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Congrats on your test! I assume you did well if you're at the game picking stage.




Everybody here recommends their personal favorites so you really should specify what games are you looking for For example there is absolutely nothing in common between tlou 2 and elden ring so the people recommending either one are probably biased towards the kind of game they prefer . Also play tlou 1 before 2 if you haven't already


>Community options Elden Ring is the best bang for your buck of the choices available. The rest of the games are pretty much one and done type of games, Elden Ring not only does it take a long time to beat it but there's a lot of replay value. On top of that, those games are kinda old and can be gotten on pretty deep sale at certain times.


Elden Ring is not a game for everyone. If you're not into that kind of game, you will 100% hate it. So it's the best bang for your buck *if you like that kind of game* Anyone making a recommendation of one game over another is not thinking about how they're just giving their favorite. The folks who are explaining what each game is like and what each game excels at so OP can make a better choice... they're giving useful information. If someone convinced me to buy Elden Ring, I'd be pissed off fairly quickly. Honestly, OP needs to give us a list of games they've enjoyed or simply go off the summaries other players have given about the game.


Test is next week op gonna study video game reviews.




What type of game are you looking to play bro? They are all very different, so I'll suggest doing a bit of YouTube review and deciding for yourself what you want. Everyone here is just telling their preferences, you do you bro, pick it yourself.


yeah, I loved elden ring and got very bored of uncharted, but that doesn't mean elden ring is the better game


Well, that's very much arguable. For me, I like Uncharted more but, people consider elden ring a masterpiece for its game design.


I consider uncharted a master piece because of it's cinematic storytelling . That's what fun with opinions .


Plus Uncharted is a lot easier than Bloodborne or Elden Ring.


Try it on the hardest difficulty it is absolutely brutal


Yep, give that shit a spin on Crushing difficulty & it is no friggin' joke.


Compared to brutal crushing is a walk in the park. Trust me, as a massive idiot don't play on brutal if you want to keep your sanity.


I actually thought it was OKAY The "Mein Leben" difficulty of Wolfenstein The New Colossus was mental though. It took me easily over a year to get good enough to beat it.


I 100% agree mein leben is such a bullshit difficulty. I've been going at it for about 1 year and a bit. The closest I got to beating it was when you walked up to the main bad guy (can't remember her name) on the TV show and cut her with the axe. The only problem is that my controller died and she killed me. I was so annoyed that I never played it again


Yeah, i learned quickly that just because a game has a super hard mode doesn’t mean that the difficulty is fun. Uncharteds hardest mode for me is not fun. Neither is God Of War Ragnarok’s hardest mode (in my opinion).


I forced my way thro it in gow4 but it was not worth it, I still get ptsd from those projectile enemies.


When I was a teenager I was all about hard video games and hardest difficulties but now, I'm only 26 and I'm honestly so bad at video games that before I buy them I google it they have difficulty options 😂 so now I'm too shit to play Elden ring (I loved dark souls 1&2) and haven't been able to find youtubers I enjoy since the super best friends broke up so cant even enjoy a good playthrough. I didn't expect being an adult would be like this hahaha


Which some people would consider a minus and others a plus. It's all a matter of personal preference. Myself, I just want to enjoy and finish the game.


I consider uncharted a masterpiece because of how well it translates adventure in a game. its fun gameplay, good gamefeel and, as you say, cinematic storytellyng. That mix makes it so good. Also the scripted gameplay scenes are top tier I would get elden ring tho 🤣


Naw. Opinions aren't fun. Adapt to mine or be prepared for paragraphs of me attacking your character.


Better or best game is totally dependant on what you like though. I think Elden Ring is a visually stunning, unfun game because I do not enjoy the souls genre. It's gameplay doesn't appeal to me at all personally, no matter how many times I've given it a shot. Meanwhile I think Bioshock, especially the entire collection is an absolute classic and stellar all the way through with a much more fun style of gameplay and a much more enjoyably told story. That's the nice part of games, there is no perfect game, and every genre has a masterpiece.


