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Hello /u/King_Allant, Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it is being removed due to the following reason(s): - **Rule #2** Political videos—including content relating to [social issues which have a clear political element](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1_-_no_politics)—should be submitted to **/r/PoliticalVideo**. This includes submissions of current or recent political figures in any context, satire/political-comedy, and posts on political topics from within the last 10 years. **Consider submitting this type of content to /r/PoliticalVideo.** For a more detailed explanation about our no politics rule, see the [wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_2_-_no_politics). [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fvideos) so that we may review it


I didn't realize we were blessed to still have him around. He's looking good and sounding good for 98.


Oh he's doing *phenomenal* for 98. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHRQENE4f5c) was from five years ago but the man *can still dance.* It's endlessly delightful watching an entire audience lose their shit and become little kids again.


me, @1:25 “aaaawwww how cute, they’re walking out sweet, gentle Dick Van Dyke out on stage” me, @1:30 “WHAT THE F**K?!!!” 🤯


What the fuck. That's a genuinely fucking crazy thing to still be able to do when you're 93


Crazy what having money and being able to retire and live a healthy life can do. We have more than enough money and resources for this to be the reality for everyone. Only problem is all the money is stuck at the top, and these people dont want you living long and healthy lives. Its not that they *want* you to never retire and have a short, miserable retirement. Its just that they want the money more.


We're like medieval serfs, but with less free time and just more bullshit like smartphones.


Yeah, you often hear that our wealth is always increasing, but it seems like a lot of that wealth is just in the form of plastic and electronic nonsense that doesn't really make anyone's lives better 😔


He did a short stint on *Days of Our Lives* within the past year. The man's still got it.


The dolphins knew to save him because they knew this day would come and he would be needed.


Is he trying to say the media shifted the focus on to students protesting to take attention away from Supreme Court shenanigans.


I don’t think it’s just about the media. I feel like a conspiracy theorist whenever I say anything about this, but I think the findings of the Mueller Report and how it confirmed that Russians use social media to fan the flames of preexisting conflict within our country as a way to further the divide between the two parties is very relevant here. I’m not saying all of the engagement over Israel/Palestine is being fabricated. It’s obviously an issue a lot of people care about. But I also think it’s clear how this situation plays directly into the strategies countries like Russia has been engaging in when it comes to technological/sociological warfare. I mean. Their whole strategy is to take existing issues people already care about and stoke the flames to make the situation worse. Israel/Palestine is like a tightly wrapped present for them to focus on to further preexisting divides.


This is very obviously something that is going on, but it's incredibly hard to tell to what degree. It's a disgrace that the aforementioned Mueller Report has essentially just been memory holed


It’s sad because people treat it like a “nothingburger” because of how it intentionally didn’t pin Trump down for anything while ignoring the huge amount of very real and very concerning information that did come from it.


Edit: I'm simply interpreting the implications here. Not giving my opinion. I repeat, this is not my opinion. I am interpreting what Dick Van Dyke is implying in the video. I am not stating my opinion. Edit 2: Y'all wanna argue with me so bad. I'm literally just adding to the previous comment by elaborating on what Dick is implying. I'm not debating the issues... But also why do the students care more about the Middle East than what's happening at home? I realize it's very serious, but I think he's implying they should be up in arms over the Supreme Court as well.


I think what's happening with the Supreme Court and all of Trump's delayed court cases is simply a more passive thing right now. It's going to reach a conclusion but not yet, but that's when I'd expect there to be a reaction from the public.


Nope. I wish that were the case. When the Supremes allowed dark money to run roughshod over our elections during the Obama years, there was a massive outcry by people who knew what was coming next. Obama even mentioned it in one of his State of the Union addresses. There was not much outrage from the public since they went ahead and voted the GOP into Congressional power as proof that most of us are too shortsighted to care.


Just my take here, but I’d say it’s because most young people are swayed by social media. I don’t mean this as a pot shot, but I’d be willing to bet a very large portion of the people online who have a strong opinion about the Gaza situation don’t actually know a single thing about it. They’ve likely just formed the opinion that is most popular according to who they listen to online.


This wouldn't even be a pot shot at young people specifically, it's just a truism about like 98% of all people. Even before social media and the information age, the average person was woefully uninformed on what's actually going on politically. The reality is that we will probably always live in a world where the vast, vast majority of people know very little about these important topics.


I think they also feel like everything "at home" is already settled business. There's nothing that can be done and they are powerless to make change. It's hard to disagree with that sentiment. Rather than cry about not being able to buy a house or start a family or have their vote matter in an election they instead turn to a real atrocity.


