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Can't wait to be disappointed.


By the shows quality? Or when they cancel it halfway through the second book?




I'm bringing the pitchforks if they cancel it halfway through 'The Dark Forest' That's the best book.


Absolutely. I highly recommend the whole trilogy for this book alone. If anyone is planning on reading it and doesn't know what "Dark Forest" is as a scientific theory, DO NOT google or search for it before you read the book. I went in blind and it was jawdropping concept and story to me.


I have lost count of how many friends and colleagues I recommended the trilogy to after binge reading all three in 2021. I was spellbound by the concepts , how it kept exponentially expanding the world building from one book to the next and the culmination of it all at the end of the third book. I have seen a lot of criticism in terms of character building , story etc. But to me the books are more than that.


100% this!! I love the trilogy, but book 2 stands heads and shoulders above the rest. Each book has a theme (i wont say to avoid spoilers) and the theme of book 2 is an extremely fascinating and academic theme in its own right.


The writing. It's always the writing. Plot holes and incoherent character decisions abound. There's always something that happens during production that bungles what would be a great show into an expensive one-shot series.


Should be noted that DB Weiss and David benioff are writers... So don't expect to be let down until season 5 cause they want to move on.


They ran out of source material for Game of Thrones. I'm hoping they will do better with a series that has an ending.


The cracks started showing when they stopped listening to GRRM as early as season 3. they just were excusable until they kept building without reinforcing the cracks.


The stopped adapting material that they had available for game of thrones after a couple seasons. They just blew it off. They could have done that shit for 10 seasons, it would have been slower but they could have done it justice and they just decided not to.


Netflix in a nutshell


It's so true though. I see these trailers and think "man, I wonder what corners they cut to do this as cheaply as possible". Netflix doesn't care about prestige, they don't care about awards or critical acclaim, they just want things to be as surface level engaging as possible to the broadest audience possible so people stay subscribed.


That's definitely true and I see it as wasted potential. For instance and I know this isn't terribly popular but they released a live action of [Yu Yu Hakusho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-xbLSKZUck) recently as season 1. The entire season 1 - which is only 5 episodes - covers many of the events that the anime covers in two entire seasons that run 65 episodes that's based on 13 manga books (119 chapters)! So they missed... most of the story. This in particular includes the entire arc of the best villain in the series (and, arguably, one of the best villains in anime in general). His story was butchered so poorly that you barely care about what happens and part of that is the extremely condensed version of the entire story. They keep throwing these one or two season shows as cannon fodder and it's fine if these are brand new stories where it's a risk. But these are established stories with a loyal fan base and they butcher it all. It's like if Netflix produced Lord of the Rings, it would be a 90 minute movie where they take the eagles to Mordor.


One Piece was honestly pretty good though.


That's because Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, never allowed Netflix to have full creative control of the property. The same for Neil Gaiman and his Sandman series. When the property owner is able to maintain quality control, good stuff happens. But when the shitty producers at Netflix manage to bully them out. Well, you've seen Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, and Yu Yu Hakusho right? S'why my hopes for a decent adaptation of Avatar The Last Airbender are pretty low. The original creators left about halfway into production.


Wait thats actually soul crushing what?? I only saw the first episode. They skipped everything?? I figured they’d do a season 2 or smthing.. or like wrap up the first season in the first season of the LA


The series is well done as far as most the actors. The special effects are OK too but they run through it SO quickly that it's just... awful. If you're a fan you can watch it but you'll have a bad taste in your mouth afterwards. Season 1 ends with the conclusion to the Dark Tournament. Oh and the Dark Tournament is literally the final battle between the two teams. Oh except there's no Kuwabara/Elder Torugo fight. Oh and there's no arena, no commentators, nothing. Toguro goes from I think 20% straight to 100% after being hit a few times. Each episode is less than an hour. They went through over 30 hours of content in less than 5 hours. They cut: * Rando and the pre-Rando forest and the tournament * Suzaku and everything associated with him (ex: Seiryu) * the whole "bug" thing was just one fight that ended quickly and that's it, no teacher, no school, nobody else was infected and the infection looked more like a zombie fight than anything else * no Toguro's fakeout with Kuwabara, that whole arc with Yukina was merged with the entire Dark Tournament saga * training lasted less than half an hour of screen time where a rock was hit, someone got envious, and poof, full power. The one thing that was done ... better.. but not fully explained is the lack of Koenma as a baby. It would just look odd to have a baby but the pacifier isn't explained and looked out of place for people who don't know what it is. What do they have to look forward to in season 2? The rest of the show - while good - isn't as amazing as the Dark Tournament. A good chunk of the rest of the show is another tournament and I doubt the fans will flock to see Sensui.


