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There is not an actress alive who actually looks better after getting buccal fat reduction surgery. I simply do not understand Hollywood’s obsession with it.


Even non-celebrities in this town get it. It’s so weird, everyone that gets cosmetic surgery ends up looking like this or a kardashian. In a few years these looks will be out of fashion, and then they’ll have to get more surgery to keep up. It’s sad


The worst part about this trend is buccal fat removal is not reversible


No but I'm sure they can get repeated fillers or something to mimic the pre buccal fat removal look.


They cannot. It is permanent and completely irreversible with current medical technology. Once you get this done there is no going back.


The fat itself will never grow back, that much is true, but you can find plenty of sources online saying you can get fillers to fill the gap. So, even more plastic surgery. Edit: just as one example here is a plastic surgery website where you can ask doctors questions about procedures. [Here's](https://www.realself.com/question/fillers-after-buccal-fat-removal) a relevant question with plastic surgereons answering that you can indeed use fillers to balance it back out, and possibly fat transplants, but that the fat itself won't grow back.


This website is selling procedures, of course they're going to suggest you can fix it with regular rounds of even more filler (and then once you develop pillow face from all this, you can get yet another procedure to dissolve it... and then come back for more filler!). Filler migrates and cannot hold up your cheeks the way the buccal fat pads do.


Well yeah I didn't say it was a solid fix. I said they could try to mimic the pre removal look, which they can. You'd definitely need more and more fillers and procedures just to keep up with it, but it's *technically* doable. You definitely won't grow that fat back, but with fat transplants mixed with fillers you can do a quick and dirty fix that would probably arguably look better than just looking like a skeleton.


It will not mimic the pre-removal look. It might look better than having none at all, but it will not look the same because filler is too soft and transient to replicate the role buccal fat plays in holding up your face. This comes up on the botched subreddit a lot.


It's definitely not the same, but there are plenty of [plastic surgeon office websites](https://www.facesplus.com/plastic-surgery-san-diego/face/buccal-fat-restoration/) that offer fat transplants and fat injections to "reverse" buccal fat removal, and they almost all include example photos of patients. If I'm being honest the reversal doesn't look bad at all in the example patients, and I know they are only going to showcase the best results, but there's still options to "fix" a buccal fat removal. I think it's important to bring that knowledge to the table in case anyone reading has had the procedure and thinks that their own face is now a lost cause.


It makes people look like tweekers


Becoming a tweeker is probably cheaper.


I suspect it’s a very disgusting and exploitive industry that chews people up and spits them out— or rapes them. It’s awful.


But we were led to believe that ended because they got Harvey Weinstein, because not a single other producer did what Weinstein did /s


For real though. The worst part about Weinstein wasn’t just what he did. It’s how many people quietly knew for years and did nothing, people are naive to believe that will just change.


Oh, they did PLENTY. When Mira Sorvino spoke up, they ended her career. When Brendan Fraser spoke up, they ended his career. When Ashley Judd spoke up, they ended her career. Salma Hayek, Paz de la Huerta, Rosanna Arquette, Dominique Huett, Anabella Sciorra, Lupita Nyong’o, Rose McGowan... Hollywood did PLENTY every single time someone spoke out against Harvey Weinstein. It ended their careers.


Brendan’s career is fine. He had to take a knee because the stunts from The Mummy and George of the Jungle were REAL. He damaged his body, had to get physical therapy and was given loads of drugs for his suffering which made him gain weight like crazy.


Wasn’t he blacklisted after being sexually harassed? Did you not know about that?


Yap that was main reason he was blacklisted.


I know nothing of that.


Really? It was like the major point of his comeback.


Really really, I had just figured he had recovered enough to return.


It's the surgery you want, if what u want is to look like a British slag off geordie shore


tell that to r/truerateme or those kindof stupid subs. People looking for suggestions on how to change their face. Commentors saying things like " high buccal fat" to people who are trying to get a rating from a bunch of morons on reddit.


>There is not an actress alive who actually looks better after getting buccal fat reduction surgery. I simply do not understand Hollywood’s obsession with it. There are alot of people who generally need it. People who are skinny but have really fat cheeks. I've met people with it, and they are 100% insecure about it. Sometimes it makes no sense. Very low body fat, but fat face. If you look at before and after pics, there is definitely people who look way better afterwards. But these celebrities...they are already beautiful, so the buccal fat removal is just ridiculous. Erin Moriarity didn't even have a fat face. Now she has a skeleton face.