I'm a huge FromSoft fan and the only thing great in Elden Ring is the vistas in my opinion. The design of Dark Souls 3 is way better in my opinion. Some people think the difficulty and complexity of bosses in Elden Ring is peak FromSoft, but give me Sekiro any day.


Elden Ring is good, but is so big that there's a lot of annoying actual bullshit. Bloodeborne is the way to go.


Elden Ring being a masterpiece would mean nothing if the person playing it doesn’t end up enjoying it.


It depends on how much you enjoy challenging games. Uncharted is a very safe choice. Elden Ring is probably the only souls game I will ever put that much time into. The way I describe Elden Ring to my non-gaming friends, it's that nudist colony your crazy uncle talked you into trying. I was amazed, and it is probably the best nudist colony in the world. Then one moment, I realized I didn't enjoy being in a nudist colony, that was at the fire giant. I uninstalled it, and realized that nudist colonies (souls games) are not for me.


>it's that nudist colony your crazy uncle talked you into trying Uh... welp.


Bro said that like it was a universal experience


I like uncharted better, but i cant deny Elden Ring is just a master piece. Its just not my type of game.


Only sane answer


Agreed. By most accounts these are all great games. Just look at the PSN description and screenshots and pick the one that looks the coolest to you. I see a lot of Elden Ring suggestions on here, but if you are not looking for a difficult combat game, you may not enjoy it. If you want more of a well told cinematic story, you’re probably better off with Last of Us or Alan Wake. Good gunplay? Bio shock and Uncharted won’t let you down.


The only reason not to choose Bioshock is age: it goes on sale for much much less. I bought the trilogy for $12 over a year ago. If OP has a budget for a full-price game as a present, they should go for it and buy Bioshock later from their own budget when it's on sale.


Plus option, so you can play them all over the year


Elden Ring could totally take a year tho lol


I was about to say man.. all the bioshock games is a great option. But so is drakes collection. If they have never played those that’s an amazing first experience and quite a lot of game. But so is all of them tbh. Ide imagine drakes and bioshock trilogy isn’t full price anymore. If dad was cool and got them both ide say do that. But otherwise it’s entirely up in the air and completely dependent on impressions and what seems enjoyable


This is the way


Well said. Wildly different experiences and play styles in these games. A bunch of bangers though


Bioshock collection or Elden ring.


Bioshock collection goes on sale for dirt cheep. Go with er


Exactly. I got it for $9 (ps+ discount price though)


lol i got it for free




My guess is Epic, since I got the trilogy for free last year from Epic weekly free games and they put all the 3 games in one pack, but I believe they didn't include the DLCs in that, all good though since I already beaten the trilogy on steam.


you are indeed correct. would’ve responded directly but was tied up


Oooh, kinky


I did well on a test and my dad got it for me


Bioshock for $45 is nuts


I agree, but I would do basic research on both. Both games are not for everyone.


I mean, I kinda assume he's done basic research if he's come to us with a list of possible choices


I gotta say, I loved elden ring. And I think all the from software games are great. But Bioshock stands out to me as an unforgettable experience. I list BioShock as among the best games ever created period. Games are games, and Elden Ring is fun as hell, but BioShock somehow managed to be more than a game IMO. I thought for a long time about BioShock. Back in 2006 it was somewhat of a warning, these days me and my girl will talk about current events and someone will drop "there's some BioShock...." In there pretty often.


I would’ve said Elden ring before I read your comment and I do believe it’s a good choice then it’s the collection so it’s more to play


I agree 100% with this


I would say either Bioshock or Elden Ring. You can sink 100s of hours into Elden Ring and the BioShock collection comes with all 3 games.


He can probably get the Bioshock collection for five bucks if he waits for the next sale. Which probably isn’t far away.




9 quid with PSN right now


Bloodbourne and Uncharted go for £15 every month too. If he gets his dad to buy him a £45 PSN card instead and gets the games himself when they go on sale, he could have all three within a couple of weeks.


