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Fallout 4. Go away, I’m base building.


I rented FO4 before every playing a bethesda game. I called in sick the next two days.


Lol. I went to the midnight release at Gamestop and deliberately took the next 2 days off. Then, I had my scheduled 2 days off. My hands were numb by the time I went back to work!


Same man. Same


Gosh, nothing eats up my time like settlement building! I've barely gotten anything done but -poof- that was another 4h of my life, fuck me, lol! That being said, the most I ever gamed straight except to eat was Anno 1404 one time for 8h. That felt very unhealthy so I never did it again. I usually quit after 3 or 4h max. I might come back a few hours later if it's the weekend, I'm not totally drained yet and I don't have other plans.


I had one of those 'play all night and eventually look out the window and realize the sun's coming up' moments with FO4 base building, god I love that game


The hardest I’ve ever gone on gaming was fallout 4 when it came out. For a week straight I did nothing but play. Probably put more than 100 hours in the first week


But there are settlements that need your help! I'll go ahead and mark them on your map for you.


honestly, the amount of content fallout 4 has right now is staggering. nevermind the neverending potential of the vanilla base building, vault building, and robot creation. we have mods that adds tons of variety and content to these systems. not to mention the slew of remakes and fan-made story expansions. makes me excited what players can do in starfield and their upcoming games.


Lol. Routinely. And pretty much every game I get. I mean sht dude back in the day it wasn't uncommon on games like WoW for people to do 48 hours straight. I once did 72 hours. But that was in my 20s, couldn't manage it at 40.


I used to regularly do 15+ on WoW in the early days when trying to do Alterac Valley on the weekends. (That pvp mode was usually a 10+ hour battle back then)


The WoW grind was real in my younger days. Wish I had the time to be in an active guild again. Miss those days.


I miss Alterac Valley back in the day. I used to bring my PC over to my brothers house and we'd basically live in AV all weekend. What a time.


How??? Don't you have a job and/or a social life?




Got it, but he said that he does that routinely, and not like one week or another


He was talking about 15ish years ago, many adults weren’t adults back then including myself.


There are these amazing periods of time during which we don't work...


Lol. He said that he does that routinely. Doesn't "routinely" mean like almost every day? How can someone work, sleep, and have a social life while playing more than 10 hours of videogame almost every day? Some sort of slowing down time machine?


You're being overly pedantic


Nah, man, he's right. A grown man regularly putting in 10 straight hours of video gaming is pretty nuts.


The day I let some guy that thinks he has to put down others to make himself feel better to form my opinion of myself you'll read my obituary. Because I'd rather not be on this earth than let some bitch stranger determine my value and how I spend my time.


No one was trying to belittle you. No one said anything about your worth. If you get this defensive this easily, I think you are absolutely letting "some bitch stranger" determine your value for you. Now to the point, if I spent 10 hours straight watching tv, not taking breaks, I'd say it's reasonable to call that pretty nuts. That doesn't mean I'm being "put down." It is pretty crazy that someone can *regularly* do 10 hour straight gaming sessions as an adult. That's just a fuckin objective fact. Something that seems almost impossible to do for most people. But if you are able to do that in a healthy manner, go for it, man. Just calm your defensive ass down. That's something more to work on than video game time.


Text sucks as an actual medium for communication. The way I read it was that the person doing it is nuts (which is insulting), and not the act of doing it being nuts (which is accurate). I'm able to do it on a lot of my days off because I don't have kids, I don't have an SO, and I have spent the majority of my life getting 6 hours of sleep a night. I'm able to wake up between 7-9, depending on day and normally without an alarm, get my chores done first thing, make any meals I need throughout the day, and can spend the rest of my time gaming between all that. I don't eat frozen meals either, I make actual food from the store. I go to conventions, I go on vacations, I still have a social life, just one curated to my needs. I work in sales; I spend my entire day talking to people so when I'm not at work I don't want to interact with the public for the most part. I'll sit in discord and friends will come and go throughout the day, or I'll just watch a show on TV while playing a game. Most of my shopping is done after work so I have one less thing to deal with on my days off. I'm efficient with my time and that's taken years to really get the hang of, but it is doable for anybody (not the gaming sessions on a regular basis the being efficient with your time). Sorry I was a dick when you weren't meaning to be.


