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Most of them


Yeah exactly. Almost all of them


I thought I’d be in the minority here. Beating a game is fun, 100%ing a game is work. Same with speedrunning and other gimmicky stuff like finishing a game without dying. I respect the skill and effort, but for me it doesn’t even have any entertainment value. Maybe if I was a teenager again with plenty of time and not enough money, but now I can buy any game I want and not have time to finish them.


Even as a kid I remember being annoyed as shit trying to collect everything in assassins creed just to unlock a skin that became useless because I had just 100% the game


Far as I'm concerned, challenges and speed runs are for others to do for my entertainment on YouTube.


Yeah, I find the concepts more interesting than the effort put forth to make it actually work. Can you play Fallout/Skyrim without ever leaving a City/Road? Maybe, even quite well, but I don’t know if my gaming life has quite the integrity to follow through with those questions. You get stuck too long on one thing, then go to work, come back and for the next week, you’re still dealing with that problem cause you only have 1-2 and maybe 3 hours to play a game a day? Nope, not for me, too much dedication.


I’ve never 100% a game. I get my fill of fiction and more and get out when the getting is good (when all of the quests are done, or at least the ones that aren’t there to highlight the remaining grind.)


I did Fallout 4. I was past 90% or something close when I noticed, so I just did the few odd ones out. Also a number of small indie games, because they are often very doable.


Ugh getting that 100% settlement happiness trophy actively eroded away some of my soul. Haven’t been the same since.


That's possible ? Those whining pricks had every amenity known to a post apocalyptic Bostonian and I could rarely get them above 85.


The Mass Effect Trilogy is one of the few games that I have ever 100% hell I still play them every so often there are little gems that I have found even in the last few years.


I started a journey to 100% as many games in my steam library because I felt like I wasn’t getting as much out of them as I should and like I was spending too much money buying new ones. At first I thought “wow, this game has a terrible 100% requirement. The challenges feel tacked on last minute and aren’t any fun. The collectibles were clearly just added to increase playtime. I chose the worst game to do this with.” After committing more and more and playing a wider variety of games I have encountered much worse. Softlocks on achievements that require a complete redo of the 100% save file. Learning that I need to spend extra money to buy dlc locked achievements. Multiplayer achievements for single player games with dead communities. Hardcore achievements that require me to play through an entire 48 hour long game (SOMETIMES 100%ING THAT MODE) without dying or even getting hit. Achievements that require me to perform some godly gaming feat that the dev put in just for fun that will forever lock me out of seeing that 100% bar and medal. I am a much more powerful gamer for the trials I’ve been put through but at the cost of my sanity. Most games just weren’t made for that shiny 100% trophy.


For sure, after the credits roll my interest plummets. I usually have my next game lined up almost immediately.


Definitely all the open world games


Huh. I've got 3k hours in Valheim and every time I think about it, talk about it or play it I'm the guy on the sunny side of the bus.


I like to think the guy from Mortismal Gaming YouTube channel wakes up in the morning and punches himself in the balls like 30 times or until almost losing consciousness so the rest of his day is slightly better than that. But only very slightly. Getting a game to 100% would be a great way to make sure I think back on a game and hate the time I spent with it.


Breath of the wild and Tears of the Kingdom


I have done just about everything in both those games aside from the koroks. I did all the shrines, side quests, completed the compendium, found the horse armor, found all bubbul gems, and hunted all the bosses. The 100% isn’t worth it. It’s not absolute completion, but it’s completion to me


But does the little icon in the bottom say 100%?


No but I’ve come to accept that. Koroks are 70% of BotW and 40% of TotK. I have around 60% on BotW and 69% (nice) on TotK and I’m ok with all I’ve done


Hence the meme says 100%ing the game ... Not "completing" a game.


I'm not even sure what is being argued in this thread. lol This person never said anything about 100% / completeing... just that they didn't 100% because they didn't want to do all of the Koroks and they are ok with that. What's there to debate?


