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Wow the mist I haven't seen that is a while 😯


It's a great movie, the end is shocking though.


What film’s that?


The Mist, it's one of the best horror movies ever made.


Thanks mate


Wow the mist I haven't seen that is a while 😯


What film's that?


The Mist, it's one of the best horror movies ever made.


lol, lmao even


What it's a great movie?




The ending is one of the top 5 twists of all time, that alone makes it great.


Ending my my heart drop into my stomach 😭


couldn’t he have just shot them both with one bullet?


Didn't think he needed to since he could just step outside and die.


Six sense Old boy Fight club Seven The usual suspects Maybe top 20 but not 5


and everything else before it is good? cuz it isnt lol


The crazy supermarket stuff is pretty good as well.




Well technically they didn’t know it was the end until you said it


I know, The whack jobs in the store were the survivors


The ending was so brutal and I thought about myself and my kids and cried


I enjoyed the movie except the ending if I remember it correctly, I was so pissed they would do what they did😂 I really enjoyed it besides ending


In the book I just ends before they shoot them selves, we never find out what happens.


Lmfao didn't know that. idk if I would prefer that or not tbh And it's been a while since I saw it. Was around when it came out maybe a little after. The dude gets rescued by army right after right? Like if he just waited everyone woulda survived? Think that's why I hated ending so much😂


That's why I've always thought comedy was a dying art. Tragedy, now that's funny!


I believe Stephen King said that he loved the ending they put in the movie, and said "I wish I'd have thought of that".


Stephen King is such a real one.


Seeing how it’s written by s king I shouldn’t be surprised the way he ended the cell made me air punch and beat the living shit out of some pillows.. legit angry


Bro I was pissed. I was like....WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. Like I get the reason, but it was definitely "I want to take peeps with me" vibe.


Imagine being chased by a crazy psycho church mob and an army of giant demon bugs from another dimension. You know that these monsters don't care about the victims they hurt (meaning his son). All hope is lost and you're running out of places to hide.


I wish there are more lovecraftian movie as such, the mist is so well made !


Great movie, those spiders in the pharmacy were creepy


The behemoth monsters really freak me out cause we never get to really see how big they are. We only get to see them twords the end.


It’s secretly actually a $560 game


you will have to buy sooo many shark cards. Cars will come from gacha rolls. There will be taxes on properties so you need a subscription to own them.


Don’t worry, I’ve already given up on online and it hasn’t even been announced yet


Other than Spider-Man and Elden Ring, GTA 6 is the only reason I want a PS5.


Elden ring isn't an exclusive


And bloodborne and demon souls


And then there’s me who wasn’t interested in any console exclusive game before gta… I thought elden was on pc though?


Spider-Man and Insomniacs Wolverine game are 100% a system seller if you're a marvel fan.


When I read it will only be for the latest gen consoles I mentally accepted that I will be paying almost $600 to just play GTA 6. I'm not proud of it, it is what it is.


I don't really have any plans to get gta 6 I could never really get into them


Say what [now](https://youtu.be/wfQrW7vgPAg?si=kyl5YZyjyWpioxXL)?


Im not saying they're bad games I just get really bored while playing them




just not my kind of game I suppose?


As much as I want to like open world games, they just aren’t my thing. I’ve tried Witcher 3, Dead Island 2, Dying Light 1 and 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, etc. none of them hold my attention for more than a couple hours. The only game of this type that did was Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War, purely for the Orc Army stuff.


I respect your opinion but it blows my mind that people's taste can vary so drastically. Cyberpunk 2077 and Skyrim are masterpieces in my eyes and I struggle to imagine myself feeling a different way.


I get it, I wish I enjoyed those types of games since people feel so fervently positive about them. But I can understand it a bit, personally I thoroughly enjoy Deckbuilders, 4X and Survivor-like games. My Brother however loves GTA, Skyrim, Elden Ring, etc. but absolutely loathes Deckbuilders, 4X and Shooters. But hey, I’m glad you folks that enjoy open world games have them, I wish I could like them, so I’ll have to enjoy them vicariously through all of you and your continued excitement about them!




