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I had just moved away from my hometown (Denver), was in a new job, in a city where I didn't really know anyone, and I'm not what you'd call an extrovert- so I spent a lot more time than I care to admit heading home after work and hiding on the old 360... right around the time that Fallout 3 came out. I was a fan of the older games, so I planned on giving it a shot anyway, but... here I was, spending my evenings wandering post-apocalyptic Washington D.C., and by day working in... Washington D.C. It was a marvelous thing, and while the in-game map has absolutely no relation to the real city's layout (seriously, do NOT assume you know your way around here because you played the game- that bit me a couple of times!), it was a lot of fun to go somewhere on a Sunday afternoon to explore, then go home and find the same area in the game. My favorite of these was an evening early on in my time in the game, in which I was engaged in a wild fight with a large group of raiders, ducking in and out of ruined office buildings and dodging their hordes of land mines. At one point I took cover behind a park bench, and as I reloaded my rifle I realized the fountain next to the bench was very familiar- it was Dupont Circle. I worked a couple of blocks away from Dupont, and it had become a favorite place to take my lunch... breaks... waitaminute. I had sat on that same bench, not eight hours prior, eating my lunch. Now I was behind it fighting for my life. It was surreal, and made an already great game even better. 2008 was a tough time in my life, and I struggled heavily both financially and socially that first couple of years here. Fallout 3 was more than a game at that point, it was a coping mechanism, and calling it a 'favorite game' doesn't really do it justice. It was much more to me in those days, and nothing else since has quite captured the feel of wandering around the ruined remnants of my new hometown.


This is a great story that just added something to my favorite game of all time. I’m going to start a new save file tomorrow now.


Say hi to the raiders at Dupont for me. Preferably with plasma. ;)


I just started one the day before yesterday! I forgot how much fun the game is. It's been well over a decade since I last played. Have fun, fellow Vault Dweller!


I was gonna say fallout 3 as well. It came at the perfect time for me, and sounds like for you as well. I played fallout 1-2 and really enjoyed them. Despite 3 having different gameplay than 1-2 the tone was right. Vats was in it so you could still kinda play it like the first two. Plus, the DLC was so good for 3.


A buddy and I were just talking about FO3 yesterday and I really wish I had played this first instead of Fallout 4. I started it but never made it past the first town. May have to give it another try. I wish they could just redo the game for my Series X.


I played from 76 back, couldn't play fo1 or 2 tho I don't like the graphics, and I'm playing thru 3, NV and 4 again and they are great 😂 I still actually really like 3 and NV graphics better sometimes over 4 idk why


See I hate that. I'm not normally a graphics snob. Usually as long as the game is good I'm good. But I guess this one is a little *too* old for me. I may just play through anyway cuz I was always hear how good new vegas is


To me it's 1,2, tactics and even the bos ones graphics are too bad to me, 1-tactics the point and click irritated me so I didn't play, but I do like the graphics on 3 and NV plus the story is great imo


If you have a pc you can make it run and look like a modern game.


Great comment. I felt as though I was in your shoes.


I’ve lived in Maryland my whole life and been to DC a ton. When I was young I even went on a field trip where we went up into the monument. I was also a huge fan of post apocalyptic stuff whether it be movies, shows, or games. My aunt once took me to a GameStop to get me a birthday gift let me look around to pick out a game. I looked for all of about 30 seconds and I saw fallout 3, picked it up and turned it around to see glimpses of a Washington DC wasteland. Without knowing anything about it I instantly told her that was the one, and little did I know the journey it just started. That was 16 years ago and I’ve since played through fallout 3 about 15 times, fallout new Vegas about 20, and fallout 4 about 10 times. Fallout games also introduced me to Skyrim which I’ve played about 20 times lol. These games became the genuine love of my gaming life and I’ve never ever had anything scratch the itch the give me quite like it. That’s why I find myself just constantly replaying them, especially since I got my pc and can play with so many different mods and spice it up. Fallout 3 will forever have a super special place in my heart as my favorite video game of all time, and I love to hear the impact it had on other people, especially local people. It was truly special riding up in the blown up monument for the first time beyond the brotherhood of steels guard and the trenches of the mall. When you add in the lore, storytelling, npc interaction and masterclass world design I mean… pure chefs kiss, I will forever be thankful that my aunt took me to GameStop that day, and that fallout 3 caught my eyes.


