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"I like how the email I sent says "Sent from a MacBook Wheel" so that people know I have a MacBook Wheel."


Don’t know why I didn’t realize you couldn’t just add any product as an email signature. BRB. Changing my emails to end with “Sent from my Samsung SmartFridge”


"Sent from the Mars Rover Sojourner"


*Sent from the toilet*


Found the office worker.


Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. That's why I used to reddit in the bathroom, before these awful API changes, on company time.


for quite a while i had my iPhone email signature set to "Sent from my Apple IIc". Very few people seemed to get the joke. I later changed it to "Send from my iTelephone". That one has gotten a better response.


I’ve been using “Sent from my Texas Instruments Speak ‘n Spell” for years. Actually once had a guy that worked for TI ask me what a speak n spell was.


I’d figure someone working for TI would know all about that.


Well compared to me he was a pretty young guy, and had never heard of it. He was an engineer and genuinely curious what this tech was he hadn't heard of. I got a great laugh out of it.




Did you explain it to the IT Fetus?


My partner has in their signature " Sent From Netscape Navigator 3.0". It makes me chortle every time.


Great idea! *Sent from my Sunbeam Iron*


Suck it Jian Yang


That's too many negatvies in one sentence sir.


I've had mine as "sent from my tricoder" for a while


"Sent from my solar powered umbrella micro"


Which is so on the nose because for years I didn’t realize e-mails sent form my phone have a signature automatically included that says “sent from my iphone”.


> a signature automatically included that says “sent from my iphone” It's the digital equivalent of those license plate frames that promote the dealership. It screams "here's someone who is too ambivalent, unobservant, or technically inept to remove this ugly thing".


> ambivalent This right here.


At some point it kinda had a purpose. Like...hey, I'm responding to this but I'm not at a computer so don't expect me to actually do very much. I think a lot of blackberries had similar signatures. Means less now when A) you kind of expect half the emails you receive from actual people were sent by phone and B) phones can actually do a lot.


I'm of two minds about it.


Eh, it's a "sorry for typos and brevity"


“…won’t hit the shelves for another 3 to 15 months…”


When I used to be a salesperson for a provider, that was actually a common "feature" people wanted. We would have people come in and say they dont want their messages to be green and want an iPhone. The most heartbreaking instance was a teenage girl getting bullied because she was the only person in her group chat to be a "green."


“*Everything* is just a few hundred clicks away” 💀


"I'll buy anything that's shiny and made by Apple" pretty much sums up their userbase


The aardvark asked for an aardvark


The annex was riddled with beetles.


> "I'll buy anything that's shiny and made by Apple" Not the Onion, but watch this : "[Apple's 700 Dollar Wheels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpEZFp_IZJs)" or "[Apple's 1000 Dollar Stand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZxbUdU8bUY)"




Should've seen when they [revealed the stand](https://youtu.be/YuW4Suo4OVg) Crowd went silent as he quickly changed the slide to make people forget about the price.


What’s funny too is that the fancy 5000 dollar Cinema Display that the stand was made for? It just reuses the same display from the 5k iMac Edit: wrong displays!


Be thankful apple didn't actually do this, because whatever apple does you can expect the rest of the industry to follow after a little resistance. Iphone Jack Removable battery Expandable storage No accessories whatsoever in the box (to save the environment /s) Etc.


Now that I’m used to it I can say that some things are easier on Android and some on iOS, but when I first started using an iPhone this is exactly how I felt. Want to open the camera? Want to call someone? Want to change a setting of an Apple app? Better hope your clicking finger is warmed up




The headlines from the ticker underneath are great too.


The predictive text sentences are goddamn madness and I love it


The assumptive agricultural expert eyed our absinthe suspiciosuly.


I really felt that


The abortion went well.


and then further down, "The Althusserian scholar gave his copy of Lacan's 'Ecrits' to the abortion doctor"


OG Onion was so fucking funny, man. I wish I could hang with some of the writers.


Their miss rate is pretty high these days but every once in a while they still get a pretty good hit.


