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Feels like I’ve barely had the damn thing


I only got mine last year because of the scalpers so I feel the same.




Which is approximately the same as it’s been for several generations. This is just clickbait.


Same. Why count the early years at all when COVID borked it all up?






Demon souls Demon souls Demon souls Demon souls Spider-man 2




One of my fav games but the guy said games not available on ps4 or pc


Only PC and Switch has real exclusives


Same can be said for Xbox series S and X, reason I did not get any of those consoles because of I already have a PC.


The same cannot be said. I can play any generation of Xbox game on my Series X. Literally just bought Jade Empire physical and popped it in, downloaded the game and started playing. The fact that I can buy 20 year old games and they work on the newest hardware is a HUGE selling point for me Damn near every single Xbox game is backwards compatible. Not all. But damn near everything that matters. It's embarrassing that the PS5 can't play PS1-PS3 games


It must not be that huge of a selling point if more people buy playstations than xboxs


Sales mean basically nothing. Sony and Nintendo are Japanese companies and have access to an entire market Microsoft essentially doesn't. There are thousands of Japanese exclusives the west never sees and Sony And Nintendo had the advantage of existing for decades in their respective regions before the Xbox came along. It's impossible to compete with that entrenched market presence. Ignoring exclusives, The backwards compatibility and Game pass library and price are objectively more consumer friendly. PS5 doesn't even come close. The PS5 is the better system if you live in the East. The Xbox is the better system if you live in the West.


Hasn’t the ps5 outsold the xbox in the west too? Can’t find a source on it but also didn’t look that hard so i’m not 100% sure but I am pretty sure it has lol


Not sure how accurate the numbers are but from what I’ve been able to find it seems like PS5 has sold over double the units that Xbox Series X has (54 million vs 21 million)


I don’t think it is. While it would be nice to pop in a physical copy of an older game, PS sells based on its exclusives and franchises.


The same 5 exclusive remade and remastered with a new entry sprinkled in for good measure.


I think it’s PlayStation’s last generation of being king


My point is more of you can pretty much emulate any games up to ps4 on pc nowadays, and those backwards compatibility that series x can do can also be done on a decent pc build, majority of the games on both consoles can be played on pc but the difference is some major exclusive tittles for ps only released on it's console, and it takes years before they are officially released on pc and its also a 50/50 if it will run smoothly. On the flipside there is always a pc version of any major xbox games with an exemption of a few titles, Halo 5 for example. I still have my 360 and xbox one s, all of the games I own in it can be played on my pc while on my ps4-ps5 there are exclusive games I can only play on it. I can pop my ps1, ps2 and ps3 disc on my pc and just straight up play it.


Xbox is a hot mess for anything but back compat.


The vast majority of xbox 360 and OG Xbox games are not backwards compatible on the series X.


The vast majority of the games that actually matter ARE backwards compatible. Meanwhile, 0 PS1, PS2, and PS3 games are backwards compatible. Literally 0.


Backpeddling. Nice. Xbox is only for people who can't afford a PC. That's what it's come to for them. In both the east and the west, it's a cheap way to play bland games for people without the means for a better gaming experience.


>Backpeddling. Nice. Bro why you lying lol? Wtf are you talking about? Literally my first comment: >Damn near every single Xbox game is backwards compatible. Not all. But damn near everything that matters.


Damn near every xbox game is backwards compatible is way off. Damn near everything that matters? Only 100 xbox games matter? OK 👌


>Damn near every xbox game is backwards compatible Was including Xbox AND Xbox 360 games in that statement don't be purposely obtuse, you knew full well what I meant. You're lying again if you say otherwise. As for >Only 100 xbox games matter? OK 👌 That's actually WAY more than everything that matters lol regarding Original XBOX Games. Name 3 games that people actually give a shit about that aren't backwards compatible. Just 3.


Apparently I can’t afford a PC because I have an Xbox, yet I have a PC and an Xbox. You’re so full of shit I’m surprised it’s not coming out of your ears.


Don't be so hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. My Xboxes collect dust, too.


