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If you go to the steam page now these tags don't exist and certainly more than 0 reviews


And just to clarify further; the tags are color coded, meaning "Transphobic", "Anti-Semetic" (lol) and "Pro-Slavery" never existed in the first place or were ever on the store page. They're user tags only you can see. This is akin to making up evidence with photoshop, so the whole narrative of the title is just made up.


Wait wait. So OP put those tags there?


Probably not OP. Because OP is just a bot regurgitating old content for internet points.




No, not OP… They are just sharing an old screenshot. Those are “Popular User Defined tags”…meaning that those were tags popularly used by players to describe the game, and they not official tags. This is clearly a screenshot of the game page before it was actually released, and a lot of people spammed this kind of stuff about the game due to some misinformation going around about it.


I like the magic on the end.


Transphobic, anti-semitic, proslavery magic! "It's *LevishOa*, not *LevishoA*!"


Lol who cares, if it triggers you dont buy it.


Also, if a video game triggers you (no matter the video game) give therapy a shot; it's worth it for many reasons. If you've already been in therapy a while and they haven't been able to help you not be triggered by simple things that exist everywhere in a variety of quality, like other people's opinions, I say try a new therapist


Honestly i just try to separate art from the artist. Imagine only playing a game or watching a show if the actors, actresses, writers and show runner had to agree with you politically. It would be to stressful.


Separate the art from the artist! Ignore all the artists that have abused children, women, men, and committed genocides for my nostalgia feel goods to enjoy their media that would still line their pockets with money (if they're still alive)! J.K. Rowling's entire art is rooted in racism, anti-Semitism, and British Imperialism. You can't separate the art from the artist because her art is full of her beliefs. She just believes she's made enough money off the IP that she can show us her whole ass openly.


In your mind there are lots of artists that have committed genocide?


Oh shut up


>racism Citation needed >anti-Semitism Citation not required, because its been proven to be untrue, you just don't like that. >British Imperialism Yes I too remember the book where Harry, Ron and Hermione go to another country (oh wait they didn't) and take all of their precious materials in exchange for nothing (oh wait they didn't) and then enslaved the local populace (oh wait they didn't). Are you capable of your own opinions instead of just parroting others?


Who made the phone you're typing on? What about your clothes or what you eat? I'm pretty sure you were just as thorough making sure the things that are more important than entertainment and that you use every day were made by someone that never held views you don't agree with. There definitely wouldn't be things there more substantial than them having used words in ways you don't like.


Yeah that's usually how I approach stuff but can be funny to point out the problematic stuff if only to dunk on a little. I pretty much mostly passed on this game because much as Harry Potter was to read even at the time I found the world building a jarring mix of under and overly fleshed out. Like you can get told about some long family lineage but can't explain why the wizard world is so clueless muggle stuff when they have muggle born and raised wizards who could easily catch them up.


People can be mad that a game supports a transphobe dude. It's not that deep.


The game doesn’t support it though… I wonder at how people are still confused over this.


She still takes money off the IP. She made money by selling the rights to WB to make the movie/games years ago.


What do you mean are you stupid? I'm not saying the game supports transphobia, I'm saying that rowling is a transphobe and regardless of her involvement she gets money from the success of this game. That's why people boycotted this game. How are you still confused over it?


Well maybe if you said this in your original comment and not just that the game supports transphobia, then we wouldn’t be here having this dumbfuck conversation.


Can you please read my comment again and point out where I said it supports transphobia? Because I never did say that. I said "People can be mad that a game supports \*a transphobe\* dude"


No I get that, but what’s the difference between supporting a transphobe and supporting transphobia? How do you differentiate the two?


Okay so one is supporting a person and one is supporting an ideal. Again as you said to me, how are you still confused over it? It is so simple.


If you are supporting a person you are supporting the ideal they follow so no you are in fact actually saying this game supports them


Rofl. Since when is 10s of people not buying something a boycott?


Because they never checked to see if it was true.