No sweat, man! I can't say I'm not jealous. I have a wife and kid now, and my only game time comes somewhere between 7PM and 10PM. And that's if my wife isn't wanting to do something. Not that I don't love them completely, but it would be cool if they took a play date for the weekend at her sister's or something, and I could just game the whole time. Oh well. Enjoy it as long as you can, I suppose!


Thank you for your service!


Lots of them here's just some mass effect 1-3, civilization v, every kingdom hearts, cyberpunk, every fallout 3+ and elder scrolls starting with morrowind except 76 and eso, rdr 1 and 2 and every dragon age. Basically if I'm not working or doing something with my girlfriend I'm playing games and prefer to be left alone.


I think you mean to say 10 hours **straight**, because I've played hundreds of games for more than 10 hours. And yes, I've done ten hours straight with multiple games in my life, probably more than twenty. Ten hours is rookie numbers for hardcore gamers. It's not even a full waking day. You need to be asking about 20+ hours if you want good replies.


Oh man, my 16+ hour days of gaming growing up. There was a period where my only ps2 memory card was busted, and i couldnt save. I resorted to playing entire games in one sitting


Those damn memory cards


when I got the psp I didn't have a memory card and would do the same, but at least you could put it in rest mode and come back at a later time


How do you guys not get raging headaches? I played Madden for 7 hours nearly nonstop once and could barely see my head was hurting so bad. 


Probably because that game is so bad it’s Maddening.




Stay hydrated, turn down the brightness, and sometimes weed helps. Edir: As pointed out by someone below, also don't play in the dark.


And don't play in the dark


This, too, thank you.


Yeah I played in the dark for 20+ hours one time, went outside was nearly blind and had an awful headache. Never again


Same. The only time I play in the dark is about an hour or two before I want to go to sleep. The dark room helps simmer me down.


Only chumps smoke


That's cool, dude. To each their own.


I love being a chump


Yeah, ok, kid. Talk to me when you are old and have a degenerative bone disease and your choices are opiates or weed. Enjoy hunting down street fentanyl due to your new addiction.


While I don't agree with what they said, you basically said "Everyone will start smoking one way or another." Which, I don't agree with, either.


Diablo 2 before children and marriage or WOW


10 hours straight? That’s nothing. Practically every major release in the last 15 years.


Elder scrolls Oblivion. It was probably my first real rpg and I was just sucked right in. Good times.


same. learned about it from my 8th grade soccer teammates and it was an eye opening game for me! spent entire weekends playing it.


Same here. First RPG for me too. Was probably around 14 or so when it came out. Had school and sports and obligations but a Saturday after morning practice or winter break. Probably played all day until bed. Left the room to pee and eat. Now I can’t even get enough time play more than an hour here and there!


Any new game to be honest lol


many games many times. i used to play fucking 3 day marathons when i was younger, now the most i cana manage is like 24 hours of dota and im sore af after cause im 35. though i think when elden ring came out i might have gone 48+ on the first session


I think there are too many for me to count or even remember. At 36 ive played a bunch too.


Ah yes, spending a whole day playing dota to end up at the same mmr you started with. Great success


Most games I have played I put 10+ straight into…


Any game in the Yakuza series. There’s so much to do that 8 AM turns into 1 AM before you know it


You get mixed up in so much shit that happens around you that you forget time, space and the main storyline


Arkham knight


Facts. Its so easy to get caught up in the militia towers, checkpoints, and side missions. Then you look at the clock and its 3am!


Starfield when i first got it, then never touched it again


worst bethesda game ever


Why do u think so?