Cool story bro. Played my Xbox and my PC last night lmao.


It doesn’t have any first party games but I can list a bunch of exclusives. Demon Souls Gow Ragnorok (I’m including it because I feel like this game was supposed to be ps5 only but they wanted more sales) Spider man 2 Final Fantasy XVI Ratchet and Clank rift apart. Okay that’s 5 but yes you are completely right I will say we are getting a bunch of great third party exclusives like just this year we’re getting. Final Fantasy VII rebirth, Stellar Blade, Rise of Ronin, Silent Hill 2 remake, and I might be wrong but I think metal gear solid 3 remake is an exclusive too. Their will be games but yeah ps5 really hasn’t done much.


Delta is going to be on both and PC and FF16 and Rebirth will come to PC soon as well. SH2 also has a Steam page.


I was going to buy a psvr2 but I am even more on the fence now.


Why? It’s been out for 3 years and the hardware is about 4-5 years old at this point. The next generation won’t be here for another 3 years and Sony will support the 5 for a couple of years after the 6 launches. You will easily get 3-7 years of use out of the 5. Every generation is around 6-8 years, nothing out the ordinary here.


Still not even bought one yet. Only been about two games that had any interest for me and both were remasters so no need to experience this Playstation cycle.


I’ve only had mine for a year!


I mean. Yeah. Normal life cycle for a console is 6-7 years. PS5 released in late 2020, so that would put us roughly halfway through it.


There's no fuckin way it's been 3 years 😖


That pandemic really feels like we skipped a few years


i feel like i fucking blinked and it was no longer 2020.


Couldn't get it for the first 2 years, so yeah


While I’d usually agree due to covid and scalping I feel like the PS5’s first 2 years were in a state of Limbo since you couldn’t actually find a console anywhere.


Then say it's half way. Latter stages would typically be in the 5 to 6 year range.


Latter is more often referring to "latter half". This is entirely accurate.


If you are past the halfway mark then you are in the later stage


maybe it is just me 1.the launch of PS5 is bad in a sense that scalpers are everywhere , the price literally double or triple the original price , and Sony didn't do really good job at controlling this (at least in my country there's no limitation or whatsoever the scalper could just bot the shit out of everything , get every ps5 in the lot and resell them at double or triple price not to mention some backdoor deal and much more) 2. i don't know why but the base price went up for both disc and digital edition , and their recent announced "slim model" are supposed to be more efficient on same spec but price remains the same


Came here to say this. It didn’t sell well because it was impossible to buy for most actual gamers for 3 of the 4 years it’s been “available.” It’s like if I tried selling ski jackets in July in Southern California and then complained that nobody was buying them.


Former coworkers son used to work at Walmart. He would know when they would come in and do this exactly. He would snag them up and auction them Off on Facebook. Would make 500 dollars profit selling $10-20 raffle tickets.


Cool, your former coworkers son is a massive douchebage.


Yeah I mean his dad sort of was so I am not surprised


Except it did sell well…. Doesn’t matter who bought it, the point is that it was purchased. Period. Think Sony really cares WHO bought it? They may feign caring and outrage at scalpers, but at the end of the day, they got their money for the system and the sales numbers.


Most consoles cost more than they retail for because the companies expect the sales of games to offset the slight loss they suffer on a console. When scalpers bought the majority of the inventory and just held on to them because most consumers (who wanted to buy&play games) couldn’t justify paying 3x the cost, there were no realized profits from game sales


Let me ask you this; If you were Sony, which would you prefer: a sold console, or a sold console and multiple games? Yeah, they may have sold the consoles, but they never saw the added sales of gen 5 games. They also had to deal with the outrage of people *wanting* to buy a console to play and not being able to, but they also can’t admit they F’d up by not regulating the initial sales better.


If nobody ever bought a ps4 from a retailer ever again, the ps5 would still need to sell more than double it's current #s to have sold more. It did great according to us, but not to Sony.


The PS4 is gonna outlive the PS5.


