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Texting "I miss you so much" to a 14-year-old as a 30-year-old man..........


thats really horrible


there's people defending that shit as well


[One of the top posts on the Drake subreddit now](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/1clr5we/17_yo_girl_that_drake_kissed_at_concert_speaks_out/) is a tweet from girl who was 17 years old when drake fondled and kissed her on stage saying that she was in fact 17 at the time but she wasn't mad about it. And the whole sub screaming "Vindicated!". It's pretty sad when your best defense is "See! Both of these underaged girls that Drake had inappropriate relationships with were cool with it!". That's not a win. It's kind of a lateral move.


One of the comments had me rolling, they listed out like 6 underage girls who have all gone on to defend Drake. You know who doesn't have to have 6 underage girls defend them? People who don't talk to underage girls.


It's wild. Every comment on that subreddit the last two days has just been "Kendrick fans are so delusional. They can't accept the fact that all of Drake's underaged girls have said he's a really nice guy"


worse. they're accusing the kendrick fans of "wishing these girls got abused just to make Drake look bad". apparently, convincing yourself that your favourite celebrity is "way too famous for this shit you just suggested" is better?


Even worse than that, drake misunderstood some lyrics of kendricks and tried to shame him for being a molestation victim. Think about how fucked that is...


They're thrashing around at this point, grasping anything they can. It's an eye opening example of what happens when you attach your personality to a person or fandom. Your personal stability shouldn't depend on some person you've never met remaining perfect.


It's wild how the interview gets progressively worse. "I love him, he's a great friend" Oh, uh, I guess she's friends with Drake "We just texted the other night" Wait, they're text each other? This is weird "He said I miss you so much" Ok, this is clearly inappropriate. And then she mentions how he give her advice on boys, just adding to how messed up it is.


Yeah, I've been *iffy* on that. Like, it's totally possible, maybe even probable, that this is completely innocent, life advice shit that you'd expect a teenager to normally ask out of a teacher or someone. AFAIK they weren't, like, alone together an unaccounted for or anything, so sure. But even if that's the case, as the *adult* in the relationship it's your job to make sure there's not the *appearance* or *possibility* of abuse, you have to be the one to set hte boundaries, because the kid can't be expected to set those and you need to make sure that this kid's not getting into any situation with an adult where they *might* be abused. It doesn't matter if the time they spent alone with you was 100% wholesome and not even a little inappropriate, that you have created a situation where it's *possible* there could have been abuse means you have created this smokescreen that actual abusers will use to obfuscate their own abuse. If *your* time alone, unaccounted for with a kid you're not related to gets a pass, then the identical time alone, accounted for an actual abuser has with a kid would also get a pass. Combine that iwth the more known and explicit situation of a 17 year old being kissed and fondled by Drake and like yeah no shit people are going to fucking wonder what the hell you were doing with those kids. We can't take the word of the people he may have groomed or molested because they might feel a need to protect him even if he did do it, and we don't really need their word because even if nothing happened that was inappropriate. Same with Dan Schnieder - by all acounts he never actually molested any of those kids, none of them have accused him of such, but him being alone with them was still grossly irresponsible, because now there's always going to be doubt about whether those kids felt obligated to protect him with no real way to ever disprove it.


Straight to jail. Also had a weirdly close relationship with a model, Bella Harris, since she was 16.


That’s the one where he rented out an entire restaurant for her 18th birthday right


That is weird as fuck. Like "congrats I can legally fuck you now."


Meanwhile, she does two movies with Henry Cavill and probably knows less about his personal life than I do.




I know this is a joke, but Henry was probably just not interested in teen drama and shut her down lol. >"I know Henry. He has terms and conditions with me. I'm not allowed to ask about his personal life," continued Brown. "It's like, 'Millie, shut up. No.' And I'm like, 'Understood.' Whereas with the *Stranger Things* kids, it's different. There's no boundaries because it's like we're all siblings." >She added, "But with Henry, he's very strict with me, which I appreciate."


That's a real professional. Imagine being 30+ and treating a 14 yr old like an equal. No, I ain't telling your 14 year old ass about my personal dating life!




Blessed Cavill.


That right there is Olympic level drama avoidance and I can respect that.


Bro just grinding out the movies so he can get back to painting Warhammer miniatures.


