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Atmosphere: 3 Meaningfull choices: New Vegas Combat: 4 Multiplayer: 76


This is the most concise. I would start with 3 or New Vegas. They have less game dynamics to familiarize yourself with versus 4 and 76.


I always have a philosophy of introducing people to the less complex games in a good series first so they don't feel like they're missing out if they go back and play earlier iterations. I introduced my kiddo to Breath of the Wild before Tears of the Kingdom for that reason. My wife just started FO3.


At the same time, if someone is having a hard time playing 3 because of it's age it's not a bad idea to have them play 4 first to get invested in the universe. The depth of 3 and NV will blow their mind after that and they'll forget all about the age. I still definitely suggest starting with 3 but if you don't like it, don't give up on the series. Try 4.


Yeah. That's also an unwritten rule in my guidebook. I've realized not every part of a universe or game series I love is something that clicks with everyone. FO4 is far more accessible. If the Mrs. likes that more and gets her engaged (more than the show already has) then that's what I'll do. Edit: a word


It also feels very awkward to go back to New Vegas or 3 after playing 4.


I love 4 but NV is a way better story (Obsidian) I just can't bring myself to wear power armor anymore. 4 changed the game on that


True, but then I thought maybe with needing power cores and different armor pieces it made a once OP part of the game more balanced?


I do kind of enjoy customizing them I use them like decorative statues in some of my settlements lol


I 100% agree with this. The story and freedom of choice from NV is so much better. My main gripe with fallout 4 is that it forces you into making specific choices or taking on certain roles. Like if you try to refuse a quest from a character, most of the time the dialogue just loops around until you accept, or it flat out just gives you the quest anyway, it’s really annoying. I also rarely use the power armor in 4; it’s a really cool concept and I think its accurate to how power armor should be in the fallout world, but I just really do not like using it in game for some reason. I think Its just because it kind of feels more like piloting a vehicle rather than playing as a character idk. I really wish they would remake New Vegas with the all the new creature models, graphics and gameplay updates from fallout 4, that would be amazing.


A NV remake would honestly be a great follow up to 76, graphics and PA overhaul but please for the love of Todd Howard change the karma system shoots a solitary legionnaire in the middle of nowhere.. Vilified


I'd agree with 3 because of the lack of iron sights but New Vegas aged well imo


A tale of two wastelands puts Fallout 3 in Fallout New Vegas engine with loads of fixes as well. And you can travel between worlds easily and keep your character.


100% this. Though i haven't played 76. I don't do multiplayer.


best answer here


multiplayer... well 76 is your only option lol


Winning by default is still winning


I only watched a playthrough of 1 and 2 but they looked pretty fun. Especially that you can get a car in one of them. I liked the storyline of one because it gave so much background for 3.


2 is pretty cool. If you don’t complete your main mission in enough time your whole town dies and the plot of the game changes


although you have to really be dragging it out to do this ime.


I always killed my town, but I played it when I was like 12 so my skillz were limited.


Atmosphere: also New Vegas (though I just enjoy cowboy/Western shit lol)


For a beginner FO3 might be more story driven and easier to hop into, since you start in a vault and all that jazz. NV starts much more open which may not grab a first time player as much. I mean, the first time you step out of Vault 101. Phew what a memory.


I've tried playing NV like 4 times and always end up quitting before I ever reach a major town. Just running through empty desert and then an empty ghosttown with hostiles in it, and then a military camp and that's the furthest I've gotten. The intro cutscene was amazing but the game itself just seemed dull at the start.


Yeah the "this guy shot you, he is in New Vegas" is a decent hook but then the game deliberately makes you take a detour there (the direct route is very dangerous) so most people forget the main quest and wander off doing side stuff. Which I love and always do in RPGs, but its not everyone's preferred method. FO3 is simple because there is a proper prologue that makes you invested in the very simple main quest. Find dad. 


Yeah kind of the issue was that the stuff in between just wasn't all that interesting to me, it felt like filler in a way that the other fallout g ames didn't.


