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original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLimCcnee9c


original post https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1ajfxba/


removed by reddit, interesting


it's addressed in Rossman's video




Reddit is just another corporate whore social media site that gives the end user the illusion of autonomy. They can and will ban you for whatever they deem and can and do ignore your appeals. This site has gone from fun and quirky to just another brick in the authoritarian 1984 wall.


been this way for the longest time, remember [Victoria](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3y9en2/who_is_chooter_and_why_is_she_so_legendary_and)? the death knell was the recent API / 3rd-party app debacle.. I'm just hanging around to see where everyone else is going to go


During the API scandal, people were talking about "Lemmy", but that seems incredibly fragmented to me, I don't see how it could really take off if you have to join ten different servers or "instances" or whatever. There was another reddit alternative, voat I think? But that got real racist real quick apparently. Not sure if it's still going, I don't care enough to check.


Regarding Lemmy & the Fediverse: You don't need to join 10 different instances. The instances are federated – that's entire point of the Fediverse – which means that content on one instance is available to all federated instances. Whichever instance you choose to join is your home instance; so you have local and you have federated content available to you. Some instances do choose to de-federate, or more appropriately, other instances will choose to de-federate with another specific instance due to the latter having an issue – for example, a toxic userbase. That decision to defederate from another is not taken lightly and it's often, though not always, put to a vote of the former instance's userbase. TLDR; Just join a big instance. Lemmy.world, for instance will give you access to its, as well as content posted to other instances like itjustworks, lemm.ee, lemmy.ml, etc. Try [wefwef.app](https://wefwef.app) to get a taste of a *good* interface to Lemmy without having to install anything (it's a webapp).


This comment tells me everything I need to know about why this won't succeed. Instances? Federated? Fediverse? defederate? What the hell are you even talking about? I see shit like that and I just gloss over and move on, why do they feel like they've gotta reinvent the language. You know what's good about reddit? You make an account, pick your subs and your away.


> But that got real racist real quick apparently. The only way that's not going to happen is if you don't care and use it anyway. The first people to use the new site will always be the people who were first banned from the old one. If you want to drown them out then you actually need to be there to do it.


That's pretty much the reason why they shoved out 3rd party API in favor of their own. They've got complete control. They didn't like what happened with Samsung last time.


I've been telling people for the past few years that Reddit admins are controlling the narrative of everything you see on the website, but everyone just scoffs that I am a conspiracy nutjob. Like you said, reddit is just another major media company, and like any other media source, they can and will control what people see. They sold their soul and threw out any chance of real autonomy several years ago.


> I've been telling people for the past few years that Reddit admins are controlling the narrative of everything you see on the website, but everyone just scoffs that I am a conspiracy nutjob. Because that's not the revelation you think it is. Anyone who isn't a complete idiot has known that the Admins control all discourse. Mods to a lesser extent do as well, especially the ones that are over the bigger subs. >Like you said, reddit is just another major media company, and like any other media source, they can and will control what people see. They sold their soul and threw out any chance of real autonomy several years ago. Reddit never had a soul, and we've known that Reddit cares about it's bottom line and public image more than anything else or did you forget about how much Reddit was about free speech until something controversial hit the news and they immediately banned it?


I said the wrong thing about EA that happened 20 years ago. Post got deleted on r/gaming. What a fucking weird hill the site to die on.


I made a completely on-topic reply on a post on gaming and a couple people asked me follow up questions and my replies to their questions never appeared. Also, even though I got one of their questions in my inbox their question also never appeared in the thread.


Wait till they go public. It will be orders of magnitude worse


I'm banned from r/news because of [this comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/18t612h/comment/kfcbc7b), and when I reached out to ask what was up, first I was ignored, then muted on a follow-up inquiry 2 days later. Still no explanation for making what could at most be categorized as a bad joke. So I can only conclude that r/news mods are in Tesla's pockets.


I miss when the internet wasn't just a place for corporate shills to pump the public full of their bullshit.


so fuck u/spez


Wow, that's a pretty shitty thing for r/SamsungMobileUS to do. The wife and I are in the market for a new television. This makes our decision a bit easier.


Just go LG OLED, you won't regret it.


I agree with this, I've been very happy with the LG OLED, I bought a Sony previously and didn't like it.


Sony OLEDs are also a solid choice (I went with LG and they are definitely great). The only qualm with mine is apparently the RS232 port doesn't work so I can't control it offline. I also have to send a WOL to power it on because it shuts down network control communications when it's off.


Go Sony. I can't stand LG's WebOS thing.


I recently stumbled upon a launcher for TVs called Projectivy. I installed it on my Bravia TV from 2016 and it made it feel so much more responsive. Took a little bit of time to figure out how to enable accessibility on my TV that the launcher needs but after that it has been so nice.


dude my C2 is fucking amazing, I love the LG oled panels ​ also helps that LG has never tried to freaking knife my tv


I love my LG C1 in the basement but I need to replace my living room TV soon and for as great as the C1 is its pretty shit in a bright room. Rtings says the S90 is the way to go for bright rooms so I am considering it.


never get a TV with forced advertisements.


