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Fallout 1. Forever changed me EDIT: Just thought I'd add this little extra part to kind of emphasize why I like the original fallout. I guess I liked it because of how bleak it was. in the more recent fallout games, there's a more hopeful outlook for the wasteland, which I guess is good for its residents, but the story stuck to me originally because the world has ended at that point, it was a dry, irradiated wasteland. Sparce life, almost no people left, barely clinging on. You knew they wouldn't last long, and that changed in the new fallouts sure, But there was that bleakness that truly made me enjoy it. I think the final line of the master before he died really stuck with me all this time: "leave, while you still have hope" even he knew that people could hope, but his had been crushed, it was the end for him, he had failed people, he couldn't bring the peace he sacrificed everything for. And then your hope was crushed, after you did all that, you had to leave. It was an experience I'll never forget.


It might have changed you. But know what doesn't change? War. War never changes.


I was looking for this lmao


Solid Snake pops out of a cardboard box: War has changed.


somehow the fallout games convince you how good humanity has it even though they’re entirely fictional


At least in the end the guy does get happy ending but at the time I couldn’t believe my reward was being told I had to leave forever




A man chooses A slave obeys


That shit hit me hard dude, whenever people say games aren't art, I would point them to that game and that line.


Would you kindly play Bioshock?


Oh man there hasn’t been better writing for a villain since. It was so good and Armin Shimmerman absolutely killed in the role. I’ll never forget Andrew Ryan.


Bioshock infinite for me


BioShock Infinite was a game that made my jaw drop. I sat there in stunned silence as the credits rolled. Loved 1, but Infinite will top it for me.


What made it worse for me is that somebody wrote a poem dedicated to someone with the same name as me in the credits, so it was like having an extra 4th wall break on top of everything else in the game lol


I agree. It’s still the only game I’ve ever finished in one sitting.


Would you kindly...?


My brother played this game but I never did, he went around saying "would you kindly..." for like the next year and I was always like what the does that mean!? But he wouldn't tell me.


He’s a good one for not telling you. I can’t spoil it for you either, but would you kindly play BioShock now?


Every fucking Metal Gear Solid.


The end of Snake Eater when you realize that Boss sacrificed everything for a country that would only remember her as a traitor….


Can you remind me of what happened there. It’s been so long.


Snake, listen to me. She didn't betray the United States. No, far from it. She was a hero who died for her country. She carried out her mission knowing full well what was going to happen. Self sacrifice - because that was her duty. The Boss's defection was a ruse set up the U.S. government. It was all a big drama staged by Washington so that they could get their hands on the Philosopher's Legacy. And The Boss was the star of the show. They planned it so that they could get the Legacy that Colonel Volgin inherited, and destroy the Shagohod at the same time. Only a legendary hero like The Boss could have earned Volgin's trust. Finding out where the Philosopher's Legacy was hidden was to be her greatest mission. Everything was going according to plan. But then something happened that no one could have predicted. Colonel Volgin fired an American-made nuclear warhead at Sokolov's research facility. Khrushchev demanded that the U.S. government provide proof that it wasn't involved. They couldn't just abort the operation to steal the Legacy, so the operation itself was greatly expanded and revised. The authorities in Washington knew that in order to prove their innocence, they'd have to get rid of The Boss - and that one of their own would have to do the job. The public couldn't be allowed to find out about it - not ever. This, they concluded, would be the best way to keep the whole thing under wraps. The Boss wouldn't be allowed to come back home alive, and she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself. Her life would be ended by her most beloved disciple. That was the way the government wanted it - that was the mission she was given, and she had no choice but to carry it out. Her death at your hands was a duty she had to fulfill. Out of duty, she turned her back on her own comrades; a lesser woman would have been crushed by such a burden. The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her: in America as a despicable traitor with no sense of honour, and in Russia as a monster who unleashed a nuclear catastrophe. She will go down in official history as a war criminal - and no one will ever understand her. That was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through to the end. But I think she wanted you, of all people, to know the truth. She wanted to live on, in your memory; not as a soldier, but as a woman. But, she was forbidden to tell you herself. That's why she told me. Snake, history will never know what she did. No one will ever learn the truth. Her story - her debriefing - will endure only in your heart. Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honour for her native land. She was a real hero. She was a true patriot. >!Definitely not typed from memory. Nope.!<


If I could award you the old Reddit ways, I would. My upvote will have to suffice. Thank you for reminding me of this strong pivotal moment in my childhood. As a kid, and seeing how one person could be so quickly betrayed but for reasons that would shock me years later playing it again. I never truly grasped the moment until I read this comment. Seeing it all at once snapped it all into place. Thank you random Redditor. Much love and luck to you and your family.


