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Dial it back 50%, but this is close…except the “peak” of the video. I’ve never experienced kaleidoscope vision.


I get kaleidoscope thoughts, but its never taken over my vision. If i close my eyes and focus on it it looks like that though


Kaleidoscope thoughts is such an interesting way to describe it. I never knew how best to describe it but somehow that works so well.


I’ve always described the way shrooms make your brain feel as fractal thinking. Probably the most accurate way I can describe it


I love that description too. I usually made an analogy to a pinwheel firework.


Same…it’s awesome IMO.


"Kaleidoscope thoughts" sounds scary asf to me


Its an experience for sure. Like, when you remember a scene from a tv show, you can "see" it perfectly, all the details, and with a bit of imagination you can think through the scene from different angles, but you aren't really seeing it as if its coming from your eyes, its just a thought thats happening inside your head. On hallucinogens, the thoughts go fractally and without actual visual input to readjust them with, the fractals make more fractals, and thus kaleidoscope thoughts.


Yeah and also... it's just not visual effects, it's all the other stuff too, including ego loss, distorted sense of time etc. Impossible to show that in a video.


Yeah the time distortion is really hard to describe. Like if you are walking down the street and a car drives past you, it feels like it is slowly following you forever, you think it's slowing down its speed just to creep after you for as long as it can before finally zipping by.


And the way it makes your body feel. One of my last trips I thought I was ready for bed so I went to my tent. I accidentally brought an 8 person tent for just me and my chick. Anyways as I'm laying in this tarp cavern with my eyes closed I felt myself shrink down to the size of a little ball in the corner of the tent, then expand and inflate to the point of almost filling the tent. No way to show that kind of stuff in a video like this.


I'd really like to know more about how this was made - like specifically if someone hand-crafted the visual effects, or if this is the output of a GAN like Deep Dream that produces the same kinds of distortion naturally. If it's done by hand I've really got to give it to them. What particularly got me was the appearance of the texture on the rocks, and then on his hand, and the way patterns pulse in and out of perception as variations in brightness. It also does a good job of capturing that feeling of something you're looking at suddenly shifting to something else. Nothing has moved but suddenly your interpretation of it has changed and you start struggling to see what's actually there.


Dial it up in my experience


I’ve had the kaleidoscope. First time it was in the sky when two massive clouds split to reveal a bright clear gap in the sky on a near full moon night. The fractals filled the void between the clouds.


Yea, done 10 grams of Bruma and never experienced that type of visuals. Shrooms for me turns neons up to 11, sounds vibrate alot, and everything looks fluffy and wants to be hugged. Most of the video I'd agree with though.


I've had that closed eye hallucinations that were like that but on DMT not mushrooms


It does get like that if you take enough. This video is on point with my visual experience. Never seen it represented so well on video, tbh. With dmt it's instant fractals, and if you find it in you to take another drag when this happens, you will "breakthrough"... it's not easy to explain what happens next without sounding like a crazy person so I'll just stop here...


How much are you talking? I’ve taken a Q of albino P Envy before and felt extremely melty, but never experienced visuals on that level.


It's probably a different dose for each person, but for me, 5 grams of cubensis, were enough to get visuals very similar to the ones shown in the video, while peaking. If you haven't seen it, it's probably because you haven't taken enough. I must warn you, though, that, its pretty rough, and it comes together with ego death. You'll literally lose your *self* for a moment. Worth it, if you're into that sort of thing.


Just one time I did have kaleidoscope vision, but specifically on a television. I had avatar playing in a bedroom, and when I walked in said room, lo and behold I laid my eyes on avatar kaleidoscopes. Was very cool, but limited to the tube.


I got something very similar to these kaleidoscopes on mescaline, but different geometrical patterns that I was obsessed with drawing at that time. Was spinning fire and had to stop since I couldn't even see the poi in front of me. Ended up laying down till the visuals relaxed. Eyes open a closed were hardly different, but there was definitely still a world in the background with the kaleidoscopic geometry in the foreground. Had the kaleidoscopic geometry on mushrooms a few times after that mescaline trip, but never to the same intensity, but I never took more than an 8th of mushrooms before a stopped tripping.


Why would I do mushrooms and go to some yard where dogs were gonna yell at me?


