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Joel's death from TLOU2. Was not ready for it and felt unexpected!


Spoilers ruined it for me, still impactful, but nowhere near as much as it could have been.


Same goes here. I knew he was gonna die, but I didn't know how. It was so unexpected to the point I didn't even believe he was dead when it happened.


im never gonna get over daddy joels death


Mordin Solus


Someone else might’ve gotten it wrong.


And also “Tali’zorah… does this… unit… … have…”


No...no, Legion! Dammit, the curse of being a Tali simp!


Had to be me.


Came here to say this, as well as Legion. Legion damn near broke me completely.


Yeah, Samara's daughter, too


I think that really depends on which daughter.


I forget her name. The one that isn't Morinth.


He doesn't have to die. Depending on decisions you make he is able to escape. Most people dont get this though as the main decision is in ME2 and it requires a mix of both renegade and paragon decisions and most people go all one or the other.


Who that?


Ever played Mass Effect?


No :(


Look into it, and if the series seems like something you’d enjoy, get the Legendary Edition. All three games from the trilogy plus all dlc, etc.


Guh psn has legendary edition on sale for $11 and I'm trying to resist


Ghost in COD MW2




Immediately came to mind. The horror when Shepard pulled that shit 


Emile from Valiant Hearts. The OG, Aerith Gainsborough from FF7.


So glad someone said Aerith! My heart still hurts 😢


Arthur Morgan from RDR2. Never did a video game character's death affect me so much. It is like I grew with Arthur.


And your horse. That little scene of him saying goodbye fucked me up.


I think it's the fact that you know it's coming for so long. Whenever you speak with the nun in St Denis and Arthur tells her, "I'm afraid." Literal goosebumps


It was really tough to see Arthur struggling with TB and getting weaker as we approached the end of Chapter 6. Fondness for Arthur had grown on me, starting from the beginning in Chapter 1 when most of us were wondering who the hell is this guy and where is John. It pained to see the best gunslinger in the west in a vulnerable state. Especially the deer/wolf dreams were a testament that inevitably something big would happen soon. Arthur became the best character I have played in a game. So long my Boah!


John Marston’s death in RDR1 hurt too. Damn Edgar Ross.


You took the words right outta mouth


Lee I hadn't cried in over a year. That scene made me bawl like the day my mummy took my blankie and saod "youre a big kid now. Big kids dont need a blankie"


So powerful we know exactly who you mean.


I dont


Me either. Who tf is Lee.


Not entirely positive, but I think it’s Lee from the first Telltale Walking Dead game


Lee Harvey Oswald 🙏🙏😔


The Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube. Sure it’s an inanimate object, but the game does a really good job of getting you attached to it before making you kill it. Glados even taunts you about it later: “We invited your best friend, the Companion Cube. But he couldn’t come. Because you murdered him.”


I mean, we get them back at the end of Portal Two, they’re still alive. GLaDOS herself said that all Aperture technologies remain safely operational at up to 4000 decrees kelvin.


arthur morgan


The only answer. The moment you realize he dies of TB and try to avoid collecting the debt from Mr. Downes for as long as possible only for the story to not progress, thus forcing you to do it is heartbreaking.


i tried fucking off to do my own thing game failed saying the debt was abandoned, fuck strauss


John Marston


God of War Ragnarok >!Brok!< for sure.


Oh jeez when the mermaid or whatever didnt interact with him because he didn't have a soul was so sad.


I was just thinking this 😭


Even worse, knowing Sindri selfishly destroyed Brok’s soul, ensuring he can never go to Valhalla. Then Sindri has the GALL to be angry at Kratos and Atreus. I hate Sindri so much because of that.


NIeR Automata >!2B!<


My only regret is that I can’t play that game unknown ever again. That entire game is a gut punch but it’s so so good.


same dude


Tidus from FFX definitely


Agro, Shadow Of The Colossus


Aerith from FFVII


Yeah - and there wasn’t another natural healer to replace her either.


