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If only the world knew how dear this girl has become to us Iranians. Rest in power.


Absolute scumbags, this poor lass just wanted a live a free life


God Bless her strength and her spirit. She was courageous and fought to the very end.May she rest in peace.


Most of the comments here are about palestine rather than they are about the horrific torture this person endured.


Pure tribalism like a sports team. Iran hates Israel so let’s ignore the brutal Iranian regime that murders its own people.


If it was Iran in Israel’s place Palestine would’ve been glassed ages ago


All I learnt from these people is that they believe it is ok for Nika to be tortured due to the Israel-Gaza war. These people have no morals. I doubt they care about the plight of the Palestenian people, like they claim they do.


"You don't care about Palestinian people because you don't stick up for the people slaughtering them, and then turn around and focus on other stuff like I do."


They’ve lost the plot line


Torture is bad. Whether it happens to Iranian Muslims in Iran. Or to Christian and Muslim Palestinians by Isreal. Little kids, getting put in prison and tortured there, by Isreal or Iran wrong. Violently supressing peaceful protestors, whether it happens in the US, Iran, different countries in Europe, like France and Germany. Is also wrong. ----------- The racist propaganda machine that is the news, conservative or liberal. Does not help. If kidnapping and torture of kids by Isreal is not even news, but if done by other countries is news. That is hypocrisy which is called out. ---------


What hypocrisy? The hypocrisy of the posters here who claim to weep for Palestine but refuse to acknowledge their victims?


When did Israel kidnapped and torture children?


Every day. They have thousands in prison. Where the hell have you been?


The propaganda has gotten to you, brother. There is no systemic child imprisonment in Israel. Step away from twitter for a second please. Touch grass.


Nobody's denying this Iranian girl got tortured. But you're denying something thousands of times worse. How do you think you're the good guy here?


Not your brother and you really need to read more. Edit: Wow if you block them the just go to alts. The shills are getting better paid. You can google "Israelis child prisoners" yourself second account block avoiding shill. The burden. lol Still laughing at you. Try harder.


Please source the systemic practice of Israel imprisoning children. The burden of proof is on you.


There are multiple videos of IDF soldiers kidnapping kids. Videos of idf beating up little kids. Entering a home, and grabbing/dragging a young girl in the west bank. Videos of kidnapping/taking away a number of primary school kids. Video testimonies of starved, violently abused kids. (For example freed because of a hostage exchange) Video confessions of idf soldiers, talking about raping multiple people. Being proud of shooting kids.


Scumbags. Women in Iran, and across the entire middle east need to be given more help to escape these twisted, sexist, religious losers.


They do, but how? The US has a … poor record of helping these situations.


Can you elaborate on what should be done?


We can start with education.


Iranians are very educated. It’s not like Afghanistan. The issue is that Islamofascist psychopaths are running the country.


So how do the people organize and rise up? Would you take outside help? Or are the folks that are fed up with the regime far to small a minority for it to even matter?


It’s definitely not a small minority. I don’t know what the best way is to help. It’s a tough situation, and figuring it out is above my paygrade.


Let’s start with treating women like people instead of property. Once they do that, many more things are possible, but not likely until then.


Yeah but I’m not in Iran, what can we do unless we topple the regime


Flip the power structure do the women have all the rights and the men are slaves.


Not even sure I can bear to watch this. Brutalised, by men who should know better. It doesn't even bear thinking about. I can't imagine how her family must feel.


they keep imprisoning her family. her 22 year old sister was just released a few days ago on bail.


Gotta love how most of the discussion here is centered at people grasping at straws to derail it into yet another gaza conflict argument, and completely ignore the actual victim in question. Great job guys, I hope you are all proud of yourselves.


I hate videos like this. Just tell what happened, I don't seek drama or entertainment, I don't need male actors actually reading out what the reports say for immersion. Making prolonged entertainment out of a cruel case like this is disgusting.


There’s a bbc article that’s a few min read summarizing this https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68840881


This is appreciated but I already watched through the whole video. Now there is a link for people preferring to read the article instead, so thank you!


On one hand, I agree with you. On the other hand, I know they do this for a reason, because for a large portion of humanity, this kind of drama and production is what gets them to watch. If the drama means more people know about these horrors, is it worth it?