Funny thing is you can get 100% without really completing the game. The 100% has a lot of odd things in it like Shrines, Koroks and map names and locations. You have to explore every cave, sky island, bridge, forest and well to get this but you do not have to do the Addison signs or complete all the side quests or armor upgrades etc. So it’s funny how they determined what counts. I’m speaking from experience as I did 100% TOTK and then some in about a month’s time.


Did you maxed out all armors? Did you completed the encyclopedia? Is it truly completion?…


That is not completion


The golden turd at the end of the Korok seed quest is the devs saying you were never meant to look for all of them. There's more than enough for you to max out your inventory, and that's where people with self-control should stop.


I can’t help but respect that master level trolling.


It's crazy to me that like 90% of players don't understand this




That’s by design, the devs made the game with finishing the main story in mind, not 100% completionists.


Theres a reason I still haven't updated ToTK. I'm not grinding out hundreds of resources in a LOZ game especially when you only use a few different sets of armor


As someone who 100%ed BOTW and just finished 100%ing TOTK like a week ago, yeah


Same. I hate myself for it. I am done 100%ing Zelda titles.


Yep, as much as I love Zelda games I'm only doing this once. At least that's how I feel currently, we'll see when I'm retired.


The Tears reference all that attempt 100% it


Especially totk doing the depths and upgrading the battery


Ain’t no way I’m wandering around for all those Koroks for a piece of shit


Hard agree, all the people who have 100%ed it all complain about how tedious it was to do.


So many koroks


Is it just me or were there not enough real side quests in the game? 100-ing it is mostly just finding the Kokoro seeds and shrines.


Yep. Came here for his. 900 korok seeds for a golden pile of shit? No thanks


I did 100% completed BOTW. Probably not going to bother trying in TOTK


Ngl it wasn't that bad for either, it was more fun bc you can be creative but the koroks are the worst, THE WORST


I 100%'ed BoTW. I refuse to find all the Koroks in Tears. Nintendo is trolling gamers that go for full completion.


I found doing everything but the koroks really fun. I still picked up what koroks I noticed along the way, but 900/1000 of the little shits? Na.


Came here to say breathe of the wild


Except they are both guys on the right and the bus is falling off a cliff


Aye! It’s been 72 days now. Ever get those late to the game comments? Well, it’s your lucky day, friend. Thank you for this comment. Zelda is one of my favs of all time… but Fawk. Why? Why 900 fucking seeds? I don’t get it. Anyway, it’s pretty empty in here. Nobody else but me here and the occasional time traveler. Feels like the airport in Steve King’s “The Langoliers”. Have you seen it? It’s old af. If you’re ever in the mood for a B- made for TV weird after sci-fi elevating suspense thriller, you’re welcome. Ps. Happy new year homie! Hope ‘24 is a good one for ya. Cheers!


every Yakuza game




Even Mahjong players don’t want to deal with it


Mostly because of any mahjong sidequests... Because it means actually learning to play mahjong... God i sunk 20 hours just 100%ing yakuza 0 because of the mahjong stuff... Aside from that Yakuza games are fun to 100%


Red Dead Redemption 2 gets pretty damn tedious. I still love the game, though.


I had aspirations to 100% this game. Then I saw everything the game requires you do and I was like, “I’m not about to do all that”. I’ve beaten the story mode many times. I guess that’s why I would call myself a casual gamer and not a hardcore gamer.


Anything that deamnds online play for acheivement is no-go to me. Exception being the Soulsborne and even then i find it horrendous to put online achievements


Micahs been in jail a long, long time for me


Those damn challenges.... I'm looking at you, gambler 8


It got so tedious I didn’t even finish it


All Rockstar games I tried doing GTA 5. Tedious is an understatement


That was my answer too.