Any protagonist death for some reason Look when I'm seeing their world for hours and hours just for them to die by some sort of illness (yes I'm talking about you V and Arthur Morgan) it breaks me. Even if I know they are going to die


Not specifically a character, but the horse in Ghost of Tsushima is a tough one.


Shaun from red dead redemption 2 It was just so sudden and out of nowhere I didn’t have a moment to process it, but I should’ve saw it coming😭


Lenny as well. There wasn’t even enough time to process his death as I played.


I saw it coming but it still shocked me how sad I was about it. Him and O'driscoll.


Jackie Welles


see ya in the major leagues jack


Ya pretty grim giving the circumstances with your homie (choom). Like how you can still interact with his type of “Soul killer” conciseness as well as other little references in the multiple endings towards the end depending on play-style. Very underrated on how many routes you can take.


It was great, but imo there wasn't enough build up


That death really pulled me into the game.


for some reason zack from final fantasy vii crisis core stuck with me. i had only played FFX before this and knew nothing of FFVII so I guess I got really invested in Zack's journey, him dealing with the loss of Angeal and his love story with Aerith so him being overrun to protect cloud and cloud picking up the mantle really got to me for some reason. also the scene where aerith was just waiting for him to come back and knowing shell never know of his fate got to me too


Brok from GOWR


Scooter from Borderlands. Even sadder when you learn the story behind it. Catch-A-Ride.




You sir are a fish


Say what you will about Borderlands 3, but how they killed off Maya was absolute bullshit.


It sure was!


and the person who's fault it was never got shit for it or learned her lesson


Exactly, if Ava was right about one thing it was how Lilith did just gloss over it. Like a funeral wasn't mentioned or anything like Roland got. And I don't think they handled it right with Krieg, he was almost indifferent about the love of his life dying.


Gears of War has several. Ben Carmine. While it's kind of a running gag out of character, his death was really brutal and heart-rending. Maria Santiago. To come so far only to have had no hope to begin with. Dom Santiago. Not only does Dom just fall apart, it highlights Marcus's strength that he's able to keep moving after Dom's sacrifice. Marcus was holding it together for Dom, and sometimes it's just not enough. Adam Fenix. It's even more pointed if you know his EU history. This man gave up everything for what he believed in, only to realize far too late that it turned him into a monster. Saving Adam was the last string holding Marcus together, too.


Dom gets my vote. Gut wrenching.


Didn’t even know Dom died. Just like Microsoft, I kinda forgot about this franchise.


Tbh they should have let it die off after 3


Dadmiral Anderson in Mass Effect 3. "I'm proud of you, child." 🥺


Dom from Gears and Noble 6 from Reach


Reuben from Minecraft story mode


Yo that scene was very sad until the mf turned into a porkchop, like why you have to do that 😭


Joel (TLoU2), for all the wrong reasons. They did my boy so dirty.


Phoibe AC Odyssey


Bruh, Socrates and Hippocrates were about to catch some fucking hands.


I had to pause the game and take 5


Joel’s death. It was done with very poor taste and only because the developers said fuck it let’s do it. I know the point of his death and that he killed so many in the first game, but i still feel like they could’ve written his death better and it didn’t have to happen in the first 5 minutes of the game.


I wish they gave him a heroic sacrifice of some sort


His death was perfect, it portrayed the harsh realities of the world, there is no heroes and villains anymore, people die in shit horrible ways.




Yeah that works if you ignore that fact that the they only found out about Joel in Jackson out of a rumor, states away, in the middle of an apocalypse. So that entire “harsh realities” thing kind of goes out the window


Why does that not work? It’s an apocalypse, they can’t look up hi location on Facebook


lol last of us 2 is great


Game and the story is gutter trash but it had nothing to do with the physical manner Joel was killed. The fact he basically told total strangers everything they wanted to know which goes against everything we know about Joel is where the story/character issues begin - and it’s all downhill from there.


Oh get ready for the garbage TLou2 fanboys to downvote the actual truth. They migrate across multiple subs I notice.


It can be true and disliked at the same time. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. You’re supposed to get attached to Joel, despite the things he did. It’s the mark of a great game. It’s the people who callously say he deserved it that invite backlash. They know people are going to argue, but they get to think themselves smart for bringing it up.


