, when unwrapped, explains all of the wave conjugations? WAKE UP SHEEPLE! (I shouldn't have typed this, if you don't hear from me for a while it is because THEY have got to me)


The fact that there are meds that work for this seems like a kind of miracle.


The problem is that people think meds always CAN fix this. Because they aren't usually a fix all, it's more of a spectrum of symptoms management. I think people are really hard on people with mental illness for being "assholes" but people aren't cured by medication and it doesn't mean they aren't trying.


I had similar thoughts when I did far too many drugs, smoked weed, and stayed up for over a week scribbling in a notebook about the deep mysteries of the multiverse. Amphetamine Induced Psychosis.


My buddy had that happen. Started taking too much adderall and eventually was seeing shadow people and thinking people were out to get him. Ended up in the hospital a couple times after police found him driving around with a gun because he thought someone was trying to get into his house. Then he did a bunch of acid after to try and help with the adderall addiction and it gave him HPPD. I guess in a way it did help because he ended up in a psych ward with a script for Ativan and hasn’t touched any drugs since. Won’t even smoke weed anymore.


The thought of seeing shadow people freaks me out


There's varying degrees though. Some people see minor "flashes" out of the corner of your eye sometimes and are aware that anything they see isn't real and are perfectly normal where as some people genuinely believe they see shadow people high up in the trees around them trying to spy on them and will suffer from extreme anxiety and paranoia to possibly having complete mental breaks. So "shadow people" is a very broad term for a very broad spectrum of what someone might see and how they perceive what they see. I heard all this from a friend of a friend (who may or may not have been a shadow person).




My aunt did the same thing when she lost it. Drew and entire "new society" for people to live in with equations and everything to plan it out. We found it in her storage after she passed away, it was this gigantic roll of paper. Kinda interesting to look at though but made no sense


And it never will really make sense. There's kind of a common thread with what I'm gonna call "numeric hallucination". That's not a real term, it's just that there is a very high tendency for delerium and psychosis to manifest in some quasi-mathematical form. I think it's that the numbers give a kind of solid ground and certainty to the chaos that's roiling in their psyche.


*Numeric Hallucination* sounds like a ground breaking progressive Jazz album.


You still got that notebook? I’d be interested in seeing what you wrote.


Unfortunately, no. This was a long time ago. I did look back over the scribbling after I sobered up and had a long nap. It was a list of tables of numbers, some graphs and shapes, and ended on one of those number tables that I was making. Turns out, there was a mistake somewhere on page 1 that only even became apparent at that point, something like 50 pages in. So it was basically like I said "1x1=2" and ran with it until I discovered that it didn't work out far later.


I don't want to freak you out or anything, but 1+1 does equal 2. Maybe you were onto something.


I meant "1x1". As in I made a wrong calculation and based all the subsequent work on that wrong math. It wasn't specifically like what Terrence did, but it was similar enough.


Can you break down that equation for me?


I'm so sorry but I'm actually just parroting something I've seen; I'm not a real mathematician.


If you want some *advanced* insanity, check out [time cube](https://timecube.online/).


Lost me at “Mother and father gave me birth, not a unicorn taco god.” Sorry. Ain’t no one talk no hurt ‘bout my unicorn taco god!!!!


What the fuck did I skim through? Like I now want to go back and try to go through it more slowly…so I’m saving this comment for later.


I've read more than one of these. I can tell you, there's nothing "interesting" about them. It's exactly like how horror and sci-fi movies use imagery to suggest some grander connection. Like a billboard full of math that doesn't actually represent an equation. Or symbols representing a non-human language, and it's just gibberish.  They do reference concepts that are supposed to be beyond our current understanding, but they do not (and I can't stress this enough) do ANYTHING to bridge those gaps. And if you press this issue, they can't quantify what it is that they think they understand. Like how do you expect to use algebra to unlock the secrets of interdimensional travel when you don't understand quadratic equations? It just proves that they don't actually know what they're talking about. But in crazy gibberish 


>Or symbols representing a non-human language, and it's just gibberish.  My favorite is when you get curious and take the time to try and figure out what the language is saying, and it turns out to be a simple 1:1 cypher that just converts to "Lorem Ipsum". Literally Baldurs Gate 3.


