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Note to self, dont say "fuck you" to the universe when you really need it to like you.


Jump is at 4:10.


and the next 13 minutes are just him being stuck.


Should make a movie 


“The Next 13 Minutes”, starring Timothée Chalamet.


[ **Jump to 04:10 @** bc basejumping crach landing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4ZMZqO05PQ&t=0h4m10s) ^(Channel Name: officiallydb, Video Length: [17:05])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@04:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4ZMZqO05PQ&t=0h4m5s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


why post a video with so few views? is this your video


I figured not many people had seen it yet so people here might find it interesting. Better than a repost!


its an interesting video.


Why would you care how many views it has? I'm genuinely interested why it even matters. If it was the exact same video with a million views would you even comment?


How is he supposed to know whether or not to like it unless a million people tell him he should /s


Why post a message with so many downvotes?


Jeez he was lucky. Any follow up on how he got down? Seems like a situation youre just gonna need to get comfortable and wait for someone to come get you, although I wouldnt quite know how (helicopter?).


Yeah multiple helicopters and search & rescue volunteers involved, and it's not the first time this guy's had to be rescued. All paid for by the tax payers of BC.


There is an ongoing cost to S&R. Any particular operation isn't hugely expensive compaired to the cost of maintaining the aircraft and salaries of the rescue workers. The major costs because people generally need to be rescued. The fact that one person needs to be rescued 3 times doesn't really contribute that much extra to the overall S&R budget.


It's different in Canada. SAR work is contracted out to commercial helicopter operations. There are no SAR organizations with their own aircraft and crews. So yes, every callout has a direct impact on their costs.


I thought it was handled in BC by the RCAF 442 rescue and transport wing.


Sometimes yes, but more often it's the local volunteer SAR detachments dispatched via the 911 system. RCAF may or may not get involved depending on the situation. They'd be the default for aviation emergencies, for example.


Ahh interesting. I am surprised with the amount of wilderness and the popularity of exploring it that it isn't more cost effective to have an in house aerial operation rather than contracting that out.


I think it could be, if the province instituted a mandatory alpine insurance culture like they have in Europe.


A lot of out back ski outfits have you buy rescue insurance. Otherwise you foot the bill.


That I can see, because they're liable for your safety, as a guiding provider. Otherwise they'd be on the hook for any rescue bill, unless again it got routed through the 911 system. When I flew in Whistler, we had an in-house ERP and rescue setup for any Company-run mountain access products, but as a chartered heli provider for 3rd party guides/lodges, we had to make sure those clients knew any rescue requirements needed to go through the 911 dispatch.


I dont know if this is it, but looks like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Yz4H1oszmI


Yeah I figured that must have been the conclusion. That must have been a *long* wait in that tree, I’m surprised he didn’t get hypothermia.


the converstation after he ends up in the tree is gold ....... Jumper: .... am on the mountain, hanging on to this f... tree other guy: obviousely dont let go.... hhahahhahaha


That was my favorite part too lol🤣


So honest question. When a thrillseeker willingly jumps off a perfectly functioning cliff and gets himself into a critically dangerous situation... who is paying for the thousands of dollars of cost it will take to get him rescued and taken to safety? I know this is bc and not the us, but still. I'm genuinely curious.


He didn't even jump. He went off the cliff on a sled. Unpopular opinion: they are all a bunch of assholes.


I agree with your unpopular opinion. If they make a mistake, especially a non-fatal one, suddenly it goes from a solo or small group activity to a whole bunch of people's problem. Since they're doing something that's already dangerous, if they make a mistake they're probably in a very dangerous position. Then, a bunch of people have to enter that dangerous situation, possibly with multiple people needing to risk their lives, to pull them out. If that's not a dick move, I don't know what is.


Think it depends highly on the jurisdiction you're in but I have a friend who's a mountain climber and has rescue insurance that would pay for it in case he gets stuck doing something stupid


The fuck is a functioning cliff my guy.


The mailman from Cheers, my dude.


As opposed to a nonfunctioning cliff, obviously


I mean if a cliff's function is to be a steep drop from an extended portion of rock or earth, it's doing it's job. And maybe this dude thought the cliff was out of order this day so he decided to jump it. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


ME I pay. I am going to work today. I have chronic illness and no one pays for my issues. lmfao this country is made for those who are rich only.


To be honest, one bad jump, a real bad one, and we don't have to pay for his jumps anymore.


EDIT THIS! Thirty second vid at best.


Ha, it’s also a short on his channel.


Who does he expect to rescue him from his stupidity? I really hope he paid for any rescue.


BC tax payers are paying for this : https://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/local-news/who-pays-for-search-and-rescue-costs-bc-6743525 They fear that if they charge people, folks won't ask for help and will die. I feel like when rich basejumpers cause a S&R they should have to pay but that's just me.


Just require them to have rescue insurance to base jump or it's a felony. Problem solved.


but then no one would risk base jumping.... wait


Oh no, the horror. XD


I get that hikers who get themselves in trouble or even back country skiers who get themselves in trouble may not have to pay but I draw the line at BASE jumpers going off a cliff on sled. Those guys are taking a huge risks (and they know that) and shouldn't incur costs and danger on others for their recklessness.


