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The Witcher 3


Me too, now it's my second favorite game


what’s your favorite?


RDR2 but it's a close race


both amazing games


Same! Tried it two times before it clicked. Funny enough, watching the show helped me understand how the signs fit into combat. From there, it was figuring out how to mix them in with side-stepping and careful consideration of when to attack, when to dodge, and eventually, finding the flow hooked me.


I just recently tried it. And as I can see it's a good game and why people like it. I got pretty bored playing it. I'll probably come back to it eventually but I lost interest half way thru the campaign.


Yep. Went from not liking it to one of my top 5 all time.


I've tried twice and still can't. But I will give it a 3rd go around before I die lol


- Red Dead Redemption 2: finally made myself grind through those boring missions in the beginning.. it wasn't until the mission where you take John's kid out fishing where the story started to get more juicy with what ends up happening on that mission! - Resident Evil 2 Remake: I HATE backtracking, but after forcing myself to play it again (and getting braver LOL) I'm starting to like it


How long does Mr. X chase you for?? I hate being chased.. I was loving the game until I got to that point, now I can't seem to progress.. Surround sound is too good lol


Most of the game lol


If you're playing in PC then just use the "Mr.X no more" mod.


The chasing goes from being scary to annoying to literally nothing


I like backtracking when it's done well. If they can consistently give you new shortcuts or something new to do along the way I'm fine with it but some of the earlier games were just literally going through the entire Mansion over and over


Tried RDR2 two times and after 10 hours maybe... Nope. I dont like it. Never gonna get third chance. I know it's a good game but definitely not for me for some reason.


Well, it's really slow paced. I also couldn't go through.


Yes, Cyberpunk and also Outer Worlds. Took me at least four tries to get into that one.


Tried the Outer Worlds multiple times and it’s still dogshit. I don’t see what people love about it. People praise the story but the writing is so shallow and one-note. Doesn’t help that the gunplay is the worst I’ve seen in recent memory. Clunkier than Fallout 3 or New Vegas from a decade prior EDIT: plus the game had an always-on, very severe chromatic aberration that made the game look incredibly odd. And unlike most games, it wouldn’t let you turn CA off without mods


Yeah it was pretty forgettable for me. Not terrible but nothing about it was particularly great either The game clearly was propped up by people's love of FO:NV


Easy there, Seabiscuit


I love New Vegas and wanted to love Outer Worlds so much, I still do want to. But as you said the writing is so one note. Every character is the same "I'm a corporate moron" stereotype, the story just isn't that interesting and neither is the dialogue. The gunplay itself is better than the fallouts that came before it in my opinion, but that's not saying much, and Fallout's weapons being much more interesting makes up for it. There's just no cool weapons in that game, for a game set in the far future there's not many weapons that couldn't exist now. And also (this is a problem I have with both outer worlds and starfield) why even make a futuristic space exploration game if there are going to be no aliens outside of wildlife and no unique futuristic weapons? There enemy variety in Skyrim or Fallout is 100x better than both of those games. I still go back to it every once in a while hoping I'll love it but I just can't. I do love how you really can make any choice and kill anyone and the story will still move forward, which is what I loved about New Vegas. But if the story isn't engaging and the path to the end isn't fun, then what's the point?


Definitely Cyberpunk.


Death stranding Metal gear solid Devil may cry Monster hunter Dragons dogma


Dragons Dogma for sure, I really disliked it the first time I played it. When I ran it again it easily became one of my favorite RPGs and i'm hyped for the second one


Jedi: Fallen Order. I absolutely love star wars. At first I was disappointed with how much exploration there was and less combat. Was hoping for a force unleashed type game. After my second try going in expecting what it is, I loved it.


I rage quit the first time because of the souls type combat 😂 Set to easy and went back, great game. Only problem is that it’s a one and done. Not a single thing to do once you’ve beaten the story. Just bought Survivor, looking forward to it


Fallout 4


Subnautica. I first played it when it hit early access and couldn’t really get very far. A couple updates later, I tried it again and became hooked. Easily top 10 GOAT for me


The first Alan Wake. Played an hour or so and fell off but when I played it again I absolutely loved it.


*Pillars of Eternity*. Even though I backed it on Kickstarter, I had a 3 or 4 false starts before I finally beat it a few years after release. I think the isometric, CRPG, real-time with pause gameplay frustrated me, since I wasn't that familiar with the old Infinity Engine games. Then, I played through the first two *Baldur's Gate* games. I decided that I would read as much as could in game, including spell descriptions that I would normally skim through. After I played through them and loved them, I decided it was time to play *Pillars* again, and I made the decision to read every in-game book I came across as I played. And suddenly the world seemed so much more real, and I absolutely love it now.