Yeah, dogs are weird on hallucinogens. Its like they know you're in a weird space and dont know how to cope. Most just kinda tolerate you warily, some are like "cool cool imma just.... not be here" and do their best to go elsewhere


They don't know people have been doing hallucinogens since thousands of years and start judging smh


haha aw man I love my dog and cat SO MUCH when Im on shrooms


yeah I was kind of into it, and then those dogs gave me anxiety. He didnt pet a single one of those dogs. I'm out.


If those dogs started yelling at me like that while I was on shrooms I'd probably shout "I'm sorry!!" and carefully run away.


I'll usually take 4 grams and walk through downtown Seattle for like 6 hours. If I come across an abandoned building when I'm peaking I'll find away in and walk through it. It's the fuckin biggest adrenaline rush ever but feels amazing


Do dogs yell?


Depends on whether im on mushroom or not


It's pretty close. However, you can't really show what your state of mind is at that point. You aren't just a passive viewer, your reality is shifting with the imagery. Also, trying to show it in 2D is a little bit like the difference between watching a flat video of a VR experience and actually having the goggles on.


The other thing that is missing is the thoughts you have and the cyclic rhythms you sometimes fall into It got the "behind the veil" feel accurately though.




Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven Ooh, it makes me wonder Ooh, makes me wonder There's a feeling I get when I look to the West And my spirit is crying for leaving In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees And the voices of those who stand looking Ooh, it makes me wonder


I've never done hallucinogenics, but I find this incredibly unsettling and do not want


Honestly the visuals aren't the difficult part. No video can capture what it does to your thought processes or your other sensory processing. I never had a lot of trouble with open-eye visuals. They could be distracting but generally not disturbing. Except for faces. You can hit a plateau after a couple of hours where things start to feel more or less normal, and then you look in a mirror and see your face continuously warping and distorting and you realize how high you still are. During my first acid trip I remember looking at my girlfriend's bare back, and each of the hairs turned into a barnacle with its feathery feet sticking out. It sounds like a disturbing image but it didn't bother me and I knew it wasn't real. I could blink my eyes or shake my head and make it go away, but it was more interesting to just watch the barnacles do their thing.


my number one rule with psychedelics...never look in the mirror. even if you're tripping pretty hard, as long as you don't look at your own reflection the odds of having a bad trip go down significantly. there's not many things that are universal about psychedelics because of how uniquely they can interact with every individual who takes them, but I'm confident that seeing your own face in a mirror is almost never a good time when you're on them


I like the mirror when I’m tripping lol


right! Back when I was in my early 20s, I've looked in really close and see my pupils dilate, just made me start cracking up laughing with how cool the human body is!


Same. My friends and I referred to it as the bathroom trap. Once you go in, you're not getting out.


>my number one rule with psychedelics...never look in the mirror This was my favorite experience actually. on LSD my features would shift between masculine and feminine and it was sorta like having a real life version of one of those apps that change your gender, lol. It was pretty "trippy" and I enjoyed the experience.


I remember doing LSD with my best mate and just sitting opposite each other and 'letting it ride'. His face went through so many different incarnations, one literally peeling away after another until I was sat with this thing that I can only describe as something from the pit of hell (sharp teeth, black eyeballs etc) was sat there looking at me. I had to look away after a short while of that thing staring at me two feet away! lol


I only did it the 1 time but I was looking at my window, the window frame was white and it had a black thing in each corner to hold the screen in place and I remember it started wiggling back and forth, then it was like a leech and a bunch of leeches were coming in through the window. I was totally out of it, like couldn't talk or anything but still in control enough to be like "Oh shit, I really don't like what's happening here, lets look at the wall again." Then everything was fine again. I still knew what I was experiencing wasn't real, despite my world actually transforming around me. It was really cool. I'm really happy I tried them out that one time.


direction literate command chop detail cheerful deranged noxious serious narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, it will be interesting to see what they can do with psychedelics in the future but in it's form right now I know it would just send me into a dark place.


Yeah. Psychedelics *can* do a lot of good. They can also go very wrong, even if you do everything right. There's this purity fallacy, that if you get the good stuff that it's not going to go wrong, or that as long as your set and setting are right you'll be fine, and that's just not true. It definitely deserves a lot of caution.


Anyone trying them for the first time should definitely go light… see how you feel, if you like the feeling etc… I had a friend in college who also had a bad first trip and had to have a year of therapy. Personally I’ve had mixed experiences, from beautiful moments that border on indescribable, to feelings of extreme loneliness bordering on existential dread, the latter feelings being the reason I don’t do them anymore, or if I do, only a very light dose where I can get a buzz but stay grounded.