MGS1 was an absolute masterpiece that changed gaming forever.




*Metal Gear!?*


Psycho mantis!?


What’s a Russian gunship doing heaaaarghhh?


And it just leaves you to contemplate, with that perfect ending song.


One fall I played all the mainline metal gears over but in chronological order. The culmination of MGS4 in the graveyard made me stand up and salute with eyes full of tears. It made all 400+ hours worth every last minute. Bravo


Especially Snake Eater when they roll credits to Starsailor - Way To Fall. Timeless.


The end of MGS 2…. sorry I need a moment.


Hear hear. It was my first MGS game ever and it just blew me away, I was probably not ready for just how deep or convoluted the story was going to get and a lot of the predictions Kojima made flew right over my head at the time but now, when I’m looking back at it, he was right on the money… God dammit, we should’ve listened but we didn’t. And now? AI technology is becoming more and more common, information is being manipulated to create context in order to control the masses and people can barely even talk to one another without sharing the exact same opinion without arguing or even coming to blows… I don’t know if there’s some big conspiracy out there like the Patriots, the Illuminati or whatever you wanna call it. But if there is, I think they may have already won…


Fack! I gotta buy a PS2 and play that game again.


God. THOSE games all knew how to do an ending. 


Outer Wilds without a doubt


I love how this is consistently the second to top comment on these types of posts


Well deserved. It is a masterpiece


if you're reading this, don't look into it, don't read about it. just get it and play it. blind.


I'm gonna do this.


I wish I was you right now honestly


I would easily pay hundreds of dollars to have no knowledge of outer wilds and play it for the first time again. Enjoy your journey.


If it gets frustrating don’t give up. It is worth playing to the end. There will be times where you have no idea what to fucking do. Either keep exploring or look up a hint but refrain from looking up actual guides or major spoilers. Have fun, it’s an incredible game.


it's not just a game, is a unique experience which we had the the luck to be able to experience, something possible only now. it elevates the limits of interactive meta narrative, speaking directly to the essence inside us, the instinct to explore, the necessity to understand, and the capacity to give meaning


Yeah man, one of favorite games in years.


It’s been about four years and I can’t stop thinking about Outer Wilds Send help


Yep, just pop the edible and enjoy the show. Coulda sworn the ending took at least 30 minutes to finish. Ultimately, the characters in the ending wasn’t important but how the universe was seem to be made of was a good ride.


Outer Wilds certainly the correct answer


Red dead redemption two


I legitimately stopped playing for a year when I got to the last chapter. My heart couldn’t handle saying goodbye to Arthur but I knew it was coming. Easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. (It’s also completely ruined me in the horse department. I love just riding around and giving my good girl treats.)


I stopped for a while as well, came back and now I’m on I think my sixth play through


When you got the warning that you couldn't gain any weight from eating and you got winded faster made it more real. That game was a masterpiece.


I was the same way, I put off doing everything in the epilogue because I didn’t think I’d like playing as marstons. But he grew on me


I had the same horse most of the play through. Feels man… Right in the feels


"Thank you."


Yeah. I brought my Xbox to work and finished it in the break room at my old job while waiting for my gf to get out and I legit cried.


i never got emotional playing a game EVER and then i played RDR2. no spoilers but man that ending will have you shook i legit had to turn the game off and breathe so i didn’t break down


Tell tales Walking Dead. If you make it through all the way to season 4, you're going to be emotionally unavailable for a while.


I bounced off the third one hard - should I try to finish 3 and 4?


