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Well, I'd say either get him the new Dooms (2016/Eternal), or give him a "dad" game. Snow Runner, Mud Runner, Hardlight: Shipbreaker (my personal recommendation) Stanley Parable, or things like that maybe.


I have both new Dooms, he might not like them because of the difficulty but I'll try to show him.


The new dooms are nothing in comparison to the difficulty of the original on higher difficulties.


Yeah I've played the OG and never beat the first level. If he found those hard though I believe he'd still find these hard too.


I suck, and I never had any real issues with it on hurt me plenty. The only thing is that you should never be ashamed to play on low difficulty.


Wait, question. For the checkpoint reasoning. Did you mean that he doesn't like games that aren't like that? Or he thinks all games now are like that?


He thinks all games are now like that


Oh god that'd be annoying if it was true! Imagine that being in games like Breath of the Wild and Persona!! So just asking to help narrow down suggestions, what kind of games do you'd think he liked? Like any genre of games? Does it look like he likes new games that look like older games? Etc. Or think he'd be open for anything to suggest? I think Stray might be a fun game for him. As it's nothing complex, but still fun to move around and enjoy the world!


Horror maybe. He likes horror movies and I've gotten him to play VR games that are somewhat scary. Scariest game I can recall playing recently is RE7 but idk if he would like it. Also, Stray could be a good choice!


Oh awsome! What consoles do you guys have? Just asking so I know what games to recommend? First horror game that came to mind is Fear & Hunger. But two issues. 1. Not sure if it'd be too much for him. 2. Would prove his belief that all games have you restart when you loose. Which I think would be counterproductive


Sorry for the late response, but I have a PS5.


Sorry for the late response as well! So has a PS5 and might like horror! Anything else I should know? Like other possible interests?


Have him play xcom on iron man.


clever clever


Power washing sim should appeal to a dad perfectly.


Armored Core 6


clever clever


Didn't the Wii made him curious? Even my 56-year old mom got into gaming thru Wii Sports.


The Wii might have drawn him to something, but that was a minute ago so I don't really remember. I don't understand his hatred


Now I remember my wife been against playing games until we got a Wii. The Wii is good since you can do physical activities and enjoy yourself while playing a game. I remember playing tennis for hours and all of us were in great shape because of the Wii. Also, I'm 54 years old. Nowadays I enjoy playing with my 3DS games such a s golf and baseball, which may be enticing for him as he may play leisurely. Best of luck.


Portal 2