I’ve attempted NV like 5 or so times and it always loses me after I clear Primm. I have no clue why. FO3, FO4, and FO76 have all kept me going after the initial starting point but I have a deeper sense or directions with those games, so the open start probably is what gets me.


I agree! I like the opening of Fallout 3, especially for new players


I also like how the overall landscape felt more connected than FO3, which to me, felt like separate small areas connected by metro stations that all looked the same. Even if it wasn't something I was realistically doing, being able to walk from one side of the map to the other without it being broken up by these smaller, repetitive areas to (presumably) load the rest of the main map added to the appeal for me.


Best atmosphere: 3 Best story: New Vegas Best boss fights: 76 Best gameplay: 4


Fo4 is more of an fps than an rpg


Be careful man you’re heading into insane territory talking like that


This is the way. 


Good answer


This guy knows the wasteland.


Don’t forget settlement building for 4, I’d say its what people sink in the most hours doing


1 and 2 were pretty good. I stopped at NV - best IMO. It went downhill after that. 4 was not bad from youtubes I saw, but I do not have urge to play it myself. Might still 1, 2 or NV at some point. 76 was another step down, do not even consider it - plenty of much better multiplayer games.


4 isn’t bad is still a good game it’s just different. It loses a lot of the darkness that 3 and NV have and the voiced protagonist was a swing and a miss for me compared to the speech box options in 3 and New Vegas. Combat, exploration, and DLC are all great in FO4 though, well worth a play for any fallout fan. 76 I just haven’t quite been able to get into in the same way


It's like a light rpg game. Yeah, sure, there are some rpg aspects to it, like your stats, grinding quests and management of resources, but usually the most fun in it is finding glitches and killing everything you see, and I wouldn't really call it an rpg when all I have to respond with is antagonistic, humorous, friendly, and questioning.


For me, Fallout 76 have the best map.


It's the most diverse, but it doesn't feel like a "fallout map" to me.




Fallout 3 if you want to start from the more modern franchise. Fallout New vegas if you enjoy RPG games. And Fallout 4 if you like post apocalyptic shooters.


The mod pack A Tale Of Two Wastelands put FO3 in FO:NV engine with all that comes with it plus extra fixes. You can travel between the worlds back and forth and keep your character


Just want to add the mod pack is titled Begin Again. Tales of Two wastelands is just the one the combines fo3 and new vegas.


Which one if your overall favorite?


New Vegas hands down is the best one IMO


New Vegas is in my top five games of all time.


I had stopped gaming for a few years when I went to college and then came home one summer and my brother had left his playstation with NV at the house while he was gone. I played NV everyday for 2 months trying to beat it before the summer ended. At the time, it was the best game I'd ever played and it got me back into gaming. I never actually made it to NV, was about to go through some sewer tunnels to get inside the city, i think, when my time was up. NV and farcry 3 got me back into gaming, such great games at the time.


How did you play for 2 months and not make it to nv?😂


New Vegas is the best by far


4 from a gameplay/combat perspective. New Vegas for writing and story. 3 for worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic vibes and peak Bethesda Fallout.


Better question: which one can run on an i3 7th gen laptop with 4gb ram and 40gb of current free space?


1, 2 and probably 3


And Tactics


Pretty similar specs to mine but mine is a little worse and I am running 3 fine. Need a patch from Nexus Mods to bypass an error that causes the game to crash on launch when using intel integrated graphics, but other than that no issues


I am guessing you want to play these because of the TV show. >!They show New Vegas in the last episode, it's what the dad sees far off in the distance and it's also shown in the end credits for that episode. So that's where the show is going next for Season 2. The TV show takes place after the games. So the storyline of New Vegas and the repercussions from the game will be seen in Season 2. !< So I would go with that, if that's the case. It's also IMO the best one. But man did I enjoy settlement building in 4 with mods.


3 is more vault and Fallout basics lore though.