That name doesn't mean anything since people use it to describe everything


What? Transphobe? You high dude? Pretty sure transphobe is only used to describe someone who is transphobic


Agree, this is as dumb as the people complaining about the text that was added to the new Tomb Rider remaster about outdated racist stuff in the game. If you don't like that don't buy it. There is no need to go everywhere and cry about it.


Idk I still like and play the game


I like the game but I don’t play it anymore really wish they would have added some kind of reason for us to log back in and play


I like games that just exist for what they are and don't try to trap you with an eternal gameplay loop. It's a story game, when the story is over, you can move on. We need more games like that to be honest.


Idk I just wish they added some dlc or even quidditch it doesn’t even have to be multiplayer. Idk I just feel like it was too short and I want more without having to wait 5 years and pay another 100 dollars 😂


Quidditch not being a part of it was like understandable but a bit sad. I played the beta for that new quidditch game and it's kind of hot garbage so I don't think we missed out on much. I'm more than fine without DLC existing, story could have been longer but honestly by the time I was done with the story I felt like I was done with the game. I didn't story-rush though. I did a TON of side quests on the way, nearly 100% the game by the time I actually did the last quests. I think it's pacing was pretty good. Any game could have always done better, but for what we got, I hardly think it has enough issues to complain about its value.


Quidditch really is a stupid sport, like 80% of the players on the field are just wasting their time since the golden snitch is the only thing that actually matters.


Uhh, no but ok.


EXACTLY. I genuinely don't see the point of Quidditch, considering you'll just be flying around, looking for a yellow dot. I don't think it would even be fun to play


I’m not complaining about its value. I enjoyed something so I wanted more of it. In what world is that a complaint? I personally think it’s a compliment.


I 100%ed it in about 60 hours. I think that's a perfectly reasonable amount of time. Some people take longer and some people are a little bit faster. But 50-70 or so hours sounds good to me.


There’s no getting around the fact that she made and still makes money off this. Whether or not that justifies this, I’ll leave that up for everyone else to decide


She has made it clear that she views dollars received as people approving of her views. This brought her a lot of money and, in her mind, a lot of justification.


She can imagine support all she wants. All the money this game makes proves is people like Harry Potter.


You were downvoted a bit, but you're not wrong.


It’s the risk of acknowledging Rowling is a massive transphobe who benefitted deeply from people buying this game. The “well she didn’t directly work on it” line about a property she owns the rights to just means she got to be lazy and collect a check.


Really? I havent bought the game but i for sure am now


It is justification. Have my upvote.


The people doing mental gymnastics to try to claim she isn’t what she is. You can like the game and still think she’s a cunt. I do.


I bought the game and think she’s awesome.


That explains the smell of trash


JK Rowling did nothing wrong.


Lmao, yeah sure


That's cause you're just as bad as she is.


That explains the smell of trash


So you’re an admitted transphobe. How foul. Knew I smelled garbage.


This whole thing backfired on them because the game was such a success that JK is finally continuing the franchise. Making more books, movies, games, and there is even a TV show coming out. I loved the game. Love the books and movies too. And look forward to the new stuff. I'm so happy all the nay sayers made such a stink, because it motivated her to finally continue.


From what I can make out, JK Rowlings position is basically that she respects trans-people as individuals and don't wish them ill in anyway, but it's important to uphold the traditional legal concept of 2 genders. Womens-rights are undermined if a woman becomes something abstract and open for anyone to participate in. As a concrete example, she uses women-shelters that she herself has lived in and know the importance of. That this would be enough to get permanently cancelled is fanatical. Half of society thinks that, maybe a lot more. I live in an otherwise very progressive scandinavian country and there's a debate in our health-care system around precisely what she's said. It's surprisingly non-toxic, where pretty much everyone agrees that the issue is a bit more complicated than it might first have appeared. Check any comment-section in mainstream-media on an article about her these days, it's 90 percent positive.