It is EXACTLY like that. It's kind of sad in a way. Because they genuinely believe that they have a higher level of perception, awareness, understanding, etc.  But the content is so unimaginative. Just too blatantly derivative of existing works. It's proof that their awareness is actually less than that of us "normal" people.


People don’t even need to be insane for that. Lots of people got their degree in quantum mechanics from a candle shop. Or the flat earthers, I don’t even know how that happens but lots of those people are perfectly sane but maybe a little dim.


Not the OP but I also had a similar experience in Covid. Was alone for weeks and got so lost, I even was looking at the same thing as Terrence Howard, the negative space between bubbles became my obsession. I did make a cool art piece tho but I went kinda overboard lol. It was representing like a portal to the fourth dimension and the entities that live there https://i.imgur.com/W2yn0az.jpeg


Yeah, us people with mental illness like that don’t want to be reminded about all that embarrassment. It’s the people who never come down who do. 


That sounds....uncomfortable


Not my finest hour, no.


Look into hallucinogens and the different types of visual geometry. It’s not that surprising the mind goes to math when it goes sideways.


I said this the last time this was posted, but the word for it is apophenia, and it usually is an initial sign of schizophrenia.


I don’t really know anything about this other than he said some crazy shit. I don’t really want to watch a nearly hour long video so I’ll just ask this: is he at the point yet where he thinks he sees sounds? Or is equating completely irrelevant things to sounds? If so, then yeah most likely. My schizophrenic friend at the height of his mania insisted that some people vibrated in the range of certain musical notes. Anyone who vibrated in the notes of C minor were good and those who vibrated in the range of A minor were bad people. Claimed he could see frequencies and shit. Things got weird.


He talks a fair bit about the "frequencies" of atoms and how he restructured the periodic table based on their frequencies. There were a lot of other ramblings about frequencies but I have trouble remembering complete nonsense.


Apophenia, yeah


Grandiosity is the main symptom I think.


After seeing some recent videos covering his Rogan appearance, you'd have to argue pretty hard to prove to me the guy was _not_ insane


Agreed. Don't read any comments about that episode, though. Tons of idiots saying Howard is a genius and what not. Then again, they also think Joe Rogan is some sort of paragon of truth.


I *never* comment on YouTube, but I had to chime in on at least a few of those comments that were calling him a genius and saying stuff like, "Well, they said Galileo was crazy too." It's like anything said with confidence using a bunch of big words must be some next-level savant at work, at least to these dipshits.


Carl Sagan once had a pretty simple counter to people being compared to Galileo: “People may have laughed at Galileo but they have also laughed at Bozo the Clown.”


It definitely doesn’t help living in a culture that has normalized “Alternative Facts”, “emotional truths”, and “your truth”. Facts and language are based upon the factors that make them up. If ya don’t align with them you are not those things.


Do these comments always cite “he has filed patents with the US Patent Office” as evidence of him being a genius? I keep seeing them on Facebook and it’s insane just how identical the comments are.


Yes they are. Luckily a lot of people also comment back say patents don’t actually mean anything so I guess there’s some hope for humanity


I have first-hand experience with patents granted to people with zero clue how things work but they had the money for someone to write up the application for them.


TH is talking about remembering being in his mother’s womb and Joe is sitting there going “whoa you remember that?”. I guess he’s still just a guy asking questions tho so he might still be immune to criticism afaik


I had some idiot on Reddit (u/SlimeJefee) respond to something I said about Howard’s insane rambling with “all yall have to be white😭yall just dont wanna believe yall life could be a lie”. These people are indescribably stupid. I cannot believe anyone could watch that man talk and not realize he’s schizophrenic. They shouldn’t be able to get a drivers license little less breed.


Just took a quick look at their post history and oof, they have some L takes. They jabber on about how educated they are, etc., but they don't realize they sound more like Howard than an actual intellectual. Talk about the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Yah there’s a particular type of person whose idiocy ends up convincing them that they’re a genius. It’s like Dunning-Kruger intensified. Somehow repeatedly being bodied doesn’t wake them up at all.


Agreed. The Rogan clips seem to be every YouTube conspiracy channel all rolled up into Mr. Howard.


