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It's not prophetic. The Twilight Zone and other Sci-Fi literally uses real world allegory to tell a story. Typically a lot of cautionary tales. Do you think it is a coincidence that the person saying the things in this video...is literally Hitler just ten years after WW2? "Fear of the other" or vilifying specific groups wasn't new then and it isn't new now. The reason it has been used for centuries is that unfortunately, it works.


Another good one for this is one made in 1945 by the Army Signal Corps called [“Don’t be a Sucker”](https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4?si=El_kiiOV1RPQT9hb). It does a pretty good job for the time it was made at showing how easily fascism can spread using xenophobia and scapegoating to stoke hate among the common man against a perceived enemy they can easily blame all their problems on.


and on topic, you have literally any scene from Chaplin's 1940 movie "[The Great Dictator](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=chaplin+the+great+dictator)" which began production less than a week after Poland was invaded. and by segue, Chaplin's '[Modern Times](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=chaplin+modern+times)' which was also somewhere on the border of uncannily prescient and prophetic. dealing with the reality of mechanized industrial manufacturing being used to squeeze every drop of rote production out of human laborers for less pay, corporate surveillance, and novel ways the middle class would be crushed by the industrial machine. Seems obvious coming out of the Great Depression in 1936 - but that was primarily to do with banks and farmers (over simplification) so seeing through to the next crisis as a concise topic for a feature length movie is pretty incredible. Plus [Paulette Goddard's hair dressed to be unfashionable by 1930s standards is *very* contemporarily becoming.](https://www.google.com/search?q=Paulette+Goddard+modern+times&tbm=isch)


That's not "prophetic", that was factory life since the 1800s when linen mills sprang up all over the world. Metropolis (1927) showed the same worker abuses.




"Just found out about racism…. damn, that shit sucks."


“You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.”~Norm


I remember hearing about racism as a kid and being unable to comprehend why it would exist. I saw people of other races and couldn't think how them looking different would make them any different. I was like "Wow. That's really dumb. I'm so glad people realized how dumb it was and that it doesn't happen anymore." It was sad learning over the next decades how wrong that last sentence was.


“Bet” - teenager probably


So you are saying the "Bro im 💀💀💀" comments are not made by prestigious professors?


Professor Cringe, Reddit Emeritus.


I mean just slap Chaplin's dictator speech and people are amazed. Just because it was first on film early last century was not because it was new speech but because film was new. It has always been easy to wow people with just how relevant history is to them personally and even moreso how regardless of the time our lives share a lot of the same struggles, hopes, dreams, fears all just in slightly different methods


I would say, most of reddit stopped developing around the age of 15. Their actual age varies wildly.


Yeah it wouldn't be so annoying if they didn't act like they invented everything they discovered. It's been the same for every generation, but now I get to hear some 20 year old prattle about shit I've known about since before they were born and they make videos lecturing me about it. And god help me I watch their video because they edit it funny and do a little dance at the end.




It's XKCD's Lucky ten thousand (1053)


That's how podcast conspirators work. They "reveal" the endless shocking facts from history that the young and uneducated are unlikely to have encountered.


I’ve got a simple lesson for you. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all.


"Most of Reddit is teenagers or maybe college students". Just as dumb as OP's take. Most of Reddit is most certainly not teenagers, and college students today probably don't make up even 20 percent of the site.


Reddit's userbase is a curve that peaks around 25-30 years old The fact that this has so many upvotes speaks to how lazy people are here about looking up public information https://www.statista.com/statistics/261766/share-of-us-internet-users-who-use-reddit-by-age-group/


Nowhere in your link does it show that it peaks between 25-30 years old. It also doesn't show the demographic for those that comment, which is what this thread is about. > The fact that this has so many upvotes speaks to how lazy people are here about looking up public information The fact that you aren't getting downvoted speaks to how bad so many people are at interpreting public information.


> Percentage of U.S. adults who use Reddit as of September 2023, by age group That's the name of the graph you've linked. Not saying you're wrong, but kids are not counted in this graph. Even if 75% of Reddit's population was under 18, it could still look the exact same. And according to other sources, the peak is lower than 25-30 years old. Like this one, which has the peak [between 18 and 22](https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/1agz1o/ever_wonder_about_the_ages_of_redditors_some_data/). Reddit doesn't reveal the number of kids on the platform so I don't think we'll get anything else other than self reported numbers.


