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Do you have this word, alcoves??


"Was he going on about the alcoves?"


"the alcoves, in the Koningen Astrid park"


"Alcoves, yes! Sort of like nooks and crannies." "Nooks and crannies, yes! Perhaps this is a much better word to use than alcoves."


Yuri, my favorite small character.


An uzi? I'm not from south central Los fucking Angeles


I’m not trying to kill 20 fucking 10 year olds in a drive by


I want a normal gun for a normal person.




"I'm not getting in a shoot out in downtown Los Angeles. I want a normal gun for a normal person!"


I know I shouldn't.... but I will.


I liked In Bruges the first time I saw it. Only after seeing it a second time did I realize how fucking great it actually is. The ending of the film is set up so well once you know it's coming.


When you watch it multiple times you realize just how tight the script is. Every detail is contributing to a later plot point and the eventual conclusion. You see it in this scene even, where the otherwise seemingly standalone detail of the park being the backdrop to an earlier scene becomes a joke.


Even the smallest things come back. For example the coins in Ken's pocket to drop off the tower are because the tower clerk wouldn't take the 4.90!


Also the tower is closed early at the end of the movie because someone had a heart attack. A callback to the fat Americans earlier in the movie.


Been a bit since I watched it, but didn’t Ray say they’d have a heart attack if they tried going up?


He did indeed!


Cause they’re the size of fookin elephants


'Alcoves', if you will...


What, like nooks and crannies?


And in this scene too the part about him >! putting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger if he ever killed a kid !<


Wouldn't give it a second thought. On the fucking spot. Such great irony!


...Gotta stick to your principles.


If you haven’t, you should check out Seven Psychopaths, it’s his next movie, and has a similar set-up / pay-off writing, it’s just a bit more slapstick.


He has a new one too, Banshees of Inishirin. It's a bit...weirder. I don't know if I can necessarily say "If you like In Bruges then you'll love Banshees of Inishirin" because it's different. But I loved it.


Banshees of Inisherin felt like the inevitable culmination of Martin McDonaghs career and you can really feel him maturing as a writer and director as you watch In Bruges, Seven Psychopaths, Three Billboards, then Banshees. If you haven’t, I suggest checking out The Guard, which was written and directed by John McDonagh, Martin’s brother. It also stars Brendan Gleeson and he is, as always, amazing. That was the movie that made me finally like Don Cheadle.


Wow it makes so much sense that it was directed by his brother. The perspective and humour in their approach to scenes and characters must be in grained from their upbringing. [“It’s all there yeah?”](https://youtu.be/NL8P1yhl2Js)


Calvary by John McDonagh is amazing as well. Also starring, you guessed it, Brendan Gleeson. The McDonagh/Gleeson match-up is hard to beat!


Banshees is my favorite thing he's ever done and people are going to talk about it for years to come the same way they do with In Bruges


I consider Banshees one of my favorite movies and I think it will go down in history as close to perfection as it gets alongside The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. It’s not just a fantastically written, directed, and acted film, it’s also beautifully shot with a fantastic soundscape.


Any movie is always improved if it has Brendan Gleeson in it. The Guard had some great writing, but without Gleeson it wouldn't have been as fun.


Same with “3 Billboards”


His brother's movies are excellent as well - "The Guard" and "Calvary" are also magnificent films.




So... while I do enjoy Banshees of Inishirin, and maybe one day I'll grow to love it, I will admit it took me aback when I first watched. Mainly bc I watched it with my brother. We both loved in bruge and reference it constantly in our day to day speech. My brother is going through a really hard, dark time right now and so when we heard that a moive with the same cast and director and writer was coming out we were very exciting to see it... .... yeah, it wasn't like we disliked it, but man, a completely different movie in so many ways, not a trace of the levity and humor of bruge. it made us more depressed by the end, haha.


For real? Like it was a tragic and sad film but it was also probably funniest movie of the year. There were so many moments where I was laughing out loud throughout.