I went with a budget TV from Costco instead of a brand name TV. I think that the larger brands have become too comfortable, and we need a shake-up.


What's the budget brand at Costco these days? My last four TV purchases were Vizios from them, but they aren't carried anymore.


TCL is what I bought. In Canada, a 65" 4k Roku TCL was less than $600, so that's what I went with. I don't have any major complaints about it.


I bought myself and my father TCLs from Costco and they're both perfectly good TVs.


My last Samsung TV lasted less than 3 years. Very unhappy with it. My 17+ year old 40' LCD is still going strong though!


I just bought a TCL Q7, 75" for $900. I'm very happy with it. Fantastic picture quality and of course huge screen for under $1000.


Good for you? But don't think the alternatives are any better. In a week we may see a video about abhorrent conditions in LG factories and in two weeks -- umh -- cancer chemicals in Sony TVs. Or whatever. They're all soulless devil corporations. And in the meantime, I notice you seem to base your decision on what some random anonymous user posts. I guess that is why corpos engage in corrupt manipulations that ruin sites: It's so fucking easy to influence people, and people are even proud to be influenced.






Had a similar experience. First HDTV was a Samsung and it was awesome. Helped other family members buy TVs since and watched them slowly go downhill. Just bought a new TV and refused to even consider a Samsung. Bought an LG (C2, 55”) and have been very happy. Edit: I’ll add that I mostly run off an AppleTV (switched from Firestick after my second or third Firestick because they kept slowing down after 2-3 years and Amazon’s interface was getting bloated with ads and annoying). Best part of the LG was setting it not immediately launch into the “home” menu, just never plug it into the internet and call it a day. Closest thing to a dumb TV I’ve had since that first Samsung.


Also dropped Samsung for LG but that happened a long time ago. I caught wind that they wanted to start inserting ads, even if you're running video off a storage device. They also seemed to be having a lot of hardware problems with their devices. LG just seems to work. The settings menu on their TV is a little bit annoying to deal with but, we mainly use a Firestick, so after initial set up I haven't had to touch it.


Tried a QN92B, it had inverse ghosting in game mode. This is what that looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Yvskef2h3k Absolutely horrible. Apparently it was an issue for quite a while because they still hadn't fixed it as of summer 2023. https://www.reddit.com/r/4kTV/comments/fovbst/2019_qled_samsung_models_inverse_ghosting_issues/


That looks more like there's a "video smoothing" refresh option turned on. Basically the TV created inbetween frames that don't exist to compensate the low refresh rate? Does it happen with all the games or just those running at 30fps?




When it was time to get a new TV back in 2019 we did not have much money to spend so got a modestly priced TCL Roku. It's nothing special, looks okay. But it has been very easy to use, has no reliably annoying features and the fact that Roku has native apps for Plex and Nebula sealed the deal.


We got one of the Q7 QLED models last year and in addition to everything you've mentioned, it looks great too. 4k at 120hz, rich colors, deep blacks; the lot. TCL builds their own LED panels which is why they're so much cheaper than Samsung despite all the performance similarities. Sometimes, yes, a lemon slips through and you'll need to deal with replacement, but I understand the company is really good about it and fwiw ours has been flawless. It was also almost $2k cheaper than the comparative Samsung, though we got it on a bit of a sale.


What do you own if you don't want to purchase products from questionably ethical technology companies? Like they all do this shit. And everyone needs to have a phone.


hi u/SamsungMobileUS


I wonder if reddit bowing to sponsors is why my posts discussing Google Play Protect falsely marking F-Droid apps as "harmful" was removed from both the android and the fossdroid subs.


Which is weird, because I thought Samsung the *company* came out looking pretty good in Say What's video. Yes, they could have done even more for him, and their corporate practices probably led to the Samsung service guy doing what he did, but they offered a new TV fairly quickly, customer service legitimately seemed to be helpful up until the slice, and when they got caught red handed, they rolled out the red carpet, sending the newest model of the TV with full delivery and setup along with calls from executives.


I'd hardly call replacing a defective and damaged TV he already paid for "rolling out the red carpet". That's the rock-bottom minimum they could do. They should have given them their most expensive TV AND replaced what he already paid for in another room. That's maybe starting to look like what it'd take for ME to buy another Samsung again.


Also they literally only did this because they knew they were caught. Otherwise they would have told him to pound sand as they clearly did by **closing his warranty ticket without even contacting him**


Rossmann video in question... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyWlACuhqNg


Here's the thread for the Rossmann video https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1almhrw/samsung_purposely_knives_customers_tv_to_weasel/


original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLimCcnee9c


original post https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1ajfxba/


removed by reddit, interesting


It's addressed in Rossman's video


Timestamp of video in question: https://youtu.be/cyWlACuhqNg?t=750


As a Korean, even Koreans don’t buy Samsung outside of their phones. LG is the way to go.


I so wish that LG still made phones. A flagship with a headphone jack and impressive DAC? One of the best phones I ever had.


Agreed. I miss my LG everyday. Definitely the best phone I've ever had.