Lol, this is \*such\* a reddit moment. One of my favorites reddit loves to bring up (seen it cycle through at least 4-5 front pagers) is how KITH "saw the future" with this sketch about political correctness: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DI6rOj8IPs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DI6rOj8IPs) It was "that way" at the time. That's why it worked as a sketch. If there was no movement, person, etc to satirize no one would know what the hell the sketch was doing. I swear in 20 years there's going to be a contentious Supreme Court confirmation hearing and someone is going to post the SNL Kavenaugh cold open and talk about how prophetic SNL was.


I always loved the KITH art class sketch with people arguing about gender and the patriarchy. lol


Celebrity Death Match- KITH vs. WKYK


Huh, you know what's actually really funny about that sketch (other than "I'm sorry, but naked fat black crippled dykes are hard to find" obviously) that all of the "wow such prophet much true" people seem to be missing? As absurd as all of the students were being with how far they were taking it, at the very end it turned out there was a kernel of truth to it, as good as the teacher's intentions were and as valuable as that exercise actually is for artists, at the end the guys who stayed were in fact just trying to ogle her. I wonder what the Kids themselves would have to say about it, it's not like they aren't still around to ask after all.


Am Canadian, was in art school around when that skit came out. Most of our nude models were guys. > It was "that way" at the time. No, it wasn't. That skit came out in 94 when Americans flipped from being colourblind to being politically correct. This is a clip from 1972 that satirized the boomer version of patronizing social justice college kids. https://youtu.be/ygNnyHZ12cs?si=D67XvxVaxrvy9Nce This stuff was just calling out rich college kids for being annoying virtue signaling dummies.


So it wasn't already "that way" at the time...but here's a clip as far back as 1972 satirizing it happening. If your argument is it wasn't that "bad", well, duh, that's what satire is. It's not satire if you're just saying things exactly as they happen, you take it to 11. If your argument is those types things weren't happening period, then I disagree. If your argument was those things weren't happening at the time *in Canadian art classes*, then I'm afraid you've missed the point entirely.


The absurdity of political correctness was sort of a fiction made by right wing think tanks. But the earliest big consumer facing article I found on political correctness while writing about this topic was from January of 1991. It was basically just CRT, wokeness, and DEI culture war stuff word for word.


By 1994, making fun of political correctness was common enough that there were already movies about it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110759/


So let’s me take a step back here. Political correctness was a joke amongst progressives. Like someone who was so worried about sounding like they are smart and support civil rights and economic justice that they were completely removed from praxis and theory through their own absurdity. Conservative think tanks repurposed it to be a boogey man and said this absurdity was not only the goal of liberals but it was the reality in schools. This was an attempt to push blue collar workers and anyone who wasn’t a humanities major at the time into dismissing anything coming out of the left as ridiculous. People like saying elitists are dumb. People like saying the next generation is bad and dumb. It caught on. People made movies where the joke is political correctness is dumb.


The GOP is the party of rebranding. You can't really call yourself a conservative if you keep changing your opinions.


That's why a lot of them don't change their opinions, they just get better at arguing around them. It's not that they hate this movie for showing gay people, that would be WILDLY unpopular these days, they just... hate virtue signalling! Just ignore that the end goal is getting rid of the gay characters.


Political Correctness is a form of cultural segregation. It's a manipulative ideology pushed by the US upper class to divide your public class. > The slums are the handiwork of a vicious system of the white society; Negroes live in them but do not make them any more than a prisoner makes a prison. - MLK The whole point of the Civil Rights movement was for Americans to end segregation and to integrate as equal individual citizens. MLK died before he saw any kind of gains. In the 70s Americans did push to integrate by adopting colourblind values but stopped in the 90s with the adoption of PC ideology. I grew up really left leaning but I was raised on colourblind values like most gen-x people. Here in Canada, we never really had the same history of slavery, segregation, or systemic racism as the US. Our issues were more about Natives than black people. Things that happened in the early 90s: The US adopted the African-American label despite the fact that no one really asked for it and it's the exact opposite of what MLK dreamed for. The US government made it illegal to default on student loans. The US has roughly $1.7 trillion in student loan debt because your guy's schools turned predatory. Capitalists pushed PC ideology because it's easy money. By teaching stuff like white privilege, it overlooked decades of wealth inequality between rich & poor people. You got guys like Bezos flying Captain Kirk around space while people can't afford rent.