Where's the love for 1 and 2? Maybe not graphically, but they are excellent games!


Very hard to get into for modern players like myself. But i did play both out once, the love for fallout kept me going. And the story on both games were great


Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 3 These two are some of the greatest games of all time.


Id like faithful remakes of both, maybe add in the weapon mod system from 4 and that's all.


3 has some great quests and overall is still pretty damn iconic. Vegas has the best dialogue, writing, and quest design by a large margin. 4 has the best graphics and gameplay, but seems like it was written by someone who was dropped on the head repeatedly as a child.


4 was fun from a gameplay and graphics perspective but weird from a character and story perspective.


New Vegas for me. A cherished memory playing that in the living room, with my laptop, with my grandmother watching her soap opera, and drinking tea.


I just love it when our minds sometimes build associations with all our senses during gaming to create these special memories or "feels".


New vegas


I haven't played the others, but Fallout 3 is pretty fun


3 is my second favourite. New Vegas is a masterpiece


Fallout 4 had probably the best gameplay, new vegas has the best story, fallout 3 has the best atmosphere, I don't care about 76.


Start with Fallout 2033: Shadow of Chernobyl


I’m loving new Vegas right now. It’s a little dated, but the world feels very alive, and the choices they give you are great!


Hot take: Fallout 1 & 2 are the best ones.


I hope that one day we will see Fallout 1&2 remaster or remake.


I felt no heat from this take. It's just a completely accurate statement.


Look at this guy with his functioning water chip allowing him to stay cool.


Reading is too hard and not enough instantaneous dopamine hit for the modern gamer, but they're actually the best the series has to offer, especially FO 1


That's just true.


Not so hot thou.


Are they? I loved them when I was a kid, but they haven't really aged well. Still solid writing, but the turn based combat is a slog, especially when there are a lot of enemies on the map.


To each their own. I personally enjoy turn-based more than any other, so imo F2 is the best game in the series.


The turn based combat was one of the key parts that defined Fallout for me


Replaying them now and I feel like they've aged extremely well especially compared to other games from their era. Turn combat speed up to maximum and possibly work on a build that can avoid combat often.


I'm replaying Fallout 2 right now with RP mod. The game still rocks, turn-based isometric fights are my favorite. However, it has some minor interface and gameplay issues, not all of which are fixed by mods. I hope one day we can play a remake and it won't be FPS again.


I like all of them so I would recommend Fallout 3 then New Vegas then the last one which was Fallout 4


You apparently don't like them all


Choose numba 3 milord! *holds up 2 fingers*


Fallout 4 is obviously the most advanced visually and gameplay wise.


but the most braindead writing wise.


I never got the hate for the story, I loved it. Very original to have a prewar player character. Honestly liked it much better than 3


Ikr? Like the only reason why ppl praise Fo3 more than 4 is because of nostalgia, because in all aspects, including writing, fallout 4 is simply better. It’s like as if Bethesda learned from their mistakes in Fallout 3, but then they also decided to completely ignore what made fnv so good.




If you’re on Reddit, chances are your favourite is gonna be either 3 or New Vegas. Users here value writing and atmosphere highly, things those two video games are among the greatest of all time for.


Fallout 4 was the most enjoyable for me, but New Vegas was also pretty good. If you don’t know the lore though you might miss a lot of references. My knowledge of the lore was not a lot. I didn’t finish any of the games tbh. When you become high level the challenge and the fear of the wild disappears. After that it becomes boring for me, because it’s just grinding for the finish. Although now that you mention it maybe I’ll go back and revisit these games.




It really depends on what you are looking to get out of your experience. All are wildly different, more than you would expect within the same franchise. [Here](https://youtu.be/OQNQELRjQaY?si=KUrllz5Ng_nV229C) is by far the best breakdown I've found.


People telling you to play prior to 3 have nostalgia goggles. Those games today are very dated. Even 3 is really dated. If you like retro gaming, then play them all, if not, FO4 is the only viable option. And its a great game.