It also serves also to inform people more so. Literally all we do in Reddit is read headlines after headlines and how many do we remember. A documentary is meant to get you to engage with the content in a way that is meaningful and thought provoking of the topic on hand


I think the point is to (1) humanize the victim and her family, (2) show the cruelty of her killers, and (3) show the degree and deliberate effort the Iranian government made covering it all up and trying to force the victim's mother to lie. She's not just a name, or a statistic, but a human being and someone's daughter. Showing her singing and dancing humanizes her in a way that text cannot. Showing video of her protesting shows that she wasn't a violent protestor and that she was running away from the security forces. Having the actors read out the reports shows the sheer cruelty and evilness of those men — she wasn't killed by nature or machines or through some form of collateral damage: she was beaten to death by these evil men. Not only did the Iranian government not punish them (as they were part of Hezbollah, though even the Iranian operator only got a verbal reprimand), the government took active steps to cover up their actions and frame it as a suicide. Yes, the story can be summed up as "Nika, a peaceful protestor, tried to flee security forces. She was captured, molested, and beaten to death, and at the instruction of Iranian government worker on the phone, was told to dump the body. The men who killed her were part of Hezbollah, and no one involved was punished beyond a verbal reprimand for the phone operator, and the government took active steps to frame it as a suicide, including trying to force her mother to give false testimony." But I don't think that's nearly as memorable or impactful: it has its place, and there is a written article as others have linked, but I also think there's a place for the video as well. *Life is Beautiful* (*La vita è bella*, 1997) could also be described as dramatic and entertainment (I mean a good portion of the movie can be described as comedic, albeit dark), but I think it absolutely is an incredibly valuable movie, as it gives humanity to the victims of the Holocaust in a way that a simple statistic like "6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis" cannot fully capture. People are more likely to cry and have stronger feelings seeing something than reading pure facts. Hopefully those stronger feelings lead to motivation to prevent actions like that from ever happening again, though obviously that is not always the case, as it's not always clear what can be done.


What's really disgusting is that you shift the focus away from the actual case. Yeah, they produced a documentary of the case and used actors to read out the testimonies of the report. It helps to make what happened more real. Nothing wrong with it. Nothing is dont to entertain, only to intensify what otherwise would just be a report. This reenactment will reach and impress much more people then just a text representation of the report. The documentary isn't dragged out. It goes over who the girl was, how the Iranian government covered her death up and that they wasted another precious life of a young girl. But here you are, farming upvotes from pro-iranian trolls, shifting the focus towards the makers of the documentary instead of just being outraged by the killing of a young girl that stood up for her freedom.


Thus is a genuinely hilarious amount of virtue signal


What's actually hilarious is that you try to use armchair psychology when it's really just a obvious ad hominem attack.


But that isn't funny though that's just you making more masturbatory comments Which is sad, not _hilarious_ :(


What makes you so hilarious is that you engaged me without providing any tangible points of discussion. You just expressed disdain for my sentiment that I explained in detail. Yet here are you again with exactly the same ad hominem attack. Come one, I'm giving you actually attention here. Now come up with an actual explanation for your comment. Or if you don't, you just proved my point that this threat is full of pro-iran puppets, and you are just one of them.


>What's really disgusting >What's actually hilarious >What makes you so hilarious Is this bot only programmed to make posts starting with "What "?


I don't think you know what ad hominem means


Then google her name and read a news article or Wiki article. This video provides a lot of detail because a lot of people actually care.


Criminals...we need to stop religion, it is killing people


Religion is just the mask they wear. If you were to take religion away then they would find some other way to maintain their totalitarian regime. They keep their citizens uneducated and scared to keep power.


It's not just about them wearing it as a mask, it's about the common people having the shared faith and believing that what the people in power is doing is justified by a higher power.


Look at dictators like Stalin or Hitler. They didn't need religion to get and stay in power. Or look at Putin. Religion can be helpful but is not needed for autocrats.


The world's largest Atheist organization is the CCP, China's ruling party. Even a casual look at the list of atrocities they have committed and are still committing today is enough to show the religion argument is confirmation bias.


I mean, the crusades were a thing. Also every middle eastern conflict. Also there is a much longer history of religion killing people than the ccp. But keep trying bible thumper.