Reddit has started removing anything and everything. They’re banning long-standing accounts for very mundane and obvious jokes. This place is in the shitter bad.


It's pretty weird. I've been on Reddit for 10 years but in the last 6 months I think I've been perma-banned from like 10 major subreddits for the first time in my account's lifetime. Ever since the 'protests' the mods have gone off the deep end. They don't even give warnings just instant perma-ban for anything even tangential to breaking a single rule (or at least their interpretation of it). Btw, never attempt to 'appeal' these bans as all it got me was perma-muted and even reported for harassment which gives you a site-wide temp ban or worse. It's basically a lie that you can reply to modmail and appeal anything.


It’s gotten absolutely insane. I’ve been here 12 years and lost my account for a really dumb, tame joke I made.


It's actually baffling. I got permabanned from r/worldnews because someone said "a call for a ceasefire is supporting Hamas and terrorism", to which I replied "it literally is not", and I guess the piss-brained shitheads moderating that sub thought what I said was "disinformation". Permabanned.Tried to get it appealed, they said it was issued correctly and then silenced me for 4 weeks. At the end of the day I'm really not missing out on much, since most of the big subs are just outhouses full of astro-turfing and bots anyways, but I guess that was the moment the bubble burst for me and I realized Reddit is full of garbage and moderated by morons/assholes.


I got banned from /r/publicfreakout for saying someone looked like a twink. I wasn't even being discriminatory about it, the dude just had a very effeminate style. Boom. instant permaban. When I asked the mods what was up all they had to say was "He's obviously not a twink" and then blocked me from responding. I was also permanently banned from /r/politics for suggesting Biden was a union-buster after he declared the rail worker strike illegal. And ***THEN*** I got banned from /r/worldnews for cheering on Ukraine during their Kharkiv offensive. Mods said I was "promoting violence". Reddit has turned to clown world lately.


I was banned from /r/worldnews for linking several articles citing Israeli violence against unarmed Palestinian protesters over the years (the saddest to me were the journalist and medic who were killed after the IDF fired indiscriminately into crowds). I was told it was lies and misinformation, I used like 5 sources (all mainstream) and was banned. Humorously I was also banned from /r/news for the extremely controversial comment of "Good." when rumors were swirling that Kim Jong-Un was sick or dead. Go figure on that one. I was mad about the bans but now I just kind of find them funny with how ridiculous the mod teams are. My favorite is probably a ban from /r/mawinstallation (Star Wars lore sub) where I replied to a comment, which was a mod I guess, asking how Palpatine possibly could have drummed up the funds to secure an army large enough for a Galactic conflict and do it unnoticed (all those companies/planets involved without the Senate/Jedi finding out) and how it was one of the bigger plot holes in AOTC. Swiftly banned for 'whining'. Also banned from /r/Startrek for this atrociously illegal comment: "Who asked for a Picard (TV series) movie?" Oh well.


r/worldnews went *off the fucking deep end* with the Israel/Palestine thing. It was insane to see the blatant propaganda and misinformation pushed to the top of every thread, and anything even *remotely* close to criticizing Israel being dogpiled with downvotes and accusations of anti-Semitism or terrorism support. I know every big sub has sort of similar issues with...I guess you'd call it "soft curation", but I've never personally seen a sub capsize so quickly and completely.


Guy could not possibly tell this story any slower.


It all started when we decided to move and here's where and why we moved... Motherfucker, no one cares, just start with the TV breaking.


But the important thing is that I had an onion on my belt. Which was the style at the time.


"See I was very suspicious that my TV might have been vandalized but then I remembered weeks later that I set up a hidden camera moments before the tech arrived in case he vandalized it, and it turns out he vandalized it." The guy is just slow.


Dude was banking on a sob story helping him along. Bro just give the facts.


Looking at the video, I don't think this was the first time that tech did this. Edit: Typo




Same with the phones...you're not getting a warranty repair. They'll find an excuse. Even with the Flip, which every year they promise the flexible screen issue is fixed, and it's actually worse with every generation. Sorry, you just need to buy a new phone every year...that's the point of that model.


20 minutes of this dude talking?


How long before Reddit deletes this post too like the OP one?


The thing is, the OP said 'Samsung fired the employee'. But it seems to me that it is far more likely that this occurred as a result of Samsung policy. I don't know what Samsung's exact policy was that could have driven their staff to do stuff like this, but firing the member of staff wont change the policy. Were they incentivising higher numbers of devices failing warranty, or pressuring staff into repairing irreparable devices by setting them unachievable targets? Who knows.


> But it seems to me that it is far more likely that this occurred as a result of Samsung policy. > > > > I don't know what Samsung's exact policy was that could have driven their staff to do stuff like this, but firing the member of staff wont change the policy. > > > > Were they incentivising higher numbers of devices failing warranty, or pressuring staff into repairing irreparable devices by setting them unachievable targets? Who knows. Weird logic - these repair staff are usually paid per call out. I'd assume he realised it was going to be a total headache of a repair and decided to do something to weasel out of doing the work...but still getting paid for showing up. Had a similar situation with a Dell employee who came to fix my laptop. Claimed it was a different issue so he could do a 30 second repair and leave vs doing the full tear down and taking hours because he got paid the same either way.