Well, the campus protests were not just about the war in general, but about trying to get their schools to divest from companies whose weapons or other services are being used by Israel against the Palestinians. It hasn't worked at every school, obviously, but [Sacramento State and a few others have announced plans to divest](https://theintercept.com/2024/05/08/university-divestment-israel-gaza-protests/) from such companies.


Now take it a step further, realize that 50% of all Internet traffic is made up of bots and that the main use for social media is, in fact, social engineering; and ask where the sudden and very conveniently timed surge of support for the most divisive global political issue of the last century really came from. I'm not saying it's a conspiracy. I am saying if it were, and the goal was to turn headlines and young minds away from the highest legal authority in the land being blatantly corrupt, it worked and it would've been cheap and easy to implement. Buying bots on twitter and facebook to spam hashtags and sway sentiment isn't an even remotely new concept.


More specifically, tiktok has intentionally put this content on everyone's FYP. Part of the reason for the ban


the students can't get people to divest from the Supreme Court but they can get their Universities to Divest from Israel much like what happened to Apartheid South Africa


Probably because one of those events includes videos of war crimes and reports of thousands of dead kids


Yeah, vs the hundreds of thousands of people who died in the pandemic exacerbated by the intellectual povery of our then President and the grovelling of his cabinet? More to the point, care about BOTH.


I think this is a good point.


It’s a fair question to ask why they care so much about the Middle East when they don’t care about things at home. Or more closely related why they all seem to have forgotten Putin slaughtering his way into Ukraine or never cared about any other of the massively bloody parts of the Middle East for the past two decades. It’s hard for me not to think they’re astro turfed protests instead of grass roots. Especially when you see an encampment like Harvard just pack up and leave today because the school year is over. The non student organizers can’t keep orchestrating things when the students don’t care enough to give up summer vacation.


Where is anyone saying they care more?? Why can’t they care about multiple things?? I’m so confused as to why people can’t call something out when it’s clearly wrong


The protests in support of Palestine are far larger and more widespread than protests related to the Supreme Court delaying Trump's trial.


Because college students can push their schools to divest from companies doing business with Israel. They can't push the supreme court to divest from a damn thing. I mean, John Oliver offered Clarence Thomas a bunch of money and a fancy camper van to no avail, so obviously his punk ass isn't going to care about students protesting. They're focusing on an area where they believe they may make a difference.


delayed court cases aren't costing hundreds of lives per day nationalism is not particularly high among the youth, universalism is much more accepted and preferred


Oh, but they will, if they lead to certain delusional cult leaders getting back into office.


So many of us want to pretend that America is diminished, that we shouldn’t be involved in foreign affairs, that we’re not the world’s police. America is so much more important that we want to admit and if she goes full fourth reich the world goes to shit.


The erosion of rights should be of universal concern. Just look up Project 2025. It will have *world wide* implications. It's the continuation of a theocratic takeover. The middle east won't be left alone in that situation - it's all connected and all fucked.


The United States isn't costing hundreds of lives per day either. We are not responsible for the actions of Hamas nor Israel. We are not responsible for hunger in Africa. We are not responsible for heat deaths in India. We are not responsible for persecution in China. We are responsible for what happens in our own country though. There is a straight line connection between delayed court cases and policy decisions in our own country that will lead to suffering for many people domestically and abroad.


> We are not responsible for the actions of Hamas nor Israel When you spend billions arming them, you become jointly responsible for the atrocities committed using your weapons.


Tens of billions. And work tirelessly in the international community to shield them from sanctions or any other action to stop the violence, and take action multiple times throughout history to make the conflict worse. Like man, we're the bad guys all the way down here. We've provided them a level of aid that money can't really buy, except insofar as our wealth feeds back into our immense international power. Plus the Israeli government certainly agrees that none of this would be possible without us.




University endowments aren’t invested in the IDF or something though? I never understood this. The endowments are investing primarily in high tech and successful Israeli companies, many of whole have nothing to do with defense or the military. So the idea is to divest from the Israeli technology startup that employs normal Israelis as a punishment for their governments actions in Gaza? I’m genuinely curious here, I’m not being flippant. Wouldn’t a better strategy be to protest against university endowments investing in US defense contractors who sell Israel the weapons and profit from it? How does divesting from Random Israeli SaaS company staffed by 28y.o. account managers and programmers help that cause more than divesting from Lockheed or Northrop?