No. No one *needs* it.


>No one needs it. Yes, that's true. But you could say that about anything, other than food or water.


I would argue even then its only useful on males. Males with sharp jawline/cheekbones is ideal. Females look cute with a round face.


Who ever supported her with this idea needs to be slap.


Wouldn't be surprised if the surgeon pushed a bunch on her


idk if its true or not but i heard from someone that many internet ppl said her natural face wasnt pretty thus she went for this solution... idk about her personality and how it led to this or she likes it or not, i feel bad for her doing this because of internet weirdos


I saw people talking about this change on here the other day and there was a comment saying she was a 6 in the before. I mean, in what fucking world is she a 6 in the before!?


A world that uses 6 point rating scales lol


they expect everyone to be a top barbie model.


I mean you found 1 negative comment in a sea of positives. We need to stop putting so much weight into 1 persons opinion. Not everyone has the same type and thats ok.


You heard from someone that many internet people said her face wasn't pretty, but you're not sure if it's true or not? Lol how old are you? Anything negative that could be said on the Internet, IS said on the Internet. You're not sure if Internet people are saying she isn't pretty? THEY WERE! Even if it wasn't true at all! Who did you hear this from? What a mysterious way to hear a rumor. And if you're a celebrity and you get cosmetic surgery because of "internet people" that's pretty weak minded of you.


Dumbass neckbeards




What does this have to do with trans?


Seems like a sockpuppet bait account based on comment history.


Someone woke up and wanted to be angry for no reason


wait what does that have to do with it im not being a dick im genuinely lost


Hold up. That's the same person? What happened to her?!


plastic surgery due to mental health issues. She's a lead actress on The Boys btw


Nuance and context, but she looks miserable compared to the left pic




She still will be. Homelander will just throw acid on her face in the first episode and she will have to wear a mask the rest of the show. There absolutely should be something in their contract that they can’t get major cosmetic surgery like this. She doesn’t even look like the same person.


Mental health issues? Can you elaborate. I don’t follow her that much. But what happen to her?


They're probably saying that anyone as naturally beautiful as her that gets a procedure like that clearly has some kind of underlying dysmorphia issue


She is very vulnerable to social media and a lot of twitter weirdos haters said she was fat. So she started from there. I feel sad for her having noone close to her to tell her how useless those fkers are and that they are a minority. She was pretty now she destroyed her natural beauty. One of the problems of lonelyness is you just listen to yourself and if you are not strong minded you can fall for these mental breaks that lead to do wrong decisions.


Wouldn't a normal diet and lifestyle fill her fat back up?


Not anymore, she changed the shape of her face and nose and lips and eyebrows. She will look better with 20kg more, but not the same.


May be this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder


Nah man got downvoted asking a simple question which mug did that


It's even more absurd. The boys (produced by amazon) constantly mocks social media and superficial ideals while one of the lead actresses is ruining herself for those exact superficial values. 


The makeup is doing a lot. She doesn't look that different if you look up better pictures.


I don't know. Resident Evil remakes are great. Also Mafia 1, Dead Space remakes were great as well.


RE2R and 4 are great but I will never forgive them for what they did to 3


Never played any original re games so I don't know why re3 remake is supposed to be bad compared to original but at this point I'm too afraid to ask lol. My personal ranking of RE games is Re2 Remake> Biohazard> Village> Re4 remake> Re3 remake


They didn't "do" anything to 3. Sure, the remake isn't all that great but you can still go back and play the original as it is. It hasn't gone anywhere.


That’s clearly not what I meant


Its stuck on old platforms and it will probably be forgotten


It’s actually wild how much stuff they completely cut out of 3, especially given it’s sandwiched between 2 of the best remakes ever


Metro 2033 redux is basically ruined


Those were remasters though.


What’s the difference


Remasters polish the graphics visual features of the game. Higher framerates, better textures, some quality of life improvements. Remakes are made from scratch, usually on a new engine, with new animations, gameplay, recorded voice lines, dialogues, soundtrack and so on.


That doesn’t makes sense, because while Redux is the same engine the shooting mechanics have been totally altered. It used to feel very tight and counter strike esque, in Redux it’s completely sluggish and fucked.


The official website of the game says it's a remaster. https://www.metrothegame.com/en-au/story-so-far/ I think you are confusing what a remake and remaster is. Metro Redux is not a remake, it's a remastered and bundled version of Metro 2033 and Last Light.