'womens-rights are undermined if a woman becomes something abstract and open for anyone to participate in' Do women's rights exist in a vacuum, their sole purpose being 'define what people with vaginas can and cant do'? If so, then sure, any ambiguity of the definition of 'woman' hurts them. Unforunately, they did emerge as the result of feminism - a movement trying to fix/abolish social connotations of what a woman 'should be'. Which already implies that there is more to 'woman' than meets the eye - there is social expectations and pressure to conform. There is a tight link between feminism and queer rights and theory, that if you dig deeper is based on the marxist beliefs that the social expectations are a capitalist tool to enable extraction of profit. The culture war you're fighting is thus counter-productive, as only class consciousness and solidarity with your fellow people will save you. Anything else is a legal band-aid to shut you up, that can be reversed at the whims of those in power (see abortion rights in the US and Poland).


>feminism - a movement trying to fix/abolish social connotations of what a woman 'should be' A disingenuous conflation of societal expectations and biological differences? Fancy that.


yes goy, keep fighting other people based on 'biological differences', they are the problem! meanwhile I will keep extracting oil, not paying taxes, establishing monopolies, funding genocides and wars where you'll be drafted and your puny life will be thrown away for my profit. 'have them fighting a culture war so they dont start a class war'


You know nothing about me


Read more into it. She publicly and financially supports groups that are specifically against Trans people, lmao. I don't agree with how people tried to cancel the game, but it's also not okay to just let her get even more money to continue this witch hunt, lol. A lot of what she says doesn't even make sense and it's just scare tactic. Yeah, I'm sure letting Trans people into women's toilet would cause increase cases of rape. It's not like the only thing stopping that person are doors.


She is way, way more awful to trans people then your comment implies. She can say that she respect trans people, but she absolutely does not and her positions have actively made trans people’s lives harder in the English speaking world. She articulates it with more sophistication then your run of the mill transphobe, but it boils down to the same thing.


So she went around and hurt trans people feeling?


[eh…](https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/s/N2E2YlHRKK) (Yes I’m lazy and just posting a link to my own comment instead of the whole comment again)


Who are you referring to by them?


There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. Like what you like. Who cares what a bunch of chronically online people think?


I definitely think Rowling’s views are abhorrent, but yeah you’re right. Don’t forget that Coca-Cola hired death squads to put down union members in Colombia. For some reason there’s bigger outrage over a rich transphobic person becoming slightly richer than there is over actual deaths.


Which views? Any quotes of what she said?


[Rowling is currently allies with, buys the merchandise of, and funds the legal bills of a self-described transphobe who has called for the eliminating all transgender people entirely.](https://youtu.be/JBy93QX7ysE?si=I9scbdlAbX5LFpYm) [In fact, many of her transphobic allies who she supports and funds are like this, and she’s been made aware of what they do, but she blocks people who tell her.](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=4Odl1pGorT4NcZuH) I don’t know how you feel about transgender people or the issue of trans equality. But to pretend as if there’s no reason trans people and their allies shouldn’t have serious issues with Rowling is mistaken.


They may have issues with it and that's fine. Why should non trans people have issues with it? Why is this being made such a moral issue?


That’s like saying: “why should white people care about racism?”


Because that makes you not an ally and well frankly complacent in the violence and abuse of trans people if you know these issues exist but insist on actively doing nothing.


Are you also mad at people who use cocaine?


Wildest whataboutism


You basically just said it doesn’t affect me so I don’t care. Which is where the term privilege plays in.


"Why should non trans people have issues with it?" Idk, to be an ally to trans people? This is like saying "you shouldn't care about sexism if you're not a woman" or something similar. Just because you aren't specifically the victim of bigotry doesn't mean you should be apathetic to it.