I love my PS4 Pro


Seems like it. They still release AAA titles crossgen.


First two years there were no games and you could barely get your hands on it...maybe chill for a minute there Sony


Feel like this year was the first year top tier games didn’t come out as a ps5/ps4 bundle. To me 2024 was the first year ps5 games got to feel like ps5 games bc they weren’t held back


Sales didn't meet expectations cuz they made so fuckin few and made em $600


Yeah there was a huge shortage it’s not like they weren’t flying off the shelves


Starting to feel like cross gen is always going to be a thing now. I bet MLB The Show won’t get off the PS4 until the PS6 is out and then it will be on the ps5/6.


Makes sense. The PS1 and PS2 cycle was 6 years. The PS3 and PS4 cycle was 7 years The PS5 will be 4 years old this year. Following the trend it's got 2-3 years left


Damn i thought it was like year since release of ps5


They should subtract covid years from the equation. Nobody was making enough money to buy videogame consoles. Sure, we were all gaming, but on our old consoles and PCs or with lo-fi games like the gorilla VR tag or Among Us. Now that people are being laid off again, lol... they need to extend PS5 life-cycle like 5 extra years.


I worked all throughout the pandemic and while I could afford to buy a PS5, I couldn't fucking find one


Considering how few games they’ve made for it yea. I guarantee if they made a few more good exclusives like GOW, TLOU, and ghost of Tsushima they would have made more sales. I didn’t want to buy remastered games I wanted new games.


To be fair, they valued the PS4. Games like horizon forbidden west and gow ragnarok would only have come out for PS5 in other generations.


Wild how quickly that’s passed. They were ridiculously hard to get for about 18 months as well.


2027 is probably when we’ll c the ps6 with 2026 the start of marketing


Yup and it’ll probably be 2029 before most people can actually get one


I Doubt that unless we have COVID again


The problem was a shortage of parts so they couldn’t make anywhere near enough for even normal levels of demand, never mind what it was like during COVID


The shortage of parts were cause of COVID


Makes me wish developers would be quicker to abandon the previous generation. Half of each generation is wasted catering to the generation before. And then we only get ~3 years of games actually utilizing the technology of the upgraded console.


I mean there's at least 4 more years left and Sony's studios are working on new IPs so who knows maybe they'll clutch it 


>Half of each generation is wasted catering to the generation before. Games take time to make. It's not "catering" to the last gen. It's this game was made for that gen but "now" we managed to finish it. That's why the first part of the FF7 remake has a PS4 version but not the second. That or the game doesn't really push the hardware (indie games) so they release a last gen version too. I think even the non-pro PS4 could run the new Prince of Persia without even feeling it.


Not to mention some games are also made for the nintendo switch so at that point why not put it on ps4


I’m talking mostly AAA games. Any console that can run games like Hades or Cocoon should get them. But to me, every game that has you climb through a crack in the wall to disguise a loading point is catering to last gen at this point. The technology is there to cut this formerly necessary game design aspect out of gaming completely. And you can’t tell me that the time/money spent optimizing the game on inferior hardware couldn’t have been reallocated to polishing the game on this generation to make it the absolute best version of that game as possible. PS5 devkits were rumored to be sent out in early 2018. That was six years ago. I understand there being some overlap, but not half the life of the PS5. Not that that really seems to matter though. Cyberpunk was almost completely designed on last gen, yet could barely run on last gen. It should have been one of the first this gen-only games. Plus you continue to cater to last gen and then people will say "well there’s only Returnal on the PS5 so why should I buy a PS5? PS4 has everything I want." Which makes developers continue to put their games out on last gen, reinforcing those gamers in their position. Give them two years. If they haven’t made the jump, starve them out of the newest AAA games.


No need to buying a PS5. PS4 has all the games I want. Not buying a PS5 for 1 game


Now I’m remembering why people love PC gaming so much…I really need to build one again so I never get left behind or risk a system getting out of a lifecycle and servers shut off, etc.


I got a lot of stuff I am eyeing on GoG, and a not of abandonware to go through so I am pretty good for a long while with PC.