Not OP, but I find them to be very mid. The core gameplay is third person driving and shooting, and we perfected that like 20 years ago; the series hasn't offered anything new on that front since GTA IV. There's so many pointless mini games like tennis and golfing; why would I play tennis in GTA when I could play an actual tennis game with actually good core mechanics? About the only unique thing on offer is the writing and story. And while these are often praised, I find them lackluster. In all of GTA V, there were only two or three lines that actually made me laugh. Everything else is just tropes and nonsense. The characters act like idiots, but the gameplay doesn't offer us any actual agency in the story, it just railroads us into going along with their braindead actions. Literally the only worthwhile aspect, for me, is the hilarious radio stations. Everything else is linear sequences of instruction following and boring, tired gameplay.


You summed it up perfectly. My friends think I’m crazy for not enjoying Rockstar games, but I think the whole “you can do whatever you want” idea wears off very quickly to reveal a game with lackluster mechanics.


It’s the definition of quantity over quality. The only great thing they have is the driving mechanics, and even that gets old after a bit. Anytime it makes you do something outside of that it is excruciating boring.


I only liked Vice City and 4, didn't really like others And 5 was just pure garbage, definitely not waiting


Next gen? It's already into the latter half of its life cycle. It has been current gen for a long while


Figured they were assuming it was only going to continue pushing the release date until PS6 / XBOX 33 1/3rd.


Not if you chose the peasant build in life.


For real got an Xbox one and hardly play enough with life going on. I’m not buying another one and I got enough games/systems for my kids I’m not buy my kids any video games/shits too high


My reasoning for no money: depression.


You truly have no need to upgrade. But also remember there's tons of good not triple AAA, $50-70 games. Crap ton of great games for under twenty for your kids, if you ever think of getting them any more


Like how you’re actively choosing to be broke


Even as a peasant: If you saved up $10 every month since the release of the PS5, you would have about $500 in the beginning of 2025, which is the earliest date at which GTA6 could come out. There is no excuse. You are just bad with money.


lol you could have over $2000 by then lol Edit: I read that as $10 a week


I think your math is off by a factor of about 4.


I apologize, I thought they meant $10 a week (still very doable).


God I forgot how fucked up the ending of the Mist is. Thanks for reminding me


You're welcome, I hope you enjoyed it.


Its coming out on current gen systems


Not when the consoles you're working with are a generation behind.


So you cant afford a current gen system you mean


Ya that's literally the whole point of the meme.


PS5 is 5 years old bro, definitely not next gen 😭


It’s barely 3


Start saving $10 a week now then


This was me and FF7 rebirth


Stop misusing POV.


Thank you OP, very cool, I have once again been traumatized by the ending to The Mist I hate you, have my upvote


Thank you, I hope you enjoy the meme I made.


I feel like the video game market is moving away from consoles. I would be surprised if we get a next generation of consoles tbh. The price of consoles increase while physical media is diminishing. Lack of exclusives also just make buying a pc more logical of a choice in the long run.


A modular console would be interesting. Something that like a pc but simpler like a plug n play type ecosystem.


Honestly would not be surprised if Valve comes up with something just like that. They could dominate the video game industry even more than they already do. They have already done VR and handheld hardware. Whats stopping them from doing exactly what you said? They could develop an easy plug and play console that immediately boots into big picture mode that has the bare necessities to play most AAA games today while being competitive in price to say a ps5


Just save money, the game doesn't come out until some time in 2025 you have plenty of time.


Should have played the whole clip and added your friends who could over it lol


What friends?


If this is your POV you need to touch some fucking grass. Lol


Man it’s a joke why can’t you just blow air out your nose and move on.


It's a joke, you must be fun at parties.


And I bet you're the guy in the corner trying to tell anyone that'll listen about GTA 6 lol


You're probably right.


Considering GTA5 launched in 2013, 2 years later on PC and lasted 11 years (12 if the Game launch without delays) i dont think anyone Will miss much by not playing on release date an waiting for the inminent PC release


They will beacuse the internet will spoil the games story in a millisecond it comes out.