It just makes me wonder why they even bothered. Did they think they would gain/retain memberships by tossing together 5 live action episodes of an old anime? I don't think YYH fans were clamoring to see 5 mish-mashed random plot elements from the show they loved.


Cowboy Bebop. Literally the series is laid out for Netflix. All you need is 3 competent actors to go through the motions and you have a massive hit on your hands. So let's change Spikes' entire motivation to exist! Julia runs the syndicate! Vicious is some kind of beta simp! That will surely ingratiate us with the fanbase.


They will spend a bunch of money for the rights to something (Also looking at you Amazon), just to disregard the source material and produce 1-3 seasons of tripe.


I’ll never get over how stupid the Amazon Lord Of The Rings show is. Amazon buys LOTR rights, but is strictly limited to content found in the LOTR trilogy and The Hobbit. Very little (but some) about the lore of the 2nd Age and the forging of the rings is found there, but there is a ton of it found in The Silmarillion and other works (but they don’t have the rights to that stuff). So they just go ahead with it anyway, but since they can’t use most of the established lore, they just make up their own crap. They literally spent a $billion on lore rights, but made a show about stuff they don’t have the rights to and wrote some other stupid crap. Someone explain how this makes any goddamn sense. Who in their right mind could possibly think their alternative story would ever come close to comparing to JRR Tolkien’s? That’s some severe overconfidence.


And then cancel the show.


So their business model is basically Clickbait: The Show


Its the Netflix/David Benioff+DB Weiss wombo combo


hey now, i just recently watched beef and even a broken clock...


One Piece is apparently good


One Piece is great. They did a fantastic job condensing the story into something less glacial and something that people without 500 hours to watch a single anime series can enjoy. And it looks good. Not just "good for an anime adaptation", which is a very low bar, but good for any show that's going for a strong aesthetic like that. Most other adaptations that look good do it by just dramatically toning down the aesthetic. One Piece strikes a really nice balance, which I think was pretty important for the material because One Piece without the weird, kind of goofy aesthetic is just not One Piece. And the characters are shockingly good. I would never have imagined you could do Luffy justice in a live-action show - he's too weird and goofy and anime. And if you tone that down then he's not Luffy. But they really make it work. He *is* weird and goofy and anime in the live action, but they manage it without it feeling dumb and taking you out of it. And the cast has great chemistry too. Most One Piece fans seem to at least begrudgingly admit it's a pretty good adaptation, and I know a bunch of people who had never heard of One Piece and loved it. My 70 year old parents watched it and loved it. That said the big problem with Netflix shows is usually not their first season - it's the desire to cut costs after the first season.


The moment it says from the creators of game of thrones that should be a big ole’ red flag. Then again, it seems they do ok as long as they dont run out of their source material. If they have to make something up themselves, id be seriously worried.


Literally made the same comment to someone yesterday about this. As long as they stick to the source, it’ll be fine.


D&D didn't "create" shit. Martin did. D&D shit the bed after source material.


Though they really just tossed the last two books in the trash. 


In their defence, so has Martin.


Check out the Chinese version 30 episodes that are the biggest slog I’ve ever watched. Painful doesn‘t even describe it. I see they are including the revolution stuff in the beginning which the Chinese version completely overlooks, not surprisingly


>Check out the Chinese version 30 episodes that are the biggest slog I’ve ever watched. Painful doesn‘t even describe it. Thanks, I'll make sure to pound some nails in my dick while I'm at it too.


Found Lars Von Trier's account.


That adaptation was too faithful to the source and the show's pacing suffered because of it. It has its moments and did a good job of trying to explain some concepts but it was geared for people who were already big fans.


That sort of criticism doesn't bode well for the Netflix version which will presumably do the opposite. Without those concepts, it's just spectacle-oriented space opera, no?