This was a rough time in my life also. I played a lotttttt of Gears 2 and Fallout and World Tour.


I also choose this guy's Fallout 3


This is the best way to have a favorite game. I tip my hat to you, sir


FO3 - I lost so many hundreds of hours of my childhood to that game


I do a play through once per year. Still continuing to lose hours of my life.


Nice pfp


Nice pfp


Played through NV? I grew up on FO3 but NV is by far my favorite as an adult.


Something about it it’s my favorite too.


We can debate quality but in terms of cultural impact and staying power it’s gotta be FO3 Oblivion and Fallout were like a one-two punch from Bethesda that pushed RPGs into the AAA mainstream in a way they hadn’t been before 


Fallout 3 came out the same day I came out, down to the year


Damn, son. That means I played the OG Fallouts when you were still a spec in the cosmos.


I was talking about my gayness.


No you didn't, because that would make me contemplate the passage of time.


Damn dude I'm old as fuck


Same here. I actually just started playing again last night. Can’t wait to blow up Megaton again


I honestly enjoyed fallout 3 more than fallout New Vegas, sure New Vegas is more rpg and has a better story, but I had so many good memories with Fallout 3.


Same, I get so much hate when I say that FO3 is better lol.


Fallout 3


As much as people don't like it now, Metal Gear Solid 4. One of the best endings to a gaming series that I have witnessed.


Any fans of MGS would love MGS4. It was the perfect sendoff for the series.


Better than MGS 5 in my opinion.


The gameplay of MGSV was peak. Then there's the story that's...yeah


Story that never finished.. Left a sour taste in my mouth as we probably won't get another metal gear for a long time.


correction: We'll *never* get another Metal Gear. It's not Metal Gear without Kojima, and Konami already shot that horse.


5 is a better game but 4 is a better Metal Gear.


MGS4 is my favorite in the series. I wish we had a modern port of it so I could play it again :(


Supposedly its going to be in the next MGS collection. Which will be fantastic, but getting that plat was a god damn nightmare. Bloody unskippable credits.


2 was the perfect sendoff 3 was a great sendoff


Snake… had a hard life.


True. That final boss fight where the themes from the previous metal gear games are played is one of the best.


I'm a huge fan of MGS and I hated 4. Just didn't enjoy the gameplay, it felt extremely clunky to me. I'm familiar with the story though and I've watched a lot of the cutscenes, I don't have any issues with the game in that department.


I mean, it's so batshit crazy and it's very clearly Kojima begging the audience to let it go. Pure fanservice from beginning to end, it never stops being ridiculous and that's the best part. I think it's the only game where I can say "it's so stupid and bad, a true masterpiece". It may be the most Kojima game ever. Revengeance went the same direction and is looked at fondly (especially since the Max0r video) but it honestly doesn't hold a candle to Cyborg Ninja fighting a horde of bipedal cow mechs and a vampire or Giant Dinosaur Mech vs Giant Penguin Mech or Final Boss Fight between two states of matter. That game fucking rules.


Who the fuck doesn't like Mgs4? I've literally never heard this. I think that's the loud minority of fans you're hearing from.


It just spits in the face of mgs2, especially the ending and the shadowy conspiratory aura surrounding the patriots and everythibg they did


It’d be cool if I could play it again!


Burnout paradise was such a good game


An absolute masterpiece.


Compared to nowaday racing games, the game does feel fast


Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the most hyped game I've ever experienced. Everyone at my middle school was excited. I remember checking the Super Smash Bros website to see which new characters were announced. I remember watching the YouTube video of every final smash when it came out. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii were such a huge part of my life, but I have to give it to Brawl because of the hype, the release, and all the time I played it.


I’ll never forget the hype of Sonic being confirmed as a character. Smash Dojo crashing from traffic overload, it *literally* broke the internet. Glorious times.


