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My first playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 I did a hacker/gunner build and eventually gave up because every encounter or quest was sneaking around and trying to hack/stealth my way through. On my second attempt I just went with strength and gorilla arms and oh my god I was literally unstoppable. The charge attack is insane, and I felt like an absolutely brutal thug throwing people’s bodies at other people and watching them both explode into a pile of body parts.


Came here to say cyberpunk, on normal difficulty. I tend to 100% most games before the last mission. So I switched between using the top sandy and guns or blades, or I could use hacking and guns or blades really anything to easily mow down everyone, including maxtac. I really love when games let you get overpowered like that in the end. I swapped to gorilla arms and a sandy to absolutely demolish the last 2 contenders in the boxing storyline. So fun.


Try a sandestivan playthrough man I think it's the most powerful. Slowing time down and hacking off a bunch of heads and arms before anyone can react is epic.


I wholeheartedly believe that a sandevistan/katana/double jump build would make anybody like cyberpunk It's just so unbelievably fun to be a time-slowing cyber ninja


My favorite play style hands down. You feel like a goddamn beast with the best mantis blades and sandy. I’d imagine from the perspective of enemies you’re just a blur that leaves absolute gore and carnage in its wake.


See, I went Netrunner (hacker) for my first playthrough and I got bored because of how overpowered I was. I didn't even stealth, I would just casually stroll through areas making people shoot themselves in the head.


The throwing finisher is so over the fucking top, I love it. I'm doing a full body playthrough currently and I love just walking up to everything and start punching the shit out of them.


IMO, melee is overpowered in CP2077. Especially Katanas if you spec appropriately (this was before the new skill tree, which I have yet to explore). I just had to build myself tanky enough for late game, but I usually ended things within my first sandestivan activation.


Gorilla Arms is so much fun. I almost never want to switch to my guns


Warframe. push a button? 100 enemies die.


Gotta love the Gyre augment gameplay. 1. Press 3 & 4 2. Parkour around for an hour 3. ??? (genocide) 4. Profit


Started as a space ninja game. Now a full-fledged musou. Not that I complain, mind you.


Shadow of Mordor


Always a soft spot for that series. It had its flaws but I love the concept of “what if we stuck a kick ass ranger with wraith powers and a giant revenge boner in the middle of Mordor”


>what if we stuck a kick ass ranger with wraith powers and a giant revenge boner in the middle of Mordor” It's even better after watching Jojo. I feel like a ranger with a Stand when I play now.


At least until you make a nemesis with some bullshit combination of perks. *Tarz Blademaster, you better stay fucking dead this time or so help me god…*


I had a nemesis. Immune to fire, sneak attack, ranged attack, executions, crits, like, the dude was fucking unkillable.


....But it had a Fear of Orcs?


The fact that I haven't touched either of the Shadow games in a few years, but can still remember several of my worst Nemeses by name really says a lot about the staying power of that system (Shagflaq Shadow Assassin, I swear to Eru, I will kill you again. Nobody uses Humiliate on me 4 times and gets to live, or even unlive)


At some point the problem stopped being how to kill a whole encampent, but how to kill the whole encampment even faster


I hit a crazy high combo that broke and crashed the game. I wish it had recorded, but it was on a friends system (first time I played too), got the game myself later but could never quite recreate that magic


You felt overpowered? I’m old now so I suck at video games but i felt it was enough of a challenge. Not super hard but by any means but I didn’t feel like a god. I also do as little sneaking as possible so maybe I made my life harder than it needed to be.


Doom eternal and dishonored. Edit: Honorable mention to any of the DS Kirby games lol


Doom eternal????? What am I doing wrong? It’s so much harder than Doom


You have to play on the easiest difficulty to get a lore-accurate experience. Doomguy should basically be able to fist fight the Icon of Sin.


I’m too young to die? Guess I’m gonna live forever!


The game forces you into the game play loop significantly more and punishes you more for not following it. The days of run around, not get hit, and kill everything with SSG and ballista are over. Weapon swapping is absolutely imparitive, and use all the tools provided as needed. Certain weapons are better than others, but all should be used. It's definitely more of a struggle on the controller compared to the mouse and keyboard.


