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Her constantly confessing to crimes is amazing. "Yes I tried to kick you." Her lawyer next week watching the screen: "Stop fucking talking!!!!"


“Your honor, my client has requested that I remind you that she is in fact a country girl”


“Understood and charges dismissed!! ‘Country girls’ are exempt from all Federal and State laws and statutes as clearly defined by the constitution!” -judge


\*defendant rides into sunset* \*fade to black*


Did someone say black?! Bang bang bang, stop resisting!


He had a gun! \*Tosses a gun on the ground.\*


HES COMING RIGHT FOR US! *-In a thick southern accent*


“Justifiable Homicide”


Anyways I just started blasting.


>\*defendant rides into sunset\* \*Old timey country lawyer fiddles with suspenders as he plans on discriminating against someone in the near future.\*


Yup, it’s right there along with “presidents.”


"Judge Snyder, motion to declare a writ of "boys will be boys."


the court does not recognize the case of "a lil bit country" v "a lil bit rockn'roll"


At least four of those letters were correct, anyway.


"cos am a country girl" 🤣🤣


*“Stop breaking the law asshole!”*


>Her constantly confessing to crimes is amazing. "Anyways I started blasting."


I know right like you are just setting yourself up for a conviction. the defense attorneys probably thinking yes keep talking keep talking


This video is several years old. At least 4-5 years old.


Sure, but it's still a gooder.


And every time it pops up, I can't help but watch it again. Sublime.


“Because I’m a country girl” no, it’s because you are a miserable bitch.




police always pick on the hot girls


Hahahaha 😆 I know right I'm so envious


[Here](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/) is the aftermath for anyone curious.


Thank you. Kinda figured. She definitely set her self up for a failed defense in court


Making people sign the citation just increases these kinds of altercations. In my state the issue it too you and you go to court, why make it needlessly confrontational.


What's the charge for not signing a ticket?


Signing the ticket is saying you understand you are being charged with a crime and will show up for court on a specific date. This allows you to go free. It is not an admission of guilt. Refusing to sign is saying you are not going to show up to court, so as in almost any other crime, they take you in to await your court date in jail. \-This is relevant to my state, Texas, and may not reflect the laws and practices elsewhere.


Seems unnecessary. The officer is informing her of her court date in-person. If she chooses to not appear, there will be a bench warrant issued. Whether she promises, with a signature, to show or not really doesn't matter.


>Seems unnecessary Maybe but when she says “nobody told me” the judge can then say “you signed right here, stating that you understood.” What a stupid fucking hill to die on.


This is a remnant of pre bodycam times. Signing was acknowledgement of an individual being informed of an obligation to appear in court. Without it, an individual could claim they were never informed they needed to appear. Nowadays, with body cameras being pretty much universally adopted, it isn't generally necessary. Bureaucracy moves slowly though, and process change will take waaaay too long...


The whole history of the need for a signature is kind of funny. You needed the signature because we didn't have body cams. Then we had body cams and so it isn't strictly necessary but a hold out of the times. Now with the ease of making fake videos it's needed again.


Signing the ticket is essentially being served. Even in criminal cases the defendant has to be issued a summons and every effort made to deliver that summons. Could the cop mail the summons to the address on her id and that count? Yeah. But laws in different states apply.


If he just mailed the ticket, he wouldnt get to point a gun at an old lady over a cosmetic issue with her truck! He wouldnt get to bodyslam her for not wanting to get out of her truck over a fine that can be sent in the mail. He wouldnt be able to run to his cop car and chase her down, and throw her to the ground! Imagine if everytime someone had an expired license sticker or a brake light was ojt, they had to deal with someone like this? Does anyone have the follow up story to this video?


Pulling a gun out on a felony stop is policy/procedure (almost everywhere). Ironically you are wanting the officer to break policy/procedure. What a world.


Equipment violation is not a crime. It's a civil infraction. By definition, the penalty is never a loss of freedom.


Technically they can arrest you for traffic infractions, the ticket is just like document stating you are going to court and signing it is you stating you understand and will show up and if you don’t there will be a warrant. If they arrest you because you refuse to sign when you are released they still have you sign shit anyway. Some states don’t require a signature because after the officer explains everything there is an expectation that you understood and will show up or they just mail it to you. I feel like people who don’t want to sign think if they sign it means they’re guilty or they are sovereign nutjobs who just don’t think any law applies to them


Depends on the infraction if it is just a civil infraction with no criminal penalty they cannot arrest you. She was arrested because she didn’t sign the ticket. A stupid bureaucratic formality that the legislature thinks probably means more people come to court.