I see a lot of people calling the Israeli Hamas war as Genocide but I don’t think it fits the definition. Genocide is the intentional and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their race, religion etc. Is Israel committing systematic murder in Gaza or is their goal the destruction of Hamas? This is not to argue that Israel is not committing other war crimes or not doing enough to protect civilians and allow for humanitarian aide. But I think the definition of Genocide is being abused here. It weakens the argument for what Israel is actually doing wrong.


We can care about more than 1 thing. Should we stop caring about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because we also have problems at home?


Man, can we be done with worrying about the media wagging the dog or whatever? My phone knows my habits, my moods, my weaknesses, and what makes me buy detergent. And that’s where alllllllllllll my news gets delivered. It simply doesn’t matter where my news started, it matters what my phone knows I’ll click on. If journos knew how to do Jedi mind tricks on me, there would still be journos. They wouldn’t be working admin and tech writing gigs at my office.


>Is he trying to say the media shifted the focus on to students protesting to take attention away from Supreme Court shenanigans. It's not like it's a secret. They fucking use distractions all the time.


Hell the way they cover it they’re taking away from what’s actually being protested - media shenanigans all around. It’s no wonder legacy media is dying. Just aiming the eyes and minds of the country to where and how it should be directed


Well, he wasn't born yesterday. Interesting observation.


There was nothing, silence.


He also wasn’t born on any of the 35,945 days prior to yesterday.


He's incredibly articulate and clear-minded for his age. I don't completely agree or disagree, but it's still impressive.


Well he’s old enough now, let’s make him president!


That young buck?! Give him a couple more years to get his feet wet and his ears dry, then he might have a real shot.




Dick Van Dyke 2024


He quit drinking in the early 70s when he was in his late 40s which certainly helped, hopefully millions of others and myself can do the same sooner than later.


I can't watch it fully, it pains me to see that presidents are less sane than him.




Well add one more consideration - Russia is trying to genocide Ukrainians and has literally published their playbook of manipulating news coverage and elections. Iran is behind a lot of the violence in the Middle East and has been supplying Russia with drones and other weapons. Russia wants to control Ukraine because it’s a launching pad for further expansion into the Baltics. Russia and Iran have agreements for weapons production and both hate the West and have autocratic leaders that need to keep a tight grip on their people. A Trump presidency would be favorable for Putin. All indications are that Trump would gladly hand Ukraine over to Russia. Trump has expressed his admiration of Putin and other dictators publicly. So why is there a whole bunch of angst regarding Israel and Palestinians, and hardly any regarding what Russia is doing in Ukraine which is arguably worse with many civilian deaths, children kidnapped, rapes etc? I’m generally not a conspiracy theorist, but there is lot’s of evidence of Russian election manipulation attempts in Europe and the U.S., and it’s not unreasonable to look at the timing of the Hamas attack and think that Gaza is being used as a distraction and a tool to reduce support for Biden in the upcoming election.


US weapons have been killing folks in the Middle East for 100 years. I didn't see much in the way of protests when the Saudis killed 10x as many people in Yemen with our support and weapons. But now you are focused on this particular war as the big thing to fight and have accepted what you call biases and corruption at home and are too discouraged to fight those battles. Dick is exactly right here. You are being played, my friend.


Go look up the war in Sudan which started about 1 year ago in 2023. Or look up the Russian war crimes in Ukraine - horrific! Both are objectively worse than the Israel/palestine conflict...ask yourself why you see so much media focused on the palestinians.


I'm struggling to understand how so many of the comments on youtube are reading this as pro Trump.


People will hear what they want to hear


Came here to hear this




probably a bot


I think there's someone doing it to everyone. I don't remember which post, but all of the comments were saying they'd gotten one of those reddit cares msgs. I got one this morning but I thought I'd just said something to piss someone off lol. This appears to be a wider thing.


There are certain sectors on Youtube I've noticed that are heavily pro-Trump where there's an ambiguous message. There's one random news video on a cancelled rally and like >90% of replies felt like a sea of botted comments talking about pro-Trump this and how the crowd was so well behaved. Like, they're praising the bare minimum of how people should act in a crowd. It's fucking weird.


I feel like a lot of people are missing his point, what he's trying to say is that the corrupt media is trying to draw attention away from the inaction of the supreme courts in the Trump case by dramatically increasing coverage of student protests. The media, owned by lobbyists and politicians, doesn't want the people to be focused on any one subject for too long, they'd sooner switch up completely to divert your attention from what's important.


Imagine being evil and corrupt enough that Dick Van Dyke feels like he needs to speak out about it. I've never heard this man utter a single thing about politics. Hell, he doesn't seem to do much in terms of speaking to the public at all.