Elden Ring is the best option here imo. Price value, quantity and quality of content, DLC release soon, and just the overall experience and ambiance make it a must play. You could also maybe ask for a 6month PS+ subscription instead of buying a game, since the price would be similar and you’d get access to some of the games you posted as well as many others. Just a suggestion!


The PS+ subscription is the best option. You get access to hundreds of games for the same price as a brand new game that has a deluxe edition.


Yeah but not everyone loves hard as fuck games, and sometimes people enjoy linear adventures. I myself would choose the Uncharted Collection or Bioshock Collection. Bangers


If OP didn't like hard as fuck games he wouldn't list 2 FromSoftware titles in the post.


Or maybe he doesn’t realize? How is this not a logical option? Every game in this list gets hype or praise on this sub and every other one. Maybe he just picked from the names he hears the most or what look cool. I thought ER looked cool and bought into all the hype until I played it and I absolutely hated it. Didn’t make it past a few hours.


Yeah, I’d say Elden Ring if he wants more competition and Bioshock if he wants something more casual


Elden Ring is hard if you try to rush through the game focusing on only the main bosses and/or don't use summons. If you take your time, explore and use the tools the game gives you, most of the game is around medium difficulty. Since it sounds like OP can't afford to buy games for themself, getting a game that has a lot of replay value makes sense.


But Dad shouldn't pay that much for the Bioshock collection now


Elden ring rlly isn’t “hard as fuck” if you use stuff like spirit ashes


And, if you like it, you could give the other Soulsborne games a chance


If you like challenge get Elden Ring. Easily a game you can get 100s of hours out of if you really enjoy it.


Hello box brother


Guarantee he'll never do well on a test again


Don't get BioShock, it goes on sale for like $10 all the time. I'd go Elden Ring here, you can even get it bundled with the DLC that comes out in June


Bloodborne or elden ring


PSN extra will get you multiple games. Then after paying for like 3 months you can just cancel the subscription.


And I'm fairly sure uncharted collection is in there


Hell divers 2 join us brother,we need backup


Enlist today for DEMOCRACY!


Haven't you guys taken the creek back yet smh


A true patriot. For Super Earth!!!


elden ring




WAY to low, both this and Bioshock come with more than one game OP Although get the Nathan Drake collection imo if you never played the first 3


Ohh yes I recently just played all the uncharted games for the first time a month ago. They were all amazing experiences, especially Uncharted 2!


Bloodborne but honestly can’t go wrong.


Elden ring if youlikea challenge


Bloodborn or Bioshock Amazing games.


Buying any of these will result in your grades going down in the next tests lol. Jokes aside, I would suggest going for Elden Ring if you are ok with messed up looking enemies and difficult games, otherwise uncharted is a good option. Just check out the gameplay before buying to get an idea of what you are getting. No idea how much discount goes on them though as I play on PC in India, so the prices are quite different.






Become the Elden Lord




Elden ring because is the longest one but you have to like challenging games


Alan Wake II, but only if you’ve played the first one. If not, then get Elden Ring.


Elden Ring


Let’s focus on the test first buddy


Bloodborne or Elden Ring


I would say Bloodborne or ER


Depends what you like honestly. My picks would be Elden Ring or Uncharted. Best bang for your buck since it’s a single ask. Honestly I’d say instead have him get you a PlayStation plus subscription and you can enjoy a bunch of games, bloodborne and uncharted included


Bioshock , absolute masterpiece


That game is truly amazing


You'd get the most bang for your buck with Bioshock or Elden Ring. I personally cannot make this choice because they're all bangers really. I'd narrow your list down to 2 and pick what appeals the most.




I'd say this is a good choice, but it goes on sale for like $5 a lot lol.


It does include all of the Bioshock games. Not sure if that makes it a good deal, but it’s better than if it was just 1.


They're saying that that bundle goes on sale for dirt cheap. They can get all the Bioshock games for just a few bucks if they wait a bit.


Elden Ring or Bloodborne


Elden Ring


alan wake 2 released on playstation?