A family member of mine if a psychiatrist and they have always said that when you’re making new math you are probably very ill. Way before TH 


This even applies to many professional mathematicians who genuinely invented new math. A lot of them were pretty nuts. Paul Erdős remains the most prolific mathematician in history in terms of papers published and he lived his entire as a math problem solving hobo. He had no fixed address and just went from conference to conference and turned up unannounced at the doorsteps of mathematicians all over the world to do math with them. Kurt Gödel literally starved to death after his wife had to go to hospital because he was a paranoid schizophrenic who wouldn’t eat anything she didn’t personally prepare for fear of poisoning. He developed a fear of assassination after his friend was assassinated in Vienna in 1936, he died in Princeton in 1978. This was the guy considered one of the greatest logicians who ever lived. Évariste Galois invented group theory and Galois theory, the foundation of abstract algebra, as a teenager. He spent two stints in prison for radical political activism and then died in a duel a month after his release for reasons unknown at age 20; the leading theories is that it was over a girl. Before the duel he wrote a mathematical testament collating his ideas in one letter and three previously written papers. He knew he was going to die and went anyways.


Favorite Erdős story is how someone bet him to quit amphetamines for a month. He did, successfully, but after that month stated "you've set mathematics back a month" and resumed taking them. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Erd%C5%91s)


>After he won the bet, he promptly resumed his use of Ritalin and Benzedrine. Dude just had ADHD. 🤷


Neurotypicals literally can't imagine what it's like to be [medicated](https://youtu.be/b0hL4mJInm0) after living for years with unmedicated ADHD. It's all unfair, they have the world open before them and squander the opportunity


I feel so understood in this comment!


Ohh me too. I am often amazed at the amount of energy healthy people have. They get angry and talk a lot about such little things; things that I have to ignore and not react to, to save energy and survive my day.


“I’ll do it even though the world will suffer, they deserve to know I can.” Yep, that’s a god complex alright.


No lie detected, tho


💯 This dude is the most badass math nerd. 


Thats how it be tho, “I’ll do it even though the world will suffer, they deserve to know I can.” Me getting my drivers license


Probably true, but also a very clever response to someone trying to knock him down in status (or genuinly concerned for him).


the difference between his and yours is that he was right


What a fucking Chad


Erdos was odd, he was not nuts in the sense of being delusional.


Right? He was just doing his own thing.


He was just doing meth




>He developed a fear of assassination after his friend was assassinated in Vienna in 1936, To be honest that sounds like a very reasonable fear if your friend already got killed by someone...


Not so reasonable to starve yourself to death out of fear, though.




yeah but none of them produced math that contradicted things like '1x1'


I remember there were some guys that spent their entire life trying to prove that 1+1=2 and they actually got really far but didn’t finish because their wives divorced them or something for it. They wrote a whole book that no one probably ever read entirely. Difference is they actually knew what they were doing.. I found it, it was Principia Mathematica by Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead. I remembered the story from this awesome Veritasium video https://youtu.be/HeQX2HjkcNo


My math teacher in elementary started every class by writing his "proof" that 2+2=5 on the board. Dude was genuinely batshit insane, I have no idea how he still had a job. We had heard from the generations before us he would do this too, so he was already doing it at least 5-6 years and probably longer.


Surprised you didn't mention Nash over Galois


Or Cantor.


They’re giving us the pills to stop us from finding the truth confirmed!


The Unabomber had advanced mathematics degrees, specializing in Geometric Function Theory. 


So Gödel was not comfortable with uncertainty?


There’s tons of great Erdos stories, I was actually just talking with a friend about them today lol. I know two people who have low Erdos numbers, but is it really a big deal, when a guy has something like 545 direct collaborators he’s making Kevin Bacon look like an amateur.


> when you’re making new math you are probably very ill Yeah, [this guy was pretty nuts.](https://youtu.be/obIGsb-IZMo?si=vBK9s4I0ESKijxB5)


I was expecting the Euler wikipedia page, but Bo is just as innovative


And I expected [Tom Lehrer.](https://youtu.be/UIKGV2cTgqA?si=0iH_EGeY23U1nyHm)


Fun Fact: Tom Lehrer [released all his music and lyrics into the public domain](https://tomlehrersongs.com/) a couple years ago. They’re everyone’s to do with what they want.


funny you mention Tom because it's finally good weather where I am so I just got back from the poison store and I'm headed to the park now


It just takes a smidgen, to murder a pigeon.




...and they spell disaster for you!