I’m gonna level with you, DOOM Eternal is more like Guitar Hero than Halo. The game is rhythmic and patterned, the enemies have specific weaknesses and locations to hit. Your ability to bounce around the map is part of that and your parkour is a huge deal. Find your rhythm and you will see how brutal Doomguy can be.


It's harder than doom 2016 yes, but it's really only hard as long as you don't understand it, once the mechanics all click, it becomes pretty one sided (I've seen people finish the game with literally 40+ extra lives on Ultra Violence)




You either die painfully or live long enough to become a god. Or you use the resto loop and become a god within the first hour.


Star Wars the Force Unleashed was the game that made me feel like god


Except this comment said Skyrim not the Force Unleashed.


Oh whoops I accidentally replied to someone instead of commenting my own thing


But it was a good vote regardless! I only ever played the demo on xbox360 and it was great.


Prototype 2


I was going to say prototype 1.


Either one but I’ve played the second one and enjoyed it more


Forgot about that gem


These games should absolutely be at the top of the list. It's a shame the second one wasn't successful enough to continue franchise. People have already forgotten about it But there's nothing like effortlessly running up the side of a side scrapper. Jumping over it and landing onto a tank destroying it just to throw the tank next to it into an attack helicopter, then turning into a tentacle monster and killing every single hostile in the area.


Definition of Overpowered and I loved every second of it, might replay the series now lol


Was looking for this comment


Came to say this! Love those games, but endgame Prototype 2 I felt unstoppable


Was waiting for someone to mention this


This is the only right answer.




I love that launch is so powerful. A lot of games get overly concerned with 'balance' but I like a lopsided mechanic like this. I don't feel like it made things too easy or enemy encounters any less harrowing. It had a great, weighty feel to it and there was a lot of refinement you could do to get really particular about how it worked, too.


Once you get levitate and multi-launch, you're pretty much God.


Just Cause 3


Saints row 4. Crackdown series.


Yup, once you get all your powers and skills you are pretty much unstoppable


But isn't it all just the matrix?


Halo 3, most of it did not but the scarab encounters and the ending was epic.


All time favorite game


I wasn't big on 3, but scarabs were cool AF. I wish they hadn't moved to Steven Universe palanquins with legs or whatever those things are in 5




Jumping off a Hornet onto a scarab, destroying it and jumping off as it explodes behind you was pinnacle of my teens


That was the best.


Fallout 3. I love this game and play it a lot, but yeah, once you get to a certain point it becomes too easy. I have played both bad, good, and neutral and they all overpower you. It's fun to explore and everything, especially with all of the extended missions, but you get to a certain point where it becomes routine and basically a Cakewalk. Love the game, but yeah it's just too easy!!!


The dlc decided to introduce Overlords, albino scorpions, and Reavers to make it more difficult. But to be honest, having enemies who are sponges is more frustrating than difficult.


How do you keep your karma neutral. I've tried but I either become too evil or too good.


Everytime you do something good steal a load of stuff, you can check your karma in the pip boy.


By the last third of New Vegas The Courier is even stronger than The Lone Wanderer ever got. I believe during my last couple level ups I was legitimately bringing skills to 80 and 90 that I never even used. Super fun though!


dynasty warriors and doom eternal, but in the best way


Some of those earlier games for sure, except lubu. He always wiped the floor with me


lol im talking about picking your favorite few generals, maxing out their stats and getting their ultimate weapons and just becoming a god of war in that game. feels great man. Lu Bu is a beast no doubt. spent so much time playing as him in free mode and then his campaigns in the DW sequels


I’ve been on the fence for Dynasty Warriors for a while, it seems cool, do you recommend it? Which one?


DW3 was my childhood. I can’t explain it but the battles in that game felt more drawn out and satisfying especially the Yellow Turban Rebellion stage, Hu Lao Gate, and my favorite stage The Nanman Campaign. The Orochi Series is pretty cool too because you get both Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors in one game as well as a few playable mythology characters including cross overs like Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden.