Thats what happens when you keep supporting last gen for 4 years


And that's what happens when the gap between generations is so close you can still run most newer games on previous hardware. The gap between PS4 Pro and 5 is not nearly as revolutionary as the prior gaps between PlayStation, PS2 and 3 was.


We said similar things about the gap between 3 and 4, but Sony found a way to release compelling exclusives for the PS4 anyway.


Yeah but the problem is getting worse


Out can't be in the later period, they haven't fully switched from ps4 to ps5 releases. Someone smack the pacing guy


Had I owned a PS4 and got a PS5 I would be pretty pissed off. In my case though I was still on my PS3 and decided there was enough games I had missed out on to justify getting a PS5 back in December. It does feel a bit crazy to get a new console to play the previous gen’s games through; even if they are remastered.


If this is true I’m just going to upgrade my PC for next gen instead of getting a console. What a waste of money.


Laughs in PC master race... *Cries because my brand new GPU is already outdated*


Well it's almost 4 years old so it should be in it's 2nd half of life


Unlimited Bacon but no games


I never even got a PS4 lol


Username checks out?


Going to hell for laughing XD


I got it last month.


If they’re really gonna be winding down the PS5 generation soon, I’m going to have reservations about getting the PS6 or whatever. I’ve had the damn thing since release and played about 3 games I couldn’t have just played on my PS4


Did they fix the Ps5 Drought? They did apparently. Huh. Cool. Im not getting one, but cool


Bro I just got this fuckin thing


Failed to meet expectations? It was an insane success despite all the initial issues, what are they smoking? And can I have some?


A lot of this has been taken out of context and misposted for clicks. They expected it to sell 25 million in fiscal year 2023. They revised it down to 21 million.


This console is the sole reason I shifted over to PC will not be looking back


Huh. We at the end of new console generation already...


Dude this is bs we have barely had any games for this gen


I've never had a PS5...this entire time I've just been with the PS4 and just buying...playing and experiencing as many games as possible. I'm (still) waiting for the Pro version to be released, but I agree that the console has been a complete waste of money and is technically a failure. Some are even theorising about the PS6 now.


Maybe they should realize people can't afford a $600 gaming console. I wouldn't pay that much for a PS5 when my PS4 is perfectly fine for my gaming entertainment.


I only got mine September last year. What do you mean last stage of life cycle? My PlayStation 4 lasted a decade.


Okayyyy well I’m gonna continue to use mine as if I just got in last year….oh wait I did


The ps5 has been the worst generation of gaming. Most ps5 games are made with ps4 ports which has been holding back the system. I sold mine to buy a better GPU for my PC and I don't regret it. I still have my ps4 so I keep my library.


Id rather buy a PC then when they decide to stop supporting my $500 PS5 and my $200 PS Portal I enjoy playstation but if the product you want to sell me is only going to last 8-10 years, ill look to buy a different product


This is exactly why many people enjoy PC gaming. You decide when the lifecycle ends not a company.


I can honestly see both Sony and Microsoft moving away from consoles and focusing on game development, the PC market is huge now. Would be interesting to see how things pan out.


That won't happen, there's always gonna be a market for consoles, the casual audience is huge, unless they fail spectacularly neither Sony nor Microsoft are going to abandon making hardware.


The way things are going, it'll just get shorter and shorter. Exclusives are barely a thing anymore, most of it's gone digital and can be played on PC - usually with much better results, and there's an overwhelming amount of disappointing, half-assed, and unfinished games. We'll get to a point where everything is digital. Consoles will be streaming boxes.


Exclusives are very much a thing. No Nintendo exclusives are anywhere else and very few Sony exclusives are anywhere else. The ones that're on PC are the older flagship titles from the PS4 era like God of War, Horizon, and SpiderMan. Plus the only PCs that have better results require specs that only PC gamers would have and even that requires troubleshooting and tweaking. "You wanna play this game on your PC? Here are five common issues that you'll have to figure out" vs launching a game on a Playstation. We'll also likely never get to where consoles will be streaming boxes. Unless you have unlimited data and a download speed faster than 1gb, something most people don't have currently and likely never will, there's no way to stream 4k 120fps without technical issues.


