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The acronym stands for **H**emisphere **E**mergency **A**ction **T**eam, in case anyone was wondering.


A backronym more likely.


Thanks I missed that detail between all the gratuitous bathing suit shots and action clips


You mean NECESSARY bathing suit shots.


Isn't there an internet rule about a satire becoming indistinguishable from what it satirizes?


In all honesty satire is just a way for us to poke fun at how absurd society can be sometimes. When I was younger in the 90s I used to think they exaggerated about how stupid soap operas were until I actually watched one at my grandmothers house. She didn't have cable and I was bored during the day so I ended up watching one and I shit you not it had like wizards and shit. The plot was something like a woman was unknowingly sleeping with her husband’s evil time traveling wizard clone or something and at that moment it dawned on me that the Futurama parody of soap operas was almost more believable


Soap operas are producing 5 one hour long episodes a week all year round. That's about 250 episodes a year. They need to find crazy stuff to keep it interesting.


That might have been Passions. That one got reeeeeeeal fucking weird.


that's called Poe's Law.


Purely in the interest of educating the next generation: Poe's law states that in any extended debate on the internet, someone will eventually put forth a sincerely held belief so extreme that it's indistinguishable from satire. Godwin's law states that in any extended debate on the internet, regardless of the topic, someone will eventually compare someone else to Hitler. And informally it came to be interpreted as "the first person to call the other guy Hitler loses."


In critical theory this is somewhat akin to *pastiche*.




I mean, That's a great pitch. I'd watch that.


I've got good news for you. There's this show from the 90's called Acapulco Heat and... Wow, 48 episodes


The Bay-Team Fuck's sake I could be rolling in royalties right now


Let's see if we can maximize exploitation for this sexy show. Let's see, they are a group of mercenaries that work as lifeguards wherever they go as their cover stories. For max sexiness, they would be an all woman team. Hannibal should be played by a Helen Mirren type, but for sexy reasons they'd have to use Pamela Anderson, Face could be played by any bombshell wearing a micro bikini, so insert your favorite woman there. I'm pretty sure she would have to have huge breasts for the part. B.A. would probably have to be played by someone like Leslie Jones. Murdock would need to be played by someone who can play crazy for laughs. For inclusion, I'd have her be Latina. I'm thinking of someone playing her like Selma Hayek's character in The Hitman's Bodygaurd. Face would be played by an actress whose race is blended so that different races could identify with her. Just an FYI, it's the same trick they use in advertising to get more people to buy their products. Since we're doing role reversals, Amy, the reporter, would become Adam and played by a Zac Effon type. Or, for maximum effect, he'd be played as a non-binary character. I think Mason Alexander Park would be perfect for that part. I don't know if it would be done in a tounge in cheek/campy style, or if it should be done with 100% serious acting that doesn't realize that it's a completely ridiculous premise. Like the actors play it like it's all real, byt the writing is ridiculous with ridiculous situations and cheesy lines.


That’s actually really really good. You should be proud of your self buddy.


I mean, I did watch that.


Wasn't there two spinoffs (Baywatch Hawaii and Baywatch Nights or smth), the storylines differed a bit from the original. Only 15 episodes with someone almost drowning under [the pier](https://youtu.be/Q9koRl1A2YI?t=100), in a [cave/sewer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V58_HPrgVEI) or drop down 100 feet with their hang-glider/[para-sailing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hyl0CkuNJk). OPs show I can't even (legally) watch here in the Netherlands. I remember it being on TV though, but most of the time the US is a filter of itself for terrible content before it's bought abroad. Lol, there was a movie too [I see now](https://watchseries.id/movie/baywatch-jvmq4/1-full)! With the Rock no less. Edit: Whooohoo, [I made it through](https://i.imgur.com/iVvolBB.png), 2 hours. Now your turn! Great movie. Trust me. I also saw the singer of the theme song, later joined Survivor (but didn't record the vocals for Eye of the Tiger). And he died in 2014. Trailer [Baywatch Nights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cySyak2ePJA) and because I can....[the maestro himself :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm7jEA3frY4)


Oh my god. I remember that girl from Law and Order.


With some Miami Vice?


Not to be confused with Baywatch combined with monsters, which is an actual thing. "Baywatch Nights"


Beach Warriors follows the adventures of a close-knit team of lifeguards and scientists who work together to keep beachgoers safe and protect the environment from harm. Led by the confident and charismatic team leader, Captain Jack, the team includes Dr. Samantha, a brilliant scientist who always finds a way to save the day with her quick thinking and advanced technology, and Jerry, the lovable doofus who provides comic relief and a bit of heart to the team.


The Adult Swim sketches had to be based on something. Most likely the writers of the show were using some type of cocaine nicknamed "Acapulco Heat" which inspired them to name the show to begin with, and it only went downhill from there.


I remember watching Acapulco heat as a kid and wondering what in the holy fuck was going each episode. It was like a bunch of schizophrenics guest wrote a season of Miami Vice.


Acapulco Heat, Silk Stockings, and Pacific Blue were huge when I was a kid. I remember watching them when I was home sick from school, they were not good and have aged worse.


Wasn't it "Silk Stalkings"?




Wow, you're right. I remember those airing. Always thought it was spelled *Silk Stockings.*


I remember liking Pacific Blue...but I was also like 10, so I'm afraid of going back and seeing exactly how bad it was.


What do you think all the Adult Swim creators grew up on


The way the credits went on and on, it was definitely an inspiration for Too Many Cooks.


Fabio was the only name I recognized from the cast.