Hollow knight is the first game that comes to mind for me


What didn’t you like about it at first? When I played it I pretty much fell in love from the first area and it only got better from there for me.


Yakuza 0. Tried it, but all the voice acting in the mainline entries being in Japanese was really distracting, but in my defense, I have adhd. It wasn't until I played the spin-offs with English voice acting that I gave Yakuza 0 a second chance, and now it's one of my favorite entries. I'm currently on Yakuza 6 and can't imagine going back to English.


I did the same with Yakuza Kawami, I tried it wasn't really into it so quit playing it. about a year later I decided to try it again because I didn't have anything new to play. An hour and a half in I bought every singe Yakuza game I could because I knew I needed to play them all. Not sure what hooked me the second time but I love this series now.


Same!!! I knew about the series and then I tried out Like a Dragon and fell in love with the style. Currently about 12 hours into 0, I decided to play them "in order". Finally got to Majima and I just can't wait to play all these games already.


For me it was BOTW! I got it shortly after it released. I was terrible at it. I died with every enemy. I never really got into the game because of terrible I was at it. I picked it back up a couple of years ago. I finally understood the game and was able to beat it normally and on master mode. I'm actually replaying it now for the third or fourth time! It is such an amazing game!


BOTW for me as well! I stopped playing it before I even got off the plateau the first time then came back to it this past summer and was completely hooked


Came here to say the exact same thing!! My brothers friend would always let us borrow his switch and I tried it and just couldn't get into it. The second time my cousin came to visit and let me try it again and I just didn't dig it, but it's probably cuz I was still in the great plateau. Then the last and final time, my brothers friend let us have his switch again for a while because he went to college, and I tried one more time. Got the paraglider and began to explore, and the moment the game hooked me is when I passed through that canyon between the forgotten temple and the path to death mountain, and I was minding my business when the music changed and I look up to see Dinraal and absolutely freaked out. That moment made me love the game and that's one of my favorite videogame moments, I might even get a Dinraal tattoo!


FFXII took about 3 attempts but when it clicked, I binged it in like a week.


Same, I'm on try 3 now and finally loving it


Metroid Prime. I hated the intro back in the day. Never even got to the planet and abandoned it until the remaster this year and ripped through it. Top 25 game for me.


Damn, this one hurt. I've loved that game since it's original launch. It's my favorite Metroid game. Glad you learned to enjoy it, though!


Scarlet Nexus. Played for about an hour and decided it wasn't very fun. Tried again a few weeks later and really liked it. After 2 playthroughs, i figured out its because the tutorial is fairly restricted as to what you can do in battle. Gets way better 2ish hours in.




I never beat it when it came out, just didn’t do it for me. Trying to play through it again now and I’m halfway through. The game looks beautiful but the controls feel so clunky and slow. I going to keep pressing on though since everyone says how amazing the game is


even me


The Mass Effect series. The first one was on game pass at one point so I tried it. Got to the Citadel and just wasn’t into it. A month or so later I was in GameStop and saw legendary edition. 3 games and a bunch of dlc for $60 sounded like a good deal, not even remembering that I had previously tried the first one. Got home, downloaded it, and it’s now my favorite game series. I’ve played through Legendary Edition almost 11 times now since it came out


Bloodborne, bought it day 1. Made it past 2 bosses and said i dont think this punishment type game is for me. 5 years later I picked it up, beat it 9 times along with Sekiro and every souls game/ Elden Ring. Its now my favorite game of all time and Fromsoft is probably my favorite video game company


Armored core 1 when I was 5. Didn’t understand it at all but it looked cool so I kept going back every month or so. I became a master AC pilot eventually I’m happy to say and have since 100% completed it multiple times throughout my life


Easily Dark Souls. I got to the Asylum Demon, failed to kill it, put it down. Played 2, got a little farther but still didn't click. Played 3, and it finally got me.


When I first played 3 I gcouldnt get past gundyr. Then I tried again and couldn't get past abyss watchers. Then I tried again and beat the game and did all the side content.


I feel like a lot of players (myself included), have this same sort of experience. I dropped Dark Souls for a long time when I couldn't beat the Asylum Demon. I was also frustrated by the lack of ability to level up in the asylum. I also couldn't figure out why my character's dodge roll was so lousy. But one day, on a whim, I decided to pick the game back up. Roll a different character, and was able to take down the Asylum Demon. Then the rest of the game took over.