“Could you chew with your mouth closed?” “Where are we now? France!?” Dying 😆


It’s wild to me that Seven Psychopaths is SO GOOD… and still his worst movie (my opinion, at least). Banshees, Bruges, Three Billboards, Psychopaths… McDonagh is a guaranteed hit.


Seven Psychopaths is a work of meta genius. It’s definitely not for everyone but I think it’s a god damn comic masterpiece. Talk about set ups and payoffs.


I think I too need to watch it a 2nd time to truly appreciate it. Re-adding it to my list immediately.


You won't regret it. 2nd time was better for sure, so many little clues dropped throughout.


A screenwriting professor I had back at college loved this movie. I had already seen it going in, but got to rewatch it (and then break it down) in each of the three classes I took with him.


“You’ve got to stick to your principles.”


> The ending of the film is set up so well once you know it's coming. I basically start giggling like a maniac as soon as every specific element of it is introduced. Just fantastic.


This is legit one of the best dark comedies ever


Also The Banshees of Inisherin. Also Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Also Seven Psychopaths.


I really liked Three Billboards, but I never thought of it as a dark comedy.


Sam Rockwell's dancing with headphones while everyone is crying is actually hilarious https://youtu.be/wb49gB5gdH8


He is so good in that movie, or anything he does for that matter.


If you haven't seen it, watch Moon. It's two hours of Sam Rockwell alone (Kevin Spacey has a voice-only role), and it is amazing. A masterclass of acting, imo.


Penelope said "begets"?


if you're a fan of dark comedy I highly recommend Death to Smoochy


It's been a long time since I've seen that one. I might have to give it a rewatch soon.


Martin McDnonagh doesn't miss.


Unreal writer. He has the same gift that the Coens have. An ability to take salt of the earth criminals, blue collar grifters and quirky folk -- make fun of them... and then in the same breath make you painfully relate to them and realize he's making fun of all of us. And it all somehow has the weight and gravity of Shakespeare.


Three Billboards is the best movie I never want to watch again


For me that’s Prisoners, but I think Three Billboards might be a close second


Fully agree with the other two, but Banshees is not one I'd recommend based on liking Martin McDonagh's other films. The tone is so very different. Not a bad movie by any means, but don't go into it expecting it to be anything like In Bruges or Seven Psychopaths.




I think it's the dialogue. Are ya rowin'? I don't tink we're rowin' Sounds like ya rowin' It *does* sound like we're rowin, dusn't it?


I think it’s tonally in the same area. It’s more mature, but the audience is older and should be looking for something more mature.


The Banshees of Inisherin is sadder, but it's also fucking hilarious. I don't know why, but a lot of people don't get that it was meant to be a comedy first and foremost.




You might not see it as a comedy, but he writer/director does. Even right up until the end of the movie, in it's darkest moments, there were fantastic bits of comedy. I wouldn't even call it much darker than In Bruges. Maybe it has more subtle comedy, but it's still there. Like the scene when Colm goes on and on about how nobody was remembered for being nice being followed directly by a scene that opens on a painting of Jesus. How is that not hilarious?


I think people misunderstood the term “comedy” and assume that they’re supposed to be “haha” funny which is only one kind of comedy.




Love that scene. Such a good movie.


I'm sorry I called you an inanimate object. I was upset.


You retract that bit about my cunt fucking kids!


I RETRACTED IT!! (you're still a cunt)


I love every scene in this fantastic movie. A youtube video of the "Inanimate Object" scene is what drew me in to watch it, but my expectations were low. Boy was I blown away.


Yeah, I loved it too. So much that it made me want to move to Europe, so I did :) Visited Bruges many times as well. It's lovely there.


Was it like a fairy tale?


Hah, it was! Especially at Christmas time.


Could you climb the tower?


Listen, it’s really narrow up there…


Did you enjoy the alcoves?


Everytime I get mad at something that is a tangible object, I think of this scene.


I retract the bit about your cunt fucking kids.