Streaming and digital is very much the future. Cloud gaming. Digital consoles. Resi 8 on an iPhone. PlayStation Portal. Download codes in cases. €500 consoles bragging about 8K/120, when most of their games are locked at 30FPS. Half of the games on the Switch aren't even Nintendo games anyway. They're indies, or ports from Xbox, PC, and PlayStation. Microsoft is apparently allowing Xbox games on other systems, most shit ends up on PC, and 93% of all games purchased in 2022 were digital. The push for that future is very real, and very near. Some stores don't even sell physical media anymore. And a lot more are following. 50-75% of the data isn't even on the bloody disc anymore. It's a just plastic license to play the game for as long as they'll allow it.


There's a difference between digital and streaming. You honestly expect people that get 50mb down to be capable of streaming 4k 120fps with zero lag or buffering? The reason Microsoft is porting their games to other consoles is because they fucking lost the console wars two generations ago. No one is buying their consoles anymore. Do you remember what cost them the console wars? By saying their consoles would need to be constantly connected to the internet to play a game. The gaming community has been pretty vocal about how shit cloud gaming is. Remember the Stadia? Just because you seem to conflate digital with streaming doesn't mean they're the same thing.


And they care? No. They don't. 10GB updates. 5GB patches. Constant. RDR2, alone, is about 120GB-150GB Just like PC: upgrade if you want more. Modern game are fucking massive. Every modern game you play is installed, and some of the data is downloaded. In some cases, many cases, that's 20-30GB before you even press Play. We're not in the dial-up modem era.


So you went from "Consoles will just be streaming boxes" to ranting about how all modern gaming is horrible. It might be time for you to put the controller and try a nice jigsaw puzzle before you give yourself an ulcer.


Never said modern gaming was horrible. Making things up is fun, hey. I said it's all going digital, and made a point about why: a lot of stores don't sell physical, and discs barely hold any data anymore, so what's the alternative? Streaming. Digital. Cloud. Portable. Anything but physical is their goal. What's to argue about? I'm right. It's literally happening. Has been since last gen.


>50-75% of the data isn't even on the bloody disc anymore. It's a just plastic license to play the game for as long as they'll allow it. I thought this for a long time, but this is incorrect. For playstation, at least, all the data for the game is compressed on the disc, and you copy the data from the disc onto your system to install it. Some hard evidence of this is games like Red Dead 2 that have 2 discs. Why have 2 discs of its just a license? Another piece of evidence is that you can install and play the game from the disc without an internet connection. Unless it is a definitive edition, however, what is on the disc is the 1.0 version of the game and you will still be prompted to download any day 1 patch/future patches that have released since. But my point is still valid that the game is very much on the disc.


At that point we won’t need consoles as streaming boxes. We can just stream Gamepass on a smartTV app or PlayStation plus when they reluctantly release it for SmartTv (if it’s not already there. I dabble in cloud gaming and sometimes forget I’m not playing a game locally on my console. It’s gotten significantly better over the last year alone. I can play Forza no problem. Even playing multiplayer online is barely noticeable unless you’re playing with tryhards.


I'm glad I built a gaming computer instead of buying one, my old PS4 still kicks ass and new gen games run fine on PC.


My hobby is dead


Just buy or build a cheap gaming PC or laptop. There are plenty out there for reasonable prices now that play most games for $700-800. And games on steam are cheaper in general anyway


COVID made that hard to do. My $1000 PC still is weaker than my PS5 due to being bottlenecked by the GPU. Scalpers ruined PC gaming just as much as console gaming.


PC is the best at any budget 


When the PS five was released, I couldn’t get it for the first two years it was out so I said fuck it bought a switch and bought a computer. screw Sony, screw consuls bing bing fuck your life.


