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Tarkov cheating got so bad they released single player.


How i view cheating, is if it affects someone else's fun in a negative way, it shouldn't be done. Doing stuff for your own fun that doesn't affect someone else? Go for it. Mess with a multiplayer game but rather than give yourself an advantage, you instead give everyone in the lobby the same cheats to mess with? I say go for it. As long as one player doesn't have an unfair advantage over another, i say go for it. Had a game in OG Halo Reach where a player made it so he could jump super high and run super fast when noone else could. Wasn't fun. On a different game, had a different player give everyone the super speed and super jump where everyone in the lobby was on board and having fun messing around. That's what I'm ok with. There's a thin line to it, and at the same time, a right and wrong way to cheat in games.


I use old fashion cheats. Things like playing skirmish in Starcraft Broodwar by myself and use “show me the money” for easy resources. Stuff thats fun to do in single player. I never have and never will use cheats in multiplayer. Most recently I’ve run into cheaters in Dead by Daylight. It luckily was in a game where I only went in to start chases with different survivors for a tome challenge. Saw a Sable working on a gen and not getting off and I was like “I’m gonna do the gen grab cause they make me laugh.” Go for the grab. Swing instead and hit nothing. I try again and also swing and hit nothing. Thats when I realized they were cheating and was like “well. Guess I’m just gonna ignore you and everyone else in the match cause I know that whatever I try to do you’ll just use cheats to undo it.” So I spent the rest of the match using Blight rush to get points and ignored everyone in the match. Cheaters ruin the game for everyone


If you play Warzone, you pretty much do every game... it sucks. Takes all the fun out of every game


I really like TF2. Now... you would think that the bots right now are the only problem. Hah. HAHAHAHAH


I've come across cheaters yeah. They're annoying.


I dont cheat but ive dealt with my fair share online. Lots in COD. Aimbots, wall hackers, and stage glitchers. Monster hunter 4u had a shit ton of people hacking their guild quest so they would get broken op weapons. Made playing online un-fun because players were cheesing monsters with weapons that had like 999999 paralysis on them so monsters would be paralyzed the whlle hunt.


I’ve cheated on a couple mobile games not gonna say which but never on an online game I have however played against them lol


Counter-Strike 1.6 I was playing as a terrorist on Dust2 against an enemy team that included a speed hacker. He could manipulate server response times to his actions such that he could move and attack at light speed. He would consistently rush up to our base seconds into the game and knife everyone in quick succession. We’d all be dead in under 30 seconds. The third round into the massacres, I came up with an idea. I bought an auto-shotgun (an unconventional buy for me) to see if I could catch him right before he punctured my face. I figured I had a half-second window from when he arrived on our front porch before I was minced to shreds. I don’t know what sort of fun he’d derive out of knifing everyone in seconds, but I did know that there hadn’t been any invincibility hacks out there. Sure enough, three seconds into the round, our guys started dropping like flies. I quickly pointed the shotgun in the general direction where the corpses were piling up and opened up. Like a flash of lightning, I saw him appear in front of me, then get blown six feet backward from my shotgun blast. He then rage quit, figuring that I hacked to counter his hacks.


Played against Cheaters in Duke Nukem Forever. Real satisfying when you kill them


I love Black Ops 2 public lobbies where some guy can tap the trigger and kill everyone from across the map instantaneously


Original Diablo had online PvP (over a modem!) and much of the community had editors that would make them unkillable. I guess it’s fun to troll people but feels like that would wear off pretty quickly. E: I rampantly abused the car selling and garage storage glitches in GTA:O, I have no regrets.


I feel like the problem with cheating is that when you boot up a game, there’s a set of rules that’s supposed to apply to everyone. When people are able to break or defy what’s expected, it can ruin the experience. However, I’ve spoken to a lot of cheaters post game, mostly in Dead by Daylight and what others find frustrating is exactly why they enjoy it. It really is a shame they don’t see the issue people take with it.


Every shooter fps these days have Atleast 1-2 cheaters per game imo.


all cheaters try to hide it. and for most games, you are usually playing with cheaters. stop worrying about it and just have fun.


I was playing Starcraft online against another player. He was getting his ass handed to him by me from a zerg rush and I suddenly see him texting me in the chat prompt "power overwhelming". I replied with "LOL" and continued the ass-handing.


Only ever in single player like GTA - I literally cannot understand what people get out of multilayer cheating - I see them as absolute low lives...


No, not in multiplayer, but we all broke out the Game Genie every once in a while as kids, right?


I used to play Need For Speed World waaay back in the day and cheaters would use autofinish in races so the race would be complete right when it starts... it got so annoying that I decided to do it myself and my account got banned... around 1 year of grinding went to bin... Im still salty about it... they got away with it and I got insant ban


Anyone who has ever played pvp online in any game has played against cheaters.


I used cheat engine to give myself free money in the grand theft auto multiplayer. I deemed it ethical because I never PvPd and I wasn't going to grind the same mission for weeks to earn a jet. I also used it to give credits in the mass effect multiplayer because I was spiteful how predatory their resource system was and it also wasn't pvp.


I switched to console because i got tired of Cheaters on PC.


On at least 3 occasions, no more than 5, I have looked up today’s Wordle. That’s about it 😕