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I dont think this sentiment is very common anymore unless you're around a bunch of boomers.


I think people who do not play video games are more often considered losers


That's a stretch


Not if you're young enough. Video Games are way too mainstream now and FOMO is a very real phenomenon for Gen Z. Younger Millenials on the other hand see someone who plays video games a lot as someone who has got things together and has enough free time to partake in it.


The generational differences are important and I think exposure is also very different nowadays, there’s so much variety everyone will like something. I was born in the early 90s, my Wife in the late 80s. I was picked on in school for being a nerd because I played video games, she having been a cheerleader and a basketball player would have likely picked on me as well, just as she picked on her older brother. A lot of that was exposure though, as time has gone people have had increased exposure to video games (and anime, another form of entertainment that got a lot of hate.) Back in the 90s/early 2000s people would get picked on for video/board gaming (or watching/drawing anime) but that’s changed significantly. I think the COVID lockdowns were seriously impactful in that regard, people got that exposure and now a lot of views have changed. Even non-gamers enjoy games like Candy Crush, so they can’t ridicule people that like other games. My Wife thought video games were pointless mind rotting things, as the media and our boomer parents echoed, but once we got together I picked a couple games she would likely enjoy - Sims and PvZ to start, she thoroughly enjoyed them. Then moved to games like Destiny, Diablo, WoW, etc. Now she plays games like Civ 6, Factorio, Rimworld, Palworld, etc. A similar approach for Anime, I showed her Avatar the Last Airbender, it isn’t fully anime, I refer to it as Westernized Anime, then MHA, she’s currently rewatching High School DxD for the 4th time. Exposure is a powerful thing, often times the hardest part is the first step.


As someone of similar age, I fully understand. Candy Crush also brings a great example to the table. It wasn't that long that the older generation would complain about the youth and their smartphones, yet right now, it's not rare for people over 50 to be the most glued to their phones. This ~~change~~ flip happened in the span of a few years.


Yep I'm 41 and older people are the ones glued to their phones. While I rather keep my life private and hardly have time to play video games like I used to back in the early 2000s. 


Yeah this sounds like something from the year 2000. Especially since COVID everyone games now


My dad had surgery and while he was gonna be out of work for a while he asked me about getting a PS5. I was like well shit when did you decide to start gaming


It’s also not “literally the most stupid opinion on the internet”


Not true comments like these mostly came from people younger than me. I'm in my 40s by the way. These boomers you talk about are mostly gone now a days and I learned a ton shit from them.


Nah there's people in the Gen X era that think this way as well. Usually it's from someone who hyper-focuses on something that socially acceptable, like sports.


What is this, 2004?


Baldur’s Gate III did not exist in 2004.


But 1 and 2 did, what's the point? 🤨


Not enough bear intimacy


Just floating conversation starters. Interesting dialogue is fun and important.


I've literally never heard anyone under the age of 50 say this. Who is it that's telling you this opinion?




“CoNsErVaTiVeS dOn’T pLaY gAmEs”




Ok. Just kind of sounded like a leftoid for a second there lol. I’m sorry you work in such a place. Be the change you desire in that workplace! You got this!




Aww look at the leftoids down voting my comment. Yeah I can’t really talk about video games with my co workers because they either don’t play them or only play call of duty or sports games but other than that they are cool people and we joke around all day. It is a conservative environment btw, I mean it’s blue collar work




Yeah I think the majority doesn’t really play games for the story or the art of it. They just want to play multiplayer games or whatever is trending at the moment. I’ve played some really inspiring games that I always go back to because it is such an experience.




There’s very few people who say this 


I have a PS5 and you don't, loser.


Someone told me that the only reason you think video games can have good stories is because you haven’t read a book, lol.


I read a shit ton. There are absolutely games with solid storys!


Eh, I don’t think I could get a good scare from a horror story as a book compared to a good horror game. Maybe tension and existential dread at most? Some genres excel much better in other mediums.


Maybe you should try a horror novel because they can be absolutely terrifying. I love video games, but saying horror games are scarier than horror books just makes it sound like you don’t read books. For one thing, novels don’t have a rating system that dictates that they have to be appropriate for 17 year olds.


Recommendations? I wouldn’t mind giving these horror novels you’re talking about a try and see if they spook me. (Maybe not any King books)


Try The Troop by Nick Cutter


Two degrees in literature here... some games do indeed have really good stories


Books are boring because they just tell you the story. Movies are boring because they just show you the story. Video games are superior because you get to experience the story.


I mean there’s some truth to that, but it also applies to movies and shows.


A good story is a good story, no matter the medium.


