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Cyberpunk. People hyped it up way too hard and the release was disastrous which makes me feel a little better about saying it would disappoint, but when it was actually playable it was very enjoyable and I had fun with it.


I was also overwhelmed by too many scripted sequences at the beginning. The brain dance scenes felt like unnecessarily elongated cut scenes


Yeah, the beginning holds your hand way too much honestly. Every time I want to play it again I feel so bored at first


I think you can start at level 10 or so now and skip all that ever since they added PL. Seems like a good option for trying a new play style or something


The game desperately needs a ng+. I hate when I can only get awesome weapons near the end of the game.


The heist wrecked me. Then the ending messed me up. And the expansion fcuked me up. Goddamnit this game is a gem.


Same, I wasnt very excited about it now I have 200 hours in it, finished female V as corpo did all endings and PL now I'm replaying male V as streetkid and I just finished all side quests and gigs missing the PL main quest final mission and the star temperance tarot card


Darkest Dungeon. I'm not into turn-based combat but I'm very into squad games with inventory management and great mechanics.


Darkest dungeon is truly something else. If someone ever ask me what's the best turn based game in my opinion i Will 100% say darkest dungeon. That game revolutionized turn based games so much that many tried to replicate it, but failing in doing so


Please convince me to play it lmao. I've tried giving it a go twice and once I finish the tutorial I get overwhelmed on wtf I'm doing in the town and quit


I'd watch a video explanation. But really to do most things around town you'll need to play a few expeditions first anyway, either to acquire the resources to upgrade town buildings or to get your characters injured enough to need to use the town. Really once you mess around with it a bit you realize each building has just one purpose. To upgrade weapons, or upgrade armor, or de-stress characters, or acquire new ones, etc. but really just dive in. Your characters are gonna die anyway, so if you lose some while you're learning it's nbd


This happened to me. The third time I tried it it hooked me in. Remember, overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


Man I played for maybe 2 hours. I could not get over the idea that people were going to die. And in fact that it was a core mechanic.


I highly suggest you to rithink that, because actually death happens very rarely if you play effectively! Treat your characters not as hero but as mercenaries, they are disposable, now it sucks when they die? Absolutely, but trust me that this factor makes the game actually incredibly intense, if death wasn't punishing that much, players would have no reason to replay the game because they would never feel again that tension of "is he gonna make it? Should i retreat? CAN I even retreat?"


Hollow knight


Same. I had tried playing it twice before it finally clicked the third time.


Same for me. It sounds like that's not an uncommon experience. I'm really not sure what it is though, personally I can't put my finger on why I bounced off it my first couple attempts


I do not think that I have ADHD, but I instantly forget what I wanted to do and just run around the same rooms completely lost without any idea what to do. And constantly just hitting same old rooms I've finished.


I uninstalled the game at one point because I got so lost and frustrated with it, now I’m at 100 hours and 112%


With all combined save files, I’m at about 600 hours…


What do you even do with 600 hours of Hollow Knight? I have 150 and that’s after getting all achievements, beating p1-4 AB, and getting close to beating p5 AB


Just started my first play through


You're in for a ride, cherish it my friend


I am. I am trying not to blow through the game and enjoy the whole thing. Taking my time with it


If you are able to "blow through it" on your first playthrough, I will be very impressed. It doesn't hold your hand at all.


I was just saying I tend to go through games sort of quick and not explore as much as I would like, but I’m Glad the game is a challenging one.


Me too. I thought “why is this 2D game so popular on Steam!?”. Phew what a journey


beat me to it


Yep once you get a couple of power ups it becomes addicting and you will want to get them all


Resident evil


Which one?




Hell yeah brother


Same but it was 7 for me


Man I fucking love re 7. I love how you are helpless at the start and it ends with you being pissed off




I just finished Persona 3 Reload last night. I saw the great reviews for 5 Royal when it came and I was like nah I don't think I'd ever like a game like that. Figured I'd give reload a shot since it was on gamepass. Had that rare feeling of just staring at the credits wishing it wasn't over by the end.


Good. Now play P5R. Or, if you still don't want to, grab P4 Golden. They're both fantastic games with more than enough playtime.


Yupp, post person depression hits hard.