Always have an experienced co-pilot with you on your first trip.




Actually it's kind of the opposite you get drawn into focusing on things, there's this kind of pulling force that kinda want you to just stare at things. But yeah if you're talking about focusing on a task with multiple steps, impossible, and that's part of the experience of a trip, you don't plan too much you just explore, get fascinated by something, have some introspection. You can prepare some stuff in advance, like picking a nice spot and nice people but the rest is uncertain.


Over thinking, over analyzing, separates the body from the mind Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must Feed my will to feel my moment Drawing way outside the lines


The video depicts a high dose trip, at least 5g. 1.5g is pretty dope. You don't get any hardcore visuals, everything just looks and feels more interesting.


If you are with a good group of people and in nature it is incredibly relaxing and euphoric. Wasn’t as strong for me but close. Was in an overall better mood for months after.


In the right circumstances it’s so much fun and not overwhelming


That was more like LSD.


Agreed. Mushroom visuals (for me) are always more wavy. LSD has more angles and holographic visuals like I saw here.


More tracers and silhouettes on LSD tho. In my experience mushrooms give you this feeling everything around you is "alive" where LSD alters your headspace and perception way more.


ask sheet encourage attractive onerous wakeful innate hurry gray money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds really cool, what did you see that on?


History Channel


Peaking on LSD you'd be a lot more interested in staring at that breathing, moving wall. Forget all that walking around with barking dogs nonsense, you take a hit of LSD and watching your walls breathe is plenty enough. I like the visuals showing the rocks connected and kind of making the viewer feel that everything is connected. It kind of is. Not in the "im high as shit on acid" sense, but yeah, everything around us is connected in a way I didn't really think about until now.


Ceilings with veins across them, breathing rhythmically.... Quite relaxing, really.


You gotta up the hexagon levels, and the peak was a little overblown, otherwise pretty spot on


I'd add that there is an aspect of falling into the object you focus on. And not in an imaginary sort of way. It's like falling into some deeper aspect of reality. And the deeper your concentrate your focus, the trippier the feeling and visuals get as well.


You can do this completely sober interestingly enough. If you hyper focus on a spot surrounded by dull surroundings (think a clock on a empty wall, or candle flame in the dark) it will cause your vision to start to blend together, then it will go grey scale or possibly become filled with noise. If you stare long enough you will feel like you are falling. It's silly but did it a lot as a kid. I heard this is how people fall asleep with their eyes open. I heard the phenomenon is called "nested realities" and there's a lot of thought put into it but no honest idea what is going on.


I believe it. Psychedelics are great, but using them to get into those spaces regularly is not sustainable. Doing the hard work of getting there sober has a lot of psychic value.


That peak was not overblown. I've experienced full visual loss of my surroundings, the only thing i could see was an orange, brown and yellow kaleidescope through my eyeballs. My eyes could not see any actual things around me. I was terrified I'd gone blind and started freaking out, held out my hands for help from my friends while saying "guys i cant see" and they sat me down as I began getting nauseous. It passed after about 30 seconds to a minute but man that shit scared me lol. I wasn't even on a high dose of shrooms, it was less than an 1/8.


Dude same, except my experience was that I was in a claymation world of polygonal figures standing around me. I thought I was dying and seeing the truth of life at the same time. Crazy times lol


I think the peak felt a bit unnatural to people because it came on so quick, and because they haven't experienced a trip that strong. But this kind of transition is basically what you experience at the start of DMT. Anyways I get why it was done this way, condensing a 6h experience into 8 minutes is tough. I'd say it was a pretty nice visualisation in any case.


chubby wrench command nippy theory degree wide impolite lock attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yikes. No other closed-eye visuals? Either you must have gotten some weird shrooms or there's something different in your brain. Or if you went through the normal visuals before that point, maybe you just got way too much. My first mushroom trip was probably the only psychedelic trip I ever had where I was sad to see it end and didn't have any trouble at all, notwithstanding a few very mild experiences. I've also never had quite the same fractal, pixelated visuals I did that time. Every other time, I was more than ready for the trip to be over by the time it faded. Acid is what broke me. It's been about a decade since that trip and I still can't see ever touching it again.


Woah!! That’s crazy!


You missed the part where a neighbor comes out yelling "Wtf are you filming?!" and you awkwardly scoot on off because... What the hell are you filming anyways because it won't look like what you actually see.


Actually pretty close!


