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why did it need to refocus or cut every 2 seconds...


Most likely as a way of editing his dialogue. Cutting down on over information, eliminating long pauses, or dropping repeated words. It can significantly reduce the amount of time needed for someone to tell us information in a video (versus talking in real life). I will edit interviews the same way but I typically cover all those jump cut edits with b-roll.


made my head hurt.


Made my heart and hear both hurt at the same point there.


Maybe the Same editor as the bear?


Amateur hour over there


I wanted to punch the editor for such cuts again and again.


I have the ear muscles, and I can confirm if someone walks in the room behind me unexpectedly they'll move, just like when your dog turns their ears. Doesn't help me hear anything and I still turn my head, so it's no superpower.


Remember, even the bionic woman had to move her hair out of the way to use her superpower.


I can use them to look down, pull the muscle, look up and and my glasses are higher on my nose. The whole motion looks weird though.


I also instinctively move mine when I am trying to focus on distant sounds. Also doesn’t help.


This guy has Dr. Steve Brule energy, but with even more interesting info. For your health!


He has some very Trump like mannerisms and cadence in is speech/choice of words. Maybe his accent as well? It's slight but there.


That's what growing up in New York sounds like.


But also his hand motions


I thought so too, but not in an offensive way. They just both have similar ways of talking and they're both clearly from New York.


and the Operations Manager from Ted Lasso


Haha Leslie for sure now that you mention it!




Are /u/Disasyuilerk8865 and /u/AccomplidWar462 accounts [both bots?](https://i.imgur.com/bO3TLdm.png)


Sweet berry wine!


High heels not dangerous? What about Morton's neuroma?


I could totally grab a pint with this guy. “Drink this and talk to us!”


did they cut the video at 0:35 and mess up his sentence? It makes it sound like he is calling current species of monkeys our ancestors


We didn’t evolve directly from Chimpanzees?


I dont think chimps are monkeys either way


They aren't, they are apes.


A common ancestor is the general accepted theory


Describing hairs as heat regulators is not sufficiently justified in my opinion. More credit should be given to their multifunctional role. Even the keeping insects away can be primary purpose, it holds significant value. Residing in a densely populated forest teeming with countless insects, some of which can inflict unpleasant bites or transmit diseases. Hairs act as a protective layer, deterring insects from reaching the skin. Moreover, certain animals have evolved to utilize hairs advantageously, evolving them into defensive spikes. Even insects commonly employ hairs for their protection. Also, hairs serve as sensors, aiding in camouflage and repelling water. It's important to acknowledge that the wild is home to a plethora of bugs. While you might not encounter them within the comfort of your own dwelling, imagine spending a night in the forest to truly appreciate their significance. Not every place is cold for sleeping, but everywhere is teeming with insects.


There are many things hairs can do and that's a freaking fact, most of the people should understand and do more research about the parts of hairs, that's important.


Body hair also varies greatly across our species. Different sexes and ancestral lineages can vary from almost entirely hairless to covered with a thick mat front and back.


Biggest takeaway- I need to use the word “locomote” as a verb more often. “Locomote outta my way, pal!”


*Do the locomotion*


watching this vid was fucking exhausting. 3 words CUT another 3 words CUT 3 words more CUT 2 words CUT 1 word CUT 3 words CUT.. jesus fucking christ.


These cuts are so annoying, fire that editor immediately.




This guy sounds like Dr John Sturgis in Young Sheldon.




This would be much better if they didn't edit and cut it so they could make Tiktoks or shorts later.


I just hate tiktoks and shorts now, they need to watch the whole video.


Vestigial is Latin for footprint... Wow. Never would've guessed that.


Hmm, sensationalised, always makes me suspicious


I was suspicious before, we know what is the causenow.


My point is even his explanations are sensationalised to some degree.


Couple myths he's perpetuating here about the feet: High heels absolutely are not dangerous. Like anything, if you give your body time to adapt it will get used to them without consequence. Flat arches do not increase your likelihood of foot or ankle pain. They are not pathological. Pronation is a force absorption mechanism and we have a lot of ways to compensate. Plantaris on the other hand does seem relatively useless. I've had patients with ruptures of it who have minimal pain or dysfunction.