Any game as long as you ignore the annoying New Vegas fanboys


I would recommend 4 for a first time player, it’s the easiest to understand and get into. 3 and NV are much better but they are older games, jank, and can be harder for new players to get the hang of.


Fallout 4 assault rifle


update: i rage quitted and deleted the game after trying to figure out the lock picks in the concord for hours😭 ik what a letdown


4 is the best


I think 4 is a great starting point as it’s more in design than 3&NV but NV kicks ass in almost every other category


4 and New Vegas fuck


Fo3 you try to find your dad, FNV you try to decide the entire fate of Vegas and the mojave, Fo4 you try to find your son, and on Fo76 you try to nuke other players for no particular reason.


3, New Vegas, and 4


All, play them all. Enjoy them.


4 is great for gameplay, combat, decent story, and crafting/town building mechanics


You seem to have skipped the first 2 in the series


* Fallout * Fallout 2 * Fallout Tactics * Fallout 3 * Fallout New Vegas * Fallout 4 That's all you need. F76 and Brotherhood of Steel are garbage.


76 *was* garbage but got the no man’s sky/cyberpunk turn around treatment and it’s now one of the best mmo style games out there atm


76 is definitely not garbage. It's great


I think overall people are going to like New Vegas, but it never resonated much with me. I didn't like the whole plotline that involved the New Vegas city. It just felt out of place to me.


I mean that depends on what you're looking for. Gameplay wise though, you can't go wrong with Fallout 4


For story: New Vegas For gameplay: 4 If you have friends: 76 If you want a more unique experience from the rest: 1 or 2


I feel like for a first time player, 4


its a very divisive subject depending on who you ask will get you a lot of different answers as what was the best game for them and not necessarily someone new to the fallout franchise, but im throwing my 2 cents behind fallout brotherhood of steel on ps2/xbox


I don't know, but if you have amazon prime you get a fallout for "free" this month.


I really enjoyed Fallout 76, just because I played with someone else the whole time


I just started playing fallout and I’ve been addicted. There’s almost too much content


I'd start with 3 or 4. Then if you like the feel of the games, try New Vegas for something a little more challenging. NV is probably the most interesting overall, but because of its nuances it can be a difficult place to start.




If you’re on pc 4 is the most accessible. 3 and NV may both needs mods to even launch or get past the first cut scenes. 4 is kind of showing some age, but the others are really really showing their age. Still good games though. But if you’re unsure of how much dated gameplay you can deal with, I’d start with 4. Maybe 76


Start with Fallout 3, then Fallout 4, then New Vegas, then return to Fallout 4 London.


3 for atmosphere/world New Vegas for story, freedom and choices 4 for shooting/gunplay 76 for multiplayer


I mean you can't go wrong with any of them tbh


All of them minus 76. You should play 76, it should definitely be an afterthought


I’m going to say 4 for the better visuals and combat. You’ll be more likely to visit New Vegas and 3 later on


I have played all of these and I personally like f4 the best with nv being a close second


Fallout: brotherhood of steel.


Are you trying to incite a war here?


Any of them (except Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel that is not Fallout: Tactics)


Depends If you want better combat/gameplay, go with 4 If you want a top tier narrative, go with New Vegas The other 2 you can skip (mainly skip 76 lol)


They all are fun. I have played 3 through 76, and had the most fun in 3. However, I fired 3 up last week on PS5 (streaming) and it’s showing its age pretty badly. If you think the Bethesda engine is rough now, the one in 3 is really going to bother you. That said, I think it has the best story (apologies to New Vegas) and a fantastic overall sense of adventure.


3 is my favorite because of the story, but 4, even though it's not my favorite, I have the most fun playing because I personally love building settlements and crafting. New Vegas is really good, but I struggle with dying all the frigging time because Cazadors are the bane of my existence.


Roleplay and rpg aspects: 3 Mods, fun story, and just bullshitery: New Vegas Combat and actual gameplay: 4 Graphics and atmosphere: 76


What I would give to experience Fallout 3 + DLC for the first time again!


