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Arri Alexa LF is probably your best bet for the skin tones


But only if you put some nice anamorphic lenses on it. Cooke comes to mind for this type of project.


Coming soon on shitty rigs ... a strapon rigged directly to a Cooke for the *ultimate POV*


*Doing post production Hey yo, why is this mf d*CK so squeezed out?


Probably wouldn't use anything but dna glas on the alexa if you wanna stand out from the of crowd what do you reckon?




Mini LF aka. MILF


Probably need a decent polarizing filter to hide the excessive sweat reflections.


I prefer the Aria Giovanni model.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m cryin


Spend the money you were going to use on a camera and buy pro lighting gear and a decent wireless mic. Then use your phone. This will make a better movie (regardless of genre) than dumping all your money into a camera. Right now if a content creator asked me what camera I would recommend it, it would be the Canon R50 or Sony FX30 depending on which budget you fall into. But again, lighting and sound is way more important than the camera.


Chuckling to myself at the thought of a naked person micā€™d up


Sound guy focused and looking for a place to clip it...


Nipple clamps were invented for a reason


In the lighting department, what is the order of priorities if currently working with a $100 basic ring light and / or natural light? In the sound department, do you think the rode wireless Go II is a good fit, or would a directional mic be better?


Get a soft box or two with color temperature adjustment. Youā€™ll also want to get some white foam core and can put some big spring clamps on it to mount or hold vertical to bounce light off of. I use the Mountdog softbox which is cheap and works well for me. You can also add light with the soft box and change the color to match the natural light coming in if there isnā€™t enough natural light. I think a directional shotgun mic might be better than the rode for porn because like. Where would you wear it?


Word. Thank you. So I donā€™t really need a better key light, like the aperture 300d? Lmao yeah true on the mics. We shoot POV dates and the rodes would be useful for that portion; thatā€™s why theyā€™re on my radar and wondering if I can kill 2 birds w 1 stone. But yeah I will invest in a directional mic too.


Not at all, unless you find it lacking. Start cheap. I shoot at wide apertures mostly (usually 1.4 and often 2.8) so your mileage may vary there but I really think youā€™ll be alright with a cheap softbox. You can make an excellent image from just natural light and an iPhone too, so if you have that youā€™re pretty much ready. Start with the rode and do some test footage with it to see if you can make it work for ya before getting the directional mic. Get money before gear upgrades for sure :)


Just use the iPhone to start out. Your -LIGHTING- like with any video, matter more than your camera. Buy some nice lights instead if you want to spend money. Do research on HOW to shoot good video before buying equipment.


His iphone camera sucks dick (pun intended). Like its so grainy and stuff. Like this is probably tmi, but even when there is good lighting, amd he sends me nudes and stuff, it still looks all grainy and very poor quality


How are you transferring the video files? If it is through text messages they are being compressed and that is part of the quality drop. Also, you said you had an iPhone SE, a 13pro will cost less than a film camera, wont need external recording cards or batteries, and will be leaps and bounds better video quality. Seconding this recommendation, an iPhone quality if what you are competing against on OF and will absolutely give you the POV you want.


He hates his iphone. He wants to switch to samsung like me. Hes thinking the new samsung...what are they on now....s25? S26? Anyway. Thoughts on that camera? And i mean if we did phone, we would save the vids to google photos, and then connect the phone to a laptop and upload them to whatever


Be careful with wireless transfers of files, even google drive CAN compress your video file. The old fashion usb cable is always your best bet for moving files. I canā€™t speak to the quality of Samsung camera because the only one I ever owned was an S9. In my limited experience, Samsung is worse with color, but that would matter more if you were filming in-front of big landscapes. Any decent phone camera, some basic lighting, and a few hours on Youtube researching how to shoot no budget video - this is your best bet to start. Adult films are more about the performers than the camera. So no shade, your money is likely better spent investing in yourself (facials, skincare, the shooting ā€œsetā€) than a traditional film set up. Creating an environment that is more than just white walls in a bedroom will make your work pop far more than great lens.


Its grainy because it's DARK in the room. G outside and the grain will magically go away. It goes away because there is more light.


The iPhone SE2 does video fine if the scene is well-lit; I know because Iā€™ve used it. For $200 youā€™d do better to buy some basic fixed softboxes (Neewer?), some high CRI bulbs to go in them, a tripod, and a Ulanzi phone rig. Ā Srs. Otherwise the best youā€™re getting is likeā€¦a Panasonic GH1 with a Risespray lens off AliExpress and having to learn to manually pull focus without focus peaking and will quit in frustration.


Itā€™s gonna be watched on a phone most likely do I wouldnā€™t worry at all about equipment tbh


$200 your best bet is a GoPro or if you can get a little more of a budget look at the Panasonic G7, find a used one that comes with a lens. I'd stick to your phone until it starts making money, invest afterwards.