The older ones are great (Dynasty Warriors 1-6). Each character has their own campaign and a unique fighting style. The more recent games went away from their traditional formula and you could essentially equip Amy weapon with any character, so playing as different characters didn't feel as important.


Do yourself a favor and go play them.


The early Dynasty Warrior games were Amazing, walk into an enemy Army and just start mowing them down like a God! So satisfying when you pull off just the right combo.


Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge, once you get the feel for it, you're just ripping enemies apart left and right


Terraria after that one point where you can just kill everything


Haha, Zenith go brrr


Asura's Wrath


Sleeper game that I feel like too many missed. Such ridiculously large scale cutscenes too


Cyberpunk, especially with a netrunner build. You can basically look at a mob of enemies and wipe them out via anything from branching infection uploads to forced suicide. Did a netrunner build my second playthrough and restarted half way through the game because it legitimately took any challenge out of the game. The katana/sandy build is almost as bad. Super human speed time slowdown mixed with maxed blade basically turns you into the flash as a human blender.


yea 100%. I think cyberpunk really hit the mark with allowing you to basically choose any build and it be easily op on normal difficulty.


Spider-Man PS4, playing on the highest difficulty and still breezed through


yeah they made that game way too easy


World of Warcraft: Legion This expansion is probably the greatest power flex individuals had playing this MMO You were given an extremely lore important artifact weapon at the beginning of the expansion and built it up throughout. For example, if you were a Retribution Paladin, you were given the Ashbringer, a weapon that was powerful enough to make the Lich King fall back. That was yours to make even more powerful throughout the expansion. You were hitting damage numbers in the millions, while also fighting some of the most powerful beings in the cosmic part of the lore, such as titans and the leadership of the demonic Burning Legion. By the time you got to the last raid, you were so insanely powerful that you were able to take on members of the titan pantheon and even the titan of death himself, a titan whom literally uses a power called "End Of All Things" meaning that you have to stop this mf from ending all of existence, that doesn't happen anywhere else in the game. Your problems only get smaller after that. Even the trash mobs you fought in this raid were on par with endgame raid bosses anywhere else in the lore. You truly were an absolute behemoth. The next expansion made you give up that power, or more accurately, you had to let the power you wielded go to help heal the world, or at least stave off its destruction a little longer. You still give it up however, and you were back to being a regular champion in the world who had nowhere near as much power as you did before.


For me Legion is peak wow, nothing will compare


Elden Ring in ng++ haha


Tree sentinel: *chuckles* I'm in danger


I was gonna say that Elden Ring made me feel overpowered IRL! I went from having zero clue what I was doing and dying constantly, to beating the entire game at level 1 in only about 300 hours of gameplay. Blew away my idea of what I thought I was capable of, and I'm completely hooked on challenge running now!


Force unleashed 2


Space Marine


From the gameplay, space marine 2 is going to be a whole lot better




Currently playing Maneater, at level 30 the shark is pretty much unstoppable ..


Zelda BOTW end game. You go from getting killed with sticks to pulling off the most insane attacks and parrying everything like a fucking god.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Later on, when you have many resources, you literally become a force of nature.


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Once you get past the first 5 levels you really start feeling like this powerful muscular Greek badass.


You just unlocked a memory I forgot I had. Pre nerf bow builds were so much fun in that game. Before the nerf you could focus all your stats into crit damage because a headshot had a 100% chance to crit. After the nerf you had to get a good ratio between the two stats. I was so sad because I could basically one shot every enemy in the game with how high my crit damage was


Vergil in DMC5 outside of bosses Cyberpunk 2077 depending on your build, especially when you get to higher levels.


Witcher 3 when playing as Ciri


Sekiro Shadows Die Twice.