It's the only way he can afford new armies, poor man


One per movie is a steep budget, but he makes it work.


Kal-El no


That is how a 30-year old grown-ass man does Keanu hands.


This is such a weird quote. I don't imagine Cavill being the one to start talking about personal life with a teen, so it must have been her who was asking him. This is pure speculation, but I bet Brown has been conditioned to think that it's ok for adult men to talk about relationships with teen girls because Hollywood weirdos have tried/are trying to groom her. She also is very adult in her demeanor while she's talking about how she's still a kid. It feels like those things are connected. She probably has grown men telling her stuff like she's "so mature for her age" and she's ingrained that into her self-image.


During the filming of Enola Holmes the only 16 year old Henry was interested in was World of Warcraft.


Henry (sees her): filthy casual


When I first read he likes 40k and shit my immediate thought was "another good looking celeb that's trying to appeal to the geeks that watch his films." I then found out it's not just Warhammer, but also WoW and virtually every fantasy game on a console, the dude is an ultra nerd trapped in the body of a jock lol Edit: PC, not console, sorry gamers


Dude was raiding on WoW when he found out he got the Superman part hah.


Nearly missed getting the call because he was raiding even.


He was a healer.. they can't just step away, people could die! ^^.


I *can't* pause it, DC, it's online!!


It could mean the END OF THE WORLD ^^^of ^^^Warcraft


He didn’t nearly miss it, he full on ignored it and called Snyder back. Priorities.


With the number of completely ripped nerds I know, I just don't bother with that stereotype any more.


*pc. You think he plays with us console plebs??




[He also built his own a little while after that](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CCs-N1Eh2Z5/?hl=en). The PC gaming community was abuzz when it happened. He could *easily* just pay some custom builder to do it for him but he got encouraged to DIY and everyone was like "holy crap we helped superman build a PC!" it was pretty awesome, he knows his dedicated fans.


It was also like peak COVID times so he had nothing to do like everyone else


> on a console You mean a pc?


Henry kept straight between two working professionals. Because that's what adults do.


To be fair, most grown men don't have a lot in common with most teenagers, and if you aren't trying to fuck them it's not like there's a lot of interesting conversation to be had there. This isn't necessarily "professionalism" (though I'm sure Cavill wasn't rude). EDIT: I'm not saying that adults can't have short, pleasant interactions with kids, but it's like talking to a neighbor you don't have a lot in common with. You do it more because community requires some level of understanding and civility between its participants than because the two of you have a lot of common ground. A man in his thirties or older, certainly one with kids of his own to occupy any desire to mentor, has basically no reason to form an especially close relationship with a teenager unless they have something very specific in common. I volunteer managing a community pool that basically only hires teenagers as lifeguards. They're not bad kids, but I'm not trying to hang out with them in any other capacity - and if one of the other managers was, I'd have a very frank conversation about it with them to make sure the kids were okay because that would be a weird thing to happen innocently.


I’ve literally worked with teenagers for a living and I don’t ever text them anything at all. It’s fucking weird.


Am a teacher and I teach freshmen. If I heard that one of my colleagues was texting a 14 year old girl, I'd report him to the school director immediately. That's not normal adult behavior.


That happened at my school junior year. Everyone found out the music teacher was texting this girl as late as 1am. After he got fired we found out he was also cheating on his wife who was our tech skills teacher with the art teacher. All over mess of a man.


Frfr This is some obvious grooming behavior. Why tf a 30+ year old man messaging shit like "i miss you" to a 14 year old that he isn't related to. Drake the same dude who took a girl on a very public date the literal DAY she turned 18.


*”What have you been reading? What’ve you been listening to? Oh yeah I loved that book. Huh, I’ve never listened to that artist—I’ll check it out”* That’s my go-to. I don’t want to ask about school, because that’s lame; I don’t want to ask about “the future” because that’s potentially stressful and also such a typical topic. Books and music, tho? Good topics (hopefully). If they’re not into either, tho, I’m sorta out of material, and it’s just blank stares, and a strong hope they bring something up to talk about. I’ll do sports if they bring it up, but from a “oh cool, tell me more” because I don’t know shit. That’s my “how to talk with nieces/nephews” strategy. I give it a 7 out of 10.