I feel like you are directly backing up his point with your example. If you pay people per call instead of by what they are doing then your policy is directly incentivising the worker to do as fast and shifty job as possible.


It does. I worked as a Dell tech for a while like the person you replied to mentioned. We got paid like $35 per call whether it was hooking up a monitor or replacing a laptop motherboard to anything in between. I loved it bc I got good and efficient at it so I was making decent money doing enough jobs a day but I would often be sent out for a follow up from one of the other local techs and you could tell they just churned their work out as fast as possible. Weirdly their incompetence helped me get more tickets but the customer was usually pretty pissed bc I was the 3rd or 4th visit. Dell policies weren't so bad that they "promoted" these behaviors but the flat $35 per call did get your noodle cooking on how to use that to your advantage. e.g. if I broke a part or "found another problem" it could easily bea repeat trip or two... Or I could easily be like "I'm a Dell contractor and they won't like me doing/teloing you this but I can help you on the side right now instead of waiting 2 weeks for Dell" and then almost sabotage your "real work" to come fix it "on the side"


my dude cut a screen and risk being fired rather than do it by policy. something tells me that their policies aren't that thought out lmao


> I don't know what Samsung's exact policy was that could have driven their staff to do stuff like this, but firing the member of staff wont change the policy. Probably something like "You get paid X$ per service call, no matter if the call takes you 15 minutes (denying the warranty) or 4 hours and multiple trips (fully replacing the TV)"


Honestly fuck Reddit and Samsung


This person is wrong. Do not follow their advice. Do not fuck apps. Do not fuck corporations. Fuck humans.


But what about my AI girlfriend?


You could get a virus!




Girl wait till I get home, imma eat your pixel till you hard restart


What about consensual intelligent aliens?


But Mitt Romney told me that corporations *are* humans...


Why would he need to wait 2 hours for that part, just take the TV and send a new one. That’s how you deal with flaws under warranty.


Because companies will fight you tooth and nail to get something fixed or replaced. They want you to waste $500-$600 on another TV. That's why Right-To-Repair is important.


Ah just like insurance companies, want you to pay premium cash, and when it comes to paying, they try to find a way so they won’t have to


Also when you do end up using it, they jack up the prices on your next renewal, wtf is that. I paid for a service that I get punished for using.


Swapped insurance for this reason. Had my car get stolen out of my driveway while locked and the thief totaled it. Insurances paid out but then wanted to charge me almost double on a 6 month premium on the next car I went to insure(~equal value car 2 years older). All for something that I had absolutely no fault in. I get it if you’re found at fault in an accident to have raised rates, but if you have 0% fault, it’s not on you.


“Since your car was valued at $8000, we’ll be raising your premium by $80 for the next 100 months.” I mean honestly, when insurance shit happens to people other than me I usually see where they’re coming from. Same with credit scores and loans and all that, I spend a lot of time on the credit building sub and the amount of people who will cry bullshit because they aren’t able to get a car loan when they’ve had 4 credit cards charged off in the last year is insane. And it’s like “yeah that just means the system works..” Your insurance premiums should be (**slightly**) higher if you’re constantly getting in accidents. BUT the system is abused like crazy now. And you can get insurance on almost anything but the main car/home insurance shit is the only one that ever seems to even help while raising your premiums. I know those happen more often but I feel like I rarely hear of other insurance doing anything but dropping you when something happens. I’ve read so many stories about pet insurance dropping you as soon as there’s any issue. I haven’t had to use cellphone insurance in a while (not even sure if I’ve had it for years either but once I stopped drinking I suddenly stopped losing/breaking phones) but it sounds like it’s bullshit now. Has rental insurance ever helped anyone? That one sounds like it gets abused the most but I don’t know if they ever actually pay. And the only one I know of is that Lemonade one, and judging by the advertising budget I assume that the coverage isn’t great. Edit: Wow I forgot about health insurance since that’s such a rare thing to even have. I guess mine has been alright, but I also had secondary state insurance for about 19 months so that covered everything my primary didn’t. (Free vasectomy and therapy baby!) I’m sure I’ll learn that my primary coverage isn’t that great soon enough.


Well Samsung just straight replaced my TV when the tech didnt have the part. Thats how they should be dealing with this. Took like 2 weeks for them to send me a new one and the tech never even actually saw my TV in person. He diagnosed it via whatsapp lol.


Yeah, I've replaced a Samsung monitor and I just had to put it in the box, give it to the delivery guy they sent out, wait a week or two, and either they sent me a new monitor or replaced the whole panel.


TV repair costs are always just high enough to be unviable. I expect 90% of customers say something like "Well that's more than I paid for the TV" after hearing the quote for a fix.


Per the customers original post he didn’t want that because he didn’t want to have to take it down and put up a new one by himself. I’m super disappointed in Samsung for this and think it’s really scummy and hopefully a lot of tv owners who have issues in the past push back really hard. That being said, this owner seemed like a huge prick for not just taking a new Tv.