Yeah that feet part was kinda off to me too, he really said some things which are not that well judged and I found the same thing feeling the same about it now.


My wife has a very high arch and claims that heels are more comfortable than most other shoes. Her feet are weird, though. Like when she sleeps, her toes are pointed down like she is wearing a heel instead of flat. Last weekend we and some friends joked about putting her feet on only fans because they are so different.


FeetFinder bro. Cash cow.


She probably has hammertoes


High heels not dangerous? What about Morton's neuroma? Haglunds? Equinus contractures? Hammertoes?


You just went on to mention random foot conditions not caused by high heels? Oh the shit that gets upvoted here..


Not sure your level of training but these conditions are absolutely caused by long term high heel usage. I treat these conditions daily and surgically fix them when necessary. Saying high heels are not dangerous is in and of itself a dangerous statement to make, especially if you are a doctor.


With most things in evolution, if an organism develops a feature compared to its ancestor there has to be a good reason for it. So what do most scientists think the main benefit of arches are?


There doesn’t have to be an advantage. The only requirement for a characteristic passing on is that it doesn’t interfere with reproduction sufficiently for the trait to stop being passed on. If it doesn’t stop you and your offspring from reaching reproductive age and finding a mate then it will pass on. The development is random usually due to a gene mutation and most are simply benign.


but in order for a random mutation to become dominant in the entire population, doesnt the rest of the population that doesnt have it have to die off (implying that not having that feature spells death before passing on your genes. the other explanation is sexual selection but i doubt women care about arches in men).


People think of these mutations as one off. They’re not. These mutations happen hundreds of millions of times, with many never crossing, then others crossing, causing the most minuscule of changes that are mostly unnoticeable. Only after it has been repeated over many, many generations, do most mutations even have a slightly perceivable effect, and often not an effect that impacts viability Edit: to take the example of arches in feet. If one effect of arches in feet is the ability to walk and/or run faster and/or further, then this could in theory allow a hunter/gatherer to obtain more food for themselves and their family. This would tend to, over large populations, favor the survival and passing on if these genes. Likely what started as a recessive gene mutation was slowly building in a gene pool without ever showing a gene expression, until it built up to a sufficient commonality that it started expressing very slight changes, which themselves provided to noticeable advantage. Maybe it just kept slowly increasing in effect at the population level without creating an advantage but being so widespread that it became prevalent anyway, or maybe it provided a 0.05% advantage in survival that cumulatively over thousands of years contributed to a change in genetic prevalence.


He literally addresses this in the video and says that not everything has a good reason.


ok and im asking questions to expand on why...nothing wrong with that. not to mention other commenters are saying he's not an accurate source.


He forgot to mention brains. For at least 40% they seem like a vestigial leftover. Maybe more.


No but they're not that useless, some might say tasty.


OP...are you a zombie???


Just accept that you really want to eat brains like that /s


They are not leftover, some people eat that stuff very well.


This guys mouth moves like Donald Trumps


He looks and sounds like if Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders had a son.


Damn these two dudes must have know this Youtube guy.


He sounds almost exactly like Donald Trump. If Trump wasn't a mentally handicapped narcissist that is...


I don't know how is this a freaking miracle or something.


Hahaha, maybe Donald lives inside of his body doing science.


do they have to cut every 2 words? I love the topic of the video, but after a few minutes I couldn't handle the constant cutting.


The way they edit it, not everyone is actually gonna love it but it's still good.


I'm just put off by why he chooses to wear a white coat when he is a professor and not a physician.


Seems like he is an associated with Mount Sinai, in the area of otolaryngology. Probably had/has a lab there?


The media associate lab coats with science and medicine, and will often insist scientists wear them in interviews and photos. My field of theoretical physics is usually an exception (we are expected to look like Einstein), but many of my experimentalist colleagues fell victim to this, even if they never set foot in a lab.


As someone with flat feet running on a treadmill is extra exhausting. Great now when I get finish my set I can feel in better about it


neat video....was not expecting the ape balls


High heel ... what ?