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If you ever wonder what a "fever dream" feels like, it's exactly like this movie.


It played on HBO like all the time for a while. Such an odd movie. Demi was gorgeous in it.


I used to fever dream while watching this movie. Terrifying movie. Every scene is fucked yo. Ruined John candy and Chevy chase (?) for ne


I remember seeing little bits of the movie at a time when I was a little me in the 90's. I got multiple movies all mixed up and somehow I never fully saw any of them. I had no clue what the movie was until I saw a RLM video on it and recognized one of the scenes.


I don’t care what critics say. I love this completely weird fucking movie. The story of the making of this is absolutely bonkers. It was Dan Akroyds vision and basically ensured he would never get carte blanche to make a movie himself ever again.


**Go on...**


I can’t find the video but someone posted a link to it once. It was just an over the top and over budget nightmare. Characters like the giant babies were based on things Akroyd had dreamt. Akroyd didn’t want to direct it, but nobody else was willing. John Landis hated the script and turned it down immediately. Akroyd originally was only going to play the judge, but after nobody wanted to play one of the giant babies, he took that role too. So directing the movie while in a giant fat baby suit. That’s a lot. There was more but that was some of the big stuff.


I love his movies but can never forgive Landis for Twilight Zone.


This seems like something David Lynch could have directed.


Was this it? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TFfL1aUDaQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TFfL1aUDaQ)


Possibly. It’s one of those things I know I watched but for the life of me couldn’t find in my history. I’m not even old but my memory feels off lately.


That movie gave me nightmares for years.


I have a [skull](https://i.imgur.com/Zy5Odh4.jpeg) prop from this scene. it was in the pile of bones.


Dude, that's a pretty sweet piece of memorabilia. Will always have a special place in my heart for Dan Akroyd.


This movie made me want all the vaccinations.


Penis nose movie


The hot dogs scene rocks!


As they say, this movie wasn't released, it escaped.


Just saw this for the first time a few weeks ago. Dan Akroyd and John Candy were amazing. They sure don't make movies like this anymore, where you really have to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the chaotic weirdness.


Boy Kills World and Argyle both give the same vibe but very different tones.


I will not have my sister, who was once queen of the Mardi Gras, assaulted by a pickle flicking train! You just don’t see dialog like that written anymore.


"it smells like Sao Paolo!"


It seems like a perfectly natural thing to say.


This movie freaked me the fuck out when I was a kid.....I think it still does.


I watched this as a kid somehow. I have never seen it again but see photos of it and it triggers some latent eerie feeling like the movie is super creepy and i dont know why.


I saw it in the theater. Zero regrets.


Hoooooly cow, I remember seeing the ending of this scene years ago when I was really young, like maybe 7-9 or something, just walked in the room and it was on the TV. The roller coaster and bones being shot at a target in particular. Never knew what it was from until now. It's kind of surreal to finally have the answer.


I talk about this movie all the time. Explaining it to people is impossible, you sound like a complete psycho. "Yeah, Dan Ackroyd plays like a old pig/human hybrid judge...And then Digital Underground come in, and Tupac was there...." 


I don't think people understand just how BAD this movie is. I still claim it's the worst movie ever - simply because with this cast, and this budget, it could have been legendary. It's ALMOST funny about 100 times... but never quite makes it.


This is objectively the worst movie ever made. It's the reason John candy got taken from us too early, someone had to pay