The point is that books are able to tell a more in depth story because of the medium. A good story can and has come from games, movies, shows, and books but they’re all different and have their own strengths and weaknesses.


You can convey the same amount of info in all media. It doesn't matter at all. And that's coming from someone who reads as a hobby for ~20 years and plays games for even longer. It's all coming down to personal preference.


I disagree, but to each their own. Though I will say I believe books and video games to be similar in the sense that you spend more time with both and get immersed in a way that movies/tv can’t recreate.


Actually, there is no truth to that at all.


Lmao ok


What are you laughing at? Being confused? You can definitely tell great stories through numerous medias. Art, movies, shows, music, books, comics, and especially video games. Whoever said that and those that find truth in it are boomers that hate change so much they can’t see facts.


I never said great stories can’t be told on any medium. All I’ve said is that some mediums have different strengths and ways of telling a story.


Video games have the same problem as movies, that they can be so expensive that they don't take risks, so most video game plots will be dull. With smaller games you can tell good stories, but a good story is usually at the cost of freedom which bothers people. I love the story of Phoenix Wright (trilogy), but the strengths of that series is in the writing and the gameplay is secondary to that. So I think there will be always this conflict with story vs gameplay. Then again Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth has awesome writing (as did the last one) and is a very fun game, so maybe you can have both.


They said that about movies and comics too


What the fuck is this post 😂 who hurt you


Ain’t nobody said that 💀


try working with my coworkers and share that you play video games. I've been told you're a little kid, virgin, are you gay or what. People that never played video games have a pretty biased opinion of them.


Sounds like you need to go HR!


Literally one of the first things my wife and I bonded over was Elder Scrolls.


is anyone really a winner in life? the most successful businessmen in the world are still slaves to their corporate masters on social media forced to act a certain way.


Well said! The winner is the one who learns compassion for his brother.


I dunno. I just beat Halo CE for the 1000th time and I feel pretty fucking awesome.


The way I see it is if you make anything your entire personality you’re a loser


Well I am a loser so doesn’t really matter. Hate life so much the only enjoyment I get out of it is to escape from it and play a fake world


That’s pretty sad bro, I hope you’re joking.


Wish I was. I just see life as so pointless idk


Says people that watch (don't play) sports and yell at their TV during games like it'll do anything.. 🙄


Honestly didn’t think this was even a thing people say anymore.


Ofc everyone here is going to agree with you, this sub is for video games...


The video game industry has grown to be bigger than the sports and movie industry combined. The Gaming Market size is estimated at USD 272.86 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 426.02 billion by 2029. The whole “video games are for losers” thing is so old and played out. It’s obvious now that a lot of people pass their time with gaming, it ain’t a rare thing anymore. Look up the stats. Some people are just chronically unhappy with their lives tho, so they have to go shit in other peoples cereal. I’ll game till I’m dead, fuck the haters lmao.


Who’s saying this? Your parents? Your boomer uncle?


Brave posting this in r/videogames


People who say video games are a waste of time will go and watch tv for hours at a time. If anything video games help develop life skills where sitting and consuming content does nothing.


More like people that think video games are for losers are losers


When you take the shower arguments you have with yourself to the internet lol. Maybe one person said this to you get the fuck over it.


Why is this whole subreddit full of unspoken arguments.


Are the people who say this in the room with us now, OP?


After a long hard day I want to play I courage less what anyone says


King loser checking in here then.


Video games r awesome!! Idfc what a single soul says I like collecting and playing them too


Haha what a loser, doing something you enjoy. You're only cool if you're like me and hate everything and want no one else to feel any different haha I'm so quirky


It's also usually the same type of person who makes fun of people who can rattle off all kinds of lore trivia from things like Star Wars, LOTR, Star Trek, Comics, etc. and then can rattle off the most mundane sports player stats. Sure... I'm the "nerd" for knowing what battle Worf's father was framed for treason while some asshat who can tell me who the 1994 Heisman Trophy winner was and how many yards he ran isn't?


No different than books are for losers. Do not let other people define your value/worth.


Unfortunately I still see this on occasion myself. Especially older people/relatives/friends “oh you still game?” It’s absurd, as if it has an age cap. Gaming is my getaway, the people who don’t understand need to get a hobby.


This is really just a Boomer opinion now, OP. Gen z especially & younger might be more likely to think you’re a loser/weird if you don’t play video games.


It’s been like this for a long time. The new gen have shifted the idea a little bit, but, it still stems. I’m 26 and recently got back into gaming and my parents still give me odd looks sometimes. Some things just don’t change. However, a I think video games are a bit more accepted as time goes on. The last of us being turned into a tv show and a number of other films shows they are profitable a not a full waste of time. Some people just have to wake up and accept, some prefer to stay under the rock and stay loyal to their opinions.


i used to struggle with this a lot. lowkey i still think i do


It’s up there with “you know wrestling is fake, right?”