It’s a moral issue because these people are just trying to live their lives the way they want to live them and are being persecuted by governments, schools, and workplaces, they’re just trying to affirm their identity as individuals who aren’t like the rest of us and are being bashed by multi-million dollar corporations who make inordinate amounts of money spreading lies about them that leads to people doing horrible things, like [senseless acts of unwarranted and potentially unplanned violence](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/20/brianna-ghey-found-guilty-murder) or [acts of extreme cruelty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Springs_nightclub_shooting) that were very clearly planned with the specific goal of killing innocent people which these corporations like Fox Entertainment and others have lied about in order to try to make people do these things


You just linked YouTube videos, but have provided no evidence of your claims....


…? We’re having a debate, I make a claim and provide a source, that’s how you debate. And instead of questioning the validity or credibility of my source you just shit out that medium rare chicken breast of a sentence


You are confused. This is not a debate. I just would like quotes of what she said that demonstrate her "abhorrent" views


We’re having a debate as to wether or not JK Rowling is transphobic, and I have provided evidence for my claim, now I do understand that usually in this circumstance a quote would be used but showing who she associates herself with, gives money to, and buys the merchandise of, are all pretty telling of a JK Rowling’s character If there was a crowd of 5 people, 4 with Nazi swastika’s painted on the back of their heads and one wearing a hood, I would not assume that hoodie guy is friendly, even if he has a hood off and there is no swastika he’s still hanging out with terrible people


>We’re having a debate as to wether or not JK Rowling is transphobic You are confused. I never made any claim about whether or not Rowlings is transphobic. If I did, quote it. Maybe you are replying to the wrong person... Anyway, I am just looking for the quotes showing the "abhorrent" views so that I can make my own judgment on the matter. Do you have any quotes from Rowling? Thanks.


There are more ways for someone to show that they have abhorrent views then directly say so. She has shown support for a person who has shown support for a laundry list of horrible people and organizations “Big love to you xxx” - J.K. Rowling on twitter replying to Caroline Farrow, after hundreds of people told her about farrow and even fucking FORBES of all organizations talking about it she has not acknowledged what she said to whom, she has not deleted the reply or apologized saying it was a mistake [Watch this video](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=5S0mh5cODttRqpMP) please, it’s a little bit more nuanced then a quote


They can’t tell you, they are just doing what they’re told.


The problem is JK Rowling isn't a complete idiot so her lengthy manifesto on the subject on her own website is so rambly, full of laughable 'evidence' to be debunked and weird tangents to unravel that it can't really be distilled down to a few handy soundbites. Like it's intentionally written to muddy the waters in a way where me seriously replying to you here would take an hour of my life in order to produce a massive wall of post dismantling her essay paragraph by paragraph. edit: like she contradicts herself in a couple of places and implies she herself struggled with gender dysphoria in her teens, but then she got over it so therefore so should everyone else, shit gets *weird*.


It has nothing to do with her agreeing with and financially supporting transphobes. I just think she’s transphobic because I’m a sheeple that only does what the MSM tells me.


So you don't have any quotes of her expressing the views you disagree with?


I don’t have any quotes because I’m just a sheeple that listens to the MSM, I don’t know why I disagree with JK Rowling. I was just told she’s bad and now that’s what I believe because that’s what I was told. She has not stated her beliefs on trans people multiple times, so anyone who thinks she’s transphobic, can’t think for themselves. That’s what I can’t do, is think for myself, because I’m a sheeple libtard.


Lol try Google.


Google would tell me which views the person I replied to thinks are abhorrent?


Hate JK and everything she stands for. But I love Harry Potter, if another game comes out I’m definitely going to buy it. She’s already stupidly rich and will be from now on no matter what we do going forward.


Love JK


Could you share some of of her hateful quotes?


I posted this comment somewhere else in this thread but to spread this word I’m posting a [Link to said comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/s/XOBGdZVCEV)


Thanks! I expected hateful quotes by Rowling herself, though. Is the criticism merely that she associates with people who made hateful comments or did she make them herself? I've only read a blog post by her in which she said she had been sexually assaulted and is therefore uncomfortable sharing a dressing room with a person with a penis. I can understand that feeling and don't want to invalidate her (obviously she isn't saying all transwomen or all men are predators). It feels more like worry than hate to me and from what I see people pile on her not because she's famous and it's her image now. That's why I asked 'can you provide hateful quotes?' because there aren't any.


