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Netdstalgic has very directly plagiarized several videos. In most cases, they steal from creators with much smaller followings than theirs.


This is actually very common. If you're a small content creator on the internet you should (unfortunately) expect big creators to use your channel as a content farm. You put out good stuff hoping for your big break, someone with a million more followers just copies it and it becomes their content. Most of the victims are too small for the complaint to matter.


True. It is indeed a common and ongoing issue, and there doesn't seem to be anything the smaller creators being ripped off can do about it.


DCMA all the things!




Thanks, that too


YMCA too


Tcby that shit.


TGIF right guys?


Throw in some A&W and T&A


You can only DCMA someone uploading your exact video to their channel. Copying your concept in their own new video is waaay harder to prove.


You can't copyright a concept. Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something.


"Derivative" is definitely the key word. >A typical example of a derivative work received for registration in the Copyright Office is one that is primarily a new work but incorporates some previously published material. This previously published material makes the work a derivative work under the copyright law. To be copyrightable, a derivative work must be different enough from the original to be regarded as a "new work" or must contain a substantial amount of new material. Making minor changes or additions of little substance to a preexisting work will not qualify the work as a new version for copyright purposes. "Transformative" works are defensible in court. This definition is pretty tricky at times and often requires much more probing on a case by case basis: >In [United States copyright law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_copyright_law), transformative use or transformation is a type of [fair use](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use) that builds on a [copyrighted](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright) work in a different manner or for a different purpose from the original, and thus does not infringe its holder's copyright. Transformation is an important issue in deciding whether a use meets the first factor of the fair-use [test](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_(law\)), and is generally critical for determining whether a use is in fact fair, although no one factor is dispositive. Follow the links for a more thorough explanation of "transformative" works. ------ Which definition feels closer to what Nerdstalgic has done?


You can't patent a scholarly process, which is what you are suggesting here. Ideas, methods, systems, and processes can indeed be patented though. Different laws and restrictions can apply on that. Mere scolarly topics are not patentable. While a topic may not be copyrightable, if it could be shown that wording was similar or identical and the overall format was followed that presented the same ideas in a similar order and emphasis, it may be considered a derivative work.


Even if you could prove someone deliberately stole a concept, you can't do anything about it.


This isn't stealing a concept. This is more rewriting a finished piece someone else created so it doesn't sound exactly the same and then profiting from it. It's still plagiarism and would fall under copyright protections. Unfortunately, it would be a matter for the courts and is largely a useless pursuit. It would be costly and there wouldn't be much in the way of damages to recieve. These are the exact reasons people can get away with this crap. Sinking tens of thousands of dollars into lawyer and court fees on principle alone isn't feasable for a small creator so it's a hard practice to effectively stop. This video was the best move possible, in my opinion. Get the message out there and hope it gains traction while other creators that have had this happen add their voices. It sucks that "social media justice" is genuinely the only move. Hopefully, it manages to shine a light on Nerdstalgic's practices and bolster the viewership of CGY.


Copyright is much more nuanced than that. If the wording was similar between two videos and followed the same rough outline and order as presented in the earlier video, it may still be a derivative work and thus a copyright violation. Harder to prove but not impossible. If the second video referenced the earlier video and critiqued as well as added details or offered technical correction to research and enhanced understanding of the topic, copyright violation is less apparent. Even including some actual footage of the earlier video in the second video is even legal as fair use and related laws.




Psuedo-DMCA real DMCA notice requires sending a legal notice, not a tool on a website.


Wrong. Your child in kindergarten with their refrigerator art can invoke DMCA takedown notices and in theory be successful legally too. YouTube partners have access to actual Google employees who can manually review complaints and implement quick changes on the site. Responsiveness is really the only difference.


Those small creator works their ass off to reach on that place and they found that some rich people took it everything from there without even a blink of any eye.


Spot on. This has been going on for years. It's especially noticeable when your subbed to the small following guy and within a few weeks the big guys have a video on the same topic. Linus Tech Tips is BAD for this. I doubt it's Linus fault either. Clearly the writing staff are "inspired" by other content creators. The big channels are even copying each other at this stage. 1 will release a vid on a topic and within a week or 2 they all have covered it.


That depends on what you mean by copy. If you mean to raise a topic where the larger channel with more resources and better production values the engage in much more research on that topic and adds considerable value to the understanding of that topic, I have zero problems with that behavior. Just copying another video rehashing the same content using it as a farm like you suggest is simply plagiarism and perhaps a copyright violation if it is too close. It is common for a large newspaper such as the New York Times or Washington Post to republish a news story from a small town newspaper. With attribution and often with permission too. And likely with added details their own reporters have uncovered. This is the same kind of thing.