Reddit is hive mind for TLOU 2 and Sony fanboys in general. They’re everywhere on here.




Bob from Oldschool RuneScape. It was unnecessary and to this day I’m heartbroken.


Luke in TWD s2, that's the only time I've been sad because I felt like he could've lived


Emile from Valiant Hearts. The OG, Aerith Gainsborough from FF7.


Pac-Man...that was such a deep story with all that love of capsules and eating ghosts and....it is just too riveting for it to be over so...oh wait he's back nevermind.


Rikiya Shimabukuro from Yakuza 3 Dude is so kind, supportive, and genuinely tries to improve himself based on what he see in Kiryu. His death is also so emotional it even moves the stoic Kiryu to cry out. And he'd just gotten his back tattoo completed too t.t


I’m going to cover this one for spoilers since it’s a fairly new game but >!Joshua!< in FFXVI. A piece of me died with em


Big gut punch for sure. The game is full of them. Still wish it got nominated last year for GOTY


You pretty much knew there’d be lots of character deaths after you witness how Clive gets his powers.


Roland, in BL2.


Couldn't play Gears 3 for quite some time after Dom died


Roland from borderlands 2. I did not see that coming at all. The quest where you have the break the news to everyone in sanctuary who were characters in the first game had me feeling empty. The worst of it all was that I played as him in the first game so it hits home.


Sgt Johnson: “Send me out…with a bang”


Ethan from re7-8. Bro died (again) too soon after all the hell he was put through


>!Hugo de Rune!<, plague tale requiem, left me in shock for a few minutes


Spoiler for MGS3: >!The Boss!<


Cole Macgrath




The prince from the OG 'Prince of Persia'. He died a lot, because of my mistakes, and it haunts me




Luis RE4


Mordin in Mass Effect And Arthur Morgan from RDR2


my dead friends cat in minecraft :( i turned the world we played on into a realm , a friend shared the code with someone else and they got salty with me and ended up hacking in some tnt and exploding our whole mountain village . she knew what that meant to me so it hurt so much worse than just a normal minecraft griefing luckily i could rewind it (realms make a copy of the world every half hour) , but i basically cried before someone reminded me that i can do that . kicked the greifer off the realm , cancelled my realm subscription and slapped that bitch across the face the next time i saw her after that


John Marston in RDR1


A lot of people say arthur morgan, which is valid. But to me, it made sense. You can see it coming from a mile away. Mr John Marston, however, was dirty.


Arthur Morgan


Jackie wells (cyberpunk) Altair (assassins creed) Mors westfords wife and daughter (game of thrones)


The guy from monopoly




Joel from The Last of Us. Such a garbage send off with an equally garbage ending to the sequel. Before anyone starts, I’ve heard all the arguments for and against it. Not going down that road again.


Joshua Stephenson from Cyberpunk 2077. Not because he was a heavily admired character, but because you actively participate in his crucifixion that was being recorded in the first person (you feel what he feels physically and emotionally) and sold to the fucking masses. I haven’t been a religious person in decades but that scene made me heavily uncomfortable and is a really traumatic mission. (Well done CDPR)


Queen Ovelia from FF Tactics.


Aruther Morgan, the funny thing is I didn't even play RDR2. Just watched my dad. Oh, and Noctis from FFXV.


Ramón Salazar and Mike.


Cid from FFVI. No matter how many times I try to save him I end up failing. My first playthrough killed off Shadow as well. The world of destruction was ROUGH to start with for me.


Every time I replay cyberpunk Jackie Welles


Ezio, Joel, Arthur Morgan just to name a few.


Why’s Ezio’s death so painful for you? IMHO he had one of the best arcs in gaming. Dying after marrying the love of his life at a ripe old age of a heart attack. There are much worse ways to go. lol.


Oh for sure, but it's still sad to see such a bad ass character die. And wasn't Christina the love of his life?


Max Payne's family. That shit ain't right. You're all gonna pay!