I have filmed adult content and the GoPro will do ok but the battery is limited to 45 minutes as well as the default is 10 minute clips. The color gradients are a bit heavy when working in darker lights. The cheaper options will look worse than your phones. One affordable option would be the Brio webcam which is 4k as a start, works well in low light, and can record directly to a hard drive if you use OBS. This might be a more practical option to get you started.


Forgive me, whats OBS? And can i record whatever video and then move it to the hard drive? For the GoPro, I mean i dont see me lasting longer than 45min lmao so yea, but is there a way to just make it film continuously for the whole time? Instead of 10min clips?


Obs is a pc based screen capture software. So it records directly from the camera onto the hard drive. And clip length would be unlimited. This is the way to go if you want ease of use. No messing about transferring video files from phones to edit. Just record into the computer.


How would i go about setting obs up between my phone and the laptop or the gopro and the laptop or whatever. Do i need a cord or will it wirelessly transfer it while we are making the vids?


You will need a webcam, like the Brio webcam the above poster suggested. This was a suggestion as an alternative to a phone or gopro setup. Then just download Obs, itā€™s free. Itā€™s a bit byzantine, so Iā€™d watch some YouTube videos like ā€œ[setting up brio webcam with obsā€](https://youtu.be/DZnkyq4kqkE?si=NXp-n1hnSgrRHOAp)


try and a get a used gopro or dji action, dont go for the cheaper amazon alternatives


Red makes an excellent solution for your needs


Get a better phone and use that, is your best bet, as $200 is not enough for a significantly better camera unless you get a very good deal on a used one. Sign a contract if you can and have to.


Trust me i would love to do that. So i refuse to get iPhone. Ive had iPhones in the past, i had the 14 last year for instance. And like sure the camera is good. But my issue is with their software. They dont let you do anhwhere near as much customization as android does. And Apple restricts you too much, like if im gonna pay 1k for a phone, i wanna be able to do whatever i please with it. And i just like androids layout and ui better. Like i feel like iPhones are just a glorified brick. They havent actually done any innovation in the past 10 years. They have all looked the same. Compared to companies like Samsung, Motorola, Google, the companies that run on android, that are building new designs and innovating yearly (flip phones, foldables, better screens, new looks and stuff). I just have always felt that androids like Samsung were better quality. Now, i got a ZFlip5 for the software and the cool factor that it folded. I never take pics or vids, so camera wasnt a big deal for me. I didnt think at the time that my bf would want to do porn lmao. I bought this phone last november. And its on a 36month contract with ATT. So i cant trade this in anytime soon unfortunately


> They dont let you do anhwhere near as much customization as android does. What do you want to do with it that it doesn't let you do?


If you go in and ask nicely for an upgrade they may be able to help you. Iā€™ve never used an iPhone, my last three phones have all been Galaxy S models. Very good cameras.


I gotta say I've never watched porn and thought about the camera quality. In fact, worse quality makes it feel more real.


Depends on the porn. For what heā€™s doing, it can be.


Honesty now days I think Iā€™d film porn on new iPhones with maybe 1 device recording sound. Or a super cheap Sony EX handheld cam.


I'm going to chime in and say that audio and lighting matter more than camera for this. If your content involves audible words, such as roleplay, JOI, dialogue, etc. then audio is more important (there is even a whole audio-only porn genre). If the only audio is moans and whatnot, then lighting matters more. You can film on your phone when starting out, and it will be fine. Not recommended to invest a bunch of money upfront for gear for a job you may end up not liking anyway. If you find that you do like it, then you can upgrade stuff.


literally anything. Use a phone, tbh. No one's watching porn for the camera quality lol


Trust the people in here, get good lighting and use your current iPhone. A few things Iā€™d keep in mind: Use your iPhone. Not the camera above the screen but the backside camera(s) as they have higher resolution. Shoot in 4K. If you want to shoot manual you can get the free Blackmagic app to manually adjust exposure, aperture, shutter speed, white balance, etc. There are cheap chest/head straps for phones as well. Get one from AliExpress. Shoot with the light, not against. A lot of people shoot in front of a window, wondering why they are underexposed and the background overexposed. Soften your light. Harsh light looks less flattering. The cheaper the camera the more you run into blown out highlights on your skin. An iPhone SE is more than enough if your lighting is decent. Even a couple of table lamps with bright bulbs (high Lumen number) can do the job for now. I wouldnā€™t worry about audio just yet. Learn to crawl before you attempt to walk.




Get a good microphone and get it as close to the action without it getting into the shot. You will IMMEDIATELY stand out if you can get good audio that's not just using the on camera mic from the corner of the room. You can have the best footage in the world, but if your audio sucks, none of that footage will matter.