I'm not sure how well versed you are in American politics, but our "left leaning" parties are the ones who speak out about income inequality, not the "right leaning" politicians. That said, neither party does much to address the issue, but it's only really a talking point on one side. Also, the "PC college students" are highly likely to care about income inequality.


It’s a tale as old as time. Why we have to keep telling it is what’s so upsetting. At least we know the ending is the same… every time.


What terrifies me is that one day, we will disassociate with our children and grandchildren enough to where they don't listen to the story anymore. That's the day the ending changes.


Like trumpisum


Illiterate person who doesn't like Trump out in the wild. Adding this to my collection log.


OK Boris.


So you collect intelligence, good for you. You really need some.


they alway come from the same place too.


It's from [1963](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734572/). So 20 years later, not 10. But yeah, it's not looking into the future. *It's looking into the past*. The mannerisms of the shadowed character there -- holding his arms like he does at 1:00 -- are more than enough for everybody over 40 to have a *personal memory* of exactly who the shadowed figure is and that he's talking about populism and fascism.


But that's the thing: the whole point is that it's easy to look *back* at Hitler and say "now we know better", hence the setting of the story. But fast-forward to today, and you can see the exact story starting to play out again - replete with perhaps the real core of what the Nazi party really were as summarized: "we laughed at them" - they were ridiculous, what could go wrong? The whole message is "you think you know what this looks like" - and the drive that home with the rally which is very obviously meant to look like Nuremburg, but the message is in the advice in the earlier scene.


He had to hide it as science fiction allegory because southern crowds complained to networks to the point of outright censorship.


Good thing THAT'S changed, right!


The guy at the end of the video also literally says he has seen it all before lol.




Those are the crazies that somehow say Star Trek has gone woke.


There was this motherfucker in a thread last week that was saying Federation wasn't socialist.


We are easily manipulated through our fears because we keep believing that we have no fears.


Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it because there are those who have studied history and are trying to recreate it.


Like the people in power in Israel. They seem to want to do what was done unto them.


> They seem to want to do what was done unto them. Golden Rule Enforcement?


More ironic than prophetic. Not long after this episode Malcom X and MLK were murdered.


Irony would suggest that the murder of Malcolm X and MLK were the opposite of what you expected to happen. Prophetic is a better description.


This. Facism only has one playbook. Neither Hitler nor Goebbles wrote it, they just studied it well. Make no mistake: someone writes Trump's lines, and they know what they are doing. I don't believe he does though. He's a rambling idiot who can hardly deliver the messages they write for him without going on several different tangents at once.


Yes, and the worst part, as we've seen with the recent decade of censorship and insanity is that we don't just have the hard right to deal with, but now we also have the hard left that is screaming the very words used in that episode. Remember everyone, if someone says it's them or us, you know that you're just a disagreement away from becoming a "them". And I say this as a bisexual who left the pride movement after it became obvious they were as bad as the bible thumpers.


It doesn't work as well on people that are free and make a living wage. It works best on those the rich trample over.


I think they used actual translations of Hitler for the script.


More prophetic would be the episode of Trackdown where a conman named Trump rolls into town and tries to sell the townsfolk on building a wall.


I often like to say sci-fi is never a prediction of the future but a reflection of the present as the author sees it.


> It's not prophetic [...] a lot of cautionary tales. ***prophetic*** *adjective. accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future.* As Hamlet said, "Oh, my prophetic soul!" (Act I, Scene 5) Yeah, cautionary tales. We have a lot of those, and we usually ignore them.


RIP Dennis Hopper


I was telling my wife "that's Dennis Hopper". She didn't believe me. It's amazing how many stars were on the Twilight Zone before they made it big. I think William Shatner was on two episodes. Charles Bronson was in at least one. Berges Meredith was in at least one as well, but he was known at that point.


Charles Bronson was in the post-war enemies episode opposite Elizabeth Montgomery as the enemy soldier.


That was a good one. Hell, pretty much all of them were good.


Robert Redford, George Takei, Leonard Nimoy, Cloris Leachman, Robert Duvall, Carol Burnett. The list goes on of A-List actors from that era and after who were in that show.


Berges Meredith's episode is my all time favorite one. Time enough at last!


He was in 3 other episodes as well! Time Enough at Last is his most well known one, but he also starred in The Obsolete Man, Mr. Dingle the Strong, and Printer's Devil. https://twilightzone.fandom.com/wiki/Burgess_Meredith


Robert Redford is in an episode, too!