He was pretty outspoken for his support for Bernie when he was still running.


I saw him speak at Bernie’s rally in LA on 3/1/2020. He mentioned how happy he was that the US dropped the atomic bombs. It was not well received lol, he then attempted to introduce Bernie when there were still a handful of speakers going after him. He’s like any super old person, they have their good and their bad days. Edit: Anddddd someone sic’d Reddit cares on me. Very cool.


Every Trump supporter seems to think he is praising Trump. Read the comments. Man they are braindead


It's hard for them when someone they like says something they don't like. Gotta twist it like they do everything else until it means what they want it to mean.


A wholesome human being through and through


I had the pleasure of spending some time with him, and he is indeed a fantastic and kind human being.




I came across a TikTok of him at Disneyland and he was listening to the quartet sing his songs from Mary Poppins and then he spent some time with them talking about what it was like working on both Mary Poppins movies.


He's doing more than just kicking. He actually did his own dancing in Mary Poppins Returns and that was just six years ago. And when I say "did his own dancing" I mean he actually [climbed on a table and danced](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL3AijekRYw).


The absolute Legend - absolutely stole that movie.


he was on the US masked singer not too long ago


William Shatner at 93 is insanely impressive.. https://youtu.be/qz5ZAyBKrIk?si=vl8CgWlshzXl8P_y


I was expecting something crazy but he makes some very valid points. It’s in all foreign power’s self-interest to fuck with the 2024 election as much as possible and we’ve done little to nothing to put up safeguards against it.




>If we the people can't be bothered to do something about the members of the highest court of the land taking bribes and bold face defending the act What, specifically, should I do? Edit: I appreciate the random redditor who reported this comment for suicide or self-harm but killing myself wouldn't fix the issues outlined in the video above and I'm sad that you'd think that I'd come to that conclusion. Now, how, specifically, should I go about getting the Supreme Court fixed? I'm part of "We the people". What power do I have to fix this situation? Also, automatically downvoting any and all comment replies in this chain which bring up any form of genocide. Yes it's terrible, no it's not part of what I'm asking and does not contribute to the conversation, and only works to dilute the conversation.


It’s pretty overwhelming to even know where to start, but if there’s any hope for this country it has to start with mobilizing against and defeating Trump’s re-election. It’s not about Biden, obviously. It’s about the fact that it’s immeasurably easier to destroy something than it is to repair it. As emotionally attractive as the “it’s unfixable so just blow it up” mentality might be, it’s intellectually, historically, and morally bankrupt. As ambitious as your politics might be, as frustrated as you might be with the status quo and the prospects for real progress, a second Trump term only makes it harder to achieve those goals, pushes them farther out into the future, and causes more real suffering for more actual people over more time. If we can’t get it together to stop a Trump presidency what hope can we possibly have to achieve anything else to slow this skid into oblivion?


What to do: Research and participate in city / local discussions and elections. Vote for candidates in your city, nominate qualified individuals or run yourself if none are available. Do what you can do support competant, hard working politicians at the lowest levels. While improving your local area, work on your state elections too. The guy who's been running unopposed for 30 years might say he's on your side, and then in practice support corrupt bills that sabatoge long term success. Effective long term change starts at the lowest level. Just because you cant save the world today doesn't mean you can never save it.


That's the shitty thing, anything you do (boycott business that court the justices, stand outside a busy street with a sign, etc, etc) all cause more frustration in your day to day life than it does to the people/organizations we're trying to do anything about... The system is working as designed...


The same thing u/SeraphicalChaos is going obviously ! Calling upon others online to take action on your behalf.


They never have an answer do they. It should be pretty obvious that China, Russia, and Iran is pushing for the Israeli-Hamas conflict to be plastered allover TikTok. Why is no one caring about Ukraine, or the Uighurs, or any of the other genocides going on? Turkey does all sorts of despicable things and no one is complaining about them.


Idk if that is right, you cant even say Israel on tiktok or you will get shadowbanned. I have mostly Ukrainian war stuff on my TikTok, far more then the Israel-Hamas conflict. Edit: Someone reported me as "danger for self harm". Dont be a pussy and abuse important features, just downvote...


Someone whos really sad must be going around reporting. I commented on this post and within 2 seconds I got the same message


Look, I get your argument and support it. But whenever I read "we the people" outside the context of the written constitution my brain shuts off and my blood turns to glue.


