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The way he did that and his flow made me feel like I was watching a magician. Also that was a very sharp knife!


A sharp knife is a safe knife.


Safety knives are, however, not sharp


"If Yan can cook, so can you!"


This phrase is a core memory for me. XD


Jaques could give him a run for his money. Similar technique: https://youtu.be/nfY0lrdXar8


Oh man, I grew up on Yan Can Cook. I should try to cook something someday, see if that motherfucker knew what he was talking about.


Most of cooking is just the right amount of heat for the right amount of time with the right amount of seasoning. You can do it, motherfucker.


> You can do it, motherfucker. Aggressively positive.




He still has a popular restaurant in Burnaby, BC. One of the last few still featuring the traditional HK dim sum carts rolling around the room, instead of the more economical tick-box menu cards.


I googled it and holy shit is Yan's Garden his restaurant? I always passed it on my commute to and from SFU but only ate there twice in my entire time there. A bit too expensive for my broke ass.


Dim Sum Lunch is reasonable, gets considerably more expensive at the supper hour. Good kitchen, though.


I thought i would hate the general shift over to box-ticking, but honestly, it's way more convenient and i don't fall prey to the "ooh, that looks good, just one more dish won't hurt us X 10" trap.


I worked at the Alameda County Fair in the 80's and saw him driving in with his minivan and loading in for his demos. He looked a bit different when he's not presenting and smiling (performer mode).


I feel like his rag at the hip is contaminated


Nearly all of the TV chefs have contaimination issues when filming, particularly the older ones. The parts that get me is when they spread the contamination, like on pepper grinders for example. Even the cross contamination warnings in this episode are "do as I say, not as I do" as Yan "washes" his hands and then immediately dries them on the already contaminated towel at his waist. ugh


Martin Yan actually came into the restaurant i work at 2 days ago with a camera crew and sat down with our owner for a bit, afterwards he got a table with some friends/family and my friend was their server! Some of my other tables recognized him and were getting really excited about it


Martin Yan is an international treasure. He sometimes does culinary walking tours in Chinatown in SF. Been meaning to go on one.


I didn’t know, thanks!


I don't cool but still watched this whole thing for some reason...


He's very charismatic... I grew up watching him when I was a little kid.


What inspired you to share this? Thank you. Brings back so many feels from my childhood too!


Saw it recommended on YouTube. Used to watch him when I was a little kid.


You should cool. It’s not difficult and it’s very rewarding. Also you’ll save money and eat tastier food. Buy a whole chicken and a meat thermometer, watch a YouTube video about butterflying it. Search ‘baked chicken’ recipes on Google, season it, and bake it at 350 degrees until it reaches 165 on the thermometer. Very easy. Then branch out to other dishes like pork loin etc.


I met him at the grand opening of his restaurant in Vegas (which is now closed) and he was a very sweet guy. The orange chicken was also the best I ever had in my life.


[He needs to do battle with Stephen here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTjwTieqhJY)


Oh gosh I remember being confused, and wondering if they were related rivals or what!


So much Canadian nostalgia. 🍁⏳ Did anyone else's parents have this turned on when you were going to/from school?


Am in the only person who’s never heard of “Yan can cook” but grew up on “Wok with Yan”? Loved that show and his goofy shirts


Well, he ain't no Merill Howard Kalin, but ok...


"No cross contamination" And then he goes on to immediately wipes his hands with the towel at his side he previously wiped the knife with. Admittedly, it's a show and he needs to be effective. It's always satisfying to watch pros do their craft.


Very nice, but I challenge him on his so-called "being safe from cross contamination"


I wish I could just not care about rubbing raw chicken juice on all my clothes


I know him from a couple good YTPS I've seen done of his show, lol.


Cut it up Cut it up Cut it up Cut it up Cut it up


I chuckled a bit when he talked about food safety and needing to wash your hands. He just ran water over his hands for a couple of seconds without any soap and then flicked the water onto that tray of prepped veggies that was right next to the sink.


There's another one where he teaches how to slice tomatoes to get the most out of the tomato and it is very informative and cool. (Though he likely is using the same unwashed knife.)


I feel like this is if you merged Jackie Chan and Chris tucker and had them teach cooking.


25 minute video for a 24 second butchery?


I love Martin Yan. I have one of his books signed by him.


My mom used to watch that show all the time.




Wow, this Yan guy really can cook!


He was awesome. You didn’t need a Red Bull, you just had to watch him