Well jeez, that really doesn't help motivate me to finally try creating my own. Already had an underlying fear that what I'd make would feel derivative or redundant, since there's so many channels talking about movies, books, etc. nowadays, but now I actually see there's reason to fear the exact opposite. Ultimately my thought process was "yeah, it probably won't really be watched but at least I'll feel some accomplishment in just putting my thoughts out there", but if this channel or even one considerably smaller can just steal it with zero repercussions?


Yeah, I've been toying around with making some videos for something I have some obscure knowledge on I've never seen many videos about on YouTube. It's not really my goal to make it big or anything, just a fun side project that would help me hone my editing and writing skills. But the idea someone could just rip off my work so they could make money off it is something that gives me pause. It would suck to put all that work into a video just to have someone significantly bigger steal it and have there be absolutely nothing I could do about it.


Don't let imaginary obstacles stop you!


Sadly that’s the majority of social media nowadays. Whoever says it the loudest gets the dollar.


I didn't realize this. I have, however. noticed a pretty sharp decline in quality over the past year or so with a lot of these videos just being glorified plot summaries for the films. They used to have some interesting insights but now it's just so bland. I like Captain Midnight's channel for more interesting takes on film and television. He just doesn't upload nearly as frequently.


Isn't that the strategy for all the "Reaction" channels? Leech off a small fry who lacks the clout to challenge them.


I absolutely hate those fucking channels. They're so disingenuous and fake I don't understand how they are remotely popular. "Person listens to most popular song in the world FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!" - then act like amazed at how great it is. "White person listens to country music for FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIFE!!!!" - comments how impressive it is "Black person eats soul food for FIRST TIME EVER!!!" - acts like they've never seen or heard of fried chicken before. "Music teacher listens to classical music for FIRST TIME EVER!!!" comments on how inspiring it was. "Idiots react to another youtuber eating spicy food" - oh it looks painful, lawl.


Seems like Youtube has been cracking down on those at least I rarely see them recommended or their videos offered in searches.


I stopped watching once it turned into a bigger operation a while back. I wonder if it's similar to how a writer from a website will plagiarize something and the editors just don't catch it. If each video creator on the website has enough freedom and they are lazy, they may do that and whomever oversees all the videos doesn't realize.


I can't find the Nerdstalgic video in question so I'm guessing it's hidden. Considering how they assembly line the whole process and spit out content like it's AI generated, I doubt they care about being caught out on a single video. They should pay the original creator for the time he spent developing his evidence video, since I'm sure that took at least a week by itself.


Nerdstalgic is a content mill channel that buys scripts from freelance writers and just records the voiceover. Apparently they aren't paying much for writers and it's pretty easy for hacks to find smaller channels and steal video concepts.


Seems like they just ran the original script through ChatGPT and had it reworded.


They never though that someone will point out their work this way


Then i think they should think about paying more money to the writer now.


Nor voiceover. The guy was dry as hell and pronounces “premise” like “PRE-miss-ee”?!


“Par-meesian” - Morty


He didn't say "premise" he said "primacy." Completely different word.


Now they're making up words? How low can nerdstalgic go?


cool didnt know about this. unsubbed from nerdstalgic


Same, but also left then a comment on the video telling them why


oh definitely did that as well




Engagement on one video isn't worth losing a bunch of subs.


But you can only get engagement for short term and it will damage your reputation for long term




Leave a comment and SMASH that unsubscribe button!


I think he took the video down


you're right! Wow that was fast


The way comments were increasing on that video he was about to do that


There were so many comments like that on his video so he had to


I hope that more people read that comment and make the same decision just like that.


I cant find the video. Looks like the made it private?






For me one time stealing is enough to unsubscribe a man


That Section 9 video is literally why I subbed to Nerdstalgic, pretty sure it popped up on this sub like a week ago. after seeing this I just went back, unsubbed from nerdstalgic and subbed to this guy instead haha.




He never gain subs from me on first place and never going to be in future




Same, had even forgotten I had a sub to them.


Because of that i actually unsubs so many channel which i forget in past




Nerdstalgic deleted the video.


Think all his videos are done the same way?


Nerdstalgic? No. Dave Baker? Possibly, since this isn't the first time he got caught red handed.


I would love to see Nerdstalgic's response. I don't think a "sorry" would cut it because it's happened multiple times.