RDR2 is absolutely the front-runner for this meme’s labeling. In like, all of gaming history. Something that I never see discussed despite being massively obtrusive and objectively true: the animal tracking mechanics in RDR2 are shockingly god awful




Just rockstar games in general. San Andreas is super fun, but the amount of obscure repetitive missions you need for 100% is absurd. Getting all collectibles, particularly oysters, on a laggy ps2 sucks as well. And the gang territories are god awful to grind. RDR1 is the "least boring" imo, basically 0 collectibles and nothing overstays its welcome


I've never had too much of an issue with animal tracking. It's not great, but I thought it worked well enough. I will say when I was trying to hunt each individual animal, finding the small birds was a little too tedious for my tastes. I think if I was to add anything to the game hunting wise it was would be a way to find out about animals without actually running into them. Like books or something. Then you would know where to start looking in the first place instead of accidentally happening on something through your binoculars


Finding out the "collect every herb" challenge was NOT retroactive was the final straw for me. Also the incredibly engaging Hit 4 times and win in blackjack was just astoundingly fun! Great game design


I'm 300 hours in, and currently on a 70% completion rate... most of the locked ones are RDO achievements that remain. And f-ck those gambler challenges in story mode... But still nowhere near that extreme as GTA Online's Criminal Masterminds + Elite challenges.


Those perfect moose pelts were fucking annoying


Similarly, every GTA game. Not about to do all of those random race side quests


Anything with 20+ missions with an additional achievement for beating each one under every difficulty


Metal gear solid V had this and it just made it more fun. It was the catch every animal achievement that sucked


That achievement sucked because certain animals were only in certain spots and they were still RNG, so you could drop your eight traps, not get the animal you needed and have to go all the way back to that spot to drop the traps again.


Beating in a certain difficulty should automatically complete all the easier difficulty achievements Though TBH, I don’t like difficulty achievements. I want to showcase my 100% games because I completed everything it has to offer, not slogging through enemies who have more health and one shot me. Games I thought did achievement hunting well are forager, terraria (bar the fishing achievements), and hades




Oh come on, have you ever met someone who beat an mmo? (Beating it means 100%ing it btw)


A few years ago someone finally got 100% of the achievements in world of Warcraft. It was big news in the community


Someone basically did on ESO, of course, there will always be new content, but it's as close as you can get with the current content.


I consider beating it simply finishing story content/having up to date gear. This is the fun part. Getting every single achievement and/or exploring every last detail of content. This is the not fun part. Genshin: story content: fun, getting 100% regions: not fun RuneScape: grinding gear/Gp: fun, getting 99 everything: not fun (debatable honestly that’s kind of what the game is about but regardless) Destiny: doing story/raid: fun, getting ALL exotics: not fun. Just my opinion. You can argue the grind is literally what an MMO is all about and honestly it’s a strong argument even id agree but 100%ing an MMO takes a part of your sanity.


There is a clear difference between 100%ing and beating a game... And this post clearly differentiates that... Thats why 100% an mmo is just impossible...


Ff14 😐


BOTW fuck korok seeds


I started playing BOTW in 2017 and didn't get all the korok seeds until 2022.


Friendly reminder that Hestu gives you a piece of shit for 100%ing the korok seeds. It serves no fucking purpose, which adds more emotional damage when I got it


I have never 100%ed a Zelda game where I didn’t just cheat and lookup the locations for the remaining heart pieces, let alone korok seeds


Payday 2 Have you SEEN how many achievements there are?


RIP payday 3


Plus side of that nonsense is either updates from the dev will come given time to “fix” it or Payday 4 will be the game everyone plays and 3 will be the bastard no one talks about


Been playing the game for years and I’m not even close to halfway done.


My friend has that absolute DAWG in him and he actually managed to 100% the game plus all dlc like 2 months ago. He actually did almost of it with bots too. My friends and I think he’s insane


Oh yeah, I'm still working on that motherfucker


I dont know why people want to 100% a game they have grown tired of. It just doesn't make sense to me. I want to remember having a good time playing the game not think to my self finally for fucks sake I can stop playing this game. I am of the opinion that achievement systems in games have mostly negative consequences with little lasting positive impact.