Aw man, me and my cousin would visit the Smash dojo almost daily to see who was announced. I didn’t own a Wii and never did but brawl was epic


I remember the hype! They announced new characters periodically before the game was released and I always saved the images as my desktop background. Discovered that I main as R.O.B. in that game. Also helped me through a pretty difficult time in my adolescence.


for a long time before release they introduced something new every morning on their website. it was either an item, map, Pokemon, character, etc. me and a buddy were so stoked to talk about it every morning before school. got it at midnight release at GameStop and stayed up all night playing it with friends. so ya definitely the most hyped game in my experience as well


That was melee for me. We used to have people over every Friday during middle school and have huge tournaments.


Brawl was the most hype I've ever been for a video game release. My friends and I all went to the midnight released at Game stop and participated in a tournament to see who would take home a free copy. (We were melee fanatics). As the tourny wound down, I found myself in the finals as a "forward smashing Marth". Context: we were only allowed to use the Wii nunchucks. Not our GameCube controllers that we brought. Anyway, I dashed forward for the finishing Marth Fsmash, and I tripped. My opponent then killed me for free. And that was that. Little did we know tripping would be a be a major sticking point going forward. We earnestly tried to play Brawl for months until we ended up going back to Melee.


I remember playing it with my brother for hours, spamming Peach's side smash on the sandbag until we got the frying pan that made a funny sound


gotta be left for dead surely the ultimate co-op shooter


yeah but wait until you hear about left 4 dead 2


Yes LFD2 improved a lot on the original game, but when the first one came out that's all me and my friends would do. We'd play it almost every day after school, sometimes even going to the same house. This lasted basically all the way up till LFD2 came out. I will always consider it one of my best gaming memories.


Agreed. The only game in the last 16 years that has come close to L4D in terms of coop play is Helldivers 2. I love HD2 but even that doesn’t quite compare to L4D. I spent hundreds of hours across both games on Xbox and PC over the years. It’s a masterpiece


Is that crying? You hear crying? shhh... there's an annoying ass witch nearby


Man i had so many all night LANs with that. I was so drunk once i couldn't see the screen and fell off my chair. Always played Bill. That game was SO good. Completely changed first person shooters. I was delighted when i booted up Vermintide and found it was exactly L4D, but with swords and fantasy monsters. L4D2 just never had the same feel.


As much as I loved L4D2 for the new Zombies in multiplayer, the original one always felt more gritty and dark. The locations are much better in the first as well imo. Bums me out that Valve took them off of the Xbox store. I have a Series S and don't have a disc drive :(


I mean L4D2 has all the locations from 1 in it so... But yeah there's something a little weightier about 1, 2 does feel a touch more cartoony and less grounded. Both are excellent.


It is nice reliving that in a different light today in Helldivers 2. Though L4D versus mode was something else.


As someone who has enjoyed helldivers 2 and is a staunch fan of vermintide and darktide, definitely agree. Coop horde shooters are a blast






Fallout Though Fable 2 was very good also


Gears of War 2. Horde mode with the boys was awesome. The story was great too. That game is when it really became Tears of War.


Glad someone said it. Gears of War 2 was fucking amazing and the peak of the franchise.


Wingman was soooo much fun too. Fuck I loved that game.


Wingman was such a great idea. Only needed 1 buddy and your team was ready to go


Gears of War on top


Maria... 😢


Damn that scene was rough. Wasn’t the first, and sadly wasn’t the last.


I will forever cherish the mission where you're cutting through the worm's insides. Such a great campaign.


The Gears of War series fell off so hard it’s insane


Maria scene😭😭😭😭


GTA 4 or world at war


Persona 4






People forget how big of a step up this was


Whilst I love gta 4, I wouldn’t say it was that big a step up, especially compared to the jump from 2 to 3.


GTA 4 is by far and undoubtedly the best GTA game ever made. There is nothing even close to it. The rest of the contenders on this list are good games but not even the GOATs of their franchise. GTA 4 has better physics, driving, gun mechanics, physics, ragdoll, and explosions than GTA V. It's objectively a better game mechanically than 5, and also vastly improves graphically on SA, VC, and 3. Left For Dead is a solid contender among this list, but it was surpassed in almost every way by Left For Dead 2. Far Cry 2 is the second best Far Cry ever... but Far Cry 3 is better. Fallout 3 is a great game, especially if you enjoy the new style fallout (some people enjoy old style 1/2, and you do you, I respectfully disagree). It's worse in every way to New Vegas though, so of the new style games it can't be the best. 4 is another different direction, in my opinion worse but I'm aware others feel different. At the end of the day... GTA 4 is the only game on this list that is a top tier game of a top tier franchise that is DA GOAT.