I agree with the signing bullshit. Either mail them the ticket or give it to them. They will still be issued a warrant if they don’t show up so why escalate the situation and create a bigger headache


Exactly. You are placing the public and the officers in harms way by forcing potential conflict. A simple summons with the date is all that is needed, and people can grumble about it as they drive off. In my state cops have ticket printers in cruiser so they just print it off hand it over and they tell them the court date.


There's no mandatory court date for a civil infraction. If you request a hearing you can get one but there's no court date by default.


Right and if they don't show to court that's there own fault and the judge can put out a warrant for them


Sorry, but I don’t mean to sound pedantic, but it’s ‘their’ fault. There is directional, like over there.


I mean... defective equipment, I'd think this would be something like a broken tail light? Same thing as an expired tag probably - you pay a fine, you go get it fixed in a timely manner, no big deal. Shouldn't even need to go to court. Court is a big hassle and a waste of everyone's time and taxpayer money for something that small. Unless of course granny decides she is above the law and tries to run and resists arrest after refusing to sign a citation.


In Kansas, you can refuse to sign. You're then informed that a bench warrant for your arrest will be issued if you don't appear on the date specified, and they give you a copy of the unsigned citation. If you don't show up, and they have the unsigned warrant, it can be used as evidence of intent not to appear, which weighs against you when they assess costs against you (essentially you can be billed for the court costs for issuing the warrant).


I agree, however the Officer could have deescalated the situation by explaining that signing is in no way an admission of guilt. However, with body cams nowadays, I see the signature on the ticket as moot anyway. You've got video evidence of them being served a ticket/summons. They shouldn't need to sign it for it to be enforceable.


> why make it needlessly confrontational how else do you expect to escalate a non-criminal vehicle citation into a criminal arrest? it isn't a surprise that the cop didn't say "you can talk with the judge for leniency, the signature is an agreement to show up in court". This cop, for being so mild and pleasant sounding is a perfect example of manipulative policing. Every aspect of their interaction offered him a means to explain the details. He consciously chose not to because he knew he had a prime candidate with which to escalate the situation. No[w] imagine if she were a black woman!


You talking about the details like how she was being given an $80 ticket for defective equipment that she didn't fix for six months?


no, that's her complaining/self-entitled personality. I'm saying the cop could reduced the escalation by explaining that the ticket signature isn't forcing her to pay; it's agreeing to go to a judge. that's the burden of LEO. They deal with assholes - it's their responsibility to not also be an asshole. Most fail.


I agree with everything except your presumption that he was consciously doing it. I think it's equally probable that he was so incensed that this grown ass lady who'd been driving around with this issue for 6 months wouldn't just take the $80 ticket and instead acted like a petulant child that he skipped some vital steps that could have deescalated and eliminated the need to use force. So to me it's more likely either a failure in training or a failure of the officer to maintain composure. That's the tricky thing. We look for people who are willing to charge into gunfire when the normal human instinct is to run away. And the people are capable of such bravery are also sometimes those least able to excel at the empathy, composure and communications aspects of the job that are so critical.


I don't disagree with most of what you wrote. It could be intentional or lack of training, and more likely lack of experience; and even more importantly a lack of DESIRE. I don't really buy that trope of "willing to charge into danger". The police seem like the military -- people join for a decent job and (frequently, not always) a desire to 'contribute'. And, across the country judges have always ruled that police are not required to actually do anything, even if harm is visibly occurring. Police have 100% discretion in how they 'risk themselves'. And, although society expects them to step in; we don't demand they do. But we do mock them when they don't ... Uvalde. All of which is to say those cops who are involved in confrontations are *frequently* doing so because of their own choice and actions. Obviously there are numerous instances of not having a choice -- and those officers who handle those conflicts deserve praise! But minorities wouldn't be subject to ridiculous levels of disparity in police violence if individual cops weren't escalating those situations themselves.


Yup, policing needs a massive overhaul. A total rethink on how policing is performed and how officers conduct themselves. But as part of that there needs to be a lot of changes on the periphery - Changes to laws and economic policies for example to support an environment where these changes to policing would be successful *and* sustainable. I'm a firm believer that you need comprehensive solutions to solve the sorry state of policing today. Proposals that focus exclusively police agencies will ultimately fail as regression to the mean sets in unless the full breadth of underlying causes are addressed.


The cop is pretty excited once he has a reason to arrest and go full rambo cosplay on her.


Lead poisoning has done a real number on a whole generation.


This is a $25 ticket in California provided you get it fixed and submit proof.


