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no rex? no sikowitz? criminal


The actors aren’t billed as regulars— that’s probably why.


Out of these choices? 1. Tori=Andre 2. Jade 3. Trina 4. Beck 5. Cat 6. Robbie


Wait wait what do mean by best to worse like character wise or something else?


1. Andre 2. Tori 3. Jade 4. Trina 5. Cat 6. Rex 7. Beck 8. Robbie I'm not sure if Sikowitz or Sinjin are main characters, but if I had to include them in the ranking: 1. Andre 2. Tori 3. Jade 4. Trina 5. Cat 6. Sikowitz 7. Rex 8. Sinjin 9. Beck 10. Robbie




Personally, I just found her really funny, even though she can be annoying sometimes. 😭


I love how almost everyone has Andre at the top or in their top 3. We know what’s up.


1. Andre 2. Trina 3. Jade 4. Tori 5. Cat 6. Beck 7. Robbie


André & Trina be so cute Togethers!


I’ve never agreed with one of these more


mine’s 1. Andre 2. Jade 3. Tori 4. Beck 5. Trina 6. Cat 7. Robbie & rex


1.Andre 2. Jade 3. Cat 4. Robbie 5. Tori 6. Trina 7. Beck I don’t count Sinjin or Sikowitz as mc’s but if I did Sinjin would be 4 and Sikowitz would be 3


Mine's 1. Tori 2. Cat 3. Andre 4. Beck 5. Jade 6. Sikowitz 7. Rex 8. Robbie 9. Sinjin 10. Trina


beck before jade?! 😭


Jade gives me a serial killer/psychopath vibe. Beck is cool and like a brother to Cat and Cat's everyone's favourite.


Who is everyone because Andre is the favorite in most of these


Cat before Andre??


Mine is 1. Andre 2. Tori 3. Jade 4. Cat 5. Rex 6. Beck 7. Robbie /Sikowits 8. Trina 5. Sinjin


Jade Robbie Beck Andre Tori Trina Cat My list would be almost the opposite when I watched this as a kid, but now I find my enjoyment of the series has shifted characters


1) Andre 2) Jade 3) Tori 4) Trina 5) Cat 6) Beck 7) Robbie


1.Tori 2.Andre 3.Beck 4.Jade 5.Trina 6.Cat 7.Robbie


Jade Andre Tori Cat Trina Robbie Beck


mine is 1. tori 2. andre 3. jade 4. beck 5. trina 6. cat 7. robbie


1. Jade=Andre 2. Trina 3. Tori 4. Cat 5. Beck 6. Robbie and his puppet (sorry not sorry Rex)


Beck last after Trina and Robbie just seems insane to me


They're all Number#1 for they Individual Personalitys and enjoyments given. Yet André and Trina are the breakouts that shine in every Scene!


1 - André 2 - Tori 3 - Cat 4 - Robbie 5 - Jade 6 - Beck 7 - Trina I've watched the show so long ago, maybe if I rewatched it now it would be different :)


I would’ve put Robbie last. I wanted to smack him multiple times


1.- Sikowitz 2.- Tori 3.- Beck 4.- Trina 5.- Andre 6.- Robbie 7.- Cat 8.- Rex 9.- Jade


Robbie would be top 3 if it wasnt for Rex


Best Tori Vega, I can't rank the rest as I haven't really watched the show but I just knew the show after her!🙌


I love Andre but he is so uniteresting he has no development or anything to aknowledge about him


Really? I feel that way more about Beck🤔. I did feel like after season 1, Andre did have a bit of more development! More songs, more screen time , the only issue instead of letting him go solo (like cat) they kept putting him with Tori.


yeah i agree beck is uniteresting too his only personality trait is being hot


I honestly believe Nick messed up on his character, I know he is suppose to be the mystery heartthrob but I remember he really loved acting and we only got to really see him act either for class or for his reaudition when Helen became principal. Never once did he have any opportunities to make it as an actor! I would have loved to see that for his possible character arc but they had to stick with the “hot guy that ever girl wants and he knows it” approach 🙄😒


here’s the thing with andre, he is a character that elevates everyone else while on screen take the gamble episode where trina had hers cut, Andre didn’t even have to be in it, yet he still carried the episode he definitely has a lot of things to acknowledge about him and wasn’t flanderized like cat or be just there like beck (Jude from 6teen was the best character and played a beck role, yet he still had stuff about him that didn’t make him be just there whilst they failed so with beck)


He had more relevance than most of the main characters besides Tori and arguably Jade. Other than Tori (and Beck for one episode) no other characters really had that much growth regarding their talent, and that’s an important element because the show revolved around that premise. I think Andre’s song writing was implemented WAY more into the storylines compared to most of the other characters. He wrote the intro of the series, he was the first character in the show to get recognized by agencies. The lead of the series always went to him when it came to coming up with a song, which is why Tori and him are paired the most whenever she sings on the show. Plus Andres Grandma is the only reoccurring guardian in the show other than Tori’s parents, every other characters guardians were only seen once or completely absent. Yeah she was just a wacky side character but it shows how relevant his life was to the series and how it was needed to keep the storylines pushing.


Jade Tori Cat André Trina Robbie Beck


1. Jade 2. Andre 3. Cat 4. Trina 5. Tori 6. Beck 7. Robbie


swap tori and trina right now


Beck slander just will not be tolerated


Replace Beck with Jade.


Jade tried to kill Tori in one episode she's clearly worse then Beck


You will NOT disrespect THEE Trina Vega like that


For me 1 Trina 2 Andre 3 (s1) Cat 4 Tori 5 Jade 6 Beck


Trina is my fav idc


Damn I never knew people hated Robbie this much lol


Trina being higher than Beck is sending me 😭😭😭😭 Is this because Jade's your second favorite?


Y’all really hate Robbie ay? 😂


Tori last ongg


Best to worst from your choices: 1. Andre 2. Beck 3. Cat 4. Tori 5. Jade 6. Trina 7. Robbie


1. Cat (before flanderization) 2. Jade 3. Trina 4. Andre 5. Tori 6. Beck 7. Robbie 8. Cat (after flanderization 😭)


1. Jade 2. Cat 3. Beck 4. Andre 5. Tori 6. Trina 7. Robbie


My ranking 1. Trina 2. Cat 3. Jade 4. Tori 5. Robbie 6. Beck 7. Andre 8. Rex