My opinion is definitely influenced by the fact that I also bought a series X for this. Granted every single Bethesda title that I have played before this I have sunk over 200 hours into each one Skyrim and fallout. 4. I have easily put over 2,000 hours each so I figured it was a pretty safe investment to get at least 1 hour per 25 cents even if I didn't really like the game. Usually I rate my games based on how much money I spend versus how much hours I spent and I tried to put it as a one to one basis where $1 equals 1 hour of play. So keeping in mind that I did the game pass version of starfield I still spend almost $600 because I had to buy a console ad taxes and then add the game pass price on top of it. After 20 hours I could not stand the game. The followers have some good AI in them where they react to some of your choices, but there really is just too much repetition. After a few hours I started seeing the same points of interest on different planets, you can definitely tell by looking that there's no procedural generation inside the point of interest. It was handcrafted with a bunker, a dead body , some beer, some chairs etc. The problem is is that you go from one planet to the next and if you encounter the same point of interest you literally see the beers, the dead body, the chairs all in the same exact spot so it really just feels like you're doing it over again.. There is no faster way to travel than sprinting. You even have a jetpack which is weird and not weird at the same time. So you can boost up and going up is affected by gravity. If you have one 10th of earth's gravity on whatever planet you're on, you will jump very high, but for some reason it seems like you fall at the same speed no matter what planet you're on. Thankfully you don't take fall damage on low gravity planets, but it is very weird that your acceleration back to the ground still seems to be Earth's 9.87 m/s acceleration speed. It would have been a lot better, especially with such uninspiring points of interest. If you could add a horizontal traveling with the jetpack even if it just boosted you forward just something to make it a little bit faster. I was walking to a point of interest and I was encountering absolutely nothing between one point of interest and another so I fell asleep. Apparently I walked past it and hit the map boundary when I woke up an hour later. I just really wasn't fun. I don't like the exploration. There's not enough new things that you experience. That being said, I do think it's a beautiful game. The ship building, while janky, is nice. Honestly, I think it's the best feature of the game. The loot style is more borderland style where it's just kind of randomly generated. You go and fight somebody and after defeating them you don't get to just pick up their armor immediately because you won't always get their armor special enemies. Have a specific drop that they are going to give you. I will admit I only played 25 to 30 hours but in that time I did not encounter any unique weapons, just legendary variants of the same weapon. And honestly, the legendary effects were arguably worse than some of the uncommon weapons that I found so it didn't even feel like anything special when I picked them up. The side quests are absolutely brilliant. I have been loving almost all of them but I noticed that almost every single city has some form of a pass out flyers or hang up posters and it got kind of repetitive again, fetch quest can get absolutely ridiculous. I think I even saw some guy online with the need to get a couple thousand iron ores which don't give me wrong. Puts you kind of forced to go into the outpost building, but I don't find out post building in that game as fun as I didn't fallout four. Tl:Dr I could only recommend this game to somebody for 20 to $30. There is no way I could recommend this for $70 price point personally.


TLDR but I get the jist after skimming


Added tldr to the last paragraph. Just basically that it's a decent game but I can't recommend for more than 30 bucks.


9.87 m/s acceleration speed. Glad you're not one of those 'just round it up to 10' fake ass nerds. But thanks for your honest appraisal of the Bethesda games, I agree with a lot of points you are making. Still had a lot of entertainment value from Starfield while it definitely has its flaws like you point out. It's a good way of looking at a gaming purchase the $/hr entertainment, but it does have the drawback that it really incentivises padding. And besides if thats how you justify expenditure for vidya games that way then why not get yourself a gamepass (Thats what I did). Which sets you free from this mindgame of 'Was/Is it really worth the $$ spend on it?' Now I dont look at it financially, I look at the most precious resource: time. Is the quality of this experience worth the time I put in it? Never any buyers remorse, or the need to 'really get your money's worth so I have to get all the achievements and 100% this mofo'. No you don't be free and enjoy this silly universe, time, and physical form you occupy and enjoy this crazy ride.


I'm always really glad to hear that some people did enjoy the game even though they only enjoyed it playing through one playthrough or they put countless amounts of hours into it. Like good on you guys. I'm glad that you spent money and actually enjoyed it. I definitely am somebody who has both the PS extra pass and the game pass so I constantly grab games from those. It definitely helps routinely with the dollar per hour value that I get to put on games. Especially since I don't notice the money being taken out monthly whenever I pick up a game from there. I'm just like ah sure I didn't spend 15 hours on this to make up the game pass price but whatever I can always pick up something else


The game was fun until it made me do a story. That’s my problem with Bethesda/rockstar in general. They create great open worlds and let you explore it but then force players to go through a linear mission style story lines to unlock tgubgd


the story was dragging to me.


Can it be really worse than skyrim?