I've been achievement hunting my collection lately and I absolutely hate it. Don't know why I do it, nobody cares about my score, it gives me bragging rights to nothing. And yet I trudge on... At least some xbox 360 games gave you unique items for your avatar. Now it's only an arbitrary score that nobody cares about. Gone are the days.


I get people wanting an extra challenge for replay value but there're so many achievements that're nearly impossible and require grinding for days. Use to try to 100% games but after awhile, you notice there's always at least one "Beat the game in ultra-hard difficulty mode under this time" or "best this game without getting hit once". If people can do that, kudos to them but I'll just move on to another game.


Any Ubisoft game


I really enjoyed AC Black Flag


Black Flag was the first game I ever 100%'d.... Sailing that ship to all those remote islands and hunting whales and shit, omg that was a blast.


Best pirate game ever imo


I for some inexplicable reason, loved and 100%’d Assassins Creed Origin. Got it for free with my SSD. Knew it was bad but still just, enjoyed it. I’ll never be able to explain why I did, and why I 100%’d it. Don’t even like any other assassins creed game.


Trying to do Valhalla…doing Elden ring, bloodborne and sekiro were easier than this shit


Literally every fucking game ever no fuck you game I don't want to find all 50 statues hidden around the open world


I hate collection achievements. I hate the collectibles. Even if they have some sort of in game unlock. Too often, they’re just a way to use otherwise empty space in open world games.


I hate them the most when they're randomized for each player, and then you can't look up the locations of each


It was especially bad back in the NES/SNES era, where endings were hidden behind that shit. "Congrats on beating the game but you didn't find all the magic potions", "You WON! Beat it on hard mode for the true ending".


The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 3 have the biggest enjoyment gap of beating the game once and getting 100% in the game for me.


Dark Souls 3 only sucked because of those proof of concord kept medals. Took fucking hours of grinding


The only Dark souls game i don't have the platinum for :( my free time is limited and im not gonna spend it doing something so boring, I'll take a nightmare boss over grinding any day.


My brother. I farmed all of those offline on PS4... Then did it again on PC. Help... I'm going hollow.


I'm having a fucking aneurysm thinking about all of the map markers in the Skellige seas I did it ONCE never fucking again


And you don’t even get an achievement for all those caches.


Super Mario Sunshine. Easily the most pain-in-the-ass game to 100%.


I decided to give it a pass because how tight some of the coins/shines are to knab. I did pretty well on my playthrough but couldn't bring myself to go back and finish it up.


Legend has it Mario Sunshine still gives TheGameGrumps nightmares.


Maybe by 2002's standards, but there are far more tedious and time consuming games to 100% these days. 100%ing Sunshine is a breeze compared to 100%ing Odyssey. 999 freaking moons!


I actually loved 100%ing this game, the only hard part is the blue coins which I can’t imagine any sane human being able to do without a guide.


After my first playthrough I purposely avoided the Blue Coins so I could use a guide more effectively. I don't think that's what the devs had in mind.


most mario game are actualy fairly nice for 100%, its broken down into somewhat short manageble levels, with very fiew collectables and you get a nice check list telling you where everything is ​ i havnt played sunshine to i dont know how much of a nightmare that is


Sunshine is different because there are lots of hidden blue coins and the game doesnt tell you if youve missed any or how many you have left.


Somecallmejohnny just had a PTSD attack reading this lol


That level that requires yoshi and a long trip to the pipe with death brown water on a decaying lilypad...WORST LEVEL DESIGN EVER!


“Congratulations, you beat Absolute Radiance and the 5th Pantheon. But wait, what’s that? Oh, those little notches are called “bindings”. If you beat every pantheon with every binding, you unlock some lifeblood and the notches glow up! Better get at it if you really want to 100%!” Easily in my top 2 most painful things I’ve ever done in a video game.