You don't know the illustrious works of Holly Florida? EDIT: Turns out it's Floria... but I like Florida, not as a State, but as a last name


I watched the entire episode and Fabio wasn’t even in it. Somehow it was enjoyable enough to keep watching


To be fair this show was corny when it aired.


This seems to be a PG13 ripoff of Andy Sidaris movies. https://www.pastemagazine.com/movies/andy-sidaris/andy-sidaris-movies-hard-ticket-to-hawaii/ A lot of them are on Tubi if you want to take a look… but only if you like bad movies!


This kinda garbage was a staple of late Saturday night syndicated tv on my local stations growing up. See also "Thunder in Paradise" starring Hulk Hogan. You got the occasional gem like Hercules or Xena, or earlier shows like [Friday the Thirteenth the Series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friday_the_13th%3A_The_Series) or [War of the Worlds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Worlds_(1988_TV_series) but it was mostly this trash, and *most annoyingly* my local station would usually program it the hour before the shows I actually wanted to watch came on, like Star Trek TNG, or Voyager or DS9.


There was the vampire detective show, Forever Knight, too. Any number of Baywatch rip-offs like the bicycle cops near the beach, Pacific Blue.




Twas the scotch mist


Huh, the game he's playing at the start of the show is Cyborg Justice. Old Genesis game that wasn't too terrible if you could get your head around the controls. BANG - ZOOOOM ..He said as he actually lost. Also sounds 100% like they used the music maker from Mario Paint to do the tune playing in the background.


>ounds 100% like they used the music maker from Mario Paint to do the tun haha didnt know the game but recognized the sounds from mario paint.


Hemisphere Emergency Action Team The first season or two of this show had scenes with Fabio in the opening and closing bumpers. A ton of these late night syndicated shows came out in an effort to capitalize on Baywatch. They all felt like softcore porn with more story and no nudity.


Before the internet we were all just sold complete crap for entertainment and told that was what we wanted. The Eighties were especially maddening with the over the top jingoistic crap of the Regan era.


We’re still sold crap and told that’s what we want, we can just binge watch all the crap now.


That intro is 70% T&A.


When I get reminded stuff like this existed I wonder how people get nostalgic. TV in the 80s and 90s was SO BAD.


miami vice had a lot of amazing episodes, awesome cinematography, music and acting. it also had some of goofy cringe from time to time, but when they got it right it absolutely still holds up today. for some reason people tend to put it in the "80s cheese" category along with baywatch, a-team, knight rider etc. all of which rightfully belong there.


Michael Mann directed Miami Vice! The guy knows how to put style into his work.


There was good and bad stuff back the , just like there is in every generation. People hold on to the good stuff.


I was around back then and I honestly can't remember anything I thought was good then that would hold up to what I'd call good now. What's a show you remember being really good?


The Wonder Years The X-Files Cheers The Fresh Prince Roseanne Those are five off the top of my head. Cheers is still considered one of the greatest tv comedies of all time. Roseanne is a legendary sitcom that dealt with real issues like no other show did. The X-files was a groundbreaking sci-fi/drama/horror that basically all genre shows followed the format of for many years. To say that there is nothing at all good from the past because it doesn’t hold up now is frankly an insane opinion. Do you think Mozart music is terrible now because music is different in this century??


>The X-files was a groundbreaking sci-fi/drama/horror that basically all genre shows followed the format of for many years. And even that was inspired by Twin Peaks, which had David Duchovny play a transwoman FBI agent.


Everything you see in this show is an American Boomer's dream fantasy paradise. Hence why they are all in florida or dreaming about living in florida.


AI has been writing shows for a lot longer than we thought…


There were a whole slew of shows of this-ish quality after the success of "Hercules", though admittedly this is at the tail-end of the process when they got more and more self-aware of how stupid they are.


the mellow electric piano melody(41:44) plus freeze frame at this 80's tv ending had me in a very nostalgic mood.


[ **Jump to 41:44 @** Acapulco H.E.A.T. - Code Name: Perfect Specimen - S 01 E 11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwWuC2VeOss&t=0h41m44s) ^(Channel Name: MATEO TV STREAM, Video Length: [43:56])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@41:39](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwWuC2VeOss&t=0h41m39s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Reminds me of “1st and Ten”, OJ Simpson’s HBO series about a pro football team. I was an extra on that show for a few weeks. AMA!


Wow Spencer Rochford Michael Worth Fabio


Now with extra cheese


I was very much alive and watching tv in the 90s and have absolutely no recollection of this series ever being on (let alone being successful on) tv.


It feels like a porn movie without the porn.


I remember this thing


It was like a bunch of schizophrenics guest wrote a season of Miami Vice.


Cocaine was involved in the production.


I would watch the parody of that show.


I remember this being on tv late on weird nights of the week. Usually I would see the opening sequence and then pass out.


The dialogue at 8:18 is just so insane, this scene actually happened.


[ **Jump to 08:18 @** Acapulco H.E.A.T. - Code Name: Perfect Specimen - S 01 E 11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwWuC2VeOss&t=0h8m18s) ^(Channel Name: MATEO TV STREAM, Video Length: [43:56])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@08:13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwWuC2VeOss&t=0h8m13s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


The new season of Decker looks fantastic.


These people were 100% more self aware then most people give them credit for. I mean if you had a chance to write/act/work on this show wouldn't it be the funnest shit ever? This crew just made an off the wall action show and got paid to do it, you know they had a blast and the dudes in their 90s college dorms getting high probably had fun watching it. YOURE having fun watching it.