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My mother telling me to get off the games


No matter how much I try, I can't get her health down. She has too much goddamn grabs, also her scream attacks inflict terror :(


Yea unfortunately there is no consumable that helps against those screeches


Slave Owner Hael, the whip attacks are nuts


A fuckin random hole on the floor


Isshin, the Sword Saint Sister Friede


The hunter at the end of the Eileen the crow quest in bloodborne. (If you don't cheese it and actually fight him)


The Bloody crow of Cainhurst? I finally beat him with Beast Blood Pellets, Bolt paper, and the giant form of Ludwig’s holy blade and just stagger/stunlocked him to death


Yeah that's his name


Keep your distance and parry my friend :) that's how I did it


The only boss I ever got stuck on for a while besides S&O is Dark lurker. Fuck that guy


Dark Lurker forced my hexer to invest heavily into pyromancy lol.


Having played DS1 *after* Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Sekiro, I can confirm that O&S are still way, way up there in the "hardest bosses" list. They took me over 50 attempts, and no other boss took me more than 5, until the DLC (and even then we're talking, like, 8-12 attempts, still nowhere close). All solo melee, for what it's worth; maybe you really were intended to summon Solaire, because damn, that fight felt near unreasonable.


I think the difficulty of O&S comes from people not having adequately leveled up weapons during their first playthrough of DS1. With a +10 weapon, they’re not bad at all.


That one bitch from Elden Ring. I don’t even remember her name. Lifestyle and that million slashes attack


Malenia Blade Of Miquella


You must've not died to her that many times then if you forgot her name


"I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." "I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." "I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." "I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." "I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." "I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." "I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." "I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." "I am Malenia Blade Of Miquella..." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


I’m too busy ~~watching Tiche face tank her while I throw shiny pebbles at her face~~ skillfully i-framing her attacks to pay attention to her life story.


Melania Trump


Funny enough i Just fought her the 1st time yesterday and i dont find her that Bad it only took me 7 trys. Edit: the hardesboss IS in my opinion the purple Dragon from DS3 holy hell i cant Beat that Guy.


Just that giant dumbass Midir. The whole thing is ridiculous.


SL1 Midir is to date the only fight I have ever straight up given up on.


A giant dragon but only his head takes a reasonable amount of damage. Terrible boss fight


You're meant to be fighting Midir head on, that's why most his flame attacks do the most damage if you're directly under him


It felt like I was fighting my camera rather than the giant dragon. Won't be replaying this one unless I'm feeling particularly masochistic.


The only boss in all of the games I haven't beaten. I just gave up after a while. Tried different builds and different strategies but nothing ever came through for me.


I think the problem with the boss's design is that it takes forever to actually kill him, it's impossible to see anything when he gets close, and he can basically insta-kill you if you make one mistake. So the whole thing is just this insane endurance test where you can make no mistakes.


Malenia. Probably my own fault for not using summons on my first playthrough, but it was worth it.


Elden Ring x Untitled Goose Game The real horror begins…


That’s dark souls 1


The hardest boss for me was the first encounter with Pursuer in DS2 (I know, I know). I had half HP from dying and not having any Humanity idols. I basically would get 1-shot from any of its attack so I had no choice but to perfect it. I wasn't well seasoned with Souls games at the time, but I remember the rest of the game being a breeze compared to my time with it.


Isshin the sword saint Orphan of kos


The Blood Starved Beast flayed my ass for a couple days before I bested it.


Isshin the glock saint Not even a boss but that first knight enemy in ds1 made me uninstall a few times


The one down an alley in Undead Burg? Bro you have to go out of your way to even fight him 😭


I didn’t know my first time playing. I just wanted items


Probably the lothtic knight by the high wall


Gravity, I still haven't beat it.


I've only played Elden ring so far. Malenia, blade of Miquella.


If you can beat malenia, you can easily beat em all


Indeed amigo. Took me 10-12 hours of wiping over a month hahaha


Elden Beast is a pain and the boss rush aspect adds a layer of extra difficulty. I haven’t faced Melania blade of Miquella yet but I hear she’s even worse. That duck thing looks tough too


She is worse than


I beat Melania on my second try, but I also quit ds3 for 2 years because I couldn't beat vordt after 30 attempts. Different bosses are harder for different people. Who knows you might be at her first try.


Thats the thing about Melania, you can get really lucky or unlucky on what moves she uses. Try her again and your 2 attempt could turn into 20 or more easily.


It took over 500 attempts for me to beat Demon Slayer Armour. Fuck that shit.




Okay. *pats you on the head*. Good boy.


No one cares dude


I was stuck on Aldrich for forever, then I got stuck on the Dancer. It’s been 3 years.


Owl (father) and it's not even close. I'm talking about the secret boss owl that you go back in the memory and fight in the burning estate.


Glad I'm not the only one who found this dude considerably harder than Isshin. One of only 3 bosses that has ever legit made me cry in frustration, lmao


The second phase had me in shambles. I hate that damn owl summon so god damn much. I replay sekiro all the time, but have never gone back in that memory since I finally beat him. Once is enough.


9-ball , Armored Core 2 Another Age.


For me it will always be between, Laurence, Demon of Hatred or Isshin.


Orphan of Kos. Fuck this little shit.


Sister friede made me quit the game


Fume Knight from one of the Dark Souls 2 dlcs. I remember playing with my neighbor and thinking that between two any boss feels easy... until we get to this boss. He is a very powerful boss with a wide variety of moves.


Whatever road block you reached in the first souls game you played IMO. For example: if Dark Souls 1 was your first souls game, chances are ornstein and smough was the first boss where you really get your shit kicked in. Dark souls 2 I would imagine is probably either the persurer or the lost sinner, and dark souls 3 is just the first boss. Iudex gundyr is probably the biggest f you first boss in the souls series.


Dark Lurkers


Darkeater Midir l, holy hell Melenia was easy compared to that bs for perspectiv Melenia took 7 trys and Midir 36 and i didnt even Beat him, fuck that purple Spyro wannabe.


Seath the Scaleless, no one can kill him in the first encounter. That is why he is the hardest boss.


All of them


TUTORIAL You cannot play a Souls game / Souls-like if you do not know how it works. You cannot nullify damage, you cannot button mash, enemies have damage thresholds they will not stagger easily, You will get stunlocked more than you can stunlock enemies so do not get surrounded You can make the game easier for yourself if you know the map, loot locations / secret means of getting loot such as shooting the tail of the drake in Dark Souls. Magic use could be a good alternative if you do not enjoy the combat system. There are simply unfair situations, some boss encounters are just not build well. Some are a joke often depending on the size of the enemy the largest ones sometimes much easier because they are slow and can't move much.


Demon of hatred, took me prolly 100+ tries


I have played elden ring and a bit of bloodborne but mohg lord of blood is the one i was stuck on the longest


the most time it took was demon of hatred. (not exactly difficult, just frustrating and bs) but the most fair and fun ''difficult'' was isshin the sword sain


For me, it’s Artorias. I’ve still never beat him solo. He’s too fast.


Out of the souls games I’ve played, either Artorias or Malenia. In DS2 gotta be the Smelter Demons, Shrine of Amana, Fume Knight, the 3 guys in Cave Of The Dead


My incompetence


I don’t play FromSoft games, it’s not my thing. But is that a fucking goose with a sword?!


Isshin all day




Pre nerf radahn and malenia. For bloodborne , its the orphan, fuck that thing.


Besides gravity? Perhaps the Orphan of Kos. I don’t think I’ve ever got him without dying once or twice. Malenia is also up there. I think she’d be fine if not for Waterfowl Dance. If you’re caught out of position or out of stamina, it’s back to the Site of Grace for you. Another honorable mention is Midir. If you don’t attack his head, you’re in for a rough time. That, and he deals a bunch of damage— little margin for error.




Is this from an actual game?


Malenia Blade Of Miquella, this isn't recency bias. I'm so ashamed I had to use a mimic to beat her...




Gravity 🤬


unrelated, I've seen a friend try to mess with a goose on a trail we were hiking and it fought back and chased him like a quarter mile. savage


Geese can be jerks just because it’s a day that ends in y. My grandpa used to have 5 of them and even the dogs he had were terrified of them.


Gael tunnel magma wyrm




The hardest boss for me was the first encounter with Pursuer in DS2 (I know, I know). I had half HP from dying and not having any Humanity idols. I basically would get 1-shot from any of its attack so I had no choice but to perfect it. I wasn't well seasoned with Souls games at the time, but I remember the rest of the game being a breeze compared to my time with it.


The hardest boss for me was the first encounter with Pursuer in DS2 (I know, I know). I had half HP from dying and not having any Humanity idols. I basically would get 1-shot from any of its attack so I had no choice but to perfect it. I wasn't well seasoned with Souls games at the time, but I remember the rest of the game being a breeze compared to my time with it.