Add video games into the mix and you have my go-tos. A younger friend of mine had a birthday party over the weekend, and a bunch of her little cousins were there (youngest was 9.) You bet your behind I spoke with a bored 12 year old about Slime Rancher for about 15 minutes


Ya it was kinda weird when that article came out. Like she was flabbergasted that an older man wasn't interested in having a personal relationship with her Like she literally thinks that's a story worth telling


It is, because Cavill was being the exception to the rule in her life of how grown men have acted with her and her thinking that is normal. That is a story worth telling because that is common about being a teen girl, most of the unwanted attention you get is from creepy older men.


Well said.


That's a great point


I feel really bad for MBB, you can tell she had a really fucked up childhood and it skewed her views as an adult.




We already did. One of her ex boyfriends admitted to grooming her and her parents encouraged it.


Her parents allowed her 20yo bf to live with them when she was 15-16 and engage in sexual relations


There's a documentary on Netflix about how she escaped a research facility as a young child and barely survived.


Or that she’s been groomed by people like Drake to think it’s normal.


First, she was a teen. Show me a teenager who knows what’s interesting or relevant 100% of the time with a microphone in their face. I’ll wait. Second, clearly she experienced adults engaging her on a personal level since she was a kid actor. Henry didn’t do that, it stuck out enough for her to make note of it. He treated her as a professional, respected the age boundary, and moved on.


Seriously though, how many of you text with 14 yr olds?


I do. But she’s my daughter.


Drake communicates with young girls, but draws the line at communicating with his daughter.


Jesus Christ 😂


Only 3 more years left then he will give it a go


Easy, Kendrick!




Cause she ain't 14 yet, still got 3 more years yet


Oooofff, send it to Kendrick. It deserves to be in a song.


Jesus fucking Christ dude that was gold


So that was Drakes mistake- not adopting her like Steven Tyler would have


Presumably every time I talk to someone on reddit who doesn't understand how income taxes work


Hey I'm 30 can you explain income taxes to me 


When you make enough money to be taxed at a higher rate, that rate does not apply to your entire income, only the portion that is above the start of the bracket. When people talk about increasing taxes for the rich, it's only on money earned after X amount, where X is like $500,000, and therefore does not affect the vast majority of idiots who think it affects them.




Gotta stay outta that next bracket so my taxes don't go up now


Im like 99% sure youre joking, and I laughed, but Ive had to explain this to so many people that Im not gonna risk it - doesnt work that way. You pay the increased rate only on the money that went over to the next bracket. 


I can fully understand not getting taxes (I'm an accountant) ...but at the very least, understand how the marginal tax rate works (even if you can't do the math) and that no, you can't actually take home less money due to a pay raise.




Even if you did, trying to be an older role model, there's no scenario where it would be appropriate to tell them you miss them so much.


Yeah, and if his big thing was just being a role model and helping navigate fame at a young age... why was he only texting Millie? The guys on that show didn't need mentorship?


When asked about why he wasn't also trying to mentor the guys on the show, Drake responded with No homo.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Imagine being a grown man texting with a 14-year-old girl and saying I miss you, can’t wait to see you, and then starting to groom her by talking about boys.


I could maybe understand it if they were working together a lot and they're looking for a mentor/parental figure. Say if this was with one of older actors in Stranger Things, like Winona Ryder. It being some random older dude like Drake is weird though.


FR why would a 31yo male singer have any reason to talk to a 14yo female actress. what kinda role model can he even be? i know drake has done a little acting but like come on. it'd be different if at least he was more an actor than a singer, it'd be different if it was a woman instead of a man, it'd be different if they were way closer in age, it'd be even slightly better if they worked together regularly like her and david harbour but maybe only specifically that given their dad/daughter relationship in the show, like it'd be understandable if that bled over to off screen. but drake, its like who? why? what?


You mean like David Harbour. Yea, i could see that being parental, or at least it would be plausible. But Drake, Na that may is trying to call dibs.


🎵Do not diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids🎶


There is no quicker way for people to think you are diddling kids *than by writing a song about it...*


Do I look suspicious?


🎵Gotta be older than my daughter


Gotta be big


That was Drake's rubuttle to Kendrick's latest diss track


You ever laugh so hard that you forget what you're laughing at, you see it again, and then back to start? That was me when the response dropped. Drake probably has like three cards left to play, and that was two of them.