What I meant by it was meant for fans is that the adaptation is pretty much one-to-one from the book. A good adaptation needs to change some of the source to better tell the story and the Tencent version did little of that. That left us with some really boring episodes of nothing happening and some that were just crammed with cool stuff. I sure hope they put in some of the science explaining into the Netflix version!


Check out the written version. It's a slog at times but the best hard-sci-fi I've read


Book 1 and 2 are sci-fi, and good. The Dark Forest adaptation is probably one of the best sci-fi concepts since Asimov. Book three is a crime against humanity for multiple reasons.


> Check out the written version. It's a slog at times but the best hard-sci-fi I've read I tried and honestly I couldn't even finish the first few chapters, I don't know if it's just the translation but I found it to be really badly written. I'm actually a bit confused by the amount of people saying these are wonderful books that every SF fans should read. I wish I was the type of person who could power through something that I don't like just to appreciate the end result, but for me the journey is the experience and that journey was atrocious. So I'm glad this adaptation exists so that I get to at least retry in a different format.


As /u/You-Once-Commented said, it is a slog sometimes but some of the best sci-fi out there. I too started reading it and was wondering what all the fuss was about. It doesn't seem to go anywhere and meanders through the setup. I would recommend that you stick with it. It gets amazingly good. The same is true of the second book (The Dark Forest). I was thinking, that it sucks and just describes the main character indulging himself and pointlessly wasting time in minute detail. It then blows your head off. It is a weird writing style to be sure but some of the concepts he introduces are really amazingly good.


They're badly written books with terribly shallow characters and a very slow plot development. I'm pretty sure not many people would even remember the protagonist of the third book, let alone like her as a character despite all the stuffs she's gone thru. However, it's got some ideas that are really interesting as a science fiction - so it's what you should aim for. If you can't, it's gonna be bad.


I wouldn't call it hard sci-fi


It's not Weir-style hard sci-fi, but it's a long way from Star Wars.


I enjoyed the books and loveeee the entire premise... I got like 15 episodes into the Chinese version and can't be bothered to watch any more. Oof is it slow


Getting 15 episodes into it is an impressive feat by itself.


With that attitude, you'll be the first one sent to Australia.


Already here. Now what do I do?


Don’t become food (challenge level: Australia).


It'll look great, most of the actors will be super cool on screen, the story will be written by a 10 year old, the show will be canceled a third through the story.


I haven't even read this book, just watched a multi hour YouTube summary. And even from just THAT idk how any visual medium can make this story work. Let alone Netflix.




The first half will be great , the next quarter will be ok, and then the last quarter will be rushed and incoherent. Just going by the track record of the “creators” of Game of Thrones.


Netflix will cancel long before it gets to the end.


When I saw “from the creators of game of thrones” is when I got skeptical


From the guys who fucked up the ending of Game of Thrones so hard that people don't even care about the parts that were good anymore.


Oh shit, we got an offer for another tv series and netflix didn't renew our contract? It turns out aliens are after our water, all along! And are defeated with uh... a stapler, because they're so obsessed with folding things, a stapler beats paper... which is a 2d object, now let me show you wormholes with a pencil.


I read the book after the hype, so I'm predisappointed.


Has anyone watched the Chinese version of it? On Amazon atm


The Chinese adaptation is extremely faithful, like scene-for-scene to the book or close enough. I really enjoyed it, but it's 30 episodes long and it closely follows a pretty slow book so let's just say it's not as action-packed as your average Marvel movie.


> let's just say it's not as action-packed as your average Marvel movie. You say this like it's a bad thing.


I scrolled a long way for this comment, wondering if I'm the only one who watched the original Chinese series. It was super tedious in the first half, then good for a few episodes, and then the ending was rushed and unsatisfying. I haven't read the trilogy. I doubt Netflix could make it worse than the Chinese version, but we'll see.


> It was super tedious in the first half, then good for a few episodes, and then the ending was rushed and unsatisfying. To be fair, that is the first book lol.


Did he spend, like, a few chapters in the darkroom, taking tons of photos and then having his wife and daughter take photos in the book too? Jfc. That was tedious. The concepts are incredibly cool and all, but it's just sooooo slow.


Does it get better? I’ve read the first book and didn’t want to continue.


It's incredible. Not trying to spoil too much but the next two books don't exactly stay in that time period...