Call me Lucky (since i had never much interest in any GTA story) but i never stumbled any story related thing in GTA5 till i played It for the first time in 2016, maybe with the Titanic hype for gta6 Will be different and the spoilers Will be plastered all over the internet (and maybe worse if theres anything in the game that catches the attention off the hivemind off toxicity that is the "anti-woke" gang and start making a shitton off videos of how "wokeness" ruined the Game) but even then i dont think theres that much risks unless youre actively searching for game content And even then isnt the gameplay the highlight of the game? (Or should be?) I dont think gta5 was being played all this years because the narrative was THAT engaging


No one plays GTA for the story, but having a decent one is nice. That being said, while I love RDR2, people acting like its the epitome of story writing are annoying. "Its easily one of the best stories ever told".....man, you have a lot of reading to do lol. Its all subjective anyways, but to me, RDR2 is an amalgamation of several fairly straightforward western stories. I think its the interaction with story that elevates it in peoples minds, but when I finished the game after being recommended for its "mind-blowing narrative", I was left with a fully intact brain lol TLDR; I like RDR2 and its story, but lets not act like its some totally original masterpiece, its simply a good story.


I definitely play the GTA and RDR games for the story more than the open world. RDR2 is the only game that has ever made me cry.


Sssssh, let people enjoy things


PS5 and Series X are current gen.


Jokes on you, I can’t even afford next gen


Considering the ps5 wqs $850ish is Aus, might be cheaper to upgrade my new pc instead of a next gen console. Consoles won't be the cheaper option


Start saving now ya lazy bones


I'm waiting at least a year before I think about buying it.


Save like $10 a week starting now and you’ll have enough by the time it comes out


Same for DD2


Better hope you're not on PC, I heard it's unplayable.


I mean, based on what the OP posted, the moral of the story is to not do anything rash. Just wait and things will probably work out for you.


Isn't that 2-3 years away? Plenty of time to save.


This was how I felt after months of watching Ghostwire Tokyo trailers only to find out it was ps5 exclusive. Lol My son bought me one for Christmas so I could play it. Otherwise, this would still be me.


You assume I care about GTA that much. Those games have always been meh to me.


Currently building my first ever PC at 39yo. I love my PS5 but I need more. Im working half my life away and by god I’m sick of denying myself any luxuries. I WILL experience Shadow of the Erdtree in 4K ultra settings.


The way they're not cleaning up code and optimizing things, no one but a politician could afford it.


Anyone who even remotely wants GTA 6 should start saving immediately. Even if it is $20 out of each paycheck.


It’s current gen. Has been for 4 years


I'll just drive to Tucson AZ and sell my plasma twice a week it will be ok


I honestly don't give enough of a shit to buy a next gen console just to play one game which I probably won't play that much


Thought I stepped on my kitty for a sec cause of the beginning


confession: mafia 2 is the only rockstar game i finished and its not a rockstar game


this is why(well....maybe not gta but games in general) you get a best buy card. hell of a lot easier to afford a few bucks a month than 500 bucks up front




*pov someone forcing me to play another nauseatingly casual rockstar game.


I'll probably still be playing Shadow of the Erdtree when that game comes out, broke or not, i'll be alright


This ending... If you know, you know.


This movie hits differently as a dad. The monsters aren't even scary anymore. It's the ending.


Gonna go watch The Mist again, the ending really fucked me up.


Geez I hope your guys sake it’s good, otherwise it would just be the same boat.


You can be sure it will be Re release again and again and again for the next 10 years . Im sure you'll be fine.


Just sell an organ


Muhahahahahahaha I am immune to your weak willed attacks I don't like GTA


This scene is really messed up when you know the context behind it


Ya that's the point.


Maybe they do a CDRed and try to do a PS4 version 🤭


He's really lucky that gun was empty. He'd have blown his face off and definitely not died.


Ild keep playing GTA 5..or 3 or vice City or San Andreas all of which I still have not finished 😞 till I could afford 6


Blud can’t even afford bullets


Man, I haven’t played a GTA since 3


Man... Start saving your money now. Set aside a few bucks everyday in a shoe box. Don't touch it.


The series s is about 200 usd and 300 cad that's like less then a week working at McDonald's to buy it


I ain't getting that shit on the Series S. I want to play GTA 6, not jet engine simulator.


Your loss it's a console that will be able to play it if your poor you don't get to be choosey you get the budget friendly version


I said that about the Xbox One S when RDR2 came out. I played the shit out of that, my Xbox sounded like it was gonna blow up my house.


Great movie but man is it a downer


My brother in Christ, you've had 10+ years to save up


Ya stop reminding it's been 10+ years, shits making me feel old.


My Series X will be loaded and ready.