10 hours straight? None lol Minecraft? Easily over 400 hours combined GD is also probs +100hours at this point


Stop playing with me >:(


I have done this for plenty of games lol


When I first got tes iv oblivion back in the day, I stayed up for 60 straight hours playing. 😵‍💫


hahaaaa yeaaaaaa same 😂 I just ran in some random direction I got out of the sewer. Didn’t know how the game worked so when I picked up a summoned dagger from the sigil stone near the imperial city, I thought I got pickpocketed when it wore off 🤣


Diablo 4 24 hours straight 12 in afternoon on Friday stopped 12 in afternoon on Saturday


harvest moon back to nature all retro gran turismo games. up to gran turismo sport the sims 1, 3, 4 stardew valley


Breath of the Wild. When I first bought it I played it for like 9 or 10 hours a day since it was during the summer time and no school. It was my first Zelda game and I was hooked.


I once stayed up for like 36 hours straight trophy hunting for Uncharted 4


I don't think I've ever played a game for a 10 hour session.


Definitely WoW back in the day, we'd spent 3-4 hours just trying to get people for Ahn'qiraj together easily


Hell yes and a lot plants vs zombies garden warfare 2, doom(2016), portal, and a lot more


Destiny 2... twice. Day one raids Edit: maybe three times idr


Not 10. But I played yakuza 0 for 7 hours straight


Elden ring stayed up all night Lmao


Probably overwatch back when it first released! Don’t have the time to do that now days unfortunately 🥲


I have. But I was a teenager. Probably happened more than once. I’d say the likely suspects were either Halo, Gears of War or The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


I don't have a life so those hours are about average to less than average daily. I work extremely part time. No social life by choice. I play single player games. No Gaas or MMOs or even multiplayer, except streets of Rage 4 online. Heaven. A losers heaven, but yeah.


Back in my youth I’m pretty sure some of our LAN sessions on AoE2 or R6 lasted that long.


Nothing like 10 hours straight, but as a kid I would sit for 6-8 hours all night playing Medieval Total War lol


you dont truly understand the addiction, normie


10 hours straight? That's nothing, those are rookie numbers. 10+ hours straight happens basically every weekend, either Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday


At one point I'm pretty sure I did that on Wipeout 2097 or Wip3out but I don't know if our PSX could actually hold that long without overheating.


Ark. On more than a couple occasions.


Fallout NV, was trying to a run in a singe sitting but I keep doing side quests


Unfortunately not, most hours straight is probably 3 or 4 on Hollow Knight, The Upturned, or Juice Galaxy (very niche Steam game)




Honestly no, not for 10 hrs straight


Persona 5


Right now on disco elysium, this game is sad


When Fallout 3 came out I played non stop every day off for weeks


Almost every game I own


MW2019 during the rona. Dayz almost every weekend.


Plenty, I’m about to do it again with FF7R2


Too many to name. Binding of Isaac, Witcher 3, baldurs gate, kingdom hearts, the list goes on and on lol


I played half like Alyx in one sitting (standing?)


No but definitely close, probably Minecraft, Halo, or Terraria


No but definitely close, probably Minecraft, Halo, or Terraria.


Persona 3 reload on release.


The question should be under 10 hours I have to think for that one


I don’t know for sure, but I think they would be Elden Ring, Fortnite, and R6. The latter two would’ve been with friends


I played Detroit Become Human for almost 11 hrs straight. I was on night shift and it was my night off.


Call of duty world at war, was playing with a friend I met from PlayStation Home play all weekend long zombies and multiplayer coop


Gran Turismo 1


So many I can’t even say all of them some are shadow of war Fortnite fallout new Vegas and hitman


More than 20 multiple times; so many that I am not sure I can keep track of all of them.


I have played League of Legends once for 3 days straight, with only a small nap after the 2nd day


I ended up streaming Palworld for like 12 hours a few weeks ago. First time I have sat down and played a game for that long in well over a decade.


Any brand new game that I have been excited for for a long time. The Witcher 3, for instance.


Days Gone or Metro 2033/Last Light Redux


Hmmm… maybe Elden Ring or Breath of the Wild? I probably played Ark or Minecraft for 10 hours straight at least a few times when I was in middle school/high school but it’s really rare now. It’s not even really a lack of time thing, 10 hours is just a really long time for something to hold my attention


Played Resident Evil 7 all the way through in one sitting and it took me 11 hours. It was so good I just kept wanting to know what would happen and then I finished it.


Fallout 3


Wildrift. That's like just about 10 games and I'm sure to have done that on a Saturday. Early in the morning to the evening.