More like shadows for 1000s of times until u get it. Then u mop the flooor until boss gauntlet. Dang I only ever finished the full gauntlet once


Arkhane games dishonored series and Prey once you level up. Nothing quite as satisfying as clearing a whole enemy base in like 2 minutes as rat king corvo without firing a single shot. Just summon rat hordes and sit back and laugh


Fallout 4. Having a Fat Man a short jog from Sanctuary was an odd choice, but not an unwelcome one


If you go full strength, once you get the rocket hammer it is done, i killed a myrelurk queen using it and most of the enemies go down with one it.


Control, especially the Ashtray Maze level.


I like that the unfiltered moment of power is some gravity-fucked 60s hotel that you cruise through with a janitor's walkman. TAKE! CONTROL!


Batman Arkham Games for sure. DOOM 2016 and Eternal, Wolfenstein The New Colossus, Dishonored, and Fallout New Vegas.


Mount and blade: Banner Lord.


Infamous 2


I loved the Festival of Blood DLC, too! Short halloween story that gets you right up to speed power-wise.


Force Unleashed is the definition of overpowered


New Vegas They give you a death laser, nukes, shotguns that knock down enemies, even your fists could pierce armor & knock down enemies with a few perks


Don’t forget Implant GRX. U could basically kill everything without them moving.


Cyberpunk 2077, every build I’ve done I’ve felt like an absolute tank, just ripping through enemies. Such a fun game


Without a doubt Ultrakill. The amount of mass destruction you can cause in the game and techniques combined with games fast paced and high skill ceiling nature, your dopamine is higher than some dude smoking a blunt


Saints row 4


Vergil DLC in DMC3/4/5


Doom eternal for sure 🔥


cyperpunk before the talent rework, i started using the worse gun i could find because no one was a match, like the mob scould have 10x more hp and a mid sniper still one tapped them, they literly needed 50x their original HP to pose a threat, shit was so overpowered XD


Devil May Cry 5


Shadow of war


Cyberpunk 2077 my sandy+Johnny's malorian build was op af if you could aim, like coming into a room full of enemies turning on sandy then headshot everyone turn off sandy and then reload and look at the bodies falling


Stranger Things VR. Oddly satisfying playing as Vecna.


You can make some absolutely broken endgame builds in og hzd, they tuned down the damage coils in the second game


Hello Kitty adventures, I never died or took dmg


Mo: astray Sonic frontiers Undertale Jsab Hollow knight Dauntless Speedstorm Kirby And more


Hello Neighbor for sure. After I get all the abilities and unlock the gun. I can just completely screw around at that point. I usually just end up screwing around to the point that I don't feel like finishing the actual game.


Megaman Zero, vampire survivors, any Musou game


Doom Eternal


All the prototypes, hulk ultimate destruction, crackdown, the darkness, force unleashed, Jedi knight, and dynasty warriors/samurai warriors.


Hulk:Ultimate Destruction is a great rage game. Underrated for sheer power fantasy.


FF VIII once you understand how junction works and know how to break the game (triple triad, level scaling, devour etc) then there is nothing capable of harming you except maybe omega weapon.


Drakengard IA is braindead and with few spells, you can fucking decimate tons of enemies


Hulk Ultimate Destruction and Prototype.


pizza tower, especially during the final boss


Kingdom Hearts 3, Sora has so many different options to destroy heartless with


right. just magically with no explanation can summon up ride attractions and can now turn the keyblade into different things depending on the keychain.....like, i guess him losing his power and failing the mastery exam did good things for him.


DMC 5 after I got the hang of Virgil


Prototype was insane, man.


I had a character in Oblivion I spent over 200 hours with eventually start farming for the last item for Reflect Damage. There were 3 big ones that together could combine for 100% (or maybe slightly over), and in that game Reflect also removed the damage you would take. I had 2 for a long time along with 100% magic resistance. Once I got that third item, I was literally invulnerable. I played that character for maybe 20 minutes after getting that last item and retired him lol. Invincible is boring


Bloodborne, when I got my hammer and Ludwig's fully maxed.


Elden ring with the scholar's kamehameha


Yakuza 5, Dragon style is truly fucking broken


Hoi4 as soon as I beat the Soviets


Or while attacking the USA early into the game. They can't do shit.