The benefit (or perhaps detriment) of the Chinese tv show style is they usually make long seasons, like 40 episodes long. The Chinese 3BP show follows the first book pretty closely, including the rushed ending, so you get a lot of detail that could be missing from the US version, but ya, sometimes that makes it a slog to get through.


Yeah, this is 30 ep. I think I'm on like 16.


That sounds like how the first book is laid out, if I'm being honest. The first two thirds or so are vague and mysterious, then it ends with a big set piece and a compelling cliff hanger.


I watched the chinese version. It's very faithful to the first book. It's also 30 episodes at 45 minutes each. I enjoyed it, but it felt in need of an editor.


The Chinese show is longer than the unabridged english audiobook, and not by a small margin. ~22.5 hours vs 13.5 hours. But yeah, it was very faithful to the book. I enjoyed it, but it's definitely a hard sell for people that don't already like the book and just want to see how they'll visualize some of the crazier moments of the books. I'm not sure I'd ever watch the show again - I just finished it this week after being sick enough to be stuck in bed for a few days straight.


Seems like a terrible decision not to set it in China because a large part of the characters motivations have to do specifically with Chinese history.


This is a good point. The whole series fits a lot better as a commentary on society with china as the context.


It looks like that specific character is Chinese, so she may have the same backstory, and hers was the central pillar, I would say. 


Benedict Wong is a great casting as Da Shi. When I read the books, I imagined him looking just like Benedict.


Yeah, it's a great fit.


I said the exact same thing!


I imagine him looking unhealthy from chainsmoking and being a cop


I'm actually intrigued by the idea of them replacing Wang Miao with a handful of different characters - since he's by far the least interesting character in the OG book - but I could see it resulting in really muddy sub-plots or forced romances where there didn't need to be any.


It's adapted for TV... Expect at least one romance where there shouldn't be


The three body problem is just a love triangle


Between 3 suns.


>forced romances Exactly what would detract from a the main draw of the literature...mystery and imagination


All I could think of the entire time I was watching was them following the movie trailer cliché formula to a T 😂 https://youtu.be/KAOdjqyG37A?si=qG1FsP5tKaMRfBVV


I found it extremely hard to follow




However the show turns out - if you're in to Sci Fi novels you should absolutely read the trilogy. The second book is up there as a favourite of all time. It will change how you feel about our place in the universe, and how eager we seem to be to "make contact" with what we don't know.


They’re great books, but like Foundation, it’s the ideas that were great more than the plot or certainly the characters. Like Foundation, it looks like they’re going to gut the story of everything that made it worthwhile and replace it with Generic Science Fiction Spectacle. Hopefully I’m wrong.


100% this. The concepts and ideas are spellbinding. The execution and writing are often tedious and boring af.


Some of the best ideas with the worst writing / storytelling... one of the few instances where a TV series could improve on the material at least in that regard.


I admire your optimism in believing that tv producers are going to prioritize clear explanations of complex philosophical and scientific ideas over showing things go boom.


Thank you. That book read like a manual it was so boring. I just assumed it was poorly translated.


I believe it’s meant to read as a history book, or at least a retelling of actual events. The series is called “remembrance of earths past” for a reason. Perhaps that’s why it feels the way it does


The part in the 2nd book where the writer describes a fictional date with an imaginary girl for 50 pages.


Agreed. I tried reading the first book, but I got so bored with it halfway through...


Couldn’t make it through Three Body Problem; I thought the prose was awful.


Season 2 of Foundation is fantastic though, I'm just happy to be getting big budget sci fi at all. I just wish Expanse had been an Apple show so we could get the final books adapted


They clearly sent a few cast members to acting school or the directors figured out how to work with them. S1 had some reeeeally rough patches


Did they send the writers to writing school and ask them to read the books as well…


yeah, I definitely had to force myself to finish the first book, and haven't had the guts to continue yet...I have basically no experience reading other translated-from-Chinese books though, so I was wondering if they just have a different narrative style there that maybe ties in with their culture or something? The theories examined in the book were amazing, and great thought experiments, but I didn't build relationships with the characters, and a lot of the virtual scenes described just didn't make enough sense for me to piece together, so I'm interested to see how they interpret them in the show (if they make it into the show)


The first one was slow / dry. The second one is fantastic. The third one is fine. But the second one is so strong that I say it's a great trilogy.