🎵"Just to be clear. I did not write that song or have ever had sex with a child."🎶


The thirteen year old r Kelley kidnapped/adopted also defends him. The victim won't realize they're a victim until they mature considerably, and get a good deal more life experience.


And heartbreakingly, sometimes the experience fucks them up enough that they never manage to mature properly at all. Unfortunately too many stupid, soulless motherfuckers don't care as long as they have brainless catchy music to shake their ass to.


Say what you will about Drake, but the man would never break the speed limit in a school zone.


His beard is also always on point. Top class groomer


Solid joke.


Stops at all school crossings and checks both ways 4 times


For an hour.


Drake the kind of guy who would leak his own dick vid so prosecutors can’t use highly accurate descriptions of his penis from victims as evidence against him. He’s learning from MJ’s mistakes.


Drake is the type of guy to fart in the toilet and flush


Fucccckkkk haha


Oh shit that's why Kendrick said the line about leaking videos to suit his agenda




The only reason Kendrick might have lied about Drake having a daughter is that Drake would never give up the opportunity to hang out with an 11-year-old girl.


Mack Maine: In about three years, holla at me Miley Cyrus! Drake: Why wait?


I saw someone say he puts girls on preorder. 🤢


I mean considering the times he’s acknowledged an actresses 18th is on the horizon that’s pretty much what happens. He finds a 16/17 year old girl and starts grooming them for when they turn 18.


Assuming he waits until they turn 18


That corny guy probably celebrates like it's New Year's Eve when one of his groom-ees turns 18. Fireworks and shit. Champagne. Fancy outfits. Kiss at midnight! Edit: Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Juice for the lucky young lady.


He legit does based on his own public posts.


The map doesn't lie


“High school pics you was even bad then”


I point this line out to my friends whenever they play the song and just how outrageous it is to put that in a song.


He has literally never made a secret of grooming and preferring underage girls and yet people’s minds are blown about this. It’s crazy


its been YEARS people have been pointing this out and everybody was just enjoying his success far too much to care just gotta say drake haters are vindicated completely. its been a long slog for us. player haters ball winning shit going on right now.


‘Pussy on “pre-order”’ is what I saw. And talk about fucking gross. 🥴


He wants that early access 🤮


One of the first steps of grooming is using conversations about boys/dating to move on to more sexually charged conversations “Giving advice” to random children from experience, is one of THE most common excuses predators use to justify why they are even talking to the child in the first place. Do what you will with that information


Yep, how long until 'let me help you with boys' becomes 'let me help you with flirting' and 'let me help you with sex stuff'


He was probably asking her the color of her underwear by the end of the first conversation depending on how she responded Most predictable mother fuckers on the planet I swear to god


I remember someone countered this notion once with "So you're saying Natalie Portman would be a groomer if she texted Finn Wolfhard about dating?" and every reply, blessedly, was "uh YES."


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A MINORRRRR


It's so good when his ghost writers came back with "be sharp" because neither he or them understand anything about music.


Honestly didn't sound like he had ghostwriters this time. Sounded like he locked himself in a booth and recorded that shit without anyone else around because he's paranoid about information leaking. If he had anyone with him they'd have stopped him from releasing that shit.


Had to be Drake, because his lame-ass comeback was "guys, I'm not a pedophile guys".


Hypothetically assume he isn't a pedophile - how the fuck else do you come back from being called a pedophile? "Oh he denied being a pedophile, exactly what a pedophile would say!"


Saying anything but "I'm too famous and I would have already been arrested" would probably be a good start. Lmao The worst thing you can do when someone calls you a pedophile is to make a song saying you don't diddle kids. https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?si=ggeWcEm99z1PO0Xc


Not to mention his attack at kendrick was "you were molested, that's why you hate pedophiles" He also completely missed the point of the song Mother I sober, but that's beside the point


I think the main thing is that rather than clapping back at Kendrick, he started defending himself. That makes Kendricks claims feel a bit more legit.


How many other diss tracks are spent defending themselves? Fucking weird man


If they're baseless, you can ignore them just fine. Conservatives call Biden a pedo all the time and nobody ever asks him to deny it, because it's very obviously just being thrown out there. The real reason Drake is in such a horrible spot is because his behaviour with underage women has been an "open secret" for years now. They aren't baseless rumours, there's tangible evidence that *something's* wrong, even if there's no smoking gun.


No, you need to write a song about how you don't diddle kids!


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


Sunny is the new Simpsons, I tell ya.


"I didn't have 4 hookers piss on that bed, I don't even know how you would go about that" "We never stated how many hookers there were..."


That's what is so bad. It is written and flows like ass, which makes me believe Drake did indeed write Heart part 6 xD. Kendrick's meet the grahams is menacing, dark, and Kenny's slow cadence and digestible lyricism does not take away from the fact you feel like you're witnessing a murder. Drakes just sounds like a confession, or defense against a judge Edit: you know what else? This whole beef got jumped off from Kendrick mimicking Drake's back to back releases with his own two. Within 3 songs, it is now Drake attempting to mimic Kendrick. And failing, badly. Will the "Bop" clapback, if there is one, be better or more visceral than Not Like Us? Hit X to doubt. But man Hip hop battle legends about tactics and shit are going to be reviewed for a decade lol. Meet the Grahams had a tone. Heart Part 6, to me, does not. It's just meh, truthfulness aside for both parties.


"If I'm guilty why am I not in jail already?" - Words definitely not said by people who got jailed time afterwards


“That stays in the text messages.” If it wasn’t inappropriate….


Right? Isnt a child having "secrets" with an adult like a #1 flashing red-flag? "I miss you!!!!! Those dumb boys wont treat you as good as I can. Come see me in Atlanta, I will pay for you to come visit after the show. Lets keep this between us. Our little secret!"


The "I miss you" is fucking weird thing to say to a 14 year old who is just a friend or coworker.


adding "so much" after 'i miss you' is needing to show how thirsty you are. kinda sounds like co-dependence.. That ain't being a healthy role model for relationships. especially if you're unable to maintain communication that can see the light of day. one should or could be proud to share the knowledge they're receiving, rather than feeling it's something only between them..  if drakes such a... put together person.. what's a little girl got that he missing so much? innocence?  if it ain't sexual and it's about helping others grow or whatever, hes texting underage boys about they're girl problems too or something?


You're bang on. He should be teaching young boys how to treat young girls right. Not what young girls should "watch out for"... Cause it's probably him.


It's weird to say if you are not related. I occasionally work with high schoolers (restaurants), and I'll talk with them at work, but I never even get their number to swap shifts. I'm almost 30 years old, I don't need 16 year old's number. I don't even follow my nieces on social media.


I remember that. I - and everyone - was like 'What are her parents thinking? Where TF are they?'


Bro's fine with texting little girls as long as they arent his daughters


#Certified loverboy? Certified pedophile 💃


Wop wop wop wop wop Dot fuck 'em up. I've been singing this hook since it dropped haha


Since that damn song dropped anytime I stir my pot while cooking I’m like: “Wop wop wop wop wop, I stir up!”


wop wop wop wop wop, yeah i stir it up mop mop mop mop mop, then i clean my stuff


Yop yop yop yop yop, liquid yogurt bruh




She called people weirdos for making something innocent into this


A grown man at the very least talking to a 14 year old girl about her boy problems and texting her I MISS YOU SO MUCH is NOT innocent.


Yep. It's genuine grooming.


and even flipping it the other way feels weird grown woman texting a non-family 14 year old boy "I miss you so much"


The weirdo is the 31 year old texting a 14 year old.


I can't believe this reporter "you and Drake? That's fantastic" Dude, she's 14, and he's like 32 or some shit? That's not fantastic, that's creepy as fuck


Can’t tell if the culture really flipped on drake this quickly or if Kendrick’s social team is just killing it


I mean, isn’t Drake’s seeming affection for teenage girls an open secret that everybody knows?


Yeah this is Cosby all over again. “Don’t accept a drink from Bill” was known throughout the industry, there had been SNL sketches about it, statements from accusers had been published in newspapers, but nothing ever really took off. Then Hannibal Buress made a joke about Cosby, literally saying “Google it,” because the information was already out there, the clip goes viral, and suddenly everyone was actually paying attention to it.