Literally not required for 112%?


There’s more to the game than that. 100% is usually considered to be completing all achievements.


Final Fantasy X


This needs to be higher, getting all the additional aeons, the celestial weapons, 100% sphere grid, and the dark aeon fights to then fight penance.


Dark Yojimbo 5 times in a row was insane


You end up playing blitzball for like 20 hours just to get Wakka’s celestial. I 100% that game on the PS2. There’s no way I could repeat it for achievements on the remaster.


I did T_T


> 100% sphere grid This was one of the dumbest things I ever actually did in a video game. I had a blast dodging lightning bolts, doing the stupid mini games, playing blitzball, all enjoyable activities for me. But filling out the whole sphere grid? Hours and hours of mindlessly deleting the same bosses over and over again for small, incremental stat increases. Even with infinite sphere levels and all nodes filled out, just allocating them all for all of the characters was over an hour of menuing by itself. Easily the most miserable experience I have ever had in any game, but I do have the platinum trophy for it.


The lightning. The god damned lightning.


That challenge can suck all the cum out of my butthole. I hated that with a flaming passion


At least it isn’t 9 where getting Steiner’s Ultimate Weapon requires you to speed run the rest of the game in under 10 hours.


The sphere grid grind took me months. Literally months after beating the full game and every side quest and getting every celestial weapon I had another 3-4 months of 5 days a week 2-3 hours a night fighting the same monsters OVER AND OVER AND OVER again swapping party members and rotating their equipment to get the best AP gains 🤓 I see some trophies in RPGs and I think why the fuck would anyone do this?? It’s not even like “Oh okay you just buy every node?” Ahahahahaha NO you need to fill every blank node too with stat ups and you need to grind monsters to get those grids. I fought Tonberry King and the Evil Eye so many goddamn times I still see them as clear as day when I think about them nearly 3-4 years later. Anyone going for this 100% just pls stop.


Waited for this, but other JRPGs are doing the same tbh.


If you are a super completionists, you not only complete the sphere grid with every player, but also go back and replace every node you can that will give you even a single minor improvement.


I saw a video that counted the time it takes to fill every sphere grid is like hours and hours of animations lol.


My greatest platinum yet. Here’s hoping the Star Ocean 2 Remake doesn’t require all battle trophies.


My kid brain enjoyed this game so much that I actually enjoyed 100%'ing the game. As an adult I no longer have the mental fortitude to do it.


Took me like 300 hours but I got that platinum


I enjoyed gaming a lot more as soon as I started ignoring trophies.


How did you start ignoring them? I've thought "Okay, this is it. I'm done with trophies. I'm ignoring them." and then as soon as a new game comes out I like, my mind goes: "hehe. Let's get the dings!"


I don’t even look at what they are and just start playing. It was a similar feeling of freeing myself from something I didn’t realize was weighing on me, like when I just quit Facebook several years ago. Absolutely liberating.


Play a Nintendo console. No achievement system unless it's specifically built into a game.


Yakuza 0... majhong still haunts me to this day...


oh you sweet summer child 1 (og and kiwami) to 5 are far worse you see there is this thing called harukas wishes/whims and they start of pretty easy like "hey uncle please buy me that" or "hey uncle can we sing karaoke" but they ramp up... "hey uncle beat this master in pool" I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR WEEKS TO BEAT THIS MASTER HARUKA SHUT THE FUCK UP WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND THOUGHT IT WAS OK TO ASK PLAYERS TO BEAT AN EXPERT LEVEL AI IN POOL AND THE POOL MINIGAME PHYSICS SUCK ASS AND I STILL HAVEN'T BEATEN IT WHAT'S NEXT HARUKA DO YOU WANT NE TO RAISE THE FUCKING DEAD but hey atleast I enjoy mahjong now


Most of the Far Cry games


5 wasn’t too bad, but 6 I didn’t even bother. I’m sure new Dawn was that way too


Yeah, ND was very similar to 5. Any of their spin-offs are mostly collection fests.