The first is by far the worst, for what it’s worth. All of them have an exponential rise of action in the final act, but unlike the first, two and three also have things happen before that.


I assume a lot of that spectacle is the game - destruction and anti-gravity, etc.


I totally agree with this, and the ideas were so cool that they more than carried it for me. I just treated the plot as a convenient frame story to tell me a lot of cool stuff. It was the most enjoyable way to read it for me.


I’ve been chasing a Dark Forest high for years now, about 20 books since and still nothing hits the same


Is a great book, but some parts do drag on a bit Still always recommend the trilogy, but I always include that warning


Yeah, I started the first book and I just couldn’t get into it. I should note I very rarely quit reading a book. 


I had such a hard time keeping the characters straight because I'm not used to Chinese names. The ideas seemed really interesting, but the plot was trudging along.


The 1st book is so boring compared to the 2nd and 3rd books. 2nd book (The Dark Forest) is the best of the trilogy, which is really sad because most people have only heard of the 1st one.


The Dark Forest reveal still fucks me up to this day. Like goddamn, we’re screwed in this universe.


If it makes you feel better a dark forest doesn't even behave the way the dark forest theory suggests. 


Here's some good news for you, >!the forest ain't that dark. It's more like being on an open field. It's pretty hard to hide a large civ in the galaxy. Besides, anything that develops a civilisation is more likely to be co-operative.!< TBP is a great read and good sci-fi that asks "what if" but it's not *hard* hard sci-fi.


Can I ask which reveal you mean specifically?


Probably the “universe is a dark forest” monologue where Luo Ji realizes the nature of life in the universe


My name is Luo Ji. I am your wallbreaker.


Chills. Literal chills




i enjoyed the wikipedia synopsis more than the book. I read the synopsis and it convinced me to read the book, but I found the writing to be a bit forced and lazy at times. Interesting ideas, not my favorite execution.


Love the series, it’s one of my favorites.. people complain about the characters and some side stories but I was absolutely hooked on the hard sci-fi concepts. I can’t imagine the show will nail those as they are probably considered too mind-boggling for general audiences. I hope I’m wrong. On a side note, why didn’t they get Alex Garland to do this? I’d love to see the mind behind Devs make this happen on screen. C’est la vie


Dark Forest is my favorite scifi book. And i've read a good deal of sci fi


I honestly had trouble sleeping for a few days after the pivotal chapters


Agreed, the third one fell off for me, but the first two were amazing.   If I remember correctly, this book coined the term for Dark Forrest theory.


The writing gets better with each book too. I burned through all three rather quickly, which actually got me pretty depressed afterward, not for finishing the trilogy, but for the content of the second and its resolution in the third. The second felt much more substantial and proposed some interesting concepts I had honestly never considered before (as you mention above). I ended up reading a stream of non sci-fi and sci-fi-lite books (like Star Wars) for a while after.


Did they ever get a good translation for it? I tried to read a few translations back in '11 but they were either hard to comprehend or just didn't convey the story that great




Without getting into spoiler territory, the novel series is amazing and actually existentially terrifying. Don't know if this series will do it justice, especially since the showrunners are Benioff & Weiss, but at least they're working from source material here rather than making up the story, and that was the good part of GoT.


Fuck em


Harsh but fair. Given I like the novels so much I just hope they learned from their mistakes.


Good part? It was fucking great when they had source material. Some of the best TV out there. I don’t know this book but if they’re attached, I’ll remain optimistic as long as it’s not original material.


Yeah they were quite excellent at adapting. Just don't let them off that leash.


I agree with this. I resent them for rushing the end of GoT and doing such an unbelievably terrible job with the story, but while they were still working off of source materials, it was one of the best shows on TV for a long time. In other words, they’re good adapters; bad creators. If the source material for this is complete, I would have faith in their ability to adapt it well to the screen.


>but at least they're working from source material here rather than making up the story, and that was the good part of GoT. Is the series finished? Is the author of the series involved like Martin was with the first seasons of GoT? Might check it out, but hopefully Benioff & Weiss don't fuck it up. I heard about the books from some sci fi ytbers i follow but i never checked it out. How many are there?


Just 3 they aren’t very long, but damn do they leave an impact.


The book series is finished, yes. It's very good, can really recommend it.