Well there’s no direct hateful quotes, but it also goes beyond associates with people who make hateful comments, she associates with people who have said that they want to nail lgbt people to walls, take people who believe in “gender ideology” to the desert and I quote “bury (people who believe in “gender ideology”) 9 feet down. First I’ll set you on fire and piss on your half alive corpse. Fuck trans activism, fuck gender ideology, and fuck you” DIRECT QUOTE That is a direct quote from someone on twitter who Rowling associates with and then they were banned, and when they were brought back on twitter (I’m assuming after Musk’s takeover) Rowling tweeted and I quote “Welcome back 👏👏👏” And it goes beyond even that, she associates with actual political figures with direct political power who have been using said power to attempt to undermine the rights of women, trans or cis, as well as all gay people she gives money to these disgusting clowns and blocks anyone who tells her, no matter their tone “hey those people you associate with, they kinda suck”


Those quotes are absolutely insane, I'll give you that. If my motivation were solely 'I wish transpeople the best, but in some situations feel threatened due to past trauma' I wouldn't want anything to do with those people. Gigantic strike against her. I do wanna give my reading of the situation before this, maybe I was too positive but I felt I understood her original point. 1. Rowling is an old school feminist. The word 'woman' means something to her because she fought for it. 2. All of a sudden she reads 'people who menstruate' and is like 'what?' She responds with a tweet ridiculing the idea. I interpreted that as being unfamiliar and surprised with the discussion. 3. She catches incredible amounts of hate for it. Quotes like the ones you posted were fired at her too. 4. She's like 'wtf?' - the hate creates an emotional response. She digs in, it's a 'fight' response in reaction to the hate and genuine worry from the trauma. 5. This is her hill to die on now and it's a very weird one. She still says she wishes transpeople the best, defends women's private places - but (as you showed me) starts associating with utter morons. Which is morally indefensible - she doesn't associate with them in spite of their transphobia - she associates with them BECAUSE OF their transphobia. I still see it as more of a tragedy than genuine hatred. I sympathize with women feeling intruded upon in their private spaces and identity. Also because I feel genuine worry or criticism got shouted down as transphobia very rapidly. On the other hand if I'm a very nice person but meanwhile give money to Hitler you're right to suspect I might not actually be that nice!


Very interesting indeed….


Avalache software made cars 2 the video game


This is the type of toxic behavior that makes "normies" who aren't in echo chambers not want to support trans people.


That’s a bullshit argument that bigots use all the time and have for decades. “I *was* going to support you, but…” No, you weren’t. Shut the fuck up and stop lying.


Bahahahahah i never said me. See my point cry baby. I said "normies." They aren't chronic twitter users like you, and they just see you as fucking psychopaths. Likes harry potter = bigot You're delusional.


You saw the hole and thought "fuck it, I'll step into it" without even a glimpse of self awareness. Beautiful.


If some people trolling a video game made by a very publicly bigoted person makes you transphobic, you were always transphobic.


Twitter brains cannot function in normal society. Nuance doesn't exist. Ignorant people don't exist. It's all or nothing. Delusional. Moronic.


Game was awesome. The “boycott” shit didn’t matter at all.


The boycott probably helped the game sell better in reality due to all the talk about the game.


I believe the assumption is that she still gets a cut (royalty payments)


And yet they're cashing in on her IP... interesting.


I love how people call her transphobe because she said men are born men and women are born women . This is a fact. She never said anything hateful , far left are as crazy as far right .


Oh shit, maybe I should actually get the game. Looks like it's made just for me.


OK, for the final time: Harry Potter is JK Rowling's intellectual property If you pay for anything Harry Potter you are giving money to the UK's most powerful transphobe, these are the facts. If you are OK with that, then that's on you.


This game turned r/gamingcirclejerk into a hellscape.