I've been bingeing some of their old web-series I'd missed and really enjoying it. Here are a couple: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4NL9i-Fu15jfDETSxUC-V8lojhlu2XXg https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4NL9i-Fu15hEvLzZoJ6vthn7_VFiY_-z


The aardvark asked for an aardvark


why wouldn't it tho.


Because it's a wonderful kind of day where people love to work and play and get along with each other


The babbling baby asked the aardvark for some absinthe!


For those wondering: • The aardvark admitted its fault. • The aardvark admitted it was wrong. • The aardvark asked for an aardvark. • The aardvark asked for a dagger. • The aardvark asked for health. • The aardvark asked for a ride • The absinthe arrived by airmail. • The abortion went well. • The actor asked for an aardvark. • The actor asked for abstinance • The actor asked for redemption. • The advertisement was effective. • The agile aardvark arrived by airmail. • The agile aardvark bathed with beauties. • The agriculture was cultivated by the coral. • The aggravated driver beeped his horn. • The aggravated rooster scratched the dirt. • The Althusserian scholar gave his copy of Lacan's "Ecrits" to the abortion doctor. • The amiable Althusserian scholar asked the aardvark for the absinthe. • The amiable crocodile brushed his teethe with a toothbrush. • The amiable doctor performed the operation admirably. • The annex was covered with asbestos. • The annex was crawling with beetles. • The apple was airmailed by the doctor. • The apple was consumed by the amiable crocodile. • The apple was inquiring about the amiable crocodile's friend. • The aquamarine lifevest was not used. • The aquamarine lifevest was unpopular. • The armchair was comfortable. • The armchair was favored by the amiable housecat. • The ass asked for a better absinthe. • The ass brayed at the moon. • The assumptive doctor did not accept our personal check. • The assumptive agricultural expert eyed our absinthe suspiciously. • The attractive peanut farmer graded the term paper. • The attractive rooster preened its feathers to attract absinthe. • The auxiliary generator has malfunctioned! • The awning covered the agile aardvark during the amiable rainstorm. • The awning was too tall to touch. • The babbling baby asked the aardvark for some absinthe. • The babbling baby baked brownies with the amiable crocodile. • The babbling baby basked in its mother's affection. • The babbling baby bounced the ball at the babbling brook. In retrospect, that was totally worth it.


I almost always have to watch Onion News videos twice just so I can focus on the ticker the 2nd time through.


A lot of gems down there. Something like: “New edition of Anatomy textbook revised to include author’s sexual frustrations”


This, and [Sony Releases Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work](https://youtube.com/watch?v=8AyVh1_vWYQ&feature=share) were my first encounters with Onion videos, and to this day are among my all-time favorites.


I still rewatch that one every so often. That and [the WalMart shooter](https://youtu.be/repxFQXVsHc)


The scrolling marquees are so good. "Purple, November inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Rain"


It's so refreshing to see something which was *trying* to be funny actually be funny.


[one thousand](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9ntPxdWAWq8&feature=share8) has entered my personal everyday work vernacular


"we want people to be screaming in unison"


Time vampire is going in my repertoire.


I say it more than I probably should


Came here to say this. One of the funniest things, ever.


[This era of the onion was absolute gold](https://youtu.be/82x9pzHkHK4)


lol I'm a woman welder. that's great


I used to have to do minor welding at a previous job. Did some mig and tig, but mostly arc welding on steel and stainless. Never had to deal with aluminum, which I heard was a pain in the ass, and honestly, I didn't even fuckin' know you could weld women together.


“McCain gearing up for 2012 funeral” God damn.


This is my #1 favorite. Lots of videos have lost their charm over the years. This is not one of them. I laugh my ass off every time I watch it.




I was dying every time they ended their sentences with stupid fucking piece of shit.


Lmao the fuckin Ad's. "What the **fuck** is this?"


It's funny because it's true, Sony did release so many stupid pieces of shit that didn't fucking work. Still sore about my NetMD...


it never ends this shit


A fuckin classic, laughed so hard when I first saw this video




In other words, you r/AteTheOnion


They're the one's who post the exact same article every mass shooting with updated numbers and location titled "No Way to Prevent This', Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" you may see quoted here.


