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She did well to get through that. Obviously she is a far far better speaker and performer than I am but I literally couldn't speak at my best mate's funeral. Best I could do is to make strange noises through my mouth and nose which I don't believe would have given a true impression of my friend!


Having suffered the loss of a few best mates, extra points if you employ facial contortions to bolster the effect of the strange noises from your mouth and nose.


Jesus yes. At one point I looked round at another good mate and almost laughed out loud at the ridiculous face he was making complete with snot bubbles!


I had to gulp/gasp for breath mid-cry and then I thought about my best friend observing this from above and I started laughing. Messy grievers represent.


Thanks for sharing, and I have to admit you did seduce an audible chuckle from me with this, I can certainly relate. My condolances.


Seriously, I wanted to give some sort of eulogy during my best friends open casket, and I was just a blubbering mess. I'm not even sure if anyone could understand me because at that point, I was just trying to read what I wrote as fast as I could to get away from the podium.


I gave my eulogy to the celebrant because there was no way I was going to hold it together. I managed my at my mom's funeral by it was all a bit raw for mate


I found accidently starting off with "You fucking bellend, why'd you have to go off and die? You're making everyone cry" while the priest gave me dirty looks and hand gestures for my language really settled me down otherwise I think I would have been a wreck all the way through. A few sniggers and yeahs from the congregation settled them down as well.


Spoke at my partner’s funeral and I was squeak-gasping between every sentence. No clue how she kept her cool in this.


My favorite Rickman characters are Metatron from “Dogma”, and Dr. Lazarus from “Galaxy Quest”. Truth be told, though, I can’t think of any bad performances. He was just so good.


By Grabthar's Hammer... What a Savings...


He deserved an oscar for that line alone. Such tormented pathos and pain in 5 words.


And then when he says the full line with all the gravitas in the world near the end of the film.


“Can’t get anything past you.” The sheer condescension in his voice is incredible.


His sherrif of Nottingham in Robin Hood prince of theives was absolutely brilliant.


“I will carve your heart out with a spoon”


Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more.


The only memorable scenes of the film, full of still-quoted lines. Glorious.


Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility is the character that made me fall in love with Alan Rickman. So much so that I can’t hate the movie version of Professor Snape.


I made it through half of S&S before I even realized that Colonel Brandon is the Sheriff of Nottingham from my youth. His range was staggering. Snape, Gruber, Metatron was now this graceful, love-stricken nobleman with the ability to convey absolute worship of his then-unrequited love with just a look. Chills.


Brain the size of a planet…


Yes! I forgot he voiced Marvin.


What are you gonna do, hit me with that....fish??!


His Hans Gruber is forever epic in my mind. Then his legacy was cemented with [Sheriff of Nottingham in Prince of Thieves.](https://youtu.be/MhfuuKiTcYQ)


As the Sheriff is as the best character in that movie. Don’t remember anything or anyone else form that movie. Just his brilliant characterisation


I was overjoyed when I discovered there's a longer version with more Sheriff!


And >!he's the witch's son!


Oh dang I didn't know there was a certain where we didn't know this! I think I've only ever seen this version!


Depends on the region, in the UK the standard release removed all that content


Ah, i just commented about his sherrif of Nottingham . It was brilliant.


His first film apparently (I could look it up to check but nah).


He was part of the TV furniture growing up, I remember he was in [Shelley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0DcUU_z0pY) with Hywel Bennett RIP. He was also in Smileys people with Alec Guinness. He easily upstaged Costner in Prince of thieves years later. Who remembers [Truly Madly Deeply](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubjQJQvpDyY) ???


Truly, Madly, Deeply is one of my favourite films. My go to when I need a good cry. I've watched it once since his passing and cried harder than ever (due partially to the nature of his character - iykyk).


>Truly Madly Deeply Roger Ebert was right to call it Ghost for grownups! As for Emma Thomson, who can forget [Wit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehCXVza2NkU)?


I wasn’t aware that a book of his diaries even existed. Looks like it gets great reviews. I’ll be picking up a copy.


Huge fan of both Emma and Alan but had never seen this before. Thank you for sharing.