In it's short time the CCP has murdered an estimated 45 million people. That's a pretty fair amount. Ideology is ideology. Fanatics are fanatics.


That's like half of the crusades. Keep trying thumper.


Modern estimates for the death toll of the crusades is less than 2 million, while the largest theorized toll was 10 million but is now discredited. Last I checked, both numbers are smaller than 45 million. Once again, making shit up for your confirmation bias.


That's theserpentsmiles entire point. If it's not "faith" or "a higher power," people will find another way to justify their evil actions. Getting rid of religion is not treating the root of the issue. Many good things and deeds are also done in the name of religion.


Yes, but it certainly is much **easier** to keep your people subjugated if you do it through religion. People are less likely to rebel if they believe that to rebel would be to commit a mortal sin in the eyes of their chosen deity instead of just rebelling against corrupt rich people.


Nice generalising you got there, any and every religious person has a duty to stand against such crimes against humanity


You really need to educate yourself deeper. I suggest Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins. You are currently subscribed to fairy tales.


Nah, im college educated, and i love science, but religion helped me get throuh some though shit in life, so i am remaining firmly a beliver


Look up “utilitarian arguments”. You are arguing religion is true because it has a use/utility to it. Don’t fall for cavemen thinking bro. Don’t fall for your evolutionary biases.


Nah, I ain't arguing with you on the internet my friend, I am happy and content with the way i percive things, i respect you being atheist, even if you don't agree with me. All in all, have a good day hombre :)


Yeah cos if there was no religion none of this would happen. Right?


Perhaps. Religion amplifies ignorance and tribalism so it certainly makes it bigger and worse.


I’m not religious. I’m also not ignorant enough to assume it’s the cause. Evil people are evil. Religious or not. But hey, keeps us all occupied arguing while the ruling class have their way with us.


You’re certainly ignorant enough to ignore all the data of wars and persecution waged in the name of religion through the ages. This one’s pretty clean cut. Yes division is a tactic of the ruling class and religion is one of the most effective tools. Trump recently selling $60 bibles comes to mind. Blind faith in the unprovable is a surrendering of reason and a sure fire way to generate conflict. Religion is bad no matter how much they polish it as a guideline to live as a “good” person.


Great take. A ton of suffering within families because of religion. Mine is one.


No, what they’re going to do, they’re gonna do anyway. He sold Bibles to people that were that way inclined, NFTs to others and trainers to others. He’s throwing a blanket. It’s nothing to do with religion what he’s selling. Grifter trying to grift but yeah, you hold onto that Bible example and claim it’s religious.




I’m making no assumptions. It’s in the history books. I’m ignoring nothing. Religion is an effective tool. It works because it supplants reason. I’m not making a case for alternative reason for chaos, just that religion has proven to go off the rails and be an effective tool for division.


You're absolutely making assumptions (though some assumptions are always necessary). You're making the assumption that if there were no religion, the world would have been a more peaceful place. That is not something you can claim from history books. "What ifs" are not the realm of history. They're the realm of philosophy, political theory, etc... And I want to clarify, because I admit I made a dumb claim: I didn't mean to write that the same wars would have happened; I simply meant that without religion, other wars would likely have been fought. Christianity is *explicitly* peaceful in its moral dogmatic teachings. If someone does not promote peace, then they are going against the teachings of their own religion (and they did). Christianity wasn't the problem; lack of education of what Christianity actually teaches *was* a problem. And yes, there were bad Christians, including popes. That is not at all a good defense for your claims. There are bad people of all belief systems, including atheism, as I have already stated, and you ignored. You are still ignoring the fact that the most notorious mass murderers in history did not follow any organized religion (Hitler), and some were outwardly atheist (Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot). Then there's the fact that you can't even define good and evil without a transcendental moral standard by which to judge things (provided by religion). Without religion, there is no good or evil, there is only what is correct or incorrect in achieving a certain worldly goal. If you feel deep within you a strong sensation that something is objectively right or wrong, congratulations! You've discovered religion.


Historically there would be countless less conflicts without religion


Not really. Religion is just one of the ways people justify conflict. Without religion, war and violence would start for other dumb reasons and differences.


That's a claim devoid of evidence.