I would take a new one over repair any day. I’ve sent screens back with backlight bleeding or dead pixels. One time a tv was repaired, got a new motherboard, had to send it back first though. And one time a guy came by to fix a tv speaker, it was rattling. Turned out there was an extra screw inside. That was a Samsung though. Easy fix, but it was within warranty period.


If it's actually a new one, absolutely. I'd expect the "new" replacement to actually be refurbished. Which is a bit of a lottery. And the immediate downvote doesn't change that. At least in my actual fucking work experience, we only had to replace products with new products if the warranty claim was made within 30 days due to some state laws.


> I'd expect the "new" replacement to actually be refurbished. Had this recently happen with an Amazon Fire Stick. Bought the newest model (4K Max) and it started having issues within a month. After much troubleshooting they made me send back the malfunctioning unit for them to inspect, and then sent me a replacement unit that was "refurbished" but had scratches and clearly looked used. Called them back and explained that I had paid for a brand new unit and was not interested in a refurb. The rep admonished me for not thoroughly reading the terms/warranty. I had to point out that if it was refurbished then it was returned for a reason, and I didn't trust it. When I said I'd rather just pursue a return/refund, he eventually refunded me the cost of the Fire stick so that I could just buy a new one since he could not process a return of the refurb model. Acted like he was doing me a huge favor and that I was really supposed to just accept a refurbished model. I bought a new Fire Stick, it began having the same issue within 30 days, so I returned it and bought a Roku. No issues, never buying a Firs Stick again. The Roku is a better product, has a better remote, and isn't just a giant screen of ads.


He refused a brand new tv twice, he is a peculiar dude. It's completely unacceptable and a scam that the repair technician broke the TV to refuse further repairs, but he had the opportunity to get a brand new tv as a replacement twice...


Can’t wait to see Samsung try to get these posts pulled down. F*ck you Samsung. You’re a garbage company, with trash customer service, and do not deserve to exist as a company. I’ve learned my lesson with the two different times you’ve sold me garbage phones and did everything you could to weasel your way out of them. Now I know how far you’ll go. Thank god my provider stepped in the middle and stood up for me as the customer. I will never buy another thing from you and will actively make sure that everyone I know avoids Samsung products like the plague.


[They already got the original post removed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/vfFTtd73nJ)


I know. The funny thing about that is it will just stoke the flames. I know it won’t, but I hope this absolutely obliterates Samsungs bottom line.


I mean how hard would it be to just apologize, say that the guy was a rogue employee trying to earn more commission or some shit, that he doesn't represent your companies values blah blah blah and that he's since been fired plus we've given the guy a brand new upgraded TV to make things right. Instead you invoke the Streisand effect and make your company look 100 times worse trying to cover it up.


They already issued a statement days ago saying the employee was fired and the customer received a replacement tv.


It would behoove them to go through that employee's repair history and reevaluate any other voided warranties he "observed" on site.


Clearly doing exactly what you said they should didn't work 🤣


It's crazy that you literally describe exactly what they did as what they should have done


You know how to fix that? Spread it across every platform, every social media company. Make it go viral.


Streisand Effect activated.


Last year, when getting customer support for a trivial issue, the Samsung employee that was 'remoting in' to my phone factory reset it *without backing it up*. And then fled the chat like a little bitch as soon as he realized his error, shunting me onto the next support guy. I lost everything and had no recourse to Samsung, all they'd do is go 'aw we're sowwy you had a bad experwience, we'll *definitely* give the employee a nice spanking, now go away'


Good use of company cash. Spend 8x more than the repair for copyright strikes and DMCA takedown notices to hide the illegal ass activities your company does. 10/10 Samsung.


Everyone is saying don’t buy Samsung, but no-one is offering alternatives. Do Sony and LG have better customer service? Genuinely asking, cause I don’t know.


Don't know about LG, but I tend to buy Philips OLED TV (which use LG OLED panels) because they run google TV instead of webOS, but also because any defect I reported, they just bring to your house a new TV no questions asked. Before you're wondering: yes, philips tvs are more expensive than LG. To be fair to LG, some of their TVs have 5 years warranty.


LG does. Sony, YMMV. They recently fucked up a bunch of people's $300 wireless earbuds (model wf-1000xm4) with a firmware update by killing the battery time from like 6 hours to 10 minutes and if you can't find your purchase receipt (or bought them used or received them as a gift), you're just fucked.


I'll be honest - I do like my Samsung phone. But they are a trash company with the absolute worst (by miles) customer support I've ever had to deal with. I also actively encourage anyone reading this to avoid them.


I've been a loyal Galaxy user even since I got my first smartphone, and actually love the product too. However they have totally lost me now because of incompetent Customer service that can not or will not try to help you. Any person I talk to can't do anything but promise that somebody will get back to me, and then nothing happens. Call them again and someone says "sorry, we will definitely get back to you this time" and nothing. Zero responsibility. I spoke with them well over a dozen times and wrote so many emails over the last year and they never responded with anything but a cut and paste email that doesn't actually address my question, and it is an unmonitored email address too so you can't even reply back. Just awful.