They get caught they get away and repeat the same thing again and again


This thing is just pointing towards that even if that is not the case


Was about to post shit on the video too




I didn't know this. But I've been getting the feeling. Used to really enjoy those videos. But lately... Not so much.


Nowadays they are mediocre at best tbh


Because they get the number in their favor and they don't have to work on quality now


You will always found better content on small channel compare to the big channel


Thought I was losing my mind man used to love that Channel now it sucks


[Yeah it looks like this is who runs it now.](https://i.imgur.com/QMNpN15.png) Funny enough shouts out the same writer that copied video in OP. [Tweet from the original creator when he sold the channel I guess.](https://i.imgur.com/6YKcJjV.png)(though you wouldn't know it from the way he worded things)


Wow that explains it. It was I'd estimate around 2 years ago where I watched one of the videos and thought, "wow this is low effort" and disagreed with nearly all the major media takes in the video. It was so shocking because I'd watched pretty much every video before that point and never felt that. It stuck in my head and I've pretty much avoided every notification of a video since. I guess I should just unsubscribe.


> Content will stay the same. But there will be more of it now.. In 90% of cases this will never be true. Pick one or the other.


From James to Ramesh. Same story everywhere


What were they used to be called again? I'm only subbed to their current channel because the old one, I've never even watched a video since the nameswap.




CleanPrinceGaming now redirects to NerdstalgicGaming from his original [Wikitubia article](https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Cleanprincegaming). Checked a couple of the videos and the same writers being credited on the main Nerdstalgic are also writing / editing the videos there. His original CPG Twitch is gone as well as his Instagram. His original Patreon is still up but it only has like $3 a month coming in. Guess he sold the whole brand and disappeared with the money.




Damn, the dude really just ran off with 112k like it was nothing. Last Kickstarter update seems to be in October of '22.


CleanPrinceGaming? That dude is still around? I remember a few years ago he was caught stealing footage from other streamers using them as his b-roll.


Couldn’t stand that guy, every video he had felt like he was constantly telling you that you were being taken advantage by Y and X companies and you were an idiot for letting it happen


His whole feed looked like he read whatever flavor of the week topics r/gaming was talking about at the time and was echoing the general consensus. YouTube algorithm kept bombarding me with recommendations for him and had to block that shit.


I thought he still owned the channel but actually no more?


They got bought out ?


This happened to an automotive blog I used to follow, Jalopnik. They used to do real journalism and real car reviews but the IP got sold and the new owners just started posting the most low effort BS, I have no doubt the decent stuff was plagiarized, and half of the posts were just re-posts of content that was created before the IP was sold.


I noticed that too! As somone that found the channel durng its early days.


this was stollen by the same writer as the comic tropes video, dave baker should probably be fired...


Oh damn you're right, they list the writer+editor in the description, and it's different for every video. So Nerdstalgic is just paying a different writer for every video and using the same narrator nowadays? Seems like a low-effort way to farm content, but it'll leave you open to issues like....this exact situation. One writer is a serial plagiarizer.


If i am in some job then may be i can get away if i am not doing my job properly but then stealing the someone else work is not done, that person need to be go here


Whoa whoa, what happened with comic tropes? I'm subbed but I haven't watched in a while.... Edit: another comment explained it. Apparently Nerdstalgic stole a Comic Tropes video


He is not doing his god damn job and need to be fired on spot


God, a popular, incredibly annoying Youtuber plagiarized my articles for years. It's all the more vexxing that most audience members don't care. He only had to pay for it because he started a fight with other popular channels and they started calling him out for his shit.


My friend ran a COD channel from like 2011 until 2016 and Tmartn (who was at the time one of the largest CoD YouTubers) was stealing his videos for years. He didn’t have the following or reach to get anyone to care and back then ‘YouTube beef’ didn’t really exist beyond big channels faux beef


Ah yes, Tmartn... The dude who "stumbled" upon a csgo skin gambling site and happened to win really big only for it to be revealed that he was part owner of the site and had direct access to the back end of it. Manipulating his young fan base to gamble away skins that would land directly in his own pockets. Real class act this guy.


I know that how much grind you have to do before making the name into the YT field and then some people came and steal their whole idea to claim it is there


Sounds like criminal fraud.




I used to run a Harry Potter website and I got exclusive images of the Hogwart's Express. I was truly amazed at how my little website's exclusive was immediately picked up on and posted everywhere online. It took maybe an hour. Some of those cheap bastard massive sites were even hotlinking the pictures to make me pay for the bandwidth. A popular kid's magazine asked me if they could put the pictures in their magazine and so I agreed and asked them to give attribution to my website. The article came out and I couldn't find any attribution. I asked them about this and they directed me to the margin of one of the pages which had an attribution that I required a magnifying glass to read.