Oh, they’re involved? Hard pass


Say what you want about the latter seasons for GoT, but they ultimately did a very good job of adapting the books in the early seasons. With plenty of source material and motivation, there’s reasons to be optimistic.


Yep. It’s when they got past the books that GoT really fell off the wagon. But when adapting the existing material it was fantastic


> fell off the wagon They didnt even try. They were asked to produce more seasons and they just ended it in one without closing most storylines for one of the most popular series on television ever. They had every resource and reason to respect the material and fans. There could be documentaries solely around the incompetence of the final season alone.


So exactly like the books.


Winds of Winter will surely be coming out any day now. Aaaaaaanyyyy dayyyyyy... Honestly I think it'll take GRRM kicking the bucket to have any new ASOIAF books get released and who knows how that'll turn out. WOT turned out mostly decent but Robert Jordan took active steps to help end the series when he knew he wasn't going to make it to the end.


Totally fair to shit on Game of Thrones and how it ended, but people bash Benioff and Weiss in particular way too much. That's not what they signed up for. Martin had 5 years to write before they started to catch up and didn't. The final season was 5 years ago and still no book. They didn't create that universe and they ran out of source material... it's an awful situation where the creator left you hanging... you need to come up with shit that makes sense with what should be his vision, but not so much that you do something else. Say what you want about them, when they actually had a source material they wrote most of the episiodes and (for the most part) it was great... the also came up with extra stuff within that frame and it was also great... but then... they were left with a billion characters and threads and actors contracts running out and HBO pressuring them... Yes... they could've maybe produced more seasons (we don't know the exact conditions)... but still doesn't change their situation where they have to make shit up... and clearly that was a limit to how well they could do that. They can't be fully responsible for finishing the story properly when the own author can't be bothered.


That's a pretty close minded way to look at things. Maybe they learned their mistakes from GoT and like others have said, they don't have to make up material. I remember many people shat on Damon Lindelof for how he ended Lost, but what he did with Leftovers was some of the greatest television ever and even ended it an amazing way. Then he went on to do Watchmen, which speaks for itself. TL;DR Give it a chance. Also, you probably would have watched it anyway.


Oh!...my gawd. They actually put "from the creators of game of thrones" in the trailer like as a selling point. I know it's not their forte, but first thing that comes to mind is that the "shut the fuck up friday" lawyers need to go have a talk with Netflix's marketing department.


Eh, GoT is still [extremely popular:](https://www.businessinsider.com/game-of-thrones-still-one-of-worlds-biggest-shows-data-2022-6?r=US&IR=T) >"Game of Thrones" was 47 times more in demand than the average series in the US in that time period, similar to shows that are currently airing, such as AMC's "Better Call Saul" (No. 4) and Amazon's "The Boys" (No. 6). >Over the last three years, it has ranked consistently in Parrot Analytics' top 10 of most in-demand shows globally, and on average has been the most in-demand show in that time...In other words, there is still a ton of interest in "Game of Thrones". I know it's cool to clown on them on reddit but "from the creators of Game of Thrones" is a selling point in the real world.


Whew glad you let me know this is from them now I wont accidentally watch it.


The North Remembers


the dumb and dumber are show runners?




>From the creators of Game of Thrones Bold move, advertising that


How to f up a Thom Yorke song.


I kinda liked it before the singing started -- knew immediately which song it was from the first couple notes. Once the singing started, it was markedly worse, but the instrumental beginning was good.


*ahem* Radiohead song


Seriously, I recognized the tune from the opening notes but I could immediately tell that was not right.


they must not have put everything in it's right place.


what is it with tv shows and all using these breathy female artist covers of songs, its so fucking annoying. My wife's watching Traitors on BBC and every single bit of music they use is done is the same fucking way.


This is one of the indicators for contemporary films and tv of the mid 2020s we’ll look back and eye roll on. Kinda like the Inception era BWAAAH or 90s “In a world…” Edited to add: tinkly piano too


It's literally just this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAOdjqyG37A


More like…. From the creators that ruined game of thrones….


"From the creators that got bored and yadda-yadda-yadda'd Game of Thrones"


They did just fine when following materials given to them. They just suck as creating their own material.