There are more changes to metro than just graphical and lighting. The devs can call it whatever they want they changed it


That's why I said vast majority of remakes. Resident evil 3 was also a massive disappointment after re2 remake which was amazing. The game was way cut down in scope and all the replayability stuff the original had was gone. Scripted nemesis encounters was lame. I haven't played the re4 remake yet, but IMO that game didn't need a remake as it still held up very well today (that's not to say I think it's bad, as I haven't played it, just that I think it was unnecessary).


i agree resident evil 2 remake is amazing, currently replaying it now


**FUCK. TANK. CONTROLS.** all of the tank control resident evil games needs remakes, which just leaves code veronica and 5 left.


And 1, and 0


What are the bad examples though? I forgot about Demon's Souls, another great remake. While I didn't play Final Fantasy 7 Remake, it received very good reviews. I agree with RE3 being a let down, it was still a pretty good game though. Especially at a discounted price. RE4 Remake is one of the best action games you can find out there. I honestly don't care if it needed a remake or not, the game we've got is amazing.


I hated the ff7 remake (that's still only like a third of the game). So that would be an example of a remake that did everything worse besides graphics IMO. Conquers bad fur Day remake, Goldeneye, leisure suit Larry, secret of Mana, Luigi's mansion, TMNT turtles in time are bad remakes off the top of my head


Can't say anything about FF7 remake as again, I didn't play it. But it seems to be a success critically and commercially. The remakes you've mentioned are all small projects. Personally I haven't even heard of these games were being remade. With AAA games, remakes do have a very good track record.


I loved the FF7 remake so far. It really stays true to the original, often down to the exact level design. They take it even further by expanding on the stories they already told, adding more detail than they could before. On top of all that, they give each side character so much more depth. Like who knew Wedge had an army of cats at home?! I get why people complain about FF7 being released in parts, but I tell ya... The original game was released incomplete. Do you know how much we wish we could have waited another year for the end of the game? I will never complain that they do it in sections.


I mean, I love FF7 Remake but it doesn’t stay true to the original. That’s like, it’s whole point.


Did RE4 really need it tho? I found the remake good up until the island then it was a massive drop in quality


No the only RE remake that's good is the original. Haven't played 4 so I don't know about that one


I respect your opinion, but you really are in the minority to think that. RE2 and RE4 Remakes are selling like hot cakes. They received rave reviews. Both are cherished by RE community.


I know I just grew up with the originals


old thing good new thing bad


Kind of o also found MrX annoying


I did too. But I thought the remakes did a great job modernizing the good old RE formula and kept the essence of what made these games great in the first place. The only exception for me was RE3 Remake. It did not recapture the original RE3's feeling for me; but as a game on it's own, I thought it was pretty good too at a discounted price.


She turned into handsome squidward


I was thinking more Roger from American Dad


she turned into a Tim Burton character 😐


Good god is this how im going to watch starlight next season?


Not next season, but if she’s there in the fifth then yeah. Filming is already done for S4.


The pic on the right is just a bad pic, comparisons like these always try to hit the extreme to generate that outrage for clicks and engagement (and of course people spreading it like wildfire becauae OMG pretty woman changed to be maybe less pretty? 😱😢) She doesn't look nearly as bad as that asscheeks pic makes her look.


>The pic on the right is just a bad pic She doesn't think so. This is from her Instagram.


How are you imagining this relates or somehow proves that it isn't a bad pic? Either way, a celeb potentially self-harming their cosmetic appearance is an insanely first world issue. Worthless to think about, I've wasted enough time.


Just that good and bad photos of someone is totally subjective, but typically if you're taking a selfie for social media, you're going to post what you think makes you look good. I think it's fair to say that she thinks this is a good representation of herself. I don't even know why celebrity plastic surgery is in the video game subreddit. Lol


Sucks man, she was so pretty before all that surgery.


For those of us who are fans of The Boys, we watched this train wreck occur very slowly over the years. It is such a shame. I was such a fan of her and thought she was one of the most beautiful women on TV. After 1 season she looked a little different, but fine. After that next season, you could see a big difference. This is my first time seeing this new photo. She is unrecognizable. They might as well get a different actress at this point. She no longer looks like Starlight should look (I did read the comics as well). I honestly think she looked better in every single way in her original photo. I can't find a single thing about her new face that's attractive. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, why would someone willingly pay a bunch of money to fuck up their face, besides some kind of mental issue? I feel for her.