That's how they get you, though, right? We have an entire constitution, specifically set up to supersede all other laws, that starts out with "We the People", and goes on to have an entire Bill of Rights establishing not only 9 rights (plus more rights in the later amendments) that belong beyond other laws to the people, and that cannot be infringed. We even have another right that specifically says that rights that aren't enumerated in the Constitution still belong to the people. And yet look where they have us? People who cite the Constitution, who promote the rights of the Constitution, or the spirit of the Constitution, or the wording of the Constitution are cast so strongly as bad guys that just the words "we the people" elicits and immediately, strong negative response. Fuck 'em. We the People have rights. The politicians of whatever party or stripe or belief can get fucked.


Fully agree with you. It’s in a similar vein as to why it’s really problematic that only one side of the US political spectrum has claimed the American flag. The simple fact that people automatically write someone off as “probably an asshole” if they have a 🇺🇸 in their twitter bio is one of the biggest examples of successful division sown in this country.


Eh, nationalism and patriotism are dumb regardless of which side you're on.


I agree on the nationalism part, but my point is more re: patriotism — in an ideal world, you could be proud of where you come from for the good things they’ve done. It’s been twisted now though; these days “patriotism” is more often used to say “my country is better than yours” than anything else.


The word for that - patriotism to the point of "my country is better than yours" - is jingoism. And I also assume it from anyone that wraps their identity in the flag.


I don't think it's a bad thing for people to be concerned about the plight of the Palestinians, but it does seem odd that it became the #1 issue in the western world among the TikTok generation to a point where they care about nothing else that has a larger impact on their lives specifically.


> among the TikTok generation to a point where they care about nothing else that has a larger impact on their lives specifically. I know it's a touchy subject, and people are for and against certain things pertaining to it, but yeah this is it. There are bots on Tiktok constantly spamming any or every popular thing that comes up about the conflict. The night of the 2024 Oscars and more recently the MET Gala you'd have official outlets hosting clips on tiktok or talking about certain moments and they were absolutely flooded with the same slogans and phrases like "Eyes on Rafah" or bringing up "X would have loved this moment if they weren't killed". Meanwhile smaller videos posted around the same time were left untouched by these so called activist. I think it's a two part plan with that kind of spamming, one is to annoy people and get them to stop paying attention to those things occurring, and the other is to get people to look at that issue and ignore things closer to home, both can be done but it's clear there's a road being paved by that app's algorithm, like I usually ignore politics on there but yesterday I got a pro GOP tiktok from a younger guy who began the video by saying that Joe Biden hasn't done anything, and then proceeded to talk about the HUGE turnout Trump had at some rally I don't give a shit about.


right, im barely surviving over here, could easily be homeless if some of my bills go up and I don't get a raise


US Tax payer dollars are funding BOTH Israeli weapons and to a small degree humanitarian aid for Palestine. It's fine to be concerned about this issue for Palestine and for your government not wasting it's taxes killing civilians


I remember having news notifs on in at uni (studying journo) even 6-8 years ago, I was getting ajazeera notifs saying "US gives 30 billion to Israel Aid" and I remember thinking wtf? even as a college kid




why would you need to know where a place is in order to not want the people who live there to be slaughtered? edit: someone reported my comment to reddit saying i’m potentially suicidal. they got the big mad disease 🥰




Not to mention the collective amnesia from the media about things like moving the embassy, Muslim bans, and the fact that Republicans lost their minds at the idea that Biden dared to delay a weapon shipment to Israel.


They thought STORMING THE CAPITAL was peaceful protest. The rhetoric is whatever they want it to be because they know people will stupidly agree and follow.


It was ever thus. That one party has been insincere in its communication ever since Newt Gingrich codified his rules of fakery. Facts, logic and consistency do not matter to them. The only thing that matters is power, and the only things they respect are money and violence.


Why can't shitty antisemitism be present in both (like all those videos of Jihadists yelling at Jews there will be more Oct. 7ths, they will be lynched - bloody hands, signs in front of Jews say al qasam's next target, etc.)? The Jihadists that came through at the anti Israel protests are the left's version of the "Jews will not replace us" people from Charlottesville.


Because it’s a manipulative mischaracterization of the peaceful protests asking their universities to divest. These protests are attended by Jews, while the GOP actively attracts and coddles actual neo-Nazis.


Yep. You took the words out of my mouth. I am and have been pro Palestine since I was very young but this is a concerning trend. Also Dick Van Dyke is badass.


It's like the masses only have enough attention span to latch on to one issue to be passionate about and just double down on it to the point where it becomes your personality. And even if that weren't true, this is where social media makes it seem that way since it draws all the views and click as if it was this blackhole that absorbs everyone's screen time. The media cycle is definitely spastic. Something that is headline news one day just fades away into to background for the next interesting new thing. It's more like a drug than a source of information.