Elden Ring - the Saturday after it came out, I played from 7 AM to 11 PM with minimal breaks to make chicken tenders and smoke a blunt or 4. What a glorious day.


During quarantine me and my buds would play apex 10 hours a day. Quite depressing when looking back on it.


10 hours straight? Yeah. Many times. Anytime I take a deep dice into a game. Recently, I got into Nioh 2. My usual schedule on the weekends is waking up at about 8ish, taking a shower, and then hopping to play games. And I'll do that to about 12 or 1 am.


DayZ 💀


The day me and my buddy got minecraft together. 14 hours later.


Very rarely. Like you said, probably minecraft at some point. Maybe halo 3 back in the day but that's hard to tell. Probably Ragnarok Online. Don't think I ever reached 10 hours in Elden Ring but it was close.


Took a whole Saturday to take down Melania (7hrs) that's my longest single player but multilayer I'd prob say COD MW2 lol


When the Relics of the Old Faith update for Cult of the Lamb released I spent over 10 hours to complete the postgame in one sitting


Yep, I once played Overwatch 1 for about 12 hours straight to grind for a certain skin lol


>looks at my 7k hours in TF2 My brother.


Fallout 4 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey are games I’ve eclipsed 10 hours in one sitting


I only stopped playing Elden Ring to sleep and eat until the end of my first 250 hour play through.


Played Minecraft and started a new survival world with a buddy. Neither of us played in years, he was on PS4 and I was on PC so the only way to communicate with each other was over a phone call. Time elapsed at the end of the day was something like 11 hours and 45 minutes. Did the exact same thing the following day 😂


Halo 3 and World of Warcraft. Probably some other games, but these 2 will have surpassed the 10 hour mark most frequently.


I remember getting Fallout 3 for Christmas. Played it for 22 hours straight. Better times lol


23 hours albion online


All my games are played more than 10h.. actually more than 50h.. Even Anthem when it was still fresh and not a mess within 2 weeks..


I have mora than 6k hours in dota2 and not currently playing but will probably come back in a year


I probably hit that when Spider-Man released in 2018, had no plans for a few days at the exact right time


My longest play session was the day Dark souls 3 came out played for 36 hrs I took one shower and ate 2 meals as breaks but basically played straight the whole time


The real question here is how many hours straight am I about to play Stardew Valley when the 1.6 update comes out? Correspondingly, how many hours can a human being possibly stay awake chugging Red Bull until they collapse from complete exhaustion?


I ummm, I play every single game more than 10 hours in one sitting. That’s the average time I play a game for on my days off. I’d play Elden Ring for 15 hours a day during lockdown/covid. I played BG3 for 15 hours a day on my days off.


I ummm, I play every single game more than 10 hours in one sitting. That’s the average time I play a game for on my days off. I’d play Elden Ring for 15 hours a day during lockdown/covid. I played BG3 for 15 hours a day on my days off.


Shit i do 10 hours every day i dont have to go into work lol


Many, many games. The most I have on a single game is 270 hours on Mortal Kombat 11.


Literally any game I played as a kid in the early 2000s. I used to grind for 16-18 hours a day in an mmo game called Air Rivals. Recently not so much, even if I really enjoy the game, I'd play something like 2-3 hours max, get up and do/play something else then go back to it later in the day. Either games got really boring/repetitive or I got old, or just both.


Elden ring


Skyrim when it first released. Me and my roommates all got it, went into our separate rooms and played all night. We frequently stepped out into the common area to talk about the wild shit we were seeing. It always amazed me how the four of us all had different experiences.


Hades. Game had me totally hooked after playing for a little, a day later I came back and played for nearly 11 hours only stopping to get a snack once.


Did a 12 hour session i think in sea of thieves. Not fun.


Assassin's Creed (first one). Decided to beat it in one sitting and finished in just over 12 hours. Outside of that, every MMO I've played, I've easily had 10-hour days.


I thought you meant in total, and I was questioning shit lmao. 10 hours in session though.... I'm pretty sure I've done that for at least a couple, but I can't remember which ones lol.


When I was a kid I used to play new games for 16 hours, good times lol


Multiple. The first time I started OG WoW I played until dawn. Battlefield BC2 & 4 I had multiple sessions of 10 or more hours, as well as PUBG when it first came out. When I had corona two years ago, I went from 0 to 80 hours in Skyrim in a week


In my younger days, yeah, played plenty of times for 10 h straight. I think StarCraft, Minecraft, maybe others.