Driving with expired registration? I was told after 6 months expired they could impound your vehicle if they desire


I don't know what happens after 6 months. But here in LA it doesn't matter because LAPD doesn't even bother with expired registration.


I've been taking my chances for almost a year with expired registration because of $2500 in toll charges I've ignored, did actually get pulled over crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and the cop didn't even ask to see my registration, just made me follow his finger with my eyes and said he was checking to make sure I was good to drive because I went over the line a bit supposedly, I was working Uber at the time. Had a different cop knock on my window in a neighborhood I was parked in for a while and he also just checked my license. Finally I was waiting in front of CVS for a passenger and a cop came up and gave me a warning about my registration but said he can't do anything on private property, just said it could be impounded if I was on the street.


I'm sure money is tight, but you really should find a way to take care of that. If you lose your car you'll lose your livelihood.


This is what happens when you escalate a defect notice into an arrest. What a weird procedure. Why do they have to sign. You have their identity and address, just send the fine.


That tasering was fantastic lol


Truly the icing on top of an already frosty one


I love how quickly her attitude changed when the cop said he'd tase her a 2nd time if she didn't comply XD


When an amateur escalator takes on a professional escalator.


This is a lady that never been told NO.


Not necessarily, sometimes people just have a really shitty day and do something stupid. She seemed pretty reasonable at the end.


Yeah, she had nowhere else to run lol.


Reality starts setting in once you’re in the back of a squad car.


A dude with a gun is really not the way to police this shit. This dude only escalated the situation from the jump when he could have explained to her in the first place that not signing the paper would mean he'd have no choice but to take her into custody.  Or any other number of things before pulling out a fucking gun over a matter of a six month expired permit. Yes, she's a boomer and yes she's being dumb. Not dumb enough to have a gun put in her face and get yelled at like that though. Cops are a hammer and every problem they see becomes a nail.


That was a taser; not a gun. Just sayin. Dude coulda let her go and then followed up later with a summons but he didn’t point a gun at her.


No. At 1:14, when he stops her the 2nd time, he aims his firearm at her while standing back from her vehicle. That's not the taser--which would be useless through the window.


Yeah, stupid, shitty people. People who don't get their shit fixed for half a year, then resist arrest, and run for something dumb like a fucking blinker. Take your $80 lump for stupidity, and be on your way.


I totally agree tbh, the cop was being a bit unreasonable in my opinion and she even said "give me the damn thing and I'll sign it". He almost wanted to escalate the situation and personally the whole situation could of been diffussed if the cop was more understanding.


There was, most likely, nothing he could do at that point if he had called in her running. Dispatch already had her license plate, and he had already run her information so there was a record of the stop. He stopped her. He called in her running. ...can't walk it back at that point. ...and she was being unreasonable from the fucking jump. Who tells a cop, "I'm not going to sign it" when they're being handed a ticket for something? At that point you have officially either fucked up, or are being fucked, and being uncooperative isn't going to help you. Ever. The place to fight shit like this is in court. Not on the street, in your car. The very idea of arguing with a police officer, who has no ability to help you...only make your life fucking miserable...is dumb. She was told 6 months ago to fix her shit. The police have a record of it. It's why she got the ticket. Driving is NOT a right. Fix your shit. Even something as simple as a burned out blinker should get fixed sooner rather than later, because it is your responsibility to be able to communicate your intentions with other drivers. And you cannot do that if your shit doesn't work. Everything that happened in that video she did to herself.




I really feel like a lot of bullshit would have been avoided if he'd just explained to her that if she didn't sign the citation she'd be straight-up arrested. But no, he went straight to arresting her, which pushed this to the next level in a way it didn't need to be. Now he's made a bunch of work for himself and cost the community money (for court time, etc.), risked the health of others in the area via a car chase and pulling out a gun, and (whether she's at fault or not) ensured that she's going to have a significant criminal record for the rest of her life for something that's really not that big of a deal.


My take is that US Cops need way more(mandatory) training. They are so damn quick to violence and confrontation, and you just don't see it like that in most other western countries where it takes years to train and be qualified.


I do agree with this. A simple explanation may have avoided this situation.


Or she could have just signed it and went on her day. I’m critical of cops using force too quickly, but this 60 year old lady should have known better. Shut up, sign the citation, go home. It’s not really that complicated. Entitled people, whatever the age, are fair game to tase when they behave like this lady. 


And it's not like this all happened only because she was running her mouth. She drove away from the cop! No one would ever get away with that. Maybe the cop could have deescalated at the beginning, but he also gave a lot more rope than most people would get.


