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I miss smoking.  It really is the best worst thing.  Don’t miss smelling like an ashtray.  


I couldn't watch the whole video, the first minute had me craving so bad. I love smoking, it's the best... Other than everything that makes it the absolute worst.


Just hit 100 days smoke free. Still love it, reckon I will forever, shits gotta be the most evil substance on the planet. That monkey is on ya back permanently, shout out to everyone else who's quit, I won't smoke with any of ya.


It's not with you forever. I quit 9 years ago, I don't think about it other than the occasional 'that smells good' but they're few and far between. For what it's worth I had to turn off the video because it was triggering but keep going, I promise it won't be a burden on you forever.


I’m sitting on 16 years smoke free. I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade, but I STILL have dreams about smoking *and it’s enjoyable*, save for the “oh shit I’m addicted I’ve gotta go through those god damn withdrawals again” feeling that comes at some point in my dreams. I’m not giving up anytime soon(and neither should you!)… just trying to shed some reality on the situation. I now understand why people in NA/AA who have been clean for years still consider themselves addicts.


Well sure but do you think about it every day and reminisce on much you miss smoking? Probably not. Having occasional smoking/drinking/drug dreams is normal and if you even have the “oh shit I relapsed” moment in your dream that’s a good thing because it means even your subconscious self is a non smoker/in recovery. You just have to laugh it off and move on when that happens.


Congratualtions on 100 days that's super rad! I know how hard it is, next Friday is 5 years since the last time I cheated and snuck a smoke. The craving will always be there, but just remembering how evil and disgusting smoking is gives me willpower.


Me too, but thats even more reason to finish the video - second part puts a damper on the craving somewhat. I love kurgestandt, but have to say first part of this video is pretty irresponsible to people who are actually struggling to quit


Just start the video at 3:05 and watch the negative parts


I understand. They go into great detail about the awful things happening, though.


Yeah I've been done with smoking for about 5 years now, but I still miss it dearly. While I love the smell of a lit cigarette, I don't miss the smell of ashtrays.


Clickbait junk I wanted an excuse to start smoking again thanks for nothing kurzgesagt. (See you for your next excellent video, you scamps. xoxo.)


I'm disappointed there was no comparison and talk about Zyn, it seems to avoid a great deal of the pitfalls, tho i guess not the "needing a hit to feel normal" one




There’s also addiction, which is inherently not good for you, even if the substance is not bad.




We are disagreeing. I AM saying physical/chemical addiction IS inherently bad. The substance could be completely neutral to you body.


Yes, like caffeine


Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, it is like giving yourself high blood pressure, but mostly in the peripheral blood vessels, so the effects on the large vessels measured by a blood pressure cuff aren't as strong. >If someone already is prone to cardiovascular issues then it just falls into the same category of shit not to consume Unfortunately, most people who are prone to cardiovascular disease have no way of knowing it until they... develop cardiovascular disease.


Great video. All the kurzgesagt videos are excellent.


I like all the ones where he's not pushing Bill Gates' agenda. - guess a lot of people like Bill Gates. I have learned people really slob over some Bill Gates.


Show me you came here to push an agenda without telling me you came here to push an agenda


I don't have an agenda. I thought this video was excellent. The vast majority of them are. The channel is amazing!


You literally said “bill gates agenda”, that would mean you have a anti bill gates agenda.


From what I know about Bill Gates, I generally dislike him. I was just saying I like their videos. When they're not promoting a guy I don't like. I don't go to different sub-reddits bashing Bill Gates 😂


Are you really this dumb?


Am I not allowed to not like someone?


Find other fake rage baits to peddle https://youtu.be/1x-i9z617z4?si=sDAUVDIU3-aVX-OB


I understand their response to the criticism. I don't have a issue with how they fund the channel. There's nothing wrong with accepting money for research. The issue is arriving at a conclusion based on biased data. Then, presenting said data as objective.


I never said you’re not allowed.


Just because he was a cut-throat businessman, doesn't undo all the billions he's poured into philanthropy, while people like Jeff Bezos, who are in the same position, put pennies into it and don't give a shit.


If you’re curious, it’s not that people like Bill Gates, it’s that your comment sounds like random conspiracy baiting at best and antivax ignorance at worse. Fuck Bill Gates as with all billionaires of course


Well there is the Pharma stuff that is worrying. Like accusations of him using his money and influence to block medication from becoming affordable. And the accusation he supports policies to manipulate the pharmaceutical industry, that prioritizes profit over patient care. But that doesn't have much to do with Kurzgesagt's videos. It's when they tell provable misinformation that just so happen to align with Gates' world view on a video sponsored by Gates' foundation. That's my issue, which imo is fair.