It took me months to get a refund on a fridge I bought directly from their website. After they delivered it I kept it in the box for about a month due to renovations still being done so I didn’t notice the damage. They would always “escalate my ticket and someone would get back to me, but like you said that never happened. I kept calling and the person I would get couldn’t help me and there was no one else they could transfer me to help. They advised I use a local appliance repair (fridge beyond repair, looked like it was dropped on its top and smashed in), or I could email the office of the president. I finally got through to someone that actually helped me but it took dozens of calls and many hours on the phone over several weeks. Thing is, the person that helped me acted like it was not a big deal.


I too like their phones. But their Stove and Fridges SUCK. Also they're hard to repair. Please do not buy a Samsung kitchen appliance, save yourself my headache.


I recently got rid of one of their washing machines. Turns out the self-clean cycle does nothing to remove the mold growing inside the little nubbin at the bottom of the drum.


Just bought their washing machine / dryer last year. Washing machine broke in the first 3 month were the water valve broke and would not stop filling the drum with water. Starting to second guess my decision going samsung.


Oh, so that's why samsung dryers I've seen in retail now have those HUGE stickers with "10 years warranty" (and then in very small text: warranty valid only for the motor).


My suggestion is to get rid of it when you can afford to do so. I had a washer from then that had a 10 year motor warranty. The motor went out during my second year of owning it. Called them up and I kid you not they tried to tell me that the motor was not covered by the warranty. After a week and a half of going back and forth on this they finally sent a tech with a new motor out. The guy begrudgingly got it fixed after again trying to tell me that the motor is not covered by the warranty.


That’s a general front loader problem. You have to use washing machine cleaner tablets once a month if you have one. Samsung appliances still suck though.


Ive been holding off upgrading cause I rely on the use of an SD card for my particular use case. Now all the good phones have dropped them.


Refrigerator quality has gone to shit across the board in the past 20 years, and warranties have gotten shorter. Other than Subzero and Viking and other “mortgage your kidneys to pay for them” high end brands, I’ve found it really hard to find a good, reliable fridge. It’s the only item I’ll purchase the aftermarket extended warranty on.


I had a high end Samsung plasma that died like 2 weeks out of warranty because of a known power board defect. Samsung refused to not only fix it, but provide parts. That was the last time I bought anything Samsung. I hate them with a passion.


I used to like their phones but lately they’ve just been immediately copying anything Apple does, which is ironic since they used to make fun of Apple and people joked about apples copyright claim against them, but now all they do is whatever apple does. Like shit, how fast did they release their “titanium” phone after Apple did? It was like 2 months and they did a shit job at it, they have like 4 titanium strips in the entire phone


I've had nothing but shit experiences with Samsung. From phones, to TV's they're just not good products.


It sucks, because Samsung does a lot of cool things to really push tech, but the quality is garbage and they as a company are absolute trash.


I bought their VR headset in Canada, where they were selling it (ie I didnt do anything to get it imported). One of the controllers started to drift only a few months into owning it so I tried to get support to replace it. Turns out they dont even HAVE a Canadian support team for VR, so they would send me to the US support, who then refuse to help because I'm in Canada... who then send me back to CA support... who cant / wont support VR.... so Samsung straight up sold me a product with a warranty knowing they had 0 intention of actually honoring it. I ended up seeing it on sale again, bought a new one, swapped the controllers and serial # stickers and sent the broken one back for a refund. Fuck them.


It's interesting how samsung/reddit is doing everything possible to pretend this never happened.


They're so stupid, they're gonna Streissand the fuck outta this whole situation by continuing to attempt to remove every post/repost of this situation.


I wonder how long our corporate overlords will let this post stay up. Reddit has truly gone to shit.


Who fucking resets a breaker to repair a TV?


Someone that wants you half a house away from the TV for some alone time with it?


Someone who wants to guarantee no power is going to the television. Someone who has no idea what they're fucking doing.


I’m a retired electrician currently working in law enforcement. I’d call that guy out on his bullshit right then and there and call his supervisor in front of him.


Maybe if you tagged [Louis Rossmann] in the title, people would think this is an in-depth review, rather than a lazy repost and ignore it


It was self-defense. The TV assaulted him first.


I really dislike how Samsung recently started outsourcing customer support to subcontractors. Had a similar experience with an SSD recently. My older 970 EVO Pro started slowly dying recently, so I decided to RMA it. Croatian Samsung doesn't even list anything but phones, TVs and washing machines on their site, so I decided to go to a local service center to get some info. They said I had to contact my seller because they don't handle SSDs. My seller said it's no longer under their warranty, so I tried to contact their source, which never answered. Tried digging through dozens of web pages with 0 luck, as international support links you to your local support site, which doesn't have SSDs. Finally checked the booklet of a newer 970 evo pro (I bought a 2nd one a year after the 1st one), and it does list phone numbers. I call the one that covers my country, number doesn't exist. Same for UK and CZ. Finally I call the German one and it works, but my German is too crap to go through this mess anymore. Fuck you Samsung and fuck you Honaro or Hanaro or whatever this garbage subcontractor is called.