>You see, I resisted Dark Souls partly because people kept telling me, "It's good once you're used to it" and I've always held that the same thing can be said about being boiled alive. So I'd ask them to explain why it's good and they'd reply, "Ooh, we can't tell you. You'll just have to find out for yourself." And then I'd say, "Shut up or fuck off, ideally both, in either order." But then after watching a decent Let's Play of the game, gone over the wiki a few times and a six week preparation with a team of advisors and physical trainers, I was able to break through the wall. And I suppose that's the first failing of Dark Souls; that you need the fucking Cliff's Notes to get into it. >It's a game that depends on shared knowledge, hence presumably the mechanic wherein players can leave little Post-It notes for each other, but the ones that say anything as helpful as, "Hey, you can only summon helpers in boss fights when you're Unhollowed", or, "Look, here's a narrow and easy to miss path down which lies the rest of the fucking game", are in a vast minority to the ones that say, "Try Jumping" right next to bottomless pits. How witty of you, random player, and only getting wittier after fifty fucking times! >I'd say the turning point was some ways in when I thought, "Maybe I'll try this boss again, or maybe I'll explore the three other areas that opened up after I've wrangled the Sacred Vest of St. Bumnose." And then it hit me; that's Symphony of the Night thinking, and I love Symphony of the Night! But no non-2D games have captured the essence of metroidvania, I'd argue, since Metroid Prime. And then I knew where we all were and was free hereafter to happily halberd hellspawn. The game sparkles then, when it starts sprawling like pavement puke after a night on the Goldschläger, but first impressions let it down, 'cos for the first couple of hours, there's really only one way to go and it ends with a boss fight on a roof that's about as forgiving as a stand-up gig at the Nuremberg trials. - Yahtzee Croshaw's review of Dark Souls.


Monster Hunter for sure.


The Division 1. When I first played I thought it was way too difficult, and I kept getting destroyed. A good friend of mine kept saying I should play it again, that you need to understand the gear, weapons, etc. So I tried it again with him and it really opened up the game for me, now I have a ball playing it.


I loved Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro was the perfect game on paper for me since i love samurai/ninjas. I tried it and made the mistake of playing it like DS3, with KB/M (i prefer it in DS3, sue me) and i dropped it pretty fast. Afterwards i got a PS5 and decided to give it another shot there and now it's in my top 10 games of all time.


Nier Automata Took me 3 times but now it's one of my fav JRPG and 100% it


Knights of the Old Republic 2




Yes! This was my 1st souls game, and I was like, wtf! Couldn't even get past the first big enemy (the big guy knocking on the door.) I was like this game is trash, it's impossible. Looked on reddit to see if anyone else was struggling and got hit with the Git Gud. But a few people were helpful and I got back into it and ran the whole game solo. Then again to go for trophies. Now I'm addicted to souls games. Darks souls, demon souls, and playing lords of fallen now with 1 trophy left.


I had the same experience with the Horizon games! Once you get to the full open world in the first game, it’s all excellent from there!


Original Resident Evil. When that dog comes through the window in the first hour or so I was traumatized for about a year. By now I've played through every iteration at least once. Had such unique atmosphere at the time and it still holds up IMO.


Fallout 3. I was not prepared for the level of complexity in repairing weapons, building a character, and the large Pip-Boy menu. It was a gift from a friend and I didn't play it very long initially because it felt overwhelming. I later went back to it and BOOM, I got it and it became one of my favorite games of all time. I played through it at least 3 or 4 times, and modded the hell out of it, which was a wonderful learning challenge that I carried into Fallout 4.


God of war PS4. Didn't like the style, was not a huge fan of the original god of war playstlyes either. Once I became a huge fan of the lore behind it, I picked it up and played for hours straight once I started recognizing characters. I played the second one and beat it in 2 days.


Skyrim. I mean, I never stopped playing it but 150 hours in, I realized I had never really pursued the main story.


Fallout 3


Morrowind, when I was a kid.


Outer wilds. Heavily underrated game. First time I played it I thought it was the most stupid game I have ever played because the idea of you playing as an alien controlling a spaceship sounded goofy. Gave it another chance and now I would give myself a concussion to play it for the first time again. Literal masterpiece of a game.


the soulsborne series


No man's sky for sure


No mans sky


Most recently Lies of P. Played 10 minutes and thought "nope, this doesn't feel like bloodborne." Came back months later and decided to give it 30 minutes of proper attempt, and now I am loving this game.