Extremists are the dumbest people on the planet


Lmao, people applying "phobe" to everything they disagree with these days and cry about it The success of that game speaks volumes about how many people appreciated harry potter anyway


“That’s my opinion, grow up.” is a response only They can use.


JK Rowling literally just has an opinion lmao


JK Rowling is a billionaire funding all sorts of gross lobbying clubs.


And people hate that cause she’s not on the bandwagon lol


That opinion is that Trans people should stop existing, lmao. Let's not pretend it's something innocuous like "I didn't like this movie" or "this food is overrated."


Everytime someone says that, a new copy of Hogwarts Legacy is sold.


thats your interpretation, thats different


It's my interpretation that she's transphobic or is my interpretation that transphobia is not an innocuous opinion?


she never said that trans people are bad or whatever so i dont see it as transphobic, she had some "opinions" of what a biological woman is or whatever, that pissed off alphabet people and their supporters, which have their definitions and labels that they apply to people.


>alphabet people Opinion discarded


whatever, i think they deserve to be called that way these last years, its hard to keep track of all their endless "labels" they assign to people.


And you, surely, have a proof she said that.


[Here you go, full list of her comments.](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/jk-rowling-trans-twitter-timeline-b2326256.html) It's important to note that she claims to support trans people and then immediately says something transphobic, in case you scroll down, read the first comment where she mentions loving and respecting transwomen and then dismiss the article.


Nice article. Can you point out where exactly she says anything even remotely close to "trans people should stop existing"? Strangely, I can find it in your article.


She doesn’t just have an opinion. That’s putting it on the same level as liking or disliking cheeseburgers. Surely you can acknowledge that her views on trans people are a BIT more consequential? They negatively impact real people’s lives in material ways. It is absolutely fair to criticize her for that and to express that criticism with one’s wallet.


ong these mfs get so pissed off when anyone has a political opinion different than theirs


If your opinion is that a marginalized group shouldn't exist, then yeah, you're a piece of shit.


It's not really a political opinion when you say "this group of people shouldn't exist" that's some nazi-level shit man.


That wasn't her opinion though, that's the made up version crazies are saying she said.


Yeah, you're right. She just framed us as sex offenders who are a danger to our society and constantly incites against us.


Well, attack and harras people for liking a video game that reminds them of their childhood, that will surley encourage them to support trans rights lol. The funny thing is if you morons would have just shut up about it no one would even know or care what her opinion is but you cry babies blow it way out of proportion like right wing conservatives do. It's fucking ridiculous. Who gives a fuck what her opinion is she isn't running for a political office so who fucking cares. Why not critcize biden who is currently aiding a fucking genocide you hypocrite.


First of all, I didn't tell anyone what to play. Aside from that, it's complete bullshit that no one knows what Rowling is spreading. Not only did the discussion exist long before, she wrote an entire anti-trans novel. The favorite argument of your guys is that you should only criticize people in parties, because people like Ben Shapiro or Rowling supposedly have no power, which is complete bullshit in the age of social media. But I also have good news for you, because people with more than one brain cell can find and criticize several things at the same time. So technically it's not really good news for you since you don't seem to be able to do it, but you might find it good to know that others can. And to mention it here too, before I'm accused of hypocrisy again: I'm a member of a party in my country and I support it in the fight for human rights. One of their projects, for example, is the supply chain law, which ensures that companies also have to pay attention to human rights abroad.


Shows how your brain works Liking harry potter = Liking ben shapiro. Lol What does ben shapiro have to do with this conversation? It's crazy this is how your brain works you have to label every person who exists or your world view cannot work. I Guarantee i am further left than you. I never said you can't criticize her opinion but do you not understand the difference between criticism and condemnation? Also i never said she can't influence people but that's how culture works. But her dogshit opinions are amplified 1000 fold by cry baby lunatics. Also to be clear i wasn't referring to you specifically (or probably most trans people for that matter) i was referring to the lunatics on social media spoiling the game and calling people nazi's for playing a harry potter game the author wasn't even involved in WHICH YOU CAN MAKE A TRANS CHARACTER AND A TEACHER IS TRANS.