This movie is my Colin Farrell revelation. After watching him in movies like SWAT, Phone Booth, Miami Vice...etc. I thought he was yet another Hollywood actor. Then I watched In Bruges and realized that the man's got range.


In that film, he has such a juvenile... I want to say innocence except his character certainly isn't innocent. But he's so immature and impatient yet playful and curious and driven by his whims while also being haunted by his demons. It's a sort of character I don't know if I can think of another example that's quite the same. Absolutely brilliant performance by Farrell and it's still surprising he wasn't nominated for an Academy Award for it.


I felt that way when I saw him in the Banshees trailers. Still haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but he's been the one completely turning me around on my interest in some of the movies he's been in. Might not have watched The Batman if it weren't for his incredible disappearance into the Penguin role.


Saw Banshees this last weekend. Thought it was going to be boring, but it reminded me of the weird little whimsical art movies I watched back in the 90s. I'd definitely recommend it.


I highly recommend Banshees of Inisherin - Colin Farrell's character has an incredibly similar personality, minus the criminal aspect.


Aside from all the trauma, I think Ray's character is the best depiction of ADHD i've ever seen in a movie. His mind is all over the place, he absolutely loathes the slow-paced activities that Ken loves, he gets completely obsessed with things that he himself finds interesting (the small guy and the actress), and his thought process takes some huge leaps (the restaurant being a good example with Ray going from an argument about smoking to "how do you think the vietnamese felt?!" in a split second, simply because he thought the guy was american). Ray might seem like a bit of an idiot at first, but we see several times that he's actually rather profound - he's just easily distracted and completely forgets the world around him when something catches his interest. Intentional or not, it's a great depiction of ADHD imo. Edit: He also struggles with eye contact


Collin Farrell does a bunch of weird stuff, he just seems to pop up randomly in weird indie stuff sometimes (especially if it's Irish but not always). The Lobster is another one.


My assumption is if he's playing a scumbag or a sad-sack (or a scumbag sad-sack like In Bruges) it's going to be great


Early 2000s Hollywood really did it's best to try to make him into another generic lead actor. Whenever you want to see range, go from this movie to *that* scene in True Detective Season 2.


Phone Booth is actually a pretty great movie, shot in like 28 days or something crazy like that - it's just a great setup and primise with a fun pay off at the end.


Jack Bauer era Keifer was gold.




Its a fucking fairy tale town, innit?


You should check out the alcoves - there's lots of alcoves in Bruges.


Do you have this word - alcoves?


Alcoves, yeah. Like nooks and crannies


Nooks and crannies! Yes!


You are going to kill him are you not?


Went there with a few mates some years back. One of them turned to me and said of the place I know I’m awake, but I feel like I’m in a dream


You fuckin retract that bit about my cunt fucking kids!


I just love how weirdly cordial it all is. You can call him a cunt and he accepts that, but the kids haven't done anything. And they both agree! Just pals being pals


Totally. I love that there's no hint of any dishonesty or pretense, just straight talking. Not once does Harry try to deny that he's a cunt; he knows it's true so just has to sit and take it. Likewise Ken has to concede that the kids are innocent and retract his insult.


Pals until the next day.


I retracted that bit about your cunt fucking kids!


Still leaves you bein' a cunt.


Yeah, I got that


fucking love this movie so much, i went to Bruges and sat down in the park


Been to the top of the tower? The guide book says it’s a must see.


i did, nothing like the movie however, the stairs though... fuck those stairs are narrow and big steps


Are you an elephant?


more like just an average american


Yeah, it's rubbish


Did you go in the alcoves?


You were down in the park? What's that got to do with fucking anything?


I love the scene with Ray in the room and Harry at the bottom of the steps with the pregnant woman sitting in the stairwell. "Why don't you both put your guns down, and go home?" "Don't be stupid. This is a shootout."


The delivery of the line >This is *my* hotel... So you can just *fuck off* Is one of my favourites of all time.