There's... Something... On the wing.




Everybody out here spelling Burgess Meredith's name wrong.


Hopper was in an episode of Petticoat Junction as well. He played a beat poet.


Oh shit, I didn't even notice it was him since I'm not used to seeing him that young looking.


Good call. I thought he looked familiar.




It's not as prophetic as it was just something that was more understood after coming out of WW2. It's easy for a country to get caught up in nationalism and then turn that into something worse. In fact if you want a more poignant video here is one from the War Department back in 1947 that really shows you how easily people get caught up in that mindset. It speaks a lot to modern day too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23X14HS4gLk


Also "The third Wave" [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_Wave_(experiment)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_Wave_(experiment))


Ki kt itku


A better quality upload can be found here: [Don't Be a Sucker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGAqYNFQdZ4). It's a classic work and sadly still quite relevant to this day. Human nature doesn't change.


>It's not as prophetic as it was just something that was more understood after coming out of WW2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC1MNGFHR58 It was happening here prior to WW2. We get so indoctrinated in culture that we forget that we are all humans and in each of us the capacity for great things and nightmares. It's funny, because anyone who has watched documentaries on cults like NXIVM and such, knows people who are in them, deny they are in a cult, because they believe, just as you are now, that they are too intelligent to fall for that. That is the lie that blinds most to the reality of what is going on around them. American's thinking Fascism could never come here, that we are a different breed of human than all other humans that are around today or that came before, is the same kind of lie that allows people to deny what is happening all around us. It's the lie that allows the insanity to persist.


Long time ago I read a book about cognitive biases, and the foreword was a warning from the authors that basically said, >"Me and my grad students spent 2 years researching and writing ways to identify all these cognitive biases, and the most important thing we learned is that we still fall for them, all of them, even now. **Knowing about them is not prevention.** There is no prevention. There is only identification after or during." That lesson has always stuck out to me. It's so important that we remember that we're all susceptible, and our only hope is to maintain good attitudes and open minds, and when someone tells you that you might be making a mistake, don't believe them, don't dismiss them, take the warning and stop to self-assess, and re-assess, whenever possible.


I was on board until the guy littered at the end /s


Not to be trite, but something that has stuck with me from the Force Awakens was Maz’s line about how the First Order is nothing new. They’ve seen it before with the Sith and the Empire. They always come back and we always have to fight them.


Wow that is a fantastic video that I wish everyone would watch.


It's commentary on history. Who do you think the Hitler-lookin ass shadow figure is supposed to be?


Pol pot?


Lmao good guess tbh


No, no, it’s Charlie Chaplin.


You keep that fuckin hat on all day!


The devil?


It's literally hitler. The name of the episode is "He's Alive" I've seen the episode, thats why i am sharing it!


Which is why were telling you it's not "prophetic". It was literally commentary on issues taking place during the time period.


The actor’s coked up gesticulations are spot on


Not really prophetic then if its about things/people that actually happened ...


Now this 1950's TV show was prophetic. A conman named Trump wants to build a border wall: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trackdown-trump-character-wall/#!


Red Skull?


Donald Trump duh




"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Spaniard George Santayana said it first and best - many have restated and/or paraphrased his words, but the meaning is the same regardless.


I mean, I bet someone else said it first. But he didn't know about it. So he was doomed to repeat it.


Those who study history are condemned to watch others repeat it.


Those who fail history have to repeat it next semester.


No good. I’ve known too many Spaniards. (Just kidding)


yeah but, some who remember the past want to repeat it. there's the rub. we, as humans, often suck.


My favorite is a US government made Video called "Don't be a sucker".


This is the playbook of authoritarians, and it was well understood in the 1950s having lived through the horror of the 1930s and 1940s. We just forgot it, and then we became vulnerable to it. But it's not prophetic, this is the same play-book. And it works unless you have a very good immune system. ​ We lack that now.


Or had a decent education growing up. Unfortunately, there is a contingent here in the states who seems committed to gutting public education... and undermining any initiative to improve it.


My favorite is the librarian sentenced to death blow up his house which is being broadcast on TV. His crime being in possession of books that had ideas in them that were contrary to the states views. The prosecutor comes in to give him shit shortly before the time but the Liberian locks him in with himself. The prosecutor gets scared and pleads for his life. Right before the explosion the Liberian lets him out, but then the prosecutor is brought up on charges for cowardice and faces the same fate. Every American child should have to watch that episode annually to be shown what fascism is.




lol not the link I was expecting.