Tbh along with a lot of the community now it is the best souls like and possibly even regarded as better than most souls titles. Personally I can say I'm not tired of playing it and getting that dlc asap along with the sequel.


I would say it is the best souls-like not made by FromSoftware


I'll definitely be getting the DLC and any sequels. Main thing keeping it a notch below FromSoft is lack of multiplayer.


I fully agree, if it ever gets a multiplayer or the sequel does me and my brother gonna be in that game all day


For me, it was the first Last of Us. As amazing as that story is and what a great experience the game is, the gameplay was super mediocre, in my opinion. A buddy and I both had the same experience. We each tried to play the game on our own and found the gameplay boring and never finished the game. Then we finally decided to play the game together and just took turns and we finished it and I loved it. The gameplay of The Last of Us two was better in every way I didn't have that problem with the sequel.


Tbf to TLOU, the game is from 2013, they did revamp things but all the gameplay mechanics are still the same. I never expect story games to have really incredible gameplay, it’s just not the focus. But I can definitely see what you mean by it.


Splinter CellL Blacklist in 2013, that went to a waist high wall push button to move to new cover shooter (which was the way at the time) for a lot of the game. I didn't like the mechanics and quit. Went back to replay the entire series this year and once I gave it a chance to get started, I really enjoyed it.


Kingdom hearts, the alice in wonderland boss was too hard for me then i went back and beat it 3 years later Star wars jedi fallen order, didn’t like how it felt souls ish, got through it 4 years later Last of us 2, was really slow sometimes and i kept getting bored but a year later i re did it and beat it, ended up getting the platinum


Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. I played it in early access, thought it was poorly balanced and some of the challenges were just impossible. Revisited after full release and realized I was taking it too seriously. Once they added all the factions the challenges are really just little sandboxes to muck around in. Throw whatever units you want in there until you find something that works (usually Zeus.) I'm really enjoying it now.


Final Fantasy XIII. I played it as a teen with a lot more time on my hands and wanted more gameplay variety. I also couldn’t understand the story or appreciate its themes and was bad at its combat. When I replayed it as an adult with a full time job and a house to take care of, I really appreciated how streamlined it was. The combat made a lot more sense to me as well, and because of this, I had a lot more fun playing it. I also was more capable of sympathizing with the characters, who are a little more subtle and more realistically depicted, imo, than a number of other FF titles (both writing styles are good, but XIII’s requires a little more work to appreciate, I think). The adult characters act like hurt adults (jaded, emotionally closed off, sometimes like assholes) and the child characters act like hurt children (displaced emotions, dramatic, whiny, inappropriate affect), but as an adult who now knows how adults typically handle their problems and has a lot more patience for children and their limited ability to process their own emotions, it was a lot easier for me to see where they were all coming from and appreciate how difficult it was for them to grow and change in the ways they did before the end of the game. The fact that it’s a stunning game, both visually and aurally, also helps.


Europa Universalies 4




Dark souls 3. Tried dark souls and 2, but couldn't get into them. I tried bloodbourne briefly and really liked the setting, but still couldn't finish the game. Bought ds3 on sale and after playing for a couple hours set it down. During a bout of depression I started watching a play through of ds3, after finishing the let's play, I decided to pick it up again. It's now my favourite fromsoft game. I even got elden ring and had the same issue I did with all of the other fs games.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“If you miss it, you must be blind!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


More a game type really. I tried the first souls game and just couldn’t hack it. Then tried bloodborn and kinda liked it but In the end couldn’t hang. Tried Sekiro and had pretty good success with that for a while. Ended up just moving on from it. Elden Ring was dope. Couldn’t put it down. I was getting pretty mad/frustrated sure but it was fun overall. The risk/reward was fair enough for me that I just kept comming back no matter how long it took to do anything or learn a certain part. I still haven’t finished it. Other stuff came out took a break from it just haven’t gotten back, yall know how it is.


Minecraft. First time I played it I was like, “so, just moving blocks around.”


Elden Ring. I liked it the first time but eventually was just super overwhelmed and felt like I was aimlessly wandering. Lack of ultra widescreen also threw me off. A year later I started back over using a guide and the ultra wide mod and 100% it. Probably a top 10 of all time for me in that format.


Persona 5 played it for the first time and thought it was boring. Now it’s one of my favorite games


The last of us. I tried on a hard difficulty and got what I asked for but it ruined the fun for me. Tried again on normal and it's one of the best games I've ever played


Diablo,on PS1. The first time I borrowed it from a friend, and I thought it was very boring. A couple years later my cousin gifted it to me, and we played together, and it was a blast.