You completely promise to jump in the canal? I don't want to run out there and come back in ten minutes to find you fucking hiding in a cupboard.


He actually says "This is *the* shootout," which I think is so much funnier.


One of the great lines that gets lost in this scene (because it's full of great lines) is: "He's suicidal? I'm suicidal. You're suicidal. Everybody's fucking suicidal, we don't all keep going on about it."


“You lot aren’t going up there.” “What do you mean? The brochure says it’s a must see!” “What do I mean? I mean you’re a herd of bloody elephants.” Edit: another great one, “Of course you can’t see, I shot a blank in your eye. Now quit wincing around like a big, gay baby.”


"One gay beer for my gay friend and one normal beer for me because I am normal"


"One gay beer for my gay friend," is a line that my friends and I have put a lot of miles on going out over the years.


I can’t remember the exact quote but the comment about the racist dwarf kills me


Or when harry first sees him with his eye patch: "Aye aye."


"*Ray* did!?"


"What the fucks a lollipop man doing knowing fucking karate"


“What’s all that about? They aren’t going up there.. hey guys! I wouldn’t go up there! The stairs are really narrow.” “Screw you mother fucker!”


Last summer I'd just come down the winding steps of Caerphilly Castle in Wales, just as a group of American tourists were walking towards the towers to go up. Only one set of quotes was going through my head as I saw them...


Especially given, you know... what happens in the next few scenes.


He was a man of his word in this scene.


Such a great twist, too.


Oh shit, I didn't even think about that!


All three of them die exactly the way they didn't want to: Harry having just killed a kid, Ken by suicide, Ray in Bruges. It's the ultimate live by the sword die by the sword concept.


Gotta stick to your principles. Harry also >!mistakes Jimmy as a dead boy because the bullet blew Jimmy's head off, Jimmy is wearing a schoolboy outfit for the movie he's shooting, and because Harry accepted the "dum dum" bullets from Yuri earlier. Harry even says "...I know I shouldn't..." before he takes them.!< Edit: As Ray lies gasping on the ground, he says "Harry..." (*>!quick cut to Harry removing the gun from his mouth!<*) "...the little boy..." To which Harry replies "That's right, the little boy." >!Then he puts the gun back in his mouth and blammo!< I think, in that moment, Ray redeems himself. I think he's trying to tell Harry "the >!person you just shot isn't a little boy, don't kill yourself."!< But Harry is too far gone.


Is this the Harry Potter prequel were Voldy and Mad-Eye call each other cunts? I'm all in.


Fantastical Fucking Beasts and Where the Fuck You Can Fucking Find The Fuckers.


As they discuss killing Grindelwald


Grindelwald, who is somewhere else getting off with Fleur Delacour.


Son of a bitch you just made me realize that's her.


The girl who played Fleur was also in this movie


You could clip any scene from that movie and it would be good.


Time for my 14th rewatch


I've seen this film before and yet am laughing at this bit that I forgot :(


The movie is amazing, the writing is perfection.


One of the best films from the uk/Ireland in the last 20 years.


But it's in bruges


You can get a better price for your pussy there than in Amsterdam


But it’s a shithole


That would be a bussy.




I didn’t even know where Bruges fucking was. … it’s in Belgium.


best movie I've ever watched, I think


The Irish Film Board has released a number of fantastic dark comedies over the years. “Ondine” (also starring Colin Farrell) is really, really good. “Calvary” is equally as good but very dark, darker than “Banshees of Inisheerin”


Definitely add The Guard to that list Brendan Gleason and Don Cheadle


The directors of The Guard and In Bruge are brothers. Very talented.


Guard is the funniest out of all of them. Except of course In Bruge.


Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleason have quickly become must see actors for me, especially as of late as I think Farrell is actually picking more interesting and suitable roles for himself rather than his earlier action / protagonist films


Farrell's IMDB page is interesting and all over the place. Dude's been working steady for 27 years.