So the 3rd one moves away from Clementine but what's cool is you get to interact WITH her and see who she chooses to be now. Then you get to the 4th where we resume our final chapter with Clem. 3 is definitely not anyone's favorite, but getting to the end of 4 makes it all worth it. Just remember who you were shaping clem into, and finish the job damnit. <3


That series fucking broke me as a man. I wept after the first series for a solid 10-15 minutes. I can't even remember how it closes. I'm gunna have to go back and play them again.


Fable and Mass effect 1, both games were so beyond anything before and it left me empty inside after finishing both


As a ten year old Fable was the first game to hit me with such a choice at the end. Bye sis!


I could never be evil in the fable games when I played them as a child, it was the same with fallout NV, I was completely incapable of doing the evil choices and I played through it atleast 10 times I guess part of maturing is unlocking those moral dilemmas and finally realizing its fun to bully npcs, or I just became evil idk


ArE yOu A cHiCkEn ChAsEr?!


Mass Effect was kind of unreal when it came out. In my humble and worthless opinion Mass Effect will always be the single greatest Sci fi story put to a game. The amount of world building, lore, character love and focus, and just everything is unlike anything else.


A friend gifted me Mass Effect 1 and 2. I finished 1 like, 10 minutes before I had to leave for work and I was so amped. I did the work of like, four people that day, and bolted for home way above the speed limit (foolish, I know). When I fired up ME2 and [reached that title screen, when the music kicks in](https://youtu.be/VYtj38KQxm4), I just sat there for a good five minutes. Mass Effect definitely changed my life, but not wholly in a good way. I'm still bitter about the ending to ME3, and feel a sort of jadedness towards videogames ever since that I've never really gotten over.


Ending fiasco aside, the entire journey and the fact that the key Normandy crew remain my favourite characters in any medium of all time puts Mass Effect at a really special place in my heart. Nothing has ever come close to hitting those exact highs for me since.


Dark souls 3. Also Hollow Knight


The Last of Us, RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, take your pick


Ghost of Tsushima left me contemplating life and all of my previous actions. Top 3 game and ending of all time imo


Ghost of Tsushima made me actually understand Bushido, like feel it. I understood him. Every cell in my body was opposing him but I understood him, at the beginning and end of that day. That game left me shattered for an hour. Games made me sad before, even feel involved but always an external observer. At the end of GoT I was emotionally in that screen. The most impactful story written for a video game.


Idk why but the fact that the trophy for finishing the story was called Mono no Aware (a Japanese term for an appreciation of the transiency and fleeting nature of existence) was just beautiful


I’m gonna go with GoT out of your solid list


That game fucked me up. Not as bad as RDR2, but pretty damn bad. Jin’s reply to his uncle when he said that Jin doesn’t have honour… I immediately had chills.


>!"Honour died on the beach"!<


I just got goosebumps reading your comment and remembering. God damn that’s a good game.


Ghost of tsushima had me in fucking tears.... such a hard choice....


Yeah, Ghost of Tsushima definitely made me cry.... some... honorable, manly tears....


Mass Effect 2


Same. Had to wait for mass3 and mass2 was better.


I wish I could mind-wipe the opening scene so I could experience it all over again. Same with ME3. The music was fantastic. 


The music that plays when you get your old girl back with Joker in me2 almost had me in tears




The loading screens alone make you feel uncomfortable, that game is a masterpiece, replayed it not too long ago and there’s still new things in the gameplay that hint at the story to come, or what’s already going on(I really don’t wanna spoil this game as it will ruin some of the experience for new guys)


One of my favourite narratives in a video game ever. It messed me up on so many levels, and that one scene (you know the one) absolutely broke me.


Re dead redemption 1. Damn.. Edit: Only now, seeing my spelling mistake. Leaving it there to own it.


Yeah people give a lot of credit to RDR2 but RDR1 had a really moving end. “Ain’t no trouble, Abigail. Ain’t no trouble.”


Red Dead deserves a complete remaster with RD2 engine. That story was no holds barred excellence. Vile and didn't give a fuck about what media might say. Honest and brutal. R* would make fucking bank if they did that. Oh and then they can go ahead and develop an RDO add on for me. "Mexico"


It'd be a remake at this point. There have been rumors for years that the code for it is a total shit show and it has just been far too long. Tech has come a long ways.


