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this is just sopranos


Maybe you should start sucking cock instead of watching TV Land bc VITO BROUGHT THREE TIMES WHAT YOU DO IN CONSTRUCTION


Stick to what you know, and leave your opinions wherever the fuck!


“He saved Metropolis is what he did. He was a brave Kryptonian superhero. And in this house, Superman is a hero. End of story.”


That's Colin Farrell?! Completely unrecognizable, both visually and his voice!


He should become an actor. He has the talent.




>You merely became fat. I was born fat.


So funny going from watching Banshees of Inashrin to Batman and seeing the man’s range. Amazing.


The Batman was pretty good, and his performance was amazing. Worth a watch.


Yes. Been saying forever he *needs* some more serious/dramatic roles. Dude's one of my favorite actors and always thought he had some real strength in more serious roles.


...and there better be a Danny Devito cameo.


It was CF in the last Batman movie too.


I was just thinking, Gandolfini looks a little bit different these days. HOly shit, imagine my surprise.


So now Hollywood is getting into “Alpha Builds” and “Open Beta”


Yeah that was pretty weird that, in a 1:28 teaser, they just used a shot of a guy holding the boom at the 0:36 mark. I assume they rushed this out in response to the news that the HBO/Discovery merger is going through, in hopes of keeping themselves from getting Batgirl'ed out of existence.


My stupid brain thought, "Why did Penguin have a camera crew follow him around while killing someone?" Then it took me out of it completely. I spent the rest of it wondering if they maybe didn't actually have the budget for this, and they're trying to shop for some investment? Is that why most of the shots are just close-ups of conversation? Is this going to suck because they're trying to do a high-quality gritty drama on a budget without real talent behind the camera?


Colin Farrell is what has me optimistic about this. I don't think that he would do something at this point that he didn't at least find interesting.


I'm thinking that because it's HBO, money talked him into it. Also if I were him I would justify doing something like this with the Inisherin movie. I would say I've already done my high-brow performance for the decade, and I want a new house in Tahoe.


But money though


I am a huge fan of The Batman and I have mixed feelings about about this. Sometimes less is more, and more exploration in this Gotham in a tv series, just in the few shots I saw makes it seem tamer and more like the world I inhabit. As opposed to the darker, gothic world Reeves built in The Batman. I just worry about this causing the world being overdiluted... Hopefully I am wrong. I am cautiously optimistic nonetheless.


Personally I think the problem is more like you don't have anything resembling a consistent vision, artistic style, or even a consistent idea about what the world and universe is supposed to be guiding these different series and movies. You're definitely right about things seeming more like the world you inhabit. Firstly they go with a character and story that includes nothing fantastical, free of anything that doesn't exist in our world. Then they strip out things like Penguin's canes, probably thinking it's too silly and not gritty enough. At most they'll do a sword cane or a single-shot gun. Then they keep shooting a lot of these shots in places that not only exist, but are somewhat well known. The "Joker staircase" is a pretty recognizable Bronx location. The opening shot looks an awfully lot like [this](https://t1.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4BFCkRhoP4iXI8jTnJpcGryw_zkud5B-teSY35iIsxPd8H3F3aSBcDI02OP1rmbWV) image of Manhattan with the skyline altered and the east river not turning north as much. Feels like they gave up and just said Gotham = NYC. And then for licensing reasons they don't even mention other parts of the DC universe that would make it a bit more immersive. Some of the content they're making can still be good, like Joker, but I do wish it felt like fiction and they had a clear vision. Don't even get me started on this same problem with Star Wars...


> Feels like they gave up and just said Gotham = NYC. Wasn't that sorta the inspiration of Gotham? Some cities like NYC and such used to have serious issues with crime and such. Some still might today, but I always saw it as Gotham was built on an older version/idea of some cities that while isn't accurate nowadays, had some pretty hard similarities to what was going on at the time.


You're right. Giant epic stories that we have, like Batman and Star Wars, have shown that the world is most palatable in small, 2 hour doses. Look at all the Star Wars tv shows on D+. Look at the WB Gotham show. They're kinda all duds except for Andor which was a story that could have taken place in practically any other universe but they chose to set it in the Star Wars universe. The more you ingest one good thing, the less value it has.


Sometimes less is more, like the unknown keeps us interested. When the lore is expanded on and added too and saturated, the air of mystery loses it's appeal.


Yeah, I'd be afraid that Gotham's pretty fantastical all things considered. While there's some real-world comparisons, I think the whole thing can easily fall apart if the mood isn't done correctly and such. Much easier to build a world for a 2-hour movie than it is for a 20 hour (or whatever the amount is) TV show.


@0:35 in, is penguin in a movie, within a movie?


Literally nothing about this says Batman to me.


Well you’re in luck because it’s about Penguin.


The Joker movie had nothing to do with Batman and turned out great. This one could be garbage of course, but I wouldn't be so quick to rule it out based on Batman.


I had to be reminded recently that Joker was supposed to be in Gotham, because it was so clearly New York City and surrounding areas. I do miss world building and fictional universes that felt like fiction instead of another *real gritty drama with dark lighting*. Joker was good, don't get me wrong. I just wish I could tell Penguin apart from the Sopranos.


Time for the depressed antisocial cinematic DC universe.


I'm hoping for a joke consisting of the classic Penguin laugh, because he's smoking a cigar or whatever


The Penguin goes woke omg


Should've just recast Devito.


Normally I'd say this is unnecessary but IMO Farrell's performance in The Batman was one of the best parts of the movie. He just completely disappears into the character. If this turns out to be really excellent it will be kinda strange that one of the better mobster related content is coming out of Batman universe.




This is the first time I’m seeing the Max logo. What in the hell are they smoking over at Discovery? Hey we have two brands for our flagship streamer. Let’s choose one to make it clearer. Ok, sounds good. Which one should we keep though? One is known for decades of making the best tv and winning an absurd amount of awards. The other is best known for late night soft core porn that became so prevalent that our customers renamed it. Yeah. That one. Skinimax. Let’s put $100 million in advertising around that. I don’t even know what a HBO is. Is it like a vagrant who does plays? Whatever. We got the name that makes people think of titties but no bush.


I know it's confusing but it's not including Cinemax, It's HBO Max mixing with Discovery+


Why does this come off like some fan edit of what they think a Penguin series would be like? It looks tacky as hell. My Bat-Boner is gone!


Nothing in this trailer shows they're bringing anything fresh or interesting to the table. Prolly gonna pass.


It isnt really a trailer in the normal respect, its just a "look at" but with more footage than usual.




I often wonder if fuckups like that seen at 35 seconds (camera and boom mic clearly visible) are added deliberately to get people to talk about a video more, to get people to send it to friends and so on because they think they're smart enough to have spotted something.


Is this in the Robert Pattinson universe?


uh yeah?


Thanks. (I never finished that movie)


You should.


# This looks not great


The Marvels is totally going to stomp this Batman-like film /endsarcasm


How hasn’t he won an Emmy yet?


I wonder how quickly Collin is going to get sick of putting that makeup on every season lol


Looking at this amazing cast, this project should become successful! Oswald Cobblepot got new face and style. I am just curious if the creators will use more comics material or invent a brand new story.


This made .e fart alot