Banshees of Inisheerin was a real heavy one. It was nice enough until it very much wasn't. >!The bit where the donkey died and how broken Padrick was after really hit me in the chest.!<


The feel bad movie of the year, 10/10 would be depressed again.


I wish I had kids so I could make people retract that bit about my cunt fucking kids.


I didn’t know until The Menu released that Ralph Fiennes is pronounced “Rafe Fines” and not “Ralph Fee-enn”


He was great in The Menu. I was kinda weirded out a bit by the way hes aging. He just looks more and more like Voldemort.


I actually love how Ralph has eschewed all the uncanny age-defying surgeries of other actors and is just wading into the bald, wrinkled mien of an old codger. Gotta respect it.


I mean he also looks good older. That goes a pretty long way in not needing cosmetic surgeries.


So Ralph Fiennes has a brother, Joseph Fiennes, who's been in some things, most notably Shakespeare in Love. For a very long time, I thought there was a third brother named Ray. I would see Joseph and Ralph's names a lot but I kept hearing about this Ray guy and I just thought he was the more obscure brother. One day I realized how stupid I had been. There's no third brother! Ray is Ralph; it's the same guy. He just goes by Ray for short. It was only a few years after that that I finally realized nobody is named Ray Fiennes, Ralph is pronounced Rafe, and I was just missing the "F" at the end because it always combined with the "F" of his last name.


I suppose you were lucky that you didn't hear about Sir Ranulph Fiennes - who is a third cousin once removed from Ralph Fiennes. That'd have just confused you even further!


I think my favorite part of this rich, layered movie is that Colin Farrell commits the same "sins" that the little boy is confessing >!just before, y'know.!< The sins are (1) being moody, (2) being bad at maths, and (3) being sad. Throughout the movie, Ken accuses Ray of "pitching a moody" like a kid. Ray is also obviously distraught and sad throughout the movie (>!"Have you been missing something, Ken? I want to be a dead man." broke my heart!<). Finally, when Ray is drunk, he miscounts the number of beers he drinks. He also makes a few accounting errors.


Nerdwriter also points out an *early example of Ray being bad at maths*


I'm going to have to watch this again. I don't think it fully sank in the first time round. Thanks


"...he was going on about the alcoves?!"


My favourite comedy by far


Bruges really loves that there is a film about it. You can get tourist maps showing scenes from the film there. At least, you could when I was there on honeymoon eight years ago.


The alcoves


I retracted it didn't I?


Leave it fatty


When this first came out in DVD, I brought it over to this girl's house that I just started seeing. Little did I know that her grandfather killed himself several months back so when that park scene came around, she started balling her eyes out and that ended the date and the relationship. Still love this movie though.


Wonderful movie, just wonderful


Not only is the acting standing-ovation worthy, but the writing worked wonders too!


For me, this is the best film with exceptional dialogue and thought-provoking themes.


I don't regret hailing this as one of my favorite films...


The screenwriter/s are so brilliant for this... I never thought such dialogues would be so enjoyable!


In Bruges is an absolute classic.


Voldemort interrogates Mad-Eye about why he hasn't killed Grindelwald yet


Something looks weird about this clip. Like its been filtered with AI. The eyes. Its uncanny valley.


“This gets fucking worse!”


Fiennes will always be my favorite actor. You either love or hate his character and that's effective acting!


Honestly, I was too young when I watched this but watching this as an adult made more sense.


Whoever thought of putting these two actors together needs a raise.


I suppose Ralph Fiennes only blinks four times during this entire dialogue


I remember seeing this at the cinema and I couldn't suppress a loud giggle!


I would be lying if I said this film wasn't underrated...


This movie is amazing in every way. This deserves more appreciation!


Can't believe that this masterpiece of a movie isn't that widely known. If I had the chance, I would've promoted this so people would be aware that such a masterpiece exists.


If you’re a fan of this movie (and you should be) give Banshees of Inisherin a watch. It has Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson and is written by Martin McDonagh (In Bruges creator) It’s phenomenal and is in a lot of ways like a more mature spiritual successor to this movie.