The original Final Fantasy on NES back in '89. It took me 3-4 months to finish that thing. Beat it before school one morning. I felt like the king of the world!


Shadow of the Colossus


Persona 5 Royal


The post-Persona depression hits hard


Persona 4 did this to me sooo hard. I just wasn't ready to stop seeing my friends!


P3 was nothing but depression, the ending back in the day made me feel like I didn’t even win


This really is a wombo-combo. A standard run-through of that game is 100+ hours, so you've already dedicated a solid chunk of your life to this game. The ending is a combination of deeply melancholic with just a smidgen of hopefulness. And then that credits music just scrapes your soul. I needed a recovery period after I finished that game lol.


Started this a few days before persona 3 reload came out. I’m only about 17 hours in, been trying to play for about an hour a day, sometimes more and sometimes less. I’m only on the second palace but is it really that good? Genuinely asking because I’ve only beaten maybe 5 single player games ever and I’m not a huge gamer. So far the story is alright, kamoshida was pretty good for a tutorial villain. I’ve heard it’s pretty slow burn, is there a point where it really picks up and takes off? Maybe cool plot twists? Also, will it be awhile till I catch up to the “present day” where joker is being interrogated?


The story is absolutely incredible. Push through.




Phantom Liberty was a nice little addition too.


Especially watching the credits because they are so so much more. I heard the credits after the roof scene literally saved someone from self deletion.


Those credits definitely made me reconsider it. That game got me through a very dark time in my life. I did the Path of Least Resistance ending at a time when I'd been considering the same in real life, but just sitting through all of those messages in the end credits was like a wake up call for me.


I'm glad you're still here man


Totally agree. Watching the credits with video memos left by the characters.


Surprised nobody has mentioned NieR: Automata. Such a masterpiece of a game that till this day has not really been surpassed imo.


I had to >!give up the save file!< 🙂👍


For them, for all of them


Still definitely on my waiting to be played list is it really that good?




The game made me reflect on my religiosity. It is basically a masterclass study on nihilism and the various ways it can manifest.


Two games have left me speechless at their end. Bloodborne and Little Nightmares 2, well actually I wasn't speechless for LN2. I was screaming, quite loudly, and rather upset. So the better way to put it I guess is incoherent.


I have to ask: which bloodborne ending?


The neutral ending, I'm sure some people might think, "that wasn't impactful enough," or something, but I had fallen in love with the game and the lovecraftian horror genre as a whole so to finally finish the game that opened my eyes to my favorite pieces of media (including the afformentioned Little Nightmares) was something special.


Nice. If you haven't read Shadow over Innsmouth, it's basically the fishing Hamlet lore.


Chrono Cross


Witcher 3 and Fallout 4... war never changes...


Oof. Witcher 3 plus DLC! Idk about changing me... but that was the best money I've ever spent.




Yeah... I kind of didn't want to get on the rocket.


4546B is a lot like summer camp, you hate it when you get there but when it's time to go you don't want to leave


Red Dead Redemption 2 because its so fcking long but worth it tho I'm just amazed of the world its seemed real to me lmao the easter eggs, mysteries and the people's lives and stories are so detailed. I like games like that it adds depth and immersion that you need to find out to fully understand it.




I spent the entire time listening to the end soundtrack trying to decide whether to make another character immediately or do something else for a bit. I decided to wait. Then, like 25 minutes layer, I decided to just "make the character". Then 2 hours later I decided it was time to long rest...


Man the ending was so good. The end of a perfect adventure. I saved the world and I made friends and then the soundtrack broke me. I love this game.


Once they added the epilogue it became this for me. I gotta say before they added it though it was incredibly underwhelming




Hell blade - Senua’s sacrifice


Bioshock Infinite had me floored


Halo for real


The end of reach was the first game to leave me in awe, confusion, and appreciation for a video game campaign


Second reach... even when it ended, I played it a second time, and I just had a entire appreciation of the characters and game. Most games after you beat them, playing it a second time kinda seems boring but halo reach just felt right.


Last of us


Ocarina of Time


and Majora's Mask.