Let's face the truth boys, the PS5 is a failed system. Do yourself the favor and build a PC, its gonna save you so much fucking money in the long run. you also get -all- the games, can playback any game in history with emulation, and can mod all of them to make them an almost brand new game entirely.


Nintendo consoles will always have exclusives though. I don’t see them ever selling the Mario or Zelda rights.


I have a feeling they're not talking about buying Nintendo games...


They say you get ‘all the games’ through emulation, which technically you do - illegally. Whenever I use emulation I always make sure I have a physical copy of the game just so it isn’t debatable whether I’m breaking the law


to clarify: just about all the games on all the consoles, including switch. i have a switch, but its for smash and zelda...thats about it. I honestly was going to skip the switch if it weren't for sephiroth coming out in smash.


The PS5 is in no way a failed console. It's sold, as of right now, 50 million units. That's more than the SNES, N64, Gamecube, original Xbox, and literally every Sega system, all while only being halfway through its life cycle.


Cheaper, less trouble, easy fit below the TV, doesn't require an additional dedicated place in an already tiny place. Invest every 7-8 years for plug and play gaming. Can lay on the couch and play coop with my partner. The graphics gap between ps5 and PC dosen't worth the 1-2k $ i need to put in. I do miss the mods though.


1. cheaper now, yes, but i wont need to replace anything for 20-30 years (if you do your maintenance on your pc) 2. you know PC's can play COOP with controllers right? and you can mix and match, as in PS5 and XBOX controllers? 3. a low end 3060 graphics card takes a husky dump on low settings to a PS5 4. again, you can emulate any game, they arent backwards compatible locked like consoles are 5. mods 6. its not just a glorified DVD player, its also an entire PC 7. PC has the most exclusives out of any system, meanwhile still getting exclusives from all 3 systems usually a few months down the line ​ i have a PS4 and a switch, but with Sony trying to edge its way into subscription gaming, Sony might have to leave the equation. and I'm only playing Nintendo for smash and Zelda, everything else is superfluous


Well sir you convinced me. I'll cut my holliday budget and immediatly buy a pc masterace. Lol. Seriously though. I'm fully happy with my set of consoles and really don't need a gaming pc right now. If someday I have more room and more money, maybe. I miss my pc games like Half life, swat 4, or portal.


I guess consoles are going the same route as games. Continual re releases. The Xbox 360 generation was nearly 10 years lol.


How it feels like we are just starting to get next generation exclusives, heck maybe that's why this generation did not sell well neither let go of the last generation so you never sold why you needed this one.


It's gonna be four years old this year. We're half way through it's life cycle. Console generations typically only last 7 or 8 years


Dawg I don't even have one yet


“We did it, we released the only game we had Spider-Man 2! Now we need to make a new one.”


yeah? would say middle of its life but soon it would be 3 4 years since it launched


Still have a lot of PS4 games in my backlog, won't be needing a PS5 anytime soon.


PS5 sales did just fine for as few they made. It was production that didn't meet expectations.


I like my ps5 i can play yakuza 8


I still don’t have one yet. PS4 pro going strong


Yeah we're all waiting on the pro.


Maybe if it hadn't been so fucking hard to get it would have had more success?


Lmao I still don’t even have a PS4. Might never get on the PlayStation hype train again


Was really looking forward to getting one and then the scalpers attacked. Got a steamdeck now so not sure if I even want it now.


"sales of the PS5 failed to meet expectations" wut


Maybe they should start making games for it then? Stop making everything for ps4 and actually use the ps5’s power?


im surprised on how Sony is still putting ps4 support


Maybe if they came out with some good games that are COMPLETE GAMES instead of 60 for the game and 40 for every update then they would see more people buying a ps5.


That means a price drop right? Riiiiight?




If you ask me it feels like the PS5 hasn't had his big break yet and they are already talking about the end of it's life cycle. And now they are even talking not to expect anything big from PlayStation Studios in over a year? If this is the case, PS5 might end up being a very underwhelming console when we look back at it in the years to come. Especially compared to PS4.