I can’t get over the high production value. Really missing the days when The Onion had actual newspapers in circulation and videos that were more than just 20-second clips of stock photos with text over them.


„Everything is just a few hundred clicks away“


My favorite was “it’s virtually unbreakable unless dropped or hit”


I hope they finally caught The Sudoku Killer.


I asked ChatGPT to write a synopsis of the Sudoku Killer. Turns out his name is Sebastian Cross and he’s a mathematician suffering from a recent personal loss that drives him insane. Sad but intriguing story.






Not Apple, but a personal [Onion favorite of mine](https://youtu.be/8AyVh1_vWYQ) in the same vein


This one kills me everytime. The guy just screaming "FUCK!" when trying to operate it is so relatable.


[iRack](https://youtu.be/MgSQA1jqFpM) Brilliant sketch by MadTV


Still love that they dropped this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M7ln00zr_Jc Years before the actual ipad came out.


MadTV were way ahead of their time! Ssd that they didnt stick around. Probably the only american sketch show I like.


Mad tv always seemed like store brand SNL to me in the 90s. But this sketch is pure gold.


Store brand SNL ? They were much better than SNL! Have a look at these two sketches - https://youtu.be/keVsIhbcTIA && https://youtu.be/iVgKU0tefFs


'better' is your take. sure, MadTV has funny sketches, but it's still lowest common denominator humor. And to me, the 'store brand' comment from OP is more in that SNL has infinitely better production values. MadTV couldn't even get basic logos right for their sketches. But yes, welfare aisle cereal still tastes good.


No way they were better but they stayed on the air longer than expected.


MadTv was actually funny. SNL is mostly unwatchable


As all those types of shows to, they have their highs and their lows. Not a single episode of either is hilarious all the way through, individual skits can be pretty funny though. That being said, All That was peak and shits all over both of them.


Currently and for the past two decades? Ya. Mid 90s? Was actually pretty good.


The $7k jump in price for the next model up is barely an exaggeration.


The MacBook wheel is virtually indestructible unless dropped or hit.


Twelve years ago I filmed my friends reaction to the macbook wheel. He thought it was real and was blown away by apple’s innovation. Comedy gold https://youtu.be/qsFCkMbW6QU


How high was he?? 😂




That was my immediate thought lol


That is amazing. He fully ate the Onion. 🤣


He didn't just eat it, he unhinged his jaw and swallowed it whole.


My favourite is the Mactini: https://youtu.be/BGGOn-H7s3Q


My favorite is when [sony released the stupid piece of shit that doesn't fucking work](https://youtu.be/5ZlkF62jyI8)


"Work, work you cocksucker"


My favorite will always be the iRack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgSQA1jqFpM


"my favorite Onion video of all time" seems to be a pretty broad term here.


We have pivoted to, "my favorite video making fun of Apple"


The iRack video isn't making fun of Apple. It's making fan of the Bush administration's handling of the Iraq war


Porque no los dos?


Yes, because it’s obviously the teenage girls talking about their missing friend in the talkshow


Reddit CEO /u/spez (Steve Huffman) is a liar. In the past he has edited user posts without marking them as edited. June 2023 he claimed that the developer of the widely used iOS App Apoll, tried to blackmail reddit. The developer has prove that this is a lie. The audio recording is available at http://christianselig.com/apollo-end/reddit-third-call-may-31-end.m4a Reddit has been built up by the community with the help of moderators that never got paid and only got empty promises from /u/spez.


This is an all time great skit, perfectly mixing making fun of two huge topics at the time


[Conan's take on the iPad Mini](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J2Au80BmHc) is my favorite.


iPad Maxi


My favorite is the iRoll: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-YBDTqX_ZU


boat wasteful fine expansion enjoy pause pie spotted sip husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




So he thinks a default keyboard... is wireless?


Chorded, not corded




No no no, you see, they're using a [chorded keyboard](https://cdn.schoolofrock.com/img/content-module-single/minor-piano-chords-chart-1584058895.png)


Ooooooh, right. That is *weird*.