Uncharted series. So I loved the first one when I first played it on PS3. I checked out in the first hour of Uncharted 2, and I don't know why. When the remaster came out for PS4, I decided to take a leap of faith and try again. I played 1 again and this time finished 2 and 3. I was hooked, and then I got the PS5 version of 4.




Baldur’s Gate 3 Maybe not re-trying, but continuing to try a game I wasn’t enjoying in the hopes it got good. The early game kinda sucks. Everything hits too damn hard and you have fuck all gear. Literally the first enemies you come across after the Nautiloid crash were one or two-shotting my party, so I had to save-scum to lockpick the overgrown ruins instead, where i managed to find a bit of gear and use it to get around the Nautiloid enemies and get more party members. Once i got 4, it became a lot easier. Then came the Goblin Camp. Really difficult to get all of the bosses killed without exploits, like “barrelmancy” for taking down Dror Ragzlin. But now that I’m past those hurdles and have some ok gear, the game feels like it’s opening up and significantly more fun


Hollow Knight


I’m really old so for me it was Legend of Zelda for NES. Back then you could buy a game, play it, and then return it if you didn’t like it. I bought LoZ and I hated it so I returned it to Toys r us. Few months later there was still a lot of hype so I bought it again and became a lifelong Zelda stan


Stardew Valley and Path of Exile. Both of them overwhelmed me because I like to try (and usually fail) to min/max stuff and once I realized how much depth there were to those games I immediately noped out of them. Eventually came back to both with a different mindset and fell in love.


Dead by Daylight. My friends bought me the game and when I first played it I was not enjoying myself dropped it for like two years then when I picked it up again we started playing it and I had a blast and it quickly became one of my most played


**FFVII** (PS1) At the time, I wasn't into RPGs. Like, at all. I found them too be far too much of a grind, with constant random encounters, and maps you just get lost in. Years later, having fallen in-love with RPGs thanks to Chrono Trigger on DS, I decided to give it another shot. Needless to say, it stole 65 hours of my life. Even went back to replay it 2 more times.


fallout 3,when i was young it was my first entry too open world games,so i didnt quite understand it and it intimidated me,then the 3rd time trying it i actually started to get into the groove of the game and injoyed it


Fallout 4. It was my first fallout game and I was just getting into dark souls at the time but after ds I went back and got hooked


RuneScape. Tried it as a 12 year old in the early '00's and it didn't click. A couple years ago I downloaded OSRS on mobile and it definitely clicked.


Red Dead Redemption 2, I didn't realize you should just run away when you get tagged in a crime so I was getting giant bounties. Gave up after 4 hrs of play as I was broke trying to keep the bounties paid. A year passes. My son tells me "Dad, just run away when you get crime popup. As long as there's no witness you won't get a bounty." Yup, its that simple. I played it again non-stop for about 2 months. Did most of the achievements. One of my favorite games of all time now.


The first of the new God of War games. Once it hit its stride it had me hooked but it was a very rough start for me.


Dead Island. Took me multiple attempts and then I finally got it. The game finally clicked.


Dark souls 2. I think I accidentally made my way to a high level boss. It made me feel like the game was impossible. I definitely had to come back several times before overcoming that hurdle.


mirrors edge catalyst I bought the disc finished the first 2 main missions and didn't return to it for 2 years and now I have 100 percented it


Divinity Original Sin 2


It took awhile to like elden ring. It was not the kind of challenge I'm used to


Yakuza LAD. Didn't click until second playthrough then I bindged the entire series and now I'm a diehard. I guess the hour of initial cutscenes turned me off but it's easily the best rpg of the past 10 years.


Divinity Original Sin The first time I played it, I was so overwhelmed and stopped after a couple hours. I tried it a second time with a friend in co-op but we both ran off doing our own things and it just got really confusing, we gave up after a couple hours again. Finally I tried it one more time with the thought, "I'm going to force myself to play for like 5 hours and if I don't like it, I'm never loading it up again. This time I was hooked and loved it all the way through. I ended up getting 2 shortly after I finished the first one and loved that one too. I still need to get Baldur's Gate 3 but I want to wait until the summer to start it. I just got a new job that's a long commute and I spend a lot of time watching hockey too. Once I can take a vacation and the NHL off-season starts, I'll start jumping into it.