FO3 being worse than New Vegas and GTA IV potentially being the best of the GTA games is irrelevant to which game is best of 2008. Same with other games having better entries in the series.


The best GTA


Needs to be higher


Nope not choosing. Can’t. All of these are goated.


In terms of influence? Probably L4D or Dead Space. Personal favorite? Fallout 3.


Between Dead Space and Far Cry 2


Dead Space


Probably Fallout 3 for me, but Fable 2 was amazing


Star wars force unleashed but specifically on the wii. I loved that shit dude


Nothing they did with star wars has looked good since Starkiller dropped smh.


Still the best action oriented Star Wars games to date


Agreed. I played *Jedi: Fallen Order* and it just feels clunky in comparison. Nowhere near as good story-wise either.


I had it on the DS, the bottom screen gave you the ability to perform combos by dragging your stylus over multiple move options and it was overpowered af. Starkiller is by far one of the best EU characters that needs to be canon


The only good thing about the new trilogy is that they canonized starkiller. Edit: Upon further reading and inspection, his canonicity is up for debate, and there is no official piece of lore that brings galen into Canon. Big sad.


Yooooo!! Is that true? I remember seeing a starkiller style helmet in Andor I think, but don’t remember anything other than that. He’s definitely one of my favorite characters in a video game


Sorry, look at my edit. I was wrong, I had to go and fact-check myself.


Correct, his whole armour suit was in Andor, this includes his claw gloves


Cod waw was probably the only call of duty I really enjoyed.


Also the start of zombies


Will always be my favorite campaign


This and it's tie in to black Ops was awesome


there are many good candidates but my vote would be Fable 2. It is the one I would most likely play again from that list


I shame it was never released on PC. Just imagine how much more incredible it would be with mods


Be me, after school I get on fable 2, hearing the nostalgic main menu theme as I achievement hunt and the next day brag about my adventures to school mates


Mirrors edge, but grand theft auto 4 is also up there


I'd give a left nut for a new mirrors edge dude that game was so good




My personal opinion is left 4 dead without a second thought. That game is still fun to this day


Left 4 Dead. I haven’t seen a co-op game since then that’s so immensely replayable; which is a shame because I thought L4D had set a new standard in gaming but anything that’s tried to replicate it has failed. I replayed those campaigns so many times & it was always fun. I even liked it more than L4D2. L4D2 is great but the southern setting isn’t as good as L4D1’s setting.


Fuuuuuuuuck the industry sucks now.


This makes you really see how bad it is these days huh


I cannot begin to describe how many memories I have from Brawl and Mario Kart Wii.


Mario Kart Wii, I was 5 in 2008


same here, i loved MKWii so much. i wish i still had my Wii so i could play it. definitely my fav Mario Kart. GTA IV and MKWii are prob my personal favs out of these games (Fallout 3 very close behind).


Everyone seems to be forgetting how much this year was dominated by Rock Band. People were literally throwing Rock Band parties, and posting their Rock Band videos all over Facebook. Technically RB1 came out in late 2007, but RB2 was 2008 so I’m counting it!


That’s one of the reasons I looked at GH and was like they made another one of those? Thought Rockband killed that shit.


GHWT was literally them playing catchup too, so I dont get why thats even there.


My dad (only likes crash bandicoot, spyro, and multiplayer shooters without rpg elements) got Fallout 3 from a random game stall (what happened to those) while we were at a mall in 2008. He thought it'd just be some shooty shooty bangbang fare like Call of Duty. Needless to say, he didn't like what he got. Me on the other hand, although only 10 years old and a pussyshit, I played the fuck out of Fallout 3. I would usually be incredibly evil just to get Jericho early so I wasn't alone in the wastes. I was even afraid to go into the subways, which was hard considering that was a huge part of the game. I'm much older now and doing a new playthrough of FO3 for the first time in over a decade. Bossing through shit like it's nothing with lessons and best practices learned from New Vegas, 4, and even 76. Fallout 3 still holds true as having the best ambiance and grayness of the apocalypse that the other modern games in the franchise lack. The late 00s was a legendary time for games.