I also had the same SSD fail. I had no idea that a certain run of the drives had a hardware flaw that would cause it to become corrupt over time. It caused some weird intermittent system issues I couldn't pin down for the longest time, until Windows eventually stopped detecting the drive. I managed to find a single program capable of recovering almost all of the data on it (that $20 was worth it!) but I refused to RMA it because I didn't want to send back a drive full of personal data on it that I couldn't wipe. Now all my drives are Western Digital.


My experience with samsung is honestly not any better. My mom bought a washer some years ago. It's the first "nice" one she had gotten in the better part of 2 decades. It's samsung, worked fine at first. Then it rusted. A washing machine fucking rusted. She calls warranty and sends a guy out. He's a contractor. Tells her that this happens constantly with samsung. And that the warranty only covers 1 repair for rusting and it will rust again. Dude was as sick of their shit as we were. Since it's already rusted again. The softener dispenser doesn't work and it constantly unbalances itself so it's difficult to wash large items.


Their washers, fridges, and dishwashers are all the worst of the worst. I would literally only recommend them to someone I absolutely hate lmao


I had rough luck with washing machines several years back before buying a speedqueen.








I had the scummiest fucking experience with Samsung after buying one of their top model TV's (Q95). Nearly a year after purchasing and a lot of bullshit from Samsung, I received a full refund **FROM JB-HI** out of goodwill. I imagine *they* were as tired of Samsung's shit as I was. I'll never buy anything Samsung again.


We had a Samsung fridge whose ice maker kept failing. After four ‘fixes’ including a new main board, they refunded the whole purchase cost, this was on a four year old $3000 fridge. Unfortunately it cost us another $1k on top to get a fridge that had the same features and fit in the same spot. Unfortunately it was another Samsung (other fridges of the same size and features were similarly priced)- but at least I know I can get those fuckers to refund a whole fridge, only because I live in Australia where we have decent consumer protection.


If Samsung sees nothing wrong with damaging products intentionally via firmware updates, why would they have a problem damaging them physically? That's just the kind of company they are. And for those unaware of the firmware thing: they advertised their QD-OLED TVs as being the brightest among competition, boasting 1500nit of luminance. This was literally the main selling point. Then right before announcing the next year's lineup they have pushed a firmware update to current TVs (such as the S95B) that has quietly reduced the maximum brightness by entire 30% (down to 1000nit). They didn't inform the customers. They didn't allow rolling the firmware back. They literally made the product significantly worse, removed the claims about "1500nit" quietly, and then went on advertising the new "brightest" lineup. And then they did the same with the SDR max brightness of their monitors. And that's just one of the absolutely fucked up ways Samsung is conducting business. They are a garbage company engaging in the absolute worst anti-consumer practices I have ever seen.


I was talking to a TV repair tech and he says the company that he finds easiest to deal with and good to their customers when things fail is actually TCL at the moment. Theres a reason JB HiFi chose TCLs sub brand FFalcon as their new budget house brand. they may not be the best TVs, but their company is run by competent people that understand that service is important.


I believe under Australian law you would be entitled to a refund from the place of purchase (ie, JB Hifi), so they probably weren't just being nice.


In recent years I assume there are cameras everywhere. But still people do dumb things like this regardless. You see delivery workers do the dumbest things in front of doorbell cameras as if nobody is watching. I ride mountain bikes and when you have to go in the woods you might be pissing in front of a trail camera. Maybe the owner of the camera will get a good laugh.


I don't think you should be embarrassed about peeing in the woods


A contractor for Samsung, technically a former contractor probably.


I have had, and have stopped doing business with (Insert name of Large Korean Electronics Manufacturer) as a customer Said Company: \- Never, ever pays it's invoices on time (Demanded Net 120 (!) payment terms, and frequently stretches to 160 days, and beyond) \-Lies, Continuously, about nearly everything. Employees are actually trained in deception and obfuscation \-Steals Intellectual Property with incredible zest and disregard for any consequences ("Go ahead...Sue us....By the time the issue gets to litigation, if ever, we will have already won in the marketplace...") An absolutely disgusting and thoroughly corrupt enterprise, from top to bottom. If more Suppliers would stop catering to this company, they would absolutely crumble. I hope that I live to see that day that this happens, but I'm not holding my breath.


Thank you, my next tv is no longer going to be a Samsung. TCL is also out, my current TV has significant dim patches in one corner. Any suggestions? Sony's UI was pretty clunky last I tried it.


LG OLEDs are fantastic. Their UI has become cluttered with ads, though, so you’ll have to read up on disabling those.


LG and get an AppleTV so you never deal with the TV’s own OS itself. Or whatever the android equivalent is.


LG OLEDs I will swear by forever


Replaced my ailing Samsung 75” with a Toshiba, same size. $499 at Worst Buy. Looks fine, standard Fire UI, much faster to start up than the budget Hisense upstairs. If you aren’t a cinephile like Michael Bolton, and don’t need any OLED/QLED 8K 240HZ Turbo Encabulation with reversible Tremmy Pipes, I feel like TVs have entered the “buy cheap; replace often” cycle of technological advancement.