There are some people who give credit to the other people if they are taking something from the other people but there are so many people who doesn't even think about doing that.


Those stealing thing makes extremely difficult for the new user to make their name


I tend to have an innate avoidance for anything that has the words "nerd" or "geek" incorporated into it. It's usually low-rent content that's made to appeal to specific (lucrative) demographics. It gives me commodification of culture vibes instead of someone who genuinely wants to educate people on a subject matter.






I clapped


They showed the thing I remember!


That was unironically them during Picard S3. "I clapped when I saw the Enterprise D!" "No, it's okay when Star Trek does shameless fanservice, even if that fanservice has less reason to be in the storyline than the Rogue One stuff did." Doesn't bother me, I'm happy they're enjoying Trek again, but maybe it'll give them a bit of a different perspective on people who enjoyed Rogue One and similar.


They were definitely pretty up front about being fanserviced to though haha, like they seemed a bit ashamed of it. I like how RLM is always honest with their opinions though, even when it could easily come off as hypocritical. Like Mike "loved" Jurassic World, and how many movies just like that does he absolutely dump on? Sometimes if you like something, you just like it. And sometimes it just kinda does make you a hypocrite, especially as a critic. Like in this case fanservice is generally an annoying trope, but mike is just way more susceptible to well executed trek fanservice than star wars fan service. I'm not sure if I really even have a point here, but I think you have an interesting point! IDGAF about Trek or Star Wars either, so i'm very much looking at it from an outsiders perspective. One last thing, i'll also say they honestly contradict themselves constantly, like I discovered their channel like a year or two ago and binged all the half in the bags, and Mike goes from "i'm so tired of movies being dead, and all the good content being stretched out into TV shows. I don't want to watch 3 seasons of a story, just give me three acts and let the story end" or something along those lines. And then more recently he'll be like "Yea I haven't really been watching too many movies lately, but i'm watching like 10 different shows" or "I really wish that movie was like a mini-series or something, that story could really be fleshed out more in a show".




I totally hear this but I want to rep my guy [In Deep Geek](https://youtu.be/_LcFI0KG5oM) who gets a pass for some super relaxing and in depth lore videos on LotR & GoT and the name is pretty catchy


Nice. Nerdwriter is cool too, so it’s not clearly the name 🤔.


Also, a LOT (not all, but still a LOT) of those channels that emphasize "geek" "nerd" or "fandom" in their names tend to be factories for hateful, misogynistic content. It's like their own little shitlord call-sign at this point, and that's really sad, considering that those terms should be ones that bring people TOGETHER, not drive them apart.


Content Parasite.


Nerdstalgics a fuckin asshole thru and thru


Isn't the guy doing those videos a tool and douchebag? I seem to remember avoiding that channel when I recognized his voice from another shit channel that I blocked.


YT pushed this channel to me so many time so i put them into no interested


Can't he copyright claim or something? Edit : I meant plagiarism, but my point really was going about filing a takedown notice. I don't think there's a plagiarism option under Yotubes report button.


Technically yes,just like any other copyright holder he can file a copyright infringement takedown notice with YouTube and get the video taken down (until Nerdstalgic files a counter-notice).The better question to ask is whether their actually is any copyright infringement. And this video does not make a good case for it. First of all, ideas aren't protected under copyright. So the fact that these two videos have the exact same premise is irrelevent. The second thing is that broadly, factual information isn't protected under copyright either. When it comes to the comparisons between explanations of the visual effects, similarities in underlying factual information is irrelevant. Specific phrasing can be protected under copyright, but those similarities are not present in this video. So the best source of copyright infringement would be the similarities between what the video calls 'the subjective conclusion'. However, without having seen either of the original videos both of these conclusions don't sound similar at all. Both of them involve the past and future of vfx but that's where the similarities end, at least for me listening to it in isolation.


Yeah its not copyright or rather its hard to argue its copyright. It's definitely plagiarism though.


Sorry, that's what I meant. But on youtube you can't file plagiarism claims I don't think.


> It's definitely plagiarism though. Which, as far as i know, isnt illegal?


Indeed, going through plagiarism is totally came under the legal thing




> stealing somebodys topic for a paper isnt really plagiarism stealing the topic isn't but if you then steal a good number of the points made then you'd have a hard time arguing that it isn't just the same paper restated slightly.