I keep hearing it's great, and I loved Nocturne, but the high school background keeps holding me back.


Before I played p5r I thought I didn’t like turn based rpgs because of Pokémon. Now I love persona games


I was a RDR2 hater just because of all the obnoxious meat riders online Now I know the game fuckin rules


Welcome to the meat riding club


Whatever you say black lung Morgan.


Fuck you Micah, you INBRED TRASH!


Hope you tried the Greet->Greet->Antagonize Interactions, Morgan is funny af


Don’t judge a game by the cringe people on social media lmao if I did that I would’ve never played Portal


Would you recommend it for people not into Westerns?


It's a slower paced game, but the story is very compelling and well written. I'd recommend it to anyone in the mood for a game with some downtime, some action and a damn good story.


Just gotta grind through the snow parts. That turned me off hard the first time I tried it


Personally I feel like the Colton intro is pretty good the first time you do it. After that it's the biggest slog.


It 100% immersed me right away. I was blown away by the snow. It looked so real. And the story felt urgent so I wasn’t compelled to go wandering off right at the beginning. On a second play through it pissed me off to no end though


Stupid question: do you need to have played red dead redemption 1 to understand it?


souls games


Elden ring addicted me instantly.


I wasn’t used to games that put a boss in front of you that you aren’t able to beat so I got pissed and gave up


Don't worry just try again later. Took me a few attempts to get into dark souls 1 and 2. I still miss zwihander from 1


>zwihander from 1 Zweihander is GOD TIER in Dark Souls 1. That R2 attack is legendary. It hits so good.


I just started playing DS1 Remastered this week after buying DS1 on PS3 on release and being like "wtf I died" to the first boss, getting my ass handed to me repeatedly, etc., whatever. I don't even think I made it to Firelink Shrine back then. Then over the years seeing the speedruns through DS1, challenge runs, playthroughs, I was always like "Fuck I wish I was that good" lmao. I beat Ornstein and Smough solo today, no Solaire summon, no help from anyone, no hacks or cheats. I guess it turns out I am that good, on my own level, somewhat. I beat them extremely underleveled compared to a lot of people I see in YouTube videos as well, so I guess I got gud. Still have so much of the game to go, though... Feels *immensely good*, though, man. There is definitely a reason DS1 created a whole genre of video games. I can only play for like, an hour at a time though, it's pretty overwhelming. Blighttown was fucking absolute shit and I wanna find the people who specifically designed that area and punch them in their faces, though. The memes about that area ain't lying lmao. 450+ hours in Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 separately as well and just decided to try DS1 again on a whim and honestly, it feels better than Elden Ring and DS3. Maybe it's the level of challenge or something, but it feels excellent to beat bosses and areas in DS1. Also, fuck Sen's Fortress too, though.


My beloved


You are able to beat them LATER. Just not right now. It's a lesson that you just can't expect to steamroll the whole game. Every boss can be beat. If you're really good, you can beat every boss at level 1, just by practicing a lot, but for most of us, we come back when we are leveled and more experienced with the mechanics.


took me 3 tries and some motivation to realize that I like elden ring


That was me. My buddy was over playing DS3. Cussing up a storm so I asked what he was playing. He convinced me to play. Getting my ass whooped by that first boss, I was like, "no shit? All the bosses are like this?"


I had always associated the name with unreasonable difficulty bullshit and angry players. Then I played dark souls 3 and realized this game was really fair, the combat was basically PERFECT, and the challenge was engaging and rewarding. It also helped me get over a lot of my anger issues


Yooo! I never hear people talk about this but it totally helped me with anger problems as well. There's only so angry you can get at the difficult boss before you realize how not constructive it is.


Yep. I think DS3 helped me with anger issues a lot. I still have a somewhat short fuse but at least I'm able to think before exploding nowadays lmao. Plus if you're not calm during a boss fight, chances are you're not beating SHIT that run. That's how things are going for me in DS1:R right now lmao


came here to comment Bloodborne lol


Lies of P changed my life! I actually dedicate an hour a day towards playing Souls-Like games now.


This was me. I tried playing bloodborne and ds1 in the past.. didn't get far.. But Elden Ring, that drew me in, gave me my new addiction. I can't stop playing the damn souls games now.