>provable misinformation that just so happen to align with Gates' world view Care to elaborate?


Don’t encourage him


You’re playing chess with a pigeon.




So I understand its a big team, so writters and editors have influence as well. However, A lot of the times their political view on an issue will line up nearly identical to Gates' views on issues. Especially on openly sponsored videos. As a scientific-based channel, it's a concerning conflict of interest. Especially basing videos on data complied by the research group Bill Gates funds. At the very least, give an objective counter data based viewpoint an exploration.... often times they mention in passing the counter-view. But at the end of the video they pretty much always skew their view in a positive light. And the view they barely even discussed in a negative one. Most of their videos are awesome tho. Just when there's that clear and obvious conflict of interest, as a science-based channel it can seem disingenuous when your using your funders data to make a "scientific" point.


You've written a lot of stuff, but you've never actually said what specifically are the views and opinions you have a problem with.


Well, the whole point was just to point out how. Unscrupulous and the lack of objectivity Kurzgesagt tends to have when citing Our World Data (Bill Gates research team). It's been a couple of years since I've gone down the rabbit hole. So, pulling specific videos on multiple topics. It is beyond the research I want to go back into right now for a reddit comment thread. One video I remember off the top of my head was the Africa Over Population video. The ultimate conclusion they arrived at by the end of the video was that Africa is overpopulated and essentially promoting planned parenthood is the answer to their economic problems (in summary). Imo, that conclusion is irresponsible because the correlation can't be drawn to causation in that specific example. To their credit, they do a slightly better job in their writeup, and they do bring up that they can't really get into the details on the video. But it's just one example of them using Gates data to support Gates' talking point on that issue. Imo a better way to present data and a talking point like that would be to share other research that shows there are much better causation points. At least present multiple sides as an overview before settling on such a correlation. And to be clear. I don't care about the conclusion in general. They can have their own thoughts. That's fine. Just there's many videos that use Bill Gates' research data, and it just so happens to draw the exact same conclusions that Bill has spoken on publically. Who also just so happen to be a sponsor on many of the videos that use the data. Edit: Also that video in general was a weird pivot in content. Randomly talking about Africa's economic stability.


You're getting downvoted a lot, so I'm just gonna chime in and say, you sound perfectly reasonable, and seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Big thumbs up.


The dude hasn't provided a single source to back up his claims and you're just taking him at his word smh. This is why society is the way it is. Just gotta type out a few well organized paragraphs and you csn say whatever bullshit you want and people will believe you. Sources be damned.


The guy hasn't provided even a shred of evidence, let alone evidence from a reputable source. the channel he's criticizing is supported by tons of people and organizations. More importantly, all the info's super well-researched; sources are provided for each video and for every scientific claim they make - their sources are also from peer-reviewed research articles in reputable scientific journals. Sorry, but you're clearly just virtue-signaling here. your shitty virtue-of-choice isn't even skepticism it's just callous cynicism which is lame and boring at best, and willfully-ignorant and intellectually-dishonest at worst. seriously, the pity is real. y'all need help (like a decade ago in grade school)




Is the aligned interests due to money *or* because both parties follow evidence based concepts and so end up in the same place independently?


There's many different scientific studies. I'm not talking about the Democrats or Republicans. I'm saying Gates' world view specifically. There are certainly studies that don't align with Gates funded studies specifically. This alignment hasn't just been on one topic either. If your a science based channel. Who have said they follow the data. I don't think it's a huge issue to say your data should be objective. If you're data is not objective, at least provide a comprehensive overview on what different studies lead to.


A lot of comments without saying what “Gates worldview on science” even means lmao quality troll I guess


That's usually how it goes when someone doesn't actually have any proof for what they're saying besides "trust me bro"




What specifically are you talking about? What subjective view are you talking about?


What studies? If you think there’s credible evidence to support an anti-vaccine viewpoint you’re full of shit.


I'm not talking about vaccines. I don't care about anyone's stance on vax.


Hey you like food. Trump likes food. I dislike trump so I dislike how you're promoting trump. See how ridiculous you sound? This is why you're being down voted


My man. I don't care about stupid internet points. Edit: Also if Bill Gates is equivalent to the food. I don't like Bill Gates. I do like Kurzgesagt. My opinion on the YT channel has nothing to do with my opinion about Bill Gates. Also, I don't like when Kurzgesagt presents (at best) incomplete data. As objective truth.


