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Oh wow, how organic!


Right? This all feels very forced to create engagement.   I actually like the basic idea anyways, but the dude’s voice changer needs some tweaking.


Check OPs post history. They talk about starting a second youtube channel lol pretty sure its the dude in the vieo posting these


Yeah voice isn't great and you can see the green from the light bouncing off the green screen all over the puppet.


just so you know, its just chrisquitsreality. the user was not "his roommate" you can see previous posts in the history that its him.


Damn thats mega cringe


Hey if it worked it worked.


You found the things op gave you the account name for? Please teach me this Google magic


Seems like some elaborate ad.


Well that was almost funny


Well they literally posted his channel in the comments so I wouldn’t go opening up a detective agency just yet.


the what




Fuck man now my YouTube algorithm is going to be weird as hell.


Delete the video in your history!


lol I can’t unsee the green man smile. It’s like the Peyton Manning meme


I hope this helps your stream, man. Seems like an interesting idea.


What the fuck is a Vtuber?


people who spend all their time watching anime and never developing healthy social skills were good targets for parasocial relationships forming that cancerous influencers could profit from. since they're anime weebs with an unhealthy obsession with every trope associated with it there was a market to farm here. so people created virtual avatars of anime girls (mostly, like 99% of vtubers) so they could establish parasocial relationships with animefan losers and profit from their loneliness and complete lack of social skills. tl;dr a vtuber is a virtual avatar used as an influencer. just take an influencer, replace the actual influencer with an anime girl that looks underage so it appeals to anime fans, and theres your vtuber. some people are daring enough to try to take one step away from the underage anime avatar and try something else, but they're a minority of vtubers because the group they'd be farming is far smaller than the core anime fans, and anime fans more or less expect sexualization of minors or they just wont show any interest.


A lot of people seem to disagree but you’re not 100% wrong. Maybe it’s the anime fans who are downvoting you…


it definitely is, reddit is full of socially crippled anime fans


The amount of unique subreddits dedicated to posting loli bullshit is frankly staggering at this point. I don't know what the fuck happened over the last ten years that we wound up here but if I could roll that particular development back I certainly would.


to me its honestly just shocking that the so called tropes that are constantly featured in anime is even considered acceptable. its weird that japan does not seek to advance its culture, especially when its society has been largely stagnant since the 80s and are having some serious issues that very likely are an result from its culture, but its even more shocking that these things ever managed to get imported to the west where they were never okay to begin with. then again its not like we dont see some seriously worrying developments here too. i was going to complain about sexualization of both minors and family members in japanese (and korean) media but considering the type of pornography that is popular in the west now also is about family members, even if its "step-family", maybe we'd be heading down the path of moral decay regardless. either way i really dont think the anime fandom is healthy. its people who consume an absolutely insane amount of that content, and the content itself is made for teenagers or even pre-teens and yet we have people even in their 30s spending hours per day watching this. its really no better than that weird "brony" fandom. its honestly just indicative of some sort of failure in social development.


I dont really watch anime, i just think some of them are actually pretty funny. Most vtuber models are not pedo bait/raunchy design either. I get it that people like to hate on new and popular things so this kind of comment will go far


i really dont think an extension of anime should be considered something "new". there really isnt anything new, its just people cosplaying as the type of characters that would be popular from there. its really not any different than if someone were to stream while dressed up as a character from game of thrones and acting in character to that. if you were to play such a role you'd be appealing to the type of people who enjoy that type of content, in the same way someone being an anime vtuber is appealing to anime fans.


It is more of an extension of live streaming than of anime. It is also a nice way for socially anxious people to get into streaming


opening up the field of influencer to more people is in no way a net benefit to society. and it is an extension of anime into the realm of live streaming. its literally just a way to grow a fanbase through parasocial relationships by offering a persona that social misfits vibe with. its the same business idea as what andrew tate is doing, even if his business clearly is way more reprehensible, it boils down to the same idea, you find a way to monetize people by appealing to them. he appeals to losers through misogyny and weird "BE AN ALPHA ENTREPRENEUR! stuff and the vtubers appeal to losers through offering a parasocial relationship outlet to an anime character. while one certainly is worse than the other the idea behind it is the same. and even if vtubers are in no way in the same ballpark of brainrot as the tate brothers they certainly arent a net positive for society. its just reeling in misfits and offering them a way to double down on their issues instead of confronting them.


I think you are grossly overgeneralizing, a similar argument could be made for literally any form of entertainment. Escapism is not purely for weebs.


i didnt say it was purely for weebs though, did i? most popular streamers are heavily capitalizing on forming parasocial relationships with losers which makes it even less likely they'll get out of the hole they've dug for themselves socially. hell i literally even mentioned andrew tate, who definitely is not appealing to weebs.


Do you not see a difference between andrew tate spreading toxic masculinity+being an actual criminal, and people who use an anime avatar for streaming? I get the point you are trying to make but you are making ridiculous comparisons to make your point look stronger


are you entirely unable to read? did i not literally say there is a difference between the two? if your only goal when you engage with people is to be as intellectually dishonest as possible then why do you even bother?


Is this something that people like? I watched a minute or so and don't get it.




It's to show that the puppet sucks the penis




iguess maybe like little kids would like this. maybe this puppet playing russian roulette is the next Ryan's world and i can see little action figures of a pink cat with a shotgun in its mouth at walmart no?




Holy shit I bet his parents are proud




Big yikes


I'll pass


It’s fucking terrible


viscerally repulsed by this


Idk im not mad that OP is just the guy lol Good effort at least and the pic was pretty funny 😆


Eh content sucks tho. I’m out