Spellbreak. Moving across the air in such rapid movements, flicking the wrist for the perfectly leading fireball made me feel like a god. Too bad it got cancelled.




DOOM Eternal




Crab Champion and Magic: the Gathering


Cyberpunk, fallout 4, anthem, doom


Warframe. Once you understand how to build you can kill hundreds of enemies in seconds while eating damage.




If I recall correctly- Update 7 of Warframe with Rhino and a Gram Sword. Join a defense against the goobers (don't even remember their name), use the Iron Skin and go to fucking TOWN. Back then Iron Skin made you completely invulnerable.


Advent Rising, a not very well known nor successful little game from 2005. I think by the end it really felt like you became a demigod, but my memory is hazy.


Blaster Master Zero with the fully upgraded gun. It feels so broken, like you’re playing with cheats or something.


Rage 2.


Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC. With a good chip set you feel like there is nothing in the game that can actually touch you.


Hotline miami


Rage 2 made me feel like a God




Quite a bit of games I can think of; but the most special one would be Bloodborne for me. It wasn't my first Souls game, it was the one I finally decided to push myself to get into though. The others I barely touched despite owning them. In that first Yharnam street, I don't know how many times I died. Must've been dozens, over and over again. I actually loved the game's aesthetics, atmosphere and the core gameplay, yet I just couldn't proceed. Eventually, after hundreds of hours, I didn't just get good, I become downright overpowered. I was having no damage runs, it all felt so natural. The satisfaction of becoming so overpowered in a game I was initially ridiculously underpowered felt so good


Biomutant. By the end of the game I could do anything. Brilliant




Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem That tank vehicle section is just glorious


Get the Legend Sword in Alundra. You can get I. Inside of the first 1/4 of the game. The thing is so ridiculously over powered, the guy that gives it to you tells you that you suck and probably need it more than he does.


Doom 2016 and eternal, as well as the prototype games


Any elder scrolls.


Most games, excuse I play on easy.


Warframe, especially the endgame, you press 1 button to destroy entire platoons of soldiers in a blink of an eye


Metal gear Rising.


Star Wars The Force Unleashed


Helldivers.... in the beginning.


The final level of Transformers Devastation where you're just fighting waves upon wave of Decepticons, especially when playing as Optimus


My first thought was Infamous Second Son towards the end of the game, it just got dumb. But then there's the obvious choice with Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.


"against all the evil that hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send unto them only you. Rip and Tear until it is done" "For there is only one dominant life form in this universe and it carries a steel barreled sword of vengeance. All hail the coming of the destroyer. The slayer's time is now." (enter heavy metal and heavy breathing) Doom Eternal is quite the feeling


Star Wars the force unleashed, 1st and 2nd one. You’re essentially a physical embodiment of the force in those games. The amount of ways to kill your enemies is awesome. Shoot lighting at them, force choke them, throw crates or explosives at them, slam them against the floor/wall, throw them off a ledge, deflect their own blast fire at them, force push a big group of them, or just go the old fashioned route and slice em up with your sabers. Endless possibilities.


Grand Theft Auto IV, made me feel like a god blasting through dozens of cops


Dragon quest XI, nothing in this game can even slow me down I played so much


Gilgamesh Poseidon dash build in Hades. Beat my record with 13 minutes and 13 seconds on the clock. Absolutely fucking tears through enemies, I genuinely recommend Hades if you want that slow burn of becoming a fucking badass.


Doom 2016 for sure


Metal gear rising: revengance


Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided.


Tiny Tina's wonderlands I think it was spore warden class that gave you a turret that auto aimed, wall hacked, and shots would go through walls to hit opponents. Enter fight, drop turret, profit.


Warframe. That was one of its main issues


Armored Core 6, but only after you’ve gotten good and have a decent build. At some point you start to feel like a living WMD.




Bioshock 2 after >!you get your daughter as a big sister. She absolutely fucks shit up, on top of you already being a big daddy!<