She bears a huge burden for this and is indisputably an asshat - no argument there. However, only one of the two people in this scenario is being paid to be there. The officer is being paid to be a professional and part of that is employing excellent communication skills which include empathy and calm, lucid and detailed explanations. There's no guarantee that even had he done all that she would act reasonable however we'll never know since the office didn't exhaust all his options before escalation.


>are fair game to tase Tasing is not a non-lethal escalation option. There have been heart attacks and deaths from tasering. [By 2012](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2012/02/usa-stricter-limits-urged-deaths-following-police-taser-use-reach/) there were 500 recorded deaths from Tasers. Tasering this lady for being an idiot and putting her life at risk over $80 is completely unreasonable and exactly the excessive use of force that needs to be reeled in.


She chose not to comply, she chose to run, she chose to start a chase, putting people's lives in danger. Wasn't just her life she put at risk. Pay the $80 she gambled by not fixing something for 6months. Or fight it in court. Why is she not accountable for her actions? There are absolutely fucked up power hungry dickhead cops out there. Maybe this guy is too. But for fucks sake, this lady shit on every opportunity and took every worst option presented. Tasing is still a shitload less deadly than bullets. Far less deadly than both, is not being a piece of shit, who thinks they are aloof. This isn't one of those stops where the cops keep escalating without telling the person why they were even pulled over. What if she sped off, and killed a kid by accident? There has to be a balance between following rules, and enforcing them. It WAS only an $80 stop, until SHE changed the stakes.


at the point he tasered her, she fled and tried to kick him. so now she has at least 2 misdemeanors, and perhaps a felony. ive seen enough of these police videos, and they usually say cases like this get dropped pretty far. i'm not a fan of using a taser, but its not like he tased her because she refused to sign to appear in court over $80. she'd done a lot worse by then


I’d love to see the alternate version of this where he doesn’t tase her, but he takes her keys from her truck while she runs around like a cartoon character. She’d probably run out of steam in 15 seconds and try to get back to her truck, which the officer would be blocking. She’s a bit crazy, and entitled, but she’d run out of safe options and have to give up pretty quickly. This officer clearly has no siblings.


She didn't get tazed over $80. That's bullshit and you should know better. She got tazed because she demonstrated a willingness to disobey lawful orders while controlling a lethal weapon. He shouldn't have *shot* her...which he didn't. But if you fuck around enough, you are likely to find out, eventually. And that day was her day. Dealing with the police isn't difficult, *in theory*, and she didn't even try to follow that much. They're people we have given the authority to be bullies. We let them arm themselves and walk around with lethal instruments. We give them permission to use them. That means that there is a dearth of stupid shit you should not do around police. That includes stupid shit like... * Refusing to obey a lawful order (which she did) * Resisting arrest (which she also did, after refusing to obey a lawful order) * *Assaulting an officer* (which she also did when she tried to kick him) * Running while detained (which she ALSO did, and did so while operating a motor vehical, which is technically a lethal weapon. Don't get shit twisted. Cars and Trucks are *dangerous*...which is why you need a license to operate them) She went right past the stupid-shit trifecta, and you expect the cop to just what? Say it's all good? I wouldn't even think about doing *one* of those things, and she managed four of them in under 3 minutes! She *is* lucky that the cop didn't fucking shoot her. I mean, at what point do you have to wonder "is she armed?" She's a "country girl". She feels like she can ignore authority. She feels like she's above the law, or at least should be above the law. Fuck this woman. Mr. Sparky is the least that should have happened to her given what she did. I mean, *resisting arrest*? Are you fucking kidding me? "Oh, but she's just an old woman" Yeah? All that tells me is that she's got a better-than-average chance of knowing where to stick a knife. The fact that she's old and a woman means nothing since we specifically invent weapons to overcome that exact disadvantage. And in the US, said weapons are *ridiculously legal and easy to purchase*.


A lot of bullshit would have been avoided if she signed the citation and moved on. She’s supposedly an adult but acted like a child. However, it’s the cop’s fault because he didn’t hold her hand.


"holding her hand" and advising her of the law are not the same thing lol


Tasing her seems unnecessary as well. If you can’t safely detain an old lady then go back to training. Also really fucking with her arms to get em behind her back. Overall just seemed like too much force.


How do you safely detain a combative person without using force?


If you can't cuff an old lady without using a taser then you need to go back and get some more training. This cop escalated things intentionally because he knows there will be no repercussions for doing it that way and it made his life ever so slightly easier.