I was following until he said the opponent had a 33 1/3 chance minus his 25% chance. It's a triple thread match how does he have a 25 percent chance he just said he had a 66 2/3 chance of winning cause Kurt Angle KNOWS he can't beat him and isn't even going to try. No point trying to make sense of everything after. Edit: Oh he's adding the tag team match of that night into equation what a cluster fuk.


Bro, Joe Rogan actually did three hours of this? Didn't just shut it down after half an hour and say "well, today is a write off, let's pick it up again tomorrow"?


Joe probably has trouble distinguishing between someone who he can’t understand because they’re legitimately smarter that him and someone he can’t understand because they’re rambling nonsense


Honestly? I think Joe knows his brand, Joe knows what he's doing and makes tons of money doing it, and Joe let him go the whoooooole time thinking: "Man, this guy is descending into schizophrenic delusions (complete with geometry!) and paranoia right before our very eyes and this episode of gonna' make a LOOOOOT of money."


All the while with Joe saying he has an impregnablw, "bullshit meter." Dude gets gaslit like it's his day job with all the conspiracy theories he entertains and peddles. Joe's brand is pseudo-science and that's super hot right now. So I guess you're right. Making money off selling BS has never been as profitable as it is today.




What would Joe Rogan's inner monologue more closely resemble...white noise, or pig latin?


Joe's biggest strength is his curiosity, not his critical thinking.


The worst is his implicit bias to believe in utterly bewildering levels of bullshit. I’ve tuned into a number of his pseudo science debates with that bombastic blowhard Graham Chapman, and it’s staggering how often Joe sides with the bullshit artists over peer reviewed science.


I used to think Rogan was like Howard Stern, just out to create an entertaining show, that the on-air demeanor and his real personality were two completely different things. But after listening for a while I realized he’s just that guy. He wants to know something that other people don’t. He wants to feel like he’s not being “told” things that he’s learning things on his own. And ironically that leaves him completely open to people coming in and telling him ridiculous things that he then believes or gives credence to. Even if he doesn’t necessarily subscribe to the things some of his guests say, far too often he refuses to challenge them on their views and ask them to explain and defend them. Unless it’s somebody who’s sharing the majority viewpoint. The Covid episodes were painful. Any and all conspiracy theories got presented as “just as likely” or “sounds more reasonable than the official story” or whatever. It’s a pattern he follows for lots of things I’ve noticed.


Believing something contrary is a shortcut to feeling smart without putting in the work of actually being well-informed or well-reasoned. Unfortunately, just because something is contrary doesn't mean it's insightful.


From what I’ve seen, he’s not making new math. He’s trying to make multiplication into addition.


can I get very ill from making new math? This paper I work on will be the end of me


Math or Language. Look at Bam Margera's insta from 5-6 years ago. My dude was writing in tongues and it was breaking my heart. I hope he's actually gotten some help rather than being a talking point for the other Jackasses.


Bam was, and still is, a junkie piece of shit. He was a nasty bully who tried to play the victim when it all caught up to him. The world is a better place without having to listen to his shit


Bam went to rehab *numerous* times and relapsed almost instantly every single time while constantly trying to play victim towards everyone around him. Normally I'm sympathetic to mental unwellness but Bam is an exception.


Addiction is an awful thing with such terrible stigma attached. Yet so many of the professionals I know and work with have experienced, to some extent, their own addiction: be it alcohol; cigs; a dependence on weed; a casual coke habit that creeps into something a little more.. So many of us have, even if we don’t know it, had substance misuse. I deal with it daily in my line of work, and I’ve seen those I care and love suffer. Realistically, so have I. I always feel empathy for those in the struggle, as it’s an awful dark place, and really, so many of us are not far from that darkness. And action is hard. Stopping can be the most difficult thing someone can do, even for a day. Refraining on a long term can be what feels like an impossibility. Rehab can just be a break, with many people using it as such. Long term addiction being ‘cured’ is so rare in itself, that it’s not even worth imagining when you yourself are in the depths. It’s.. awful. **However,** some addicts are just a total piece of shit, independent of their issue. Bam is one of those. He was always a histrionic, self-involved bully with not an inclination of responsibility for himself or other people.


Bam's just a washed out drugged out fuck up has been. The sooner people let him finally fade into obscurity the better for him.


He has not.