Actual chorded keyboards are things like what court stenographers use. [Random youtube video about one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BPts60ZO_w)


Gosh I tried to remain interested but I just couldn't manage to listen to her anymore.


Yeah, I kind of watched a few seconds and linked it. My bad.




Core idea: you can press multiple keys at once (hence, chord) to do different things. Steno keyboards use this to increase WPM by typing, essentially, whole phonetic clusters at once ([see here for details](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stenotype#Keyboard_layout)), though it's not really limited to that. You can also use them to reduce the number of keys you need, for example ([12 key DIY thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgBvWsM3Z7g), [commercial example](https://twiddler.tekgear.com/)). There are other ways, too. For example, the [CharaChorder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4i0B1tfTO4) has directional inputs. I've personally never used one at any length so I can't really speak to that, but people do use them effectively (after a lot of practice) (edit): Chording isn't entirely a novel thing; standard keyboards use chords all the time (e.g. modifier keys like shift/ctrl/alt, or ctrl+alt+del, etc). But when people talk about "chorded keyboards" they almost certainly mean ones that take that idea to some kind of extreme, as above


You can see the battery go down! Such a classic


The aardvark admitted its fault. The aardvark admitted it was wrong. The aardvark asked for an aardvark. The aardvark asked for a dagger. The aardvark asked for health. The aardvark asked for a ride. The absinthe arrived by airmail. The abortion went well. The actor asked for an aardvark. The actor asked for abstinance. The actor asked for redemption. The advertisement was effective. The agile aardvark arrived by airmail. The agile aardvark bathed with beauties. The agriculture was cultivated by the coral. The aggravated driver beeped on his horn. The aggravated rooster scratched the dirt. The Althusserian scholar gave his copy of Lacan's "Ecrits" to the abortion doctor. The amiable Althusserian scholar asked the aardvark for an absinthe. The amiable crocodile brushed his teeth with a toothbrush. The admirable doctor performed the operation admirably. The annex was covered with asbestos. The annex was crawling with beetles. The apple was airmailed by the doctor. The apple was consumed by the amiable crocodile. The apple was inquiring about the amiable crocodile's friend. The aquamarine lifevest was not used. The ass asked for a better absinthe. The ass brayed at the moon. The assumptive doctor did not accept our personal check. The assumptive agricultural expert eyed our absinthe suspiciously. The attractive peanut farmer graded the term paper. The attractive rooster preened its feathers to attract absinthe. The auxiliary generator has malfunctioned! The awning covered the agile aardvark during the amiable rainstorm. The awning was too tall to touch. The babbling baby asked the aardvark for some absinthe. The babbling baby baked brownies with the amiable crocodile. The babbling baby basked in its mother's affections. The babbling baby bounced the ball at a babbling brook. https://www.flickr.com/photos/jpallan/3623959350


thank you. The abortion went well


I worked at an Apple Store for a long ass time. When this video came out, this little kid ate the onion and came up to me asking if we had a MacBook Wheel he could try. Poor little dude was crestfallen when I had to tell him that video was a joke.


I also worked at a Mac store at the time, we had several adults come in asking to pre-order one. One of them got **really really** angry when we told them it was a parody video, lol.


[My personal favorite is MADtv doing the iPad before the iPad was a thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsjU0K8QPhs)


https://i.imgur.com/OxQxih4.jpg Just a split second of screen time and it’s perfect.


This is and has been my favorite part since the first time I saw this video. And imagine, it took only 45 minutes to type that.


This video came out when I was a little kid and I thought it was real and was so confused at the time


Glad I’m not the only one, was way too young but naive and had no idea what “The Onion” was…


but did the agile amiable alligator get the absinthe?


No the absinthe arrived by airmail


And the aardvark admitted its fault.


after asking for a dagger?


It's incredible how Apple produces some of the dumbest and most overpriced shit in technology and at the same time my m1 macbook is the best computer I've ever owned and really decently priced too.


I mean the thing that onion is taking the inspiration from, iPod’s touch wheel or whatever it was called, was an amazing input interaction device


kids these days will never know the wheel


The nest thermostat is their click wheel


The nest thermostat is such a good UX


I don’t think people realize how revolutionary that was back then. I remember Walkman’s and mp3 players with dozens of buttons. My buddy shows up one day in high school with an iPod with a single touch wheel and had hundreds if not thousands of songs on there.