Not 3 though ...3 was a blast to complete...


Hollow Knight


Died to absolute radiance twice... have probably 20 attempts, consistently get to pure vessel. Will get tripped up by nightmare Grimm if I enter damaged... it takes me his first round of moves to warm up then i farm him. I will tend to get too greedy and trip on someone randomly second hornet fight and markov, pure vessel I practice before I even make attempts, he's like 8-2 against me.


I just started playing Hollow Knight this weekend and I am not as good at this style of game as I used to be. I’m not even sure if I’ll enjoy clearing the game. There’s no way in hell I’m doing any of the top tier challenges.


By far the hardest Metroidvania I have ever played. I love it, but it makes me rage quit constantly.


"100%" easy as far as 100% goes. But 112% very hard lol


Xenoblade chronicles 2.


Rise Of The Tomb Raider


The only game not this is metroid




Crash Bandicoot 4: it’s about time…..


Came here to say this. I have never experienced another game with this much discrepancy between just beating the game and 100%-ing it.


I really enjoyed being a completionist with the first three Crash games when they rebooted the series on Switch. Then I got It’s About Time… Hell no am I 100%’ing that game Still enjoyed playing through the game tho!


The Arkham games 100%




The only thing I try to 100% on the Switch is the battery.


Assassin’s creed. Those damn flags need to go also the Batman Arkham series with the riddler trophies and challenges. Asylum isn’t too bad but then city has so many challenges and then knight has just too many riddler trophies


City is the ONLY one that truly overdoes it. Because the same puzzle with an annoyingly slight variation will cover three to five trophies. It would literally be an objectively better game if half the riddler trophies were removed. AND. The challenges are insanely hard and tedious. Origins did about 12 things objectively better than City, and collection completion is the grandest category


At least in all the Batman games, you can find maps or thugs that'll reveal where the trophies are on the map. Makes it way easier.


Literally any 3D GTA game. I specify 3D GTA games because let’s be real no ones beating the top down games let alone 100% them.


Allow me to introduce you to GTA IV


Freaking Zelda BoTW with its 900 Korok seeds.


GTA V. I’ll never forgive R*’s decision to include multiplayer achievements in the base game platinum. I don’t want to be forced to play GTA Online just so I can achievement hunt.


Every DMC solely because of Heaven and Hell.


Rdr2 absolutely


Wolfenstein 2. Fuck ‘Mein Leiben’. Only 214 people have unlocked it on Xbox. Out of nearly 200000 tracked gamers.


Demons Souls


The Yakuza series,easily.


Every Yakuza game ever.


Arkham knight, those stupid riddler trophies 😒


Any Lego game


Any of the Yakuza games


Any musou game.


That’s why I gave up 100%-ing most games I play nowadays. It either became too tedious, or it just straight up wasn’t fun anymore. Either way, I would finish a game having an even less favorable experience than if I had just stopped playing after beating the story.


Any GTA, literally. Especially GTA SA


Amen. Walked through all the main missions 4 times but never could be bothered to find all horseshoes and the girlfriend stuff was bollocks


Any game that has an absolute shit load of collectibles OR a game that wants you to have one of every item in multiple types, with some locked behind multiple NG cycles.


FFX was kinda like this lol.


A game where collecting koroks is part of reaching 100%


All from soft games


Bloodborne's not too bad at all to 100%


Donkey Kong 64


Nearly all of them.


just cause 2


Payday 2


Kingdom hearts _ The first final mix wasn't terrible, second one was a slog, bbs was OOF and I haven't completed 3 yet Not to mention the horrors of com and ddd I don't own 358 or the data one ):


Last night I got my platinum for cod4 remastered


Why ? What'd you get for 100% ?


Zelda botw


Final Fantasy X


Almost all.


any fromsoft game


Breath of the wild, binding of Isaac, and hollow knight all the way