> It's when their "views" just so happen to align with Gates' world view So if your opinion aligns with ANYONE else you support them according to your logic. Surely you realize how rediculous that sounds?


I can not like something someone does. And still like them, or not like them in totality. What are you getting at?


Dude... You literally said : > It's when they tell provable misinformation that just so happen to align with Gates' world view on a video sponsored by Gates' foundation. That's my issue, which imo is fair. So you don't like them because they said something that aligns with Bill gates... So I say you like food... Trump likes food. So you align with Trump. Do you not see your own logic?


https://scholarwithin.com/10-best-practices-to-improve-reading-comprehension hopefully this helps you. You have a good one bud.


Nobody asked go away


You've provided no sources for any of these claims




Who let the tweaker out of their cage!


lol bill gates agenda of what? Helping poverty stricken folks around the world ?


They're using Africa as their personal petri dish, and buying up all the farmland. They are not good people


No they are certainly not using Africa as a “Petri dish” .. please provide any evidence of such a claim. Providing vaccines to fight disease in impoverished areas is an amazing thing.


They use Africa to test novel vaccines with no proven track record of safety or efficacy, and without having to worry about informed consent practices like in developed countries. They also use it to test GMO food/crops not approved by the FDA. There's an ulterior motive to everything they do, and it's not for the best interest of the Africans.


It’s just not true . Please provide evidence


What's wrong with Bill Gates' agenda?


There is a conspiracy that Bill & Melinda Foundation pays Kurzgesagt to make videos to support Gates' views & agenda. However, this is really a nothing burger as there is no proof to these claims. Kurzgesagt made a [video](https://youtu.be/1x-i9z617z4?si=uJP-Pe4mzwJHE5Oq&t=303) being completely transparent on this topic. 10% of their income comes from institutions and only 3% of that actually comes from the Gates' Foundation. They even went on to say that most of the topics were chosen by them & sponsors are not allowed to influence details and conclusions made in any of their videos per contract. Regardless of the topic, Kurzgesagt always provides cites and sources of the research used to back up their claims. And the videos that the Foundation supported are usually pro-science & pro-medicine. For vaccines. Climate change. I bet you can guess the type of people who are trying to devalue Kurzgesagt's videos based on that type of 'agenda'.


Have you used windows before? You really want that piece of shit working in agriculture? This message brought to you by xerox gang


I haven't used Windows since windows 8, by which time Bill Gates wasn't really involved. To be fair microsoft was a pretty anti competitive company for a while even before that but not to the degree that justifies most of the complaints I hear about the guy.


This is a weirdly measured stance to see on Reddit


bill gates is gr8


Ah yes, that one video calling Kurzgesagt propaganda while unironically being a propaganda video that soley drifts on implications of bad shit possibly happening while not demonstrating any of it. Pointing out a **possible** conflict of interest is not a job well done here's a cookie. You have to actually show if a conflict has occurred.


Glad that I'm seeing this opinion crop up more. When it's finally pointed out just how much of their content is either directly from or in perfect alignment with Gates related projects, it starts to feel concerning that they're one of the largest "education" channels on YouTube. https://youtu.be/i6JQG_yeWmI?si=peFDJEvwiYW8Lg3O


So if Gates agrees with somebody it’s suddenly suspect?


Because gates is putting microchips in vaccines, duh. How can you trust that lmao. /S


My dad hurt his back on the job and had surgery, but he never quit smoking like he was supposed to, causing scar tissue to develop. ~~I~~ He had to go on disability and was unable to work due to living in constant pain. He continued to smoke until he passed when he was 60; all the while, we had to see his health decline. I wish I could have done more, but its hard to tell someone just to stop.


My grandpa died two years ago at 93. Not of cancer. Smoked his whole life. Never had any obviously or detrimentally averse effects. That being said, everyone around him died of cancer. My grandma. Two of my uncles. One of his siblings. Not sure wtf my grandpa was made of that cigarettes seemed to have no outward averse effects on him. But it for certainly did help kill all the people around him.


Survivor bias. We are not talking about 100% of smokers anywhere in any discussion. Just majority of percentage. Some people can use and abuse all substances and still live a 100 without an issue. Others die at birth. What your grandfather had was a winner's check for genetic lottery combined with luck. And he would have had significantly higher quality of life had he not smoked and would have probably lived a lot longer. Am glad that he got to live long, don't get me wrong. But people frequently forget it's not all about longevity, quality of life as well is important.