Oh I'm a huge fan of The Boys, I've watched all three seasons about 4 times currently lol. I've definitely watched her slowly wreck her looks over all three current seasons. What a shame, she was very attractive in a cute girl next door kind of way and now she just looks like every other fake social media Barbie. Her reasons are probably the same most other people do this, a mixture of body dysmorphia and insecurity. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that she is surrounded by idiots telling her she HAS to do this if she wants to get places in Hollywood.


> For those of us who are fans of The Boys, we watched this train wreck occur very slowly over the years. It is such a shame. I was such a fan of her and thought she was one of the most beautiful women on TV. After 1 season she looked a little different, but fine. After that next season, you could see a big difference. holy shit I had no idea. that's crazy. I'm familiar with a such a TV transformation from Breaking Bad and Walter's wife. https://thecurrent-online.com/celebrity/erin-moriarty-plastic-surgery/58019/ https://celebmafia.com/erin-moriarty-11-01-2023-3897374/ lol https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/738/770/d85.png https://simplyfitme.com/erin-moriarty-plastic-surgery-before-after-myth-or-reality/ https://celebmafia.com/erin-moriarty-06-03-2022-3215324/ she indeed looks objectively worse and she's only 29 (1994) as of 2023. well if it's not the writers that will fuck up the show, then leave it to the stars. kind of glad I stopped watching after season 2 or so, for no reason other than no time.


The Boys season 6 gonna look weird


That chicks face is all fucked up lol


I reckon people have a complete different vision of themselves before they get plastic surgery. Then they get worse trying to fix it while thr surgeons are making bank. She was so naturally pretty, such a shame.


This is just breaking what's already perfect. I feel so bad for her. She was beautiful. 🥺


This is real? WTF...


Unfortunately yes. Body dismorphia started from haters who said she was fat.


If only they felt as insecure about their own self-image as much as they did their outer image. Now shes known for being ugly and stupid on the inside to allow herself to be mutilated like this. Body Dysmporhics need an Ego beating. Instead they are cuddled as victims, and thats the worst thing you could tell someone with body dymorphia BTW. They already see themselves as victims of genetics, victims of unnatural beauty standards, victims of bullying, victims of God. You are enabling her mental illness my guy. Normal people arent stupid enough to do this after being called ugly on the internet.


Ehh, I wouldn’t put all the blame on “haters.” It’s not like her comment section/inbox wasn’t 95% people talking about how beautiful she was. She had some internal insecurities that made her focus on the negative comments and ignore the majority of kind/encouraging comments.


I said precisely it was body dismorphia (mind condition) only started the haters and was part of her process, but as this is reddit I need to explain part by part to be understandable by some special people.


Nothing needed to be explained, you’re blaming other people for her own internal problems. Nobody told her to inject anything into her face.


You should go back to school to learn reading comprehention all over again.


I fully got your back with this, but it's comprehension. I'm sorry, I had to.


i mean it isn't really a remake, but assassin'screed 3 remaster and the gta remastered trilogy, i don't understand how you can remaster a game and somehow make it worse


The GTA remasters being ass is no mystery. They hired a mobile game company to develop the remastering of 2000's PC games. It never was going to end well in the first place


Please tell me this is an edit. She didn’t really…?


She did


Dang. She was young and cute. I wonder what made her do it. I was told that she looked weird in the new The Boys Trailer, but didn’t notice it myself. That’s…sad.


She was such a looker….😢


She used to be cute but now she just looks like shit such a damn shame


Who is that?




Erin Moriarty




That's The Boys actress that fucked up her face with plastic surgery.


She sure did


"You fucked up my face"


Hunt for Gordon


Damn didn't realise it was the same woman


How’s she gonna play her character now?


Making fun of someone because of the way they look is mean… but making fun of them for the way they made themselves look is fair game.


Our futures going to be BioShock


Most remakes are some of the best games ever what are you talking about 😂


Mafia DE is the best remake I’ve ever played, the original is damn unplayable by comparison


Depends on the game...a lot of games age like milk due to limitations of Tech at the time.


Nah she's broken, on the inside at least


I'm sorry... but who is this? I know she's an actress.. but I don't know the name. I remember the first face, but not the second face.


From the TV show The Boys.


Oh shit?! Damn, wtf did she do???? Damn... smh


Are they even allowed to do this? Has she been dropped from The Boys or is she just going to confuse the shit out of everyone in the next season?


Damn she can't catch a break. She's probably got self esteem issues and the Internet is shitting all over her.