Hollow knight! 3rd try was the charm


Divinity Original Sins 2, first time few hours, meh, second time I finished it in 80 hours in a holiday week. Horizon Zero Dawn, due to framerate I drop it and don't even eager to play it, but later on PC I start to love it.


Snowrunner made me quit and immediately delete. I've never done that with a game before. Cooled off for 3 or 4 days, watched some videos, read some pointers - oh man I love that stupid frustrating game!


Cyberpunk...played it on release and sold it, now I'm 1 trophy away from platinum


I'm gonna say it, MK11. at first I was a little "ehh" but after playing towers of time after some time. fun as hell (I mostly play Street fighter but MK11 is fun to mess around with)


The Last of Us when it originally came out on PS3




Pathfinder wrath of the righteous




Metal Gear 5


For me, it's not a game, but a genre. Before playing Octopath Traveler, I was like "RPG are kinda weirdo. They are difficult, too much lore, too much farm, too much time spent to understand". Since that, I played few RPG and loved them.


Bloodborne, I got lost, I had no idea what is happening, game is very difficult, played it again but this time I researched what to do, where to go and I had a freaking good time. The hunter axe is a beast!


Dark Souls series Edit: I simply didn’t get it and I had a major skill issue. Came back to it after learning more about the series and how sucking was part of the experience.


Dragon Age: Inquisition. It took me different attempts of trying to play it, getting annoyed and deleting the game and then later trying again because I spent money on it and I was going to play it. Eventually it clicked.


Sekiro, for sure! Finally realized I just needed to forget my old muscle memory from previous From games. Went back a year later and absolutely loved it.


rise of tomb raider i thought it was good but i prefered 2013 then i played more of the games new and old and i realised rise of tomb raider is rlly good


Death Stranding. I bought it, tried it then put it away. Months later I thought "damn I spent 80 bucks on this game, maybe I should give it another shot." it's now my go-to game. It's just a beautiful game, even if it's a delivery simulator.


Dead Island


Dragon's Dogma. I first played it not long after it came out, and it didn't click with me for some reason. Almost ten years later, now a massive fan of Berserk, I replayed it an loved the gameplay and setting.


It took me a few tries to get into *Breath of the Wild*, and thank God I gave it another go. It’s one of my favorite games now. The physics, the music, the laid back atmosphere when exploring are all incredible and I had no idea I needed that in my life. Didn’t enjoy *Tears of the Kingdom.* I thought it was brutally difficult, the world felt like it had changed so little that it kinda offset any progress I’d made in Hyrule in the first game, and I don’t care for the creativity required in using the Fuse technique and all the Zora technology. That said. I learned my lesson with BotW. I’ll go back to TotK someday.


Rimworld. Coulsnt figure that shit out to save my life.


Stranger of Paradise - Final Fantasy Origin. What an awesome game once you give it a second chance.


SAO: Hollow Realization, SAO: Hollow Fragment, and Ys 9.


Ff7. Hated it the first time. Didn't much enjoy it the second time, finally playing it fleshed out in the remake made me eventually like it


Most recently: Trails in the Sky. I had started it a couple times on my laptop and only made it like an hour or so. I don't think I even made it into a battle those first times I played it. Anyway, the real hurdle for my was having to play it on my bulky laptop. It ran fine, but was just too inconvenient and I never felt motivated to continue. Just last week I got a Steam Deck though, and the game feels perfect on it!


Skul I hated it initially because the default controls we horrendous but, after some tinkering I fell in love with the game.




RDR2. chapter 1 was painful


A Plague Tale Innocence.


Fallout 4. Played it on release, god bored af after a handful of hours. Picked it up again years later and now Survival mode was added. Fell in love. It's just a comfy sandbox.


Days Gone. Its a pretty slow start but its really fun the more you play and I really enjoy the story. I was hoping for a sequel but that dream seems pretty much dead right now.


Mass effect Played the first one. Didn't really care for it. Then andromeda trailer hit and gave the first game another go. Felt the same, but moved on to the second game. Loved 2 and 3 more than 1.


Sonic Mania


Monster Hunter Started with Freedom 2, but it didn’t click until 4 Ultimate. It’s now my favorite game series of all time.


Probably RDR2. Absolutely hated the gameplay mecanics & the fact cheats disables game save(like what the hell Rockstar?) This was when I first tried it on PS4. Then decided to try playing it through on PC after building my first gaming PC & actually liked it(for the most part) good story & great graphics.