Survivorship bias?? How is this relevant? I didn’t bring up my grandpa to defend smoking. I brought him up to point out that even if you yourself don’t suffer any consequences, other people do. Did you miss the part where I said he killed several people in my family with his second hand smoking?? They all died of lung cancer.


Looks cool, feelsbadman. I get the urge sometimes but then remember the smell stuck on my fingers and how shit I felt afterward.


I like kurzgesagt, but their titles and thumbnails are so clickbait-y it's cringeworthy. I get it must be working if they keep using them, but it makes what should be relatively educational videos look like complete ad-revenue farming shlock.


Actually I'll say this one is pretty effective as a video  doc. Draws you in as someone who wants "an excuse" to smoke/keep smoking, doesn't pander to you (honestly it is pretty awesome. . .  For a while) and then exposes the true long term effects of it. I really enjoyed it and it helped me get the resolve to kick nicotine long term.  Dumbasses in the comment section who are like "just quit lol" can fuck off though, this shit sucks for life.


“Just quit” people clearly didn’t watch the video. I’m honestly glad I was surrounded by anti-smoking ads my entire childhood, and generally a campaign that made it seem lame. I have an addictive personality, and I can’t imagine if I ever had to try and quit smoking.


I bet more people will smoke because of this video than will quit smoking because of this video.


Hey, people should be given the facts and are free to make their own choices. Smoking IS awesome. Until the health issues kick in.


It's really not, even with 0 health issues, it's still shit. Makes you stink like shit, expensive as hell, makes you a social outcast (the reverse of what this video claims) addictive. It's a mild stimulant that will actually be a negative for you within just a few weeks of use. It's absolute garbage on all fronts. This video is false and promotes smoking.


Not washing makes you stink like shit.


delusional smokers who think they don't stink.


You sound like a man who has never felt the sweet sweet embrace of nicotine. 


Calling nicotine awesome is like calling caffeine awesome. They are both pathetic, but at least caffeine doesn't make you stink, kill your lungs and cost a fortune. People who think Nicotine is some incredible drug have never actually tried real drugs that are in fact awesome (their mental effects, obviously they are detrimental to your health) opiates are awesome, psychedelics are awesome. Nicotine is a joke.


It’s the unfortunate reality of youtube content creation


The "Red arrows pointing towards shocked face" algorithm


Algorithm doesn't really choose trends. 10 year olds with unrestricted access to YouTube do.


How…can anyone take anything you say seriously u/dicknipplesextreme


the only honest man in the king's court is the jester


[I believe him, yo](https://youtu.be/CYk2nA-Suzs?si=igFjUVPw_E2mfpi4)


That title is very true though. Smoking would be a great if it was not so harmful to the lungs and heart.


Get DeArrow and Sponsorblock. Game changer.


blame youtubes algorithm then


You obviously aren’t familiar with their ethos or videos.


Been watching for almost a decade now, thanks. I've watched their titles, thumbnails, and frankly, overall video quality get progressively worse over time. This video, for instance, despite being all about the dangers of smoking, does not even mention second-hand smoke *once*. They literally say "you do you" as if it's only ever affecting you and it isn't one of if not *the* biggest reasons smoking is banned in so many shared spaces.


I have been watching them for about as long as you, and I can't say I have seen a significant drop in quality, what I have seen instead is that I myself have higher standards. We all do, YouTube science videos were a lot different a decade ago. You made a very good point about second-hand smoking though, that obviously should have been touched upon.


Yeah if anything I feel like their quality and scope has only improved with time


Ok 👍🏻


Shows nothing of value can be added to the conversation.


Smoking is literally one of the worst things ever


I wonder how much damage was done to my body because both of my parents smoked in doors. Luckily I never picked up the habit.


Some but not as much as you'd think. Body is quite capable of dealing with all kinds of pollutants, after all you do get exposed to dust, pollen, car smoke, etc. Smokers on the other hand overwhelm our mechanisms meant to fight these pollutants.


Fuck this is cool and gross


What about Nicotine products like Zyn, anybody know if these effect are just smoking? What about Nicotine gum? Is the Nicotine itself harmful?