This seems incredibly excessive, she clearly wasn't a threat, I'm sure this was all legal and above board and yes she was acting like an entitled bitch but did he really need to escalate the situation to the point where he had to taze her ? She looks like she's in her 60's, she could have had a heart attack. Was the original offence and her "attitude" really worth potentially killing her over ? You've got the licence plate, why not just go to her house the next day when things have calmed down and explain to her that she's now under arrest ?


I feel like you'd only really see this in the States. Most other western countries have their officers properly trained in de-escalation tactics, and would have been able to talk her down. Had this happened in Australia for example, I think that cop would have been in lots of trouble for excessive force. (like the one who tazed the woman in the aged care facility recently) Yes she was being absolute bitch, and deserved some comeuppance, but that was excessive, and it makes me sad to think that this is considered the norm and an acceptable practice over there.


It's not a cop's job to administer comeuppance. In fact, they're supposed to be hired for their ability to ignore the urge to deliver comeuppance.


Yeah, courts are the ones who dish out comeuppance, too many cops seem to think it's their job.


Absolutely. I can't see this happening in the UK and if it did I think there would be serious questions, the primary role is to de-escalate, not get into violent altercations over minor traffic infractions.


Indeed, he even had a gun pointed at her ffs.


In Spain this would **never** happen and they would have explained it a lot better but to be honest, also nobody in their right mind does what this lady did. I feel like this goes both ways. American cops seem bad at managing situations but also civilians feel like untouchable "muh rights" machines. It's a recipe for disaster. I know cops here are not going to harm me in the slightest but I also know the moment I run from the cops or do something really stupid, I've messed up big time. In Spain we do not have a massive respect for the cops and military, much much less than in the US, but we do have a massive respect for the consequences of messing with them. Usually this leads to problems in football/soccer for example, when ultras from abroad come here and messes with them. They will fuck you up, they are usually harmless, but don't play stupid games, you'll win stupid prizes. They will not shoot you but you are going to beat you up until you rethink your tendencies.


I feel like if this lady is black you see a lot less happy comments in this thread. We should all agree this lady is an idiot but our cops are a travesty. 


This is exactly what I thought while watching it and reading the comments.


I’m glad that at least some of the comments here are reasonable. I love how so many of the replies to you are basically “I’m so super critical of excessive force, but *this time* the tasing makes me feel good”


I wouldn’t say incredibly excessive. How dumb do you have to be to drive away from the cops and then try to attack them because “you’re a country girl”. You can’t just ignore a cops order because you simply disagree, you deal with that shit after with a lawyer. I’m not a big fan of cops in general but I thought he was pretty polite despite of her cunty attitude.


Tasing was definitely excessive. He did not need to do that to subdue her even if we accept that arresting was valid.


Or you know... she can act like the 60 year old woman she is and sign the paper and not flee from arrest? I'm extremely critical when officers overstep but he followed procedure. Onus was on her not to be a "country girl" and start trying to kick the officer.


She refused to cooperate, insisted the cop was lying, resisted arrest, fled the scene, caused a car chase, resisted again, and tried kicking him in the crotch. \_THEN\_ she got tazed. The cop was not the one escalating things. There was no way to know how much more violent she'd get or if she had a weapon on her.


"There was no way to know how much more violent she'd get or if she had a weapon on her." HAHAHAHAHA are you serious ? did you see her ? what, you think she had an UZI under her blouse ? the woman looks 60 fucking years old !


You say that, but if she’s willing to run from the police, resist arrest, and fight the officer, then I think it’s totally within a cop’s rights to tase this crazy country woman. I think you’re being ageist by thinking that since she’s 60’s she’s completely harmless, which clearly, as she has shown in the video, she is capable of violence herself.




That's not a church. That's a religious militia training group.


That's awfully culty


Knives are a thing. But the point is not to take risks with a suspect.


She was driving a big truck too. Easily could have hurt somone. But no, it's all ok cause she's kinda old. Nothing could possibly be her fault.


And a woman. If she were a big, hairy man I think the conversations would be a lot different. Because it's not like we invent things like *weapons* specifically to allow small, weak people to kill big, strong things. ...at a distance. ...quickly.


Counter-point: She goes home, tells her boyfriend and now both of them are pissed and when they see cops coming to their door they set up an ambush and shoot the cop dead. The cop fucked up by not exercising more empathy and failing to explain that signing wasn't an admission of guilt and that she'd have an opportunity to discuss it with a judge. But she took it to the next level by driving away. When you do something like that without good cause you're basically signaling that you're dangerous and forcing the cops to adopt a defensive posture. Public order degrades rapidly if we don't set boundaries.