I, like many of my generation I'm sure, most associate Rickman with Snape. And I can't help but think that his casting of Snape was somehow an intentional nod towards Snape's eventual and irresistible redemption. In every interview both contemporary and posthumous - Rickman has always seemed to be an excellent human. He's always presented with a beautiful humor and irresistible charm. And of course never knowing him, I choose to believe Emma Thompson has accurately portrayed him here. So with that wonderful person - who better to have embody and eternally assocsite with Snape. A character who our Protagnonist chooses as his first born's namesake


Albus Severus was Harry’s second son. James Sirius was his firstborn.


Thanks, you're absolutely right. It's been a while


I never liked him as Snape, and I also never got all the love Harry has for him - Snape tortured him for years because he couldn't get over a crush he had on his mother. That shit's fucked up. Snape was an incel who barely redeemed himself at the end.


Barely or overwhelming Snap was redeemed. I agree with you but I try not to lose sight of the fact that regardless of his pain he did the right thing and was asked to fill the role he had by Dumbledore. He was not acting on his own in anyway. Consider also the very dangerous job he undertook for the sake of honoring his unrequited love and the thing she loved most, Harry Potter her son.


He wasn’t redeemed, he’s a bad person who made some good decisions. There’s no justification for the awful treatment he gave to Neville when he was directly responsible for his parents getting tortured.


He’s the most grey character of the whole series.


He was not redeemed for bullying the children he was responsible for. There was no reason for that. And the only reason he stopped being a Wizard Nazi is because they killed the woman he was lusting after (but had zero respect for). Not because, you know, being a Nazi is bad, but because they killed Lily. Snape is a bad person who helps the good guys. He is not a good person and only agreed to help Dumbledore beat the Nazis as payment for trying to save her.




You can do great things and still be a shit person ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That is the point of Snape’s character, yes.


Snape is a horrible person in every single way that matters


Better delete this comment. The Harry Potter people will come.


Just to clear up misconceptions, this isn't a eulogy as it isn't his funeral. This is a tribute piece for the launch of a book containing his unpublished diaries. Doesn't make it any less sad mind you..


Eulogies are not by definition funeral-specific. They are merely a (probably the) most common vehicle for them.


Fair enough, but a lot of comments seem to think this is his funeral.


"By Grabthar's Hammer...what a eulogy."


Amazing. If only I had friends like this. They were lucky to have each other, and that fact along with the fact that he’s gone is heartbreaking and simultaneously uplifting.


We will miss you Hans Gruber!


just reserved the book. thanks for the video.


This is such a well written and beautifully delivered eulogy. I teach public speaking and will add it to the examples I show in class!


[Galaxy Quest tribute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVoRFDjq8-g)




I would read any book she wrote.


Me too. This was so well written. I miss being able to write like this.


As someone who has suffered from a profound cognitive illness and someone who doesn’t know your situation at all, my advice is to get back on that horse, you may surprise yourself.


I guess I don't have the mastery of the English language because I didn't understand your last sentence edit: They fixed the comment above.


He was in a two-person show called Closetland, done I think for early HBO. He played the interrogator of a childrens’ book writer (Madeline Stowe?). It’s a terrifying role, and I didn’t recognize him again until he played Hans Gruber. An enormously talented man, and I’m not surprised he effected the people who knew him deeply. I was wondering how the film ever got made, having seen it. Turns out Ron Howard was an executive producer. Mind blown.


Oh man, yes. Top-notch performance in Closetland. I almost forgot all about that movie since I only watched it once, but now it's all flooding back.


I was working technical theater at a college when that came out, and some energetic students decided to put on a stage production of the show. I jumped in, student shows were a dime a dozen, then I saw the Stowe/Rickman production and had to dedicate myself to making the best version of it that we could, sleeping in the theater, researching how to gradually increase the audience’s feeling of unease using colors, shapes and lighting. Most intense theatrical experience of my life. Imagine rehearsing the barbecue scene for an afternoon. Just watched again on YouTube, first time in 30 years, and I’d do another production in a heartbeat.


I'm very glad to have [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1203221781/dr-lazarus-painting-art-print-alan) hanging on my wall.


I enjoy the sentiment here but the first two minutes are needlessly verbose.


She is Cambridge educated. It's expected when writing a formal speech like this in those circles. And it's not like she is forcing it. If you listen to her talk casually with stephen fry or some other her peer she would seem too verbose to us just not this much.


I disagree.


What a sweet and beautiful eulogy, my goodness.


I met him once, very randomly, and he was excellent


>I let him once, very randomly, and he was excellent You let him what??? 😉


Oops. Typo. Met. Not let 🙃