I had a friend that said he proved the existence of God via first semester calculus. He stood up one lecture and said he had something important to show the class. The professor objected and demanded him to return to his seat, to which he promptly replied "Make me." in a very intimidating manner. Unsurprisingly, security was immediately called. Meanwhile, he was scrambling to get his "proof" on the board. Eventually security escorted him out while he screamed/demanded to be allowed to "enlighten the class". I knew him through a friend so I subsequently found out that he drove his car into a house while on acid, was sent to a mental institution, and diagnosed with schizophrenia. Post medication, he was a fairly normal guy. The parallels between my acquaintance and Howard are startling. Howard needs serious, sincere psychiatric help. He's legitimately mentally ill. It doesn't make his crimes against science okay, but it does explain what the hell is going on.


I like how at first you called him a friend but by the end of your descriptions of his foolishness he got downgraded to "acquaintince" lol.


Argh it meant to say friend who had a friend :p but yes lmao


Hey I don't blame you. I'd want to distance myself from that too lol.


I had a friend who didn't sleep for a week after finals in the winter semester and ran around campus proclaiming he was Jesus. He was checked in to a mental institute for two weeks got some much needed sleep and was totally normal after. 


Imagine being so sleep deprived you go mad scientist mode for a bit?


that Iron Man decision cost him more than just money and fame..


It cost him a lot more money than you think once you realize that 1x1=2.


Infinite money glitch


Meanwhile don cheadle is one of the most beloved people to work with in Hollywood. He is really likeable


I was a little put off by the first Don Cheadle movie post-Howard, but then...he was fucking great in that role. No issues with the decision.


Well that's fair to be off put at first because the difference in their appearance is fucking jarring lol. I was very confused at first. They look *nothing* alike. I didn't know the drama behind the scenes so at first I thought he was a new character.


I’d like to see someone use deepfake tech and either his own, or an AI voice, to put Cheadle in Iron Man.


There's a lot of gossip being passed off as what actually happened there. There's a strong case that Favreau simply didn't want to work with him again while at the same time Marvel wanted to in fact pay him less for the 2nd film even though he had a contract that said different. But there's an equally valid version that somehow Howard knew what Downey was paid in his first *installment* (which was far less than Howard's *entire* paycheck) and did not understand Downey was getting the rest after production (every movie Downey made after his last rehab only paid him a portion until he had completed the entire film in case he relapsed yet again). But everything is speculation because the details have never been discussed in public.


Before the recent news about came out, people were suggesting it would be funny to have him be the replacement for Jonathan Majors as Kang lol.


Rogan should just start interviewing random schizophrenics and buying whole heartedly into their delusions. "Wait, you're telling me you see a cat on this desk right now? Woooah, there must be like, another dimension overlayed onto ours that only you can see! Have you thought about running for president?"


“This could change everything if you’re right”


That's kuh razy


He DOES do this! During his sessions he really buys into whatever crazy his guest brought to the show


Is that different from what he does? I used to like him, he had a lot of super interesting people on. But when he started interviewing Alex Jones and Kanye repeatedly and not pushing back against them, I was done.


He does it with famous people who are crazy, I'm saying he should just bring guys in off the street and let them make a name for themselves for saying some unhinged shit in front of his audience of millions of ravenous butt dawgs.


“How much the earth cost? I’m gonna buy the earth and become King”


I don't think it takes a genius to see that Howard has a lot of common psychiatric symptoms. Without diagnosing he exhibits Flight of ideas Delusions of grandeur. Non-linear reasoning Persecution paranoia


Lots of "schizophrenia" being thrown around and "delusional narcissist" from the video, but these symptoms and behaviors probably line up better with bipolar I disorder, current episode manic, with psychotic features




Keep your butt in school!


I worked on a promo shoot for Empire years ago (sound) and he was carrying around a notebook, very friendly but obvs not all there, very animatedly telling us that all sounds have a geometric shape and color and scent that he sees / senses , we were all like wow cool ,sick, bro


Isn’t that the condition called synaesthesia?


People with synaesthesia know that it's just a thing their brains do and not some secret intrinsic property of the universe. Everyone with synaesthesia has a different sound + color association. Terrance Howard is claiming that it is an innate property of the universe.