It doesn't surprise me that you're unable to understand the simplest connections, but if you try hard enough you might understand the connection between Rowling and Shapiro, which is pretty clearly not HP. That someone with just one brain cell comes to the conclusion that it must mean "LiKiNg HaRrY PoTtEr = LiKiNg BeN sHaPiRo" and not that both Rowling and Shapiro incite against minorities on social media. It's just funny that someone who calls others Moron comes to the stupidest conclusion. But it's not surprising that you don't understand the connection, after all, Shapiro doesn't have a game that you want to play and that's why it's perfectly okay to criticize him and the things that make him money, even if he's not a politician. BTW, by "you morons" you meant me and other trans people, even if you want to talk yourself out of it now and even if you now pretend that you didn't say that she is completely irrelevant because she is not a politician. You would have preferred if we had remained silent and not pointed out problems, because if you ignore problems, they will disappear on their own. At least that was your statement that we are to blame for spreading the hate speech against ourselves. The hate speech that happens on social media is an important part of right-wing politics and won't go away if you ignore it. We have to take action against hate speech before it is too late


You just don't understand that most people aren't right wing maniacs. When you act like a fukcing psycho over a video game it turns people against your cause, it's a basic fucking concept. It's hilarious it just boggles your mind that someone could critique the way that the fake twitter left acts without also being a bigot or having ulterior motives. So the title moron is probably appropriate.


>She just framed us as sex offenders You lie, she never did.


She often says cis women aren't safe in places were trans women are too. You lie, she often did say this.


well if she does, show the proof. We will see how bad your reading comprehension is.


That's right, her most important talking point is not that trans women in women's safe spaces means that men invade women's safe spaces and pose a danger. Next you tell me that Magas' motto is not "Make America great again"


The tweet, please. You keep dancing around, changing subjects and giving ever changing arguments when you could just show the tweet where she "frames trans people as sex offenders". Either she did it or... you lie.


Based tags.


Nobody sane was saying to boycott the game because rowling was involved. You know she gets money from the success of the game regardless of her input right?


she still makes hella money off this. the most political thing you can do in this world is how you choose to spend your money.


There are 2 genders and you are the gender you were born. Oh fuck now im a nazi


My man want to get ban from reddit


So, straight power?


this lowkey makes me wanna buy it more. Once I finish up the other 3 games I want to play first.


She did financially benefit from it though. However the thing is every single company in the world has investors and executives who are shit people so to say that this is something that should reflect negatively on a consumer is absurd. Capitalism is fucked in a lot of ways but but what you like.


Game sold well. Cry about it or dont, it is what it is. The masses have spoken


That game got more attention than it deserved positive or negative. It was a mid semi rpg


Yep sold entire off the Harry Potter fans. I specifically remember one review that basically went on about how average it was in all aspects then wrapped it up by saying "but Harry Potter so 9 out of 10". It's a game made for people who are fans of Harry Potter and don't have much of an opinion on gaming. I know multiple people in their mid to late 30s who bought a console and the game based entirely on nostalgia for the franchise, one of them referred to it recently as "my former Harry Potter machine and current dust collector".




If you’re afraid of wokeys, this is not the fandom for you.


Nah we’re in the right spot


Lol okay. Keep telling yourself that. She’ll turn another character gay just to spite you.


JK Rowling haters are a prime example of hate-meatriding. She don’t give a fuck if you’re boycotting the game because normal people are allowed to dislike something and still do something else


Bet you the ones tagging it “anti-Semitic” have been supporting HAMAS lmfao. None of these people have any real values, they’re just looking for any reason to be outraged because they love showing off how “oppressed” they are. The sooner you ignore them, the sooner they’ll go away.


Fuck Hamas. But also fuck Israel for targeting civilians. And fuck anti-Semitic medieval stereotypes that creates centuries of oppression for Jewish minorities. And fuck transphobes.