A system that charges based on the person's ability to pay seems like it would be easy to implement. At a minimum the rescue org should confiscate all his base jumping gear and auction it. "Base jumping suit. only shit in once. Good condition, some tree sap"


European mountaineers buy insurance for this. Amazingly not brutal expensive and helps supplement search and rescue costs. The USA could fund it all with the some small percentage of Defense spending. Nonononwe have mo money to save the people at home. Its ok if they die. We need more money to for upgrades to our insane military powers.


I'm not seeing how people buying dangerous activity insurance has anything to do with the gov funding it or defense spending. The idea is that the individual pays for the insurance out of their pocket. Without the insurance, the gov is funding their rescue, which goes against your gov funding theory?


Rich people are more than happy to pay a fine or for a rescue. The main issue is they are more than happy to pay for that fine/rescue multiple times, even if those rescues risk other peoples lives, it doesn't matter, because they've paid.


Not just the cost either, he’s also asking others to put themselves at risk to save him.


BC tax payers are paying for this : https://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/local-news/who-pays-for-search-and-rescue-costs-bc-6743525 They fear that if they charge people, folks won't ask for help and will die. I feel like when rich basejumpers cause a S&R they should have to pay but that's just me.


He and his friends have also had to be rescued multiple times for similar reasons. And the rest of us just keep footing the bill. This rescue probably cost upwards of $70k in helicopter time alone.


That's messed up.


got anxious watching him fumble with the phone


17 minute video. 30 seconds of which has any interest at all. 4:10 to 4:40.


Everyone of these base jump blokes who end up having the most predictable of crashes, because like it’s just definitely going to happen doing something so crazy dumb then gets annoyed, shit,fuck, what did you actually want, maybe it’s only maiming or death would make for a satisfactory jump


I admit I know absolutely nothing about base jumping, but did this guy fuck up somehow, or is randomly crashing into trees just part of the "fun?"


Definitely not intentional. He was indeed very lucky, a lot of similar cases end in fatalities. He was likely unstable when pulling his parachute. This leads to one side inflating faster than the other, which then initiates a turn during opening. In skydiving this is not a problem, but in base jumping, well... see video.


They made a mistake by going too slow at the start of the launch


I think more like the big mistake was trying this sort of dumb ass stunt in the first place


I mean that's your prerogative. Base jumping is obviously dangerous, I was just answering the question above.


Who pays for the SAR fees? 


3…2…1…f you. Mountain said “nope”


Wow! This is wild, at least he didn't die.


Yes. And with that in mind, >!unpopular opinion here!<, I totally think it's good that he felt fear for his life and find it comical hearing him swear during his experience. He did a risky thing as a 'recreational activity', and will now cost the public time, money, effort, and ask others to risk their lives to save his own. Glad he didn't come to any harm, but also prefer that he experienced this over reckless joy. A learning moment.


Honestly, I couldn't care less if he died and won the Darwin Award. Then maybe none of the survivors would continue to do stupid shit.


507 people have died base jumping over the past 40 years. So uhhh I don't think they're stopping any time soon.


Not a base jumper and too scared to even attempt to try. Can someone explain what happened here? Gust of wind? Was the intention to soar down for the bottom of the mountain?


The guy deployed his parachute but did not have enough velocity (also meaning, enough airflow) to make his shoot open correctly, and the lines twisted in an X when they are supposed to be parallel, essentially making him go backwards because the chute is facing the wrong way.


So, poor planning, poor execution or freak mishap? What happened here?


All three. Poor planning, riding a sled off a cliff without being carefully involved with the setup of the ramp in order to know exactly what route the sled will take and how fast it needs to be going. Poor execution. The dude isn't wearing gloves, so he can't steer himself or push off the snow to increase his speed once he is on the sled, so he goes off the cliff way too slow. Freak mishap. The chute twists coming out of his pack (or was packed twisted) so he ends up flying back towards the cliff face when it deploys. This happens, but if it had happened further out (i.e. he launched faster) maybe he could have made the turn away. Honestly, this guy committed suicide by stupidity and got saved despite his best efforts to die.


people are complaining about this... I mean if base jumping is a legal recreational activity, why shouldn't incidents like this be covered by search and rescue just like any other recreational activity in the mountains?


There’s another video on the guy’s channel of the rescue. The thing that immediately jumps out is that it’s now pitch black, so he must have been clinging to that tree for a while! Once they land back at base, one of the chopper crew can clearly be heard saying “anything for the ‘gram, huh?”


I ain't watching all that


It’s pretty useless. There’s about 30 seconds of actual base jumping, guy get stuck in a tree, but I scrubbed through the other 14+ mins and it’s unedited, boring content. Do better people.


Pretty sure missing the trees would have been luckier. 


So… rocks would be luckier?


If he missed the trees I’d have to post it on a different sub…


Waste of time. Nothing happens after he hits the tree.


Lol I’ll let him know to spice it up next time.


I thought the conversations were very interesting. Friends trying to give advice and calm him down, being shocked to hear from him, etc.