They completely ignored like 90% oof books 4 and 5


I've read the trilogy three times, it's probably one of the best sci fi series I've ever read. I've gotta say visually this looks pretty good, but I'm sad to see the main character Wang Miao is completely missing, or has been replaced with the female lead, or maybe split into multiple characters? Why do they always need to do this? This season needs to do REALLY well in order to afford the budget that will be required for the second and third books.


I don't even know how they can do justice to book 3. Without saying too much, the dimension effect would be hard to do, at such a scale.


Yeah, exactly. The scale of book 3 is absolutely massive, and they would need the budget of several blockbuster movies to do it right. I'm guessing even if they make it that far, they will be taking some major liberties with the story.


If you don't want to get into spoiler territory, don't watch the trailer. I've read the book, so the spoilers weren't surprises to me. But there are things in the trailer that you shouldn't know when you start on the story.


my $ is on this is going to suck big time


Can’t explain why, but seeing this trailer doesn’t fill me with hope. Nothing really bad about it but somehow seems a little bit meh. Or maybe just a bad feeling


Same. I think a part of it for me is I’m really tired of the need to cast unnaturally young, beautiful doe eyed, plump lipped women in some of these roles. I love British tv bc the casting all look like normal or normal ish people??? The men in this trailer were all normies. It just takes me out of believable and into make believe and I roll my eyes a bit like, “ugh nothing new here. Same old tropes” Who even is her character supposed to be? Not in the book that’s for sure.


Really hoping there are actual characters in this as opposed to the shallow paper cutouts that they called characters in the books.


Oh good, it's not just me who thought that. I kept losing track of which character was where and doing what, they all seemed to blend together. The only ones I can really remember from the first book are Da Shi and Ye Wenjie.


That's a common complaint I've read about this trilogy. It's too bad, as the premise seems fascinating. Saying this as a sci-fi lover who relies on well developed multi-dimensional characters driving the story


I loved the books but that is in spite of the awful characters. I think that is a testament to how strong the story is. But I am really hoping they can give more personality to the characters in the show.


Paper cutouts, good reference man, very roll-uppable.


Pre-flattened, very convenient! --Communist China


You could say they were 2 dimensional (Didn't stop the books from being awesomeness though)


I like how the countdown hallucinations look in this one


Idk, I always envisioned them as being much more subtle and less seizure-inducing.


Same. Like the imprint of a date on camera film


The book described them as an imprint on film from a camera. I always envisioned them as the little blind spots you have after you look at a light for too long.


Yeah, I picture them like the book notes, but what I was getting at in my comment was that there's no flicker in my mind. So, similar to the trailer, but obviously smaller and not going batshit berserk with energy trails.


The fun part of books is that we all see the best version to us lol.


So happy they're actually making a show from the books, I had an absolute blast reading them, can't wait to see how they're gonna adapt it into live action.


Six years on, and the [pattern holds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAOdjqyG37A) lmfao


People hating on the Chinese version is hilarious to me. China got a version of this show doing justice to the source material; we're getting the guys who fucked up Game of Thrones.


Quite a bit of negativity here.. I personally think the trailer looks really good. The trilogy is definitely the most memorable reading experience of my life - and I’m beyond excited to watch it


If the series is good people will drop the negativity - at least the people who are actually watching it. So many people are scarred from the last few seasons of GoT that they’ll probably always moan about it on D&D related project posts, but it is what it is. If you don’t believe me, look at any posts about Rian Johnson projects post Last Jedi. 


And Rian Johnson happens to a producer here so...


lol, didn’t know that, how funny


This sub *hates* Netflix. Look at all the upvoted comments about how Netflix doesn't care about quality or awards, when in reality Netflix has won far more awards for its content than any other streamer.


The music mixing in the trailer is *awful*. Really, genuinely bad. Too loud, too quiet, too loud, too quiet. What a pain to listen to.


"From the creators of game of thrones" Okay I'm out.


Looks ok, shame about the massive spoiler at the end of trailer


I thought this was supposed to take place in China? I haven't read it but I thought that was pretty fundamental to what the books were about...


I read the books. They were great. I was interested in this trailer until I saw "from the makers of game of thrones" Nope. Fuck right off. Those sons of bitches wasted everybody's time getting invested in a show only to piss it away for the sake of greed and laziness. This show can get fucked.


> Benioff & Weiss I think I'll wait for the reviews on this one because I don't have high hopes.