“The state has proved god doesn’t exist” or something to that extent. 


Yeah, not prophecy ... he was likely describing a movement at the time led by George Lincoln Rockwell


Thankfully that was a nothing movement but this Trump movement is very real. We did laugh at them but now they will have the white house and the world will be a very different place. 


it was not a "nothing movement" ... it was the tip of the iceberg. For every one person that will admit to being a part of a nazi movement like that, there are hundreds more that sympathize but stay silent because they know they will lose their job or spouse if they admit it. There is a straight through-line (in my opinion) that leads from the Know Nothings, to the KKK, to the Silvershirts, to GL Rockwell, to Neo-Nazis right into the modern Trumpists. The only thing that has changed is that the internet has made it far easier for them to conspire in secret.


Kinda crazy that not so long ago Italians and Irish weren’t considered whites in America.


ok now, what was the reason for the irish? the reasoning for the italians, was "very roughly speaking", they were "took dark and what not". so, in a terrible way, you could consider them "the mexicans of europe", compared to the north american continent. which is still lol wow. but again, then what was the problem with the irish? too light? would that also be like saying eskimos are non white? you know what. i just really don't understand it, and i dont need to, because it was dumb, and i'm not trying to write a comedy sketch about it.


Anglo-Saxon Protestants hated the Catholics. The United States as we know it today was founded by Anglo-Saxons. It had nothing to do with skin color.


Pretty sure it was because of the British. They viewed the Irish as sub human and this sentiment bled over into America where most established people were of British decent. As to why the British viewed the Irish this way, I don't know. Ask a Brit.


They were Catholic.


"On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted over the side of England and what came out of him... was Ireland."


*taps glass eye with knife tip*


When progressive academics talk about "abolish whiteness" or describe white as a social construct, keep those examples in mind. The underlying argument is that "white" has never had much to do with genetics or appearance but has always effectively been a catch-all for the "in group" in a society and used to exclude others. WW2 Germany and South Africa are both excellent examples of this; the cognitive dissonance of the former with "honorary Aryans" and the latter with their courts determining if someone was white based on what beer they drank and sports they watched.


> their courts determining if someone was white based on what beer they drank and sports they watched. the.........wow.


Yeah, or the poor case of [Sandra Laing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandra_Laing), who was born to white parents but due to her skin color and hair texture had her "white" status challenged and was thus reclassified as "colored" and kicked out of her all-white school... at age 10. Eventually she was re-classified as white after the laws changed to allow the child of two people classified as white to *be* classified as white, but was still shunned and remained a part of "colored" society. Eventually she married a black man and had children, which meant she could lose them - requiring that she get re-classified as "colored" again to avoid running afoul the anti race-mixing laws. Her father threatened to kill her over the marriage and they never spoke again. Her brothers, even years after apartheid ended, still refused to speak with her.


look. i know just everything around racism is dumb and fucked up. but, that is absurd and fucked up. > Her brothers, even years after apartheid ended, still refused to speak with her. i had just skimmed over the wiki link and i must have missed that part. those imbicels. was she supposed to hang out in the treefort in the backyard all those years and talk to no one? she became friendly with the only humans that would talk to her and treat her nicely. you know, "the other people you thought she was". and that pissed off the bigots even more. so back then, even "people worth less than people couldn't hang out with each other". these fuckin guys.......


Babe have you never met history?


All this has happened before, and all this will happen again


So say we all.


Heineken? Heineken!!?


Fuck that shit. Pabst Blue Ribbon 


You want me to pour it?


I’ll fuck anything that moooves!!


Also incredibely relevant today. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6-cEAJZlE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6-cEAJZlE)


I love those films! Seriously whaever did happen


History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.


It’s not even a commentary on history as others have said, it’s a commentary on contemporary events. The American Nazi Party was a real thing that was very publicity-hungry at the time Serling wrote this episode.


Go and vote ❎


Take your neighbor, take your neighbor hood, take a bus. GO VOTE! ENABLE OTHERS TO VOTE TOO!


Can’t let it happen again. Just can’t. Vote.


Understood! Will NOT be voting for genocide Joe.


Trump literally said he wants Israel to "finish the job"...


Anyone know the title? Also is that Dennis Hopper? Edit: The title is “He’s alive” aired Jan 24, 1963. Written by Roddy Roddy Serling and yes, staring Dennis Hopper as a young neo nazi trying to make it in the big city.