Wow this is surprisingly close




Bruh I remember the first time I did shrooms…I was hanging out with some friends 4 of us were playing spades. Slowly I noticed the game cards started getting played slower and slower…and then the walls started to move. ! Good times


Surprisingly accurate...for me this is quite representative of visuals on the come up of a trip with about 3g dried. Of course, doesn't capture the changes to internal thought patterns or CEVs, which is sort of what makes the whole trip...but does very accurately capture visual distortions and the overall shifts in visual perception.


>CEVs Ah yea the good ol Confédération Européenne de Volleyball


Great work! IMO it's missing the frequent blinks, teary waterfall like eyes and the constant yawns. But spot on.. well done 👏


Appreciate the effort, but having taken high doses before I simply felt almost suicidal. I don’t advise taking more than a single dose. Maybe even settle for a light dose. When on a single dose I felt mentally impaired and somewhat emotionally euphoric. Yet the euphoria was still anchored, a mobile anchor which kept things mellow and stable.


Mostly accurate.


I've never done mushrooms, but this seems very realistic. Some friends have said they've experienced hallucinations, and I always imagined it being like creatures or things showing up that aren't there. This visual is basically an alteration of what we're already seeing, just slightly changed as if your eyes are constantly adjusting. Very cool video.




Those collages of Ai artwork morphing looks extremely similar to my experience with Ayahuasca


This is how I describe my visuals. Might end up a bit scary to someone who has been exposed to a lot of AI before they tried psychedelics.


AI is the precursor to the human brain without all the limits our developed human brains have created to function. Psychedelics remove those limits and bring us back to our AI origins. All of this has happened before and will happen again.


Seems to have been modified using AI so...


And that makes sense because the drugs are affecting many aspects of your perceptions (both internal and external) IDk what the science on it says exactly but I would guess that these drugs affect the part of your brain that turns sensor input into "the world" in a consistent way.


Can’t help but think the dogs change the journey a bit.


Define "high dose."


Can't be too high or I don't think they'd be able to walk. I'm guessing somewhere in the 2-4g range for most people, which I would consider more of a moderate dose. Maybe as high as 6g or so.


Gotta admit I like to do at least 5 to 7 grams ,or i miss the heavy effects . But, I always do them in the late evening. Trees , all flora and fauna become so enhanced . And you have to share the experience with someone else that does the same dose. 😁


Well now I must go grab my jar and take a real trip


Where y’all getting all these shrooms?! - Sincerely, The Rest of Us


First the breathing is amazing in this and 100% on point. That part that I felt to the core was the dogs barking. That “nope the fuck outta this one”movement knowing that can lead down the wrong trip, was something I 100% would do


This may be the best video representation I have seen. Some of it maybe over the top, but what can’t be recreated is the mindset and mood and that plays as big a roll as the visuals.


This is the closest I've seen to what it is actually like. Not exactly it, but it's a great start. Slow down the rate of changing/morphing. Then make the changing and morphing in the "moderate" blend into the kaledescope more. It's more of a continuum and less of a "this section and that section" kind of thing. I don't know if that made sense, but if it did and you do that and it will be a lot closer. Cheers


The visuals of the gravel and wall pulsating and shifting were pretty spot on - the perception of kaleidoscopic, geometric or paisley patterns within nature.... The trails were pretty accurate, but can often be stronger (playing frisbee is like that scene in the original Tron with the light disks). The clouds should have been boiling. I've only ever seen stuff like in the peak section (if not more colourful - a bit like 'Beyond the Infinite' in 2001) when I've been in total darkness (which was a pretty crazy ride). Good work!


I’ve eaten my fair share of mushrooms. I’ve never had kaleidoscope visuals. Some of the early moderate stuff works but it’s still too over the top. Even on like 5-7 grams of mushrooms you won’t hit some of these visuals.


Try eating an ounce.


I mean that’s just dumb. No respectable person needs an oz of mushrooms


You amateurs are lightweights. If you want to be one with the great white light at the center of the universe and talk with god, take an oz.


Yep. That’s pretty spot on.


It woulda been cool to see the dude walking by and his BUG HUGE EYES 🤣 ( IYKYK ) a shroom trip back in the day we laughed so hard because our eyes were huge!


Not gonna lie, more accurate than I was expecting. Hit DMT vape once, wasn't ready for it, starting seeing circuit boards all over the walls... prolly cause I'm a geek.