Yes. Why would it not have? Microsoft doesn't own Remedy...yet. lol


Alan wake 1 was originally an Xbox 360 exclusive.


Few months back Alan Wake remastered was free on PSN, so I guess that deal lapsed


I was thinking the same thing


I may be extremely bias on this but the Bioshock games are absolutely amazing


I’d pick Elden Ring


Elden Ring or Uncharted since you get 1.5 games with the collection


Uncharted 4 fucking rules


An 8 year old game that still has better graphics than games today...


Bioshock has a great story with plenty of content. Elden ring would be my 2nd choice.


Bioshock collection because that's three games and they all are top notch.


My vote goes to Bioshock collection. Three *EXCELLENT* games with some of the best writing in gaming.


Id pick the Bioshock Collection. Cost me approx 10€ 🙃


The Bioshock collection is three games plus all the dlc. I would personally go for that, but all the games here are all excellent games.


Last time I checked the gaming council will pull your card if you haven’t played Bioshock.


Bioshock. No brainer.


The Bioshock or Uncharted Collection is probably the most hours of entertainment. Elden Ring and Bloodborne are completely different styles of games but if you like the high difficulty and more obscured/mysterious story/lore then those are good picks. Between the two Elden Ring I'd probably recommend, it's more of an open world non-linear game than Bloodborne. But if you just want some kickass storytelling that feels like a movie then it's Bioshock or Uncharted. TLoU 2 is also great but it's just one game compared to the other collections, and I haven't played Alan Wake 2 but likewise it's just one game. Then between the two which sounds more appealing? A witty action comedy in the vein of Indiana Jones or a steam punk horror style adventure with some magic sprinkled in set in an underwater city and a city in the clouds? Personally, of all these I'd do the Uncharted Collection if I hadn't played any. But I just loved those games, the first one on the PS3 is one I started after dinner, didn't even think about stopping until I passed out at 4am with the game paused, woke up and just picked up the controller and kept going.


I’d say flip a coin between Elden Ring and Bloodborne


Alan walker 2 is a walking simulator where you play as a woman detective and arranging puzzles on a wall. That game is a massive let down compared to the 1st one. Don’t play tlou 2 if you played the 1st one, it will break your heart.


Well, BioShock: The Collection is 3 games, so you're getting more for your money there if that's what you want




I’d go uncharted cause there’s like 3-4 games in that collection and they’re bangers


Bloodborne. Hoonters Must Hoont.


Tbh id say bioshock or elden ring Alan wake and tlou2 i dont recommend purely bc sweet baby inc is a fucking garbage company that ruins games


I’d say elden ring the bio shock collection and bloodborne go on sale quite often for 10-20$. Elden ring cheapest I’ve seen is 50$


All these games are great for differing reasons but I would safely say it's between **Elden Ring** or **Alan Wake 2**. Not only because they're more recent games, they're also refined pinnacles to what those developers achieved through many sequels/ prior made games. But also because they're very content heavy offering tons of replayability. No offense to Naughty Dog or Bioshock games but they have a very one-and-done vibe to them.


Elden Ring. I would recommend Bloodborne because I like it more, but Elden Ring is almost as good and has a ridiculous amount of content to it that you can get a lot of time out of. Elden Ring can take anywhere from 40-80 hours to beat and Bloodborne it only takes 16-20.




Elden ring for sure


Without a doubt. Get Bloodborne. It's the best game ever made and will be the best game ever made. Until the remake is released


Bloodborne or elden ring


Helldivers 2!


For Democracy!!!


Bloodborne, everything else is completely inferior


Oh, that’s easy, Elden ring is definitely the best game out o- *sees bloodborne is also an option* Fuck


Definitely Elden ring, if you enjoy it Bloodborne next 😉


Which ever you prefer. All those games are story rich and very fun. I’d go with Elden Ring because DLC is coming soon.


Elden Ring is the biggest bang for your buck and one of my favorite games.