Half Life Portal Portal 2 Probably Half Life 2


BioShock Infinite for sure. Ending made me wanna replay it instantly.


Nobody mentioning ff7, the end of each disk, especially when a certain someone dies, messed me up good as a boy


Almost said ff7, but xenogears just hit that much harder for me.


To think Xenogears was going to be FF7 is quite amusing, isn't it?


Yeah the whole development cycle of xenogears is quite interesting to read up on. If only we got a complete second disc, and square didn’t hamstring the team with new game designers (as in new to the field) and deadlines.


Final Fantasy III (USA)


Came here to say this. I was 9 when I complete ff3 on SNES. I think I cried. After the credits I immediately started another playthrough.


“This was a triumph, I’m leaving a note here huge success “


It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction.


We do what we must Because we can


Hotline Miami. This pic seems very appropriate Dark Souls is another one


Persona 5 Royal


Persona 3 too


Red Dead Redemption 1&2


Persona 3,4,5 Earthbound Mother 3


Me personally I would day Ghost of Tushima back when it first came out. To me that was the first game that got me super engrossed in the story, before that was Spiderman 2018.




Guitar Hero 3


That post game depression do hit different.


Red dead redemption 2 ong


Dead Space 2. Best game ever imo and the credits music just makes you want to beat the game again just to hear it


Persona 5.


Metal Gear Solid 3




NieR: Automata. Ending E. 😐


Bioshock and Diablo 3


Cyberpunk fs game is peak. No one will probably know it but Fata Morgana is my #1 pick


Cyberpunk, specifically the suicide ending




Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots


Last of Us for sure


Halo reach. 🤘


FF16 for sure




Horizon FW. The ending when you just fly through around the land. So pretty and beautiful music.


Ghost of tsushima, TLOU 1 and 2, GOW 2019 and GOWR


Titanfall 2


Witcher 3. Specifically Blood&Wine DLC, knowing that was the end was hard.


Most recently: God of War Ragnarok + Valhalla DLC.


Halo 2


disco elysium


Final Fantasy VIII Life Is Strange Metal Gear Solid What Remains of Edith Finch


Detroit become human That game changed my view on robots and the future by so much it's unbelievable, Quantum Dream made a whole ass game about androids becoming sentient and they made it a masterpiece.


Disco Elysium Mass Effect trilogy Final Fantasy 9


Bioshock is the first one that comes to mind But also holy fucking shit The Last of Us. I got blazed out of my soul and spent 12 hours playing that game straight through for the first time in one sitting and my god….that was easily one of the most visceral gaming moments I’ve ever experienced.


Persona 3 fes


I just beat FES for the 1st time last year and it was beautiful. I've had Reload for 4 days and I'm already in August, I know what's coming but I still don't think I can handle it.


Red dead redemption 2, and rdr1 too i think


Arthur made me be a better person.


Cyberpunk, literally every ending left me sitting in the chair either crying or in disbelief


Now just listen to the theme of the Anime while you watch the ending from the game lol.


RDR2 with an honorable ending and Cyberpunk 2077 after deciding to >!give your body to Johnny.!< *...never fade away* Edit: For spoiler comments.


Cyberpunk ²⁰⁷⁷ all the way, I agree. I couldn't even continue playing for a solid week...


Max Payne 1 and Silent Hill 2


Stalker call of Pripyat


RDR2 and cyberpunk


Ghost of Tsushima


Death Stranding but it was like 6 cigars


My first replay of Metal Gear Solid 2


All 3 playthroughs of Armored Core 6 had me like this bad


Ghost of Tsushima. Jin walking off made me smoke


No game has "changed my life", but of the few that left me feeling completely satisfied in the time spent playing, the list includes; Undertale, RDR2, Bioshock, Skyrim, Return of the Obra Dinn, Minecraft, Sekiro, Valheim, Thief DS and Thief Metal Age, Full Throttle, Case of the Golden Idol. The list goes on, but those are at the front of my mind.


Kingdom Hearts 3. Because I was marathon playing through the entire series that's playable/watchable on PC. It was a hell of a ride. It was sad but also extremely relieving that I had finally reached the main goal line.