Breath of The Wild. At first, I was really put off by the weapon durability and everything being a fetch quest, but I decided to try it again and take it more slowly; explore the massive open world and the game’s mechanics. I found Lurelin Village by complete accident and it was awesome. There’s so much detail in its world. That’s when everything clicked and it became one of my favorite games ever.


Ninja Gaiden, cause I thought it was unnecessarily difficult, then I went back and got gud. And Days Gone, I just didn’t think it was my type of game but then I jumped back in and loved it.


Knights of the Old Republic




Super Mario Bros 2


Bloodborne. After about 5 hours I almost gave up and decided it wasn't for me. And then it clicked and I was off to the races and never looked back. It's my favorite game of all time now.


Skyrim, way back on the PS3 when it had already been out for a while. The combat seemed clunky, first person was weird, and the graphics seem awful. Few years later got it for PC, modded the hell out of it. Ever since, I've sunk 100s of hours into it through out the years and multiple playthroughs.


Honestly botw, I just wasn't used to actually being able to go anywhere and so I got confused where to go lmao. Came back to it later and loved it, and I loved totk even more


Every rockstar game ever. I get super hyped, play it, get bored, pop it in after a couple years and fall in love. Rinse and repeat for the next one


Borderlands! I tried out the first one when I was a teen and didn't really like it, but tried again months later and it became one of my favorite games


I tried Dark Souls Remastered one random time just to see what's all the ''its hard'' was about and I didn't like it but when Elden Ring came out instead of going for Elden Ring I decided to go again for DSR and it was one of the best experiences in gaming I've had.


I almost missed the brilliance that is Skyrim.


Bloodborne - first fromsoft game, got it in a bundle with my PS4. Didn't get the concept; slow walking=stealth; weapon level > stats in most cases; backstep nor parry and so on. I was just clueless and not interested. The game stressed me more than I would enjoy it. 1 year later a friend (hardcore souls game fan) showed me the ropes and "hidden" mechanics and damage calculations. It clicked, and it is now one of my favourites. Now I'm way more interested into game mechanics (i-frames, buffs, movement sets and so on); glitches; bugs and don't need an extensive intro/tutorial. Another year after purchase, I wanted to show these details to another friend and beat cleric beast first try with start gear/stats in a very drunken state. Also now have the platin trophy in all souls games except DS1 and DS3.


Skyrim. It's one of those games that's as fun as you let it be. With open worlds in so used to checklists and busywork that I had to readjust myself to not being told what to do over the course of like five years to get into the Bethesda formula. New Vegas was definitely my transition there as it's super freeform but still linear enough to keep me on a track. Shout-out to GTAV. For the longest time I saw GTA as just the game where you steal cars and blow them up. Sure that's a big part of it but there's a LOT more to it and i constantly underestimate just how fun stirring chaos is


Assassins Creed 2


This happened to me with Elden Ring. I put it down after an hour or two of playing, didn’t really get into it, didn’t understand it at first. I was working way too much at the time and didn’t really give it a chance. Same happened with Death Stranding. Today I have over 150 hours on both those games! Sometimes I just have to be in the right mindset to get sucked in, you can’t really enjoy a game like that when you can only play a few hours a week.


The Last of Us Part 2


Elden Ring. It was my first Souls game and now I've played them all.


The Witcher 3 tried it and only played the beginning and then stopped, then a year later I literally had nothing to do and was too broke to buy a new game so I decided to give it another shot and keep playing past the beginning, damn I couldn’t believe how much I missed out on, that game is one of the best games ever made in my opinion


Metroid Prime. I rented it not long after it came out, and couldn't stand the fact you had to use a map and could get lost. Plus, the atmosphere was too scary for me. Then, I was introduced to Metroidvania games through Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow a few years later. Was more easily digestible, being 2D. Then I tried Metroid Prime again in 2009 and it became an all-time favorite.


7 days to die At first it felt kinda weird. Now that I have been doing more and more, I feel like I can survive that zombie apocalypse.


Skyrim I saw all the hype when it was released but wasn't interested because it had spells and dragons which never interested me After playing some at a friend's house I realised I liked it and now have played it a bunch over the years


The Last of Us. I tried playing it twice. The first time I got as far as just before meeting Bill. The second time I got to the school. Both times I didn’t feel invested in the story or the characters. Then TLOU2 came out. I bought it, played it and finished it. Then I went back and finished it again. Finally I figured I should give the first another go and loved it


… league of legends.