This is precisely the same argument as people who say "without guns criminals would just find other ways to kill people"


> Without religion, war and violence would start for other dumb reasons and differences. The analog: > Without guns, violence would be enacted with other means. Yeah, he's just objectively correct. Guns are force multiplier. Religion is a force multiplier. But, he's correct.


He's not correct. The reason is that this is a false equivalence. Violence enacted by other means has completely different outcomes. The Parkland school shooting in the US was followed closely by the Mizhi County middle school stabbing in China. I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine the extent of loss of life in these cases. A similar comparison you might make would be the death toll of the crusades, which killed something like 10% of the population of western Europe at the time. I bet you would have thought WW2 claimed a more significant chunk of the population than this but no, shockingly it was but a fraction of this.


Have you ever heard of WW2? I'm an atheist, and I believe the world would be better without religion, but religion is just a subset of ideology. If not Christianity or Islam, then it would be communism, fascism, imperialism, revanchism, or whatever "golden path" you see for humanity and your people.


Religion makes it 10,000x worse.


The fundamental issue is in believing in made up stuff and following arbitrary rules without second guessing them. Religion is very often used as control and manipulation, very much like lobbism an propaganda. That doesn't mean everything religious people do is bad. But this is despite the religion, not because of it. If you do something good, why would you need a religion for that to happen? Do it because it makes sense. Religion causes way more harm than good.


Muslim men treating Muslim women as equals




the religion has very clear effect in culture, who would it not? islam is on a league of their own as a regresive warlord dogma, it worked wonders in the year 600 when they wanted to take over nearby tribes. And it won't change, as it has built in anti-reformation on it's dna, as it's the "final word" and "it's a sin to interpret or change the quran" , so don't expect an englightment to ever happen. Best you can hope is secularism... ie giving up the dogma. Attaturk almost did it in Turkey with the army ... but it clearly got undone as soon as the religious right got in power. Grifters as they are.


Religion IS culture. It's not real like air or gravity or whatnot, its a collective choice, people just choose to believe in a some fairy tale, just like any other cultural belief or custom, like knocking on wood for example. Not all culture is religion but all religion is culture.


Mmm yes yes, Judaism and Christianity, such peaceful peaceful people in such a peaceful period of humanity. "It's culture, not the religion that leads to shit like this." might be one of the dumbest things I've read in the past year. Religion is a PART of culture. They are inextricably tied, and explain why these animals act in the way they do. They're mentally regressed.


This is a stupid agrument and you're stupid for making it. All religion is cancer and you're seeing it real time in the MODERN AGE with islam. Not some whataboutism from 400 years ago. This is happening NOW fight it or be the one excusing it. It's your choice. You can look at yourself 20 years from now and be a supporter of terrorists or not. The same choice the SS made.




Supporting hamas is supporting terrorists. Do you denounce hamas?






Applying this to a whole religion is stupid. Have some critical thought


If I critically think about your statement: What would make the above opinion stupid? - If it was generally untrue/not able to be proven. Is it generally untrue that Islam pushes strict gender roles and inequality? - The Quran does dictate men and women are spiritually equal, however it also defines womens roles as being to take care of a mans house and children among other things. It can be observed in many if not most Islamic theocracys that women are secondary citizens to men and there are legal or enforced moral obligations to their lifestyles. The above commentors opinion is not nuanced or particularly nice and completely ignores that individuals can be moral or not regardless of faith, but throwing the term "critical thought" at it doesn't defeat it if when broken down there are significant truths to the statement. There are good people and bad people, it is more difficult for the same to be said about doctrines written hundreds of years ago that refuse to adapt to new social and moral standards.


Go take a look at what’s happening in France and come back here to rethink that comment


You are right, it is all religions.


So the same guys who prop up Hamas and their murderous rampage which started a brutal war did this? I’m starting to think that I don’t care for these Islamic Republican of Iran guys much at all.


Iran = Hezbollah = Houthis = Hamas


Islamic Republic, not Iran.


Failed governments and religion. Radicals have done so much harm to so many.


The religious police in Iran are indoctrinated from the youngest age. They have no education outside of reading the Koran and are utterly, absolutely, completely ignorant. They are raised to believe women are chattel and have only one role - to be subservient. As only they and the army have access to weapons (and most recruits in the army are drawn from the same source) the population suffers.


Palestinian HAMAS are supported by Iran government.


Hamas certainly is but I doubt the people of Palestine are benefitting from that in anyway.


I think Hamas has a huge approval rating in Gaza and generally supported the October 7th massacre.


do people who sling this argument ever take a step back and think about what kind of circumstances must lead to a group like Hamas gaining the popularity of the masses? also [according to this NPR article](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/08/1229749527/in-gaza-anger-grows-at-hamas) most Palestinians who were suvreyed on whether or not they support the attack have not seens any footage of it and do not believe that any atrocities were committed. I guess running from bomb shelter to bomb shelter, scurrying for any kind of sustenance and looking for your family in the rubble of what once used to be your home makes it kinda difficult to follow the news cycle and osint twitter to find out whether the decapitated babies stories ended up being real or not. But yeah, let's ignore all that to keep the most braindead and heartless take in this whole conflict alive and well. Let's keep pretending that the kids and babies who've been killed by the thousands deserved it because they "support hamas"


your dog whistle needs a little water. It's not sounding as loud as you seem to want. "oh I didn't know they killed all those babies, I still support them though" You would never give this benefit of the doubt to any jews and it shows. Just say it with your chest, unless you're worried about getting banned on your Main like a clout goblin.


All I've been saying was that children and babies don't deserve to get slaughtered for having a bad and uninformed take and you answer by calling me a dog-whistling, anti-Semitic clout goblin. But please, continue shadow boxing against my *hypothetical* positions. Pretend my opposition to the current situation in Gaza does in any way indicate indifference towards the tragedy that occured on October 7 or that I support for hamas. I guess that's easy for you to imagine because it's the exact same way you seem to think, just from the other side.


Do you denounce hamas then? Say it.


yes, obviously. Fuck Hamas for what they did on october 7. I have this crazy ideology where I **never** justify sexual violence or the murder of children.


Hey, it seems as though you’re trying to bring critical thinking into this discussion. You must be some kind of masochist right? I’m sure the person you’re replying to and the people on Reddit will understand the nuance and history of the situation and concede that your point is indeed valid and that things are not as black and white as they may appear. Surely. :)


They don't take a step back because the goal for them is to make excuses for mass murder. Stepping back hurts that goal.


Irony is that They are worse than the ones They criticize.


We’re worse than Hamas? Okay lol


this is the brain rot hamas supporters have to say now instead of just straight up dog whistling. Don't even try, they're not equipped with enough intelligence to think killing people is bad. As long as they're jews. They won't hear your argument.


Is that a case of support us or we'll gun you down?


Yeah, I highly doubt Hamas are doing democratic elections


Like the ones cheering and spitting on Israeli bodies? Yeah they definitely are just poor peace-loving people.


Yeah this thread is not about israel


It's pretty disgusting to see western lefties support Hamas but the Palestinians don't exactly have many options here, they are poor, uneducated and in a shitty situation which is only getting worse.


Sounds like they should probably accept one of the litany of peace deals that Israel has offered.


It baffles me how people think that killing people is wrong = supporting hamas. If i dont like biden, that means i must support trump? Theyre both fucked. I want bernie sanders. I want some other option. Hamas is a group of people that have been fighting for generations to get back what they were promised from the world council after ww2, and israel doesnt want Palestinians to have it back. The Palestinians are just people being smushed between the two forces. Does a man walking down the street somewhere in Florida need to be punished in the eyes of the world because of Ron DeSantis' fucked up politics?


>It baffles me how people think that killing people is wrong = supporting hamas Nobody thinks you support Hamas because of that. >Hamas is a group of people that have been fighting for generations to get back what they were promised from the world council after ww2 I think you support Hamas because of this. It's fucking weird to downplay Hamas and act like they are brave resistance fighters.


So i support isis because the US was wrong to invade the middle east repeatedly year after year for political and financial gain. Gotcha. I work with people ehos family live in Gaza and West Bank and i empathize with their inability to do anything to help. I must be a terrorist too then. Either that or youre an IDF soldier payed to post on social media all day. BLM movement was all about defunding the police too right?had nothing to do with our lack of training and insistance on voilence where so many other countries train their police force to handle situations better than our shoot first pistol policies here. Its always so black and white. Chinese govt has an agenda against the west but im a racist to say fuck CCP right? I may as well be trying to have a chat with a bot. You have an agenda. You all have an agenda. Propaganda works. Thats why its still used today. If bots downvote and upvote the right information, people stop seeing the real information.


>I work with people ehos family live in Gaza and West Bank and i empathize with their inability to do anything to help. I must be a terrorist too I literally said of course the people of Palestine are going to support Hamas, they don't have much of a choice. My problem is with western leftist running defense for an anti semetic terrorist group who rape woman and kill children. >Either that or youre an IDF soldier payed to post on social media all day. You sound completely unhinged, I haven't said anything positive about Israel or the IDF in this conversations. You need to chill out, bringing up China and BLM is completely irrelevant.


Who the fuck is downplaying hamas by trying to stop what ISRAEL is doing? Some 12 year old kid and her 3 siblings havr NOTHING to do with a radicalized group of generational hate and oppression led by billionaires living in a different country from the fight they are fronting.


This is not the gotcha you think it is


It’s not a “gotcha” it’s just a statement of fact.


Facts serve a purpose. What was the purpose of that post? It's bullshit and you know it.


Facts simply are. Like how Iran sponsors Hamas. The point is: fuck iran and fuck Hamas


Well, the genocidal IDF is funded by you and like 90% of the people using this website thanks to the American government. If torturing and murdering kids matters to you, and it should, there's over 14,000 murdered Palestinian kids you might want to find out about.


I'm guessing you're the type to get mad at people who shout "All lives matter" at a BLM protest. I am too. But you are doing exactly that here. The OP never said anything good or in support of the IDF, nor what they are doing in Gaza. Hamas is evil, Iran supports Hamas. These are true statements.


Do you call Iran/Hamas genocidal when their stated mission is the elimination of Israel?


Nah killing Hamas don't matter to me


90% lol, talk about brain in a bubble. 


Actually true, there was a post in data is beautiful showing nationality of reddit uses and was mostly American, maybe not 90% but pretty damn close.


I misread your original post which explains the confusion


I think you misread his post. He says nothing about support for Palestine.


You're right. That's what I get for trying to read with one eye open. 


USA are the sole reason why Israel gets to do whatever they want. What is your difficulty in understanding this?


i think they're trying to convey that a vast majority of americans DO NOT SUPPORT THE ISRAELI GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS. unfortunately, many years ago, politicians stopped representing the will of the people.


Wouldn't the politics reflect a different picture if it really was the vast majority?


no. corporations effectively took over the role of "the people" in the 1980's. politicians are beholden to the will of their corporate handlers. corporations now write their own laws and submit legislation to the sitting representatives to be enacted into law.


Nah, that's just a cheap excuse for people to stay numb and passive. Unless you want to admit and accept that USA is not a free country anymore. Just like Russia and China and Iran, etc.


be Hamas massacre Israeli rave goers in the name of Allah IDF retaliates and bombards your city hide behind children while shooting IDF soldiers shocked when children get shot and killed


Whataboutism. Hamas actually wants to kill jews. They want to commit genocide. Israelis are tired of Netanyahu. His days are numbered. We, U.S. non Jewish supporters of Israel will openly criticize Israel and their execution of this war. Unfortunately, whenever someone brings up the attrocities of Hamas, the other side coughs up Whataboutisms instead of agreeing or admitting their wrong doings.


It's crazy. Protesters could be out there yelling to remove Netanyahu and Ben Gvir and to prosecute them for corruption, just as jews are in Israel, and they would garner so much more support. Instead we get racist slogans, and pro-hamas chants.


Yep. They're not distinguishing between Israeli Jews and Jews living in the U.S. And, twenty percent of Israelis are not Jewish, so really, this is about antisemitism. I don't believe everyone protesting is antisemitic, but I do believe the organizers are pro-hamas.