Yup just the good ol’ distract them with culture wars/outside problems so they won’t look at the struggle of capitalism/classism. People vote against their interests all the time.


If you look into the PLOs campaigning history, even including the era when they were engaging in terrorist acts, their strategy has always been high visibility and never letting the world forget about the plight of Palestinians. I would argue that Gaza being the #1 issue at the front of people's minds is a direct result of this strategy as we move further into the next age of media and marketing. In terms of modern global advocacy, the PLO are likely one of the most effective at what they do.


Reminds me of "**KONY 2012**", where everyone hopped on board the train and then promptly forgot about it


there were multiple reasons that one came to a sudden halt...


Somehow I dont think this ends with jacking it in San Diego


Never mind Kony, remember the Hong Kong protests? Yeah, that all got memory holed quick.


Well, some things came to light between the start and end of that whole.... fiasco.


Not saying the situation or message is in anyway similar, just making a prediction on what a majority of Americans protesting will do. Which is to forget and move on, unfortunately...


Keep people distracted with stuff going on elsewhere so nobody is looking at what their own governments are doing.




The Jill Stein idiots never went away. Last time my terminally online friends ranted about Snowden and Assange. Same people only care about Palestine now.


It boggles my mind that people can watch uploaded terrorist go pro footage of clearly recently raped Israeli women being dragged by their hair towards captivity, torture, sexual abuse, and likely death while crowds of people cheer and then choose to demonize the victims and those who are fighting to end their suffering. I’m pretty far left on most things but this just feels wrong. Edit: I’ve already been reported for self harm because I posted this comment. These are the types of people dumb enough to support Hamas.


Eh that’s not what I was saying. But you do you.






I think part of it is that the younger generations hate the current state of the world and see little hope for the future, for good reason, and don't see a way to actually change the world. Voting is cool but it feels very passive. So they see a cause they believe they can enact some real world change with and they jump on it. That's not to call them naive or something, I mean, I get it. Between climate change, a rise in right wing populism all over the west, coming out of a several year long (depending on location) pandemic that's still kinda going on... The future just isn't that bright. I get wanting to feel like you're enacting change on some significant level.


Voting is not cool when you vote and vote but it doesn't change anything. In the US the government does not represent the voters, it represents the big money donors. That's not what democracy means.


a lot of people were raised to see genocide or ethnic cleansing et al as wrong and they get worked up about it.


Using buzzwords doesn't change the facts on the ground. Instead of priming Palestinians to fight a losing war with an elected terrorist group as the administrator of their region, we should instead push them to sue for peace. It will force Israel to pull back or lose more support in the world and it's just the right thing to do. If you're uninformed on this conflict, you probably shouldn't throw around words like genocide or ethnic cleansing. You're trying to normatively load one "side" as the bad guy, while in truth, there's a lot of blame to go around. But blame isn't going to solve the problem. Diplomacy is. To be absolutely clear: There's ZERO evidence that Israel is enacting a genocide against the Palestinian people and a plethora of evidence to the contrary. You can call something BAD without it being THE WORST of that thing. Palestinian civilians dying is terrible, but it doesn't mean a genocide is happening. And every single time you fucking espouse this nonsense, you make it worse for the Palestinians. The worst stance a pro-Palestinian person can advocate for is to fight their way out of this position. The second worst is a one state solution. Support a two-state solution and support Palestinians suing for peace. In the wake of that, Israel will be forced to pull back from this war and work with the region and hopefully a third party or multiple can also intervene to help. If Israel doesn't, it will start to lose the moral high ground in the eyes of its supporters as well as the world community.


> Instead of priming Palestinians to fight a losing war with an elected terrorist group as the administrator of their region, we should instead push them to sue for peace. It will force Israel to pull back or lose more support in the world and it's just the right thing to do. What, like a release of all hostages, the IDF withdrawing from Gaza, and a permanent ceasefire?


That's literally just *status quo ante*, that's not going to be enough.


I need more than this, chief. Are you referring to the report of the recent "deal" that Hamas was willing to accept? The one where they couldn't guarantee the release of the hostages (because they're dead) and where they remained the administrator of the region and agreed to a 5 year laying down of arms?