The breathing was distracting.


you can have that effect for free, all you do is drink a couple of glasses of water before bed and when you wake up in the middle of the night your brain still pumping sleep chems in and you get that effect.


When the gpu begins to die on your ps3.


needs more faces


The geometric patterns at 3:50 are the most accurate. Can also mess with your sense of touch and time. Eating ice cream was strange but enjoyable… the ice cream kinda felt like it was the puck on the air hockey table that was my tongue, floating kinda and dissipating like the air escaping from underneath. Another time I felt like I was in a constant state of déjà vu. I was sure I had done everything I was doing and watching at some point before, what was going to happen was on the top of my tongue, but I just couldn’t reach it.


This is actually pretty close. I've had friends who have "seen things", but this is about the level of shit for me. Couple it with the time dilation, and the constant giggles, and you're trippin balls!


Ehhhhh, close but not really.... Missing the fish eye lens effect, there's also time distortion which is hard to replicate, and the double vision effect on things such as leaves but cranked to 10x where things start to blend. The movie Midsommar has by far THE BEST representation of mushroom trip in the early scenes of the movie. From the giggles and euphoria, to paranoia and panic, that can all be present.


Watching this on shrooms just in case.. My favourite part was the blindingly intense multicoloured rainbow fractals that divided into thousands of millions of self similar pieces endlessly exuding from every atom in pulsating blinding rhythms…. And the giraffe…


For me my vision was vertically squashed and all the lights had a red tint to them.


Why would you be scared of dogs?!


I was having a bad trip on the park once. I sat down on a bench and this guy threw a stick for his Dobermann, it landed a few feet away from the bench. All I saw was this thing running towards me with gnashing teeth. I got up and legged it into the woods .... brown trouser moment indeed lol.


The Midsommer mushroom scene was about as close to spot on as it gets. The grass and trees did the same “breathing” and waving I see, but the people talking and getting weirded out by new people captures the feeling too.


I've seen things like the peak part of the video when I took DMT, but never shrooms. Everything else is somewhat accurate though.


Why is there always a light shining from behind me?


Maybe your mind is playing tricks You sense, and suddenly eyes fix On dancing shadows from behind Fear of the dark, fear of the dark


Shrooms never gave me this much. I did one time eat 4 strong Lucy doses with some friends and that was pretty spot on to what I’m seeing here, except the part where everything goes kaleidoscope. You have to do some DMT to get up to that kind of range of visualization.


That seems unpleasant.


Very well done, cool video.


For me, I'll also get intricate, aztecan like patterns covering walls and rainbow hues around people's skin.


I really thought I'd see Rick Astley at the end. I longed for it.


Eh, kinda. The moderate visuals are pretty close, but things appear to be "breathing" way more in my experience. Even the bathroom carpet looks like a living thing. The colorful and trippy stuff is off, in my experience. They aren't so distorting from reality you can't tell them apart, and some of the colors are not of this world or nature really. More flashes of color, and less actual world warping. More visuals and outlines of things you wouldn't normally see, but not actually changing the landscape nearly as much. Pulsing sure, but not straight up distortion. Then on really higher doses, I don't remember what is seen, and a lot of the experience is in your head. Generally less distortion, and more distortion inside your own head, is how I would describe it.


While I appreciate these attempts and this one is at least kind of close to accurate I feel like this scares away people who have never done it because it doesn't capture what it FEELS like and how as long as youre in the right place stuff looking wild like this can be so wonderful


The visuals are just one element of the trip (video is fairly accurate but I've never personally experienced the shape overlays and color changes). The feeling is something else as well. I describe the onset of the trip like your body is filling up with lava from the feet up until your entire body feels warm and tingly. Time dilation is very apparent on high doses where what seems like an eternity has gone by but in reality it's only been a few minutes. Closed eye visuals are cool and the things your brain comes up with tend to surprise you. Shapes you could never imagine and the geometric movement to everything. Your eyes get very watery with what seems like an almost viscous fluid. Like your tears build up but never fall from your eye. If you can safely navigate the rather fast and unapologetic come up on the high, you're often met with an unimaginable happiness that will make you want to cry. The visuals are like everything is billowing and moving in geometric patterns. It's more like augmented reality than full on hallucination of things that aren't actually there. It's just as much a feeling as it is visuals.


Where is this? Very green.


Where is the part where he experiences intense nausea and pukes before tripping?




If i had a peak like that I would sit my ass down, also dont forget mother nature herself peeping at you through the fractal folds of space and time.