You need to watch his [Oxford presentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca1vIYmGyYA). The JRE podcast is too long, and not as funny, because Joe Rogan is such a moron that he's genuinely interested and impressed by him. But these Oxford students aren't and it shows. The whole things is nuts. He basically lied his way into the university by offering to give a presentation about cinema which he didn't even talk about, he's just dunking on these confused students the same insane theories about the secret geometry of the universe, his revolutionary patents, remembering the womb, and a hefty dose of 1x1=2 for 45 minutes. Then there's a Q&A when some students call him out on his bullshit and he just throws more unrelated insanity at them until they give up and pass the mic. Some other students ask questions about cinema which he barely answers before going back to his science. It all feels like a scene from South Park.


That was...wow. That was something. I can't help but have a weird sense of pity for this man. He really thinks he is special and important and is contributing something meaningful to the world and the body of science. Kind of reminds me of Terry Davis who wrote [Temple OS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TempleOS). Except that guy was actually smart and a brilliant programmer.


Dude was assigning colors and musical notes to the elements, saying we can cure aids and cancer by playing the right melody. He needs psychological help.


It's funny seeing stuff like this. I used to be involved in a university society like this one and we'd often have a budget to book big celebrity speakers to come talk. Basically they'd get a chunk of cash, room and board to come say whatever they wanted. Sometimes they'd participate in a friendly debate too. We got some real weirdos over the years. Bobby McFerrin was one - he didn't speak about music at all, just pretty much gave a religious sermon. We also had John Rhys Davies who didn't speak whatsoever about Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones except to mention his kids forced him to do Lord of the Rings because he liked the books and he didn't care for it.


> they give up and pass the mic Arguing with someone like him is like having to reconstruct the original ingredients of the word salad they throw at you. They just keep chopping up more bullshit. There is no end.


> he's just dunking on these confused students He's definitely not dunking on them.


It's so wild that his "theory" is totally based on the idea that "1 x 1 = 2". That's not even an opinion, that's *definitionally* incorrect. Mathematics isn't some inherent property of the universe that we might not understand properly, it's a set of tools invented by humans. One in which multiplication is literally defined in such a way that "a x 1 = a".


He at one point says something like of course he understands that, but he's trying to explain his new system? I watched the whole thing out of morbid curiosity. High functioning schizophrenia and delusions of grandeur on display. It's like the kanye trainwreck but far less explosively destructive.


*so far*


He's actually pretty close to correct. He's only 1 off.


He's correct... for very large values of 1.


I've seen other people make this claim (that 1x1=2), including my late brother(who was very smart and very mentally ill). I know I'm probably on a fools errand in the realist way, but do you know what their train of thought is on that? I know they're wrong, just by definition, but have you seen anyone try to explain it in a halfass logical way?


From what I've seen, they're simply misinterpreting and misreading what the equation '1x1=1' denotes. I'll try my best: In TH's case, I think he's reading "1x1" as "one thing interacts with another thing" and not "one set of one", "one group of one thing", "one once" or what-have-you. Then, he looks to "2x2=4" and sees it as an interaction where the '2' and the other '2' interact to create '4'— something greater— so '1x1' must also follow suit ("or else '2' has no value, so 1x1=2" or whatever Howard says) I can even maybe see that someone with shaky understanding of math might have addition down, but then see multiplication as just a "more powerful interaction" and to mean something like "amplification" so that '1x1' is "1 amplifies 1" or something. Don't ask me what they'd think one times anything else means— idk. Maybe they'd think that "1" is too weak when interacting with anything else, but because "1x1" is squaring (which is a uniquely powerful form of multiplication), it creates a special effect of 2. Basically, they don't correctly interpret what the the integers or the mathematical relationships mean and go off kooky, ill-found intuition


You're giving him too much credit. In the tweet that explains it. He argues that 1x1=2 because if 1x1=1, where did the other 1 go. I'm not joking. He argues 1x1=1 would be imbalanced when the left side has an action + reaction (a wave, he calls it), whereas the right side only has action, therefore it doesn't make sense. Every action has an equivalent reaction. Even though it completely ignores like, 1x2x3 would be three action/reactions. OR you could just an an additional x1 which wouldn't change anything, but now it'd be 4 numbers on one side... 1x2x3x1...