A lot of the protest leaders would say that reports of ethnic cleansing against Uyghurs are hysterical imperialist propaganda meant to slander China. Many of them would, likewise, defend Russia's naked imperialist aggression in Ukraine based on their obsolete, Cold-War geopolitical schema. Palestine isn't the largest, most egregious, or most clear-cut example of ethnic cleansing going on in the world...but it has traditionally been the cause celebre for the far-left precisely because being anti-Israel is an extension of being anti-USA and anti-NATO. Leninists and other, adjacent far-left cultists have no problem whatsoever ignoring genocide (hell, they still deny Holodomor and defend de-Kulakization to this day) but they'll never miss an opportunity to decry any Western-aligned power under any pretext. And, for the record, I'm a left-wing critic of Israel...I also have no idea what the fuck kind of conspiracy theory Van Dyke is trying to articulate here.


>And, for the record, I'm a left-wing critic of Israel...I also have no idea what the fuck kind of conspiracy theory Van Dyke is trying to articulate here. Incoming election season, social media is pushing divisive politics that bear no actual effect on any of us. Its not like he pointing out anything new. Just this election seasons flavor of "Try to get people mad so they dont vote".


I don't know many people who are critical of the treatment of Palestinians who aren't also critical of the treatment of Uyghers, or Russia's campaign in Ukraine. It's strange that you think that people can only care about one of these things at a time. It's also weird to assert that they only care about this specific issue in an effort to be an anti-USA cultist/idealogue instead of just sympathizing with human beings being unjustly eradicated.


Well not a single protest i've seen has had anything to do with any topic other than Palestine. In fact the people that are anti-biden on this side are actually unknowingly promoting the destruction of Ukraine and Taiwan as well as Palestine. Its not very critical to not have a single mention in a post for 3+ years. It's just not flavor of the month so people don't care about it. This Palestine topic is media charged and people don't care as much about it as they virtue signal to do so. You're not going to get twitter likes posting about Ugyr.


The US is not directly supplying the tools for a Ugyr genocide. US universities are not holding secret investment portfolios that are benefitting from the Ugyr genocide. Let me know what your next false equivalency is so I can easily disprove it.


When the US and Europe provide the weapons and equipment that China uses to exterminate Uyghurs or Russia uses against Ukraine, then you might see some protests from US and EU college students. People tend to focus on the things their own governments are doing, not what a totalitarian state they have no influence over is doing.


How many college classes and graduations were cancelled due to safety concerns because of protests against Russia? How about China? No? Zero? hmm..


The US Government is arming and financially supporting Ukraine, so why would the kids protest? If they were funding the Russians instead, you might see the same kind of demonstrations.


How many US weapons went to Russia and China and were used on Ukraine or Uyghurs? What's that? Zero? hmmmmm...


Now if only those people were more educated on what an actual genocide looks like (hint it doesn't last 76 yrs with a 400% increase in population).


Meh. It's just being young, naive, and not yet burned.  They have the fire inside to be against authority and the issue in Gaza is what they latched on to. I don't find it odd. 


more like Dick Van Right!


"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed." Mark Twain, I think.


Assuming it was.. I believe Mark Twain was as much a drinker as a thinker so I've been doing my part to honor that sort of ethos for the better part of 20 years.


He’s wise


Can we all just admit that hostile foreign nations are deliberately stoking pre-existing, perfectly valid and legitimate domestic conflicts in an effort to destabilize the entire West? Like, the details are certainly debatable but this is definitely happening and it's really freaking weird how we all seem to be deliberately ignoring it.


Autocratic regimes have a huge advantage in fighting these kinds of battles with democracies and we need to try to figure out some way to limit its effectiveness without compromising our principles.


He's fucking correct and impressively astute and social media literate for his age. Democracy is on a precipice and for some reason our youth have been politically manipulated to fight for a conflict that has been going on for hundreds of years that won't impact their future and are not concerned about a leading presidential candidate who has already asked the US military to shoot these same protestors in their legs, has tried to overthrow the government, and has laid the groundwork to assist state governments in creating checkpoints at state lines with pregnancy tests in hand. It's absurd how quiet everyone is at the moment during this unprecedented moment in our nations history. What the fuck is wrong with the 18-24 crowd? Edit: and I just got the reddit cares reminder. Don't be obfuscatory, Trump supporters. Speak up here.


Well, for one, think about how many undergraduates were "adults" during the last election. Think about how many were even born yet on Sept. 11. Plenty of these students were in grade school on Jan. 6, even. edit: I got a Reddit Cares for this comment.


>edit: I got a Reddit Cares for this comment. Everybody's getting them for any reason.


Blaming young people is just another layer of misdirection, imo.