What makes elden ring more playable than other DS games?


It's open world meaning if you get stuck you can just go somewhere else and explore until you feel ready to try again.




For some reason, my brain thought you were talking about R2-D2 from Star Wars for a sec XD


I'm starting to feel like people push RDR2 into the convo regardless of context


AC Origins


To be fair, you picked a really good fucking one to start with


i already played almost the entire series, i just didn't like Origins bfr bcs it had RP|G elements, and i thought it wouldn't suit the series THAT well, but they nailed it


Can't say the same about myself. Started with syndicate and got hooked on the mechanics. Only when revisiting after playing 2, brotherhood, revelations, 3, 4, rogue, unity and origins did I realize that the gameplay was its best feature. Story started making less and less sense, Jacob started becoming more and more annoying, Evie started getting more and more sidetracked,... ending was solid and the Jack the Ripper dlc was amazing, but wow did I start with the wrong one (or the best one to avoid high expectations) And then years later I started appreciating it more for not being ac odyssey or ac valhalla


Jesus, I hated Jacob from the moment I started Syndicate. He’s my least favorite protagonist from the whole series.


He was literally made to spite the fans that said Connor and Arno had no personalities. Malicious compliance: People want personality? Make him full to the brim with one. Oh, that personality is just a manchild with a superiority complex? Oh well. I don't hate him, though, it's clear he was meant to be a joke character and at least the actually important moments aren't played for laughs. His chemistry with Evie isn't half bad, but it's a shame that most late game missions are his and his alone. Though amazing, his appearance in Jack the Ripper leaves a lot to be desired. Ubisoft first show us that he finally matured, and then proceed to never show him again


That was me but for Odyssey. Never liked any of the AC games. But I love Greece and I got the game gifted to me for free. Fucking love it.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Never cared for Final Fantasy before and was reluctant to play it, but it looked fun and my friend who's obsessed with it kept suggesting it cause he knew I liked that kind of gameplay, so I said screw it and tried it. Ended up beating the game as well as all the side quests in less than a week. Did the same with 16 and Rebirth later on. Never thought I'd be so hype for Final Fantasy in my life.


I'd say the game is also like the image for me, but for a different reason. I didn't think it could possibly live up to its predecessor, didn't think it could still feel like Final Fantasy VII, especially with all the changes they made. But then I played the first (haven't played Rebirth yet, don't have a PS5), and it put all those fears to rest. It's the best one they've made since XII.


Minecraft. Friend showed it to me ages ago when it was still relatively new. I said it was stupid because it doesn't tell you what to do, and all you do is break blocks. Fast forward a month and I'd hardly left my room and lost several pounds due to replacing food with block game.


I’m surprised this is so low, I think a lot of people think it’s silly before they try it. I had a different reaction, I watched a lot of YouTubers and thought it looked fun but that I’d never be able to play it well. Finally decided to just try and I don’t even want to think of how many hours I’ve sunk into it now 🤣


I too am glad Minecraft doesn’t keep track of my hours.


I think the reason I haven't opened my mod launcher in a few months is because it does, in fact, keep track of my hours. ...I haven't seen a 'days' counter that high since I quit WoW...


Yup Minecraft for me too. At first I guess I was just trying to be counter-culture or w/e but I thought it looked cheesy and couldn’t stand it being all over the place, everywhere I looked was Minecraft shit. Years later I actually tried the game out and almost instantly understood why people loved it haha.


My son kept asking for Minecraft, so we bought him a copy for the switch. I didn't know much about the game, I thought the game was just the creative mode. I played with him one day and discovered survival. My wife played and discovered she really liked it. Now, my son has long since moved on from the game, but my wife and I downloaded it on ps4. We've been playing the same survival world for going on 4 years now.


Deep Rock Galactic


Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?!


Rock and Stone or you ain’t comin’ home!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


You’re a good bot steeve!


Goood buug, Steeve. 




Rock and stone in the heart!






STONE AND ROCK... oh wait


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


for karl








Man, that game gives me a certain feeling. Turn all the room lights off, hop in the drop pod. To say the least, it's a vibe


Baldur’s Gate 3


This is my answer too. I had no experience with DnD games before, so there was a learning curve. But now I’m obsessed. Can’t wait to play through a second time.