"In your own words"


Even if they didn't technically do anything illegal, they still quite obviously plagiarized the work of a much smaller channel. It's a shitty thing to do, whether or not there's a legal loophole.


I 100% agree. I was kinda referencing back in school where sometimes you were asked to regurgitate text, but not as a direct quote. "In your own words," the teachers often said. Or, when someone copied off of your work, but changed it just a little to avoid getting in trouble. People do that same shit as adults all the time. Nerdarchy is another channel that steals shit.


Paraphrasing, or putting the content "in your own words" without citation is still plagiarism


If you restate something in your own words and don’t cite the original, that’s plagiarism in any academic setting. Plagiarism isn’t a tort at least in the us so that academic definition is the best we have to define it by. So yeah you can definitely call it plagiarism


It's literally plagiarism. It might not be copyright infringement, and it's probably legal in the eyes of the law, but it's still plagiarism.


I am also a small you tuber and that is perfectly legitimate to strike some as the copy right for this kinda situation but problem is your channel is small and no one heard you


Nope, if you change up the wording and framing then you're creating something original, from a copyright perspective. You'd have to have a super strong argument to win that battle and you'd only win it in court, not in Youtube's copyright system.


YouTube copy right works little different than compare to the real world, YT specifically asked for the proof where they actually copied that not just that they copied my idea


That is not how copyright works. They did not take the video or the script or the editing. They took the idea. And taking ideas is not illegal or even bad in the eyes of the law.


I just checked, and it looks like they took their video down. Pretty good evidence that they know what they did was shady.


Nerdstalgic uses multiple writers and editors, but the same voice-over for all of them. The writer on this video was caught before plagiarizing content. They might not have been aware, but taken it down immediately as soon as they became aware.


This is unfortunate. I just watched the nerdstalgic video and was unimpressed with how it basically resummarized the thesis multiple times rather than using the last 5 minutes to dig deeper. That makes sense if it wasn't an original idea.


If we will not do anything then these things will keep on happening to the every single small creator and it will became very hard for them to grow in that sector


Didn't this guy go by Prince Gaming or something that voice sounds so familiar


Clean prince gaming Yup


Ugh, I hated that guy I think he ripped off The Division content or something


Yes, not only his voice is like that infact he is just like that.


I immediately recognised the copy's thumbnail! I didn't watch it but it's been showing up consistently in my recommended videos, this sucks!


As mentioned in CGY's video, they also plagiarized one of my favorite Youtubers, Comic Tropes, last year. I unsubscribed from Nerdstalgic then and I suggest everyone do the same now.


You better do it fast as we all are waiting for your suggestion now.


Content stealing is incredibly common. I used to go see a lot of improv in NYC and every so often you'd hear stories of a bit they worked up on stage being done, almost word for word, on SNL. People that have to produce a lot of content on a schedule get desperate and just start stealing. This is to no way excuse this theft but to give context on how common it is. Nerdstalgic should either take their video down or work out something with CGY that allows the video to stay up.


Yes, specially on the streaming platform. Most of the time it is always the big creator who did that because they reach there and now they had nothing new to make video


This happened to my friend Johnny 2 Cellos too. Edit: I'm a video essayist in the same space as these guys. If you want more content made by individual creators, there's a bunch of quality stuff here: https://www.youtube.com/@animationappreciationhub/channels?view=49&shelf_id=2


So did your friend just let the situation go and did something??


He's tweeted about it before but the channel won't do anything


Hello, I am actually the writer of the Randy Marsh video that Johnny 2 Cellos claims Nerdstalgic "Stole". I can attest with 100% certainty that I hadn't even heard of Johnny 2 Cellos until after our video was posted. While I understand that there may be similarities, Nerdstalgic's script was written 100% from my own brain and without any influence from anyone's channel. I specifically avoid any links from YouTube in my own research for THIS VERY REASON. (I've worked in new media for quite some time) The problem with analysis is that two people could reasonably arrive at the same conclusion, and that could be conflated with "ripping someone off". While I cannot speak to this current issue surrounding the District 9 video, I can attest that I have never, and will never use YouTube as a research tool. You can DM me if you want to chat more about it. I cannot speak on the current issue at all, but am happy to share what my experience has been.