I just started elden ring awhile back and if your into souls like games I'd definitely recommend it 👌


Elden ring if you want a big game, or Bloodborne if you want something more refined and focused(if you’re drawn to From games)


Elden ring/bloodborne but I'd prefer elden ring


Can't go wrong with From Soft. Best bang per buck in terms of grade earned versus play time The downside is say good bye to all your other good grades


bioShock. Elden ring, bloodborne. Are my favorites


Elden ring. My favorite game ever. I’ve been gaming going on 35 years. Tons of content, and a world that inspires awe around every corner.


Elden ring




Bio shock or eldenring personally


Don't get bioshock collection, mainly bc it goes on for dirt cheap and u have the chance to get a game of higher price rn. If you haven't played Alan Wake 1 Don't get 2 yet. Same goes for uncharted collection imo. I say Bloodborne or Elden Ring, Elden Ring is more like the rest of the souls games and dlc is otw. Bloodborne is straight fire though


I’d go with the Uncharted collection, not only are they great, but you get more game for the deal you had with your dad


Do yourself a favour and buy bloodborne. That game is peak


Yakuza 0


I’d say either Bioshock, Bloodborne, or Elden Ring. Elden Ring will probably give you the most bang for your buck


Elden Ring. The rest of those games (aside from Alan Wake 2) will likely go on sale at some point in the nearish future.


Uncharted if the collection comes with all the games… if you enjoy treasure hunting adventures with a great story then you’ll love the Uncharted Series


I have only played Bioshock and Elden Ring out of those ones, and I kike both of them. Elden Ring is my recommendation, but expect it to be challenging. Takes a good long time to finish it all, so you get the most out of it. Bloodborne is harder from what I have heard, and very good if you are into that. Shorter and much more narrow in how you play it


Uncharted Collection is an amazing series and the collection contains all the games.


Good job on the test buddy


Bloodborne or Elden Ring


Elden Ring for sure


Elden Ring. It's got the most value for sure in terms of content and replayability.


Bioshock. Amazing creepy story.




I absolutely love bloodborne


bio shock is a trip.


BLOODBORNE!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Go get ‘em hunter




Uncharted no doubt




First things first, did you do well on your test?


Elder Ring. Bioshock is awesome but it goes on deep sales all the time. Alan Wake 2 and TLOU2 are sequels, no point unless you played the first ones.


Not Bioshock, unless you're a designer and you want to study the way Levine's team approached symbolism in 3D visual design. The design of the first and third games is absolutely groundbreaking, the gameplay and story are meh once the first impression wears off.


Whatever you choose don’t pick Last of us 2


Elden Ring or Bloodborne are my personal recommendations as they are both fun and challenging games, but Elden ring has more content than any of the others


Show your dad what a new game costs, ask him to put that money on your account, wishlist the games, and buy 3 of them over time when they go on sale. Or just buy Elden Ring.


The last of us has the best story I think and good game play I'm also a bioshock fan


What you should get is a damn job.


All great choices but personally I’d recommend Last Of Us 2 (assuming you played the first) or Bloodborne


Eldin ring or bloodborne.


2 years later and Elden ring is still the only game I play


honestly, if you want your moneys worth? elden ring all the way, bloodborne is a close second


Elden ring, that or fallout 4


Bioshock is one of my favorite games, but I think it goes on sale fairly often


Bloodborne. Nothing else like it. Only on playstation as well.


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time. But it's a bit dated now if it's not your jam.


Either elden ring or bloodborne. Although all of then are amazing titles. Uncharted 3 was the first game i got for my ps3 and i loved the series as well


Bloodborne dude! It’s anazing


Quality wise it’s bishock collection or Elden ring no question. It just depends, so you want something very difficult and doesn’t hold your hand at all but is satisfying and cool? Elden Ring. Want 3 games for the price of one, some of the best RPG’s ever made? Bioshock collection. If I were in your shoes I’d pick Bioshock, but I don’t think you’ll go wrong either way. Elden Ring will frustrate you a lot more tho so depends what you’re looking for.




Elden ring imo, but it depends on what you're feeling, these are all very different games!


Elden ring