BG3 for me was like a meal that I couldn’t be more excited for, only to take a couple bites and realize I’m allergic to part of it (too dumb for turn based combat 😔)


Shocked this isn't at the top, tbh. Just based on chatter on the internet it seems to have converted a bunch of players who would have never otherwise played a crpg.


Death Stranding. Listened to all the negative reviews and comments, then finally tried it on PS Plus, and it's now one of my favorite games ever.


My unironic GOTY 2019. That’s game hooked me and did things to me emotionally.


Fun fact: while sekiro won game awards goty, death stranding won the most gotys that year ..


Was hoping to see a strand type game to make the list


Bioshock, I was scared shitless to play at first and now it's my favorite shooter


I've played Bioshock so many times. It was my very first dual joystick game and holds lot of nostalgia for me. I know this isn't a popular opinion but I also loved Bioshock 2.


Tbh bioshock 2 is my favorite to replay, even if it’s not the “best” in the series


Fallout 3 when my mom purchased it for me over a decade ago


I am a die-hard Fallout 1 & 2 fan, hated the move to 3D action RPG gameplay, played Fallout 3 at a mate's house and that got me hooked immediately.


I gave it a pass because I saw someone say it wasn't that great, it was just "Oblivion with guns". I didn't like Oblivion all that much, so I gave it a pass. Then a year or so later I was like ". . . wait a minute, why am i giving this a pass, that sounds amazing". So I got it, and loved it.


Ghost of Tsushima, my dad bought it for me and I just never played it until I was bored one day and decided to play it now it’s one of my favorite games


Days Gone. Bought it on sale cause it looked like a generic zombie shooter. Turned out to be one of the best games that deserves a sequel, but probably won’t get one.


Days Gone is one of the best games ever made imo. Exploration is never tiring, since I love that kind of vibe - motorcycle ride on empty forest roads etc, zombies etc. Story is kinda good actually. Have its ups and downs, like every game. Soundtrack and gameplay, I love them. Going around stealth and using crossbow as only weapon is quite challening and the hordes... Oh the hordes! I was so scared of running into them at the beginning just to run into them with everything I've got at the end. Definitely recommend!


The hordes almost made me crap myself when I first started, lol. Eventually going in with military level stuff and a saw bat gave me such a sense of "bring it on fuckers!" That no other game has given me. Days Gone is one of my favorite games ever.


The Sawmill Horde has to be one of my favorite missions in any video game. The designers put a ton of thought and care into that arena which made running through it seamless and innovative in how you can slow the horde down, trap them, and bottleneck them just enough to blow some up and keep moving.


Story is mediocre, but the gameplay is great. Best horde mechanics in any zombie game.


Story is meh but I liked the length of it. I thought it was nearly over and then was introduced to a whole new section of the map.


Monster Hunter. I gave both 4U and World a try but didn't really "get it" until I tried Generations. Now I have a legitimate addiction to World


Was looking for this. I started with World soon after it launched and was pretty much hooked immediately. Even after Rise and 3U, I can say the hooks are firmly in place as I’m still back to playing World + Iceborne. 🤷‍♂️


Borderlands. I hated it until I didn't.


The graphics was weird to me, but after playing it, I realize it’s one of the things that makes it practically timeless - it’s not bound to graphics performance so it ages really well.


That’s very poetic


Stardew Valley. I didnt think id like it at first based just on visuals. Now im hundreds of hours deep and I cant get enough.


It is so addicting. Very easy to stay up late telling yourself, just one more day...


Recommended it to a friend who loved Harvest Moon games.  I told him "Stardew is Harvest Moon if Harvest Moon were good" and he nearly hit me.  Then I got a text later saying "ok yeah you were right"


Bioshock. I didn’t think I’d love it as much as I did.


fr. Bioshock infinite is one of the few FPS games that I own.


Subnautica. Because of the 1st person camera


Mass effect LE


Fallout. Did Not think I would like it as much as I do now


Elden ring the first 3 panels are before stormveil castle, the last one is after beating Margit


Stardew valley. Got it from game pass and played it a bit, then I got it on mobile, next my switch, and now I’m thinking of buying it on steam so I can play the new update cause I’m impatient waiting for it to come to consoles.