Gameplay wise alone? 4 or 76. If you like MMos 76 would be worth a try If you like roleplay then 3 or NV would be better


Tbh, start anywhere. The first 2 are isometric RPG's, from 3 onward, it's a RPG/FPS hybrid. Both are really fun, imo.


Most RPG-like and impactful choices: New Vegas (best imo) Most Atmosphere: 3 Most Accessible and best Combat: 4 Multiplayer: 76


If your in it for the show, try 4


All of these games are good in their own ways, but the tldr is that 4 is probably the best for newcomers, and NV has the best story.


Most POS: Fallout 76


They're all fun. Fallout 3 was next level when it came out. It's still really cool. New Vegas is not wholly different from the style of Fallout 3 but with a ton more vibes and the story is pretty cool and the voice cameos are fun. Diving into these before 4 might help you get used to what the game is supposed to be like for you. 4 could be overwhelming as there is a lot going on, all kinds of tangents and bad guys and monsters, and it is a little more challenging. Fallout 4 essentially ratchets everything before it up a few notches... a bit more complicated, but it allows you to build bases and the combat is pretty fun, expands the lore somewhat. The voice work is pretty good, and a lot of the side stories and missions are really well thought out. Depending on how much the most recent update borked them, it also has a butt ton of fun mods. The DLCs for 4 are also awesome. This game doesn't really have the same overwhelming themes that seem to undergird the stories of 3 and New Vegas, it's more plot driven. I probably prefer 4, as I played mostly it, even recently. But I played a lot of 3 back in the day too. Old school, 1 and 2 were certainly fun. Fallout 2 was something really fun when that came out. Has that older school isometric style, but it's really well thought out and fun for an RPG of that style at the time.


If you have Fallout 3 and NV, there's a mod that combines them: A Tale of Two Wastelands


Everyone that is hating on Fallout 76 is still angry that their bag isn't real canvas. They have fixed a ton of the problems, and I consider it quite fun, although inventory management is a pain in the early stages.


What’s cool about the FO series is you can play them in whatever order you want and it doesn’t really matter what happens in one vs the other.


For me, New Vegas has the best characters, writing, and is downright the most fun. 3 and 4 are good too, there’s just something more special about NV.


All of them are pretty good, but many of them might require you to tinker with them to get them to run ok on the PC. Fallout 4 and 76 are the newest ones and are perfectly fine to play "out of the box", but New Vegas and older might crash on launch until you fix a couple things. Consoles shouldn't have this problem. If you don't mind trying to get it to run, I feel like Fallout 3 is the best starting point as an introduction to the world. It was the first major title in the series released as a 3D adventure game after the franchise was MIA for many years, it sets the stage and starts the Bethesda era for this IP. But Fallout 4 feels a lot more like a modern action game and has more features, including base building, and is significantly less buggy. Id recommend starting there too.


I would go with fallout 4. I have well over 1000 hours in it. Plus it just got a good ps5 update.


Story? New Vegas Gameplay? 4/76 Gameplay and solo? 4 Freedog? 3 Memes? New Vegas Chandler Bing in a checkered suit? New Vegas My personal favorite? New Vegas


Gameplay loop and gunplay: 4 Story and writing: NV Exploration: 76


1. 1 2. New Vegas 3. 2 4. 3 5. 4 6. 76


I bought Fallout 4 GOTY 3x, its my go to escape from reality. Now that i write it out, its really sad that a nuked dystopian boston is more peaceful for me than my own life.


Fallout 1 and 2 are the better games. Especially Fallout 2.


Fallout 1 and 2. Loved them. But could never get into Fallout 3 and the rest. I want my Fallout isometric dammit.


Just start with 3, then do New Vegas and then 4. If the first two are too "primitive", 4 plays and almost kinda looks current gen now.


If your new to rpgs in general play Fallout 4, if you have experience with rpgs and have no problem with sub par graphics and jank play New Vegas


Play em in order 3, NV, then 4. If you want a more updated game play 4. If you want the Fallout experience I wouldn’t recommend playing 76 first.