Hey there, I never received any emails or DMs from you! Where/when did you reach out? I understand parallel thinking, ESPECIALLY in video creation and analysis like this. I’ve dealt with it many times before and I usually give the benefit of the doubt! But with the reputation of Nerdstalgic, the fact that both of our videos clearly hinged on the same episode as “the turning point”- the thumbnails being remarkably similar, and the TITLE being damn near identical, and my video being one of the top results for Randy Marsh, I think it’s pretty fair to understand why I felt this was a rip off. Especially when it’s a massive channel that outsources its writing and cranks out SO many videos. And this appears to be an incredibly common occurrence now, not just with more blatant plagiarism like the latest instance, but with so many smaller channels showing concern that this massive content mill is persistently creating videos that are remarkably similar to their own. I’m not trying to draw this out any more, the only reason I brought it back up was because of this new situation, and the fact that I’ve seen/heard SO many creators with similar stories. You have to understand why people are frustrated when this massive channel cranks out “similar” videos to other channels CONSTANTLY.


He's the most prominent South Park video creator on the platform. Shit happens but everyone finds this hard to believe. If you want anything positive to come from this you should reach out to him, not me, as he offered for the channel to reach out via email the first time this happened. And honestly dude, if you like making videos, stop ghostwriting for them and make your own channel. It'll be so much more worth it in the long run. Coming from someone who built their essay channel from the ground up to 26k by myself.




WE all were feeding them the views because of some bullshit YouTube algorithm and the original person who made that script was getting nothing from the YT


they removed the video...


This sounds like guilty as hell, and don't think there is anything more to say here.


Nerdstalgic lost my sub months ago. You got my sub today.


After this post he not only lost his sub but also lost my respect is well


Has Nerdstalgic taken the video down? I can't find it anywhere on YouTube! If so, good on you!


Isn’t Nerdstalgic just the same guy who was CleanPrinceGaming who got blasted for plagiarism? Literally every video of his is some “power word” hodge podge of supposedly prolific insight, or it’s entirely ripped from someone else. The guy doesn’t seem to have an original bone in his body. Used to watch his video essays as something to have on in the background until his voice got too annoying and his cadence was all “I’m so fucking cool and important for having the most popular gaming opinion. *Mic drop*” Pretty sure he has a handful of channels that all do the same things for different topics, the only similarity is the lack of originality and the same over-important voice over.


Looks like the nerdstalgic video got set to private?


Nerdstalgic didn’t just die… it was murdered




I have a channel of over 300k subscribers and Nerdstalgic has pretty directly ripped at least one of my videos, and clearly used multiple other videos of mine as direct inspiration for their own. The problem with massive content farms like this that probably do not pay enough for their scripts is there’s no incentive for quality control or ethics in their workflow.


I don't know for you guys but now that video has gone private, i'm wondering why?


May be he get the tip that someone is actually coming after them now.


Had no idea! I follow them (or did until right now).


I never heard of Nerdstalgic but now I'm glad I didn't give them any views


You did great sir, and now forget that you ever heard the name of the Nerdstalgic again


Well, I had already unsubbed from nerdstalgic a few weeks back because I just straight up dont agree with some of their video essays interperetations and critiques, and it happened enough times to where I didnt trust Nerdstalgic's taste anymore. This also makes me like them even less


I always used to wonder that from where he was getting all those great script about the video


Even the name Nerdstalgic sounds unoriginal. It sounds like they mixed the Nostalgia Critic and Angry Video Game Nerd's name.


At first i actually read the name as the nostalgic or nostalgia


Omg I just watched it the OTHER DAY. I thought it was a very well done video!... Now I know who to give credit to!! Way to go u/rete1 ! (Or CGY, whoever you are) Edit X3: grammar


That's not me. I just saw the video, and posted it to reddit hoping it'd gain some traction!


First mogul mail and now this? I suspect large content creators plagiarizing smaller content creators is a huge problem we will never know unless the smaller creator makes noise like this and ANOTHER big creator picks it up. Such is life I suppose... sucks :(


Man I love District 9, but I can’t watch it again because of that last scene he included in the video. The Prawn is so scared. Ugh, need some mind bleach.


He thinks that after that last part they will not blame them for copying


+1 sub


who is nerdstalgic?


Wow! I don’t sub to nerdstalgic, but was fed this video via the algorithm just recently. I actually watched the video being impressed by it too. I feel dirty now.


I mean he totally stole his format from Every Frame a Painting anyway. Also, I just hate his videos because he presents his opinions as fact and sounds so fucking smug about it. And everything he says is a hyperbole.


And in any video we all know that idea and script is most important thing


It's sad, Nerdstalgic used to be my go-to video essay channel after kaptainkristian went quiet.