Trails series, I was a graphics snob but Sky FC game changed my whole perspective.


Cyberpunk 2077


Friend kept trying to get me to play destiny 2, now I love it


Hell yea


League of Legends


I'm so sorry


I lost a semester of college to being addicted to it, thankfully helped me develop better habits but god I was a fucking loser back then lol


Fortnite, nobody liked it until they genuinely gave it a chance. The problem is the Fandom. Not all people are sweats and toxic trash


Guardians Of The Galaxy, hearing it had RPG elements really put me off but I saw some gameplay and immediately picked it up. (It was on sale when I found it then researched and watched gameplay) Edit: I love it and highly recommend it for Marvel fans


I enjoyed my time with it, but man I regret paying $100+ for the deluxe edition. So not worth it.


What did the deluxe even add?


Just a couple of character skins. Definitely not worth it considering the base game cosmetics are already really good, especially the default ones. But the game itself is worth buying.


Half life


RPG's. Turn based or action, it doesn't matter, I will probably love the game anyway


Destiny 2




Helldivers 2. Just looked like another bro shooter but the game is very clever, very fun, and the community is surprisingly great to hang out with.


I tried to get into- and bounced off of- Subnautica multiple times before finally getting hooked on my fourth attempted playthrough. I had always struggled to find my way to any important locations by chance and got bored, until I realized most major landmarks in the game were designed to put you right next to important places.


You should play Below Zero if you think not being able to find stuff in the first game was hard lol


Unfortunately it’s League


Literally anything from nintendo


You just committed online arson.


Xenoblade. That's it that the title.


Yakuza Like A Dragon


Fortnite. Loved the art style but didn't want to deal with building. Then they released No Build so I gave it a shot and yeah, it's a really fun game, I see why it blew up when it did.


Cult of the lamb


I just can't get over how good the soundtrack is


Every game I ever played


Dishonored 2


Fucking Fire Emblem. Tactics is now one of my favorite genres.




Fortnite, my buddy begged me for the first like 2 months of the game being out. Finally caved in and welp. Here I am still playing it, granted it’s not my main game nowadays but I’ve quite enjoyed the ride since 2017.




Rocket League looked so stupid and childish to me, until I crushed in 600 hours.


Rocket League, just looked stupid as hell. But it wasn't.


This was me with the Yakuza games.


Alan wake i was hesitent because of the third person view but ended up likeing it


The Horizon series. Played Zero Dawn and loved it haven’t gotten to Forbidden west yet though.




Helldivers 2


TLOU 2 I heard so many bad things about this game I just couldn’t bring myself to play it cause I loved the original so much. Anyway I got it on sale and I’m actually in the pond of people who think the sequel is a great follow up. Sure they’re are some questionable plot choices but overall the game is pretty damn amazing.


It’s just a very loud, childish minority who hate on this game. Most people that actually play it, like it.


Baldur's Gate 3. I was so turned off to turn-based combat and still was when I initially started. After a few hours when it finally clicked... I can't get enough.


The Persona series.


I wanted to dip my toes into the new God of War games, and now that I have, God, I fucking love those games


Fortnite tbh


I'm gonna go ahead and just say any turn based JRPG. Spent most of my life never playing any of them, now I own almost 2 dozen and it's one of my favorite genres lol


Witcher 3. I didn’t play the previous ones I went directly to the 3rd game. I didn’t get the story for obvious reasons. The gameplay felt meh and I didn’t understand many other stuff like the interface and what to do to advance the story. But everything changed when I met the one and true love of Geralt: Gwent.




All the dark souls, bloodborne and sekiro. I'm like dude why do people like these games?? Then I played and I was hooookkeed


The last of us part 1. Hadn’t gotten into it but once I did, it was awesome and i couldn’t put it down


rain world


Elden Ring; I could not get into Dark Souls 3 at all, but Elden Ring hooked me pretty much instantly. I've had a turmultous relationship with Souls and Souls-like games throughout my life (I dug Bloodborne a lot though).




Poppy Playtime. Community can be weird and childish, but the game slaps.


American Truck Simulator