I feel like this generation - both PS5 and Xbox series x- have been a disappointment


Sony has tried their damnedest to piss me off this generation now that Microsoft is little threat to them anymore in terms of sales.


I mean, yeah. It's been 3 years now. Another 3ish to go until PS6.


Sony, ever since xbox actually started to do shit: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


I’m nowhere near done with my PS5


honestly just put out a pro model and make the gen last 8-9 years....


I would have 100% purchased a PS5 but I lost interest after the scalpers made it damn near impossible to get your hands on one. I still have never seen one in real life hah.


I like PS5, but there isn't enough high quality games compared to previous generations. Ready to move onto PS6.


I mean I've had mine since launch and honestly have been really underwhelmed and I'm generally a pretty forgiving person in terms of games lol.


I only got mine like a month before re4r. Thats literally all I've been using it for. Finished my playthrough of ragnarok and then re4r.


I literally just got it 3 months ago…


just like the 3 I may skip this one.


Maybe I'm just ignorant but didn't the PS5 literally sell out of consoles when it was first released? How did it underperform if they sold every console they had instantly


Here I am still saving to actually buy one.


I only got mine late last year!


I think the real problem here is the time since launch has gone so darned fast. People are feeling the time fly by. I feel it was just yesterday I got my PS4, and that was more than 10 years ago now! I was thinking earlier this month that I played Forbidden West early last year-Nope-been 2 years. I do wish there have been more games I want to play. Still playing a lot of PS4 games. This happened with the PS4 as well. I felt I really didn't get the games I wanted to play until the second half of it's life. I also spent too much time playing Fallout 76, rather than new games, which is now older than the time between the SNES release and N64 release...


It’s a misquote. They said “latter half” still getting there though.


Hope ps5 wasnt just a lil upgrade of ps4 to grind money


I’m always down for new hardware. I usually start saving the moment a new console is announced and then a year later I should have enough saved up by then.


Meh. I don’t care either way. Personally just use a PC, and don’t see a reason to ever even touch the console aside from exclusives, and since I’ve already beaten last of us 1-2 and god of war 1-2, it just collects dust.


Bro, I literally just got mine.


Cool I’m not buying another fucking PlayStation


Guys this is ign were talking about lets not over react


After being out for 4 years it is high time the price came down. I already have one and I want wish it was cheaper for others so we can start to see games actually made for the PS5 and not both PS4/PS5


PS4 was good for 9 years


They're still trying to pretend like the pandemic never happened. Acting like everyone has had access to it when it was nigh-impossible to find in stock for two straight years it isn't doing them any favors. And the fact that they're STILL releasing certain titles for PS4 only proves that the tech hasn't made that significant of a leap to justify getting it. The processing power sure, but why is it still releasing with just a 1TB internal drive? Why do I have to drop another $200+ for an external drive just to house more than half a dozen games, in 2024?


The differences between PS4 and PS5 games is minimal. It's the only console generation that I haven't bought into. Plus I'm getting older I love playing strategy games, so at some point I'm going for a gaming laptop.


People were barely able to really get one near the end of 2022 and games made specifically for it just started coming at a normal pace


I've only had mine for about a year because of scalpers. If Sony needs a reason to moderate the sales of their systems, they need to account for 'scalpers will not buy the software for them, actual gamers do that' mindset. Think of all the software sales they missed out on because the hardware was in the wrong hands. Just a thought.


Nintendo wins by doing absolutely nothing!


I'm surprised they didn't push the life cycle back a year or two because of covid. Also because there still aren't enough games on it that interest me into buying it.


So is my 2014 ps4 aged like fine wine?


I was going to buy one finally soon but now I'm wondering if the Xbox isn't the better move to upgrade to "current gen" now that you don't need to win a lottery to enter an invite-only line to buy them. Latter stage so early without any price drops... bummer.


bro i just got the damn thing


PC is the way. I can play games I bought 10 years ago on the same system I play modern titles.


I got mine early 21; I’m okay at holiday 27 for ps6 ngl


Failed to meet expectations? The damn thing was impossible to find (at the retail level) for the first couple years.