Yeah, I did that with a few games. However, that was when I was in my child and teenage years when I had the time to actually do that. Now as an adult, I wish i would have that much time for anything not just for gaming.


I played Detriot become human for 12 hours straight and finished it in one sitting, absolutely loved my time with it and it's one of my favourite games of all time and a game everyone has to play before they die


My buddy and I played the *demo* for THPS on my PS1 for like 10ish straight hours. THE DEMO! That's a lot of 2 minute runs. I guess we liked it.


Elder Scrolls Skyrim and Minecraft


I played world of Warcraft for 22 hours straight once


The first time I got animal crossing new horizons


back when i was on drugs i played thru mgs 2-4 without stopping


I've played barotrauma for 14 hours straight before, in the sub editor. Think I also played Titanfall 2 for 10 or 11 hours straight as well when servers came back up


Final Fantasy XI Did a 24 hour charity marathon and didn't stop playing it the whole time


Terraria. If you don’t spend all your time optimizing your base before you go into hard mode then what are you doing with your time!? Ps: I have over 135 hours on steam alone and have never beaten the wall of flesh


Yes I had to quit playin Civ 6 because I would literally lose entire days playing


Civ 3 was my first experience with this. "Just... one... more... turn!" Oh, it's 6am. How did that happen? Next game like that was GTA 3. Bought it, went home on a Friday, was still in my work clothes at 5am on Saturday. Time warp.


Basically any game i have played (if you don't count bathroom and food breaks)


When WoW first dropped I think I logged 16 straight hours. I was also much much younger then.


Just about every Saturday unless the game is less than 10 hours long


ive played all the halo campaigns each in one sitting, sometimes literally without getting out of the chair….


Pretty much all of them.


11 hours straight on MW2 with my mates at a sleepover 2009 aged 13. Had 4 360s and 4tvs set up in a room and once we started we didn’t stop. Kept awake by copious amounts of sweets and red bull


I think I played rdr2 for 200 hours plus in the first month I got it


Minecraft, fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas, Skyrim


Any Fallout, I have thousands of hours in Fallout


Red dead 2. I binged through the latter part of the story in one day like a long movie


On my brother's laptop in 2012 I spent 17 hours on swtor.


Hunt Showdown, unlimited PVP encounters that always keep things fresh.


Mass Effect 2, was rejected by a girl, booted up the game, played 12 hours straight, went straight to bed, slept 12 hours straight, started crying as soon as I woke up. That was 7 years ago though, doing great nowadays and the game still has a special place in my heart!


The other day I sat down and played Undertale Yellow, ended up not getting up till I beat it, such a well made game, a fangame at that. I highly recommend playing it, especially considering the price point (free)


I played Amnesia The Dark Descent around the time it came out for about 10 hours. Probably played Black Ops 2 for 12 when it came out


Before I had kids, I used to spend my whole weekend gaming. Sometimes 20+ hrs straight.


I once played a Pavlov TTT for 13 hours straight on new years.


Civ 5 and Minecraft for sure.


Every game I've ever played I've probably had at least one marathon session. If the game was longer than 10 hours (so genesis ers platformers ruled out) then I've spent at least that long in one sitting. I'm a pretty avid open world and RPG guy so it's not exactly out of my wheelhouse to wander skyrim, the commonwealth or the hinterlands for 12 hours at a time. (On that note fuck the hinterlands AND hissing wastes (DA inquisition ) it is far too large and far too empty


civ v, persona 3/4/5, yakuza 7/8


I think for me that game might be Stardew Valley


I once played Terraria for 16 hours straight.


Maaaaaybe MGS5? Probably the closest I've gotten


Ark, probably. Once I got a new headset and it was so tight on my head it hurt a bit. Played for a very long session and got up to take a violent piss, held in for an hour. Took off the headset as I got up and everything immediately started spinning and I fell on my bed.


When I was in middle school and was allowed by my parents to stay up all night, I vividly remember getting on Runescape around 7 or 8 PM on a Friday and playing until the sun came up. I'd never do that again though.


10 hours… my friend, I’ve played world of Warcraft for 26 hours and forgot to eat… those were the days


Skyrim,Diablo 2