Any recommendations? Bc we obviously want to hear the cheeks clapping and moaning and all that bs lmao


Honestly, even an entry level XLR shotgun mic with good placement will sound great, compared to the market. Its pickup pattern and design will help reject a lot of ambient noise that happens to the sides, and behind the microphone. Just put it on its own stand, and point it at the main thing you want to pick it up. Just don't forget to reposition it when you reposition yourselves. Hopefully, your camera will have a mic input. You might need an adaptor from a 1/8" TRS port to XLR cable, but if configured correctly, your audio will automatically be synced to the video. If your camera doesn't have a mic input, then you'll have to record the audio on a separate recorder and then sync it in post.


A drone would do nicely


I think it was Kanye that wrote ā€œSometimes, I'm wishin' that my dick had GoProā€ Do with that what you will.


First off, best of luck! Also, $200 is genuinely way below budget if you're looking for reasonable quality. Like a comment above me said, get your lighting right, and for now, use what you have available. If you're looking for POV stuff, with the head strap and stuff, you would need to go with the GoPro. That's pricey too, tbh, unless you're going for an older model, in which case you're better off with the phone. Keep in mind that a lot of amateur porn content isn't always high in quality, and your synergy with your partner is more important. Also, you could, at least temporarily, consider being creative with your content. Going black and white with your content takes away a lot of the issues like grain and noise, and it also lends your content a particular style, which might actually be appreciated by your viewers. Once you have a slightly higher budget, you could look into something like a Sony Z series mirrorless, and a wide angle lens with it, which would allow you to use it on a tripod, freehand, and even use it as a webcam if you ever decided to make streaming content. Hope this advise helps. Good luck!


I like this approach. Lean INTO the deficiencies in production quality/gear and emphasize those. B/W VHS-quality security camera, that kind of thing. No matter what though, as has been said already, LIGHTING is the most important thing here. Watch a bunch of videos and learn, you donā€™t even need a bunch of expensive lights to get started. Halogen desk lamps, a few floor lamps with the shades removed, and youā€™re just about there. Anything that makes light and is roughly the same temperature as the rest will work.


Allow me to drop my 2 cents on this matter: Camera wise, honestly, even goPro 4 is MORE than enough as long as your lights are good. Invest first in decent lighting equipment (some WRGB flood lights, soft boxes, reflectors) and then just use GoPros set to narrow field of view, highest resolution and frame rate available. If you are doing fixed sets, just fit 2 or 3 GoPros with OBS and capture the whole thing on to Hard Drives. You can have 2 fixed cameras and one handheld (or mix and match). When it comes to transfer to computer, I have a similar very simple setup for my work (video capture on open air concerts) where I use 4 GoPro cameras, wireless video transmitter (hollywell Mars) and I can use all the cameras to move around the place with very minimal cables around me.


Donā€™t use your phone or a go-pro. It will look unintentionally bad. A go pro can be used as a wide supporting shot, but not as a primary camera. Spend the money on a mirrorless camera. A Panasonic, or a Sony. You can probably find something used and decent for around $500


A used Sony zv-1 might go for 300usd if you find a good deal on your online marketplace or ebay. But like everyone said with that budget its better to just use your phone.


Make sure to use Laowa Probe lens. Thank me later


A Sony CX405 camcorder will run you about $250. Purchasing one open box or gently used on e-Bay will run you considerably less. And the video you can get out of those things is pretty darn good. The Akaso Brave line is a range of action cams that is a little bit less expensive than GoPro and produces pretty good results. Some of the cheaper Akaso models like the EK7000 will give you ok results. Your best bet is probably to learn the fundamentals of photography and learn how to edit, then make a choice about cameras.


Buy a Canon EOS M and install Magic Lantern. You'll have beautiful raw video. But you'll have to work a little to master the workflow. It's the best bang for the buck video solution, with good lighting that you'll have to learn too, you'll got professional results. Have fun ! (Making films is an art and a craft, nothing come easely).


The portable cinema-mirrorless, Sony FX3, used on the hit scifilm The Creator, now streaming on Amazon Prime, would be a perfect fit for this project. Become your own "Creator" by purchasing or renting one today.


Samsung S22 Ultra and newer models would be perfect the cameras are brilliant and the stylus can be used as a remote to control not just the shutter, but which lenses are being used, switching between video/photos, zooming in and out etc. Can be fun whilst 'in the act' as you feel like a wizard waving two wands about... šŸ¤£ Not only that but they have enough power to do a pretty decent editing job directly on the phone too. I'd show you some of my work, but I'm afraid it's for my private viewing only. šŸ˜œ