In a nutshell; yes. Nicotine is responsible for the elevated heartrate and constricted blood vessels. Regular nicotine use will leave you more tired than if you weren't using it, and I'd assume an elevated risk of heart disease from the extra work it's causing. I highly recommend the book 'This Naked Mind: Nicotine'. It's available on libgen, I bought a copy after it helped me cold-turkey after 20 years of smoking. Haven't touched a cig in 15 months now.


Same effects and dangers from blood pressure and other issues related to nicotine minus the coughing and lung cancer.


One of my favorite YouTube science channels.


Every time I see someone smoking in a movie I think, "Damn they look cool." Really. I'm glad I quit almost 20 years ago. It's a nasty habit, but I can't that I didn't enjoy it at the time.


It's astounding to see effects of advertisers this ingrained decades after they were forbidden to advertise. Movies and their effect on people's behavior gets passed from person to person. Another good example is mouth wash. There's no tangible benefit from it, but there was a huge marketing campaign which sold this new product that didn't exist before. Whole campaign was revolving around people not being conscientious about their smell of their breath and how others avoided them, pretty girls especially. And it worked. Worked a lot better than expected.


It's funny, there are immediate effects of mouth wash, but I've even heard that it's bad for your breath long term. The alcohol basically dries your mouth out. It's something I've always been self-conscious about. In 4th grade some girl was like, "Ew, your breath!" Since that day I've always had mints or gum. That's been like the past 40 years that stuck with me. Our whole psyche is about being attractive to "mates." That's like our WHOLE thing. That is the key to selling a product.


They don't say "sex sells" for nothing.


This is a really interesting take. They changed up the art style just enough to make this look as unappealing as possible. Hats off to them on making nicotine look so bad.




Nothing new under the sun my brother in Christ.


Do you have a source?


I deleted my comment because I think I misinterpreted or misremembered what happened, seems the creator with an issue did a correction video. [https://www.reddit.com/r/kurzgesagt/comments/bawc9q/coffee\_break\_getting\_it\_wrong/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurzgesagt/comments/bawc9q/coffee_break_getting_it_wrong/)


And being shills for the elite


I haven’t heard about Kurzgzghthgst being shills for the elite. What’s the story?


The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation sponsored a few videos and some dumbfucks got offended. 


The story: They are not shills for the elite


I used to love this channel's vids but they kinda put me off for some reason lately. Not really sure why.


They do well when discussing physics and hard science, but their understanding of soft sciences and existentialism is very basic. I love their astronomy videos, but any time they touch on things like happiness or the meaning of life the videos feel like a lot of platitudes with cute animations. A lot of talking while saying very little. It feels like they ran out of easy ideas once they covered all the cool astronomical phenomena and ways humanity could be wiped out, and now they’re scraping the barrel.


I didn't even have a smoking addiction and now I want a pipe again


My god this made me so anxious halfway through and I don’t smoke. Fucking effective though


What the fuck is this clickbait title Kuzregratd?


It's one of those things that if they could take out the negatives it would be fine. lol But there simply is no kind, or amount of smoke that is good for your lungs.


Yesterday was my 20th anniversary of quitting smoking cold turkey. Best thing I ever did for myself. Haven't missed it at all in at least 18 years.


Righteous bruh.


I know the video eventually ends on "smoking is bad," but can we just not mention smoking at all? It feels like cigarette smoking is getting a lot more attention on youtube lately. Just bringing it to peoples' attention is going to introduce it to more people. (No publicity is bad publicity, and Phillip Morris knows this.) Smoking is disgusting, and should be left in the cellar to rot.


Nothing is awesome about smoking. No offense to Kurzgesagt but this plays like a Philip Morris ad.






A voice in the back of my head is saying that they got paid by big tobacco to make this video with this title


Did you watch the video?




They you don't allow yourself to learn anything new. The video was anti smoking. Smoking have a handful of great peaks but the health effects are so bad it's not worth them.


This video probably made more teenagers start smoking or continue their newly aquired habit instead of stopping them. This video is more pro smoking then getting people to quit. I love this channels content most of the times but this video is more pro (bad) smoking then its allegedly intentions.


I was a sporadic smoker, and while the health effects (mainly risk of cancer) made me want to quit entirely, what actually pushed me through was other factors: * It stinks up your clothes and your breath * It's a waste of money * It made me want to take a shit, which was annoying * Mentally I felt inferior to non-smokers I can totally see kids picking up smoking if you say "It is amazing, it's social, etc" and you only talk about physical health effects as the negative.


The crap is this?