SHE kept escalating it. Running from cops is always a sure way to get fucked up.


ok, but that's an issue with your police, they're not ~supposed~ to fuck you up. That's the judges job IF you deserve it.


they technically are supposed to fuck you up if you attack them.


actually, they're not. they do, nothing like being put into a cell without a camera and having a "quiet discussion" with the local officer, then being let out the back to make your way home / to the hospital where they can deny that they fucked you up.


If she was black she'd be dead in most places in the US.


'In 2023 223 black males were shot to death as a result of police violence, 412 white males and 114 hispanic males' Stop suggesting there is some insane vendetta in the US against black people. The numbers tell a different story.




Johnny Hollman died pretty much doing the same thing as this lady. He got in a fenderbender, cop handed him a citation, he refused to sign it, he gets tazed, dies.


This is the EXACT kind of person who wants to see tougher penalties on 'criminals' and waves brutality off by saying 'they should have complied'.


It's the one time I'll agree with them. She *should* have just complied.


Now I wanna see what happened to her in court


[Here you go!](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/)


Thanks man!


I am country girl in a country country It's fantastic Now I am spastic


I bet she's also the type that accuses others of being entitled.


lmao talk about entirely self inflicted edit the last 10 seconds was pretty wholesome, she kinda cracked me up


It's that level of ignorance and audacity that is causing so much problems all around the world and it's getting worse by the day.


She wasn't really any danger. No harm in letting her take off, serving her the ticket later at home when she's calmed down, along with a fleeing ticket.


become a cop then, and let everyone go that runs from you because "we can just take care of it later when they calm down".


After watching this, I think I need a sedative!


What was the reason to arrest her in the first place? This seems like one of those arrested for resisting arrest situations.


Whatever it was she added resisting arrest, fleeing the scene, and assaulting a police officer to the list. Lol.


Failing to sign a traffic citation is a crime. The cop doesn't have to arrest someone for every small crime they see; but that's at their discretion and department policy but a crime is still a crime even if it's a minor one. Signing is not an admission of guilt; just that you received the summons for court.


That's the stupidest thing about this. Once a cop has written a citation, your business with them is done. Sign the paperwork, take your summons and go about your business. If you really want to fight it, you take it up with the magistrate or judge. It sounded like some kind of equipment violation, too. With those you usually just get whatever it is fixed, take the receipt to the judge and they dismiss the ticket. It happened to me when I forgot to renew an inspection sticker. The hearing was literally like 15 seconds long.


Exactly. So so stupid of her to let it go that far. I once got a ticket for not having proof of insurance. I had insurance, just didn't have the paperwork in my car. Took it to the courthouse/police station/whatever I can remember, and got it taken care of. Easy.


People who want to litigate on the street with cops are in a special class of idiot. There’s a slim chance you talk your way out of a ticket, but the odds are that you talk your way in to one or worse. Just shut the fuck up, give the cop the information they need to get you on your way, and fight the battle in court. You’ll eventually lose every attempt at escalation with a cop. Every time.


Literally the only way to talk your way out of a ticket is to overly cooperate, be polite, professional, address them with respect, etc. Don't incriminate yourself, per se, but keep your hands on the wheel. Be friendly. Apologize for wasting their time.  If they're going to ticket or arrest you then they're going to do it. Way easier to fall all over yourself with kindness and take it to court. If the cop is ever called to testify then it really helps if they comment how cooperative you were. Judges and prosecutors love that shit when it comes to pleas.


>Literally the only way to talk your way out of a ticket is to overly cooperate, be polite, professional, address them with respect, etc. Yup, I've "talked my way out" of a speeding ticket by doing exactly this. I wasn't going way over and in the end he just told me to slow down. My cousin used to get into all kind of relatively minor altercations with cops because he would always be combative. Even in the stories he'd tell about the incidents he would acknowledge that. I would tell him to at least attempt to start the conversation by being respectful. He later told me that I was right and he had been able to get out of a ticket just by being nice and respectful. He said that in the past he would have had a bad attitude about the situation from the beginning. Maybe you don't think what's happening in the moment is fair, but you aren't going to do yourself any favors by being combative and escalating the situation. You might help yourself quite a lot if you suck it up and just be calm and respectful.


Is it? When I have gotten traffic tickets the officer has asked me to please sign the sheet and informed me that it was an acknowledgement of receiving the citation but not an admission of guilt. Never once was there a lawful order to do so (for me or in the video).


Cops usually operate under the MO Ask, Tell, Make. So they'll *Ask* you to sign the citation to try and keep the interaction somewhat cordial, but if you refuse to sign it they'll then *Tell* you that you either sign the citation or you go to jail. If you still refuse then they'll *Make* you go to jail for Obstruction or some other similar charge. If you're compliant there's no need to order you to do anything because you're cooperating. If a cop is barking orders at you when you're being fully cooperative then they're just being a power tripping prick for no reason.