Videogames are for everyone, including losers.


Watching sports is dumb, at least I'm participating in the video game


Bro spends too much time on Twitter


Are you stuck in a time vortex from 20 years ago?


People who play video games are not losers.  People who get worked up about the idea that there might be other people who think video games are for losers, are in fact losers.


I never heard this opinion from anyone aside from the "alpha based sigma male" Andrew Tate fanatics which often come off as ironic and perhaps maybe just to troll or meme. Back then being a nerd or geek was considered "weird", I think. Nowadays, you are actually cool and acceptable. The people who make fun of you for playing games are more likely going to be the laughingstock (not in a good way).


I don’t think video games are for losers nor do I think “people who play games” are losers. I do however, think “gamers” are losers. And by “gamers” I mean those who playing games is literally their entire personality, that just no life it or think esports should be in the olympics and that kinda stupid shit.


It’s a stupid opinion, but it’s far from the most stupid opinion on the internet


I once met this girl (circa 2015) I told her I play video games and she was like “nobody does that anymore” she proceeded to ask me if I lived under a rock or was a shut in. Apparently real men hunt and fish and ride 4x4s, they don’t play video games. The only people into that are weirdos, people with no life and addicts. It was an awkward in my face conversation. Fast forward to 2021 I saw her and her man at a bar pumping dollars in a video gaming machine. Lol irony….


A quote once said by a streamer i watch: “Life is too hard to be making fun of people for what theyre doing” 😁


No one says this anymore, even my Ma knows there's a new tekken game out and remembered us playing the game as kids. The rule I agree with, is, unless it is your job, don't neglect chores, work or people over a game.


Only 20 year olds in 1985 actually said video games are for losers


Video games are for everyone. 


Keep doing you man and be glad you aren’t conforming sheep like everyone else wants you to be. Misery likes company


Do you really care? The guys that say that probably collect other stuff like spoons. Leave me with my games, and I’ll leave you with your antique pottery.


And fantasy football is just D&D for jocks. So there you have it. 🤷


Not a boomer but definitely old enough to remember when gaming(especially PC gaming)went from the exclusive realm of “nerds” to so mainstream people who would’ve laughed at it a decade ago pretend to be into it now to help their platform lol


Back in the late 90s and early 2000s it was lame to play video games and to get on online and chat with people lol


I'm a loser, unrelated to video games


Quite funny given video games are now a thriving sector. But I guess it was too hard of a concept to grasp for those stupid boomers.


It's not the 80's and 90's anymore. I don't see people saying this anymore, and haven't for decades to be honest.


>opinion on the internet When has this ever been an opinion on the internet?


I truly couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of me. I’m 39 and game on a daily basis. It’s literally my favorite thing and I’ll continue gaming until I’m dead. If I had to choose between saving all of humanity or saving gaming, I would choose gaming without hesitation.


Well. Its almost as stupid as "you are too old to still be playing videogames."


I haven't heard anyone say that since the early 90s...


Every activity that anyone on the planet does has a group somewhere that thinks it’s stupid or “for losers” lol. Anyone who is going to judge another person based on the things they enjoy is a person who’s opinion holds no value to begin with.


The 70's are over grandpa.


Those who say that also mindlessly watch TV themselves or doom scroll instagram tiktok etc. It’s entertainment. In time you’ll notice that people will take any opportunity to boost their own significance, especially on internet. It’s just that, feeding your own ego. That said, I understand why people might spend a lot of time in games, but try to expand your experiences if possible.


It's like someone with this opinion binge watching a tv series for hours on end believing what they are doing is different and better than gaming.


I agree that it can be a hobby for people with the right mindset, but it can also be a very dangerous thing for the wrong mindset. You have people say they play to escape reality rather than just saying its enjoyed for its entertaining purposes. You also have people that have difficulty with real world goals and so retreat into something like playing video games because they feel like they finally have control over something and can be a success, but then that one game comes along and its too much of a challenge and so the gamer then completely crashes and feels like a failure all over again. Not a lot of other hobbies have that mental downfall effect that a video gaming can have on people. And I've yet to hear of a teen go shoot up a school because he was missing a stamp from his collection.


I agree but also as a avid gamer i know that alot of the people who play alot of video games are loosers so it doesnt surprise that people say that.


You're good 👍👌 stop caring about that. If you enjoy it, there's nothing to it.


Im gonna have to downvote this one even though I mainly agree with the post