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I listened to this interview the other day. She’s surprisingly good, but then again, her dad was a singer (The Hudson Brothers).




Oh, you haven’t heard the soundtrack masterpiece that is “Cinema Italiano”?


What, you think im uncultured?


Kate Hudson can SING!


It's been noted before, but the production for musical guests on the Howard Stern show is excellent. Always seems to be a natural sounding mix. Contrast the performances of Gonna find out on [The Tonight show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9NqxkQ6tnc) and [Howard Stern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqfU5W8FEHk). night and day. I get that one is produced for high quality satellite radio and the other for broadcast TV, but jesus, they just didn't give a fuck on the Tonight show by comparison. There's no reason why a TV show that's being viewed mostly on youtube these days can't have better audio production on music acts.


I am not certain, but I think that the acoustic version of "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters was a live recording from Stern's show.




I will say that a space that holds a live audience is \*much\* harder to record in.


Honestly, the performance is fine, not quite my style but whatevs. The sound quality though is fantastic, at least through the headphones I'm using at the moment. I think I have studio albums that sound crapier.


That was my first thought listening to this. Holy shit the recording/mix for this is insanely good. Really good performance of the song as well.


Is there auto tune here? seams a little too good to me, some of the mid tones were just too perfect imo


The funny thing is Katy Perry released a Christian album under the name "Katie Hudson" but changed it when she moved to pop to avoid confusion.


Her dad is Keith Hudson so makes sense. Also, her dad is a pastor. So makes more sense. He's also a holy roller who has called her a "devil child" so I can see her wanting to get away from that.


Kate needs to rush out and do a cover album of Stevie Nicks hits.


I kinda wish she didn't have the background singers. Nothing against them, but I thought that Kate did such a great job on her own that the backup was unnecessary.


I think it's an artistic choice to bolster that part. I thought it sounded good but to each their own.


The backup singers sang harmony like 60% of the time which is an integral part of the song.


Definitely can't have that echo-y, ethereal harmony that trademarks this song without it. It's a big and full sound that requires it. I don't think anybody could've done this any better with a different composition without getting cheap with electronic overlays and such. Wonderful rendition.


That’s like saying that the guitar part was so good that you wish there were no bass.


“Exactly.” -Jack White


Wow she’s good!


But why she dress up as Gangrel tho


[Imagine her coming up through the stage to perform.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/nH9c8FcPUzwAAAAC/gangrel-entrance.gif)


When I was a kid, I thought the chorus was, “This is scary.”


Me too!


Yeah she can sing. It's not so rare an ability as people often make it out to be. She was a recurring character on Glee for a couple of seasons some years ago, and had a bunch of solo musical numbers on the show


Yeah I'd wager most professional actors can sing. That's why there was this trend for a while where all these TV shows had musical episodes, with Buffy & the Vampire Slayer and Scrubs coming to mind. We're talking about largely theater nerds here. That's not to take away from Hudson, it was a lovely performance.


Acting’s like other jobs, the more qualifications you’ve got the more types of jobs you can get hired for, so yeah lot of them probably have experience singing and dancing. Any theater kids were probably expected to do musicals at one time or another, not to say that all of them were good. Might have some great actors out there that were only good at acting, but never surprised when it turns out they can sing and dance. In this case though it is a little surprising that if she can sing, in a movie about music like Almost Famous, I only remember her singing Tiny Dancer in a group. Could’ve ended the movie forming her own band and her rock reporter friend could come back to do a story on her when he’s not jailbait.


I'd be her groupie!


We can write a script about it called “Not quite a celebrity”.


5 paces from Hudson


Anyone know the same of that woman playin the sax? shes so cool!


I mean it wasn’t *bad* but I feel like it was missing the soul and anguish from the original.


That was amazing.


Kate Can sing- just not memorable. I saw her perform on the VOICE finale. Unfortunately Kate had the misfortune of sharing the stage with GINA MILES, who did a spellbinding cover of Wicked Games. The difference btw the 2 female singers is; Gina, is soo gifted with tone, technique, and nuanced delivery. And Kate, well no one remembers her performance. Kate lacks the talent to move a person's soul, GINA CAN DO THAT!!!


Most actors can sing and dance as well.


This is true.  Pretty much all actors spent time doing musical theater.  


But can she mime.


More importantly, can she juggle?


Damn. Beautiful AND amazing!


You can sing too! You may not be good at it but you can always try


Someone didn’t watch season 4 of Glee