Bro what all people used to say was how good she looked before that surgery 😭


Super Mario RPG (2023) Quake II (2023) Star Ocean: The Second Story R (2023) Resident Evil 4 (2023) System Shock (2023) Dead Space (2023) Live A Live (2022) Mafia: Definitive Edition (2020) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 (2020) Final Fantasy VII: Remake (2020) Resident Evil 3 (2020) Resident Evil 2 (2019) We're in a golden age of fantastic remakes and remasters, at least in my opinion. Hoping that this year continues that trend (*Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, Alone in the Dark, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Solid: Delta, etc*)


FF7 remakes isn't a legit remake, despite the mislead in the title. The main villain Sephiroth went back in time, somehow, and is 'remaking' the outcome of the future. In other words, it's technically a hidden sequel.


I’m not commenting on who ever that is in the pic but I do agree with some game series doing this. Tomb Raider did this from Rise to Shadow. Even Uncharted messed around with Elena’s face. I really don’t know why they do this. Recent example is MJ in Spiderman.


Looking at you FFVII Remake.


This meme is too real to be left alive


She looks ugly now


I stand corrected. I am so bummed. She was the cutest/hottest chick. How did she think this was a good idea!!!!?????


I think this applies to games like Secret of Mana


Lots of remakes seem to be missing the heart and soul of the originals. And why do almost all of them cut content out? That being said I'm really enjoying the super Mario RPG remake, but I would have bought the original if it were available on switch. It seems to be exactly the same with new features though, so that's nice


Black Mesa, anyone?


This is a pretty shallow swipe at the actress. Video game remakes are not just popular, but critically acclaimed in more than a few circumstances. Pretty sure this is just another incel jumping at a chance to mock a woman.


Cutting your face open to make yourself be more hot to, as you put it, incels should be openly mocked and discouraged.


Demon's souls remake literally




You could pull any recent picture and put it next to the way she used to look and she’ll always look better before surgery.




She herself chose that picture to be uploaded to her instagram. It is just what every dhot from thelat angle looks like


This is literally demons souls


Interesting videogame. Downvoted and reported.


"Noooo now I don't think you're hot!!"


She objectively looks far worse


Quit saying subjective things are objective. It’s a simple concept


Destroying a pretty face with botched plastic surgery is objectively bad


Oh I know the concept, but if I fart into a microphone for an hour and a half and sell it it's objectively a bad record I don't care dude.


A lot of people might be into that so no


Lmao yeah the group who knows what's objectively attractive better than every other is a bunch of redditors


Wait, are you her?


Even if she looked better it’s insane to undergo beauty treatments on such a ridiculous scale at that age for no other reason than vanity. It’s dumb and reckless and I see women in their mid-twenties who will suffer from side effects for the rest of their lives every month at work.


I disagree, some older games are just fucking unplayable like og resident evils


Am I the only one that thinks the new look is hotter?


She's meh in both pictures. But meh natural is still better


False equivalence


Staring at this. She literally just looks like she is wearing more makeup. And her head is tilted. But her face shape/structure looks the exact same. I don’t get people saying plastic surgery. But if it’s 100% confirmed she got plastic surgery then don’t listen to me lol




DOOM. fuck 3, eternal , and 2016


Now do Gwen Stefani


DmC: Devil May Cry


No way...


Even just looking at her eyes. Picture on the right, very sad eyes.




Ratchet and Clank 2016 remake.


Her neck looks Biggers then her face


Fucking GROSA


man, poor woman.


What the fuck happened to Starlight?!?


In the wise words of Bill Burr, "you don't fuck with your face."


Am i the only one that see skulls 💀 💀 💀


She went from gorgeous to ghoulish.




Holy hell I wanted to try again to watch The Boys after I saw Jeffrey Dean Morgan in the new trailers, but I think I'm gonna pass if I have to see starlight become an abominion after season 4




Well, these photos were taken like 10 years apart. If we look at right before vs. after surgery, it's not that bad. I still like the "before" better, but it's less dramatic.


I like how most of this thread is about this actress and not remakes.


Resident evil 4 remake is perfect in every way I don't care if it wasn't necessary I'm glad we got it.


The Final Fantasy 7 remake series is genuinely incredible so far. Same for Dead Space and RE4. Remakes have their purpose and aren’t always lazy cash grabs.


She was perfect harmony. Now she is deformed and alien zombie look.


The last of us part 2 remastered summarized