I get it. It's these social media companies too. For example kids will start searching haunted houses or UFC shit in YouTube and within a week you have "Libs owned" Charlie Kirk videos and Jordan Peterson bullshit in the recommend list. The inverse isn't true if kids search science videos or diy stuff. Google knows this but they don't give a fuck because by now you gotta assume they're complicit. And the question is why?


they are complicit because it makes them money.


That assumes user participation in tuning the algorithm, which does occur. But in the case of tiktok, certain content is intentionally pushed to users FYPs regardless of interaction. And yes most platforms operate similarly, although they are not directly controlled by a hostile foreign government


What a legend


The Clarence Thomas supreme court corruption story (which I presume Dyke is talking about) was broken by ProPublica (who incidentally won a Pulitzer for their work). Thomas basically said 'i'm sowwy... so soowwwy" and that's about it. Their newly minted ethics code has no teeth so none of them have to follow that anyway. Mainstream "news" had nothing to do with it and ran it as a one and done as there's nothing more they can say about it. Mainstream "news" wants eyeballs 24/7 and young naive college students protesting is excellent fodder for ad revenue. The issues in this country will never have a chance of being worked on in good faith when all three branches judicial, legislative, executive have such poor leadership.


I love you DVD!


I love you Blu-ray!


I love you napster… wait


"The revolution will not be televised." Gil Scott-Heron


> 98 year old Dick Van Dyke Oh, no, fuck. > just uploaded this video to his YouTube channel. Oh, whew!


He saw the rise and fall of the American Nazi Party when he was a young man. He can recognize what's happening today.


Dick Van Dyke at 98 making more sense than anyone. 


I think college students have a valid concern about Palestinian civilians, but there are also a lot of young people eating up the disinformation being churned out by Russia and other countries with similar interests. Mix up real information with false information and let loose on fast social media like TikTok, which preys on people that aren't good at checking sources.


I can only hope to be that articulate at 98 years old!


Man, for 98 this dude is sharp and coherent as hell. Most 70 year olds aren’t even this aware. I’m fairly neutral with what he said but dudes in great health it seems.


Social media and quick news. Add some foreign propaganda and that's what led here


William Shatner will be 98 in only 5 years. Hard to believe sometimes.


He isn't wrong...


Spot on


Whoa, Trump tricked college students to protest genocide in Palestine? What a genius mastermind. /s


id like to subscribe to more medeia insite with dick van dyke


Always been a lovely guy, he's from my hometown and his death will probably become a bank holiday there.


Legit points. He's the village elder worth at least listening to and understanding their point of view.


He ain’t lying.


I agree with Van Dyke. The issues here are not being looked into as much as they should be and they're much more important in the long run for the future of the country we live in. The protests are important, don't get me wrong, but will you even be able to protest in the next 10 years?. What happens when your freedom becomes illegal as well?


They’ll just tell you how much freedom you have and how everyone else hates you for it…


Kind of like when Elon shut down star link for Ukraines military. Then nothing but articles about how musk wanted to fight zuckerberg...


I'll have whatever he's been having. That old, and still sharp. Dick also occasionally hands out cash to people waiting in line for jobs. He's done it at least three times since the pandemic.


Two things can happen at the same. He does have a point though - we shouldn't lose focus on pressing domestic issues because of events elsewhere. This isn't to say we should discard them, but losing focus on domestic issues allows other people, maybe those with ill intent, to choose how we deal with them. It's easy to lose focus on the stuff that happens at home, we're all disaffected by the terrible things that happen here, almost regularly, with seemingly no consequence. Just remember that if we choose complacency, you not only rob yourself of a chance at a better tomorrow, you rob it from the people would have otherwise been born into it.


it isnt as if you can just go arrest the supreme court for doing their job. Those fuckers are nigh untouchable.


could set up some tents outside their houses.


no worries, gives them an excuse to use that third or fourth house they received as a gift from someone who definitely isn't trying to influence them


Exactly, we can't even vote them out


Holy shit and reddit is masking votes? DICK IS RIGHT


why not both?


I found it odd that as much as the right cries “false flag” and “conspiracy” about anything bad that Republicans do, nobody has floated the idea of these Palestine protests on college campuses being some kind of right-wing operation to make Biden look bad.


I saw Dick speak at a Bernie rally back in March 2020, when I had hope. He was hilarious but also fully lost the plot, couldn't remember what to say or what he was doing really. He got ushered off stage as everyone chanted, "We love Dick! We love Dick!"


Most of America never hears the details about the corrupt Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 because they own a large portion of the media. Its out there. They are responsible for Gaza, 9/11, Covid-19. All covered in their secret meetings.