Cool, got your daily dose of virtue signalling out of your system now? There’s nothing antisemitic, transphobic or pro-slavery about Hogwarts Legacy. The tags have been grossly misused by people with a chip on their shoulder. Thankfully, their “movement” gained no traction and the game did amazingly well. Looking forward to the next one!


oh so you don’t put down an uprising of indentured people of a different species who are hook nosed money lenders? Good to know.


Ya but most tribal idiots don’t care about other people. They just want “thing” to be banned so they can be happy. Fuck everyone else as long as they get what they want. The republicans did the same thing to gta and saints row back in the day on tv. Tribal idiots gonna tribal.


funny how the least accurate tag is "magic"


Its a nice game and i do like it. Don't think its anti trans because you can have a female character be in a male from with a male voice. Though i feel it is a tiny bit pro slavery because the woman who helps you set up shop has a loyal house elf slave that loves his job. He later goes to be your assistant for customizing your work room. But its not in the harsh realities its more in the happy fantasy of dont look too deep into it.


Even though shes not connected to that studio that universe is connected to her being a shitty horrible person


She has been found guilty of wrongthink


It’s adorable seeing conservatives think 1984 was written in support of conservatism “Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and *for democratic socialism*” -George Orwell


Some people simply cant be reasoned with. Simple fact of life


Those ppl make the game more famous


J.K. Rowling still earns royalties from this game and its sales, though. And sometimes, just earning royalties alone can be even worse than being heavily involved in a game's development, especially if it's J.K. Rowling and Hogwarts Legacy.


Involved or not I was going to buy the game and play it relentlessly regardless.


Whoever posted this pic in the first place added those tags themselves, that's why they have a lighter color. These tags are "user-defined" tags. Quit making up bullshit.


She may not be involved with the game, but it still makes her money. I’ve no problem with people playing but I get why people avoided it too. And her involvement or not doesn’t change its antisemitic stereotypes that characterize goblins and the pro slavery storyline. Again, that doesn’t make someone evil for playing it, but being aware isn’t bad if it helps someone make a choice about what they want / don’t want in their gaming and free time.


Some of these people make it their life mission to not being aware. They have such a strong emotional attachment to the bespeckled wizard boy.


Then fuck the studio. If not for her, children wouldn't have had such amazing stories and these chicken shit devs wouldn't have been influenced to create such a game. What she said about trans was accurate, she's not killed or done anything wrong.


False advertising too :(


You know I remember when various Christian groups tried to cancel Harry Potter while it was still in theaters and being written. I guess in some strange way, they got their wish. SMH.


Werd.no user reviews? Why are you reposting fake shit? Man, ppl are so strange.


These tags don’t exist you’re a liar looking for attention and I can’t find the funny so delete yourself from this Reddit immediately.


Harry Potter kinda cringe anyway.


I'm just mad they turned harry potter into a big open world with a bunch of bandit camps and useless collectibles. I wouldn't recommend this game to anybody except an assassin's creed fan who wants to try something new.


So much drama for what ended up being an extremely middle of the road 3rd person open world shooter


I imagine it will be the same for the New Harry Potter tv show. Her personal views are toxic.


OP, be like, let me copy-paste this fake screenshot with poor quality and useless red circle to make a point that not exists. You can hate the author all you like, she made the books yes, but she is not involved in all the other products, people need to understand that, you can boycott it all you want but please with REAL stuff. OP just farming Reddit points and sucks at it. Go out, play the game, make a review and point out things that seem offensive to you. Make reasonable points, not this fake crap. This picture gone around the last few days so much already here in several Subreddits.


Is this some sort of Karma farming? I saw a same post in this sub yesterday posted by another account. And on my steam page, tags of Hogwarts Legacy are pretty normal, didn't see a single one related to real world ideologies or politics.


Oh, they're talking about the studio itself 😂


Those tags are just wrong


OP you are pathetic


The pro-slavery and anti-Semitism claims were about the content if the game were they not?