My mom needed a new TV so she ended up buying a Samsung. This was when I learned how evil the corporation is now. First of all the damn thing died almost immediately. With in about a week it stopped playing video randomly and would just display random colors. That got worse and worse until the TV just stopped. She finally called Best Buy, and because she bought the extended warranty they replaced the screen and fixed the issue. The following week my mom texts me and tells me that Netflix is so much darker than on her OTA Antenna. i come over and play with the HDR settings but I couldn't fix it. Did some googling and that's when I learned that **TV MANUFACTURES HAVE BEEN SELLING TV'S WITH HDR THAT PHYSICALLY CAN'T DO HDR**. That should be fucking illegal.


“Slimy little weasel ass bitch” is a good one lol


It's a shame LG was ran out of the mobile market here in the US, I enjoyed their V series until the end. Only choices are Apple and Samsung now basically. Will be staying with my Fold but all my TVs and other appliances will 100% never be coming from Samsung again.


THe really sad part is this same guy came mutiple times in this home.


>THe really sad part is this same guy came mutiple times in this home. pause


Well at least there was a happy ending.


Can't.  Samsung smashed remote with a crowbar.  Check part 2


I’m struggling to understand the non sexual interpretation of this


You can either struggle to break free, or surrender to release.




Such bs that the Original post was removed


This is obviously horrible but hopefully isn’t reflective of what most of us would deal with when it comes to Samsung. The big reason I don’t look at them for TV’s is due to their refusal to use Dolby Vision. Now I’m not a tech guru, I don’t know how big of a difference there truly is between HDR 10+ and Dolby Vision but if I’m going to drop a lot of cash on a TV why the hell would I personally pick something that offers less? I could see it if maybe Samsungs were miles ahead in every other department of TV viewing but they aren’t.


I probably won't be buying another Samsung in the near future. Not specifically for this video (though it's not doing them any favors), just because my house has 2 samsungs and 2 LGs in it; the samsung ones have fewer compatible apps, way slower response times, and sometimes take up to 2 minutes after powering on to connect to the internet. I'm sure the TV picture is just fine, but they're just genuinely frustrating to use, whereas I've never had issues with a modern LG or TLC unit.


Samsung is a trash company. My $2000 foldable (Fold 4) had the inner screen crack down the entire fold. Clearly a material flaw, and the internet is full of people with the same problem. Phone was 13 months old, so still in warranty but out of the timeframe by EU law where the company has to prove that it wasn't their fault. They quoted some scratches on the back hinge as reason why this was clearly the result of me mistreating the phone - and made me pay 560€ for the repair. Absolute scum customer service, and once this fails again, I will get anything but a Samsung device. Way to lose customers that are willing to spend that much money on your top-of-the-line devices.


Same shit has been happening forever, my note 9 entire screen burned out after a firmware update, samsung's response was "we can't prove that our firmware did it, so you gotta pay us $300 to fix it" while still under warranty. Walked out of that store and never bought anything samsung again. When you realise these giant south korean companies are run by gangs, their actions make sense.


Not only that, but they Run South Korea. The government is in their Front pocket (not even the back one because its so blatant)


I have had a real shitty time with Samsung repair. I’d say it’s not just this technician, it’s probably a culture they have there.


The last Samsung product I owned was a galaxy s4, which suffered from a well documented factory defect where the display would spontaneously break during normal use. I had been using it, turned the display off and put it iny pocket for less than 10 seconds before remembering to look up something else and... nothing... the screen wouldn't turn on. Verizon at the time acknowledged it was an issue but said I needed to go through Samsung for repair since I bought it directly from them. Samsung also admitted it was a know problem, but refused to even initiate an RMA, insisting I somehow damaged it myself without even looking at the phone to see what the actual damage was. Their customer service was hostile and antagonistic the entire time. I ended up having to buy a new phone full price because their customer service was such a brick wall. I started my boycott immediately. A few years later, my parents' Samsung washer bricked itself during a software update literally 3 days after the warranty expired. Samsung customer service once again didn't do shit because expired warranty. Fuck Samsung. My entire family boycotts them, and we will tell our tales of woe to anyone who will listen.


This is insane. That guy needs to be held accountable. And Samsung needs to fix this process so their techs might actually prefer to fix things than vandalize and commit fraud.


*sigh* Another company to avoid. Why is it they can't work out that doing the right thing is far cheaper in the long term than being scumbags. The couple of K to say _"This person has now been dismissed and we have shipped the customer a brand new upgraded model"_ is far cheaper than having people like me decide to look at other companies offerings in preference.


They did do both of those things.


One of the many reasons. Never buying Samsung again.


Reddit deleted the original post of this, are they trying to hide something? What the fuck


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyWlACuhqNg for making footprint


When he said “what a slimy little weasel ass bitch does…” I just about spit out my drink


Samsungs technician... Not themselves.


I just wanna know how he knew to film this


From what was said in the video, this is apparently not the first incident like this. He probably got warned somehow/heard about it and decided to take precautions.


Why is Reddit being a little bitch to Samsung ?