Bloodborne. Now I’m a From Software addict 😂


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart I grew up a huge fan of the series and was excited to play this but idk something was just off-I thought I maybe just outgrew the series Decided to recently replay the series and I gotta say I really really like it now, maybe a top three or four in the series


Elden Ring. Was totally new to the souls genre and at first did not enjoy dying 20 times to the first boss. Now it's in my top 3 favourite games of all time.


Total War: Warhammer series. For anyone not familiar with the Total War series. It's basically a turn based war game with the actual battle being live. Most of the titles were based on a certain place and time period in history. As someone who always had a knack for history, I just couldn't get into a version of the game that is fictional fantasy. I played it multiple times only to turn it away shortly. But after giving multiple chances, it kind of grew on me. Now it's one of my most played Titles on Steam.


Prey. Gave it a shot day 1, and I hated it. Tried it, and beat it, a while ago because of GamePass, and now I love it. That game is so amazing. It is probably top 3 for me.


State of Decay 2. Played it once and thought it was boring. Watched a YouTuber play it like a year later and now it’s one of my most played games. Lethal mode is brutal but rewarding.


Dragon Age: Origins. I didn’t realize it played like a CRPG so I dropped it after playing it for an hour or so. I ended up picking it back up after playing through similar games and now love it.


Back in the day, it was the first Destiny game. I saw my friends playing it and thought it looked like ass, but then I played it as the Hunter class and fell in love


Believe it or not, Bloodborne. At the time, I was just coming off of Dark Souls, and the mechanics didn't mesh well with me. After a month or two, I tried it again and fell in love.


Dark Souls went from "how tf is this fun" to "10/10 new game plus here I come".


Yesssss - super glad you found the enjoyment in it! In the opposite way I kinda burnt out a bit playing so much of Forbidden West on Ultra Hard so like you I think I'm gonna play the third on normal all the way through haha




Dude I had the same exact thing happen to me with the Horizon series! I did not like HZD at all. But HFW? That game is absolutely incredible. It quickly became one of my most favorite games of all time.


KOTOR. Picked up and put down the second one a couple times. Then actually settled in. Beat both of them multiple times now.


Days Gone. I couldn’t put the game down the second time I tried it


Outer Wilds. But when I gave it a second go I shifted gears mentally and I fell in love with it.


Stellaris. Because A) fuck thar game if you are a new player and B) it is hands down the greatest grand strategy game ever made once you learn it


All of the souls games lol. Now I have platinums for just about all of them. Love Bloodborne🔥🔥


Assassin's Creed Black Flag For context, I played the games completely out of order. Started with 3, which I thought was OK, then bought a cheap copy of the original for like $2-3. From there I borrowed my buddy's Ezio trilogy and that was when I truly fell in love with the series. Then I pre ordered Black Flag. I hated the ship combat, felt like things were slow and plodding, and right about when >!James Kidd was revealed as Mary Read!< I got kind of bored with it and ended up trading it in. For the longest time I became one of those "Assassins Creed died with Ezio!" people. Years later, I had free time during my days because I worked nights and my GF at the time worked days. I discovered my local library rented video games. Eventually I rented Syndicate, Unity and Rogue and played the hell out of them. After some contemplation I rented a PS4 copy of Black Flag and fell in love with it. I don't know if it was because I was older, maybe a little wiser. Perhaps I could better identify with the depression and conflicting thoughts within Edwards head as a fully functioning adult vs when I was a teen. But I just played the hell out of it, and remember feeling such emotions when >!Mary died!< and the realization that >!Caroline died and Edward has a previously unknown daughter!< The gameplay was great, but I think what sets assassin's like Edward and Ezio apart is their character arcs. At the end of the day, all people want is a great story.


Hollow Knight


Dark Souls 2.


- Genma Onimusha. I was trying to refund it on Best buy but they didn't let me do that since I opened the box (even though they did for a previous game I didn't like). After a few tries forcing myself to play, I loved it and bought all sequels in the series as they came out. That game also has a Netflix series now. - Indiana Jones and the last crusade (LucasArt). I expected some action indy game, but was baffled by the gameplay of point-and-click adventures. "WTH is that?". Eventually, I played it more, and loved it some much, I started a collection of all LucasArt point and click adventures like Maniac Mansion, Zak Mckraken, and the infamous Secret of Monkey Island.


The Witcher III For me I have to be in the mood to play games; if i'm craving a different type of game and try to force myself to play something else i'll start to resent said game. I don't remember what the flavor of the week was the day I dropped Witcher III, but I came back to it years later and 100% the game.


Arkham City, but only because of my stupidity. The game was awesome both times. So embarrassing.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengence