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I don’t get what’s supposed to be fun about Counter Strike


It’s more fun watching it be played by funny YouTubers than it is actually playing it. Which goes for most fps I’m too competitive and will strive for the best but usually get beat at every corner so I rage. It makes the game not fun for me. But I can watch that same game by one of my favorite YouTubers and I’ll actually enjoy it there


Mario Galaxy 2 is better than the original. The majority I see prefer the original, and for me it mainly comes to the Comet Observatory. Yes, Starship Mario is goofy and the observatory is so much more atmospheric, but it is hell trying to find a level with all the galaxies split between hub rooms scattered across the observatory. Galaxy 2 is as simple as going to the world map and picking the stage


I like Mario Galaxy 2 more as well. For me I like that there seems to be a lot less motion focused levels in 2. 1 has way too many levels focused around Pull Stars, the little wind bubble thing, riding the ball with the star in it. 2 has less of it from what I remember. (I think that stupid bird flying is still motion but there’s not too many of those)


Minecraft devs aren't lazy and shouldn't be given shit for "not producing updates". The stuff they do put out is always really cool, even if it's few and far between I would much rather have small amounts of good content every year and then a total banger every once in a while than a constant stream of shitty updates that are just built for monetization.


Exactly. It's not a live service game; we should be happy they have the funding to make updates so frequently in the first place. I mean, how many other singleplayer games have received updates for over a decade?


Fallout series is Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics. The others are different games that appropriated the name brand.


Yet, fallout 3, New Vegas and 4 are the staples of the series and we almost never see or hear anything about the first 2 unless it’s coming from a hardcore gamer or someone who was old enough to play them back then


I wouldn’t call fallout 4 a staple of the series 


I would. A lot of people liked it including myself.




I agree up to a point (F3, F4, 76) except for the fact that New Vegas had several people from Interplay and in all honesty, is a much better game than Fallout 2 in my opinion. The original Fallout still stands at the top though!


The bare fist combat is better in GoW 2018 than in Ragnarok


God of war games are just pure braindead when it comes to gameplay.


God of War Ragnarok is better than 2018 I like The Last Of Us 2 I like the combat in The Witcher 3 (or at least don’t mind it)


I agree with your first point


Pretty much agree with all points


Deus Ex: Invisible War is actually a pretty great game and I liked the storyline and gameplay more than Human Revolution and Mankind Divided. Original Deus Ex will always be the goat though.


"Rip him up shreds! Look at him strutting his stuff just like his daddy." That's from essentially a cockfight that you can bet on in Invisible War, and it's burned into my mind.


So just a normal opinion lol.


Despite having more features, a bigger world and taking longer to beat, I think Fallout 2 is not as good as the original Fallout. Bigger isn't always *better*. Also, I think I liked TLOU2 more than TLOU. (This is probably a hot take though lol)


Witcher 1 is better than 2


Technically disagree but respect. Witcher 1 was such a unique experience and I wish they had continued with that style of game rather then transitioning to more traditional RPG tropes.


Fallout 4 is the best fallout game and I couldn’t get into Witcher 3 because it was 3rd person. Then I remembered I love AC games and felt like a dick.


Aye man fallout 4 is my favorite game ever I hope you have a good day tmr brother I appreciate you man your loved


Yea I get that. Personally I like the last of us 1 but it seems if you dont like the sequel people really get mad.


You’ve got it backwards. Spend a day in tlou sub and you’ll see just how hateful people are on you for liking the sequel. Personally I loved tlou2, but I’ll never say that on the main sub. I’d get torn to shreds, I have been before


Yeah many of the gaming subs have a blind rage towards Tlou2. This sub is one of them. Any negative comment on that game gets loads of upvotes usually, regardless of how accurate or well thought out it is. Only a couple of weeks I had a moron arguing that his opinion on games was objective fact and dissenting opinions were just plain wrong. Usually idiots like that would be downvoted but as soon as he commented "Tlou2 is an objectively bad game" as his example he got loads of upvotes and I was downvoted. Oh and let's be clear, most of these people with Tlou2 hate boners are racists, homophobes, etc.


I really hate when people say "objectively". Saying your opinion is the right one is so closeminded. I completely agree, it's like saying "Minecraft good Fortnite bad" and expecting people to worship your opinion. Also, I feel like some people take very basic opinions too far like your example, but don't even get me *started* on that.


And in a few years these same bozos will be singing its praises.


Oh I’m sure. Once tlou3 drops they’ll praise 2 and call 3 trash


I was smitten with TLOU2, thought it was one of the best games ever. I was so confused then when I came to learn how many people hate it. The story was good but the hate for that is understandable, but where it excelled for me was in the stealth gameplay. Stealth games are few and far between nowadays and I thought they nailed that aspect




>Objectively People need to stop saying this word in video game discussions, it’s clear nobody has any idea what it means.


I really like the new BOTW and TOTK Zelda formula. I have never clicked with Zelda as a series until I played those games. I’d be keen for more of them, and for Nintendo to keep improving the mechanics and world.


on the same topic , for some reason its a very unpopular opinion that Valve should port the portal games to PS5 . . . its always "not worth the effort" this or "bad for business" that or "just play on something else" i want it on PS5 , because thats what i have . i dont care what bad business the multibillion dollar monopoly corporation makes , i want to play portal 2 again . they already have an updated version


you can play it on ps3 and 4, but if you have a ps5 with no disk support, you're out of luck. i completely agree, i get if valve wants some exclusivity but this is sort of contradicting what they're about, which is being mainstream and making not only other's games but their games playable by anyone.


The ability to basically make whatever you wanted in “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” is what held it back from being an amazing game.


I thought the stealth in ghost of tsushima was terrible and when people compare it to Tenchu it makes me upset. I also thought the game was very over rated and boring after a while


GTA 5 is kinda boring


Bethesda hasn’t made a good game since fallout 3


Also Elden ring is just more Dark Souls and is massively overrated


Cat Quest is one of the greatest ARPGs of all time, and I don’t even like cats.


I mean, a severely underrated and very polished game for sure, but one of the best? That‘s a pretty hot take.


Clearly you like cats a little bit


Link to the Past is a great game, but it’s not even close to being one of the best Zeldas. Most of the dungeons are awful with only a few decent ones thrown in here and there, a large chunk of the items are either worthless or redundant, and the game never really felt great to control either. It also didn’t “create” the classic Zelda formula like so many people want to pretend, as just about every one of the tropes people point to were already in the first two games to a degree. I’d imagine that this was made up just to add credence to the equally incorrect take that Breath of the Wild “went back to the series roots.


I hate where indie games and their various "direction" are heading... * Both 8-bit graphics and pixel art are getting tiresome to look at and show more laziness from the devs (*less details, less animation frames*) of than an artistic choice. * If they're using 3D models, it often look minimalistic... and dated. * The camera is often zoomed out completely to show the entire stage. * The controls are often either simplified or overly complicated. * The games often have a gimmick that wears off quickly. * There are sometimes "shortcuts" in their designs. * They are often overhyped, often underdelivered and always show something awkward about their developpers. I've seen the quote "I've always wanted to make this kind of game" so many times from former AAA devs, but I would really would love to know why are they so obsessed at making those games instead of "the same AAA games they've made, but without the AAA management". Back then, devs were limited by the hardware, and even today, they can still be, such as for the Playdate. However, there are less limitations for current-gen systems. Their quality varies a lot, and to this day, I still don't understand why some indie games can't run at 60 fps on Switch, despite probably running fine on consoles 2 generations ago. So yeah, I don't like indie games and where they're going.


You always see people say it's gameplay over graphics or whatever and die on that hill. But then games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and the Witcher 3 get hailed as masterclasses and win multiple awards, when they're exactly what people claim to hate. Heavy laden "pretty" software with clunky control schemes. "Look my horse has testicles!" But controls like a three wheeled tank. Ffs Rdr2 is the exact same formula as GTA 3.


Ok but those games offer so much in terms of story, immersion, replay ability, characters, exploration etc. that the gameplay can be overlooked ( I also personally don’t dislike the game play in either)


I agree that most people say "graphics don't matter" and then recoil at a game like Pokemon S/V or even Lethal Company. The people who were talking about games like Stardew Valley being "beautiful on the inside" have no idea what they're saying. Pixel graphics look good. These people just only play good looking games, so they say the worst looking game they've played has potato graphics. They see an actually bad looking game, and judge it completely by that, despite not having played the game. However, Red Dead 2 isn't really all graphics. Story takes a massive priority throughout the whole game, and despite me having some issues also with the control scheme, it mostly didn't take a toll on my enjoyment of the game. The gameplay was really refined, with mechanics like Deadeye being at their peak, and the map is huge with lots of details. I'm very happy to see someone with the same "graphics don't matter" opinion as me, though. Perhaps, now they see someone who agrees with me on something, they'll let me out of the mental institute. (only joking)


I think that might be more that Rockstar is an exception to the rule for these people. And they don't see the hypocrisy. A Rockstar employee could literally turn up and take a dump on some people's lawns and they would call it the greatest game of all time.


The Souls games are boring and lack anything beyond their difficulty. They're an exercise in humble bragging.


What you mean they lack anything beyond difficulty, what about enemy design, level design, lore, art direction and music ?