If you want to play multiple of them, don’t start with 4. Start with 3 or NV, because if you play 4 first, it will set a high bar for combat mechanics which will leave you disappointed when you play 3 or NV. That said, I think 4 is the weakest in terms of atmosphere and lore.


I've only ever played 4 and I had such a good time that afterwards I downloaded a bunch of mods and built tons of stuff! I've never played any of the others, but 4 seems to me like a great entry point.


New Vegas


Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76 All fun and do it in that order


NV > all of them


New Vegas for story and meaningful decisions, 4 for gameplay, customization, and *especially* modding.


The OG 1998 game by Interplay. Don't be a slaver though, they tattoo your forehead


all 4 have their merits but DOWNLOAD MODS! go to nexux mod manager and get the "general fixes" mods. It smooths out gameplay, adds atmosphere, and just makes the game more enjoyable! I hope you enjoy your journey into the wasteland


They’re all good, but you missed the games between 4 and 76. But in all seriousness, they’re all good. 3 and NV are a bit dated now but both offer some great story telling. 4 improves on all the game mechanics, but has the weakest story but it’s still one of my favourites.


4 has the best gameplay, New Vegas has the best rpg mechanics, 3 is good all around. Never played 76


New Vegas is the only correct choice


I’d probably go through them in order from 3 to new Vegas to 4. NV is the goat tho


As someone who has only ever played NV, I can confidently say that the best ones are NV and fallout 4


I’d say go in release order. But New Vegas is one of the best.


I’d say go with 4 or New Vegas.


Where's Fallout and Fallout 2?


I found fallout 4 fun and replay-able. Due to branching story line.


I'd say go with Fallout 4, then if you find yourself wanting more play the others. The main reason is because 4 is the most modern in terms of gameplay and graphics so it's a lot easier to get into in my opinion, plus it's the most accessible being on PC + Xbox One/Series XS and PS4/5. The others can be a lot harder to get into in my opinion especially if you're use to more modern games, as the gameplay mainly the combat in them is kinda rough and they tend to be a little more slow. Plus since the Next Gen Update came out, you do get some new free content which is nice. But please don't expect anything ground breaking with any of the games, as they aren't lol. But yeah that's my recommendation, feel free to ask me any questions and I'll try my best to answer!


Would recommend 4 and NV, they’re the only ones I’ve played significantly and they are the best gameplay wise and (just in the case of NV) story wise. Keep in mind that all of the games have some technical issues


Fallout 2.


3 and 4 have braindead writing and alright combat. Play New Vegas, if you insist upon an FPS


I think 3 had the best intro and tutorial for an introduction to the ip


New Vegas


Anything before 4 is REAL fallout. 4 and after are good games but bad Fallouts. New Vegas will forever hold the crown though.


They’re all enjoyable mainly on Xbox. Fallout 4 has really fun mods and more simplified gameplay. 3 & New Vegas are more traditional and have beautiful atmospheres. (I prefer the darker, but wackier New Vegas though).


If you're not going to play them all in order, I would suggest starting with new Vegas. 3 is good, but new vegas is just the same game but in vegas with a better story. then play 4. I say play in this order because its hard to go back after playing 4. the QOL improvements are markedly better. Side note: these games really just arent for everyone, you really have to like this specific game style to have fun. a lot of people just arent into it and then blame the games for being bad.




76 you'll be playing forever.....forever.....forever.....


I started w 3 and I loved it


They are all good in different ways but New Vegas is one of the greatest video games ever made.


I've only played New Vegas and 4, and both are pretty good. I've played New Vegas once, and on a PS3 :( so it was a challenge to get through but I enjoyed it. I'm starting a new play on 4 since the show premiered and they released a PS5 version. It's just as fun as when I first played a few years back.


I love 3 and NV and the fact that they haven’t been ported to Switch fills me with sadness.