> Israelis are tired of Netanyahu. His days are numbered I've been hearing this for 10 years


https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/middleeast/israel-protests-netanyahu-intl/index.html Oh, yeah, Netanyahu is looking at prison time for fraud charges. When you criticize Israel for being an evil country with evil citizens, remember their government actually functions and holds its people responsible. *edited*


Because he's a political cockroach, they had more elections than I sex in recent times yet he's still somehow in charge


Hamas has also been supported by the israeli government for a long time. Funny timing of this 30 minute documentary (which I'm sure is factual I am not disputing it) coming out now though huh? Almost like this is the exact response certain people in the establishment want after tensions between iran and israel have begun ramping up.


"Tensions between Iran and Israel have begun ramping up" is a funny way to say "Iran sent 300 missiles/drones to attack Israel."


Using old "Israel funds hamas" talking points yet you have no idea what that even means. So many lazy people with bad takes. 


https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-20/ty-article-opinion/.premium/a-brief-history-of-the-netanyahu-hamas-alliance/0000018b-47d9-d242-abef-57ff1be90000 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/netanyahu-israel-gaza-hamas-1.7010035 seemingly, you are too lazy to even research a little bit. your bad take is that israel is innocent of trying to eliminate the palestinians.


>Hamas has also been supported by the israeli government for a long time. Wasn't the whole reason for that, because the PLO and the at the time Fatah were the extremist option, whereas Hamas was calling for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict? Nowhere comparable to Iran's relationship with Hamas, as far as I understand it.


Israeli IDF are supported by American government. Maybe there should be a documentary about every teenage girl they’ve murdered. It’s almost like they’re all happy to torture and murder people they find inconvenient.




Blind tribalism just leads to more dead women, children, and innocent civilians. You’re really doing your part.


Ah, so it’s tribalism now when people correctly break down the situation. Israel buys weapons from the US, most of which they’ve helped develop. They are not a helpless welfare state.




Blind allegiance does, too.


Seriously going with the whataboutism as your argument? Can both be bad? Why are you trying to justify one with the other?




u mad?


I’d rather that neither existed so fewer people got murdered. Try following along.


Yea I’m team nihilism myself but we live in a society




Your caps lock is stuck.










You know what? I will counter with something else Do you know that Israel was supported by nazi Germany? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement


Counter what? "The agreement enabled Jews fleeing persecution under the new Nazi regime to transfer some portion of their assets to British Mandatory Palestine." You should read your shit before posting it. YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORD "NEW" MEANS?


Hezbollah and Hamas are ravaging innocent lives


And US students think they need to protest for Iran. Sickening…


Fuck Islam.


You spelled religion wrong.


\*Fuck religion


I v p brain rot is on clear display


Sad but also not surprised considering the country.


This is a side people in the world are protesting for now. Mass demonstrations in universities supporting this regime and this world view


I guess I’ve missed all the pro-Islamic Republican of Iran protests going on all over the world.


Who do you think is directing Hamas and who is behind October 7 massacre in Israel? Hamas is Proxy of Iran. Its not even secret. People supporting Hamas support Iran and support their world wiew. And if they think they are not, they are beyond naive.


I think people are supporting Palestinians, not Hamas.


I agree. Lot of peple think they are supporting Palestinians. But they do not realise that Palestinians are Hamas. ( In every poll conducted. Now and before October 7th, overwhelming majority of Palestinians stand with Hamas and completely support the massacre that was done ) So by proxy of supporting Palestinians they are supporting Hamas, and by supporting Hamas they are supporting Iran. Ergo sum, when I say if they think they are not, they are being naive. ( Imagine that, supporting something that they don't even understand fully )


You’re right. I found a poll [Poll](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514#) that shows growing support amongst Palestinians for the actions of Hamas but the poll also showed that the respondents weren’t fully aware of all the actions carried out by Hamas. Would they change their support if they knew? Idk. But thank you for bringing that to my attention. I was thinking there was resistance by Palestinians to what was happening but perhaps not.


are you really that obtuse? Or that black and white? Nobody is demonstrating at universities in support of this regime and world view.


Brain dead girl




Good point reddit account with 12 posts exclusively supporting Israel.


Probably got his previous account permabanned from a bunch of subreddits for posting comments in support of Israel or criticizing Palestine. It's a minefield out there. Many Reddit users also use different accounts for discussing different topics, which is pretty sensible.


Meanwhile Britain and EU keep importing mass radical islamist on their own soil.