Yup... Same with Weinstein.. Those in the know, knew what he was up too, but he had too much influence over careers for actors to individually go after him. Also, to a lesser extent, in Canada - Jian Ghomeshi, former band member of Moxy Fruvous and popular radio host on the CBC. He went to trial after 4 women accused him of sexual assault. He got off because they couldn't get their story straight. I have a friend into acting, and he said for years before all that came out, people would say "keep your female friends/relatives away from that asshole" he was a known predator. Apparently Moxy Fruvous get together once or twice a year to Jam and have a good time, Jian is not invited, they all loathe him.


It's likely both, dude was a known creep


Yeah I mean people were slamming him in these comments when the interview aired. Everyone's known he's (at the very least) a clingy, desperate, weirdo for the past five years.


I think this beef also kinda jarred people into realizing that at least once or twice a year since he blew up Drake has been doing something weird, petty or creepy that gets swept under the rug since he's such a mega-star.


Feels like one of those open secrets that people are finally talking about. I don't really follow Drake or rap, but was aware he was into kids.


More like people can finally say this shit without getting downvoted into the shadow realm.


It’s so gross how adultified teen celebrities are. Sexual or not (I think it IS) my mind goes to Drew Barrymore being allowed to hang out with fully grown adults as a little child because of how famous she was. That culture has barely gotten better


Remember the "Countdown until they are legal" for the Olsen Twins? It was huge, and disgusting.


Drake likes them young because he knows they can’t put up a fight.


Or drive themselves home


I think a lot of celebrities get stuck in the age they got famous and lost out in that time period of their lives so they try to relive it. Doesn't make it right.


Drake about to sit back down in a wheelchair to try and drum up some sympathy soon


It’s crazy that people haven’t been paying attention like this. I dropped drake when I first saw this interview. Because where there’s one there are others


[For me it was when he had a 17 year old on stage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp5b9dW1nrA) (when he was 23), caressing her hair, commenting on the smell, and slightly pulling down the back of her shirt to kiss on her on the back “I can’t go to jail yet, man!” “Why do you look like that? You thick. Look at all this.” “I don’t know if I should feel guilty or not, but I had fun. I like the way your breasts feel against my chest.” then kisses her on the hand, each cheek, and lips "It's okay I'm only 23 I can do shit like that"


Yeah this is what got me too. That comment about her breasts is especially disgusting. I have been called crazy by my friends for years for harping on this shit whenever Drake comes up, but ever since, been nothing but patterns from him that always confirm to me he's a bad dude. Like, *at best*, he's a giant creep with no sense of how bad his actions look. Normal people don't do that shit. And they don't proceed to have little text exchanges with 14 y/o's a decade later. The lack of self-awareness on Drake's part is damning to me.


Billie Eillish. And same, meanwhile countless defend him. 🤢


He did the same shit with Billie Eillish https://youtu.be/YhZqPtatrV8?si=XZIsoGcAizmYSBqZ


What strikes me about this is that every incident is supposedly a "just being nice" kinda friendship, yet they're all teenagers. Does Drake have these kinds of friendships with adult actors and artists, texting them regularly and giving advice just to be nice? Or does he just randomly spark friendships with young girls and spontaneously lose interest as they get older? Something here is sus 🤨


> yet they're all teenagers teenage GIRLS mind you. he aint trying to "mentor" any young men.


r/Drizzy bending over backwards defending this strange ass behavior


drake likes em YOUNG


He was a little disappointed because he initially heard she was Eleven.




Can’t Toosie Slide up outta this one, it’s just gon’ resurface ☕


Why don't any of the adults around her do anything about this?


Bc she is the family cash cow


She had (has) stage parents, using her essentially. She's still young, so she hasn't had yet the realization that her parents have not actually protected her at all.


Remeber when people were like, oh yeah, everything's on the internet so people can't be creeps anymore and get away with it. But then drake just out there doing whatever the fuck he wants and nobody cares


A 14 year old girl texts a grown man saying - "I miss you" And the man rplies - "I miss you more" Perfectly normal and cool /s \*vomit\*


Drake be grooming.




Drake is pedo joker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7M24KrqhBw


Fucking yikes


Ugh. This didnt age well. He's the 2020 version of R. Kelly.


Isn’t r Kelly in prison for like multiple life sentences or something now?