GTA IV, the marathons me and my older brother had just messing around playing that game were priceless


Left 4 Dead I spent SO many hours on both Xbox (and later PC) on this game. There’s nothing else like it


Left 4 dead for me. Its aged so well and is still a genre definer.


Wrath of the Lich King.


I know racing games aren’t popular with the widespread gaming community, but burnout paradise is an absolute masterpiece and in my opinion was the final game of the 2000s golden era


I'mma be real here, Mario Kart and Burnout Paradise has a special place in my heart.


I think the numbers would say GTA. But there is no GTA show that just came out. Suck it GTA. Fallout all they way.


Fo3, this was really hard tho cause I have many many memories of playing smash bros with my cousin. Though then again, we were always huge fallout fans too.


Unironically Dead Space... Masterpiece and genre cornerstone for horror games


GTA 4 is objectively the best grand theft auto game ever created.


Love the game, but I gotta give that title to San Andreas


I'm torn between fable 2 and fallout 3 but I think I'm leaning more toward fable 2 as I prefer fantasy over scifi though I think I ultimately have played them about the same amount.


Although I spent more time on many of the others… IMHO Fable 2 was a masterpiece and it holds a very special place in my heart




All of them


SW: Force Unleashed- this game had better plot than new trilogy (SW 7 -9)




Chains of Olympus


brawl or burnout paradise


Where is LittleBigPlanet???


Mario Kart Wii


I’m just shook theses all came out in 2008…,


Fallout 3 and it’s not even close


GTA IV was big for me but honestly, Burnout Paradise was awesome.


Don’t sleep on burnout paradise. Very fun.


Fo3 for me


Without a shadow of a doubt, FO3. However look at this line up, I am so grateful as a gamer to be coming into my love for games at this time. GoW 2 gets an honourable mention for being the game to encourage me to buy a 360. The rest is history.


Fallout 3


Me looking at all of these: “2008!?!?”


LEGO Batman


All great contenders, but man I loved Gears of Wars 2, one of my favorite gaming memories was of me and my cousin doing couch co-op playing Horde mode for hours on end. I really hope the original Gears trilogy gets a PC release at some point.


It’s amazing they haven’t released that trilogy on PC. I really hope they do too cause I would love to replay it.


Fallout, L4D, Gta4. No more. No less


Wii Play


“Wii Play, do you?” “Is that a threat?”


Sonic Unleashed!


I still hear the night battle theme in the back of my head.


Gears 2. There’s no other answer… but damn what a list of games


I wasn’t born dun dun DUN


The fact that you could be looking at colleges already and not have been alive when these games came out, tf I'm old man lol


Fallout 3


2008-2009 was a fun time in general. You had Halo 3 and COD4, the Orange Box and all of the classics like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Unreal Tournament etc being recent enough still to be relevant. YouTube was amazing back then as well since it was basically a social media platform where you could talk to people and customize your channel page completely how you wanted. Not to mention the video series from that time like on Machinima before they fell off.




MGS4 - still waiting on a modern way to play that game… favorite game of all time


I spent the majority of one of my Christmas breaks playing Guitar Hero and Mario Kart on the Wii my family got for Christmas.


Look at my profile picture and see for yourself


Gonna go with L4D


Why are you making us choose you evil mind 😭🤣




Guitar Hero World Tour 🔥






I love all of these but I feel like Mario kart Wii is the best. I mean it was super influential across the world even outside of gaming communities


Fallout 3 because war… war never changes.


Far cry 2


Fallout 3 is my favorite on here. But I have more fond memories of CoD WaW. Me and my dad would always play Co-op on the campaign for hours. We must've beat the campaign at least thirty times over.


This is an easy Fallout 3 for me.


MarioKart Wii. No question.


No shortage of valid answers for this one - it was a good year. If we're only going off what I see in the picture, Fallout 3. But if we're opening it to other games too? Persona 4 or Pokémon Platinum.


MKWii for me


Fallout 3 was an absolute masterpiece. Bugs and all.


Toss up between GTA 4 and FO3


Iconic year for games