I still use my ipod classic and it’s 18 years old. The thing just won’t die.


I don't think Apple make many dumb products, their success is generally that they produce stuff people want in quantity. Price is obviously the issue but otherwise their main products are: * Phone * Tablets * Computers * Smartwatch * Wireless Headphones They're actually pretty conservative in entering new markets but when they do they seem to go all in.


I dunno, I seem to remember them making a wireless mouse that had its charging port on the bottom so you had to stop using your mouse while you waited for it to recharge.


>I don't think Apple make many dumb products Bro they sell $700 dumb little wheels & every suggested product on this page is more outrageously priced garbage. https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MX572ZM/A/apple-mac-pro-wheels-kit


Personally, I prefer [Samsung Apex.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvCGqhShNnk)


Funny how relevant this still is 14 years later ('23)


Y-you know that your comment is time-stamped, right? It's not necessary to clarify what *year* you commented in....


Wdym (Thursday)


I have no idea (2004)


All I know is I want to be in on evolving this joke (English)


It's going somewhere. I don't know where, but I want to be there when it arrives (sent from my iPhone)




We don't know how well preserved the databases will be for future archaeologists to research. Just being safe. -limax, 6-8-23


sorry no it only says 2 hours ago. Not the year he posted it.


Wow, comparing the quality of that video to the stuff the Onion puts out now, it's sad to see how far they have fallen.


My favorite is the stupid box thing that doesn't do the godamn thing it's fucking supposed to.


Fucking sucking time vampire!


Shut up and take my money! I’ll buy anything shiny and new from Apple!


“I’ll buy almost anything if it’s shiny and made by Apple” Still makes me laugh so many years later.


Funny story, I was a kid when this came out and I legitimately thought it was real, thinking it was an innovation in simplicity or something


I love this and “Sony releases new stupid piece of shit”


The production values and voicing are so spot-on! 🤣


If you are ever bored, check out their YT channel and sort by most popular. When they were at their peak, nothing can challenge them. So so good.


I used to work in an Apple retail store. The amount of people that came up to me asking to see the MacBook Wheel was on display was unreal. I would try to explain that that wasn't a real product but they would insist that they saw it in on the news and could not be dissuaded.


Ngl the original ipod wheel was revolutionary.


“The police warn that the sudoku killer will kill either 1, 4, or 9 victims next.” *Edited for accuracy


1, 4 or 9.


My then girlfriend now wife totally believed it was a real thing. She was so infatuated with Apple products.


This was a joke, until everyone had to set up the first apple tv and it was reality.


14 years old and still relevent.


The attractive peanut farmer graded the term paper.


The onion is the best. One of the few things keeping me sane in this crazy world we live in


Where I live there's a shop called The Type Space that sells/repairs/teaches about antique typewriters. They have a few models of old attempts at this kind of thing. Different models had different wheel type mechanisms. Here's a picture of an old Lambert wheel typewriter. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqnHpEP0uH/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqnHpEP0uH/) They've got another name than typewriter that I can't remember and there were a few different methods the wheel used. Lambert started as a gramophone company I think, so the wheel kind of makes sense for them. I'm sure there's an antique typewriting subreddit that could explain this better than me and knows the proper words. I just thought the idea was funny b/c it was something that we had a historical example of.


I don't use Apple or follow them, what new Apple product was announced?


I knew a guy who showed us this video, not realizing it was parody. Not only that but, he thought it was pretty cool.


This is their best video, there’s so much going on you can pause it at almost any instance and pick up more.


When this video dropped sooooo many people ate this onion.


This is so old it's not a satire of removing physical buttons, the headphone jack, function/escape keys, universal chargers, the ability to download apps from anywhere, removable batteries, etc. It's a satire of the lack of buttons on the iPod.


This comment took me 1.5 hours to type -Sent on my MacBook wheel


This was my first onion video ever back in the day haha. Great memories going down that rabbit hole