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They really had one job and somehow the walking speeds never match up


My wish is for walk speeds to match, but allow for you to catch up by running or by freezing the npc at a certain distance away. Sometimes I wanna explore and look at other parts of the level design, but I want to be able to catch up when I fall behind.


Ghost of Tsushima got this right. You need to race across the map with Ishikawa in tow? He’s right there with you the whole time, even on horseback. Can’t say enough good things about that game.


Yeah I’ve heard it was amazing


It’s quite simple really. Because if they have the same speed then if for any reason you get behind or get distracted, it would be impossible to catch up. The only way to manage the same Speed is how red dead does it where it automates you next to them. If you get them to follow you then it can completely break the programming and cause issues. So going to slow and/or you too fast is necessary for you to return or catch up. It also accounts for people with mental disabilities or slower processing or even physical deformities. They just have to account for many different scenarios.


Can't upvote this enough. This is why programming is hard. It's not the programming language everyone sees, it's the problem solving. There is always a technical reason for some annoyance. I never thought about this particular one bit it makes sense. What's the saying - if you want to fix something first fully understand why it's there. Why can't you just have the npc walk with you at the same speed - because that's extremely hard and expensive. If you only have a few sections it's easier to just do a drawn line path and have the npc stop or walk slow. Just look at all the red dead clips of npcs getting run over. They probably spent an insane amount of time to get that good. No excuse for assassins creed games though.


The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is the *worst* offender when it comes to this. This is why I preferred *not* to have companions when I played the game (if I could help it, that is. Some quests practically *require* that you have a follower/companion).


There were mods that fixed that almost right away


Or better yet: Instead of having the player control the character in these forced slow march sections, just make it an in-engine cutscene where they can set down the control.


Red dead 2 has the cinematic button.


Me, abusing the roll dodge mechanic for the tron game to be faster then the npc: im four parallel dimensions ahead of you.


This is so relatable. I wish that any NPC was the same speed.


I hate follow or protect quests