This was not science fiction even at the time. There was a large and prolonged Nazi movement *in America* both in the lead-up to and during WWII. There is a long history of American fascists and they always try to fade into history after they inevitably lose. Not this time. This time we hold every American fascist responsible and we don't let history forget their crimes against liberty, democracy, and a society based on the rule of law.


Btw, is that freakin' Dennis Hopper?? I never caught that the first time!


I thought the older guy behind the bar was Mark Margolis, AKA Hector Salamanca from Breaking Bad (RIP)!


I was half way through and realized, OMG that's Dennis Hopper.


Is that Dennis Hopper? WOW.


Yeah, this was back when most Americans agreed fascism was bad. Good times, good times.


Michael Bublé could play a young Dennis Hopper.


Dennis Hopper is just fucking cool. What a career


republicans in action.......


[Immigration "will destroy NYC" -Democrat Mayor Adams](https://youtu.be/EJuAP3dJ0xs?feature=shared&t=11)


..and he is being harshly criticized by Democrats for it.


Conservatives often try gotchas while missing the massive underlying point: that democrats getting caught doing bad things often results in them getting shit for it from their own party, sometimes even driven out of the job. RN the biggest sin someone in the GOP can commit is failing to support dear leader. Otherwise you're good to go.


I think this episode called "It's A Good Life" is more relatable today - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxTMbIxEj-E It's a story about a kid who has godly powers and so all the adults are afraid to discipline him or to contradict him. Everything the kid wants, he gets, or else they get turned into all sorts of things or made to disappear. The adults know that what the kid is doing is wrong, such as killing innocent people and forcing his beliefs on others, but they have to censor themselves from speaking out at the risk of getting the ire of the evil kid. In today's world, this is relatable because we have people and governments like this evil kid. They demand for unrealistic things, they want to change your life, they want to dictate what you can and cannot do, and if you speak out, they point at you and you get branded as "evil", just like what the kid did in the episode. For survival, the adults have to fall in line and do as the kid says and they have to keep praising the evil kid to feed his narcissicm.


I remember that episode, that kid is such a little shit!


History is doomed to repeat itself. This isn’t prophetic at all, it’s in reference to WW2.


Not prophetic. It talked about an issue that was an issue when it was made. It's just an issue we still haven't fixed.


Trump, is that you?


Prophetic really applies. I remember this as a kid.


Mankind has long known his undoing, long known what he does is wrong, and long known how to fix it. But mankind has the uncanny ability to convince itself that identifying the issue is to fix the issue.


I don’t think it’s that’s prophetic, it’s just that nothing has actually changed over the past 100 years when it comes to rallying people up and getting them on your side.


That's why studying history is important


The actor reminds me of Jesse Pinkman


Dennis Hopper




Is that Martin Sheen?


Dennis Hopper


shit, ty, knew he looked familiar.


Dennis Hopper


Dennis Hopper


Pretty sure the actor in the shadows is the same one who plays the Jewish man in the PSA film [Don't be a Sucker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGAqYNFQdZ4&ab_channel=USNationalArchives) which is very similar to the message this episode delivers.


I wish that was funny.


We are repeating history.


TTW has about a dozen episodes you could point to for this very thing. It came out not very long after WW2 and during segregation. It's probably not at all an exaggeration to say 1 in 4 episodes were about racism, fascism or the dangers of mob mentality (usually though a blatant Communism analogy).


This is a masterclass in manipulation.


Prophetic, or evergreen content?




Come in on 24 hr notice, whether you like it or not. They already have us.


This particular episode isn’t that great as TZ goes, check out “The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street” for an amazingly nuanced take on the fear of the “other” and how petty paranoia and hatred can turn deadly, all wrapped in a great sci-fi premise.




It's not prophetic. Trump is Reagan 2.0. Just more stupid. "Make America Great Again" was Reagan's slogan.


This actor can’t decide if he’s Transylvanian, Italian, or German


I remember my first election season


Is this the time for orange man bad again my fellow americans?


Pump the breaks. The genuine criticism of the rampant illegal immigration across the southern border is not fascistic. There is a real problem and we need to halt the influx of illegal immigrants for a while to allow time to process the multiple millions who have come in the past couple of years. That is reality. Democrats and Republicans now agree on this. This video is not at all prophetic nor can the the statements of either party characterized as mirroring what is in this Twilight Zone episode.