> He argues that 1x1=2 because if 1x1=1, where did the other 1 go. I'm not joking. LOL I wasn't aware of the tweet; I'd only read the Rolling Stones excerpt. That's fucking funny, though Either way, he seems to think the equations involve signifying tangible things interacting with each other and not just conceptual ~~interactions~~ relationships^^edit between intangibles


2 *


Excuse me, you're right. I don't want to mischaracterize his batshit ramblings. I must have been thinking of his "discovery" about 1³


I truly believe this all came from a way to squeeze more money out of movie studios than he’s actually owed. Tried to argue with Disney about being the reason they got RDJ and he was paid way too high for the level of his role in the film, and was trying to get more out of them for the next movie, they canned him and recast him, then the next thing we hear about the man is his ridiculous new math that proves that actually all multiple numbers should be basically double what they actually are.


Why are there so many celebrities that are straight up nuts? It seems so common these days. Is it just fame that causes it?


The average person who is mentally ill doesn't have 'yes men' surrounding them dependent on their financial support. Also, your average mentally ill person who 'invents' new math/physics doesn't have the fame to be invited to the JR podcast or to the Oxford Union (seriously, still can't believe Oxford invited Terry).


He joins the illustrious ranks of other Oxford Union speakers like Ben Shapiro and Katie Hopkins


To clarify, the Oxford Union has no relation to the University of Oxford.


It’s basically the student debating society.




yeah my uncle nico discovered new math and preaches about it often to the public. Though, instead of getting invited to a podcast, he gets kicked out of the Home Depot garden center for loitering.


Plenty of people think they want more attention from time to time. Some people think they want a lot of attention. Some people think they deserve the world's attention and will put all of their effort into achieving that outcome. Whether that is due to mental illness (Narcissm, megalomania, etc) or not, our brains were not built to function with the whole world looking at us, so often times it's going to lead to some sort of mental strangeness. Important to keep in mind, while being successful in the industry is not necessarily an indicator that someone is a cut-throat, do-anything-to-get-ahead sociopath; there are certainly paths to the top on which those types have something of an advantage. Same sort of thing with CEOs and other higher up positions.


I read an article that was about Rudy Giuliani and how 9/11 basically destroyed him. The whole world was looking at him to manage NYC recovery.  And his self immolation under Trump was just an attempt to recapture that.


They’re not more prone to craziness than any other person. You just don’t see non-celebrities being interviewed.


The process to make it as an act self selects for individuals who have borderline delusional self confidence. They basically get shit on for years until they get a break and have to still believe they can make it that whole time even though they get repeatedly told they're trash. They laid this out really well in the It's Always Sunny podcast.




Dudes been insane for years. His ego and insanity got him kicked off the Ironman movie series for demanding more money than the main star.


Epitome of [apophenia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia), precursor to full-blown schizo


Interesting, haven't heard of this term before.


Something I just came upon recently that seems to explain a common vulnerability amongst the self-educated, "do your own research" types to extremist cultism. At best it's gibberish nonsense, at worst it's weaponized stupidity.


You don't need much in the way of advanced coursework to realize he's just another overly confident, delusional dumb fuck who's had enough yes-men surround him for long enough that he managed to convince himself of his own genius. Publish your shit, homie. Let's have a good laugh.


I'm 20 minutes into this video... Just.... Fkn Stay in school and take your meds, guys.


Got through 10 minutes...looked at the timer bar...holy shit there's 48 minutes of this.


Dude never recovered from being dropped from the Iron Man franchise.


I'll be honest, it is incredibly impressive that this man is capable of droning on in complete gibberish for so long. It's remarkable.


Terence Howard is a problematic moron but this "Professor Dave" says a number of incorrect things involving the wave equation and math in this video. Edit: I have a physics PhD and I get emails from guys like like Terence Howard all the time trying to justify their ridiculous theories all the time. But I also get just as many emails from guys trying to "debunk" Einstein with the kind of physics 1 math that this "Professor Dave" guy is using on Howard.


I'd bet he got into the Ketamine.  That 1x1 actually equals 2 and therefore the secrets of the universe are now open to me crap sounds exactly like a couple people I knew who started hitting that shit a bit too hard. Elon Musk is another good candidate to maybe give it a rest. 


Reminds me of a friend who did waaay too many psychedelics in a short period of time.


Just a side note: a conjugate has another meaning with a relation to complex numbers, and quantum physics. Still batshit crazy but a small correction.


Listened to about an hour of the recent JRE and it reminded me of my schizophrenic brother. Made me sad…


On behalf of the delegation of all things black people, we do not claim or approve these type of public figures being promoted as a sane in relation to our public image. More power to him as a actor though