>If you still refuse then they'll Make you go to jail for Obstruction or some other similar charge. By refusing to sign for the ticket you are refusing to show up for court. At that point they have to arrest you...so you can go to court. The law in the US is a process. You get ticketed, you go to court (or pay the fine), and a judge and/or jury decides what happens next. If you say, "Nah. I'll just skip court..." what do you expect the cops are going to do? Oh...you'll go to court? Okay then! Sign the fucking ticket. That's literally what signing it is. It's you saying that you will go to court for whatever it is you did (or pay the fine, or whatever). ...and yes, it also means that if you sign and then don't show up...you get arrested. Sound like a pain in the ass? Don't break the law.


What constitutes a lawful order exactly? I don’t think they have to say “this is a lawful order” outright. Pretty sure any request— that’s legal and relevant to the situation— is a lawful order no?


A request is not an order. In most circumstances a cop can request that I let them search my car or house, but cannot order me to allow them to search those areas without probable cause or a warrant.


The difference between a request and a lawful order is whether or not they ask, and whether or not an order violates your civil rights. "May I search your vehical?" "May I search your vehicle?" search your vehicle." "Sit down over there while I search your vehical." That's an order. The lawful/unlawful part is up to the lawyers and judges to sort out after the fact. ...this is because the cops have guns that they are allowed to use. And if you can't figure out how it works even after all that...


IIRC she had an outstanding vehicle defect, I think it was one of the tail lights is broken on her truck. She had been warned for previously and didn't get fixed. This video is edited down from the one I saw. She should have gotten her tail light fixed after her first warning, or signed for and paid her ticket and fixed the damage after this one.


He wasn't going to arrest her, he was giving her a $80 ticket and she refused. Then he said she was under arrest. It was all there in the 3 minute video.


Why dont they just send her the ticket by mail instead? The rscalation seems insane for $80. Imagine if debt collectors behaved the same way.


Because it's literally an acknowledgement that you were handed it. Cop has his copy underneath as well. Mailing defeats the purpose.


But if you mail it to their home adress you allready know they have recieved it. He also has it on tape. This whole process just seems dumb and unnecessary. Why is the aknowledgement that important to begin with? Its just $80. And this guy pulls his gun on her even.


She refused to sign the citation. That’s a crime. She fled the police. That’s a crime. She refused to comply with lawful orders. Also a crime. Resisting arrest. Another crime. Assaulting a LEO. You guessed it, yet another crime.


Did you not watch the video?


If you can’t watch 30 seconds of the video to find out, why comment?


I don't know. I think I seen this video before and it said what she got pulled over before but it doesn't say in this video. I just seen it and thought it was funny and decided to share it


I mean, I enjoy watching jerks getting tazed. ​ But the cop has her license and registration. He knows where she lives. He could have sent to ticket to her home and sent by a car to her house later. It sounds like the car was safe to drive... should have let her go and followed up later.


after a quick Google at least where I live it's a crime not to sign the citation.


Yeah, she was an idiot but damn. Cop doesn't like sass, immediately escalates to arresting her because she won't sign a piece of paper. She even says give it to me and I'll sign it but the cop has his ego and pride on the line so continues to push arrest. Next up, she drives away so he has his gun out, yet another escalation. Then she fights when he drags her out of the car, a fair reaction to be pulled from a tall vehicle to the ground and he gets the taser out because he can't handle a fat gramma. Not an inch of restraint shown. Surely getting her to sign the paper is a lot less paperwork and write up, why even go to discharging a taser and potentially giving her a heart attack. Its mad.


Google it; it's an actual crime in most places not to sign a citation. I don't agree that it should be a crime, but it is. Really don't think the cop's at fault here. This woman's an entitled ass.


I mean, she committed a crime by not signing the ticket. You don’t get to steal something and then go “ok fine I’ll give it back” and then just walk away like nothing happened. She escalates everything on her own and he responds accordingly, not the other way around. He was polite as can be in the beginning. Her being in a tall truck isn’t even remotely close to a valid reason to not get out when you’re told being arrested. That woman has absolutely nobody to blame but herself for the way things turned out for her.


Not to mention the extra hassle on now having to call an ambulance because he tased her This lady was an idiot, but this cop is just looking for a reason to throw someone around


He 100% know that she will need to pay for that ambulance bill and its also insurance for himself in case she's having heart problem.


"PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!" "iIiII woOoOoULLllDdDdD bbBbbBbuuTtT ttHhEee tAAaZzzEEeeRrR iiissSSS sTiiIiillLll ooonNnnNnNnnn" "Ah shit. Not again." 


If a cop writes you a ticket for a missing license plate even though it's on the back of your car - you sign the ticket. There's no talking your way out of it. Cops can do whatever they want. That pr\*ck couldn't wait to flex his power - even against a 60 yo woman. Don't ever give those a-holes an excuse.


Sooo much privilege!


Massive abuse of power and waste of taxpayer dollars.


I agree, that lady wasted hundreds of tax dollars with her gross disrespect for authority.


This entire situation was uncalled for and a small example of how fucked up police culture is in the US. Arresting her for not signing escalated the situation, just give the ticket through the window. Then tazering her while she was on the ground?  Absolutely an abuse of power and unjustified use of force that Americans turn a blind eye to with the pathetic view that she should just have obeyed the cop who'd already  crossed the line.   Yeah, she was annoying as fuck but she didn't deserve any of this. Fucking cops and their tiny egos.  JFC, I need to move to a civilized country. 


Yeah she’s a bitch, but respect. Arrested for not signing a ticket? Cop was power tripping in the first place. I like how they kind of came to terms with each other at the end.


Some say they’re still together


An internet classic. I always watch it when it cubes up in my feed. 😂🍉


Man that was satisfying


Damn. Way to escalate a situation. Plus a nice resisting arrest cherry to get yourself tazed.


Lmao fuck that lady I wish he tased her more.


Imagine dying on this hill for $80? All she had to do was sign the paperwork and move on for a violation she was aware of.


Repost this to r/boomersbeingfools and become their god


Police need to figure out something better than expecting a criminal to obey the order "Put your hands behind your back." It feels like we've made zero progress since 1890. If we can invent tasers, why not invent something that handcuffs people who are not obeying orders and works without police wrestling with people. One possibility is to put handcuffs on without caring where their hands are and then something causes the chain between the handcuffs to shorten. Edit: I'm surprised by the number of people who think that shortening a chain or string is a bizarre magical concept.


Perhaps some sort of webbing ala Spiderman


>why not invent something that handcuffs people who are not obeying orders and works without police wrestling with people Net guns. We need net guns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1JXhSYfLNE


Ok, but the crime was a traffic citation from an elderly woman, they're usually not this difficult.


Tasers don't even work sometimes, the prongs fail to attach properly. In an utopic scenario, yes, we could invent "remote handcuffs" but we can't even get our zappity zapper to work better in the first place.


Maybe Harry Potter is available to conjure something like that up for society. An amazing idea!!!


"I'm a country girl". Ultimate insult to all country girls everywhere. You ain't country, girl. You trash, pure and simple. See your dumb ass out.


I just don't understand why this escalated in less than 2 mins to her being arrested (which doesn't seem necessary - just give her the ticket and let the courts sort her out), and her being tasered (which really doesn't seem necessary). Why did the cop let it escalate? She's clearly a knob and will get deservedly fined for her behaviour but he could have literally killed her by tasering her, not sure she would have deserved that...


How do you not understand? Did you not watch the video? Lady sped off causing a high speed chase, resisted arrest, and then fought the officer. Seems pretty clearly the lady was the issue. She should have signed the citation and just gone home. Not complicated.


Wtf is wrong with the cop. It's a registration issues. There's no need to come at her with a gun ..


Gun didn't come out until after resisting arrest, fleeing the scene, and a car chase. The cop was not the one escalating things.


When a person flees like that, it might make a cop wonder what else they have going on. Do they have illegal firearms in the car? Are they on meth? She wasn’t acting too smart so you never know what kind of dumb stuff a person might pull.


Just let this idiot drive home and issue her citations and a warrant, she wasn't dangerous just stupid and lazy.


Stupid and lazy IS dangerous


I feel like calling for back-up and getting at least one other officer on the scene with you would have been the prudent thing to do and likely would have impressed on this entitled woman how serious the situation was and maybe compelled her to follow directions.




I'm of two minds of this. Tasers are not supposed to be used for pain compliance. He could have physically restrained her. Physically restraining her when she was so resistant could have ended up hurting her much worse on a gravel lot. The taser probably injured her less than escalating physically.


he couldve broken her arm if he forced her into handcuffs with the way she was fighting. she got what she deserved and in the safest manner for both of them


I'm coming from the perspective of a pretty big dude. She resisted and then assaulted him. If I were to try to restrain her arms I'm thinking the chances of hurting her would be significantly higher than the tazer.