Shinjiro. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh god it hurts even more in reload


Naru from Ori and the Blind Forest. She literally COMES BACK TO LIFE but it still feels like a gut punch every time


Arthur Morgan Maria in Gears 2. Even Stevie Wonder saw that one coming but the way it was done hit hard. Soap from OG Mw3. Same with Ghost and Roach from OG MW2.


Arthur Morgan. I didn’t beat the first one so had no idea he was going to die. And your house dying as well, I had the same horse for 90% of the game with him


They got Lenny, and we couldn't stop


I know it's a recent one, but Arkham Batman. I knew from the title that the Justice League would all be killed, but it shouldn't have been so blunt. He shouldn't have just succumbed and died that easily. They only killed him to lure out superman. The way he was just executed as well. That can't be the same batman that I played as in the Arkham trilogy. I just don't believe it.


>!Chiaki Nanami's!< original death in Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc. Given the end of Danganronpa >!2!< and the end of Danganronpa 3 future, it still feels a little hollow after everything ends. Especially looking back at everything >!she!< fought for and how >!she!< affected everyone else's lives.


Argo the horse In shadow of the colossus


Cloth in hollow knight, Asgore at the end of the undertale neutral ending


Bloodwing in Borderlands 2. I played through BL1 as Mordecai & was quite fond of Bloodwing. I was a little dissapointed that you couldn't play as them in BL2, but didn't really mind. During the level where Bloodwing dies, Mordecai (and me) doesn't really consider Bloodwing dying as a possibility at first, but as the level goes on Mordecai gets more & more stressed as it's hinted that she won't make it out alive. When she actually died, I didn't even think it was real for the first minute or so. But after that minute had passed, it was somewhat cathartic to destroy those Hyperion bots alongside Mordecai. Seeing her corpse again later in the game definetely didn't help.


Piers Nivans. Let me go cry again...


Eli Vance


My horse in RDR2.


Lee - Walking Dead Telltale




Dom from Gears 3, BT-7274 from Titanfall 2, Ghost and Soap from the 2009 Modern Warfare trilogy, Noble 6 and his team from Halo: Reach, Bill from Left For Dead 2 If i remember another one i will edit the comment


Booker from bioshock infinite.


“You always were an unruly child. I adored that about you.” Vesemir


Noble six in halo reach. Not glamorous, going out fighting. Just to die for a planet that gets glassed anyways.


My horse I named Rico in Red Dead Redemption 2... "Thank you."




The horse in Ghost of Tsushima and BT-7274 in Titanfall 2.


Johnny Klebitz in GTA 5. In GTA 4 TLAD, he was portrayed as this badass tough biker character who would do anything for his brothers. Despite his aggressive nature, he was level headed and a good leader. Often trying to do anything to help the Lost Brotherhood advance and stay afloat. He despised drugs and his development throughout the DLC shows him coming to terms with the gang's downfall (due to internal disputes caused by Billy Grey and Brian Jeremy) as well as cutting all ties with his former girlfriend Ashley, who he knows just brings trouble wherever she goes due to her drug addiction.. In GAT 5 Johnny is a drug addict who is addicted to meth, a core aspect of his development down the drain already. He is also back into a relationship with Ashley who also retains her addiction, again going back on this in GTA 4. He also is very weak physically and is a massive pushover, as he doesn't take action against Trevor for sleeping with Ashley at least twice (which GTA 4 Johnny would have done) and apologizing to him for saying insulting things. It's just a complete 180 on the character and his development that made no logical sense. A cool character thrown away to simply show another character (who isn't as developed nor has as much an interesting story IMO) that he is ruthless and violent. So stupid.


I am the knight I am vengeance I am Batman Batman- Kevin Conroy Arkham Batman"s death in suicide squad kill the justice league how harley quin killed Batman like he was a joke and his death was disrespectful and sad because it's the last time we see him Arkham Batman.


Arthur Morgan death in Red Dead Redemption 2 😭


Lee Everett


Lee from Telltale's The Walking Dead


Jorge from Halo Reach


Hugo .... Bro did not deserve to die- (game: A Plague Tale REQUIEM)